Skinny Dipping Voyeur

By moc.liamtoh@sogypokyel

Published on Jun 15, 2000


Skinny Dipping Voyeur--Part II


Skinny Dipping Voyeur-Part II

Sorry this second part has taken so long. In the intervening time and a hard drive crash I had forgotten about it.

As Zach and Tom walked off Tart called to me. "You're not finished yet! Get that pussy mouth back on my dick."

Zach's words had made me a lot more comfortable with this situation. They weren't going to beat the shit out of me if they wanted me to come back again. I walked back over to find Tart on his knees where I had left him. Tracy stood next to him with Tart's left hand stroking his rigid curved dick. Tart's right hand was stroking his own stiffy but his attention was focused on Tracy's big banana, which was only inches in front of his lips. As I got back down on the boy's dick, Tart was practically drooling. Tart reached out and took Tracy's big bent shaft in his hand. I took him back into my mouth and worked my tongue over the hard shaft.

"I've got his ass next!" Hal exclaimed as he kneeled behind me. He spit in his hand and slicked his big cock up, positioned it against my sloppy hole, and drove in until he hit bottom.

I jerked my head off Tart and groaned, "Take it easy, will ya!"

"Quit your whining. You're a pussy boy, and pussy just loves getting fucked."

I couldn't deny it. My dick had gotten hard almost instantly. Hal started punching into me like a horny rabbit. I turned my attention back to Tart. In less than two minutes Hal growled low and slammed deep into my hot channel and sprayed his cum to mingle with Zach's and Tom's. He pulled out with a jerk, lightly slapped my butt cheek and said, "Next!"

"I'm ready." Lurch said as he stroked his mammoth rod.

"Well that will open him up." Hal said and headed to the creek to wash off, got dressed and left.

Tracy spoke up. "Come on, Lurch, let Tart have a go first. If he goes after you he won't even be able touch the walls, that butt will just be an open manhole." He punctuated his pun with a chuckle.

"Well, OK, but then he's mine next."

I felt a mix of relief and disappointment. I was terrified Lurch would split me open, but my overcharged adolescent libido wanted him to fuck me silly.

"Tart, pull your pecker out of his mouth. You're going to get your first piece of ass." Tracy looked me in the eye. "Get on your back and put your legs in the air." To Tart he said, "You're going to like this. Hey, Lurch; hold his ankles while he gives you some head. Pull back and roll his butt up in the air."

It was obvious that Tracy had taken control of the situation, and knew how he wanted things to proceed. I got down on my back and swung my legs up to Lurch's waiting grasp. I looked up at the long fat uncut monster bobbing over my face. I reached up and grasped it at the base. It took both of hands, one above the other, and there were still several inches of skin-sheathed shaft. It was so thick that my fingers and thumbs couldn't meet. On the edge of my vision I was aware that Tart had knelt behind me. Tracy spit on his hand and slicked up the boy's dick. He lined it up to my hole.

"Push in. I'll guide you." Tracy told Tart.

"Oh yeah." Tart groaned as his dick slipped easily into my wet hole. Tracy pulled his hand away and stood up. His hard cock reared up just in front of Tart's face. A little drop of precum beaded up at his piss slit.

"Hey Buddy, beat it for me." Tracy begged quietly.

Tart didn't hesitate. He reached out and grabbed his friend's pole and stroked it up and down.

Tracy started talking to me quietly. "Look at that big hot cock in your hand. Look how yummy it is. Aren't you just dying to suck that big thing? Doesn't it feel great in your hand? I bet it feel twice as good in your mouth."

Tart was rhythmically pumping away at my butt, but his eyes were glued on Tracy's hard dick. I realized then that Tracy was only pretending to talk to me. He was really talking to Tart. He put a hand at the back of Tart's head and began to stroke it.

"Yeah look at that big hard cock. You know you want to taste it. Stroking it like that makes that pretty dick feel so good."

A bead of precum formed at the tip of Tracy's engorged head. He had been leaning steadily closer to Tart's face. The dew dropped shaft was less than a half-inch from the boy's nose. Tart's pink tongue darted out to moisten his lips. As I watched Tart and Tracy, Lurch guided the cock wrapped in my hands toward my mouth.

