Skinhead Master

By Iain Bell

Published on Mar 12, 2023


Skinhead Master – CH9

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I has a two and a half hour work out and I felt really pumped, I walked over to my bitch and pulled off my jock strap and threw it at him, he caught it in his teeth and sucked the life out of it savouring each and every piece of it. I walked close to him my very stiff dick directly in front of his face. I smiled as he looked up and he dropped the jock and took me into his mouth, I went balls deep straight away "Now use your throat to suck me off bitch." Bitch began to tighten and loosen his throat "yeah that's it you fucker. Oh yeah that feels good. I can stay deep in your throat and have you suck me with your throat muscles, mmmm." Bitch continued to throat suck me and as he did so, a calm came over me, I had never felt anything like it before then suddenly I shot my load in his stomach, I shot more and longer than ever before. When I calmed down from that mammoth cum load I pulled out of my bitch and dropped to the floor at his level. I kissed him giving him my tongue, he gave me his and we kissed like that for a while. "I don't quite know what happened bitch but that was one of the best feelings ever, I shot more cum and for longer than I have ever done and that is thanks to you, my bitch and my lover." I kissed him again and picked him up my muscled arms and carried him into the main house.

Cunt was in the kitchen and saw us both smiling and very contented. He looked to the floor "Please sir." He said still unsure of himself but probably more scared than anything. "Please can you use your fingers to play with my man cunt?" he started crying.

"Why are you crying cunt?"

"I am scared of doing this as I think I will enjoy it but part of me still hates the thought of being queer."

"It is not queer. It is gay. Straights call us queer and you are NOT straight anymore."

"No Sir he said in between the tears.

"Look cunt, I know I am forcing this on you and I know you don't really want this but why did you let yourself get tattooed and pierced?"

"As you said Sir, you are an alpha male and not to be questioned. I somehow knew I had to obey but still don't quite understand why."

"You do not need to understand anything anymore" I said. I lifted his head to look me in the eyes and he noticed my huge smile. "Jason and I as the alpha males in this household will direct you in everything you do and everything you think from now on. Oh and never and I mean NEVER lower your head in shame or embarrassment unless it is in subservience to your Master or me." He nodded and kept looking into my eyes. "Now" and I sat down on the sofa "get across my lap with your arse upwards. Bitch go and get the lube and sit at my feet."

"Yes Master."

"See he never questions anything, he just serves me and he serves me willingly." Bitch had arrived back with the lube "don't you bitch?"

"Yes Master, I love serving your every need and if I am a lucky bitch I get your piss and cum as a reward." Bitch got to my feet and watched me as I caressed Cunt. His arse was nearly as nice as my Bitch but only nearly. I lubed up a finger and put that to his arse lips, I just rubbed it on the outside of his entry point and I felt him tense. I used my other hand and slapped him one as hard as I could.

"Don't tense up cunt." The act of slapping him shocked him and he relaxed straight away. I used my lubed finger to enter his tight arse, he moaned out load at the entry "Shhhhh." I left my finger where it was until he calmed down and I pushed and pulled it out very slowly, I could have gone in hard and used two or three fingers but I needed him to accept the fact that he was gay and the sooner the better.

I was very patient with him and after 30 minutes he was accepting 2 fingers inside and I thought he was starting to push back at me. "You realise your dick is rock hard don't you cunt?" He moaned once more "I can feel it against my legs."

"I don't want this, I don't understand why I am getting hard and enjoying it."

"It's quite simple cunt. You are gay like your brother, like me and like Jason. The sooner you accept that the better you will be, you will be happier in life, you can't tell me that your life so far has been good, from what you have said and the little my bitch has told me, your life has been fucking shit. You will love life here with us and being used like the faggot I know you are."

I started caressing his arse once more and using the lube to push one and then two fingers into his loosening arse. "Oh fuck" and I felt him shoot his cum all over me and the floor.

"Now doesn't that feel better?"

"Fuck yeah" he screamed out.

"Good boy. Lick that mess bitch."

"Yes Master" and bitch got to work. I played with cunt a bit more using the two fingers to play with his arse, I managed to get three in and he didn't notice that much, he was enjoying the sensations too much.

"Bitch, get me one of your smallest plugs and lube it well."

He came back with it "now cunt, this is going in your arse, you will keep it in and it will stretch your arse for me and that way I will be able to get bigger and bigger ones inside you so I can fuck your cute bubble arse. By the time I am finished with your arse it will be open permanently and gaping just like a woman's cunt. " I put the plug to his arse and slowly pushed it inside. He moaned and started clenching "Relax cunt, relax those anal muscles and let me get this inside you, I promise once it is inside only sheer pleasure will follow." He managed to relax and accept what was happening to him in fear, it came to the largest part and he tensed little but I kept up the pressure and the small plug went in. "Now that's not coming out for a while and as soon as you get used to it, I will be going larger and larger until your arse is used to accepting huge things inside."

"Yes Sir thank you Sir." He said reluctantly but I let that go."

"Now sit at my feet with bitch." He moved and sat on the floor next to bitch, his dick rose to full attention as soon as he sat on his arse and for the first time he actually smiled. "You like the feeling cunt?"

"Yes Sir, I am afraid I do, you were of course correct."

"Good boy, remember though I am always right. Now sit quietly and just enjoy the new feeling in your arse."

Jason came in and looked in and saw cunt and bitch at my feet. "When do I get cunt to myself?"

"When I am finished training him and when I am satisfied he is ready he will be yours to mould as you wish. I was supposed to be training you to become a Master but watching me with my bitch, you seemed to have become a good Master by yourself. Well done Jason."

"Thank you, I wondered why you didn't really show me anything. Bitch come with me I am in need of a fuck."

"Yes Sir." And bitch got up and followed Jason upstairs.

Cunt looked up at me "Yes cunt, Jason and I share and soon enough you will belong to Jason but don't worry, I will also be using your arse as the top alpha male in this house." Cunt rested his head on the floor at my feet once more rocking his arse on the floor so he could feel his plugged arse.

"Come up here and suck my dick cunt." He got up on all fours in front of me and looked up at me. "Good boy, I can see bitch has been giving you lessons on how to behave, well done. Now suck me." Cunt leant in and took the head of my bit fat dick into his mouth, he licked round the head before taking me into his mouth and slowly, so slowly deeper and deeper. I could only moan at the delicious feelings cunt was giving me. "Fucking hell cunt, you are a real natural at this. You may not accept that you are a pussy boy for real men but fuck you are good." I grabbed hold of the back of his head and slowly pulled him towards my crotch, my dick going deeper into his mouth and slowly entering his throat. Just before I entered his tight throat he took a huge breath and for the first time he took me down willingly as I didn't have to push inside him.

I wanted to piss this time and lodged deep in his throat I knew he would not have to drink it, so I let go and pissed directly into his stomach. To give cunt some credit he didn't attempt to pull away and accepted what I was doing. As soon as I finished pissing "Good boy cunt, you have done well. Now started sucking me so I can give you a huge load of cum."

Cunt looked up at me with a resigned look on his face and started to suck me, up and down slowly, too slowly for me. I grabbed hold of his ears and started to fuck his face, tears started to roll down his face. "This is how you suck a dick cunt." He looked up at me "If you want to please me or Jason, you will suck like this. You got that cunt?"

He closed his eyes in defeat and I let his ears go and he didn't stop and continued at the pace I had set for him. I head Jason scream out "That's it bitch. Arghhhhhh" as Jason must be unloading in bitch. This caused me moan and unload into cunt. As I was unloading I felt my legs get wet, cunt must have shot his load over my legs as I was unloading deep in his throat.

"You had better lick your mess off my legs cunt." He moved away from me and stopped "NOW CUNT. When I give on instruction you carry it out immediately." He went down and licked his mess away. "Now get on the floor and rest a while. I'll need a piss again soon." He looked up at me with a look of disgust on his face. I bent down at slapped him across the face, he screamed out in shock more than pain as it wasn't that hard. "Just remember cunt."

I said with anger in my voice. "We fucking own you and you WILL do anything that Jason and I see fit, do you understand and if it takes a beating for you to understand that, a beating it will be. My own bitch enjoys a good beating and he stays hard all the way through. He even shoots a load of cum whilst getting hit, at least he does when I give him permission."

I pushed his head to the floor and moved my feet to push him down and rested them on him, mainly to assert my authority. He started crying again "Will you shut the fuck up cunt." As Bitch came back into the room, I could see his arse dripping cum and he walked. "Good time bitch."

"Yes Master, Jason shot his cum into me twice and I drank his hot piss also."

"Did you cum?"

"No Master, Sir didn't give me permission."

"Do you want to cum bitch?"

"Yes Master, I am so fucking horny right now, being fucked by my son always makes me want to shoot a load."

I smiled back at my bitch, I can't wait to fuck you later feeling your son's cum deep in your bitch arse. Now sit on the floor and cunt will suck you until you cum." Bitch got to the floor and cunt lifted his head, looked at me and took his brother's dick into his mouth and sucked his tiny dick. As per usual my bitch shot his cum straight away loading his brother's mouth with cum.

"Thank you Master for allowing me to cum." And he bent to the floor and lay down at my feet next to cunt.

"See cunt, that's how a proper bitch reacts to a Master, just remember that." I saw bitch nudge cunt in the ribs.

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir for the lesson, I promise I will learn." He got to the floor and I looked at bitch and winked at him smiling.

Jason appeared still in his skinhead gear. "Go and lick his boots cunt." He moved and crawled to Jason and started to lick his boots.

"Come on cunt, you can do better than that." Said Jason. He worked harder as he knew he had to please Jason. After a while Jason pushed him away. "Much better cunt, now go and sit with bitch." Cunt crawled back. "I'm off out to find me some more arse to use, shooting into bitch was nice but nowhere near enough." He cupped the big bulge in his skin tight jeans and left.

