Skinheads' Forbidden Fruit

By Badgod69

Published on Jun 13, 2004



Less than 2 months after Choke and I had our little adventure with Nick, a whiny wannabe freshman skinhead at our high school, we had a different sort of adventure with another guy.

Neither Choke or myself had ever fucked around with a black guy before and we were anxious to try one out to see if there was any difference in how we responded to dark skin as opposed to white skin. I have to say that the idea of getting off with a black dude didn't hold much interest for us. Neither of us were into black people at all. I grew up in an exclusively white town and while Choke had grown up on the East Coast and had much more contact with blacks than I did, he still didn't really like or trust them. There were no black kids at our school. There weren't any black families living in our town, either. The only time we ever saw black people was if we drove into Oakland or San Francisco and even then we kept our distance. I had grown up being taught that blacks were low-class and dangerous, bringing property values down and crime into any neighborhoods they moved into.

Anyway, during Spring break that year me and Choke went up north to spend a few days at a cabin that Choke's father had taken a long-term rental on just outside a small resort town. Choke's dad was fairly well-off and an easy-going guy and he let Choke do pretty much whatever he wanted. He trusted Choke much more than he should have, but Choke told me that his dad had been on the wild side when he was a teenager, too, and I guess his dad just thought whatever trouble Choke got into was all part of his growing up. Of course he had no idea of what sort of stuff we'd get up to when we were together. Certainly he had no idea that Choke and I fucked around with each other. Choke had a steady stream of girls calling him and he could usually be found with a new girl at his side whenever he wasn't with me. The more girls Choke dated and screwed, the hotter and more intense our fucking around got. Rather than making me uncomfortable or jealous, his carousing made our sex seem more nasty and forbidden, more secretive. That sense of secretiveness stoked our libidos like gasoline on fire. Nobody, including Choke's dad, suspected anything about us other than that we were best bros and enjoyed hanging out together.

We left for the cabin on Saturday morning, both of us still half-drunk from partying with our crew the night before. I remember that it was barely dawn when Choke honked the horn of his old Ford truck that we had christened the 'Cow-Catcher' outside my family's house. I had just rolled out of bed maybe 15 minutes before I heard the horn and my head was throbbing. I grabbed my duffel bag and hopped into the cab and away we went.

After we had stopped at a local 24-hour convenience store and stocked up on beer and donuts we pulled onto the freeway and took off. We figured we'd just shoplift the hard liquor when we got into town later on that morning after the booze stores had opened. In all the time I knew Choke we never once paid for the huge amounts of alcohol we consumed. We had our shoplifting routine down to an art. And we never got caught, not even close.

The cabin wasn't all that far away, about a 3 hour drive. We rolled into town about 10:30 a.m. and stopped at the first liquor store we came across. While I diverted the clerk's attention by accidentally knocking over a display of candies, Choke loaded up on whiskey and a few 40 ounce bottles of beer. By the time we were out of there we had 2 fifths of whiskey and enough beer to last a couple of days if we paced ourselves. If not, we had a fair selection of other liquor stores to hit not far from where the cabin was.

The cabin was super nice, more of a house than an actual cabin. From what Choke had told me I was prepared for a shitty little wooden cabin, but this was a fair-sized, modern house nestled in the foothills a short drive out of town. We could see the roofs of a few houses far down the hillside from the deck of Choke's place, but they were far enough away that no one could hear or see anything we did.

The first thing we did once we had unpacked the booze and refrigerated the beer was to get out of our clothes. It was fucking hot, close to 90 degrees. Both of us liked being naked as often as we could, or at least stripped down to just our briefs and boots. We peeled off our sweaty clothes, including our briefs, and cracked open a fifth of whiskey and lounged outside on the deck. I remember the sky was clear and bright blue, so blue it hurt our bleary eyes, still puffy and red from the previous night's partying. The sun felt awesome on my cock and I started getting hard from it, just like always. Choke was fully hard too in like 2 minutes. We didn't do nothing, just stroked our stiffies a bit while we laid in the sun and shot the shit.

When we were pretty well lit, I told Choke we should go back into town and check out the scene. We had been talking about this trip for weeks, eager to get out of our shitty hometown for a few days and have some adventures. We had talked about looking for a black guy to fuck around with just for the sake of experimenting and Choke said that we could probably find one while we were at the cabin. I had a part-time job at a gas station back home and I needed to earn some money for a longer trip we wanted to take that summer, so I couldn't stay any longer than 3 days. Choke had laughed at me when I told him this several days prior to our trip, asking me why I bothered with a job when we could just take it from somebody. I admit I didn't have a good reason for wanting to keep the job, but I guess my early training had made me take the work ethic seriously. On the other hand, it certainly wasn't out of my league to mug someone for their wallet or purse. We stole all the time.

We smoked a fat joint on the drive back into town. It was hot in this area of the state, really hot, but Choke and me were true to the skinhead uniform. We were wearing our boots and jeans with the suspenders hiked up over our wifebeaters. We looked good, masculine and pumped for 2 teenage guys. Being pale white boys, we always had sunburned necks and we joked about being true-blue rednecks. We had both gotten fucking bad sunburns before so we had been careful to make sure we were slathered up with suntan lotion before we got into the truck. The perfumey scent was nauseating but we didn't mind too much cuz we could still smell our natural sweat stink over the lotion's scent.

We walked around the stupid town and stopped to have lunch. People were staring at us like you couldn't believe because we looked so different from everyone else. You didn't see many guys with shaved heads back then and most people still hadn't even heard of skinheads. But we sure as hell weren't fucking stupid so we also knew how not to attract attention to ourselves when we needed to. We knew we had to be careful in places like this, small towns where anyone who looked different was bound to be noticed.

We lucked out right off the bat cuz the place we decided to have lunch at was pretty busy and seemed to be popular with all the tourists. We sat at a small table near the door and stared glumly at the menus. All I really wanted was a beer or 3 but Choke was all for ordering burgers and fries so I figured I'd get the same.