"Stick out that tongue and taste that hot beautiful cock. It's about to burst it wants your tongue so bad. You know you want to lick it. Think how nice that smooth hot skin will feel on your tongue. Make it feel good."

As I stuck my tongue out touch Lurch's big uncut cock Tart pulled on Tracy's until the wet tip was brushing his lips. His tongue snaked out and lapped at the drop of dick dew. He pulled his tongue back into his mouth to savor the taste. I saw him close his eyes and knew that he had fantasized about his friends, especially Tracy, the way I had about my own classmates.

"Yeah baby, lick that big dick." As Tracy stroked the back of Tart's head he had given up all pretense of talking to me. All his attention was directed to Tart. Tart leaned forward and licked the head. Tart opened his eyes back up and scrutinized the curved shaft as he licked down, back up and around the rock hard cock. He closed his eyes again, and surrendered to his overpowering desire He groaned lustily, opened his mouth and ravenously dove onto Tracy's throbbing member. Tart's buttfucking was now erratic and mechanical, his real focus was eating Tracy's big dick.

Lurch, tired of my inattention, rubbed his oozing head across my lips. The scene with the two boys had enflamed my cock craze to a frenzied peak. I opened my lips and thrust my head onto the telephone pole in front of me. Lurch shoved his hips forward to meet my advance. I only had half of it in my mouth and I thought my jaws were going to break when he hit the back of my throat. He began gently thrusting back and forth into me. He didn't have the wild, uncontrolled, you're-just-a-hole-for-me-to-fuck, style of the other boys. He fucked my hungry mouth with smooth even strokes. If I started to gag on his enormity he pulled back to give me breath. This only made me want to pleasure more. I tilted my head further back to allow him deeper access into my throat. He nudged back until my resistance evaporated and I relaxed. His head popped into my throat. It was a surprising and even scary feeling. He was so firmly seated in me that I thought if he stood up I would just bounce in front of him like an extension of his mighty pole. He pulled in and out several times never leaving it in long enough to choke me. I had never before enjoyed sucking a dick like I did with him. Soon I had relaxed enough that he was smoothly thrusting in and out of my gullet with--well not quite with ease--but VERY pleasingly. His heavy clean smelling balls were draped across my nose. I felt his hand reach down and caress my throat as if he were trying to feel his turgid colossus inside me.

He pulled free of my mouth. "Take a breather. I'm getting close and don't want to come yet."

I straightened my neck up to find Tart frantically trying to take all the cock Tracy would give him. He had completely forgotten he was fucking me and was immovable mounted in me as far as he could go. I could feel his dick jerking and pulsing inside me, throbbing with the excitement of getting the long sought object of his lone, fevered jerk-offs.

"Yeah baby, just let that crook slide into the back of you throat. I won't let you choke. Just take it at your own pace." Tracy's hands were tenderly exploring Tart's lithe back. He let out a tortured groan as Tart shoved his head firmly into Tracy's lap. The bent snake had obviously attained its target in the boy's tight throat. Tart might have been a novice cocksucker but there is something to be said for mind over matter.

"O-O-O-HHH Ye-ah-ah! You are the best." Tracy growled huskily.

After several minutes his exploration of Tart's back had moved lower and lower down toward the firm white globes teen ass. He straightened up and pulled free of the hungry lips.

"Now let me make you feel good." He moved around behind Tart and disappeared behind his back.

Tart gasped loudly with startled pleasure. "Oh, god, that's great. Lick my hole. Yeah! Fuck me with that hot tongue." He started gently thrusting in and out of my butt. He was moaning softly in ecstasy. I could tell by his jerking dick he was close. "Gotta stop! I want to come with you fucking me." The boy gasped.

Abruptly Tracy pulled him from my hole, bent his head back and kissed his lips. "There's nothing I want more than your cherry butt, but I'm pretty big. Are you sure?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, please, pluck my cherry. I want it to be you."

"Good, I'm ready to fuck some of this boys butt myself." Lurch announced as he twisted my nipple.