"How does the plug feel in your arse cunt?"

"Okay Sir." He said looking up. I patted my legs and he instinctively knew that he was to get up with his arse upwards. "Good boy." And I patted his arse. Right I am taking this out now and I want to increase the size, I was going to wait at least 24 hours but I want your arse open much quicker and like a woman's cunt in a shorter time as possible. Bitch in my bedroom in the cabinet you will find some special cigarettes, light one and hand it to cunt."

"Yes Master." He went upstairs and came down and lit one up and handed it to cunt.

"Smoke that it will relax you." He knew better than to refuse. And took a long and very deep drag. "You've done that before"

"Yes Sir but not since I was at university." After a few minutes he was totally relaxed and so I took out the plug.

Bitch handed me the next size up. "No bitch, a larger one." Bitch reached and got one two sizes larger and handed it to me. I lubed it thoroughly and offered it to cunt's arse. I pushed it in and cunt was so relaxed that he didn't move until it came to the largest part. I pushed he tensed slightly but I kept pushing and cunt kept on taking long drags, all of a sudden it plopped into this arse sealing it off.

I pushed him off my lap and he sat at my feet rocking feeling the larger plug fill his arse whilst finished the cigarette. "Fucking hell" he said with a slight slur. "Oh my God that feels so fucking good."

"Long way to go yet cunt." As he looked up at me and then down and huddled with my bitch on the floor. He handed the last of the cigarette to bitch who finished it off.

I left the two resting near to my feet and got up and walked upstairs. I thought what I wanted to do, did I want to go into the gym or dress up and go out. My mobile phone went "Martin you fucking whore, good to hear from you. Thanks for ringing back. Look I need a favour, my bitch has a brother that thinks he is straight but I am training him as I know he is a bitch. He is going to belong to Jason as soon as I have finished training him, he needs a job and as you run that sewage farm, I would like him to work with you and the guys." I sat on the bed "well of course you and the guys can use him, use him any way you like, you are almost as perverted as I am and besides he will be working in a rubber suit I am having made and it will have a bitch hole in the arse for anybody to use. I just need to get him some waders to complete the outfit." As Martin was talking I found my new 30 lace hole boots with an external steel toecap. "Okay then great, you will supply the waders, well used I hope." I found the jeans I wanted and socks and braces. "Good, he will start as soon as his suit is ready." I ended the call and happy with what had occurred I dressed in my jeans and new boots. I put my braces over my muscled chest and went downstairs.

"Bitch" he looked over and smiled and stuck his tongue out. "You like then?"

"Yes Master, well fucking horny and the boots aren't bad either."

I laughed "I am off out for an hour or two. Get cunt to make dinner for tonight, let's see what his cooking is like."

"Yes Master." And I headed off leaving bitch and cunt alone. I wanted a beer in the pub and hopefully a guy might come in that meets with my kind of horny sex. I like using my bitch and now I am training cunt but as the saying goes variety is the spice of life.

I got to the pub and all eyes were in me as I went in but then all eyes went to the door when anybody came in. I got my beer and walked towards the back and stood where I could see and be seen. The place wasn't that busy but I did notice a guy standing drinking his beer. He was wearing a pair of denim shorts that showed his nicely shaped legs, he wasn't overtly muscular and not skinny either. His head was shaved and wore a muscle vest that was close fitting and showed pierced tits, his tits looks as though they were played with a lot as they were nice and puffy and very large.

He looked in my direction and smiled, I smiled back and pointed to the floor in front of me.

He nodded and came over dropping to the floor on his knees in front of me. He looked up staring at the bulge in my jeans. "You like?" He nodded. I pushed his head down towards my boots but he resisted "you don't get anything else unless you lick by boots."

He looked up at me "do you meant that?"

"Of course I fucking mean it shit head. Either lick my boots or fuck off." He looked to the floor and then up and my bulging dick once more. He knelt on the floor and started to lick my boots. He wasn't doing a particularly good job but I suppose every boot licker needs to learn sometime. I used my free boot to push his back to the floor "Much better position shit head."

And moved my boot to rest on the top of his head "Harder shit head. If you want my dick you have fucking better do a good job." I said a menacingly as I could, the trouble was he was fucking cute and his arse looked good inside the tight denim shorts. "Better shit head, you might just get my dick." I said encouragingly.

After a while I took my boot away and he moved so he could look up at me and he sat back on his knees, my dick by this time was rock hard and showing nicely through the tight skinhead jeans. "Fuck me" he said looking at my huge dick encased by the tight denim.

"Play your cards right and I will." I said smiling as he looked up into my eyes. "Stand up shit head."

"My names Zak."

"I am not interested in your name shit head, I don't intend getting to know you, all I want is a fuck." He looked to the floor and stared at my boots. "Did you enjoy licking my boots, I guess it was your first time."

"I did, not sure why but it gave me a hard-on, just from licking your boots, I mean."

"Oi, shit head, I am SIR to you."

"Eh. Oh. Yes Sir." He said apologetically.

"Are you sure it was just licking my boots or is it being ordered and you submitting?"

"I don't know Sir."

"Well I think I do. Clearly you have been used as your tits show, they are nice and puffy and have been used a lot."

"Well yes Sir but I just tell the guys that use me to play with my nipples and they do."

"First off shit head, men have nipples, pussy boys have tits. It was your prominent tits that drew me to you."

"Yes Sir." I pulled him towards me and started squeezing his pierced tits between my fingers. I got harder and harder until he started to moan. "Yeah, oh fuck that feels good."

"Strip off hit head." He looked up at me and shook his head. "I am not asking you shit head, I am giving you an instruction. Just fucking do it and do it NOW."

He looked round and nobody was really paying attention to us, so he shrugged his shoulders and stripped off. He stood wearing just his Timberlands and yellow socks his dick standing to attention pointing to his navel. "Very nice, you clearly look after yourself, you have a nice buff body turn round let me look at your man cunt." He spun round and bent slightly. "Yes very nice." He spun round again as I undid my jeans and hauled out my dick.

"Fuck that's huge."

"Bigger than anything you've had then?"

"Yes Sir."

"Think you can handle it?"

I could see he was thinking "I want to Sir."

"Good answer shit head. Now suck me and let's see just how you get on, I'm in need of a good fuck and looking at your arse you will be a good ride but you need to make a good job sucking me first."

He started to get to his knees to start sucking. "No, stand up and bend over, show your man cunt to the bar shit head." He moved straight away and then took the large head of my dick in his mouth and licked and sucked round the head. He started to take me into his mouth, he took half of me into his moth before he stopped "Problem shit head." He looked up and shook his head. He pulled off took a deep breath and took me in once more. He went down to the level he had been at before and then slowly descended deeper. I let him go at his own pace as I wanted inside his arse. After a while and lots of attempts my huge bull balls were banging against his chin. "Good boy." I praised he looked up at me with a clearly pleased look on his face, at least it looked please with his mouth and throat full of my big dick. "Now fuck yourself on my dick." He started to use his mouth to go up and down on my dick fucking himself as instructed. I noticed tears in his eyes, tears that showed he was uncomfortable. I was pleased he was good at following orders despite the pain.

I pulled off and pulled him up to his feet. I wiped the tears away with my fingers and kissed him "good boy." I kissed him again "Well done, I think that you now deserve my dick in your arse, you want it?"

"Oh fuck yes Sir, please fuck me Sir." His dick was bobbing up and down ready to shoot a load off. "Please Sir" and he handed me a packet of lube. I took it and spread it over my dick and his arse. He bent over fully and I offered the head of my dick to his arse and pushed inside. His arse opened and took the large head of my dick, I pushed more of me inside "Fuck boy you're tight. This is going to be some ride." I grabbed hold of his hips and slowly pushed more and more inside his incredibly tight arse.

"Oh shit, that feels so fucking good." He said as I pushed more and more inside him.

"Get ready shit head, I am going to force the last few inches inside you as I can't wait any longer." I grabbed hold of his hip and pulled him onto me, he cried out but not in pain, his cry was lust, pure unadulterated lust at being filled entirely by a real man's dick. He started to cry "Have I hurt you shot head?"

"No Sir not at all, it just feels" he stopped talking at shot his cum all over the floor in front of him.

"Yeah, I can feel you tightening your arse muscles as you shoot, oh fuck I am going to cum."

And I shot my load deep inside his arse. I stayed deep as we both came down from shooting our loads. I eventually pulled out of his arse and turned him round. "That. Shit head was one great fuck. Thank you."

"Sir it is me that should say thank you, I have always dreamed about being taken like that."

At that moment the bar Manager came over as he had been collecting glasses near to where we were.

"You need another seeing to then shit head?"

He looked down at the lengthening bulge in his running shorts. He looked up and smiled "Yes Sir. I hope you don't mind sloppy seconds."

"I love sloppy seconds, especially from a guy with a cute cunt like yours." As he patted my arse. "If my mate here has used you then you must be good, come with me shit head."

"Aren't you going to use my name?"

"Shit head is as good as any! Roger look after the bar, I am going upstairs for a fuck."

I had another couple of pints and was about to leave when shit head came from back. "Sir, I'm glad I caught you. Thank you for using me like you did, Oliver is also rough with his fucking and as I am out of work at the moment I am going to start working here as a barman and if I play my cards right he will let me move in as his live in fuck boy. I couldn't be happier, I haven't worked for 9 months and he likes his sex rough as you do without you it would never have happened." He reached up to my lips and kissed me.

"You're welcome shit head."

As I turned to walk home "I will even get used to my new name Sir." He shouted after me. I turned and smiled at him and left for home and my boys.

I got to my front door and cunt opened it, bitch was on the floor in the hallway with his arse up ready for a fucking. "Well bitch, I might have to go out alone more often if this is what I get when I come home." I got to the floor and knelt behind my bitch, I opened my jeans and hauled out my dick "Lick my dick cunt it wasn't cleaned from fucking a lad in the pub." He came round right away and licked and cleaned the head of my dick before licking and cleaning round the shaft. Cunt stepped back and I knelt on the floor and entered my bitch. I fell into him pushing the whole shaft into him. "Mmmm now I am home" and begun fucking hard.

