Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 4, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


The lunch had been very good. Aaron and Robert weren't there to enjoy it so the three of them ate in the trailer. Sean had stolen two bottles of very good wine from his employer. After the meal, they sat outside under a pergola of Wistaria.

"It's beautiful up here. Just the right distance from town." Jeremy said.

"That's why I like here. For stragglers and skinheads like us, it's better to live as far as possible from the 'conservatives'.Ó Sean said.

"Just like my father. He's one of the 'respectable' crowd too."

"But you don't seem to follow suit." Sean said. He pulled out a very old time piece and looked at the time. "It's early, we have plenty of time, if you want to stop here.Ó

ÒThank you. I'd be glad to stay. That's a very nice time piece."

"Yeah, and old. It was my great grandfather's. He took it from a Cherokee chief he killed during some war. The Indian got it from the Government as a token after signing a treaty that was never honored. Then my grandfather gave it to me when I told him I was leaving home for good. He loved me..."

"And it still works!?" Jeremy said admiringly while looking closely at the beautiful watch, that had the portrait of a President embossed on the lid.

"Yes, an almost perfect time. It's a beloved object. We all treat it with great care and respect. I'd like to show you around. Would you like to go for a walk?"

"Yes, sure."

"Drake, are you coming?"

"I'd rather wash the dishes and clean up."

"OK, we won't be long anyway."

Not long into the walk, Sean asked Jeremy, "Why do you wear long hair?"

"And why do you crop yours?" Jeremy answered with a smile.

"Clever answer to a stupid question..." Sean smiled back.

"Oh! I have a stupid question.Ó

"Go on."

"Skinheads are racists, often violent. You and Derek don't seem to fit that mold.Ó

"Not all of them, but mostly you're right. We just choose to be skinheads so that we can tell all the others that we don't give a shit about their fucking rules. If we were still in the sixties, we would have probably been classed as hippies."

"It would all be the same."

"Yeah, but they don't exist any more, so... You see, you feel the need to show that you are different from the others, from the masses, to show that you are not just one of their crowd, but you also feel the need to belong somewhere, to be part of a group that is respected and feared. No, I'm not racist, but if I get violent at times, it is only because I want to give vent to all the rage that this society builds within me, inside us. Behaving and dressing like a skinhead shows everybody that we are different."

"Being different at times can be dangerous."

"It's always dangerous. Society doesn't want different people. If we were in the Wild West just one hundred years ago, we would be all shot. Now they are just more polite about it. They don't shot you, they just make your life uncomfortable in a thousand different ways."

They talked a lot.

Jeremy started to feel attracted to Sean. His complex and yet clearly defined personality attracted him. It was not only his personality that drew him. He also felt physically attracted to Sean even though he was not as handsome as Derek. It had been a long time since Jeremy had talked with somebody as interesting.

They sat on a rock overlooking the valley. The place was really peaceful. It was endless and seemed to offer them openness.

"Drake likes you a lot. I can understand why." Sean said eventually.

"I like Derek." Jeremy answered hesitantly.

"Yes, he is a good boy. Even if he gang banged you."

"You know about it? Did he tell you?"

"No, I heard that from Rob. He was bragging about having raped a fag..."

"So, you know I'm gay."

"Are you really gay?"


Sean said nothing. Not even one of the usual "open-minded" sentences. Nothing. He just nodded as if making a note of it. His silence pleased Jeremy.

Sean paused for a moment then said, "Derek didn't do it, even though in a sense it was his fault. My father raped me. I can't stand rape. There's no excuse for it. It's the meanest, worst thing in this world. Drake isn't a bad boy you know. He's not a rapist."

"Yes, I know that and I still like him, just like I said."

"Do you smoke? Grass?"

"No, neither. I prefer to get high on good sex.Ó

"Do you have dreams?"

"Yes Sean, and I love to dream. You know, I'd like to have a dream catcher, one like the Indians make."

"You can buy them downtown. I've seen them is some of the shops."

"Yes, but they're for tourists. They aren't the real thing. I saw one in a museum once. It was beautiful! That was the real thing, not like the ones I've seen in the shops. Could I find a real oneÉ"

"Indians don't sell real things, things they use in their traditional ceremonies. They are sacred to them. They're not for sale."