Tart's face blanched pale with fear and embarrassment. He had forgotten in his lust that Lurch was there, witnessing him servicing his fantasy man.

"It's OK, man. This is just between us. I've always known you two had the hots for each other. I don't care. I told Tracy several months ago he ought to just go for it. Anything that happens here is not going to get back to the others. For my part, girls really don't turn me on. All the tales you've heard me spout off about my 'conquests' are complete bullshit. I was just dating to keep up appearances. Any girl that ever saw my dick ran off scared silly."

"They're idiots!" I blurted out hoarsely.

The vehemence of my outburst broke the tension and made us all crack up. "I couldn't even get a blow job. I'm a virgin until now, too." Lurch responded.

Tart leaned back contentedly into Tracy's arms. "Yall've talked about this?" Tart asked in amazement.

"Sure, Lurch caught me beating off looking at a picture of you and me. We spilled our guts to each other."

"You were looking at a picture of me and jerking off?"

"As often as possible."

Tart leaned his head back until his lips met Tracy's. When they unclenched Tart commanded in a whisper, "I've been in love with you for years. Fuck me!"

"Any time. I was smitten with you in before I even understood it."

Tart got up and walked over to his pants. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small tube of Vaseline intensive care for lips. He walked back over to Tracy.

"Here, get your hot fuckpole slick with this."

"Now why the hell didn't you pull that out a long time ago?" I asked with feigned irritation. They all laughed.

"It'd be gone by now if he had." Tracy answered. He tossed me the tube when he was finished. "With Lurch, you'll probably still find it handy."

Lurch looked at me. "I know I've got a really big dick. You don't have to try if you don't want."

"Try and stop me." I answered.

"Well why don't I lie down and you sit on it to start out. That way you have some control over the depth and force."

Tracy chimed in. "Tart that sounds like a good idea for us too."

Lurch and Tracy lay down on the grass. The tops of their heads were together so that when Tart and I got into position above them we were facing each other. Both big dicks were pointed up at us.

"This is going to hurt, isn't it?" Tart asked me.

"Yeah, the kind of hurt you could really get to like." I looked down at the huge telephone pole I was fixing to drive up my butt. It had to be the most magnificent thing I had ever imagined. I was apprehensive but thought with all the action I had seen earlier I ought to be able to handle it. Four big cocks had powerfully fucked me today. I couldn't believe I still wanted more. The sight of my impaler fired my libido. Unable to wait any longer I squatted down until I felt it nudging into my crack. I reached back to center the thick spear tip at my eager pucker and lowered myself onto it. No matter how much force I applied I just couldn't open enough to get it in.

I reached for the tube of lotion and applied more to both of us.

I looked up in time to see Tart's strained expression as he drove Tracy's sizeable fuck muscle into his virgin boy pussy. His forehead was beaded with the sweat from his exertion and nerves. His eyes suddenly opened wide nearly popping out of his head. A strangled "Aaaghhh!" escaped his lips.

"Tart, don't hurt yourself." Tracy said, his voice full of concern.

"Oh, gawd!" Tart exclaimed. "Shut up! And for god's sake don't move. Just let me get used to it. You are so big!" He leaned back and put his hands down behind him to take some of his weight. This shift in position exposed his pierced butt to Tracy's and my sight. I had never seen penetration before, much less the beauty of a bubble butt like Tart's skewered by a big, hot, hard cock. Only the head was in but it was the most erotic scene I could imagine. I heard Tracy gasp. I knew I had to take Lurch. I leaned back on my arms like Tart.

"Lurch guide it into me. Tart, watch this it's an amazing sight."

I pressed hard back against the mammoth truncheon nudging my puckered sphincter. I grit my teeth and forced the spike through my straining butt lips. The tapered head slipped into my outer muscle ring with a silent pop. The pain I had felt with the other boys was minimal compared to this, but so was the incredible pleasure I had come to enjoy from having my hole stuffed with turgid engorged man meat.

"Man that looks so hot!" Tart exclaimed. "Lurch is so big, how can you hope to take it all."

I grunted. "It's just mind over matter."

