Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 15, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Jeremy was in the changing room after the match. It was his turn to clean everything up that evening and then close the sports grounds. He waited for his companions to leave so that he could work undisturbed. He didn't shower with the others, preferring to do that at the end of his chores.

With just in his shorts, bare feet, he was ending the clean of the locker room, when he heard the outside door open. He thought that some team member could have forgotten something and was coming back to retrieve it. He looked towards the corridor. He heard several footsteps. Multiple feet. It seemed more the noise of boots than of sports shoes.

Made curious, he went to the door to see who was coming.

It was Drake in the lead with four skinhead in trail.

"Hi." Drake said to him when saw him on the doorframe.

"What are you doing here?" Jeremy asked a little worried.

"We thought we could have a good shower..."

"That's not a public bath house! Go homes fellas. Come on, get out. I'm closing up." Jeremy said, frowning, but with an air of authority.

"Come one! Just a shower..." Drake insisted. "Where are the showers?"

"I said..." Jeremy was cut short by another of the skinhead.

"That door! Yeh, that one" he said pointing. They proceeded to follow, their boots echoing in unison.

"Hey, wait!" Jeremy said trying to stop them.

It was too late to protest. Two of them took Jeremy by the arms and forced him to enter the shower room with them. The last one locked the door from the inside.

"Let's get nekkid, boys!" another said, starting to undress.

"Wait, you can't..." Jeremy protested with losing resolution.

"Sure we can. Aren't you the fag friend of Drake's?Ó came the taunt. ÒHe told marvels about you, so we thought we could play with you for a while, besides having a warm shower..."

"What do you mean? Drake?" Jerry asked now quite scared.

"Ya know, Jerry... I so much praised your skills, that they wanted to try you once..."

"I'm not your toy!" Jeremy barked in bewilderment. ÒI'm not your toyÓ!

"Well, ya know... we are so close... one for all and all for one, we say... And you like giving head, you can't deny that." Drake said in a bully, defiant tone.

"Shut up, boy! Tonight you will get all the meat you've ever dreamt about. And we can check if Drake was right or not." another added.

Jeremy dashed towards the door, but instantly, several hands grabbed him.

"Don't play smart with us boy, or we can become very, very, very upset. Open the showers and get ready to service all of us... now!" one said.

"Don't make Roy upset. You will regret it." another chimed, as if running on clockwork.

Jeremy looked towards Drake seeking some sort of help, some defense, but the youth was just undressing without looking at him, apparently oblivious of Jeremy's plight. Reluctantly, Jeremy realised that it was better to obey. He was powerless against those five hunks. He tugged off his shorts not to wet them, stepped forward and opened the water jets.

The skinheads pulled him into the middle of the spay and circled him.

"Good. I'll be the first," the one called Roy said, "then Ron, Rob, Drake, and last Mark. Go down, boy, and start with me!"

Jerry felt like crying, he was getting gang banged and he was completely powerless. He knelt in front of Roy and started to lick his cock.

"Kneel down, Roy. Get on all fours the fag." one of them called.

"What for?" one of them knowingly chirped.

"Because I want to fuck his arse. Then I want a good blowjob, just like we agreed."

"Good idea!" the youngest, Mark, said laughing.

"Hey, wait..." Jeremy tried to protest, but he received a stunning punch to his head from Roy.

"Don't 'hey' us, boy! Just do what we say if you want to come out of this breathing. Understood?"

"We didn't talk about fucking him in the arse..." Drake said in protest.

"Not with you and Mark, but that was understood, brother!" Ron laughed.

Roy, keeping Jeremy head pressed against his pubes, his rod completely inside his mouth, knelt laughing, Jeremy being forced to go in all fours. Roy started to pump his dick, holding Jeremy's head with both hands. Jeremy felt two hands on his buttocks, widening them, massaging them with unwelcome fingers.

He heard a voice commanding, "Take this. Use the Vaseline and a condom to fuck him."