I lasted longer as I had recently shot my load, I was shoving into my bitch as hard as I could.

He loved the slight pain and I loved filling him to maximum and watching his wince as I fucked. Sadly all too soon I felt myself getting close to shooting another load. I felt bitch tighten his arse and start clenching and unclenching. "Oh shit. FUCK" and I unloaded my skinhead cum deep inside my bitch.

"How the fuck do you know when I am going to shoot bitch, you have managed to make me feel fantastic, no-one else has ever managed that and despite your recent fuck-up you are and will always be a great fuck."

"Thank you Master. I know I have been bad recently but I have watched you and I have learnt when you are ready to shoot and my job as your bitch is to give you my Master the best feeling when you fuck me."

I leant down and kissed him giving him my tongue and as I did so I manged to fill his arse with some piss. "Clench those muscles bitch I am going to pull out." I pulled out and went to find his new extra-large metal plug. I put the plug to his anal lips and slowly pushed it inside.

"Oh shit."

"What's up bitch?"

"Sorry Master, its cold that's all."

"Sorry bitch I didn't think" I said with a smirk on my face which he noticed and smiled at me.

"It will soon warm up."

"Yes Master thank you Master." I pushed harder and without any lube on it was a little difficult but the bitch was full of cum and piss. The largest part was difficult for him as he had never taken anything so large before but to give my bitch credit he didn't moan, he just closed his eyes as I gave one final hard push and it went in sealing his arse off.

"How does it feel bitch?"

"It is warming up Master as you said, it feel very nice and as it is very large it is quite heavy, I feel as if I may lose it."

"Sorry bitch but you will just have to concentrate and clench those muscles you use to give me the best feeling ever, I am not going to allow you to wear anything in the house."

"Yes Master of course." Right I am off to do a bit of work in my study, I'm sure you two can amuse yourselves." I went upstairs to the study and I could hear them talking downstairs, cunt was asking how his new plug felt and could he play with it. I heard them both moan and assumed that they were playing. "ENOUGH" I shouted downstairs "that isn't the sort of amusement I meant." They stopped immediately and I smiled to myself.

I got on with the things I needed to do and after about 90 minutes I went back downstairs.

Bitch was cleaning through in the kitchen I sat and watched him for a minute or two as he hadn't yet seen me. His plug started to move and come out of his well-used and well fucked arse, he moaned to himself and before it went too far and dropped on the floor he used his muscles and pulled it back in causing him to moan to himself. "Well done bitch." He jumped out of his skin and turned to look at me. "That was a nice show bitch, turning yourself on like that, I approve."

He grinned at me "Thank you Master."

"Now for your weights." I went and got them and put them on his dick adding yet another weight. His balls were really hanging low by now pulled down by the heavy weights, bitch opened his poppers and took a huge snort, what with the huge metal plug filling his arse and the added weights on his balls and the poppers, the bitch was sky high and rocking his weights turning himself on more and more. I passed him a leather necklace that he could keep his bottle of poppers in, he put it round his neck thanking me.

Cunt came into the room and watched bitch play with his weights and swinging them between his legs, he turned and let us watch his plug come partly out of his arse and then using his strong anal muscles he pulled it back in. I noticed that cunt had a hard on. "Like the show then cunt?"

"Erm, I suppose I must do Sir" he said unsure still of his own feelings.

"Some on cunt, I want to do some more stretching of your arse. Come and watch bitch." We went into the lounge and I sat on the sofa and cunt lay over my legs without even being told. He is learning I thought to myself and he lay there with his plugged arse upwards. I pulled out the plug he had in and lubed up my fingers and shoved three inside him. He moaned and I could tell he was enjoying my fingers, so I added the other two, all five fingers were inside him and I used my index finger and flicked his prostate gland a couple of time and he moaned even more.

"Fuck, shit and oh Jesus" came out of his mouth and I played with his arse.

"That feel nice then cunt?"

"Oh my God yes Sir, it feels fucking great. Please don't stop." I looked at bitch and he smiled and put his thumbs up, I blew him a kiss.

"Bitch get another rubber plug for me, two sizes up I think." He left the room and got it for me, bitch lubed it and handed it to me. "Here we go cunt, this will fill you nicely." And I shoved the plug into him "Here comes the widest part cunt. If you want to cum you had better do it now otherwise I forbid it." He relaxed and shot his load all over my legs and the floor as he was shooting I put the remainder of the plug into his arse sealing it off. I wanted him to associate shooting a load with his arse being used. By the time I had finished with him he would only be able to cum when his arse is full of dick, fist or a huge plug.

"Right go and clean up the pair of you and get the evening meal prepared, the four of us are going out tonight." They disappeared and got on with things whilst I sat reading. I could not get into the book I was reading as once again I was getting horny. I went upstairs and stripped off and put one of my many stinking jock straps, this one was yellow and smelt more of piss than any of the others and it really stank, I even keep this one in a zip lock bag to keep the smell inside. I went back downstairs and stood by the kitchen door, bitch and cunt had their backs to me.

"What's that smell?" asked cunt.

"That's my Master wearing a piss stained yellow jock strap." Bitch turned and came over to me smiling and fell to the floor and looked up at me.

"Well done bitch. Now lick my arse you can have my dick later." He looked up at me with a scared look on his face, I simply smiled and turned. He pulled my muscles arse cheeks apart and sniffed, he put his tongue to my arse lips and licked half-heartedly. "Come on bitch get to fucking work." I wasn't going to shit in his mouth, I wanted him to lick my arse and the sweat that had built up. I might, just might get him to take my shit one day if he was seriously naughty again, that and putting him in his cage.

I started pushing back as bitch licked away, his trust in me won over and he was soon into it.

Licking and even shoving his tongue into my arse. I swung back and faced him, I pulled him up. "Good boy. You see I am a good Master."

"Yes Master, sorry Master, I just thought" I stopped him by putting my fingers to his lips.

"I know what you thought. Now let's eat."

Bitch served me whilst cunt served themselves and they sat on the floor and as soon as I had started they started to eat. "This is nice bitch."

"Nothing to do with me Master. Cunt made this."

"Did he? Cunt come up here." Cunt stood up, you are a good cook, well done. I think that deserves a reward, what would you like?"

He looked to the floor in embarrassment and mumbled "Please Sir can you play with my arse."

Bitch smiled at me and I winked back at him "Sorry cunt I didn't hear you, speak up."

Cunt looked up and a little more confidently "Please Sir can you play with my arse with your fingers?"

"That wasn't difficult was it?"

"No Sir."

I pulled him towards me and I kissed him on the lips and shoved my tongue in his mouth, he took it willingly. "Of course I'll play with your arse as you asked so nicely, now get back on the floor and eat your food."

Cunt got back on the floor and bitch and I looked at each other smiling. The front door opened and Jason came in.

"Where have you been Jason" I said looking at my watch "you are not usually out this late, not that it's an issue."

"Fucking." Was all he said "I'm off for some shut eye, tomorrow I have a test." He went upstairs leaving bitch, cunt and I eating. I finished first and went into the lounge and as soon as cunt and bitch had cleaned up they followed me. Cunt got across my lap and waited.

Bitch was at my feet watching, I smiled at my bitch and pulled the plug from cunt and handed it to bitch who took it into his mouth and sucked on it. I picked up the tube of lube and generally coated my fingers. I applied pressure to cunt's arse lips and they parted and three fingers went inside him, I heard him moan at the entry and he started squirming enjoying the feeling. "At last cunt, you are actually enjoying this aren't you?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy." And I applied more pressure and added another finger. They went deeper until I was able to massage his prostate gland causing cunt to moan this time with pure lust. "You are opening nicely cunt, I think you are ready for me to fuck you."

"Oh okay Sir." And he started shaking with fear.

"Hey calm down cunt, down be scared, yes it will initially hurt but then only pleasure will follow, you do want more pleasure in your arse don't you? "Oh God yes Sir I do want more pleasure but I am so scared that I will like it and want it more and more."

"Well cunt, welcome to the world of serving real men. Time for you to get fucked like the cunt you are."

"Please be gentle with me." And he started crying. I picked him up and lay him on his back on the floor. I sat behind him and lifted his legs over my shoulders and moved in. I put the head of my dick to the entrance of his arse and before pushing inside I grabbed hold of his tits and gave them a twist "Arghhhhhh" and at the same moment I pushed gently into his arse, only the head and a couple of inches. He was more intent on feeling the pain in his tits that any pain inside his arse.

I leant down and kissed him "How do you feel cunt?"

"My tits hurt like crazy."

"But what about your arse?"


"I am inside you cunt, only a few inches but inside nevertheless."

"Oh my God so you are. You twisted my tits so I would not tense up in pain when you entered me." I smiled and nodded at him. "So you are not a real bastard then like I thought, I really thought that you would go in hard and I would end up screaming."

"Look cunt, I want you to enjoy the feeling of getting fucked, it is in my interests to make sure you enjoy every fucking inch of my long hard dick inside your arse. I want you to come back for more I want you to enjoy getting fucked like the pussy you are. I want to see you out and begging guys to fuck your arse so hard that you will never get enough dick in your arse."

"I still" he started sobbing again "don't want this."

"Then why are you pushing back on my dick I am not moving yet you are pushing trying to get the rest of my dick in your arse." He was still sobbing "Now calm down, I told you what you are you would love getting fucked. You do don't you?"

"Yes." He said defeated "Please fuck me, please shove the rest of your huge dick in my arse, I want, no, need to feel the entire thing inside me."

"My pleasure cunt." And I slowly shoved the rest of my dick into his arse, inch by inch. I wanted to push inside him like I do my own bitch and ram the whole thing in one go but like I said I wanted him to come back for more, so slowly I went.

