Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 12, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


1993 was an year full of events.

The first one was in March. Robert was caught stealing from the bookstore. When Jeremy heard about it, he immediately set off to see Sean and Derek. Aaron was there as well.

"Have you heard about Robert?" he asked them.

"'Course we know. The cops came and turned everything upside down searching for drugs hoping to find an excuse to arrest us too. Thankfully, we'd finished the stash and hadn't bought any more." Derek said.

"They will go heavy on poor Rob!" Sean said.

"Stealing a book! Rob stealing a book? He's illiterate! He can barely read!" Aaron said sneering.

Sean told them the rest of the story. ÒWhen the owner of the bookshop caught him, he pulled a knife and threatened him. Not only that, but the cops found a few grams of grass on him.Ó

ÒIs that why they raided us?Ó

ÒIt's not over yet,Ó Sean continued, Òwhen they find out he got a prior, it could be all over for him. We could be looking at something pretty heavy.Ó

"That's serious. Does he have a Defence Counsel?" Jeremy asked.

"Who? Rob? He hasn't even got the money to pay for a new bike! Hiring a lawyer is out of the question for him." Aaron said.

"But without a good defence, he'll be lost..." Jeremy said.

"I know..." Derek said sounding defeated.

"But, if we pool our money, perhaps we can hire a lawyer for him." Jeremy said looking his friends in the eyes, waiting for positive responses.

They discussed it upon Jeremy insistence. Sean was the first to agree, then Derek, and at last, even if clearly unwilling, Aaron finally acceded. Jeremy caught up with Mark and enlisted his help as well. He went looking for a lawyer, and after a few days found one that was ready to assist a skinhead.

Jeremy also knew that Robert had practically no family, none that really cared anyway, so he asked the lawyer how he could get an authorization to visit Robert in prison. The lawyer obtained the authorization, but it was for after any ruling, not before.

Robert got a severe ruling against him, but not as harsh as they had imagined. The lawyer had performed miracles on his behalf.

Jeremy went to his first visit to his friend. Robert had lost weight, and seemed depressed.

"Hi, Rob..." Jeremy said feeling pain for his friend.


"What's up?"


"Don't worry about the sentence. It will pass quickly and you'll have forgotten all about it. We're all still here for you."

"Is that what you think? I think I'll die in this place."

"Bullshit! Why will you die?"

"I want to die...I don't think I can take too much of this."

"Rob, don't say that, I understand that..."

"No, you can't understand anything about what goes on in here. I never realised... these places were... like this. It's hell, believe me."

"Yes, but..."

"They beat the shit out of me. They took me in the showers. I shouted at the top of my lungs, but they just put a my socks in my mouth and gagged me. The guard was just outside the door... but didn't hear anything, so he said... They held me down... and... and..."

"Raped you?" Jeremy asked in a whisper.

"Yes. Eleven... eleven of them. They all fucked me, they all... the guard said I was a liar. He didn't hear anything. The doctor said that they left no marks in my body, and that I was just a troublemaker. ELEVEN OF THEM!, and I was the troublemaker?! And then..." Rob erupted into uncontrolled sob.

Jeremy whispered him: "You don't have to tell me, if it hurts you that much to remember."

"To remember? No, it's not that. I need to tell you or I'll go crazy. Nobody listens to me.

ÒThat same night, my three cell mates stood by my bed and said: 'We heard what happened to you'. I didn't answer. And another one sneered at me: 'They have said that you have a good arse, still tight and fuckable, but they didn't check out your mouth, so.. give me head, boy!'

ÒI begged them to leave me alone, but all I got in reply was that I was fresh meat, that I was their punk from now on. They told me there was no option and if I didn't take care of them, I'd get another beating. They told me to open my mouth and take care of them or I'd be sorry.

ÒI tried to ask them to stop again, but they rammed my head between the headboard rails after turning me on my back. One pulled out a blade and said 'You have a choice - fresh meat or dead meat' and he wasn't joking! They fucked my mouth, one after the other, while the other two held me down laughing, pinching my balls, nipples, arms, legs...everywhere."

