Skinhead Master

By Iain Bell

Published on Mar 2, 2023


Skinhead Master – CH8

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I got on the tube and went into town where I met my brother. He owed me a favour or two.

The deal was quickly done and he promised it would be delivered this afternoon. It cost me a fortune to get it so quickly but needs must. "Now am I going to get a fuck from my older and always horny brother?"

"I thought you would never ask." He dropped his shorts and bent over pulling his arse cheeks apart. "I hope your arse is as good as I recall Josh."

He turned and smiled "no one has managed to fill me quite like you do, I miss you fucking me. Just ram that huge thing inside me and fuck." I smiled back, blew him a kiss and shoved my meaty weapon inside my brother's arse.

I started fucking him nice and slow as I knew I was close as I hadn't had a fuck since last night and being a perpetually horny bastard, I can't do without for long. "Come on, fuck me hard you cunt." He screamed.

"You want it hard, okay then Josh." I grabbed hold of him and rammed my huge fucker in and out of him so hard. "Oh fuck." And I unloaded deep in his arse. I stayed put deep in his arse as I wanted to unload some piss, Josh wasn't into piss but fuck that, I am not going to waste it pissing against the porcelain.

"You bastard, you're pissing in my arse. What a cunt you are."

"Yeah I may be a cunt Josh but you will come back for more won't you."

"Of course I will. I will always want you unloading in me despite what I cunt I have for a brother."

"Clench Josh, I am pulling out." As soon as I pulled out he ran to the toilet and let my piss and cum go.

He came back and kissed me on the lips giving me his tongue, he moved down towards my dick. "Don't even think about pissing in my mouth." If my bitch had spoken to me like that I would beat him so fucking hard but he was my brother after all so I let it go. He took me in and cleaned my dick for me. When he finished he stood up "and don't leave it so long next time before you come over and fill my arse with your hot skinhead cum."

I kissed him once more and left for home. I got indoors and bitch was in the kitchen cooking.

I approached and turned him round. His eyes were very red and puffy but at least he wasn't crying. "How long till we eat bitch?"

"45 minutes Master."

"I am going upstairs to undress and deal with a few emails."

"Yes Master." I dealt with everything that I needed to do and went back downstairs. Bitch saw me and started to dish up. He served me and got to the floor and after I started he ate his own.

"Where's Jason bitch?"

"He said he was off to find another fuck Master."

"Okay oh by the way bitch, a delivery is expected this afternoon. Make sure you are around when it arrives, and make sure it goes into the spare bedroom."

"Yes Master."

I heard the door and bitch went to answer, I heard a laugh as they noticed his tiny dick locked away in a cage. My study is next to my bedroom and went out as soon as they got it upstairs. "Great thanks lads" and I handed them a good tip. "Right cunt, come with me" I said as soon as the delivery guys left. I took the cardboard off and the bitch moaned when he saw what was inside. "Yes bitch, this is a cage in which you will be locked into, you will be locked up until such time I feel you have learnt your lesson. You will have to make sure you keep inside clean I do not want to see a fucking mess in here."


"Shut the fuck up. How you keep it clean is your problem and not mine, if I find it messy you will stay inside even longer, do you understand bitch?"

"I do Master."

"Good, get inside." He crawled in and I passed him a bowl for him to piss in, I shut the cage door and locked him in. That bowl is for you to piss in, it will be the only drink you get."

"Yes Master."

I left him there. As I was going downstairs I heard the front door go and Jason came in with a man around my age. "Get upstairs cunt and strip off those jeans and get on the bed with your legs in the air. I need a fuck." He nodded and went upstairs quickly followed by Jason. I smiled to myself as they went upstairs. He was turning out more like me every day and he was only 13 but looked much older with all those muscles. I decided that I would introduce him to my brother. I went into the lounge and watched some TV.

I must have fallen asleep as it was dark outside when I came to. I made a move to go upstairs but was stopped by Jason's young man coming down, the poor lad looked worn out. "Had a good time?"

"Have I, fuck he is the best fucker I have ever known. He's fucked and shot his cum in my arse at least 5 times, I'm knackered. I showed him the door and he left. I went upstairs and looked in on Jason who was sitting on the bed smiling.

"You've had a good time then?" he simply smiled and nodded. "Where did you pick him up?"

"Outside that gay pub in Soho, those skin tight jeans he was wearing looked so nice, I just had to get inside his arse. I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight."