"Yes, I know, but you see... hope, is the last goddess... as the Romans used to say."

Sean nodded and smiled.

They returned to find Derek waiting for them, reading some Japanese manga. Putting it down, he accompanied Jeremy to his bike.

"See you on Thursday as usual?"


As Jeremy was coming out of the post office the following Thursday, he met Robert again. For a moment they just stared at each.


"What's up? Have you already forgot our fist meeting?" Jeremy curtly answered.

"No way. You were a good fuck."

"Yeah, because there was five of you against one."

"I've heard that you've forgiven Drake."

"He didn't fuck me."

"But he brought us to you..." Robert said with an amused smirk.

"He didn't know what was on your mind. He's was sorry and he apologized."

"Yeah, he has a tender heart, but I don't apologise for it. You were a really good fuck and you really threw your self into it, so why play the victim now?"

"I'm not playing the victim. I just wanted it to end fast. The sooner the better. Can't you understand that?"

"You are not dead. We didn't even bash you..."

"Yeah... you have been so kind!Ó Jeremy said sarcastically. ÒI'll bet you regret not having bashed me. You love queer bashing, don't you?"

"Not really. I just like to enjoy myself. And beating the shit out of a gay guy isn't exactly my idea of having fun.Ó

"Really? and what is your... idea?"

"Fucking, for instance."

"Raping, you mean."

"Come on! You were hard as a rock. You enjoyed being... raped, as you put it. Are you a sadist?"

"Not at all."

"OK, I'm not apologizing, and that's that, but I would like to offer you a drink."


"Just to settle things."

"A beer to pay for a fuck? If I was a bitch, the price would be a lot higher. I'm not that cheap..." Jeremy said with an urgent mock.

"I don't pay back a fucking shit! It was just a friendly gesture, but if you refuse..."

"Fucking hell. I'm your friend? Arse hole." Jeremy said, walking away before Robert could answer.

He met up with Mark again, and they went back to the same building that was still under construction. Jeremy was happy meeting Mark. He started to have a real liking for the boy. He gave him head, then stood up, preparing himself for a fucking.

To his surprise, Mark stopped him and on a serious note, asked him, "You swear to be secret about our meetings?"

"Yes! Why?"

"I... well I... I really enjoyed it when you fucked me in the arse up there at the mines... I want you to fuck me again..."

Jeremy eyes bulged, not believing what he had just heard.

Mark resumed talking, almost shyly, "I... I'm afraid I could be... I might be... gay. I suspected it when I was sixteen, but I fought against it..."

"That's why you always play the macho..." Jeremy observed.

"Yes, maybe... I think so. I was sure I was going to take you down, but, well... who knows. Maybe I hoped to loose without being aware of it... I... I really did enjoy being fucked by you."

"I did my best to make it enjoyable for you too."

"But if I was really straight... you wouldn't have been so successful. I... I thought about that a lot. Since then I have been wanking while fantasizing that you were fucking me again. I've had explosive orgasms just with that fantasy. So, I must be gay..."

"Is that so horrible?" Jeremy said with a tender smile.

"Maybe. Maybe not. You see, through two years of intense struggle, I thought I'd beaten it but... I need... I need...I need you to fuck me."

"To check out if you are gay?"

"No, I know I am but you were the man that opened my eyes... and I don't have any other friends to ask to fuck me. I'd be too ashamed to ask them anyway. I liked the way you fucked me, so... please, fuck me again!"

"It can be done... I'll do it with pleasure believe me, but... are you really sure?"

Mark laughed. Jeremy looked at him not understanding the sudden burst of laughter.

"What's the joke, Mark?" he asked.

"No, I was deadly serious. Just... it's the second time you use that term."

"What term?"

"It can be done! You made me laugh. Perhaps it's nervous laughter. It's not very easy for me to accept the fact that I'm gay, and then to ask you to fuck me. This is really hard for me."

"Yes, I see, and I like you for it."

"You like me, for what?"

"For being so young and yet so honest and straightforward with yourself, and with me..."

Mark smiled, "Well it's funny being defined as straight when you're actually gay, isn't it?"

"And I like your sense of humour..."

"And... would you fuck me again, fuck my arse?"