"Oh, Rob... I'll go to see again your lawyer, and..."

"No! It'll be even worse. I've heard they hanged another boy for that and it was just swept aside as suicide. No, Jerry, please!Ó

He continued his distressing tale.

ÒThe following days have all been the same. Every day is the same. Three or four, even five of them take me in the showers, in the toilets, the laundry, in the cells. The guards are never there when you need them. They are always somewhere else when they fuck me. I'm the inmate's bitch. All they have to say is ÒCome with me, punkÓ and I have to obey, or it's another beating.

ÒI'm not the only one. There are three of us... the fresh meat, the whores, the punks, the holes, the girls. Oh, Jerry, I want to die. I'm their slave. I do chores for them, the most degrading and unpleasant things you can ever imagine, and for doing these chores I get paid by being fucked and fucked and fucked, morning, noon and night. It never stops.

ÒMy cell mates play dice to see who's going to fuck me first. During the day they just sell me to the other inmates. Each punk just belongs to his cell mates. The guards are careful to put all the new boys into cells that have no punks. You see, they know. I bet they are paid by the inmates, or they do it just because they are sadistic.

ÒPlease don't bring me any more cigarettes or cakes or fruits. They'll just take it from me. They take everything."

Jerry was horrified. He didn't know what to say to his friend that would calm him or help him.

When he was back home, he went to see his friends and related Robert's sorry tale.

Aaron shook his head, "He's right, we can't do anything. I was in juvenile prison for two years. It is exactly the same. There's not way out. The only ounce of hope he's got is to hit it off with someone powerful in there and he's made his private punk boy. Then he'll be protected, and fucked by just one man instead of the pack".

"I don't think he can play that game." Jeremy said.

"Then he has to play his cards. He is still young enough, and although he's not the most handsome one on the block, he has to land himself some big boss and hope that he can please him. He has to sell himself, to play smart. He has to hit it off with one of them. It's the only way he'll survive, believe me!Ó

"But it's not fair, not right, not..." Jeremy protested, really shaken.

"Huh, you think justice is fair? Sean bitterly said.

"Try telling that to the 'right minded' people. All they'll say is that he shouldn't have done it and he got what he deserved. Then they'll start ranting about how easy they get in jail, how they have too many liberties what with telly, free food and clothes, free medical care. Then they'll carry on even more about being kept at public expense without working. It's all bullshit." Derek said, encircling Jeremy shoulder as if to console him.

Robert's fortnightly visit schedule permitted Jerry another trip to the prison. He told him what Aaron had advised, but nothing seemed to change. Further visits saw Robert less shaken, resigned, thinner and much sadder.

In May, Jeremy father talked to him. "I've heard that you are friends with a group of skinheads. Is that right?"

"They are good boys, dad, it's just... they have a peculiar way of dressing. They just cut their hair differently. It's nothing dad, really..."

"Bullocks! You're forbidden to see them again."

"Dad, really! They are better than some of the normal people we meet at church. They're a darn side less hypocritical than most of them, believe me."

"I don't want you near them, so stop it!"

"I can't, dad..."

"While you live under this roof.."

Jeremy barely spent time thinking. "Yes, you're right. I can't ask you to support me when you can't tolerate the things I do.Ó

"Right. I see you're are starting to understand."

"Yes, I see it dad. I'll just grab something of my things, and.."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll leave. Maybe it's time I started to look after my self."

A leaden silence followed. His mother gaped at him with disbelieving eyes, but said nothing.

"And how do you think you'll maintain yourself? Go on, tell me how you'll do that." his father mocked.

"I'll go out and work!"

"What about College? How will you manage that too?"

"You know I hate college, and hate studying even more."

"And the football?"

Jeremy was taken by surprise. He had no idea that his father even knew about it's importance to him, but he quickly added salt to the apparent wound.

"Fuck football." Jeremy answered flatly.

"Don't use those words in this house!" his mother shrieked, frowning.

