Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 19, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Jeremy went to the bookshop, bought the textbooks he needed, and returned to the College for the last lesson.

The meeting with Drake-Derek had disturbed him. It had stirred up contrasting emotions. Part of him was happy with what he had said to the skinhead, but part of him craved to be with that beautiful young man again.

After the lesson, he headed directly for home. He had not gone far when he heard the roar of a bike roar. It approached and suddenly stopped in front of him, barring his way. Mark mounted it.

"Hiya, Jerry!"

"What do you want?"

"I want your arse, boy! You were so good..."

"You can forget it."

"No, I can't." laughed the boy. "Honest. I want your arse again."

"Forget it."

"Why? I know you like a good fuck."

"No way."

"Come on! What do I have to do to convince you?"

"Another gang bang? But this time I'll go to the police. Be warned."

"And everybody will know you are a fag."

"Better that than being your toy."

"I like you. You are though, you are not a sissy."

"Bye bye."

"No, wait. You like a good fuck, don't you? Be honest."

"So? I like to choose my partners. It's not because I'm gay I like any pair of legs with a cock in the middle. We have standards too."

"Aren't I handsome enough for you?"

"You are, but you disgusted me. Fuck off."

"I prefer to fuck you."

"Forget it."

"We didn't harm you. We didn't bash you."

"Do I have to thank you for that?"


"You fool. No way."

"Yes way. Listen, I really want to get your nice arse once again."

"Try to have it."

"I'm trying."

"Words are not enough, Marky-boy!"

"Don't call me that, I hate when they call me that. I didn't call you Jerky."

"I don't remember."

"You want to fight?"

"I'm ready."

"Come on, Jerry..."

"Fuck off, Mark." Jeremy answered and resumed his trip home, ready for any assault from Mark, but Mark didn't say or do anything to hinder his progress.

Days after the encounter, Jeremy was in the College library, when a schoolmate whispered to him, "There is a skinhead here out looking for you. I didn't know you were friends with those boys..."

"I'm no friend of any of those shit-heads."

"He asks you out. Better you go, anyway..."

Jeremy sighed, left all his belongings on the table and left the room. It was Derek.

"What are you fucking trying to do here?" Jeremy asked him, upset.

"I've seen there is the student's cafeteria on that corner. Would you offer me a beer? I need to talk to you."

"But I don't want that. If you want the money for a beer..."

"I'm not begging for your money, Jeremy... just for a little of your time."

"Yet it is too much..."

"Come on... don't wait to be coaxed..."

"Aren't you trying to coax me?"

"Yes, but I don't know what else to do to get you to listened to me."

"What do you need me for? The world is full of people who would give their soul just to give you head."

"Bullshit. And I don't care for others."

"But, goodness, why are you so stubborn about me?"

"Will you offer me a beer?" Derek asked again in a gentle voice.

"OK, come in."

They sat and started drinking from their cans.

Jeremy looked at Derek, "So?"

"So what?"

"What do you want from me? Another blow job."

"Your friendship."



"What for? Babes are even more difficult to catch?"

"Not that much and babes are not you."

"And what am I?"

"A person I dig very much."


"And if you... if you accept being my boyfriend... you will be given no reason to grieve, be sure. I want for real to be your friend."

"What do you mean by that? What's a Òreal friendÓ mean to you?"

"Let's try it and you will understand. I'm not so good with words."

"Try, what?"

"Being friends."

"Making sex?"

"Yes, that too..."


"I'm sincere. I'm not trying to cheat on you."

"I see."

"Aren't you aroused by the thought of having sex with me?"

"No, not at all." Jeremy lied - in fact, being near that wonderful young skinhead had given him a remarkable hard-on. His soft trousers and tight underpants did little to hide it.

"But I am..."

"You? You are aroused because of me?"

"I am."

"Are you becoming gay?"

"Nobody becomes gay, you said."

"Right. Are you gay, then?"

"Who knows? Possibly, or not... or bisexual or... But I dig you. Let us try... I have my bike here, we can go..."

"It's cold and not dark enough yet. The park doesn't appeal to me at all."

"I've found a place."

"Where you bring babes in winter?"

"No, I've never taken anyone there. Are you coming?"

Jeremy wanted to say no because he was still upset with Derek. Another part craved him.

He kept silent for a long while, but at the end he said, "Wait here, I'll go and get my books."

"And then... will you come?"

"I want to discover what do you have in mind... Just that."

"You won't be disappointed!"