I closed the door and went to bed. I heard a noise coming from the spare bedroom, bitch was making a terrible row in his cage "Shut the fuck up bitch, I need to sleep and I do not want to hear your fucking noise all night." I tossed and turned most of the night as I got used to having my bitch next to me to use and cuddle. I actually missed him next to me but he had a lesson to learn.

The next morning I got up and went into the spare bedroom and bitch was awake, he actually looked terrible. "You slept at all bitch?"

"No Master."

"Tough" and I turned and left him there and jumped in the shower. By the time I had finished the shower and put a jock strap on I went back to see bitch and he must have filled his piss pot and was drinking it. "Have you thought about shitting yet bitch?"

"No Master, I am still plugged as you didn't take it out when you locked me in this cage, that should hold it for a while."

I went over to the cage. "Get your sorry arse to the bars bitch" he moved probably hoping I was going to fuck him, but all I was interested in was removing the plug. I pulled the plug out and dropped it just out of his reach. "Now see how you get on." I said with a huge smirk, I turned and left just as bitch started crying once more.

As I went downstairs Jason appeared "What's going on?"

"Bitch took it upon himself to suck my dick without my permission so I have locked him away in a cage until he learns his lesson. I want you to leave him alone and don't go near him, I want him to be left alone with his thoughts." Jason could see I was serious and knew not to push it.

I made us some breakfast and after we ate he went off to school. I dressed in my shorts and trainers in front of my bitch "I'm off for my run, as I can't fuck my bitch, because he misbehaved, I need my run to get rid of some aggression." Bitch looked to the floor and I left him with that thought and went off for my run.

I thought about my bitch during the whole 14 mile run, I admit I felt guilty about putting him in the cage and I knew that he needed to learn that he serves me and doesn't take liberties. I decided that as soon as he ate his own shit from the floor of the cage I would let him out and clean up.

I got home and went upstairs to find bitch crying his eyes out and a pile of his own shit on the floor of the cage. "Well?" I said looking at his mess on the floor of the cage. He looked up at me with pleading eyes and wiped away his tears. "I told you to keep it clean, so fucking get on with it." He looked at his shit and then at me and started sobbing once more. I knelt on the floor and looked him in the eyes. "Look bitch, just eat that pile of shit in front of you and you will have learnt your lesson, I will let you out and you can clean up. I will even cook you a meal."

He looked at me and looked at the pile of shit. Knowing that he knew he had to do it, he leant down, closed his eyes and started gingerly. I could clearly see him gag as he ate every piece of his own shit. He licked up the last of his own mess and I opened the cage. I pulled him out and picked him up and took him into the shower with me, I gently cleaned my bitch caressing his body as I did so. I know I shouldn't have but I missed him.

I even douched him, I told him to brush his teeth and then he sat on the toilet and cleaned myself whilst he watched intently. I got out and we dried each other. I dressed in my filthiest jock strap and trainers and we went downstairs. Neither of us had spoken since he ate his own shit. "What would you like to eat bitch?"

I noticed he was sitting on the floor looking up at me. "Please Master. Let me." I relented and let him get on with things, I knew after all he was much better at cooking than I was. I sat down and watched him fly round and grabbed things and threw together a cheese omelette and a green salad. He served me and went to sit on the floor with his own.

"Just this once bitch you can sit with me." He shook his head "This is not a test and you will not be punished, I want to talk to you whilst we eat."

He smiled and sat next to me and we started eating "Now bitch." I said in between mouthfuls "What I made you do was I know horrid but it was the only thing I could think of to make you think and learn the lesson you needed to learn. As you enjoy a good beating I knew that wouldn't work." Bitch looked at me and smiled. "Much better bitch, I've missed your smile. What would you like to do when we finish eating? No don't tell me." And I stood up and played with the pouch of my jock strap. Bitch looked up and at and nodded.

"Mmmm I thought so, I can read my bitch like a book." I looked him directly in the eyes and he didn't look away or look down. I smiled as I said "Now finish your food as I need your expert mouth and throat." He looked up at me grinning and ate his food in double quick time.

I moved my chair away from the table and my bitch got to the floor in front of me, he looked up at me and down at my bulging pouch, I flexed my stiff dick inside the pouch and it throbbed, bitch looked up at me once more waiting for permission. I gave one simple eye movement and he smiled and attacked the pouch like it was his last meal. He licked the piss, cum and sweat stained jock strap before moving it out of the way with his teeth and taking my huge dick into his mouth and down into his throat.

