Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Apr 5, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Chuck got his silver and blue bike, entered a web-master course and the school's team of kick-boxing, fucked with all the friends other than Sean, who he felt to his dismay, was really incorruptible. He was flourishing and showing the best side of his character. He rapidly integrated in the community. The sheriff friend of his father was keeping an eye on him, and seemed to be pleased with the boy's behaviour.

But he also desired to find some mates to have sex with, besides his friends in the house. After talking about that with Mark, who being closer to his age was the one with who he confided the most, understood that it was better non to indulge in such a search at school or in his team. Instead, he started to go to the neighbouring towns, mainly on Saturday nights, to roam pubs and discos.

One day, he met Chad Swayze. He was a terribly shy boy the same age as Chuck, taller than him, wearing thick glasses, and with a powerful body. He was the son of the local blacksmith and worked with his father. They met in a pub. Chuck was listening to the rap music and sipping a coke, sitting at the counter, when he heard a racket. He turned to look and saw a group of bullies circling that boy, and making fun of him.

When he entered that pub, Chuck immediately spotted the youth who was sitting at a table all alone. He thought he was his type, with such a strong and well chiselled body, but the boy was looking at nobody, let alone him, so he didn't think of him any more, until that moment. At times Chuck could cruise some other boy willing to have fun like him, and "that" kind of fun. But in that case, they could recognize each other by the special glances that cruisers are able to spot in each other eyes. It was not the case for that boy.

"Hey, Chad, move, this is our table!"

The boy didn't react, stood up and looked for another seat, but the entire house was full, so he turned to go out of the pub. One of the guys who took his table, stretched a leg and tripped him up, causing Chad to fall to the floor. The guys burst out laughing.

"Hey, Chad, are you drunk so early in the evening?" one of them mocked him.

The boy stood up, saying nothing, and tried to go out, but another of the guys seized him by the arm and stopped him.

"Aren't you ill-mannered? You have to apologize to my buddy, you tripped on his leg and hurt him!"

"So... sorry..." stammered Chad.

Chuck saw a tear roll from the boy's eye and asked himself why such a big boy didn't react.

"Sorry? That's not enough, you shitty boy. Kneel and call him sir!" ordered the one who stopped him, forcing him to kneel.

Chuck felt sickened by the scene and even more so by the amused smiles of all the patrons of the pub. He stood up, approached Chad and grasped the wrist the guy who was forcing down Chad.

"Stop that shit, dumbass. Apologise! It was you who tripped him! Leave him alone!" he ordered.

"What the hell..." said another of the guys standing up menacingly and facing Chuck.

The boy pivoted rapidly kicking this other boy in the balls sending him to the floor whining in pain. The one who was forcing down Chad let him go and turned to assault Chuck, who with another swift and precise move, kicked him in the neck, sending the second one on the floor as well.

Then he took Chad's arm and said gently, "Let's go in a more civilized place, buddy."

Chad followed him meekly. They were near the entrance, when another of the guys charged at them. Chuck pivoted again and placed a kick on this third fellow's belly, making him fold in two, exhaling a loud "ouff".

"Why didn't you react?" Chuck asked him when they were in the street.

"I can't..."

"What do you mean you can't? You are so big, and strong, and..."

"I can't..." grumbled Chad.

"Are you so coward?"

"Not that... I'm too strong, way too strong..."

"This is not an explanation. What do you mean?"

"When I was fifteen I almost killed a boy who called me sissy. I'm not able to control my strength. I didn't want to harm him that much, but... he nearly died. He was in hospital for several months, in a coma. I swore I'd never raise a finger to anybody in anger again." said the boy in a mournful voice.

"Is he dead?" inquired Chuck.

"No, thank God, he recovered completely. But I was so scared at what I did to him. So I can', won't react, and they know it... so they make a fool of me. They make me do what they want. It makes them feel so powerful "

"Well, Chad, that's your name, isn't it? You can't just be the puppet of any turd living in your town! You have to reassess your position for goodness sake!"

"Better being a puppet than a murder..." answered Chad in a low voice.

"Well... there is something in between, don't you think so? By the way, my name's Chuck. Do you feel like going to have a drink together somewhere else?"

"I dunno."

"Why did that boy called you sissy?" asked then Chuck.

"Because... because I didn't dig girls." answered in a very low voice Chad.

"And you still don't?" asked Chuck in a soft voice.

Chad looked at him but didn't answer.

So Chuck said, "I don't either. I'd rather be with a good looking fellow like you."

Chad widened his eyes and lightly nodded his head.

"Are you shocked? Are you by chance a fag-hater?" insisted Chuck.

Chad shook his head a little stronger, then murmured, "No... I think I... I dig boys... handsome boys like you." and blushed.

"Do you think? Or are you sure?" asked Chuck with a smile.

"I dunno. I never tried. But a boy arouses me and never a girl, so..."

"You never tried? How old are you?"

"Just short of eighteen."

"And are you still a virgin?" Chuck asked, not quite believing him.

"You could say that."

"Wow! And... do you think I'm handsome?"

"I do."

"Would you like trying it with me?"

"It? What?"


"With you?" asked Chad widening his eyes.

"Didn't you say you think I'm handsome? I told you are good looking and we both don't dig girls, and so..."

"You mean... You and me? We don't know each other, who are you, who am I... And..."

"Does it matter? Wouldn't be a good way to become acquainted, having sex together?"

"I've never done it..." whispered the big boy.

"Don't you know that there is always a first time? I think I would like being... your first time."

"Do you want to... to fuck me?" Chad asked hesitantly.

"No, the other way round." said Chuck with a tempting smile.