Soon enough he felt my bull balls banging against his arse lips. "My God you are in me all the way." He was smiling now "It feels. It feels fucking great." I started fucking him with long in and out strokes. He was tight as you would expect a virgin arse to feel despite me loosening him up beforehand.

"Hey bitch are you looking forward to cleaning my dick after I have filled this virgin arse with my load?"

"Yes Master, I hoped you would let me." As I fucked cunt I pulled bitch towards me and we kissed.

I moaned into his lips as we kissed, I pulled away "Can you feel it cunt, can you feel my load spreading through your arse?"

"Yes Sir, I can and despite not wanting this. It feels fucking great." And he shot his cum all over his chest, he looked up at me and grinned.

"Good boy." I pushed and pulled my dick in his now wanting arse-hole as I finished unloading. I pulled out and presented my dick to bitch to clean. I noticed cunt lying there with a huge grin across his face. "For someone who though he was straight, you look like one well fucked boy."

"Yes Sir and I am deeply sorry for doubting you." He said as I pulled out of his well fucked and now open hole.

Bitch leant in and started to clean my dick of cum and cunt's anal juices "Here comes your drink bitch." I gave my bitch my hot skinhead piss, he gobbled it up not wasting any.

"Thank you Master."

"You can felch his arse if you want to."

"Please Sir" said cunt. "Please can you plug me, I want to feel your load inside me for as long as possible."

"Bitch go and get a plug." He disappeared and soon came back with one larger than the one he had inside him before. "You sure bitch?" he nodded smiling. "Okay cunt got your arse upwards. Bitch had greased the plug for me and I inserted it, it came to the largest part and I thought that he would tense up making it difficult but he didn't and after a slight tensing up it went inside him sealing him off. "How's it feel cunt?"

"This is larger than the last one isn't it Sir, but it feels fucking great, I am ashamed to say that I love the feeling of having my arse full. Thank you Sir for showing me the way."

I winked at bitch "come on cunt" said my bitch "let's go and clean up and have a shower."

I saw them walk off towards the bathroom, Cunt walking oddly, he needed to get used to being plugged I mused to myself, bitch was shaking his weights on his balls and snorting poppers as he went. I sat there thinking for a while before moving and going to get myself a beer and sat in the kitchen and drank. Six strong bottles of beers later, bitch and cunt came down from the shower. "Master?"

"I needed a beer." I said hiccupping.

"We've only been 20 minutes Master."

"I was thirsty bitch" and I hiccupped again and was sick all over the floor.

"Come on Cunt, please help me get Master to bed." We took him upstairs and cleaned up his mess and then cleaned the kitchen and put him to bed. I stayed with him awake all night to keep an eye on him.

The next morning I woke and it was late, nearly noon. I jumped out of bed and into the shower, bitch was nowhere to be seen although I heard a noise downstairs. I showered and dressed in a pair of nylon shorts. I went down and bitch and cunt were preparing lunch.

"Hello Master, we've prepared lunch, we heard you get up. Please sit and cunt will serve you."

"Erm. What happened last night bitch?" Bitch glanced over at the six empty bottles on the side ready to go out for recycling. "Oh fuck, I remember, I haven't done that for years, I don't know what came over me to make me do that."

"Jason knows nothing about this Master and cunt and I will never mention it again."

"I am sorry you both had to witness that. I do that sort of thing very rarely and I never know what makes me do it, I like a drink but on rare occasions I binge and drink a huge amount in a short space of time like last night."

Cunt served me and I started to eat, bitch and cunt sat on the floor as they usually do and ate. All three of us ate in peace and when I had finished they cleared the things away. "I'm off to the gym to have a work-out." I walked off leaving the cunt and bitch alone.

I came back all hot and sweaty and pleased with my work-out, I worked myself longer and harder than usual, I went into the lounge and my nylon shorts were sticking to me making my dick stand out even more than usual. Bitch and cunt came into the room and I dropped my shorts and stood with my arms behind my head. "Go to work boys!"

Both bitch and cunt worked in unison, they started on my armpits, licking and worshipping. As they moved round and down my body they licked and cleaned each and every muscle group as they went, they reached my feet licking one each. They looked up at me both had ignored my dick. "I think that last muscle should belong to my bitch." Cunt smiled and went to the floor and licked my feet once more whilst bitch took me into his mouth and down into his throat.

I gave him some piss and then grabbed hold of his ears and face fucked him until I shot my load into his throat and down into his stomach. Bitch pulled off my dick and licked my balls "Thank you Master."

"Did you sleep with your ball weights on last night?"

"Yes Master, you have the key and I didn't want to take it without permission, it was uncomfortable wearing them all night but I kept snorting the poppers and that helped."

I couldn't help but smile "Well let me take them off now and you can go for a run as you need some proper exercise." I took them off and loved the way they now hung. "Wow bitch just look they are starting to hang lower and not bounce back up. Looks good bitch. Now wear a smelly jock strap and your yellow nylon shorts, your trainers are by my bed."

"Yes Master." He went and changed and returned in double quick time. He stood in front of me looking very sexy. I started to get hard. "That for me Master?"

"Cheeky bitch, just watch who you are speaking too, I haven't forgotten how you spoke to me when I binge drank yet."

"No Master, sorry Master." And he looked to the floor acknowledging his Master.

"Now go, run for 10 miles and I know how long it should take, be back in time and you can have my dick as a reward, if you arrive early then I will fuck you."

Bitch looked up at me with a huge grin across his face "Yes Master." And turned and left.

"CUNT" I shouted, he came running "If bitch is late arriving home from his run you get my dick and not him." He smiled and nodded. "In the mean-time go into the gym and have a work- out, you are fit and muscular, so you don't need me to tell you what to do, you may be a fuck boy now but that's no reason to lose your muscular body."

"Yes Sir" and he ran off to the gym.

That left me alone with my thoughts. I had no idea why I binge drank like that, the last time was just after my life long or what I thought was my life long partner died of cancer. I then realised the date. It was on this day that he died. I had forgotten but my subconscious hadn't, a small tear came to my eye as I remembered the pain and the heartache of those weeks. I was suddenly pulled out of my maudlin moment by my mobile letting me know a text message had arrived. It was from my brother telling me that he was thinking of me today. `Come on, get your arse in gear and get out of this mood, you have a great bitch and are training and new one for Jason' I said out loud to myself.

I went upstairs and dressed in my favourite skinhead jeans and boots. As bitch didn't like me in t shirts I left that off and wore my braces over my muscular chest. I looked in the mirror and I looked good, my dick making a nice bulge in the jeans. I got some clothes out for cunt and bitch, we were off out to find them both some dick. I went back downstairs and off to the gym, I stood and watch cunt work-out, he was working fucking hard just as I do. He slowed down and looked at me or rather looked at my dick which was starting to get hard and lengthen inside my skin tight jeans. He looked up and into my eyes, we both smiled at each other.

He looked at the clock on the wall and slowed down slightly "Do you regret coming here to see your brother?"

"Fuck no."

"Good." And I turned and left him working out. I went back into the main house and looked at the time, I smiled to myself and went into the kitchen and poured a large drink of water and held it in my hands. The door went right on time and bitch came in slightly out of breath.

I handed him the water and he drank it. "Thank you Master."

"Well done bitch, you are exactly on time." And I leant in and kissed him on the lips. He gave me his tongue and we frenched for a while. "You smell nice bitch. You can have my dick in your arse as a reward but only after it had been filled with lots and lots of cum, don't bother having a shower, run upstairs and get dressed, clothes on the bed."

He smiled at me and went upstairs. Cunt came in the kitchen and I turned and got him a large glass of water. He drank that "Bitch came home on time, as he will get my dick as a reward but we are all going out to get you and bitch filled with cum, clothes on the bed. He finished his drink and too went upstairs.

A short while later they came back, Bitch was dressed like cunt in filthy jock straps, stinking vests with knee high boots. I threw them some shorts for decency "right then come on boys."

I had decided that as it was a nice day we were going to the bogs in the park, all sorts of men went in there looking for dick. The police were well aware of it and left it alone. The boy's would go in, I would take the shorts they wore for decency's sake and I would sit slightly away and sit in the sun but close enough just in case.

"Right boys" I said when we went inside. "Give me your shorts." Bitch striped immediately and cunt looked at bitch and shrugged his shoulders and also took off his shorts. "okay I am going outside and sit in the sun, I will be close enough just in case but far enough away so it won't stop anybody from going in, your task is to get as much dick in your mouth and arse as you can. I'm sure that that won't be difficult for either of you. My bitch is a real slut who will beg for dick and cunt with your fuck me tattoo across his forehead should get you noticed."

I turned and left them and went and sat in the sunshine away from the action.

I saw at least 6 guy go into the toilets from my vantage point over the next 30 minutes and wondered how many had used bitch and cunt. I was enjoying the sunshine and laid back on the soft grass, I heard a noise quite close to me and through squinted eyes I noticed a young man standing just a little way away wearing running shorts and rubbing his bulge staring at me. I don't think he saw me looking "So you like what you see then lad?" he jumped out of his skin and started to run away. "Don't run away, I won't hurt you, I saw you rubbing your dick so I must be turning you on." I said with my best smile trying to relax him.

"You look so scary but so horny as well."

"Why thank you, just the image I like to portray. Come and sit next to me, It is a bit difficult to carry out a conversation from this distance." I could see him thinking for a moment before deciding as his lust won over his fright. He sat down and looked me up and down "Like what you see then?" he simply nodded. I looked round and could see nobody else other than the guys going into the toilets, I grabbed hold of him and pulled him towards me and planted a kiss on his lips "Now isn't that better?"

"Yes Sir" he said automatically.

"Nice answer boy, very respectful." He kept staring at me looking at my muscular body.