"Fuck yeah bitch that feels good." I grabbed hold of his head and started face fucking him like I did when I fucked his arse – hard. I needed to shoot a load and he was going to get it.

The problem was I was so fucking horny from not cumming, I didn't last long and shot into his throat, long hot ropes of skinhead cum went down my bitch's throat. I pulled out and bitch started to breathe properly "sorry bitch but I needed that. Now for your arse." He got on the floor and lifted his legs high, ready for me.

I sat on my knees behind him and played with his arse with my fingers. I pushed in and out with one, then two then three fingers. Bitch was moaning now loving the attention he was getting from his Master. "Like that then bitch?"

"Yes Master." I could wait no longer, I moved so the head of my dick was caressing his arse lips, I slowly pushed the head in and out twice before shoving the whole thing into him, I grabbed hold of his legs and lifted them higher and down towards his head. This had the effect of raising his arse higher enabling me to fuck him and fuck him hard.

I rammed in and out of my bitch using every inch of my dick to fuck him. I buried my dick and leant down and kissed my bitch. "Have you learnt your lesson?"

"Yes Master. I promise not to take it upon myself to use your body for my own delight without your express permission."

"Good." And we kissed as I slowly fucked in and out of his tight arse. "Just remember though.

If you do, I will lock you away and make you eat your own shit again."

"Yes Master." And he visibly shuddered. I moved back up and started the rapid fucking of his arse.

"If you want to cum you had better shoot NOW." Bitch shot his load all over us both as I filled his arse with my hot skinhead cum. I leant down and kissed my bitch "Thanks bitch, you are a great fuck." He smiled and kissed me on the lips once more.

I pulled out of my bitch and he went to move "Stay there." He fell back to the floor and I went into the lounge to get his butt plug. I went back to the kitchen "Raise your legs bitch."

He did and I shoved the large plug into his arse. Bitch followed me into the lounge and I settled down on the settee with bitch at my feet resting.

A while later I heard Jason arriving home from school. He was with a young man who looked a little scared "This bitch on the floor is my Dad and the guy on the sofa is his Master. This is Mark, he is 16 and the only guy at school that can beat me in Athletics, I have decided he will be my bitch for the weekend. I own him until Sunday night. We made a bet and of course I won." He said with a huge grin. "Get upstairs now." And he slapped his arse and pushed him towards the stairs.

The door went and bitch jumped up and went to see who it was.

"Oh fuck." I heard bitch mutter and bought a guy into the lounge who he introduced as Jerome. Jerome is his younger brother who he hadn't seen for 12 years. Jerome was totally different from bitch, he was muscular and was wearing cut-off jeans shorts and a denim jacket with the sleeves ripped off to show off his body which was covered in tattoos.

"I see my brother hasn't changed, he still has a tiny dick, fuck knows where he got it from as mine is the same as Dad's was. 9 fat inches."

"Assume the position bitch." Bitch got to the floor at my feet.

"Ah now I see. My older brother should never have got married especially to that bitch of an ex-wife of his. I knew he was always submissive and was probably gay but too scared to do anything about it. When I left home I went to live in Berlin, I got married to what I thought was a wonderful woman but it turned out she was after my money. She fucked off after clearing our bank account. I came home hoping that my brother could put me up for a while until I get on my feet as I have nothing except the clothes I stand in. The couple living in his house told me he was here."

Jerome went to sit down on a chair. "Oi cunt, who gave you given permission to sit down." I said with real menace in my voice. He stood up looking very confused. "Jason and I are the only people allowed on the furniture. If you want to sit use the fucking floor." He sat down on the floor.

So you want to want to stay then?"

"Yes please."

"Not good enough."

"I don't understand."

"Look cunt, I am an alpha male and you refer to me as Sir."

"Fuck off."

"Look cunt, don't fucking answer me back, if you want to stay here with me, Jason and my bitch you will do as you are told or you can fuck off and live on the streets for all I care." I heard Bitch moan "Shut the fuck up bitch this is my house remember."

"Sorry Master." And he kissed my feet.

"Well cunt?"

He sat on the floor and thought for a moment or two. "Please Sir, can I stay here with you?"