Jeremy gathered his belongings while feeling contrasting emotions. He wanted to have sex with Derek, but he thought he was acting foolishly. Well, he decided as he left the building that one more fuck wouldn't hurt.

He located Derek and they left the College. Jeremy, sitting pillion, held himself with his arms around the youth's torso. It was a very good feeling. His hard-on was raging.

Derek drove out of the town for less than one mile then stopped the bike in a thicket of bushes. They walked, heading for a small building, half hidden by trees. Derek brought him to the back the building and stopped in front of the back door.

"Wait for me here. I'll open the door from inside."

"Who lives here?"

"Nobody. I've checked it out. The old owner died, leaving it to his heirs who only come here for their summer vacation."

"How we get in?"

"I've discovered a passage from the cellar coal slipway up into the kitchen, so that I can unlock the back door."

"But this is trespassing."

"Only if they discover us." Derek laughed and as he descended the chute.

It wasn't long before Jeremy heard a click and the kitchen door opened. The smiling face of Derek appeared.

"Come in..."

Jeremy entered and the door clicked close behind him. Derek locked it.

"Here is the living room, and there is the bedroom with a double bed... and there is the toilet."

"But it's as cold in here as it is outside."

"'Course, nobody lives here. I lit the kerosene heater in the bedroom before coming to the College, so now should be warm."

"All planned huh? What if I didn't come?"

"I had to try... Come on."

They entered the bedroom and it was cosy. The light was very dim because of the closed heavy curtains.

Pointing at them, Derek said, "I've never moved the curtains, so nobody can guess we are here."

"And your bike?"

"It's far enough not to connect it to the house. I've brought an emergency lamp so that we can have a little light. I've checked it from outside in the dead of night and no light escapes. Around the house there is enough dead branches to made warning noises if somebody approaches. We are safe, here."

Jeremy sat on the bed. "So, here we are. Do you want to have sex now, or to talk more?"

"As you like... but I'd prefer to talk a little more..." Derek said sitting near him.

"Really? What about?"

"You... and me..."

"How romantic!"

"Why are you so sarcastic all the time."

"Why not?"

"You've been badly hurt because of me, right?"


"What can I do to apologise?"

"I don't really know. Really. It is not like switching off a light you know..."

"I see, yes. But I would like to find... that switch." Derek said, and, turning toward Jeremy, he embraced him and kissed him on his lips, softly, but without withdrawing.

Jeremy tensed, astounded by that completely unexpected gesture. The lips of the skinhead were soft, warm, and pleasant. Jeremy relaxed and passed the tip of his tongue over the youth's lips. Derek quivered, parted his lips, and started to really kiss each other. Deeper and deeper, until they were French kissing each other with eagerness.

When they parted, Jeremy was breathless, "Why?" he just asked.

"Because I dig you."

"How much?"

"A lot."

"A lot... how much?"

"I want to have sex with you. Good, long, real sex. I want a lot of things from you, really, a lot."

"You want! Ain't you treating me like your toy again, like a slave?"

"Not at all, because all I want from you... I will not tell you with my words. Not with orders, not asking."

"So, how?"

"By doing to you what I desire from you."

"Are you joking?"

"Never been so serious, Jeremy. I thought that if we were going to be real friends, that I couldn't ask of you what I'm not ready to give of myself."

"But I'm gay... you aren't..."

"I'm skinhead, you aren't."

"What's the parallel?"

"I want to be your friend, and I want to have good, long, real sex with you, like I said. So..."

"You want it so much you'd became a gay?"

"Nobody becomes gay, don't you remember?"


"Then what? Just let's try. Do to me what I do to you, that's the only think I ask of you."

"The only thing?"


"You swear."

"I do." Derek said, and started to unbutton Jeremy woollen jacket, smiling to him.

Jeremy thought it was a dream, but started to open Derek's leather jacket. Derek pulled out his companion's jacket and started to unbutton the sweater, then the shirt, then pulled out Jeremy's T shirt. Jeremy did the same to Derek, so that they were now both bare chested. Derek bent into the boy and started to gently chew his nipple... Jeremy quivered, sighed, and started to slide his fingertips all long Derek's spine.

Derek gently pushed the boy on the mattress. Jeremy freed himself from his shoes and lay on his back. Derek licked and sucked all over his chest. He freed himself of his boots then lay on top of the boy, continuing to French kissed him while feeling his own erection ride against the other.

Jeremy was in paradise. He made the youth lie on his back and gave him the same treatment. Little by little they freed themselves from their trousers, and underpants and socks, and, finally completely naked, resumed kissing.