Inside I was screaming. My tortured sphincter clamped down behind the flared collar of his head. My cock was harder than I had ever known it and bouncing around wildly on my stomach. I pulled an arm up and reached down to feel my hole distended tightly around his thick dick. My lust overrode the pain and I drove more of his pulsing member through the inner rings of muscles. The increasing thickness of his shaft stretched me wider and wider. I had four inches inside me and didn't think I could take any more when I felt his girth begin to taper down to the relatively thinner base. Then I became aware of the warm waves of pleasure radiating from the sensitive spot inside me.

"How can you do that?" I heard Tart ask, his voice conveying his amazement.

"Because it doesn't hurt as much as it feels hot." I answered through clenched teeth. I pulled myself back up perpendicular with my weight resting on my feet. I saw that Tart had his eyes glued on me. He had worked his ass half way down Tracy's nine-inch pole and was rocking back and forth taking more and more into him. Tracy was crooning softly to urge Tart on. "You're beautiful bubble butt feels so good squeezing my hard cock. You are so tight and sweet. Yeah, baby, make love to that big dick. Feel my hot love muscle fill you up."

Tart let out an agonized growl and sank all but an inch into his already stuffed hole. Tracy groaned with pleasure as he penetrated Tart's tight rectum. He began to make small thrust, not even moving an inch, back and forth into the boy. Tart was gurgling in pleasure. "Gawd, you're cock feels like heaven." Tart rose up onto the balls of his feet and began to bounce on his lover's stiff pole.

I looked down at Lurch. "Here we go." I raised myself up off his massive invader until only the head was still in. My legs were trembling with apprehension and the intensity of my exertion but I wanted that big boys dick bad. I carefully slid back down. The combination of mind-numbing pain and erotic ecstasy overwhelmed my brain. My thighs were already taxed by my bike ride. Unable to support myself my quads yielded and I sank on to his upright shaft. His passage up my chute was stretching out and straightening the wrinkles and curves of my channel. Too tired to stop my descent and too lust driven to want to he pushed up into depths never before penetrated. Down I went until I felt his hairy pubes grind against my strained and stretched hole. His swollen member was so tightly contained in my channel walls that I could feel his blood pulse. He throbbed hotly inside me pulsing against my button and rhythmically straining my tight opening. I was impaled on his monster like a medieval criminal on a pike. I fell forward until my chest rested upon his own, my head on his broad shoulder. He began to nuzzle at my ear. In all my previous sexual experiences the goal had been just for the person fucking to get off. I had always wanted to get fucked but had never before today received pleasure from getting fucked. I had never exchanged tenderness with another person. This new element sent my mind reeling.

"What your real name?" I asked him.

"It's Adam." He answered. "Why?"

"Make love to me, Adam." I said.

He nipped my ear and ran his hot tongue around and behind it, and began to make smooth tender thrust into me. I felt like his incredible length was going to break through my diaphragm wall into my chest. His enormous girth felt like someone had shoved a baseball bat inside me. The tiniest movements he made sent simultaneous signals of excruciating pain and mind rocking carnal delight surging to my brain. The responsive spot in my rectum felt like it was being crushed by the smooth, slick, sex-pole rubbing against it. My own inflexible rod was dripping precum, lubing the tight space between our bodies. His tongue lapped and explored the sensitive spots behind my ear. His strokes grew longer and more potent. His tongue snaked down my cheek. Involuntarily, I turned to seek out his mouth with my own. His lips met mine and his tongue muscled its way into my mouth. I don't know how long we went on like that, it seemed like an orgasmic eternity. He clasped his arms about my chest and rolled forward. With his greater strength he was able to roll me onto my back without ever pulling free from my overstuffed butt hole. He released his hold and raised my ankles to his shoulders.

His eyes bored into mine. "You know I've never done this before. Tell me what you want." He commanded as his still ramrod flexed inside me.

"I want you to make love to me, Adam. I want you to fuck me. I want you to drive your big hard cock into me until I can feel and taste it in my throat."

Slowly and carefully he pulled his thick member from greedy ass. His pointed head slipped free with a palpable plop. My tight hole snapped shut.