"Better but next time say it like you mean it. You would have to bunk in with Jason as we only have the two bedrooms." Bitch looked up at me with an odd look on his face. I stared at him with one of my looks and he quickly lay his head back on the floor. "Do you need something to eat Jerome?" he nodded "Bitch, go and get something for Jerome to eat."

"Yes Master." And he went into the kitchen.

Jerome and I heard a noise from upstairs. "That'll be Jason, he is a butch top and he will be fucking his mate probably for the third time, he's only been in for 30 minutes. He's such a horny fucker just like me." Jerome's eyes widened and looked scared.

I stood up and walked over to Jerome and hauled my dick out of my jock strap and stood right in front of him. Jerome looked at me totally scared. "Well?"

He started crying. "Please don't make me do this."

"I told you cunt, I am an alpha male and lesser males do as they are fucking told. We can do this the easy way and you can take me into your mouth willingly or I can force you and I will force you."

He looked up at me tears in his eyes, he closed them and went for my dick and took me into his mouth. "Good boy. Now suck me and you had fucking better do a good job." He took me into his mouth and started sucking, he gagged as he sucked. "Good cunt, you'll learn.

Lots of training from me and you will make a nice cunt boy for Jason.

Jerome looked up at me scared and frightened. "Yes Cunt, you will be a cunt for 13 year old Jason to use as he sees fit. He need a cunt boy of his own to train. Jerome tried once more "Swallow through the gagging cunt." He swallowed through like a good little cunt and started to take me into his throat. I noticed tears in his eyes. "Good boy."

Bitch came into the room at that moment. "Master. The food is ready." I nodded to bitch and Jerome looked at me. I nodded and he got up and went into the kitchen followed by me. He went to sit on one of the kitchen chairs, I coughed and he stopped himself. And leant back on the work top waiting. Bitch served his food and nodded to the floor. Jerome looked round and shrugged his shoulders and got to the floor. Bitch gave him his food which he ate quickly as he was apparently very hungry as he had not eaten properly for a couple of days.

"Do you need to sleep? "Yes Sir."

"Okay then I will allow you to kip on the sofa in the lounge tonight and I will sort things out tomorrow. Do you have any work lined up?"

"No Sir."

"I'll sort something out because if you are going to live here then you will work."

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir"

"Good boy, you're learning." As soon as the food was finished, bitch cleared the things away and went to get a spare duvet for Jerome. He settled down and undressed, bitch took the things away "Oh and by the way like my own bitch you will never wear clothes in this house." He shrugged his shoulders, looked to the floor and settled down under the duvet and was soon fast asleep.

As it was still fairly early I decided that bitch and I were going out for a while, I looked in on Jason who was slapping the athlete on the arse "If I tell you to drink my piss you had better fucking do it shit head. Remember the bet, you said you would do anything I decided."

"Jason. Your Uncle Jerome is downstairs asleep on the sofa, please do not disturb him until morning. Bitch and I are off out for a couple of hours." He nodded and went back to slapping his athlete.

I dressed in one of my stinky jock straps light running shorts cut tight and high and I got bitch to wear a pair of cotton shorts with the arse cut out, to give easy access. We headed out.

We got to the park and headed into the bushes and through into the rear where all the boys went who were looking for cock. I found a suitable log and bent the bitch over and ripped his shorts a bit more. I tied him to the log but he would have stayed willingly especially as I told him to stay there. The ties were really for show. "There you go bitch, ready for any dick that wants your cute arse. See you later."

I walked off and left bitch, I took off my shorts as I wanted some arse to fuck or mouth and throat to use. I wandered around looking. I came across a naked guy with a dick getting harder as I approached "That because of me?" he simply smiled and winked. He came up to me and fell to his knees and licked the pouch of my jock. He moaned and groaned as he sniffed and licked. "Like the rankness boy?"

"Oh yes."

"Sir to you boy."

"Sorry Sir, yes Sir."

"Good boy. Take me in your mouth." He moved the pouch aside and looked up and smiled and my long and fat dick. He licked my big balls and then licked along the underside up to the head of my dick. He licked the head and took the head into his mouth, he licked and sucked on the head for a while, until I grabbed hold of the back of his head and pulled him down shoving my entire dick down into his tight throat. He tried to pull away but I was having none of that, he could breathe properly, I could tell so I fucked his throat by grabbing hold of his ears. I wanted some arse so I pulled out of his throat and he took a huge breath.