My mind kicked into gear when the busboy brought water to our table. He was black, about our age or maybe a little bit younger I thought, a short afro covering his black scalp. Contrary to the majority of black dudes we had seen before, this guy was actually pretty decent looking and he had a nice build, pretty buff but still really slim. He definitely looked black, with a broad, flattish nose and thick lips. His eyes were sneaky looking but he had the fucking longest eyelashes I had seen on a guy before. It didn't make him look like a chick or anything, it just made his eyes sort of sexy. From the way he wore his short-sleeved white shirt and black slacks we could tell he probably looked good naked.

Choke's face lit up as the kid approached our table. He grinned his shit-eating smile that could melt icebergs and thanked the kid for the water. The black boy regarded us with obvious curiosity but still remained cautious as we tried to chat him up a bit. After he had left our table we hunkered down and put our heads close together, giggling like 2 kids who just realized they had stumbled onto something valuable and easy to lift. Choke asked me what I thought about the guy and I told him I bet the kid had a big black dick. We had never seen a Negro's dick before and all we knew was what everyone always said about black guys - that they had huge dicks and loved to fuck. We knew that Choke's dick was huge and that mine was bigger than average for a 16 year old. But we sort of worried that black dicks would be bigger than ours and we needed to prove something to ourselves, I guess. Anyway, after we had eaten our burgers and fries, we motioned the kid over and asked him where the locals went to party. The boy told us where to go where most of the local white kids partied. We asked him where he went and he said that his friends partied on the other side of town where they lived. We told him we had a cabin outside of town and asked him if he wanted to get stoned with us later. At first the kid shook his head and said no thanks, but the longer we talked to him the more relaxed and casual the kid got. We learned that his name was Curtis and that he was 18 years old and due to graduate from high school in June. He lived with his mother and 5 brothers and sisters. He wasn't the eldest but he and his sibs all helped support the family. He asked us why we had our heads shaved and Choke told him that we were skinheads, something the kid didn't know anything about.

Before we left the cafe we had talked Curtis into hooking up with us after work to smoke some weed. I guess weed was a little more difficult to come by out there in the boonies cuz he seemed anxious to smoke out with us once he had relaxed into the idea of partying with 2 strange white guys. We agreed to meet up with him at 5 p.m. and checked the town out a little more just to make sure it was as lame as we thought it was. Then we drove back to the cabin and crashed for a couple of hours before heading back into town to get Curtis.

We couldn't decide what to do with the kid. Neither of us was much into the idea of a lot of body contact with him because he was black. Dark meat just didn't excite us. But we both knew we wanted to check out what he was packing in his pants. So we figured we'd just get him high and wasted and make him jack off with us. Choke had a stash of hot porn mags tucked under the seat of the truck. He always took them with us whenever we went anywhere special, just so we'd have something to look at if we got bored. Remember, this was back in the day before VCRs. If things turned out to be more exciting than we thought they might, well then, we'd just play it by ear.

Curtis seemed like a pretty cool guy so we didn't automatically want to fuck him up by beating on him. That we saved for people who had already pissed us off for whatever reason or because we didn't like the looks of them. We knew that we could fuck him up if we wanted, but it wasn't necessarily in our plans for him.

When we got to the cafe Curtis was just finishing up his shift and told us to wait for him outside. We went back out to the truck and Choke rolled a few fat joints while we waited. We had been drinking and smoking pretty steadily all day and had a good buzz going.

He came out after about 15 minutes, looking around for us. We were parked across the street and when we saw him Choke honked the horn and waved him over. I lit one of the joints so we could pass it to him as soon as he got in the truck. We wanted him to be nice and stoned before we got him back to the cabin.

As he started to cross the street someone must have called out to him from inside the cafe, cuz he turned his back to us and yelled something back. We had our eyes glued on him and we both said that his ass looked fine. The kid spun back towards us and jogged across the street to the truck.

"Man, I can smell that weed from across the street! You guys better watch it cuz the pigs here will bust you in a second." He seemed a little spooked and was looking around trying to see if anyone was watching us. When he saw that the coast was clear he climbed into the cab and Choke punched the truck into gear. We drove away slowly, not peeling out like we usually did at home. No one was paying any attention to us and I thought the kid was paranoid. So I told him so.

"No way, man, my buddies have been busted for all sorts of minor stuff. People call the cops over nothing here."

Good info for us to have. I took what he said seriously. It would have sucked major dick to get busted over something stupid in this little jerkwater town. I only hoped Choke was taking the kid seriously, too.

Once we were on the highway out of town and heading back up to the cabin Curtis relaxed and smiled a lot more as we talked. He sucked on that joint like a pro and told us he loved getting stoned out of his head. Choke laughed and lit another joint and by the time we pulled up at the cabin we were all helluv mellow.

I have to credit the kid for not being a pussy and getting freaked out when we pulled onto the highway. He never asked where we were taking him or told us he had to be back by a particular time or anything like that. He just got stoned, enjoyed the ride, and trusted us to get him back to town in one piece.

He also got pretty fucking chatty and told us more about the town and his family. Actually, the kid was getting on my nerves cuz he talked so much, but I figured it was just cuz I was still nursing a motherfucker of a hangover. Even the trees and shit were annoying me and pissing me off. Choke was more-or-less silent on the drive back and I knew it was cuz he was getting wasted. His eyes were narrowed into little shining slits and he had a stupid smile on his lips the whole time. Even wasted and stupid, Choke was fucking brilliantly handsome in a goofy, brutish way. I wondered what the kid thought about Choke and me.

Curtis told us he had grown up in this town and that he lived in a smallish house on the poorer side away from the tourist area downtown. All of his brothers and sisters still lived in town and his 3 sisters and 1 brother still lived at home. The oldest brother lived with his girlfriend a few miles out of town but worked in town at the local gas station as a mechanic. His father and mother had separated when he was 11 and he never heard from his father after that. His mother cleaned rooms at a number of the resort lodges and worked long hours 6 days a week.