"Thanks Rob. I didn't know you were so farsighted."

"Well, Ron, when we decided to visit Drake's friend, I thought it was better to be cautious. I want to enjoy this. I don't wanna get aids from this fag!"

"Go on, Ron, fuck him!"

"Sure Marky boy! Are you in hurry? Do you regret being the last? I'll just prepare him for you..." Ron said and plunged inside Jeremy with such violent disregard that Roy almost lost his balance.

"Go smooth, Ron! Do you want our dicks to kiss each other in the center of the fag boy's body?" Roy said starting up again.

Everybody laughed. Jeremy was just still, inert, suffering in silence at the double assault. A kind of strange calmness descended upon him. He thought that if he tried to bring those skinheads to orgasm rapidly, his torment would be shortened. He started to suck and to move his arse in the most skilled way he knew.

"Hey, the fag is waking up! Wow, he is really skilled Drake! Just as you said... Yeah, it seems it will be a very nice fuck..." Ron said.

"Don't call him fag..." Drake said in a quiet, almost defeated tone.

"Should we to call him your boyfriend?" Mark asked in a sneer.

"His name is Jerry. You know what his name is." Derek said weakly.

"Jerry? Or Jerky?" Roy asked and everybody laughed aloud. "He's really nicely jerking, by the way!"

"He has a nice tight arse ye know!" Ron said fucking him with abandoned vigor. "Warm and tight. A real pleasure, even if he isn't a virgin anymore. You'll enjoy it, Marky boy!"

"Hurry up or I'll shot my load before time! I don't want to waste my load, I want to fill him!"

"Just stop wanking, then..." Rob said laughing.

Jeremy sucked and licked the cock in his mouth while clenching his arse muscles, waving them, to give maximum pleasure to the ones that were raping him. With little effort on Jeremy's part, first Roy then Ron unloaded into him with raw animal grunts.

Roy pulled back and stood up.

"Your turn, Rob... or do you prefer to have his arse?"

"Is he good with his mouth?"

"Very, very good. Drake was right. This boy has talents."

"Let's try his mouth then, this time!" Rob said taking Roy place.

"Marky boy, your turn..." Ron said polling out after he deposited his seed deep inside Jeremy bowels.

"It's time. I really need a good fuck."

"We now Mark, we all need it. Babes are becoming more and more difficult to get, nowadays!" Ron laughed.

Mark put on a condom and plunged inside the open meat of Jerry with a kind of war cry.

Roy laughed: "Look at Jerky! He looks like a piglet on the spit! And he seems to enjoy it! Look at his cock. Look how hard it is!"

Jeremy hadn't realised that he had an incredible hard-on. He didn't like being raped, but he had to admit that physically it was enjoyable having two cocks deeply embedded, pumping in a double, broken rhythm...

The boy called Mark, who must have been about eighteen years old, was hammering him with unrivaled enthusiasm. Jeremy continued to play all his tricks to bring those two to orgasm as rapidly as possible.

Roy and Ron were dressing, when Roy said, "Hey, Drake? Are you dressing too? Don't you want to shake it, you know, take your share?"

"No, not tonight. I don't feel like..."

"Yeah, anyway you can fuck him any time, right?" Ron asked.

At last Rob gave one last shuddering thrust and came inside Jeremy throat. The boy felt like chocking, but thankfully for Jeremy, withdraw before gagging him. Mark was still merrily pounding his bowels.

"Hey Marky boy! Not yet ready to shot? You said you were near, you little liar!"

"It's two months since I've had a real fuck! Let me make up for the lost occasions!"

Roy shut off the water. Now fully clothed, he crouched in front of Jeremy, "Are you enjoying the ride, boy?"

Jeremy didn't look at him and didn't answer.

"I asked you a question, boy, and I want your answer." Roy said in a menacing voice.

Jeremy looked at Roy and noticed he was wearing an iron punch ring on his right hand.

"No." he said in an almost inaudible voice.