"Fucking hell man, that was something else, I have never been taken like that. Do you fuck like that?"

I smiled "turn round and bend over, you'll soon find out." He turned and bent as instructed. I teased his arse lips with the head of my dick and was pleased to see he was wet, it made the fucking easier. I grabbed hold of his hips and pushed the entire dick up his tight arse in one swift move. He yelled out in pain but then started pushing back meeting my inward thrusts. "You like a bit of pain then boy." He just moaned and pushed back trying to get more of me into his tight arse. He suddenly moaned out and he shot his load all over the path which caused me to unload deep in him.

"Jesus fuck that was good, I have never shot my load like that before. You are one horny guy."

"Thanks mate, my bitch thinks so." And I walked away towards my bitch and smiling. When I got close two guys were using him, one fucking his arse and the other using his mouth. "Have a good time lads?"

"Yeah this guy has a good cunt to fuck."

"His throat feels fucking ace too." Said the other. "I'm ready to shoot."

"Me too. Let's shoot together." And they both yelled out and filled my bitch with hot cum.

They pulled out and held hands and walked off dicks still glistening in the moonlight.

"You okay bitch?"

"Yes Master. Thank you for bringing me here and tying me up, I am so fucking horny I need more dicks inside me."

"Good boy." I went over and lifted his head and kissed him tasting the other guys cum on his lips, my half hard dick went rock hard once more. "I'll fuck off and leave you to get used. I want to find me another arse."

"Yes Master thank you Master."

I started to wander off and as I walked away a skinhead approached "can I untie your bitch and use him to clean my boots?"

"Of course. Do what the fuck you like with him but just tie him back after you have finished."

He smiled and went over to my bitch and untied him as I walked off. I noticed his boots were dirty and smiled to myself.

I noticed a young guy walking towards me, head down not looking where he was going, I stood still and he walked into me "Sorry Sir." He said without even thinking.

"At least you are observant." I said with a smile. "On your fucking knees." He fell to his knees and looked up. I pulled him towards my stinking jock strap and he sniffed and moaned as he licked the rank pouch. I pulled my stiffening dick from the pouch and his eyes widened at the length and girth of my dick, he looked up at me for permission to take me into his mouth.

I smiled and nodded and he took me in.

First the head, he moaned as he could taste the dried cum and anal juices of my last fuck.

He took me deeper and deeper until I was firmly lodged balls deep in his throat. "Yeah good boy, you are well trained. I hope you arse is as well trained!" he looked up at me and nodded as best he could with his throat full of my dick. I grabbed hold of his head and face fucked him for a while until I need inside his arse.

I pushed him away and swung him round and lined up my dick to his arse and pushed inside.

He clearly had been fucked tonight already as I could feel cum inside of him as I went deeper and deeper inside. "You do have a good arse boy, how many times have you been fucked tonight?"

"Four Sir."

"Ever been piss fucked?"

"No Sir."

"Well you are about to." And I let go my piss in his arse.

"Oh fuck, oh my God that feels wonderful. Shit I'll have to get my Dad to pissfuck me."

"Mmmm sounds nice." I grabbed hold of his hips and started power fucking him.

I felt myself getting close as a man approached. "Good fuck isn't he?" he said and he got his dick out and shoved it in his mouth and down into his throat. "We need to go after this fuck junior. You won't get up for school otherwise." I immediately uploaded deep into his arse.

"Clench boy." I pulled out as his Dad unloaded into his throat.

"Dad he pissed up my arse before he fucked me, I have never felt anything so fucking erotic do you think you can piss in my arse when you fuck me?"

"I can try son, I have never done that before but if you like it then I can sure try, come on junior time for bed." And they walked off hand in hand, I could tell that dad and son were so much in love.

I went back to my bitch and he was tied up back where he was before except his arse was red from a recent beating. "You been a bad bitch?"

"No Master, the skinhead asked me he could beat me before he fucked me and he was as hard with his beating as you are Master, I am sorry but I shot my load when he beat me, I am so sorry Master and I know you were not around to give me your permission."

I united my bitch as he was telling me what happened, I pulled him up and kissed him deeply. "No matter bitch, I am please you enjoyed yourself, if you had not told me and I found out you had cum, I would have locked you away in your cock cage for a week." I smiled at my bitch as I told him that, he nodded understanding my meaning. "Come on time for home." And we walked off, I took his hand in mine as we walked.