When we pulled into the driveway of the cabin Curtis let out a low whistle and told Choke that he had a nice place. Choke just smiled some more and mumbled "thanks." When we got inside, the house felt like it was a fucking oven so me and Choke let our suspenders drop to our sides and pulled off our wifebeaters. Curtis looked around the living room and said we should hang out on the deck cuz it'd be cooler. I pulled a six pack of cold beer out of the fridge and we all went out onto the deck. The sun was still shining brightly but the deck was now in shade and it felt really good.

We smoked 2 more joints and we got even more wasted. After we all got comfortable, I unlaced my boots and pulled them off so I could get my jeans off. Choke started giggling and did the same. I glanced over at Curtis and he was staring at us with an unreadable expression on his face. I laughed and told him we always lounged around in our briefs at home when it got this hot, so not to worry. I wanted him to stay relaxed and not get squirrely or anything. He just nodded and smiled a bit and said it was cool with him.

I told him he must want to get out of his work clothes and to go ahead and get his shirt and pants off. He looked away from us for a bit, cleared his throat and shifted his position on the deck chair, and then obviously made up his mind to get out of his clothes.

"Nobody can see us, I guess, so why not?" He stood up and unbuttoned his white shirt, pulling it out of his pants as he unbuttoned it. He wasn't wearing any kind of undershirt, so as he got it unbuttoned his black skin made a stark contrast to the gleaming white of the short-sleeved shirt. He whipped it off and tossed it on the chair. I noticed that his pit hair looked kind of kinky, not straight and silky like mine and Choke's. When he unbuckled his belt and opened his pants up me and Choke were trying to act all nonchalant. But our eyes kept coming back to Curtis as he sat down and took his shoes and socks off before wriggling out of his slacks.

The kid was wearing boxers, white ones, and they looked freaky against his black skin. We couldn't tell what he was packing because they were pretty baggy on his narrow hips. But the kid undoubtedly had a nice body, lean, lanky and defined, smooth and chocolatey. I guess we were staring pretty hard at him cuz he glanced at us, then gave us a quizzical look and laughed.

"You crazy honkies never seen a black dude undressed before?" I could feel my face turn red and I didn't want to look at Choke cuz I figured he'd be blushing, too.

"Not many niggers in our neck of the woods, friend," Choke chuckled evilly, and I could feel his dangerous energy sweep over the deck like a treacherous wave. At first I was kinda surprised that he had just called the kid a nigger, but Curtis let out a howl of laughter and all he said was, "I bet!"

This kid was pretty fucking cool, I had to admit.

When he had his pants off he folded them neatly and draped them over the back of his chair. When he was through he sat down, sighed long and loud and spread his black legs so the breeze could cool his junk.

I kept sneaking little glances at the leg openings of his boxers, anxious to see if I could get a glimpse of what he had. No dice. I thought I saw his balls once but I think it was just a shadow.

Choke was leaning forward in his chair with his arms propped on his knees, staring off into the distance and drumming his foot on the deck. I knew this was just habit with him, but if you had just met Choke you would have thought that he was either nervous or bored. But I also knew the fucker was gonna leave it to me to make the moves to get this scene going. Sometimes when he wasn't really into it he'd do that, almost like he was just gonna watch until he made up his mind about wanting to join in or not.

I told him to put some music on and to bring out the whiskey. He got up, stretched hugely, yawned once and shook his head like he was trying to wake up and slowly walked back into the house leaving me alone with the kid.

"What's his problem?" the kid asked.

"Just hungover."

"You two best friends or what?"

"Yeah. Best buddies. Choke is an awesome bro," I said.

Curtis laughed quietly and asked me why 'Choke' for a nickname? At first I didn't know what to say. I really was sort of nervous cuz Curtis was the first black I had ever had a conversation with. It still felt funny to be hanging out with a black guy and being all friendly.

"Long story," was all I managed to say.

The kid just sat back in his chair and said, "Hmmmmmm," like he was curious still but accepted my non-answer.

We heard music start playing from inside and I felt relieved that Choke would be back with us in a few seconds. I could hear him moving around in the kitchen just beyond the living room, opening the oven and clinking glasses together. I knew he had put the frozen pizzas we got earlier in to bake.

After a minute or so I could hear Choke's heavy footfall coming closer. When he reappeared on the deck the crazy bastard was naked. I felt a huge surge of nervousness and excitement all at the same time. This was gonna be the moment of truth in many ways. If the kid freaked we'd probably pound him but if he didn't...well, we'd see what would happen next.

Curtis's eyes widened and almost popped out of his head. It looked fucking comical to see a black dude look that surprised, just like in cartoons we had seen of blacks being spooked. I almost started laughing but ended up just staring at him, waiting to see how he was gonna react.

"Damn, white boy, now I know why you call yourself Choke!" He was laughing loud but was obviously impressed by the size of Choke's dick. "That motherfucker would choke a horse!"

Choke smiled and flopped himself down in his chair. He spread his legs and looked down at his enormous cock, then ran his hand lightly under his balls and cupped them before he smelled his fingers. "Fuck, my balls stink bad when it's this hot." I knew that Choke was testing the kid.

Curtis just laughed some more and shook his head. I laughed too. The tension was getting good and strong.

Choke usually would get impatient with skirting around any issue, especially when it came to sex and sexuality. His methods were generally direct and sudden. If you couldn't deal with his forthrightness then fuck you, you weren't of any interest to him. So while Curtis was still shaking his head and laughing in disbelief, Choke just grinned that impish, disarming smile of his and shoved his smelly fingers under my nose so I could get a whiff of his crotch stink. I batted his hand away cuz he took me by surprise, being this bold and open about what was on his mind. We were still young enough to pass off sexplay of this kind as the randy hijinks of teenage boys, nasty and brazen and a little bit mean-spirited.

