Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 23, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


They were resting, still naked on the big bed after having enjoyed each other. Jeremy was looking at the splendid body of his new friend.


"Yes Jerry?"

"I was thinking what you told me about your father..."


"I complain about my father who is... well, about the way he is, but he's never done such an awful things to me. A father! If he so much as tried, I'd go to the police immediately."

"My brother Sean did that when he was fourteen. Well, you know, I was thirteen and didn't fully understand what was happening then. My father raped my brother one time when they were on a trip in his truck... one night in the sleeping compartment. It went on all night long. Sean told me that it never seemed to end. When he was nearing climax, he'd just slowed down then resumed hammering Sean's butt. Sean was crying, but that didn't stop our father.

"The following morning, my father pulled into a rest room stop used by all the other truckers. Sean saw a police car pull up nearby, so he took off and told the cops what our father had done to him. He was still trying to explaining, still crying, when our father arrived.

"The cops asked him what that story was. My father made a good play of it saying that Sean didn't want to go to school, that he didn't want to work, and accused him of any number of things, all lies. He told them that he didn't know what to do with him any more. He told the cops that they could verify his story with the school, or with the local police near home.

"In the past Sean really accused him of any number of strange things from drug smuggling to whipping him and treating him without regard. Naturally, all of that proved to be a nonsense so all his real accusations failed to impress the cops and the whole thing foldedÓ.

"But didn't they submit your brother to a medical inspection? They would have found proof."

"Yes, they would now, but then Sean didn't know that was an option, coupled with the fact that the cops didn't believe him, they never even considered a medical checkup. Sean had to go back with our father. Nothing was said as they entered the truck, or in fact for the entire trip, until they were reaching home when he just told Sean - 'Get ready, I want to fuck you again'. Sean told him that he needed to go to the toilet but instead left the truck and fled. The police found him about three weeks later and brought him back home. I don't know why, but my father stopped fucking him. And then it was my turn."

"Didn't Sean help you?"

"I didn't dare tell him about what was happening. I was too ashamed and I had no way of knowing if he had received the same treatment as I was getting. I discovered that years later. Because I had left home, my brother understood that there was some kind of a problems. So after a month he left home too. We met only a few months later. He'd become a skinhead so I become one too."

"Aren't your parents living nearby?"

"No, they live two thousand miles away. We've never spoken since."

"And where do you live, now?"

"We've rented an old trailer at Glenmore."

"You and your brother?"

"Yes, and Aaron and Robert."

"What do you do for a living?"

"I work at the bakery. I made bread. Sean loves working in the open air. He works in Glenmore as a farmhand at the stud farm. Aaron changes work every six months. He's is a postman now, until he gets tired of it, and Robert works as a warehouse hand at Schuster & Schuster."

"Is your trailer big enough?"

"Just enough. I sleep with Sean, Rob with Ron."

"Rob and Ron, were they in the gang bang?"


"But not Sean."

"No. They are not bad boys, really... Just... I don't know how to explain..."

"You don't need to. By the way, I liked the way you fucked me before."

"Really? Good."

"You don't? Right?"

"Being fucked? I'll get to like it. Don't worry."

"But you don't need..."

"I'm a one word man Jerry."

"As you want... I liked fucking you."

"Yes, it was fairly evident."

"Do you like it better when you fuck me or when I give you head?"

"Both... really, both." Derek said with a smile, and caressed Jeremy cheek.

The boy loved this little gesture of tenderness and thought that in reality, apart from the rough exterior appearance, a skinhead could be a normal, caring, descent person.

"I think it's better I leave now, Derek, before it becomes too late."

"Will we meet soon?"

This time it wasn't a statement. It was a question that pleased Jeremy.

"The sooner the better." he answered.

"Yeah, true. When is better for you?"

"On Thursdays and on Saturdays or Sundays but Sundays morning is out. I have to go to the church."

"You go to church?"

"I have to. My father is quite firm about it. While I live under the same roof with them, I obey the family rules."

"Must be boring..."

"Not always. I love singing you see. Homilies are boring, and often hypocritical."

Derek accompanied Jeremy back to the bike. Before parting, he asked the boy, "Is Saturday ok with you?"

"Yes, after we finish training at five 'o clock."


"I'll wait for you at the College's main entrance, near the bus stop, ok?"

"Sure. I'll be there."

Jeremy had never felt such happiness. Not only he had really enjoyed the sex, but he had deeply appreciated Derek's change. He had completely forgiven him and in so doing, his rage against the others had abated as well.

Two days later, while keeping to himself, thinking only of the next meeting with Derek, he was approached by Mark.

"Hiya, Jerry!"


"Have you changed your mind?"

"About what?"

"Getting fucked by me."


"You know that I can get you in deep trouble if you continue saying no?"

"Really? And how?"

"Just telling everyone you're are a fag."

"Really? You don't scare me a bit."

"I know and that's one of the reasons I like you. No, I couldn't do that. I'd never do that, be assured about that."