"Oh yes. I'd like to slide into your tight little arse."

"It will not remain tight for long. I'm sure a few more fucks will take care of that..."

"Do you want to become my... fuck boy?"

"Yeah, something like that. Just don't let the others know."

"Well, nobody will hear it from my mouth."

"Now, go on, please. I need it badly..." Mark said turning his back to Jeremy and offering him his nice buns.

Jeremy started with a good, long, deep rim job. When Mark was moaning and had begged him several times, he started his requested, pleasurable, exciting task. He had some initial difficulties in penetrating the really tight arse of the boy.

Mark had all but relaxed, and finally, Jeremy won again the initial resistance and started to invade the warm love tunnel with his powerful shaft. He advanced inch by inch with the self-assurance of a real winner, of a hero welcomed home in the streets of his town. Yes, he had won the boy up there at the mines, but he didn't understand the real reach of his victory. Only now did he understand, and he could not have been more pleased.

"Fuck me!" the boy begged when he felt Jeremy deeply embedded.

Jeremy withdrew then to ram back into him.

"Stronger... harder..." the boy pleaded.

Jeremy increased his speed. His burning rod had never known such energy.

"Yeah, that's it... harder..."

"Do you like it?" Jeremy asked in a coarse voice.

"Yeah... fuck me... fuck... fuck... fuck..." Mark incited him, pushing his back against his companion's body with each thrust.

"Does it hurt?"

"Just a bit but my chute will take care of it soon and it'll be shear bliss. Oh yeah! More... more..."

"There's no more.... I am all inside you..."

"Good, do you like my little arse?"

"Oh yeah, a lot!"

"And I love your cock in me! Ah, fuck me, fuck me Jerry, make me die of pleasure!"

"It's... it's fucking magnificent... you're so tight."

"Yeah... fuck me Jerry! I'm gay, and I'm your fuck boy, and you are my man, my male... My arse is all yours. Only yours! Oh I need this! Fuck me hard, please!"

It was a furious, glorious, wild ride. Jerry's excitement reached an extreme with the boys rants of lust and he lost any notion of self-control. He pounded with all his energy. The red hot furnace had not yet completely tamed.

When Jeremy came, he shouted his satisfaction with grunting savagery. He had lifted Mark off the floor, holding him with his arms clenched tightly around his waist, his spear ravishing the palpitating channel. With his euphoria waning, he lowered Mark slowly, lovingly, exhaling a long, deep satisfied sigh.

He almost delicately withdrew and turned him in his arms, passionately French kissed him for a while.

Still panting in his euphoria, Mark murmured, "Thank you Jerry!"

"Thanks to you too boy... oh, sorry... I called you boy."

"You can. I'm your fuck boy, remember? and you are my man." Mark said with a sly glazed smile.

"But there's only eighteen months between us."

"No, five years difference!"

"What do you mean?"

"You had your first fuck at fourteen. I've just had my first real fuck, and I love the thought of being your fuck boy. Do you think we could do it in a king size bed one day?Ó

"Are you sore?"

"Yes, just a bit sore, but so darn happy."

"It will disappear in times."

"Sure, and then there will be just sheer pleasure, right?"

"Right." They kissed.

"Very good. Thank you again."

"Thank's to you too. That was a real mind bender. You're going to be an amazing fuck boy!"

"You're claiming me with those words?" Mark asked with a smile. He kissed his friend deeply, passionately.

Jeremy now had two remarkable relationships. So different in style and intensity, but both totally satisfying. He met Derek twice a week and Mark once or twice. His sex life was suddenly full and incredibly satisfying.

He met Sean again and he felt that Sean was really pleased to spend his time with him. They were developing a kind of mutual deep understanding. They loved their time together.

Thanks to his habit of saving, Jeremy was able to afford his first bike. He was so able to meet Sean more frequently. He was also able to take off on his own to beach at the nearby lake. It was a spot were some people sunbaked naked. He loved the freedom of tanning in the nude as well. He loved being naked in the outdoors. It was so... free. Liberating.