"You dirty liar! Your dick betrays you! Again! Are you enjoying the ride? And tell me the truth, or I'll smash your pretty face!" Roy said with menacingly impatience.

"Yes, What ever." came the resigned response.

"Good. So you are grateful to us, right?"


"And you will become our bitch, right?"

"Stop it!" Drake snapped with his now familiar bark.

"Why, is he your thing?" Roy asked standing up to face Drake.

"Yes, he is! And I don't want..."

"Hey buddy, aren't we one for all and all for one?" Roy asked menacingly.

"Yes, we are, but the day you let me ride your bike, I let you ride my boy!" Drake's losing tone was spurred to a new height of defiance.

"That's a good point Roy! You always say one for all and that shit, but you never share your things with us!" Rob said.

Meanwhile finally Mark reached his orgasm and loaded Jeremy with an almost hysterical cry. Everybody turned to look at him, Roy laughed aloud and the moment of tension was over.

"Fantastic, better than all the girls I've fucked in my life!" Mark said as he stood.

"In your life, Marky boy? Can you count them on the finger of one hand?" Ron asked with a sneer.

"I can, and with both hands, Ronny boy!" Mark said, responding to the insult.

"And Jerky here is the best?" Roy asked.

"He knows how to use his arse to give pleasure. That's for sure. Don't you agree, Rob?"

Mark dried and dressed.

They left discussing Jeremy talents without having regard for their surroundings.

The boy was lying on the floor, trembling. When all was silent, he slowly stood up. He opened the shower jets and bathed for a long time. He felt dirty, used, abused, but also confused. In one way he had to admit he had liked the sex. They had been wild, but not overly brutal. What set him at odds, was the thought that they could just use him, force their way upon him as they pleased.

It had been the first time he had been penetrated at both ends at the same time, and he liked that sensation.

If only it had been his choice.

And he was also in rage with himself. How could he have thought that Derek was his friend? He was just a dirty, cursed skinhead, nothing more. Not even a human being! The hideous holding that he was his belonging!

"I don't belong to anybody!" he shouted to the empty room, "and less than less to you, damned, rotten Drake!"

ÒI don't belong to anyone!Ó he bellowed in a deafening roar.

He shut off the water, dried himself and went back to the locker room with his shorts in hand. He dressed again, took his sack, closed the sport ground and went home, burning with untold rage. Homicidal thoughts spewing like bile.

After that gang bang, Jeremy diligently avoided any possible contact with Drake. He didn't want to meet him under any circumstances. No eye contact. No physical meeting what so ever. His rage had abated but he was still furious that he has fallen for, and become involved with the beautiful skinhead.

It was almost one month later, an early afternoon, when a well-known voice called him, "Jerry!"

It was Drake. He pretended not to hear and continued in his way towards the bookshop.

"Jerry!" the voice called again, now nearer.

Jeremy hastened.

"Wait, Jerry!" the voice said at his back as a hand grasped his arm trying to stop him.

He shook his shoulder trying to free himself. Drake quickly turned around him and now stood in front of him, pinning his arm.

"Let me go." Jeremy said in a low, controlled voice.

He wasn't at all scared from the skinhead. His rage gave him courage. They were in the center of town in daylight and they were one against one and Jeremy was not a weak boy.


"What for?"

"I've want to talk to you."

"About what?"

"That day, in the showers..."

"The rape?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Oh, you - are - sorry?"

"I didn't think they had planned to... to fuck you!" he said in trailing hushed tones.

"You - didn't - think?"

"For real."

"And what did you do to stop them?"

"Almost nothing, but..."

"But, what?" he snapped.

"I didn't rape you." Drake said contritely while bowing his head, cowered by Jason's snap.

"No. You just assisted! You just brought them there and gave me to them. To play with as your toy! But I don't belong to you!" Jeremy almost shouted.

"I know..."

"You know? You said I'm your thing!"

"It was the only one thing I could do to try and stop them, don't you understand? I couldn't fight them, there were four of..."