He was humming all the way home and as soon as we got indoor I looked in on Jerome who was still asleep. We were at the bottom of the stairs "on the floor bitch and get those fucking legs high in the air." I got behind my bitch and shoved my dick inside him. "You didn't tell me you had been pissed fucked?"

"No Master, I wanted to surprise you knowing you like fucking when I am full of piss."

"You fucking cunt." I tried to be menacing as I said it but for once I failed. I smiled and leant down and kissed him instead. "Your correct bitch it was a nice surprise and despite cumming when we were out, with your arse full I'm sure I can fill you even more."

"Thank you Master."

Jason appeared and climbed over us to get to the kitchen "I need a couple of beers. As I need to stoke up on more piss for the athlete."

"How is he doing" I said as I was fucking bitch nice and hard.

"He won't be going back to fucking girls anymore. I think he is now a confirmed pussy for any man that wishes to deposit a load of three."

"Well done Jason." And he disappeared upstairs with the beers but instead of closing his bedroom door he bought him downstairs and laid him down next to my bitch and put his legs over Jason's shoulders and fucked him there.

The athlete was moaning all the time begging for his fucking. "Want to swap?" I asked. Jason nodded and we swapped bitches. I shoved my dick into the athlete and he moaned out loud as he was filled to the maximum.

"Oh shit, yeah fuck me."

"My pleasure" and as Jason was screwing his Dad I fucked Jason's bitch even harder. Both Jason and I were fucking in time with each other. "You ready for another load?" I shouted to the athlete.

"Yes Sir, please fill me up with you hot man cum." And I did just that. He felt every spurt of my hot cum fill his arse. Jason was turned on what with watching me his mentor fucking his bitch and fucking his own Dad he too shot his hot teenage cum deep in his Dad.

"Fuck that was some session." Jason said to nobody in particular. "Now are you staying the night with me or are you going home?"

"Please Sir, can I stay with you, I need more of you filling my mouth and arse."

Jason smiled "see I told you he was now a confirmed pussy boy. Get up those stairs and get your mouth ready I need a piss.

"Sir yes Sir." And he ran upstairs. Jason followed up and shut his door.

"Bitch" I said as I leant into him and kissed him. "Come on bed time, I need to snuggle tonight." Bitch took me by the hand and led me upstairs, he sat on the floor and took my trainers off and licked my sweaty feet. When he felt he had done a good job he stood and took my vest and shorts off followed by my stinking jock strap. He took that into his mouth and sniffed it as he took his own clothes off.

I got into bed and bitch got in beside me and we turned so my dick was resting in the crack of his well-used arse. "I should make you empty out bitch but I want you to leak, I want you to spread cum from your well fucked arse over my dick as we sleep." I grabbed hold of his tits and gave them a tight squeeze eliciting a moan of pleasure from him. I felt him start to leak and my dick started to get hard, knowing all that cum was leaking out over me. "Later bitch let's sleep." And we rested as best we could, the noise from Jason went on late into the night, the athlete was one well fucked and used boy.

The next morning I woke and moved to cuddle my bitch but found the bed empty, I got up and went down to the kitchen where bitch was making my coffee "Good morning Master, I wanted to serve this to you in bed."

"Thank you bitch but I woke as soon as you got up."

"Sorry Master forgive me for disturbing you." And he looked to the floor in subservience.

"Thanks okay bitch, you didn't wake me. I wanted a cuddle and you were missing." I said smiling. "Come here." He came over to me and dropped to the floor kneeling in front of my half hard dick. He was looking into my eyes expectantly. I smiled and gave the slightest of nods and grinned back as he took my dick into his mouth and down into his throat "Here comes your morning drink bitch." I pissed down his throat I knew bitch liked to taste me so I pulled out slightly and let him taste the last of my morning stink piss.

"Thank you Master." He said as I pulled out of his mouth and throat. He returned to finish making my coffee. He served me and then poured his own and got to the floor at my feet drinking.

Jerome came into the kitchen naked as bitch had taken away all his clothes. "Hello cunt, bitch get cunt some coffee."

"Yes Master."

"Sir." I looked over at him and nodded "why do you call me cunt and not my name?"

"Because cunt is now your name, you will never be called by your birth name ever again."