One morning at College, they announced at the last minute that the lesson had been cancelled, so he decided to go at the lake to sunbathe. It was the first time he had gone the lake in the morning, and he noted that the place was deserted. Not a soul for miles. He liked that. He stripped and took a plunge in the chilly water, then returned trembling but invigorated and proceeded to stretched on the grass to dry off under the warming sun.

He lay spread, his eyes closed, enjoying the warm caresses of the sun and the freshness of the gentle breeze, when he thought he felt a shadow, but he recalled that the sky was completely cloudless. He opened his eyes and saw Robert, completely naked, standing over him and looking at his body with a lewd smile.

"You weren't dreaming were you?" Robert asked sitting near him.

"No, just resting."

"You come here often?"

"First time for a morning session."

"You have a beautiful tan."

"I normally come in the afternoons, maybe a few times a the week if the weather's good."

"I like the mornings. Usually there is no one here and I can jerk off in peace. I love to wank in the open..."

"Really? Just do it if you want. I don't think you'll be embarrassed because I'm here."

"No. Embarrassed in front of you? Never, but what's the point of jerking off if I can have sex with you?"

"Who said you can have sex with me?" Jeremy asked defiantly, "You don't have your roughnecks here to intimidate me."

"I don't want to intimidate or force you. I just want to enjoy a little sex with you!"

"Yeah, yeah! And you want me to give you head and let you fuck me. Right?"

"Why not?"

"If it's going to be sex, then I want my share."

"Well, buddy, you can fuck my arse too if it's that you are asking."

Jeremy looked at Robert in disbelief. "Are all you skinheads gay?"

"Who's gay? Not me. That's for sure. When my father chased me from home I was only sixteen. I've earned a living selling my arse. I stopped doing it only a few years ago when I was twenty one."

"And did you like being fucked in the arse?"

"Like? That wasn't an option. It was work. Who likes working? Not me.Ó

"So, if you fuck me, you'll let me fuck you?" a still unbelieving Jeremy asked.

"Yes, a fuck in the arse, not in the mouth. That makes me puke. The arse you understand. Normally things come out from there, but at times something can go in, can't it?"

"You are a strange guy, Rob..."

"You think so? I don't know. I just like amusing myself. A good fuck is a good fuck, and you are a really good fuck, I know. So... can we make this a... a gentleman agreement?"

"You... a gentleman? Give me space."

"Even a skinhead can be a gentle-man. Well sometimes. I want to be gentle with you..."

"And to fuck me..."

"And have head..."

"And I can fuck you."

"Sure. In the arse, just in the arse."

"I don't believe you. What's the trick?"

"No tricks. Oh, I see. You're are afraid I'll fuck you and then turn around and say that I've changed my mind, right?"

"Something like that."

"OK, then. Easily fixed. You can fuck me first, then it'll be my turn."

Jeremy thought that the young man wasn't all that bad and his straight talking about fucking had aroused him. He nodded yes. A broad grin lit Robert's face.

"How do you like to fuck? Dog style, missionary, or on our side? Standing, or have I to sit on your cock? Upside down or against a tree, or..."

"Do you know all the gay Kama Sutra by heart?"

"Just tell me how you like it. If you're going to fuck me then just do it as you please, boy!"

"Yes, man! but if it's three years since you've had a visit, it's possibly less painful for you to go doggy style."

"How gentle! Thinking of my pain? OK, if you like it doggy style, then doggy style it is!" the young man said laughingly as he got on all fours.

Jeremy mounted him with little ceremony, using just his spit and the condom that he always had with him in case of the unexpected.

He fucked the young man. He wasn't too tight, and he was clearly an expert in taking cock up his arse. Jeremy wiled away his pleasure thinking about how much he liked having sex while being close to nature. It seemed so... natural.

He fucked Robert in his own sweet time, slowly and with ease, but with energetic, determined strokes, until he came in a quiet but long orgasm, pinching his own nipples to heighten the pleasure.

Then he pleasured Robert in return, starting with a very slow blowjob then letting him fuck his arse.

Robert took him half immersed in the cool water of the lake. He wanted to retard the orgasm and prolong the pleasure. It was a completely new experience for Jeremy and he enjoyed it. His body seemed lighter and the water was a pleasant contrast to the heat of their bodies.

It had not been as good as it was with Derek or with Mark, but Jeremy did enjoy that new adventure.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 8

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