He smiled at me for the first time relaxing "my Dad bought me up to be respectful to those in authority Sir and do as they tell you."

"And I am in authority then boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy, well get down and lick my boots." He looked up at me quite shocked. I smiled, grinned and nodded. His clearly strict upbringing made him do as he was told and moved to within licking distance of my boots. He looked up at me and I nodded and grinned once more. He closed his eyes and got to work, he wasn't much good but I encouraged and cajoled him, he soon got into the task and started doing a fairly good job.

After 15 minutes I pulled him up to me and kissed him again, he shuddered and he shot his cum inside his running shorts. "Oh fuck" he said and got embarrassed.

"Don't go red boy, you can make no finer compliment to me that cumming without touching yourself." He looked up at me and smiled. "That's better. Now what school do you go to?"

"Kempton Manor on the high road."

"You must know Jason then?" he nodded and a smile came across his face. "You like Jason?"

"Yes but he doesn't notice me, I'm always keep my distance. I am a little frightened."

"Will you be frightened now?"

"No Sir."

"Good boy, I want you to go up to him tomorrow in school and say to his face that you want to lick and worship his boots."

He grinned "Yes Sir I will. Now I must go as I am going to be late getting back from my run, I'll tell them that I hurt my ankle and a kind man helped me." And he ran off into the distance. I felt as if I had helped a young man find himself and I would be sure to ask Jason if he really did do as I suggested. I smiled to myself and wandered over to the toilet and see what the boys were up to.

I walked in and bitch was bent over getting fucked and cunt was on his knees sucking.

"Having a good time boys?" they both looked at me and nodded, how many bitch?"

"Three in my arse Master and two in my throat."

"And what about cunt?"

"Two in his arse Master and one in his throat."

"Well cunt you need to work fucking harder like my bitch, I want to hear you begging each guy who comes in to fuck you and remember to point to your tattoo across your forehead, I want you to finish up with more dick than my bitch." I turned and walked out back into the sunshine.

It was getting closer to lunchtime and the park was getting a little busier but round the toilet it was quiet and only those that knew what went on were in the vicinity. I saw a steady stream of guys going into the toilet looking for sex, I hope that bitch and cunt were getting well filled. I had already decided that when we got home I would get a fist into each arse, just as Jason got home and he could then take cunt as his own. I was getting horny and in need of a fuck, just at that moment I noticed a guy in skin tight skinny jeans walking towards the toilet. As he turned away from me I noticed his cute bubble arse wiggling as he walked.

`Mmmm I'll have some of that.' I thought. I let him go into the toilet first and got up and wandered over, he was standing there waiting and watching both cunt and bitch get used.

I stood right behind him and pressed my cock bulge to his arse, he didn't look round he just pressed back. "Like the feel of that do you?"

"Oh yeah."

I rubbed his arse caressing it as I went. "I've something that would feel right at home inside you." I took hold of his jeans and managed to get them unzipped, with a struggle I pulled them down all this done without him turning round. I played with his arse using a couple of fingers to enter his arse "Nicely wet too." As I pushed another finger inside him, he automatically bent forward on the wall giving me better access. I used my free hand to take my jeans down and release my huge fucker into the open air. It was rock hard and pointing at my navel.

I pushed it down and put the head of my dick to his arse and pushed it inside "You want it boy, you want it all?"

"Fuck yeah, fuck me."

"Okay" and I rammed all of my huge dick into his cute arse in one swift move. He screamed as my huge dick went in further than anyone else had before, his arse was fucking tight, and I could tell he was used to being fucked but not by one of my size. "Not used to a dick my size then?"

"Fuck no, you are fucking huge."

"Well those two getting fucked like me don't you boys?"

"Yes" they both answered in unison.

"You know these then?" the guy whom I was fucking got out in between the moans of pain.

"The one on the left is my bitch and the other I am training to become a bitch. They both love getting full of cum and piss as they both know that I love fucking a sloppy full hole. Now shut the fuck up and take my dick."

I felt the guy I was fucking relax slightly. I grabbed hold of him and moved him so he was next to bitch and cunt. Three men all lined up fucking three bitch arses. The guys fucking cunt and bitch both moaned simultaneously and unloaded. They pulled out and walked off. "Cunt shove your dick in his mouth."

"Yes Sir." The guy sucked on cunts dick like it was a dummy. Cunt didn't last long and soon shot his load in the guy's mouth. I was fucking harder and harder as the guy was now pushing back. I could feel myself getting closer and closer and soon shot my load deep in his arse.

I pulled out "Clean me bitch and then you can clean his arse with your tongue." I said pointing to the guy I just fucked.

"Yes Master thank you Master." He said smiling and got to work. Bitch cleaned me and stepped back looking up just to check his job was good enough for me. I nodded and he moved over and got his mouth to the lips of his arse and started slurping. Cunt was on his knees looking at me and at bitch wondering if he was going to be given any further instruction. My dick was still half hard, so I beckoned him over. "Back onto my dick cunt."

He turned and grabbed hold of my dick and backed onto it, he knew it was better to obey, I knew he thought I was too big for him and that made it all the better for me. I pushed inside him feeling all the loads inside as I pushed in inch by inch in his still delightfully tight arse despite the fuckings he had received today.

I wanted to christen his arse by having a piss, this would be a new experience for him and bitch would just love drinking my piss from his brother's arse. I started letting go, only a little at a time and then all of a sudden a rush and I was pissing like a racehorse. "Oh fuck" said cunt "Shit that feels good, what are you doing Sir?"

"I am pissing in your arse cunt, so when I pull out you had better clench that arse of yours as I do not want you spilling any as bitch will enjoy taking my piss from your arse." I heard bitch moan "Have you cum at all today bitch?"

He pulled away from his arse cleaning "No Master, you haven't given me permission to cum." And he got back to licking the guys arse.

"Well you had better shoot your cum now then." I heard a huge grunt from my bitch his mouth locked to the guys arse and he shuddered and shot his cum inside the jock strap.

Bitch finished cleaning and sat back on his knees "Thank you Master for allowing this bitch to shoot his cum." He sat and watched me fill cunt's arse with my piss, I had stopped pissing by now and was just enjoying being inside an incredibly tight arse full of cum and piss.

"You want to drink my piss back from your brother. Bitch?"

"Yes Master if it pleases you."

"Please Sir." Said the guy I fucked earlier. "Please may I suck the piss from him?"

I smiled at him and at bitch who also smiled. "As you asked me so nicely, go for it." He moved round on his knees and got behind cunt and shoved his mouth to his arse lips. "Right cunt, start pushing slowly and let my piss out into the willing mouth licking your arse." Bitch moved closer to me and licked my boots but still watching the scene in front of us both.

So there we were standing in a toilet all four of us, my bitch licking my boots, cunt getting his arse eaten out of all the cum and piss by a guy I had fucked and my dick hanging out of my skin tight bleached skinhead jeans. We heard a noise and all turned. A young man stood stock still looking at the scene before him "Anything left for me?" as he grouped his dick through his denim shorts.

"Well they are all busy but my dick needs attention" he dropped his shorts and bent over pulling his arse cheeks apart. I reached out and used a finger and rubbed his arse lips, he was lubed up "Mmmm nice." He backed up and I put the head of my dick to his arse and pushed inside. He was pushing back as I entered him. "Greedy aren't you."

"Sorry Sir" he must have known I was an alpha male. "But it has been a while since I was fucked as my father locked a plug in my arse and only took it off so I could shit.

"Were you a bad boy?" I asked as I fucked him.

"Daddy caught me in my bedroom being double fucked by the twins next door. He watched as both of them fucked me hard and as soon as they shot inside me, he threw them out and told me that if anyone was going to fuck me it would be him and him alone.

He locked my arse up."

"So how come you are here now getting fucked?" I made the point by grabbing hold of him and ramming into him as hard as I could and he took it, still ramming back at me.

"I found Daddy's key, I left it all on the bed where he would see it when he got home from work, he will be angry but the pain of the beating he will give me pales into insignificance when I can get horny fuckers like you to fill me with lots of cum."

"So how many?"

"You are the sixth this afternoon Sir." I pounded into him harder and harder knowing I was fucking his arse after 5 other randy guys.

"Here I cum boy." And I unloaded inside him. I pulled out of him as soon as I had finished and he turned and cleaned my dick for me.

"Does your Daddy beat you often?"

"Not often Sir but I sometime play up, that way he gets the cane out, and I love getting beaten but he doesn't realise that, he thinks he is chastising me but I love it, especially if he fucks me right afterwards."

I leant down and kissed him. "Right come on boy's time for home." The three of us left the toilet and only when we were outside did I hand the boys the shorts they wore for the walk home.

"Right" I said as soon as we got indoors "strip off and get side by side on the floor." I went upstairs and stripped my skinhead gear off and just put my new 30 lace hole external steel toe capped boots on with red socks and laces. I picked up the lube and went downstairs.

Both of them looked at me and then at my boots. "Turn over and get doggy." they obeyed and I generously lubed both hands and part of my forearms. "Light one of my special cigarettes each of you and smoke that and use the poppers both of you. Snort at much as you can and don't fucking stop smoking either." Bitch knew what was coming but cunt had no idea but he soon would.

I put the fingers of both hands to an arse each, two fingers became three and three became four. I played with those four fingers opening them nicely for the onslaught to come.

They were nicely relaxed due to the poppers and the cigarette. I wrapped my thumb in and made my hand as small as possible and slowly pushed. I didn't force it and slowly ever so slowly pushed and pulled my hand inside each of their tight arses.

All of a sudden they went inside and I had a fist inside both bitch and cunt. Cunt moaned out loud and bitch tried to push himself onto my hand. "Let me do the work bitch." I stopped moving and let them get used to my hand inside them. "Good boys, well done." I said calmly as I wanted them to stay totally relaxed. I started pushing deeper and then started twisting. Cunt shot his cum all over the wooden floor, I smiled to myself "okay bitch you can shoot if you need to." And he did, he shot all over the floor and more cum that I had seen him shoot before.