"You are just a rotten pig."

"No... I'm your friend..."

"Ha! My friend? You? Some friend!"

"I'm so sorry, really. I wanted to... apologize."

"A month after?"

"I thought you were too upset with me, so... I didn't show up before. But I didn't intend things to go that way."

"Ah no? What did you intend?!"

"I know you like giving headÓ. Drake lowered his voice in an effort to regain control of the situation. ÒWe were talking about not having any babes lately, and I said that I had you and you were so good at it. They wanted to try and I thought they just wanted to ask you and you could say yes or no as you preferred, and..."

"Oh, poor naive boy! You didn't think that skinheads could be so rotten, right? You never met a skinhead before..."

"Don't be sarcastic, friend..."

"I'm not your friend!Ó

"Sorry, man, I want...I wanted to"

"And I'm not your sorry-man! I am Jeremy. This is Jeremy!Ó He said, pounding his chest. ÒThis is Jeremy!. Don't you ever forget it! I am Jeremy. You are Drake, and I'm worth dozens of you! Dozens!Ó

"Ok, ok, take it easy... By the way, Drake is just a nick name, my real name is Derek..."

"And with that?"

"Cant' we start all that again, at the beginning? We were going so well, you and I..."

"You miss my blow jobs? That's a pity. Look around for another stupid fag to use for your pleasure. With me it's over. Over, do you understand? You can try to kill me, but you'll gain nothing more from me."

"Yes, I miss your blow jobs... but lot more... I miss you!"

"Trying to play smart to get me to subdue your sexual drives? You are just wasting your time Derek!"

"No... no, really. I can give up sex with you, but I want us to be friends..."

"Friends? What do we have in common? The only thing we had was just sex, wasn't it? What's you with up? You are ready to give up sex with me? For what? You are just a liar. You want just to con me into the submissive sex role again. You will give up sex with me. You have. It's over!"

"No, listen..."

"What?" Jeremy exploded.

Derek shied. "You are right, I still want to have sex with you... but as a friend... I don't want to... to use you any more. I like you too and I like the way you do sex, and..."

"Not to use me?! What did you do for me when we had sex? I was servicing you. To take care of myself... to wank, I don't need you, haven't you realised that?"

"But... you seemed happy to meet me."

"Yes, because you are handsome. Because I was so fooled to fancy that one day, perhaps, you would feel so good, so grateful that you would have reciprocated what I was doing for you. I was so naive to think we could really become friends."

"But I want to be... to become your friend. And it's not true we had just sex, we had also good chats, after..."

"Oh, the intellectual part of our wonderful relationship. I forgot about that. Chatting about trivial things? That's what you need? Aren't your peers enough for you?"

"You are really upset with me, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. More than upset. Disgusted, outraged and betrayed at what you did".

"You have the right to be..."

"Thank you!" Jeremy spat with uncontrolled sarcasm.

"Listen. I'm not used to begging, but this is what I'm doing. Yes, it took me a month to overcome my pride, to come to you and beg. That's the real reason I didn't show up. Yes, you are right, if I really was your friend, I would have fought with all them four to stop them, I have been a coward. I recognize all that now. I admit all that, even if it costs me a lot, believe me."

"Isn't it a little bit too late?"

"I hope not. I really dig you. Yes, because you give wonderful head, but not just because of that. I want to be your friend. I really want it."

"But I don't!"

"Please. Give me one more chance. Please?Ó

"What, until your next... gang bang!?"

"It will never happen again. Never again, if you are my friend."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Christ, no! I didn't mean that. Even if you continue to refuse my friendship, it will never happen again as for as I'm concerned. Please. Please, give me one more chance!"

"That's incredible. You are humbling yourself before me? No, Derek, it's over. Now let go my arm, you are hurting me."

"Oh... sorry..." Derek said letting his arm go.

"Bye Derek. Don't try to bother me again with your pitiful pleading." Jeremy said, ice dripping from every word.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 4

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