He got tearful once more. "Oh for fuck sake shut that fucking row up, look cunt, you have nothing, no money, no life, and no job and now no clothes now bitch destroyed the only set you had. I have given you a roof over your head and food in your stomach. The fucking least you could do is be grateful."

"I am sorry Sir." And he got to the floor and bitch handed him his coffee.

As soon as you two have finished your coffee I want cunt shaved from head to foot, he shaves his chest so he can show off his tattoos, but I want every other hair gone."

"Yes Master."

As soon as they had gone Jason appeared with his athlete ready for school. Jason was of course in his tightest skinhead gear looking fucking great, just as skinhead top should. The poor athlete was wearing a pair of skin tight black skinny jeans that showed every bulge, clearly no underwear. And a cropped white t shirt with a pair of white Converse trainers.

"I want everyone at school to see what Andy has become. A confirmed pussy boy that needs lots and lots of dick filling his arse. Where is Uncle Jerome?"

"He is upstairs with bitch, he is being shaved from head to foot and is now known as cunt albeit unwillingly."

Jason smiled at me and he slapped his arse come on pussy time to get to school."

"Yes Sir." And they left.

I did a few things round the house whilst I was waiting for bitch and cunt to appear, finally they did. "Ah much better, no hair, I see that you are covered in tattoos but you have noting on your face, I think that I will get that done today. The first part of training for your new life as a cunt for Jason. I will have other things done but I will tell you about those when you need to know. You happy with that?"

"No Sir but I know that I do not have a choice."

"No you don't. Bitch take cunt upstairs and select something for him to wear.

They came down a bit later and my bitch had chosen well. He was wearing a pair of running shorts that belonged to Jason and a white T shirt that bitch had cut short so that it showed off his tits. He wore his own trainers they only thing that we kept. "Right come on cunt time to go shopping."

We got there in good time, despite me having to keep pulling cunt along as he kept trying to hide whenever he saw someone. "It is no good getting embarrassed, by the time I am finished with you everyone will be looking at you all the time." The first port of call was the tattoo parlour. It is alongside the piercing studio and they have connected doors in between. "Right" I said to the guy behind the counter "This cunt has lots of tattoos as you can see but he has fuck all on his head and face. I intend to remedy that. Firstly I want a pair of skinhead boots on the back of his head, secondly I want FUCK ME across his forehead and thirdly I want PISS HERE across his arse."

The guy smiled broadly "yes we can do that for you." He totted up a price and I paid and then sat down and waited for our turn. "Please Sir, don't make me have all that done."

"Why shouldn't I, you live in my house, I feed you and you don't want to live by my rules."

"How can I work with tattoos on my head, I am after all a banker."

"Not anymore you're not, you will work but at a job I decide and I know just what you will be doing." I said smiling at him, the tattooist came out and we went inside.

"I would suggest three sittings and do each one over the three visits."

"Thanks but no, this cunt wants then all done now and will endure the discomfort won't you?"

He looked at me and instantly knew not to object. "Yes Sir."

When he was finished he looked in the mirror and didn't like what he saw. "Now everyone will know what you are. Jason will be proud of you and will love taking you out." He groaned.

"Can we go out the back door to the piercing studio, he's having those next." He nodded and showed us out the connecting door to the piercers where Jason had his done.

"Ah another boy for me to pierce I take it."

"Yes, he is to have three in ear lobe, 4 in each eyebrow, tits and septum. That'll do for now he may have more if his new Master wishes it."

He totted up the price and gave me a generous discount. "I guess you want them all done today?" I smiled "Thought so." and he got to work.

Like the piercing he took quite a while but eventually he was done and cunt was by now in a bit of pain. "Go and sit outside cunt." He left and closed the door. "Any idea where I can get spikes attached to the top of his head done? As he is to remain shaven at all time I want him to have a row of short stainless steel spikes across the top of his head."

He smiled "great choice, he'll look fucking ace with those." He rummaged round and pulled out a card. "Give him a ring, he is a mate of mine and he will do that for you, he is very good and discrete."

"Thanks." We shook hands and I left taking cunt with me. "How do you feel?"

"In a bit of pain Sir."

"Won't be much longer." We took a cab to Islington where I knew there was a shop selling rubber fetish clothing. When we went in I went over to the counter. "I want this cunt to have a rubber suit made, neck entry and a permanent hole round his arse so he is always ready for a fucking."

"Yes Sir" and he showed cunt the way to a changing room.