I felt empty and bereft. He reached down and teasingly guided his tapered glans up and down the slick valley between my cheeks. My yearning hole was gasping like a fish out of water. I had to have that warm ramrod back inside me. As it passed across my hungry pucker I lunged my hips back trying to spear myself. Lurch laughed at my futile effort as his prong slipped down and away.

"Please! Put it back in." I begged.

"I don't think you can take it." He quipped.

"I've already taken it." I snapped back with impatience. "Stop teasing me and fuck me."

He pointed his spear at my tender aperture and pushed. I one smooth onslaught he invaded my chute. The exquisite violation drove the breath from my body. When his pubic hair scratched at my sundered back door he drew fully back out. Without a seconds hesitation he shoved back into me to the base and back out. When he was buried in me to the hilt the third time he stopped and flexed his engorged shaft inside me drawing an ecstatic, agonized moan from my lips.

His eyes closed, he whispered, "This is better than I had ever dreamed. You're so tight, so wet, and so hot. Squeeze my big cock shaft with you're tight butt lips."

He felt so big inside me I didn't see how I could squeeze any tighter than I was, but I couldn't deny him anything. I clenched my sphincter around his steel hard man flesh. I released and squeezed again, and again. I looked into his face and saw a tear brimming at the corner of his right eye.

His voice quaking, he whispered, "Yeah, baby, suck my love muscle with that sweet hole." As I tightened my grip he pulled back a few inches. When I relaxed he thrust savagely to the hilt. My eyes popped wide open in surprise. His mouth was formed into a blissful 'OOOOH'.

I clamped back down and he pulled back out then drove forcefully back in, in rhythm to my gripping asslips. The assault increased in length of, speed of and force of stroke until I could no longer respond. I lay there delirious with my head thrown back and surrendered my hole to his plunging pole. His strokes became so long he was pulling completely out each time. The force of his full-length, jackhammer like thrust were bouncing my head around like a rag doll. My gapping fuck hole didn't even have time to close back up. I was fully dilated and open. I surrendered my yawning orifice to the gargantuan ramrod skewering me. Between each penetration I could feel the momentary invasion of cold air where it had never been before. The sensitive bump inside me was pummeled by his mighty strokes. It was being pulverized into a million shards of agonized ecstasy. My cock was drooling and jumping wildly on my belly. Lurch's strong fist enclosed it and pumped.

Unable to control myself my dick erupted with long ropey strings of cum. My face and hair were hit with powerful burst. With each spurt my butt muscles contracted around Lurch's pounding shaft.

"Yeah! Milk my big fucker with your beautiful bubble butt." His muscles tensed. He threw his head back in a soundless scream. Fully buried deep inside my constricting canal I could feel his juice pump out of his shaft with each lunge. He collapsed on top of me driving my knees next to my ears. I was oblivious to the discomfort of my position I just knew I never wanted him to pull out.

"That was incredible. My fantasies never were that good." He whispered as he licked my up turned neck.

When I regained my senses I became aware of Tracy and Tart a few feet away. Tart was bouncing up and down on Tracy like a kid on a pogo stick. Tracy was urging him on.

"Fuck yourself on my pole. Ride my cock. Sit on my big dick. Pack your ass full of my dick. Take my cock, baby. You know you want it. You feel so good sliding up and down on my hard cock. Your hot cherry butt is mine now.

I don't want you ever to forget this."

Tart was frantically beating himself as he rode on that big stick. Unable to take anymore he blurted out. "Aaagh!! I'm CUMMIN'"

Tracy began to thrust up to meet him. "You're putting me over. I'm pumping your sweet cherry ass full of my man seed." When they had both finished Tart collapsed on Tracy's chest. Tracy's cock was still rigid with only half the length protruding from the teen's red butt hole. Their heads were tightly nuzzled together and they were muttering soft words into each other's ear.

Adam's dick was starting to soften inside. The contracting tube of meat still felt huge. He raised his head up to kiss me as the last few inches slithered out in one rapid spurt. The quick withdrawal from my raw and sensitive anus caused me to gasp. I felt so incomplete without his hefty beam stretching me open. He rose to his feet, then reached out and pulled me to mine.

"Come on, let's wash off." He said.

We ran and dove into the cold water.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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