Jeremy shrugged. Suddenly his parents seemed alien to him, as if a haze had lifted, and he saw what his parents really were for the first time. Yes, the time had come to move. He would have to ask his friends hospitality. Robert's place was empty. The thought of sleeping with Aaron was no contest. He either slept with Aaron and got fucked in the arse, or he stayed at home and got fucked in the head by the Ògood parentsÓ he no longer knew or respected.

His father was "generous". He let him take all his personal belongings, gifts he had received, and even offered him cash to help him out.

He went to see his friends and told them of the events and asked them if he could move in with them. All three were more than happy to oblige him. He returned to the house, scooping up all his belongings and moved into the trailer with his new house mates.

The following day, he took all his text books and sold the lot. He started looking for a work.

Within the first few weeks, Aaron hadn't even tried to hook Jeremy as he thought he may have misjudged him. It was a strange dichotomy. Jeremy was able to have sex more often with Derek, and that pleased him, moreover he had more time to spend with Sean. This thought thrilled him.

One night Jeremy woke, feeling a body pressed against him with a hard cock pushing between his buttocks.

"Aaron..." he whispered, turning, trying to escape the intrusion.

"Yes, Jerry? I want to fuck you."

"No, please... I don't want..."

"Yes, I want your sweet mouth and then your beautiful arse for one last time. I really want all of you one last time."

"The last time... was the last time." Jerry said succeeding in backing away and distancing himself from Aaron.

It was no use. Aaron embraced him, pressing his body against Jeremy and started to squirm his body against him. Then he whispered, "You are getting a hard on. I want to fuck you one last time."

"Yeah... the last 'till the next. Is this your new trick? Saying each time it will be the last time?" Jeremy asked trying to push him away, but feeling that he was in reality ready to surrender him once again. He tensed all his body against the impending assault.

"No, this really is the last for real. You are the first to know it. Next Sunday I'm getting married and going to live at their place."

"You're getting married? You're getting MARRIED? Who is she?"

"Lower your voice. You don't know her. She lives near Phoenix..."

"Phoenix? How on earth did you meet someone from Phoenix?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow. Let's have sex now... for the old times sake.Ó

Jeremy didn't answer, but relaxed and let Aaron have his way. Yes, he could enjoy a last fuck from that sensual and sexy bastard. Aaron gently pushed his shoulders, making the boy slid towards his groin.

Jeremy caressed his body, licked and kissed his chest, kissing every muscle ripple on his slow journey toward the pulsing hard beautiful rod. Eventually reaching it, he licked it, kissed it, gently bit it with pleasure, up and down, all around, stopping at times on the tight, firm balls, until he heard Aaron panting heavily, moaning and quivering with pleasure.

He lunged, taking the full length of the cock. Aaron chocked back a long moan from somewhere in his mental haze. Jeremy starting to suck it in earnest noting that his companion was strangely silent... probably he didn't want to be heard by the two brothers sleeping in the next room. He savoured the pre-cum escaping from the beautiful cock head. Aaron was by now shaking violently, his low moans were almost the whine of a wounded animal.

Aaron suddenly stopped him and pulling him up again, whispering, "I don't want to cum yet. I want my last fuck to last." and embraced him, pressing and brushing his body length against Jeremy's body.

"The last with me. You will have your wife to keep your bed warm every night. You'll soon forget all about me, won't you?Ó

"Yes, maybe. Don't know. She is a very good fuck."

"Better than me." said Jeremy, and it wasn't a question.

"No, not better, just... different, but you are the best at giving head."

"Thank you."

"It's true. I really love the way you give head."

"And my arse?"

"You're very good at that too, but she has an arse and a pussy, so she beats you there." Aaron chuckled, and tightened his embrace.



"You've never kissed me."

"Men don't kiss. Perhaps two gays do, but I'm not gay."

"But... this is the last time. Can't you do that for me, just this once? I'd like it... being kissed by you."

Aaron kept silent for a long while, then whispered to Jeremy, "If it's sooo important for you... but... but you swear you will never, ever tell the others?"

"Have I ever told you what I do with the others?"

"No, that's true, but... you swear?"

"I swear."

"I don't know if I will be any good at kissing you... I've never kissed a man."