"You're not shy are you cunt?"

"No Sir." He looked at me as if pleading but he knew I would not allow him to hide away and he stripped off in the middle of the shop showing off his new piercings and tattoos.

The assistant took all the measurements and made careful notes of exactly what was needed, he worked out a price and I paid up, he said he would ring when it was ready. The final port of call was to get him a load of skinhead gear. We got extremely tight bleached jeans all with a rear zip and two with no arse in them at all. Knee high boots in three colours, three pairs of footballs socks, one red, one yellow and one blue and matching laces. 4 Fred Perry and braces to match the laces. "Come on cunt time for home." I made sure that cunt had all the bags and we headed home. He was still looking embarrassed as we headed home, I needed get that out of him like my own bitch. I would get bitch to deal with that.

We got home and as we went inside bitch came to meet us. "Fuck you look good cunt. Love the piercings and the tattoos across the forehead." He mumbled a thanks.

"Go and strip off cunt." He went upstairs and I spoke to bitch "He still looks very unsure and gets very embarrassed, can you deal with that for me?"

"Yes Master, I'd be pleased to."

"Thanks bitch." Bitch went upstairs. I stripped off and put on my stinky jock strap and trainers and got ready to go into the gym. I went into the kitchen and had a drink of water. I was daydreaming for a few minutes when bitch and cunt appeared.

"Sir. I am sorry I have not shown my appreciation for what you have done for me. I was destitute and had nothing, you have given me a new life. I admit I am very unsure about all this but without your help I would be on the streets right now and probably turning tricks just to stay alive and God forbid doing hard drugs. I had never sucked a man's cock until you made me suck yours and I am actually ashamed to say that I did get a hard on and that scared me. After chatting with my brother here please Sir will you forgive me and continue my training to be a good cunt to Jason? I know now that my brother is completely happy with his new life and I would like to think that I can be happy with the new life you have chosen for me."

"That's a good speech cunt, I just hope you mean it. I will of course continue your training as soon as your new piercings and tattoos are healed properly. You will sleep on the sofa for the next week or two whilst you are healing and you will get more practice sucking my dick, bitch will give you lessons on deep throating. I will be taking your cherry and fucking you deep and hard before handing you over to Jason."

"Thank you Sir, I think." He said half smiling.

"Now be a good cunt boy and come and lick my jock strap." Bitch looked at me a little upset. "You can lick me and the jock strap when I have completed my work-out." He cheered up straight away. "Now fuck off and leave us alone for a while.

"Yes Master." And he turned and left.

"Now get on with it cunt." He knelt on the floor in front of my jock strap, he sniffed and turned his nose up. "You will like the smell of a real man. Trust me, bitch loves licking my well used and smelly jock strap and licking my muscled body after a work-out, I think he prefers that to getting fucked, well maybe not." Cunt looked up and smiled. "That's much better, you need to smile more. You of course realise you have a hard on don't you."

He looked down and saw his own dick was rock hard. "Oh fuck."

"An alpha male like me gives off a certain smell that girls and pussy boys like and they get horny. You are horny aren't you?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Now lick my pouch and do it now. That's an order."

He approached and started licking the pouch of my rank jock strap, at first he was unsure but he soon got into it and was licking and sucking in the dried piss, cum and sweat. "Take my dick out of the pouch and start sucking me." He looked up, smiled and pulled the pouch aside and my hefty dick flopped out nice and firm and getting harder. He took the head of my dick in his mouth and sucked, he started moaning which meant he was getting into his task. "Take me deeper cunt." He did and soon my dick was in his mouth and slowly entering his throat. "Keep swallowing cunt, don't you fucking dare gag." He gulped and swallowed and all of me was deep in his incredibly tight throat. "Oh well done cunt. Now rest and remember to breathe through your nose. I stayed deep in for a short while so he got used to a big dick being lodged in his throat. I pulled out and he took a huge inward gulp of air.

"That was very good, well done. You will soon love taking a dick into your throat and just wait until they unload all that man cum."

He looked up at me "Yes Sir." and smiled, and for the first time he looked contented.

"Now go and rest in the lounge, Jason will not bother you until you are ready."

"Thank you Sir."

He disappeared into the lounge as bitch appeared I winked at him "Coming to watch me work-out bitch?"

"Yes, thank you Master." And we walked over to the gym.


Next: Chapter 9

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