But Curtis seemed to pick up on the meaning of Choke's actions pretty damn fast. His eyebrows shot up and then he glanced quickly back and forth at us, trying to figure out what exactly was going on here and why he was part of it.

"You guys are a bunch of horny motherfuckers, aren't you?"

We both grinned at Curtis and nodded our heads. It must have looked hilarious, 2 sweaty white skinheads, expectantly watching and waiting to see what this black kid was gonna show us. Something new, something exotic for us to goof off with. He looked over at me and let his eyes run over my body until they rested on my tighty whities.

"Are you as steamy inside there as your buddy?" he asked good-naturedly, pointing to my crotch.

"Pretty damn hot," I replied.

"Go ahead and take 'em off if you want. Doesn't bother me." He leaned back in his chair and spread his legs again, then moved them inward and outward a few times, almost like a little kid filled with excitement.

I stared right at the kid and held it. I stood up and peeled my damp briefs off, letting them drop to my ankles once I had them below my hips. I kicked them off my foot and they flew across the deck a little ways. My cock was half-hard.

I moved my hips back and forth a few times, making my cock swell up even fuller and slam against my hips as it swung heavily side-to-side. Curtis nodded and laughed again, closing his eyes for a moment like he was now pretty certain about what was going on here.

We all started giggling after a moment of silence and that helped break the tension a lot. The black kid reached out for the bottle of whiskey and Choke handed it over to him. We watched the kid tip it back and take a good, long draw from the bottle. Choke's eyes never left the kid's face and body and when Curtis was through taking a drink Choke motioned for him to hand the bottle to me.

I took it from the kid and my first instinct was to wipe off the neck of the bottle before wrapping my lips around it to take a chug. The momentary hesitation must have been obvious, cuz Curtis just laughed and said, "It's OK, you won't turn into a nigger, boy!"

When the whiskey was warming my insides nicely, Curtis asked, "You guys ever fucked a black chick?" We said no and the kid rolled his eyes and smiled broadly, then told us we didn't know what we were missing. Now this conversation was going somewhere.

I asked him if he had ever fucked a white girl. He laughed and looked at me like I was nuts.

"Are you joking, man? Of course! White chicks fucking love black dick. Way more than white dick."

Choke just snorted and said, "All depends on which white dick you're talking about."

Curtis nodded and smiled at Choke. "I bet they love that monster, huh? Can't get enough of it." He looked at me and said, "You got an impressive piece, too, man. Not as big as your buddy's but it's still pretty damn big."

"I'm horny as shit and I'm gonna jack off," Choke said suddenly, again blunt and to-the-point.

"I hear ya, man," Curtis said quietly. "So you two honkies never seen a black dude's dick I bet."

"If we never seen a nigger undressed then it's a good bet we never seen a nigger's dick," Choke shot back. I could tell he didn't like it when the kid called us honkies. It pissed me off some, too, I have to admit. So I was glad Choke was saying "nigger" whenever the kid said "honky."

It didn't seem to bother the kid in the least. In fact he just smiled like he knew a great secret and was about to reveal it. He hiked up his legs and pulled his boxers off in one fluid move and tossed them aside. His black cock was fat and thick and his balls were nearly round, like a big, dark apple. I couldn't stop looking at his junk cuz it did look different from ours. His nuts looked purplish black and his cock was really dark, too. About midway up the shaft it got a little lighter, almost dark-pinkish, but the head was almost as dark as his balls. His pubes were pretty thick but kinky, not at all like the great wiry thatches Choke and I had.

Curtis got up and just stood there, hands on his hips. He was letting us look him over as much as we wanted without saying anything. Choke told him to turn around and he did, letting us get a good view of his black ass. It had a great shape, high and tight, a real bubble butt. When he turned around again he looked at us with a question on his face, like he was asking us if we'd seen enough. We just giggled and sprawled back in our chairs, legs spread, cocks twitching.

Curtis sat down and started stroking his black dick until he got it hard. Choke was staring at it like he wanted to get into a fight for supremacy with it, like it was a personal challenge to his own view of himself. The kid definitely had a nice dick, but it wasn't nearly as big as Choke's. In fact, it was about the same size as mine, maybe even a little bit smaller. I felt relieved and I guessed that Choke was exulting in knowing his cock was still the biggest we had ever seen.

"You got a bitch?" Choke asked him.

"Yeah, I guess. Nothing serious but we get together and fuck."

"Is she hot?" I asked him.

"Hell yeah. Nice body, hot dicksucking lips..."

Choke barked, "Nice tits?" Choke loved tits.

"Ooooo boy, the best titties, man..."

Me and Choke were pretty much ramrod hard by now. Curtis was casually stroking away, totally relaxed and into it. I liked the kid. He seemed cool enough.

We passed the bottle a few times and Choke got up to check on the pizzas. While he was gone Curtis asked me if he could ask us something personal when Choke came back. I told him yeah, I guessed so. I was pretty sure I knew what he was gonna ask and I knew what it probably meant. But I wasn't absolutely sure. This was gonna be interesting.

As soon as Choke lurched back onto the deck and plopped his fine ass down Curtis asked him if he could ask us something. Choke just shrugged with his eyes half-closed and smiled out of one side of his mouth. I remember he looked so fucking hot and wasted.

"Go ahead."

Curtis just up and openly said, "Besides fucking pussy, I get the feeling you guys have fucked around with another guy before. Have you?"

Choke just leaned his head back and laughed. He looked at me with a big smile on his face and by our expressions I knew that we silently agreed to tell the kid the truth.

Choke finished up with his laugh and turned to look at Curtis, his laughter and his smile suddenly disappearing and looking serious as fuck. "Have you?" he asked the kid.

Curtis was a little surprised by Choke's tricky reaction. He looked at me and I just stared back impassively at him. He looked at the floor and then back up at us.