I carried on twisting my hand inside each arse until I started to get tired "stay relaxed boys, have a long hard snort of poppers as I am pulling out now." They sniffed and I pulled my hands from each of their arses with a loud plop." No blood which was good.

"Now how do you feel and be honest."

Cunt spoke first "That was the most amazing feeling ever, I never knew being gay would give me and allow me to have such sensations and feelings that I never thought possible even when I fucked my ex-wife. I will be eternally grateful."

"Well bitch?"

"Thank you Master for fisting me like that, I never knew that I would be able to take you like that but I am pleased I did, when can we do it again and deeper?"

"Good boy." And I kissed my bitch deeply.

"Thank you bitch for trusting me with your body, I have wanted to do that with you for so long, and also you cunt. Now cunt, go upstairs and into Jason's bedroom, you belong to him now."

He smiled at me and just as he was about to leave he kissed me and we exchanged tongues. "Thank you for training me Sir. I can't wait for my new Master to come home from school." He turned and left the room.

He showed his head round the corner. Will you still use me?" he said hopefully.

"Of course Jason and I share but Jason will control your life now and not me. Now go."

He went upstairs and into Jason's bedroom. Bitch turned and crawled towards me and he kissed me deeply "What was that for bitch."

"To say thank you for showing cunt what he really is, you are a good judge of character. He and Jason will be good together." And bitch lay his head on my lap rubbing his head on my half hard dick.

My cell phone rang, after a brief conversation I cut the call. "The rubber suit for cunt is ready, dress in your skinhead gear and go and collect it bitch."

"Yes Master." He dashed off and came down dressed for me to look over you'll do bitch, now turn round." He turned round and I reached up and pulled down the zip round his arse showing his plugged arse.

"That's better now go." Just as bitch left Jason appeared from home school "cunt is upstairs in your bedroom, he is yours now. Bitch is collecting his work clothes and he will start work tomorrow." Jason smiled and dashed upstairs.

"Hello uncle" I heard Jason say and he closed his door, I knew that Jason would be randy after school as he usually is and cunt will be one used uncle by the time dinner is ready.

I needed to go to the gym for a work-out but I was knackered, so I had a snooze instead or at least that's what I decided, until I heard screams from upstairs. I smiled to myself as cunt was probably being filled by his new Master and Jason certainly knew how to fuck. `Better go to the gym then' as I smiled to myself. I took my boots off and put my trainers on, and I walked over to my gym.

Bitch would be a couple of hours and I would have built up a nice sweat by the time he got back. I got on with my work-out working each muscle group in turn. I pushed myself harder and really built up a nice sweat for my bitch. I looked at the clock and slowed down a little and after 30 minutes I stopped and walked back to the house, I looked in the mirror mmmm looking good' I said to myself bitch will love the sweat' I went into the kitchen and poured myself a large glass of water and took my trainers off.

The front door went and bitch came into the kitchen, he looked at me sniffed and fell to the floor at my feet looking up at me. "Bitch?"

He said nothing except look up at me. He knew that as I didn't ask him a direct question he was unable to speak. I drank my water as bitch sat looking up at me.

"Oh fuck it." Said bitch "I know this means a beating Master but Please I beg you, give me permission to lick you all over. You smell fucking heavenly."

I smiled down at him. "Yes bitch it does mean a beating but since you begged me like that then yes, you can lick me." He got to work on my sweaty feet first and slowly worked his way up my body. "You realise of course that the beating will be severe and that will make me even hornier, don't you bitch?"

Bitch looked up at me grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah I thought you might, well get back to fucking work then bitch, the sooner you have had your fill of the sweat from my muscular body, the sooner I get to beat the shit out of you and the sooner I can fill your arse with my huge dick."

"Yes Master" and he got back to work with renewed vigour. Bitch took his time and worked up my body enjoying himself. He got to my nipples and took them into his mouth and gently bit them, he knew me well enough to know that I loved that and he also knew how hard to bite them giving me the correct amount of pain and that of course sent a message to my dick which got harder than it already was.

I grabbed hold of him and pulled his head up to mine, we kissed and I shoved my tongue deep into his mouth, he sucked hard trying to pull even more of me into his mouth. He released the suction and I pulled his head away "strip." Was all I said and he took his clothes off laying them neatly. "Move" and I pointed to the lounge but not before taking his plug out.

He ran into the lounge and lay over the settee so his arse was pointing upwards, he got the flogger and the cat and lay them close to him. "Somebody's eager today then."

He giggled "shut that fucking row now. No bitch of mine of going to giggle like a fucking schoolgirl, even if you do like getting fucked like one."

"Yes Master, Sorry Master."

I picked up the flogger first and got myself ready. "Here we go bitch." And I went for it, no soft hits this time, he was getting the full force of my beating on every fucking hit. "Count bitch."

I kept on hitting him as he counted, Bitch got to 10 and I stopped and changed to the cat. I moved a little way away, that way I got a little more room to swing the cat properly. "Here it comes again bitch." After the first hard hit, bitch remembered to count. When he reached 10 I again stopped beating him. I caressed his arse lovingly "Fuck that feels very nice bitch, very red and looks very sore. I pushed a finger into his arse followed by another and another.

Bitch was moaning all the time now loving the attention from his butch Master. "I so want to fist you again bitch but I must fuck you.

I got my dick to the lips of his arse and lunged inside, pushing the entire length inside him.

"Ah that's much better." Bitch just moaned at being filled to entirety by me huge dick. "I could do this all day, just stand here fucking my bitch in long in and out strokes."

I fucked him gently and I fucked him hard, I varied the pace between the two to prolong me shooting cum into his cute arse, but sadly I was too horny and I ended up banging away harder than ever and losing my load deep inside him. "Shit, I so wanted that to last." I pulled out and bitch moved and looked at me, I gave a simple nod and he moved in taking me into his mouth to clean my dick. With my dick still in his mouth he looked up at me. "I suppose you want to suck me and take me deep into your throat now bitch, hoping to get some piss I suppose?" I said with a huge grin. Bitch smiled back he could not answer with his mouth full but I got the message. "Go on then."

Bitch took me into his throat inch by inch until my bull balls were lodged against his chin.

"Yeah" I said almost out of it "you do that so fucking well bitch" I felt bitch start to throat suck me, he stayed deep and he banged his lips against my bull balls, he tightened and loosened his throat as he sucked my dick using only his throat "I shall never understand how you do that bitch. FUCK" I screamed out and shot my load directly into his stomach. "You happy now you have a second load from me bitch?"

He pulled off my dick and sat back "Yes Master, I am always happy when I am being filled or full of my Master's hot skinhead cum." I grabbed hold of him and pulled him up from the floor. I kissed him deeply caressing him as I did so.

Come and sit with me on the sofa." He shook his head and I smiled, I moved and got on the floor next to bitch. "Suckle on my nipples bitch and if you managed to get my dick hard and pointing to my navel you have permission to sit on it and fuck yourself and don't forget the beating I owe you."

"Yes Master" he said with a huge grin "This is one challenge I know I can win." He looked to the floor scared he had said too much.

"Bitch" I said with as much fear in my voice as I could muster. He looked up at me to find me grinning and laughing. "Do you think I would give you something to do that you would fail at?" Bitch started to laugh himself "you are so easy to scare bitch that's why I love you so much, I am pleased that I can scare you and you take my beatings with pleasure. Now fucking get to work on my nipples bitch and just see if you can make my dick rise to the occasion." He looked down at my dick which was only half hard.

"What happens if I fail Master?"

"I'll have to give that some thought but you won't will you?" I said grinning. Bitch smiled back shaking his head and got to work on my nipples. He took one into his mouth and started gently biting me, bitch knew what I liked and bit me a bit harder. He moved onto the other and did the same. He looked up at me and grinned as he saw me smile. I closed my eyes as he bit just a bit harder. I enjoyed the slight pain he gave me as he serviced my nipples.

"Mmmm I could have you do that all day bitch, but you can now do as I promised." He looked down and my dick was once more rock hard and pointing directly at my navel.

"Thank you Master." And he moved and sat down facing me, he lined up his arse with my dick and pushed himself on me. He was sitting on my lap with a huge smile across his face "Mmmm thank you Master for allowing me to fuck myself, I adore it so much when I am filled by your manhood.

"So you should bitch." He looked up at me and as I was smiling he knew I was jesting. I moved closer to his face and we started kissing. "Do you want to fuck yourself?"

"Master, please can I just sit on you like I am and kiss you for a while, I mean I love you fucking me more than anything but this sensual kissing whilst I am sitting on you is so nice."

"For once bitch you can do what you want to please yourself. Now kiss me." We kissed exchanging tongue, just as Jason and cunt appeared.

"We need some food as I need to a hell of a lot more fucking before morning and I need the energy and I know cunt does too, I have nearly worn him out. Turn round cunt." He turned and showed us his arse, it was dripping cum and piss and very relaxed due to the constant pounding from his new Master.

"Come on cunt, you can cook me something to eat." And they disappeared into the kitchen, I noticed a very satisfied grin on his face as they walked off, bitch noticed too.

Bitch and I kissed each other "I think cunt is happy Master, don't you?"

"Yes bitch, I believe he is loving attending to his new Master despite him thinking he was straight." Bitch started fucking himself and he bobbed up and down on my lap sending waves through us both. "Yeah that's more like it bitch, fuck yourself on my dick, mmmm so nice. As he fucked himself he clenched his anal muscles giving me even more good vibrations. "ARRGGGGGH" and I unloaded more cum. Bitch sat down so my dick was lodged deeply inside him, he clenched and unclenched his anal muscles as I unloaded rope after rope of hot skinhead cum. "Fuck that was good." I kissed my bitch "Thanks bitch."