"I don't need your assurance."

"And yet..."


"I would really like to taste that arse of yours again."

"I would really like to taste that cock of yours again if you weren't so full of shit."

"And I would like confirmation of how good you are at giving head..."

"I would love to give you head if you didn't stink so much."

"Looking for a fight, brother?"

"I'm not your brother."

"I'm ready if you are not a coward."

"No weapons, just bare hands, and I'm ready."

"Good. Where?"

"Any place where we can't be seen."

"And when."

"Right now."

"Good. Good. Let's go."


"On my bike to the old mines."


They left with Jeremy sitting pillion, holding himself around Mark's waist getting a remarkable hard-on in the process. They arrived at the mines and dismounted.

"Just a few rules, ok?" Jeremy said.

"Yeh, and wha'dda they?"

"You have boots with metal tips while I have gym shoes. Your boots can became weapons..."

"OK, bare feet, then."

"And no kicks to the groin."

"Agreed. But one more rule..."

"What's that?"

"The winner gets to fuck the looser in his arse and mouth."

"You're so sure you're going to win aren't you?"

"Absolutely. Your arse is mine."

"Be careful, you don't know my strength."

"Neither you mine. Are you ready?"

"Yes. Take off the rings and remove the watch."

"Sure. OK."

They positioned facing each other on a large lawn patch, studying each other intensely. After some mock attacks, they finally rushed one another and started to fight in earnest.

Jeremy had a plan. While Mark was trying to land punches, Jeremy darted in close and succeeded in gradually opening his opponent's jacket. Little by little he succeeded. Mark never suspected what he had in mind.

When Mark's jacket was fully unbuttoned, Jeremy took both lapels and with a strong, sudden jerk, he pulled the jacket down his arms stopping at Mark's elbows, stopping further punches. He tripped the boy over and fell with him, landing on top of him, making him completely immobile.

"You loose!" he said triumphantly.

"That's not fair! You tricked me."

"We fixed no such rules. You loose."

"That's not fighting! I don't surrender!"

"But you can't fight any more. I'm the winner."

"So, try to fuck me, if you can."

"Sure, it's not all that difficult..." Jeremy said with a smirk.

Holding the jacket tight with one hand, he started to unbuckle Mark's belt. The boy struggled to get free, but to no avail. Jeremy was bigger and stronger than the boy. With all his body weight he further immobilized the boy. The belt was open and he just pulled it off and tied the boy's arms to his waist.

He now had both hands free and set himself upon Mark's knees to contain his flaying legs. He opened the fly and with a strong jerk, yanked them down along with the underpants enough to free the boys genitals.

"Stop it!" Mark shouted.

"Would you stop if the tables were turned?"

"No way. But you not fair..."

"Bullshit. You challenged me. Now take your loss like a man, and not like a crying baby!"

"You seriously want to fuck my arse? Aren't you a fag?"

"Yes, that's why."

"But fags love to be fucked, not to fuck."

"I'm a new type, I love fucking arses. That's sort of unfortunate for you.Ó

"Oh shit!"

Jeremy had, even with difficulties, completely lowered the boy jeans to his knees. Mark's dick was soft, smaller than Derek's cock, but had a good shape. Mark had wonderful lips, those befitting a real cocksucker. Jeremy became aroused. He rose just a little and turned the boy over.

ÒMy arms hurt like that!" the boy protested.

"Be a man. Take it. Something else will hurt soon, unless you usually take cocks up your arse."

"No way! I've never taken one!"

"Good. So I'll be the one to take your cherry. I'm delighted."

"You sonofabitch! I'll kill you if you try!"

"I won't try... I'll do it. Just like you did it to me. And the bit about killing me, that's bullshit."

"Christ, Christ, Christ... Haven't you got some Vaseline or something?"

"No, sorry, I've only got a condom. I'll just use some spit on your virgin arse hole.

"Ok, I've lost. You can fuck me. At least untie my arms, they are hurting!"

"I can tie them in a different way, but I don't believe you. If I let you free you will escape and more than likely leave me here making me walk back home... and it's a long way."

"OK, take the bike keys off my trouser loop."

"Good idea..."

Jeremy took the key holder and secured it inside his jacket then opened the belt. Mark slowly stretched his arms.

"You want to tie me again now?"

"If you swear not to try to escape, no."

"I swear, I swear."

"OK, then, make yourself comfortable and if this is really your first time, it will be less painful if you rise on all fours."

"Useless to ask you if you want to change your mind, I suppose?" the boy asked him.

"Totally useless."

Mark assumed the position on all fours. Jeremy caressed the small arse with real pleasure.

"What are you doing? Just start that fuck! I haven't got all night".

"I'm the winner, remember? So I'll take you as I want, when I want and for as long as I want, understand?"

"Shit, double shit!"

"Didn't you take your time when you fucked my arse? Now it is my turn, baby!"

"Don't call me baby!"