"OK, here's the deal. My brothers started fucking me when I was 9. I got used to it and we still fuck around every once in a while. I'm cool with it, it's not like they ever forced me or anything. I'm not a queer, though, I love pussy more than anything. And the only guys I ever messed around with have been my brothers and a cousin. We just do it to get off when we're feeling horny."

We were both silent. I wasn't sure what to say. I saw Choke stir and sit a little more upright, like the kid had caught his attention. I knew that Choke was gonna want all the details. He was fascinated with taboo sex and couldn't hear enough about it.

"How old are your brothers?" Choke began.

"Well, the brother who started it is 2 years older than me, so he was 11. My other brother is 4 years older, so he was like 13."

I have to admit, having fucked around with my 2-years-older-than-me nephew since the time I was 12, what Curtis was telling us sounded sexy as hell to me. I knew Choke would get off on the images, too.

"How'd it start?" I asked him.

"Me and my brothers always had to share a bedroom and we only had 2 beds in it. So Jimmy slept with me in one bed and my oldest brother Michael slept in the other bed. One night Jimmy just scooted up close behind me and rubbed his dick against my butt crack until he got off and it didn't hurt or anything so I let him. He started doing it to me every night and then after about a week he asked me if he could stick it in my butthole. I let him and it hurt at first but he was real gentle and I got used to it."

"How'd your oldest brother get into it?" Choke asked him.

"Jimmy would wait until he thought Michael was asleep, but one night Mike wasn't asleep yet and Jimmy started making too much noise cuz it felt so good. Mike asked us what we were doing and when he figured it out he told me he wanted to do it, too. His dick was bigger so it hurt more but he was better at it and it actually felt a lot better when he was inside me. Plus, he could already cum."

"You ever fuck them?" I asked.

The kid screwed his face up like this part wasn't so good. "I've fucked Jimmy maybe like 3 times over 7 years, but never Mike. But Mike fucked Jimmy a few times while Jimmy fucked me. That was a trip!"

We all went silent and just sat there. You could feel some fucking incredible tension crackling out on that deck, let me tell ya. But it wasn't bad tension, it was like OK, who's gonna say what's on all our minds first?

Choke wanted more. "You ever suck a guy's dick?" Of course he'd want to know that.

"Oh, sure, lots of times. I oughta be pretty fucking good at it after almost 10 years of doin' it!' Curtis wasn't embarrassed at all. I definitely liked this guy, black or not, cuz he wasn't all fucking squirmy about goofing around with guys.

"Then quit braggin' and wrap those nigger lips around this white dick, boy!" Choke brayed with a hooligan laugh. Curtis just laughed back but didn't move. After a few seconds though he got up and knelt between Choke's thick thighs while Choke jacked himself off for a few seconds. Curtis started lapping all around Choke's balls and pubes and then up and down the shaft until it was all shiny with his spit.

Choke let out a nice, deep moan the second Curtis swallowed as much as he could of Choke's huge horse cock. He grabbed the kid by the ears and fucked slowly into his throat, getting rougher and faster as Curtis slobbered all over Choke's fat dick. Choke raised his hips off of the chair and pumped into the kid's mouth.

He glanced over at me and grinned crazily as he threw his arms over the back of the chair. It looked hot as hell, my best bro naked and sweating like a horse, arms casually draped over the chair like this was the most natural thing in the world.

After a few minutes of me watching and stroking my prick, Curtis leaned back and smacked his thick lips like he had just been eating an ice cream cone. He turned his face and looked at me and I told him to suck on my dick for a while. Choke gave him a little shove with his big, sweaty foot in my direction and I thrust out my hard prick for him to home in on.

Choke laughed and egged on the black kid to swallow my cock to the root. Just as Curtis was getting ready to devour my dick I grabbed him by his afro and told him to sniff under my nuts first. Curtis screwed up his nose and kinda shook his head like he wasn't sure about that but I was really insistent and Choke told him he had to do it. The way he said it sounded friendly and good-natured, but I could tell from the way he said it that Choke wasn't gonna give Curtis a real choice. As it turned out it didn't matter cuz Curtis was down there between my legs before Choke finished getting the words out. It looked super hot to me, having a black guy worshipping my cock and smelling all around my asshole. This was the way nature had intended it to be, I remember thinking to myself. I spread my legs wide and hiked one foot up on my chair. I grabbed the kid by his kinky hair again and clamped his face to my ass as I slid my hole all around and over his face and nose. His hot breath was beating against my sweaty crotch and even I could smell how ripe it was down there.

While the kid was rooting around between my legs Choke mouthed the words "I wanna fuck him" at me and I giggled, which started Choke giggling, too. Curtis leaned back and asked us what the hell was so funny?

"I was letting Dan know I wanna fuck your black ass, boy," Choke said brazenly.

Curtis sat down at my feet, relaxing and looking thoughtful for a moment. He rubbed his face on the back of his arm, trying to get the smell of my ass off his lips and face, I guess. The kid's cock was rock hard. It looked fucking hot.

"Can I fuck you back?" he asked.

Choke leaned back so far in his chair that I thought he was gonna tip it over with him in it. I knew that I was the only guy he had ever let fuck that incredible almost-virgin ass of his so I was curious as to what he'd say. Knowing what a horndog Choke was I guessed that he'd get over any squeamishness he had about black guys and say yes, just cuz it was new and nasty to us. But he surprised me.

"Sorry, man, that's a privilege only my bro here gets." Skinhead loyalty! Ya just can't fucking beat it.

"Your loss, man," Curtis said with a chuckle.

"Tell ya what. What if I let Dan fuck me while I fuck you?"

The kid was all for it and nodded at Choke excitedly.

Choke tilted his head back and grinned broadly. The grin turned into a gleaming smile, and then into a short, barking laugh.

"You really want my dick, don't you, boy?" Choke was doing his power-thing with the kid. It was all a matter of supremacy and it didn't really have anything to do with skin color. It didn't matter if Curtis was black, white, blue, or red. Choke just wanted the power and I hoped the kid was going to give it up.