They licked and sucked each other in the silence of the empty house, broken only by the light hiss of the heater and the faint sound of their sucking and kissing. Then Derek knelt between the spread thighs of Jeremy and bent over his genitals.

He stopped just a moment and, looking straight into his eyes, said, "I'm not as skilled as you are, but I'm sure going to do my best. OK?"

"You're... you're going to give me head?" an unbelieving Jeremy asked, widening his eyes.

"Sure, because I'm craving for you doing the same to me."

"Well, then... let's do a sixty nine... because I'm longing for your magnificent cock."

Derek smiled and turned around, going four legged over his companion. They started to suck each other. Yes, Derek wasn't skilled at all, but Jeremy was so enthralled by all that was happening that he felt a wild happiness fill him and that clumsy blow job he was receiving, seemed to him almost the best he ever had received. They sucked each other with growing passion. They caressed each other buttocks, kneaded them.

Without warning, Derek finger started to rim and to try to enter Jeremy's puckered hole, so Jeremy did the same to his companion. When Derek felt the finger tempting his rear entrance, for a moment tensed and stopped to tickle Jeremy arse, but then he resumed. Jeremy understood that he was accepting the same treatment from him. Jeremy, instinctively, took the lead. He lubricated his fingers with his saliva, then pushed them back in Derek arse, starting to finger-fuck him.

Derek tensed again for a short moment, but then immediately reciprocated. So Jeremy stopped sucking at the rod, and lowered to lick and knead the tight balls of his companion, who followed suit. And finally Jeremy started to rim Derek arse hole with his tongue. The youth sighed, trembled, but started to rim Jeremy arse hole in turn. They were now lying on their sides, their heads between the other's tights, curled to rim the warm crack between the buttocks and the quivering sphincter.

Derek parted from Jeremy, lay on his back, pulled his legs against his chest, offering the boy his arse, and said in an almost inaudible whisper, "Just... be gentle, please. The last time I had cock up my arse was about five years ago."

"Sure... but... who took your cherry?" Jeremy asked preparing himself for that unexpected offer.

"My father... for the five months while my mother was in the hospital, when I was fifteen... and even then when she was back, he just passed me to his friends each time he was losing at poker."

"He... was he using you as... stake?" Jeremy unbelieving asked, stopping his preparation.

"Right. So if he won, he got money, but if he lost he didn't loose money, you see."

"You must have hated all that."

"Yes, sure I did, but when I tried to say no, he beat the shit out of me. That's why I fled from home at 16."

"But now... you really want..."

"With you it will be different. I'm sure. You are kind. My father was kind for the first two months, until I got used to his fucking... but then, he changed, and started calling me a shitty little fag."

"But, were his friends gay?"

"One of them, perhaps. No, they just loved the idea of fucking a kid in the arse. Their friend's kid... and they are the people who say they hate the fags... the gays, I mean... but now, I want you."

"You can have me even if I don't fuck you, Derek..."

"Thanks, but I've decided I can't ask of you what I'm not ready to offer to you, so... and I really would like to fuck your beautiful little arse again. Go on, fuck me as you like. It's really ok!"

Jeremy was now ready. He had carefully lubricated his friend's chute (yes, he could now call him his friend!) and pointed the tip of his hard rod onto the waiting, fearing hole. He started to push gently. After the initial resistance, the hole started to gradually give way, to open, to widen.

"Try to relax, Derek..." he whispered.

"I'm trying, I'm trying... don't worry. The idea that I can have you in a while, helps me to accept that... pain. You will let me have your nice arse, wouldn't you?"

"Of course I will, Derek. Of course I will."

"I know that it is just question of time. I will get used to it... and perhaps even enjoy it, if you are as skilled in fucking as you are in giving head..." Derek said with a smile, brushing Jeremy nipples.

Jeremy was like in trance. After almost one and half years, he was at last feeling the good vibrations of entering another male sheath. He looked at his new friend's face and saw that it was contracted silently wincing with pain, the eyes tightly closed. He didn't stop. He continued to push steadily, without violence but with energy. The arse hole of his mate suddenly surrendered and his dick burrowed inside for a good half of it's length. He stopped.

Derek opened his eyes and tried to smile, "Go on friend. Gimme a good fuck, help me to learn how to receive it."

"More than willingly, my friend. And I'm longing to be arse fucked by you."



"Thanks, friend." Derek sighed trembling while Jeremy started to gently but passionately pound into his innermost parts while pinching his nipples to give him more pleasure.

Derek sighed again, tried to smile to his friend and again said in a whisper, "Thank you, my friend!"


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 5

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