"I am glad you enjoyed it Master, I love serving you and thank you for filling me, and I only feel complete when I have my Masters cum deep inside me."

"Do you need to shoot bitch?"

"Desperately Master." I smiled at him wanting to shoot his cum but couldn't until I told him he could do. Jason and cunt came through with the food and disappeared upstairs.

"Right bitch, on the floor." He pulled on my dick and got to the floor, I got down with him but in a 69 position. "I think after the fantastic fuck you deserve a treat." Bitch took me into his mouth and down into his throat, I took bitch into my mouth balls as well, his dick was so fucking small but at least his balls were hanging down more due to his weights but I could still get all of him in my mouth. Bitch shot his load straight away and it never ceased to amaze me how much cum his small tackle produced. I pissed into his throat and directly into his stomach.

"Sorry bitch no cum at the moment, I'm running on empty after that session." We moved and kissed.

"Thank you Master. I" Bitch stopped talking.

"Carry on bitch, what were you going to say?"

"Nothing Master."

"Yes you were, go on say it."

"I'm embarrassed Master."

"Look bitch, I think I know what you were going to say. So I will say it for you. I thought that after the death of my boyfriend I would never find love again, but I have. I love you so very much and I have Jason to thank for bringing you to me, I shall remember that forever." Bitch started to cry and he hugged me deeply. I pulled him away and we kissed each other.

"Now go and get me the suit for cunt, I need to look at it and check it over oh and remember this bitch, nothing changes. If you fuck up I will lock you in your cock cage and if you fuck up severely I will lock you in the cage for at least a week and make you eat your own shit."

Bitch shuddered at the thought of eating his own shit again. "I understand Master." And he ran out of the room to get the package he left by the door.

He came in and sat at my feet and handed me the parcel, I got the suit out and looked it over. The rubber suit was perfect and would fit his muscled body to perfection and show all his muscles nicely, of course I particularly loved the hole at the arse, so anybody could fuck him. "What do you think bitch?"

"I think he'll hate it Master."

"Yes I think you are right and I can't wait to get him into it in the morning before he goes to work."

Bitch sat at my feet quietly whilst I looked at the suit and imagining cunt wearing it at his new job. I felt my feet being licked, I looked down and bitch looked up at me. I smiled and gave a simple nod "Would you like something to eat or drink Master?"

"A drink would be nice bitch thank you." He disappeared and came back a few minutes later with two beers. "Perfect just what I need right now." I took them both and put one on the side and started on the other. Bitch got back to my feet and lay quietly and occasionally licking my bare feet.

Cunt came down with the empty plates and took them into the kitchen. "You look knackered cunt?"

"Yes Sir I am, Master has so much energy and his cum seems never to end and his hard on hasn't gone down yet." He said with a huge smile. "Please may I go Sir, Master told me to hurry." I nodded and he left to go back upstairs.

"Come on bitch let's go for a run and see what happens." Bitch ran upstairs and came down with shorts, tops and our trainers. I pulled on my shorts and top whilst bitch put my trainers on. He then dressed himself. We went out the front door and I turned towards the park and we made off. I took it easy as bitch wasn't yet that fit but he was getting better, faster and had more energy. As one point I decided to speed up as I wanted to see how he was doing. I was a little shocked as he managed to keep up and didn't show any signs of flagging. We reached the park and stopped for a drink of water from the fountain. "Well done bitch, you are doing very well."

"Thank you Master, I am starting to enjoy running now my fitness levels are getting better."

"Right then, I was going to go into the park to get us some dick but now I think that we will run a little longer and further before the dick. Come on bitch." I heard bitch moan as I set off on a slightly brisker pace than the one we used to get here, to his credit and my surprise bitch managed to keep up with me.

We managed to run for another 30 minutes, I looked at bitch and noticed he was starting to tire out, so I stopped turned and jogged towards the park. We went in a shop and bought some water as I had a few coins inside my shorts. Bitch started to drink it quickly. "Slowly bitch, just sip it and do not gulp, it will satisfy your thirst more." He did as he was told and I drank mine. We walked into the park and made our way to the back of the park and into the hedge to get to the cruising area.

Bitch stripped off his t shirt and shorts and I did the same and handed them to bitch. "Not shy of your pathetically tiny dick anymore then bitch?"

"No Master, wouldn't do any good if I was, besides it is down to you that I am not." I pulled bitch towards me and kissed him. "Now go and find yourself a man to fuck you." He smiled and walked off. I went by another path looking for some arse or throat to fuck. I wandered round and the place was quiet, too quiet for me and walked into the clearing and sat on the grass in the hot sunshine.

I didn't doze off but my mind was wandering and I lay with my eyes closed thinking of the last few months. I was woken but a nice feeling on my dick, I opened my eyes and assumed that bitch had found me and was pleasing himself again, I was ready to remonstrate with him until I noticed that it wasn't bitch sucking me "Well hello." I said not wanting to scare him.

He looked up at me with a huge smile in his eyes. "This is very nice." I noticed he too was naked and his clothes were lying beside me.

"You have a nice big dick, much bigger than my mate."

"Do you get fucked?" I reached and felt his arse not giving him the opportunity to refuse, it was nice and loose and wet. "You have a nice sloppy arse. Yes very nice. Turn round as I need a fuck." He hesitated but his lust for my huge dick won over. He moved and hovered above my dick. I shoved my dick into his arse and pulled him down onto me. I was a mean fucker when I wanted to be and he was cute and I needed to be balls deep.

He moaned partly in pain and partly in lust. I fucked up and down as he raised and lowered his arse. He was fairly small and I wanted a harder fuck, I picked him up in my muscled arms without taking my dick and managed to manoeuvre him so I could fuck him properly.

"Mmmm that is much better." I said ramming in and out of his arse.

The guy was moaning all the time and he had a smiled plastered across his face as I fucked.

I leant down and shoved my tongue into his mouth, as I leant in for the kiss I was able to fuck harder and deeper. "You." I said in between kisses "Have a great arse to fuck and I love fucking hard, just ask my bitch who is around here somewhere, and hopefully getting fucked himself."

He smiled at me and I closed my eyes and rammed into him a few more times before I yelled out "Yeah fucking take my hot skinhead cum you bastard." And I pumped out rope after rope of hot cum filling his arse.

"Wow that was great thanks" he said after I pulled out. "I don't think I have ever been fucked that hard before." He leant up and kissed me and he dressed and walked off into the bushes. I lay back down on the soft grass my dick still half hard and in need of more attention being the horny bastard I am.

I got up and walked around, I noticed my bitch on his knees sucking on a dick "turn round"

they guy said with authority, bitch turned saw me and smiled, he pulled his arse cheeks apart and the guy entered him. I smiled back and walked off looking for more dick of my own.

I was walking along when out of the bushes appeared a skinhead in full gear "Well what the fuck do you think you are doing you fucking queer cunt."

I smiled at him "Looking for guys to suck my dick. Why what are you doing here?"

"I certainly ain't queer, I'm ere to do a bit of queer bashing." And he approached me ready to kick me in the nuts with his steel toe capped boots. I was too quick for him and grabbed his boot and he kicked out and he fell to the floor, I quickly got on top of him and managed to subdue him.

I was so positioned that my dick was at his crotch and my face very close to his. My dick responded and started to get harder and harder. I pushed his arms above his head and lowered my face to his "So they say that most queer bashers are usually gay themselves. I would like to find out if it is true of not."

"Fuck off you queer cunt." He snarled and spat in my face.

I wiped it away "You'll regret that." I forced myself on him and managed to get my tongue in his mouth, he fought back trying to push me away. "Mmmm I like a boy who resists, makes the sex worthwhile. I kissed him again and this time he was unable to resist. He tried forcing me away but in the end he gave up and accepted me as the stronger of the two.

I moved away and he was by now totally relaxed and accepted me kissing him, in fact he returned the kiss. I smiled "I knew I was right."

"I thought that all queers were limp wristed handbag carrying poofs."

"Well I am not like that and as far as I am aware, none of my mates are either." I got off him and he sat up. I rubbed his crotch and his dick was hard as was mine. "Now, where do we go from here?" I grabbed hold of his Fred Perry and ripped it off of him as I wanted to look at his chest.


"Shut the fuck up, I am in charge here." I squeezed his tits and he moaned but not in pain "You are a good looking skinhead and a lot of my mates would be very interested in getting to know you." I stood up and my huge dick was in his face dripping pre-cum. "Well?" He shook his head "Just fucking do it boy." He licked the head of my dick with his tongue once and pulled away. "I fucking knew you were interested." I pulled his hard to my dick and shoved it inside not caring if he could breathe or not, I felt his dick getting harder and harder as I fucked his face.

"You like it rough then, I fucking knew you would." He moaned as I fucked his face. I was getting close and I was going to give him my load. As I felt myself cumming I pulled him onto my dick as hard as I could and dropped my load deep in his throat.

After I pulled out "Thanks I needed that, you took that like you have done it before."

"That was the first time truly."

"Give me you mobile phone." He hesitated "Now fucker." He handed it over and I programmed my number into it and handed it back "You have my number. When you want more of the same, ring me and I'll introduce you to a mate of mine who's looking for a nice skinhead boy to train as his bitch, oh and he is a rougher bastard than me." I said with a huge grin "He loves to wrestle in full skinhead gear and if it is muddy then so much the better."

He smiled and nodded. "Thanks." He reached in and kissed me and walked off, just as bitch came round the corner.

"Had a good time Master?"

"Yes bitch, time for home." We walked off and just before we hit the park we put on our shorts. "I need a piss bitch." We were in the middle of the park in view of everyone who wanted to look. "Well bitch?" Bitch looked around and noticed a bench a little out of the way but still in view. He took my hand and led me to the bench, I sat down and bitch got on the floor in between my legs, he pulled my shorts and my dick flopped out, he looked up at me and I smiled and gave a nod. Bitch took me into his mouth and down into his throat. I let go and bitch just moaned at me as he took my piss, his eyes closed in ecstasy.