"You got a fine white dick, man, no doubt about it," the kid answered.

"What position do you wanna get it in?" Choke asked him. Now that surprised me, cuz Choke never asked questions like that. He always started fucking guys doggy style and would mix it up with new positions only after he had his fill of fucking the guy's ass like an animal.

The kid told us that he was used to the way his brothers always did it to him, with him on his side and his brothers behind him. Choke smiled and nodded and led us back into the living room. It was still hot as fuck when we got inside, even hotter than when we had arrived, cuz the oven was blasting while the pizzas baked.

We passed the bottle back and forth a few times while we stood around staring at each other's dicks and Choke checked on the pizzas. He told us they were gonna be ready in about 15 minutes. Curtis thought that meant we'd fuck later on but Choke meant for us to hurry up and get started now. He walked over to the kid and slapped his black ass so hard it echoed in the room. Curtis howled and looked pissed off for a second but when Choke just laughed at him and told him not to be a fag the kid laughed back and flopped himself down on the sofa.

We didn't have any lube with us. Choke was laughing and swearing drunkenly as he searched the kitchen cabinets until he found something that would do. He tossed me a half-full bottle of cooking oil and I asked him why the hell he was giving it to me since I wasn't the one who was gonna get fucked. He just called me a cocksucker and I laughed at him as I handed the bottle off to the black kid.

The sofa had come with the house along with all the other furniture, so Choke told us to be careful and not to get the sofa dirty. I laughed after he said that because I knew how wrecked and foul Choke's bed got from all the fucking around we'd do. I didn't have high hopes for the integrity of the sofa once we got going.

Curtis got himself lubed up with the oil and stretched out facing the back of the sofa, hiking his leg up so Choke could enter his asshole more easily. We just stood there for a second staring at the naked black kid, fascinated and vaguely repelled at the sight of his black ass and the greasy looking hole that Choke was about to ram into. We exchanged a look with each other and Choke wrinkled up his nose a bit and stuck out his tongue like he thought it was gross and was having second thoughts. I snickered at him and gave him a shove.

I couldn't keep my hands off my body as I watched Choke climb onto the sofa and press up against the kid. The second Choke's massive dick touched the kid's body Curtis moaned and said it felt like Choke's prick was on fire. Choke started dry humping the kid's butt crack so he could get lubed-up and the sight of his big, hairy, meaty ass clenching and relaxing as he thrust back and forth looked amazing. Choke's gleaming white skin, dusted with golden hair and shining with a sweaty sheen looked like a sculpture. The blackness of the kid contrasted nicely with Choke's pale skin. In my fucked-up state it looked like Choke was fucking his shadow. I laughed and said exactly that and I could hear Choke snicker as the kid just continued to sigh and moan.

"C'mon bro, fuck him," I hissed. Choke was running his big, strong hands all over the kid's flanks and reached around the kid so he could rub his chest. I heard Curtis yelp and I knew that Choke was torturing the kid's nipples. My cock gave a massive lurch and my nuts started to ache.

Choke reached down between his legs and adjusted himself on the sofa. Watching Choke aim that enormous cock and push into the kid's black asshole was just too amazing to believe. Curtis sucked in his breath and kept panting at Choke to go slow. I guess out of nervousness or reluctance, Choke did what the kid asked for and shoved into him nice and easy. The kid was grunting and gasping like an animal as Choke kept pushing relentlessly into his guts.

"Go slow, go slow..." the kid kept repeating quietly. All of a sudden it looked like the sofa took a step across the room at the same time as the kid let out a powerful scream that rang in my ears. Choke had plunged hard and brutal into the kid's asshole and was now seriously fucking his first black ass! The sofa was rocking and thumping the floor as Choke thunderfucked the kid. Beneath the kid's screams and moans I could hear hot squishy farting sounds from the cooking oil that was letting Choke glide in and out so amazingly. I felt like I was going crazy. Every time Choke reared his hot ass back I got a glimpse of his hairy brownish-pink hole, slick and shiny from the sweat that was streaming down his butt crack. I lowered myself down onto my knees and jacked my cock a few times before I got ready to stick it up his ass.

I was rubbing my hands over Choke's buzzed head, feeling the burn of the stubble under my fingertips. Choke was growling and grunting like a hog and the kid was whining and whimpering as Choke pistoned in and out of the kid's hole. I could smell the sharp tang of our sweat in the hot, dry air mingling with the warm, earthy smell of butt-fucking. I leaned down and started kissing and biting and sucking Choke's meaty ass cheeks pretty hard, hard enough to leave a couple of hickeys, before I nosed my way in between his thick thighs to deep-sniff his asshole and tongue it till I got it slick with my spit. When he felt my tongue slip into his tight, little shithole he shivered and gave a rising moan that ended in a shriek. I loved eating Choke's ass out cuz he responded so good to whatever I did to him.

I rubbed his hole with a little bit of the oil. Then I got up on my knees and straddled Choke's leg as best I could, aiming my precum-pumping prick at his shithole. All I had to do was press with my slippery, dripping cockhead hard up against his ass and he did most of the rest of the work. As he fucked Curtis his own fine ass would buck back so hard that I was completely buried in him after a half-dozen or so slow, grinding back-thrusts. Choke was bellowing while I got inside him, shouting all sorts of hot filthy shit at me and the kid.

When I was all the way in I started plowing my bro Choke's ass like a true brother, a true skinhead comrade. I slapped the back of his shaved head a few times and bit his ear lobes, something that always got him off harder. He threw his arm up over his head and I knew what he wanted -- my face buried in his swampy pit. I couldn't get enough of Choke's sweat stink and he knew it. It was almost strong and skunky enough to sear your fucking eyebrows off. Breathing in a huge chestful of his b.o. was like inhaling some sort of primal aphrodisiac. I started fucking him harder and deeper the more I inhaled his rank aroma, the individual, personalized stink of my skinhead brother. It was the smell of power and brute strength, the smell of male sex, the smell of superiority.