"Ok, Mark, but don't act like a baby. Take cock in your arse like a man."

"Yeah, while saying thank you I s'pose."

"No, you don't need to say that. I didn't thank you when you raped me."

"But you loved being fucked..."

"Well, I'll fuck you until you'll say you love it!"


"That means that I will never stop fucking you..." Jeremy sneered.

He lowered himself and started rimming the boy's virgin arse while skillfully kneading his genitals. Mark was soon aroused. Jeremy pinched Mark's nipples while still rimming. The boy stiffened and moaned softly. Jeremy smiled. He really knew how to made a body crave sex. He worked all of Mark's body while ignoring his curses, until the boy was ablaze with lust.

He worked the tight arse hole using a lot of saliva, first with one finger, then two, then three, preparing it for the pending invasion. When he felt that the boy was about to come, he wanked him so that he didn't lose his excitement. Finally he started the penetration.

"Oh Christ... oh no! ... Take it easy... oh, please..."

"Relax, and it will be less painful."

"Relax? You're joking! How can I relax when your cock's piercing me?"

"The more you resist, the more you will suffer. Either way, I'll make my way into you, so just relax. Take a deep breath and try to push out as if you were taking a dump."

Mark did as he was told, continuing to curse like a mad. Finally Jeremy overcame the last resistance and started to enter the boy's incredibly tight, warm channel. He was careful to keep the boy's excitement high while skillfully pressing his pursuit, onto the boy's prostate.

"Oh shiiit! What are you doing to me?"

"Just fucking you, Mark..." Jeremy sneered.

"Shit, oooohh... ooohh... I'm... near... cumming!" the boy panted, his body convulsing.

Jeremy stopped masturbating him. He didn't want the boy come too quickly. He wanted to enjoy the fuck for as long as possible. He wanted Mark to come with him. He caressed his body, continuing to sink into him slowly, until he was all the way in. Mark's cock had partly deflated, so Jeremy, before starting to really fuck him, kneaded his genitals and pinched his nipples until he was again fully erect. Then he started his slow deep thrusting, enjoying the wonderful sensations coming from that virgin channel. No more a virgin, to be correct...

Mark was bewildered. He was feeling conflicting emotions. On one hand, he was furious at having lost the fight and being fucked in his arse as a result. It destroyed his macho self-image, his pride, his bully attitude and it was painful. All his back muscles were being stretched to the limits and he was near breaking point.

On the other hand, he was experiencing unbelievably sensual, pleasurable stimuli while being fucked. He never thought it possible. He hoped that the torture didn't last too much longer, but and at the same time he wanted to feel more of those weird sensations.

Jeremy just took his time, enjoying his fuck. He was careful to keep the boy on the edge of the orgasm, but never allowing him to reach it. He felt the pain of the boy, and he wasn't glad for that, but he felt the pleasure of the boy and that intoxicated him. He looked at the blue sky, at the tall forest trees, at the green grass, then at that body receiving his manliness and thought that it was near perfection. If only the boy would put up with that fuck...

"Oh, please, let me cum..." the boy pleaded with broken voice.

"Not yet Mark, not yet..."

"I can't stand it..."

"I'm not yet ready... and you will come when I come."

"You sonofabitch!"

"You're a pretty fuck!"

Finally Jeremy lost control himself and flooded the boy's channel, jet after jet. Touching him in the right places, Jeremy's manipulation caused Mark's volcanic eruption. Both roared while discharging.

They remained still for some moments, both panting heavily. Even though the air was chilly, they were both covered in sweat. After partially recovering his control, Jeremy pulled out his not yet softened meat column, slowly, from the boy's sore arse. When he had completely disengaged, Mark collapsed onto the grass, panting deeply.

Jeremy would have embraced him, cuddled him, but understood that it was not the right thing to do in that moment. So he just cleaned himself and stood up, closing his trousers. Mark wasn't moving. His eyes closed, he was still panting deeply. Jeremy waited for a moment then crouched down next to him.

"What's up?" he asked in a kind voice.

Mark opened his eyes and looked at him. "You are a real sonofabitch." he murmured, but without rage.

"Yes? Why?"

"You took my cherry... I didn't think it would ever happen... not to me.Ó

"Were you so sure you'd win?"

"'Course! I know some judo, so..."

"Sorry about that, but I enjoyed that ride a lot."

"I know, you sonofabitch."

"Wouldn't you have enjoyed it just as much if it was you who were riding me?"

"You bet I would..."

"You can."


"Fuck me."

"I'm completely exhausted, I can't now..."

"The next time then."

"There's going to be a next time?"

"You can bet on it."

"OK then."

"Are you really sore?"

"Very. You're almost too big. Is there any blood?"

"No, none at all."

"Good." the boy said standing up, starting to put his clothes back in order.

"Are you upset with me, now?" Jeremy asked.

"No, well... not much... In a way, I asked for it. Honestly, will you let me fuck your arse next time"?

"Honest, and I might even give you head if you want."



In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 6

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