"A mouth is just a mouth, like an arse is just an arse... you said that to me. Just pretend you are kissing a girl."

"I can try..." Aaron said.

They kissed, and it was a real kiss, deep, hot, more than satisfying. Their tongues played hide and seek, their lips played games with each other. Jeremy became overly excited. He could barely contain his lust for the man.

When they parted, Jeremy asked, "Was it so difficult?"

"Well... not all that difficult."

"And was it so bad?"

"No, not all that bad."

"Want to fuck me in the arse now?"

"Oh hell yes, but would you suck me a little more."

Jeremy willingly complied. Aaron finally slid the rod into his arse and started fucking. It was a glorious, long, steady fuck, even better than the last one. This time Jeremy was on his stomach, his legs wide open. Aaron was over him, his chest pressed against Jeremy's back. Their hands and fingers intertwined at the sides of Jeremy's head. Aaron moved only his pelvis with powerful, enthusiastic strokes.

Jeremy turned his head to one side. Aaron put his cheek against the boy's cheek.

"Kiss me again..." Jeremy asked with a low voice.

"Yes..." Aaron answered without breaking stride.

Jeremy turned his head further and their mouths met. Jeremy liked the comforting weight of his mate's body on him, loved the feeling of the hot meat column gliding smoothly inside his welcoming tunnel, enjoyed Aaron's fingers squeezing his, liked Aaron's tongue, soft, then hard, roaming inside his mouth. Yes his partner was a fascist, an all male stupid fascist, but a really good fucker. Jeremy liked to top, but enjoyed being an enthusiastic bottom for this excellent fucker. He imagined having Aaron's cock in his mouth at the same time he was in his arse. It would have been fantastic. His last fuck with Aaron. He wanted to enjoy it to the utmost.

When Aaron stopped kissing him, he whispered, "Don't come yet. I want us to continue till dawn."

"It'll be a pleasure, but then you'll have to give me head again."

"And then you'll fuck my arse again."

"And then head again."

"And then in my arse again..." Jeremy said with light hearted cheerfulness.

It was around seven in the morning when they finally came in explosive spasms. They fell asleep, their bodies tightly intertwined after one long last kiss.

The third change happened in August.

Aaron had married. Jeremy had found a good job as truck driver for a furniture department store. He had to load it, unload, deliver the furniture to the client with the help of a co-worker, site it and where necessary, assemble it. The salary was good, and it was good physical exercise. He liked it.

Mark's grandparents had decided that they would be better off in a retirement home and elderly care, so they decided to sell their house. Mark had to move out, so he went to ask Sean, Derek and Jeremy if he could live with them. He was readily accepted, and of course he was put in the free bed, Aaron's bed, in Jeremy's room. Mark was more than happy, but at that point, with already having two sex buddies under the same roof, Jeremy felt it best to inform each of them about the other. Instead of talking to them individually, he thought better to tell them wen they were both present, even though he held some reservations about their reaction.

Without question or comment both quietly accepted Jeremy's revelation.

"I think we have to make arrangements for the time when two of us want to have sex..." Jeremy said hesitantly.

"That's easy. Mark sleeps with you, so night time will be for you two, and the time day will be for Jerry and me." Derek said.

Mark smiled, "But the night is only eight hours, the day sixteen..."

"Yes, but we work during the day, so you are the lucky. You get all night long."

"But we have to sleep at night..." Mark squared off.

It was evident they were joking and all of them burst out laughing.

"I think it is a wonderful arrangement." Mark said.

"Yes, but Jerry hasn't said if the arrangement suits him..." Derek noted.

"Of course it suits me! Having two lovers under one roof is like having aÉ a harem."

The arrangements worked perfectly. When Derek went into Jeremy's room, Mark was careful not to disturb them and didn't press for sex the same night unless Jeremy asked him. Derek didn't ask Jeremy for sex too often, even if he was ready to follow Jeremy if he asked him to make love. This left Jeremy more or less the arbiter of the double relation, without tension between all three of them. Jeremy loved having sex with both his friends, and wasn't able at all to express a preference. Even if pressed, he wouldn't be able to distinguish.