I finished my piss and put myself away after pushing bitch away from me. "You bitch bring out the worst in me." He looked up a little scared but I just laughed and grinned at him "I have always wanted to do that in public, one day I want to fuck you in public too."


"Yes bitch."

"I always wanted to fuck my ex-wife in public but she said I was a disgusting pervert."

We looked at each other not caring who was around and we kissed each other deeply. We heard sounds of disgust from passers-by but I didn't care and I know bitch was okay as he was with me. "Come on bitch" I said loudly "let's go home as I want to fuck your sloppy arse." I took his hand and we ran home.

As soon as we got indoors bitch stripped off and went into the lounge and laid on his back and got his legs in the air. I stood in the doorway and looked at my bitch eager for my dick.

"Push out bitch." He pushed his arse and a few spots of cum leaked out "fuck that is so horny to see, let me add to it?" Bitch moaned in delight at that thought and I got in behind him and shoved the head of my dick into his arse. "Do you want me to fuck you hard or do you want me to make love to you bitch?"

"I don't care Master, please fuck me. Nobody fucks me like you do." I lifted his legs higher and reached down and kissed him, my arms under his legs pushing his arse higher and ready for me to fuck him hard. As I kissed him I fell on him pushing my huge length and girth into him. "Yeah fuck me Master. Fuck me good." He screamed out.

"You can never get enough of me can you bitch" he shook his head "you would have me do this to you all day every day and never stop wouldn't you?" bitch whined and shot his cum everywhere. "Mmmm I see you would then is that what made you cum without permission bitch?"

"Yes Master, but you are such a fucking horny bastard talking like that, I just couldn't help myself. After you fuck me Master please beat me." He said almost begging.

I smiled at him and leant in for a kiss "Who am I to disappoint my bitch when he begs me for a beating." I rammed in and out of my bitch whilst I kissed him and I moaned into his mouth as I unloaded cum deep inside his arse, as I unloaded he shot another load all over the two of us. "Mmmm that means even more beating bitch, losing two loads without permission."

"Yes Master" he said with a smile knowing that after a severe beating I would be horny again and would want to use his arse or throat for another rough fuck.

I pulled out of bitch and he moved so as to clean my dick for me, he looked up wanting to know if I needed to piss but I shook my head and he stopped and moved away. "Go into the lounge and get your arse over the coffee table." He ran into the lounge as I went upstairs. I chose a rattan cane that was new and the paddle, I would start with the paddle and introduce the cane.

I made my way downstairs but Jason stopped me and saw the cane and paddle in my hands "bitch been naughty again."

"Yeah. Shot his load, twice both without permission. I think he does it on purpose." I looked into Jason's bedroom and cunt was fast asleep "worn him out?"

Jason smiled. "He is one well fucked Uncle, I'll let him sleep for a while and I can recharge my batteries before I start using him again."

"Okay no problem but he needs to be up at 6 am for work." Jason nodded and went downstairs, he turned and looked at me my dick was rising once more. He smiled and shook his arse at me.

"Maybe I'll let you at my arse again one day when cunt is a work."

"I can't wait." And Jason disappeared into the kitchen and I went into the lounge and shut the door. "I see you are waiting at instructed. See this bitch" and I showed him the new cane. "This will hurt more than anything else I have used on you, but first the paddle to warm you up."

I got to work and started hitting him with the paddle, soft strokes to begin with, I got harder and harder. His arse started to go red so I slowed down and stopped. I rubbed his arse, it was nice and warm to the touch and very red. "Mmmm nice. That was for cumming once without permission bitch are you ready for round two?"

"Yes Master." I picked up the cane and swiped it in the air, it made a whoosh sound. The next swipe went on his arse, I saw him tense up which made me smile as it would give him more pain. I used my arm muscles to hit him five times with the cane before stopping. He was quietly sobbing to himself but his tiny dick was hard, so I knew everything was okay. I rubbed his arse gently and went round to his dick and rubbed that too, through the tears he started moaning.

"You're okay then?" He nodded and I picked up the cane "five more should do it bitch." I swiped at his arse harder and harder, by the final 10th hit I used all my strength on his arse. I put the cane down and his arse although very red and had a few welts was okay, I had not drawn any blood. I used the cream and caressed his arse. He started to moan again and the tears were all gone. I used a finger and entered his arse.

"Oh my God Master please don't stop." Before I used more fingers on him, I reached for the lube and liberally coated my fingers and hand. I used all four fingers this time and pushed into his arse, I curled my thumb into my hand and gave one almighty push and my hand disappeared. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he screamed out."

"Am I hurting you bitch" I said with a little concern in my voice, I love my sex rough but I wouldn't want to hurt him.

"No Master it feels so fucking nice, I need to cum so fucking badly, please, please, please, let me shoot!"

"Okay bitch since you asked so nicely. Yes." And his whole body shuddered as he unloaded his cum all over the coffee table and the floor. He started to cry once more and through the tears "Oh Master that was the best orgasm I have ever had, I have never felt anything like that before, I feel totally drained."

I pulled my hand from his arse and picked up my bitch and took him upstairs and into the bath. I used the shower head and cleaned him all over and put him to bed where he fell asleep immediately. I sat on the bed with him and looked at him sleeping soundly and with a smile plastered across his face. I kissed his forehead "I love you bitch, more than you'll ever know." I left him and went downstairs in just a jock strap.

I decided to go to the gym and work out, I would go to bed without a shower and let bitch smell my sweat when he woke up next to me.

I had a hard workout and as it was a hot evening I had built up a nice sweat. I went back to the house and upstairs, bitch was still asleep. I took the jock off and lay it in front of him on the pillow. I got behind him nice and quietly, he stirred and pushed back automatically but he was still asleep.

I woke up just as bitch was stirring from his slumber. "You okay bitch?"

He turned to face me "yes Master." He reached over and kissed me. "You smell nice Master."

"Thanks bitch, what was the kiss for?"

"For giving me the best orgasm I have ever had and I apologise for falling asleep on you when you were probably horny after having to beat me."

I grinned at my bitch and kissed him, I leant in and whispered in his ear. "I am still horny and in need of a piss"

I have never seen my bitch move so fast, he was down at my crotch and had my dick in his mouth and down into his tight throat, quick as a flash. He looked up at me and saw me grinning which quickly turned to laughter. "I do love you bitch." A small tear appeared in his eye, which I swept up with my finger and licked it.

I let my piss go and bitch pulled off slightly as he wanted to taste me, which I let him do. As soon as I finished I pulled him up to me and I kissed him only to find he had kept a mouthful and passed it to me.

"Naughty bitch." I said not really meaning it. "Come here this instant." I pulled him towards me and we lay down together on the bed snuggling each other. "Time for sex later bitch, I want to hold you for a while." He looked up and another tear appeared. "I know bitch." And I kissed the top of his head and pulled him into an embrace and we rested for a while.

Some hours later I came too and I was still cuddling my bitch to my chest. I looked at the clock and realised it was morning. I kicked him out of bed "Sorry bitch but it is time to get up and get cunt ready for work. Go and make breakfast."

"Yes Master." And he disappeared downstairs. I had a very quick shower and pulled on a pair of satin shorts and went down to meet him. Cunt and Jason soon appeared.

"Right cunt, this is what you wear to work." I handed him the rubber suit. He looked at me pleading with is eyes. "Bitch show cunt how to put the suit on, take him in the lounge while Jason and I eat." They went off and Jason and I ate the breakfast that bitch had prepared.

A while later they came back into the kitchen, I have to say that cunt looked fucking ace in the suit, his muscles showed through the rubber and it fitted him perfectly. "Turn round" he turned and I saw the hole at his arse, as did Jason.

"Hey a fuck hole."

"Just think Jason." I said "He can get fucked all day long when at work and he won't have to undress.

"How do I piss?"

"Duh – inside the suit, where the fuck else do you think you'll piss?" I threw him his waders that Martin sent over for him "Put these on to complete the outfit."

He looked at me questioningly. "They fucking stink."

"You are going to work in a sewage works, all the workers love muck and mess and love to fuck a nice bitch cunt like you. Just then the door went. "That'll be your boss. Go and let him in."

Cunt went to the door and bought in a good mate of mine "cunt this is pig boss, pig boss this is cunt."

"You and I will get along nicely cunt. I am a horny fucker and always in need of a nice cute muscled hole to fill."

"Just make sure you come home with your arse full cunt, you know by now that I love fucking a loose sloppy hole."

"Yes Master." He turned and left with pig boss.

"I hope you are trained in piss cunt." We heard as they left the house.

"Right thanks for breakfast bitch, I'm off to school."

"Okay bitch what do you want to do today?" he was about to speak but I stopped him "apart from have me fuck you all day." He closed his mouth and smiled. "I know you only too well don't I bitch?"

"Yes Master. I can tell you have showered Master, how about going for a run or to the gym, than I can lick you all over."

I looked at bitch and laughed "Okay bitch, I need to work out anyway. Come and watch me."

As we walked towards the gym, I felt as if my life was now complete. I had a bitch I loved and Jason a bitch of his own too. I loved my bitch so very much, as we walked over to the gym I stopped and turned to bitch and kissed him deeply and lovingly. "I love you." I said to him as I pulled away, bitch cried and I picked him up and carried his the last few metres. "I never thought that I would find somebody to love after losing my boyfriend to cancer. I love you so very much." And I kissed him again.

"Master, I have always loved you, when you used to walk past my house before that bitch of a wife left me, I used to cum without even toughing myself. I always thought that you would never look at a pathetically tiny dicked bitch like me. But I love you too and I adore what you have done to me." I kissed Master on the lips again.

"Enough of this fucking slop" I said grinning "Let me get on with my workout, I'll soon build up a nice sweat for you to clean." I said winking and went over and started my workout.


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