The kid was almost gasping, moaning and groaning like an animal aware that it's about to be slaughtered. Choke was really giving it to him and every once in a while Curtis would tell Choke to take it easy on him. At one point I guess Choke fucked him so hard it hurt something inside the kid and he yelled out, "I said easy, motherfucker!"

It was like a dam burst in Choke and he went off on the kid.

"Shut up, you fuckin' nigger!" The kid started to say something. "I said, SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

I couldn't see it but I just knew the thick branch of veins in his forehead was bulging. It got that way whenever Choke laughed hard or got excited or pissed off. It looked great on him, scary and hot as hell all at the same time. I started to giggle.

"What the fuck are you laughin' about, cocksucker?" This was yelled at me. Instead of making me feel bad or stop laughing, it only made me fuck him harder and laugh all the more. I was used to this sort of scene. The black kid wasn't, so he had shut up when Choke screamed at him.

"You like fucking his black ass, don't you , bro? Don't you, you fucking piece of white trash shit?" I was all over Choke's back, alternating between yelling and whispering into his slightly jugged red ears.

Choke was growling deep in the back of his throat and snapping at the nape of Curtis's neck like a jackal while I talked shit to him.

"Hell yeah, I'm fuckin' me a real live nigger, bro! First time, boy!" He barked the last part at the kid with a proud and exhilarated shout.

Curtis wasn't saying much of anything, just moaning and hissing in his breath between teeth so tightly clenched that I could hear them grinding back and forth. I could tell from the way his arm was moving that he was jerking really fast.

Choke was hugging the kid's body tight to his own, grabbing and clutching anything on the kid that would pull him in closer to Choke's sweaty, heaving body. It was like the kid wasn't anything more than an object to fuck, not even human. Curtis might have been a pillow Choke was fucking for all the attention and consideration he gave him. Choke turned his face towards mine and I licked his cheek and all around his opened, panting mouth. His tongue was darting all around like a fucking snake trying to make contact with mine, so I slid my tongue over his and we made out hard for a few seconds. The three of us on that sofa must have looked awesome, fucking and feeding on each other like wild beasts in the goddamn jungle.

All of a sudden Choke stopped moving and at first I thought he was shooting his load. But he said that he wanted to see me fuck the kid. We switched positions and Curtis just grunted and sighed as we did. I slid easily into the kid's relaxed shithole, feeling the incredible heat of his guts as they enveloped my cock. The kid started whining and saying stuff under his breath, but I wasn't paying any attention at all to what he was muttering.

Black ass did feel great, I had to admit. Choke was asking me if I liked it and I could only nod. He cackled in a high-pitched whinny and then started fingering my asshole, deep and rough. My cock swelled until it felt like an over-inflated balloon inside the kid's ass.

"I wanna fuck you, bro...hell yeah, you look hot as shit fuckin' that nigger's ass! I wanna fuck your sweet, hairy, white ass..." I could only gasp out a breathy laugh at how brazen Choke was being. But I knew how awesome it would feel to have Choke's giant dick slamming deep inside me as I pounded that black motherfucker. I told him to do it and he hocked a big wad into his hand and rubbed it over my asshole. His cock was already nice and slippery from the cooking oil and the kid's ass so he was able to get it inside me fairly fast. It felt like my body was gonna snap in two, like the top of my head was gonna blow off. The fucking incredible searing pain of having that enormous hard horse dick shoved relentlessly up my ass, along with how great it felt to be fucking the kid...just too much to believe.

Once Choke had himself in to the hilt he really let me have it. He rode my ass like he owned it. I had to stop bucking into the kid's guts cuz Choke's fucking was like being trapped under a pile driver. All I could do was surrender and take it like a man. Curtis seemed to be grateful for a chance to regain his breath. I was still buried to my pubes inside him and it must have felt like his ass was stuffed with a huge, immovable turd. I wanted my cock freed all of a sudden so I forced my ass backwards against Choke's furious pounding and my dick popped out with a wet smack from Curtis's hole. I pushed the kid away from me now so there could be some space between my sweat-soaked body and his.

While Choke continued battering me, my stiff prick kept slapping my belly and swinging crazily back and forth. The sensations were rushing me to shooting. I could feel the cum in my balls start to churn and my shaft get even harder and thicker. I yelled at Curtis to turn himself around fast and as soon as he did I started spurting, soaking him with hard blasts of ropey white cum. The first blast slammed and splattered against his torso and the next spurts lashed over his hip and the hand he was using to jerk himself off. I kept bucking as Choke rammed my ass and pearls of nut kept flying out of my prick and speckling the kid a nice white. It looked hot as fuck and I think that sight made me cum even more than usual.

Curtis blew next.

"Fucking white-ass motherfuckers, can't get enough ass, ooooo yeah you fucked my ass good, I'm gonna cum, gonna cum so fucking hard..." And he was off. His black cock head swelled like a dead flower beginning to bloom in resurrection. He grunted hard and a rising cry surged up from his chest until he roared like an enraged monkey and dumped his load all over me and the sofa. Jets of watery white sperm splattered all over my stomach and chest, all over my thighs and crotch. The stink of his cum was strong and bleachy, almost sour. Very different from the pungent, musky sweetness of our white-boy jizz.

The kid was thrashing around like he was having a fit while he emptied his nuts. He pulled me close to him and slid his slicked-up torso against mine. We were so slimy with our combined loads that our bodies skimmed over each other like silk. Choke was still fucking me hard, harder than I could remember ever getting it from him before. It felt awesome.

Just when I thought Choke was about to nut he hauled me backwards off the sofa and threw me down onto the floor. He literally grabbed me and picked me up and spun me around so I could scramble up onto my hands and knees. I knew that he wanted to finish me off doggy style, his all-time favorite position to fuck guys in. Curtis was still flat on the sofa, one arm flung in exhaustion over his sweaty face. He turned his head to look at us, and I remember he smiled at me like he was watching a hot porn flick.