The fourth, important change happened in October.

It was Jeremy's birthday. Mark, Sean and Derek prepared him a surprise party. A feast was prepared,(Derek was a really good cook), decorations, music, flowers, and after the dinner, the gifts.

Mark presented him with an exclusive line of Kelvin Klein underwear, "You, know, even though I prefer you with nothing on, you can't always go around naked, so, I thought that you should throw away your existing underwear and get around in this sexy stuff.Ó Mark said with a knowing, cunning smile.

Derek had bought him a Japanese camera. "You love nature so much that I thought you should record the images you like, or the most important moments of your life. I wish you a long and happy, and lucky life!"

Jeremy was moved. "I don't know if my life will be long, but up 'till now I can say it is happy and lucky, thanks to you all."

Sean gave him a square, flat parcel.

Jeremy opened it and his stared in amazement, "The real thing! How wonderful! It's real! A dream catcher! How did you manage to get it? Did you steal it from a museum?"

"No... I just was lucky."

"Oh Sean... I never thought I could ever own one. It's the real thing! Thank you, thank you so much." Jeremy broke all the rules he had established with Sean and kissed him in gratitude.

Jeremy's heart was filled with happiness and felt really lucky.

They chatted until late and towards the end of the evening, Jeremy stood up and said to Sean with a casual voice, "Sean... can you come out a moment with me, please? I need an hand and..."

Sean looked at him slightly surprised, but nodded yes and stood and followed Jeremy out of the trailer.

Jeremy walked a little in silence, then turned toward Sean and asked, "What time is it?"

"Eh? Ah... I've lost my time piece, sorry..."

"You've lost your pocket watch?"

"Yes, a few days ago... I think when I was riding my bike. It was in my pocket, but when I got off it was gone."

"You are not a good liar, Sean."


"Your precious time piece. The only family heirloom you've ever cared about?"

"No, really..."

"Why did you do it?"

Sean looked away, embarrassed.

"Oh, Sean. You gave it in exchange for the dream catcher."

"Well... Two months ago, you know when I went to that trip with my boss, we visited an Indian Reserve, and I saw the dream catcher and wanted to buy it for you but they didn't want to sell it at any price. I insisted offering them lot of money but still nothing.

ÒThen, when I had given up, I just checked the time. The Indians saw the time piece and asked to see it. They seemed very excited by it and asked me lot of questions about it. I couldn't understand what was happening, until he asked me to wait. They came back with a very old man telling me that it was his grandfather. He asked me to show him the time piece.

ÒThe old man was the son of the chief my great grandfather killed, you see. He recognized the time piece and said he wanted it and asked me how much I wanted for it. I asked him to exchange for your dream catcher. It was all too simple. I had your dream catcher... the real thing."

"But your time piece! Your only really precious thing. Why?"

"Because... because you are lot more important to me than any precious thing Jeremy. Your happiness, your joy tonight, have a lot more value than a thousand precious time pieces... because... because... I love you, Jeremy!"

"You... you love me?"

"Yes, madly. I'm in love with you, Jeremy. I didn't want to tell you, but... it's true."

"Why didn't you want to tell me?"

"You have Drake, and Mark..."

"But you... you mean you want to make love with me?"

"I... um, you see Jeremy, I know I'm gay, but after some bad experiences, I lost all faith in men... until I met you. It's not that I didn't have sex. I did, but I've always refused to fall in love. I didn't believe in love, until I met you. I don't want just the sex with you. No, not just sex, but love... if you love me too, if you can accept me."

"Accept you? I crave you! I think I'm in love with you too Sean. You're the most magnificent person I've ever met, but, you see... in some ways I'm in love with Derek, and with Mark too. I feel so confused. I've never told them. They don't seem to feel just love for me, but friendship and sex as well.

ÒHow can I be your lover, while... while loving two other people? I would love it if I could be only yours, really, I would give anything for it, but I'm afraid you are in love with the wrong person." Jeremy said, and silently cried.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 10

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