Globs of our combined cum - black boy's and white boy's - dripped off my belly onto the carpet. Choke's hands were all over my stomach and chest smearing sperm from my throat to my thighs. I was a fucking sticky mess but it was driving Choke crazy. I guess the feel of all that warm, slippery cum was just too much for him. Choke leaned forward over me and reached out to grab Curtis's afro with his cum-slicked fingers. He yanked hard on it and Curtis gave a yelp as he tumbled off the sofa onto the floor right in front of me. Choke barked at the kid to lick the cum off my chest and he did it, surprisingly. I thought the kid would put up a protest over that, but he seemed willing enough to do it. Probably because lots of the cum he was eating off me was his own. As he licked me all over I took my cue from Choke and grabbed the kid by the hair and pulled his face away from my body. I spit in his face and barked at him to lick Choke's asshole until Choke jizzed but he said no. I spit at him again and told him I'd kick his black ass if he didn't. At first he looked pissed off and like he was gonna tell me to go to hell but Choke started threatening him, too. So he ended up doing it.

He scrambled away from me and crawled behind Choke. As he disappeared from my view I told Choke to make sure Curtis got his fucking tongue as far as he could get it shoved up his sweaty shithole. Choke just guffawed and slapped the back of my head like he always did when we fucked around. I loved it when he'd do that cuz it felt all brotherly and shit. And I knew the idea would be a hot one to him. When the kid started working on Choke's ass he took one of his big hands off my hip and reached behind him so he could clamp it onto the back of Curtis's head.

Choke started panting in and out while he talked a filthy stream of hot trash talk. I could hear the black kid's mouth working on Choke's nasty ass, wet and sloppy and all breathless sounding. I could even hear his tongue lapping away whenever Choke would shut up. Choke kept calling the kid a nigger and a black bastard and a monkey and all sorts of hot, insulting shit. Curtis almost seemed to be getting off on it but I couldn't tell for sure. At least he wasn't telling Choke to shut up or anything. In fact, the more shit Choke talked to him, the more breathless I could hear him getting.

Choke hiked himself up a little further over me so that he was almost covering my body with his own. The position let him fuck me deeper and harder and got his legs spread even wider so the nigger could get his tongue into all the little nooks and crannies of Choke's hairy asshole.

Choke was pressing his hands down on my back as he fucked me, rocking his hips in frenzied, furious pounding. My ass felt like it was gonna split in two. It was almost more than I could take but I kept my mouth shut and took it like a man. I had no problem with letting Choke use me any way he wanted, even if it hurt like fuck. All I cared about was satisfying our animal appetites for brutal bro-on-bro sex, helping my skinhead brother get the nut he deserved while he helped me get mine. This was how a real man fucked, a real skinhead - rough, fast, unconcerned about anything except popping the biggest fucking load he could pump out of his glorious prick. The more frenzied Choke got the more I liked it.

Suddenly, he ripped his cock out of my traumatized hole and shoved me roughly away from him. Curtis scrambled backwards fast at the same time. It was awesome cuz Choke spun around on his knees and all I could see was the back side of him now, his butt just a few inches away from my face. I took in all the details, like my senses were in overdrive, the way I always felt when I was getting off with Choke. Sort of like I couldn't get enough of seeing him and wanted to mentally store every detail for future replay. The hair lining his butt crack was dark and wet looking from the oil and the spit Curtis had slobbered over it, making it stick in little dark whorls to the milky flesh of his hairy ass cheeks. I reached out and pulled his cheeks apart so I could get a clear view of his shithole, and the sight of it almost made me cum on the spot. Brownish pink, hairy as fuck, wet and tight. I could smell the earthy stink of his asshole and I inhaled as deeply as I could so I could get his ass stink up my nose for what I hoped would be the rest of our holiday.

All this time, which was actually only a few seconds, Choke was badgering the kid, calling him all sorts of mean, dirty names, telling him his ass wasn't worth shit compared to my white ass, stuff like that. Curtis was now answering Choke's comments, calling him a stupid, fucking redneck, telling Choke that the only good thing about him was his huge dick. Choke was jacking on his pole like he was trying to tear his cock off, his fist a blur as he throttled his dick into exploding. I could see the muscles in his hairy thighs start to bulge and he nearly stood up as he let out with a huge, animalistic roar.

Bending backwards a bit, Choke wrapped his fist tight around the base of his horse cock and a beautifully formed geyser of white hot sperm burst out and rained down all over the kid. As he continued spurting, Choke turned slowly like he was on a fucking rotating pedestal or something, and the next jets blasted down onto my sweat-slicked face and throat. The feel of all that hot cum spilling over my face was like a baptism, a blasphemous ritual of power and brotherhood.

As he came to the end of his shattering orgasm, he flicked his dick hard a few times, sending a little shower of jizz over me, the kid, and the sofa. So much for not getting the sofa dirty.

Me and Curtis just lay there, spent and thoroughly drained, soaked in cum and unable to move for a few minutes. I felt like I had just taken a good beating and I knew the kid must have felt even worse. Or better, depending on how you look at it. Choke stumbled over us and flopped himself down on the sofa, swiping at the splashes of nut but only making the smears bigger and more obvious. He was laughing and muttering under his breath the whole time.

We were all pretty fucking wasted by now and the only thing that brought us back into reality was the smell of the pizza crusts starting to burn. Choke hauled himself up off the sofa and lumbered into the kitchen, farting a couple of times on the way. His fat prick was bloated and raw looking, I remember, and a bead of somebody's cum hung like a tiny pearl from the underside of his huge bull nuts. While he leaned over into the hot oven to pull out the pizzas, I saw the cum bead drip off his hairy balls and plop onto the linoleum floor.

We cleaned up some and demolished the pizzas in no time, washing it down with lots of cold beer. We had a good time with Curtis and he didn't get home till the next day.

Next time I'll write more about what we did after dinner.

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