"But... where?"

"I've my bike and we can go somewhere... maybe the woods. It's dark enough, nobody will see us."

The two boys rode until they entered the woods and turned into a secluded area. They got off the bike and Chuck gently pushed Chad against a three trunk. He caressed his new conquest and felt that Chad already had a raging hard-on. He knelt in front of him and started to undo his cut-off jeans' buckle then lowered them slowly together with the boy's boxers, until he revealed Chad's cock that was stretching out straight, hard, smooth and strong like a pole.

"Wow, you have a wonderful piece of meat, here! Just the right shape and size..." Chuck said.


"Yeah, right for me, exactly as I like it... and not circumcised either." added the boy.

Then he started to lick it's lenght, to bite it gently, to suckle it all over, while with his hands he was roaming on the flat belly and strong pectorals of his new friend. Chad started to moan in a very low voice, closed his eyes and threw his head back, licking his lips.

"Oh, god... oh, god... oh my god... that's... that's incredible..." groaned Chad in a low voice and in an increasing frenzy, while he caressed Chuck's head with both hands.

Chuck took all the beautiful pole between his lips and slide down, engulfing it to its root, then bobbing back and forth on that hot and hard sausage. Chad legs started to tremble.

"You're killing me..." moaned the big boy, "You're taking me to paradise."

Chuck continued for a good while, now slowing down and teasing it with his tongue and lips, now sucking it eagerly, with real urgency. When he felt that his new friend was dangerously close, he stopped but continued to caress and tease Chad's body. He stood up.

"How's it, up to now?" he asked in a husky voice.

"Too good, too good! I never thought it could be so great, so incredibly good."

Chuck pushed himself against the aroused taller body of Chad, and on his tiptoes, French-kissed his new friend. At first Chad was surprised, and awkward, but then instinct took over and started to play and to fight with Chuck's tongue. Their kisses became more and more exciting.

Chuck parted a little and looked in the bright eyes of his newfound friend. "And now, do you feel ready to take your first ride in a willing arse?" he asked in a seductive voice.

Chad nodded yes, unable to talk. Chuck lowered his pants, then his underpants, took a condom from the trouser pocket and unrolled it carefully on Chad's rod, using his lips, then bent keeping himself steady with opened legs and both hands on the rough trunk, turned back and smiled.

"I'm ready, buddy! Put it all inside me, make me enjoy your wonderful tool..."

"May I?" Chad asked blushing with emotion.

"You have to!" answered jokingly Chuck.

Chad approached Chuck, seized him by the waist and placed the tip of his pulsating pole on the awaiting bud.

"Push..." whispered Chuck looking forward for the imminent penetration.

Chuck started to move his pelvis forward, and felt the hot hole gaping to receive it. Felt his rod slipping smoothly inside and the wonderful heat emanating from the love channel surrounding his meat. He exhaled a long low sigh, almost chocking when he reached the end of the journey.

"Now move, smoothly but with vigour, back and forth... go, boy!" instructed Chuck turning his head to look at his friend with an encouraging smile.

Chad started to slowly wave his pelvis back and forth, at first almost hesitantly, then gradually more assured, and started to moan.

"That's... that's... incredible! That's good... Oh my god, I love that..." he repeated and repeated as in a tranced state, more and more excited and sure, more and more happy at the intense pleasure he was experiencing.

Chuck waved his arse left and right in slow motion to enhance the pleasure for both of them, and felt the good sized tool massaging in the right way his prostate bringing him too, and rapidly, to the brink of delight. Suddenly Chad started to push stronger and all his muscles tensed while he was emitting a long and husky moan, and Chuck realised he was ejaculating. Almost simultaneously Chuck spurted all his jism against the tree trunk in a spasm of incredibly strong shots.

For a moment they remained still, panting heavily dazed at the incredible intensity of their pleasure. Then, slowly, Chuck withdrew, turned back and embraced Chad, starting to French-kiss him again while caressing his body.

When they parted, Chad had a bashful smile and whispered: "Wow! I didn't know it was so incredibly wonderful. Thank you, Chuck! You've given me the best evening of my entire life. Honestly, that was incredible."

"I'm happy you liked it.Ó

"But... didn't you?"

"I loved each moment of it and I hope that we can do it again and again, in the next few days."

"I'd love to, but you are not from here, are you?"

"I live about eight miles away, and with my bike I can be at your place in a moment, that's if you want to see me again."

"If I want? I'd like that very much!"

"When can we meet again then? Soon?"

"Any time... I mean, in the evening, 'cause during the day I work with my dad."

"Do you attend a gym? You have such a perfect body."

"No, I just do my job... My dad is a blacksmith, a craftsman, we do wrought iron objects, like fire screens and tools for fireplaces, artistic grilles, bed heads. It's a hard work but it's creative."

"Do you like doing it?"

"Well, yes. And you?"

"I'm a student, I want to become a web-master, planning, executing and maintaining web sites, you know, that sort of stuff."

"You must be clever. I never was good with books."

They chat a while, then Chuck took him back after making an appointment for two days later. Chuck, very happy at making a new friend, went back home.

They met a couple more times, and Chuck was growing fond of Chad who, despite the first impression, was anything but a dumb boy. Besides having great sex, they started to like each other more and more.

One evening, while they were heading for their usual spot amongst the trees, a group of youths on bikes and in their cars came out of nowhere and circled the two boys. Chuck recognized some of the guys he fought in the pub the first time he met Chad. There was about a dozen of them, some with truncheons, other with chains or baseball bats. They went menacingly around the two boys, who dismounted the bike.

"So, little punk, you'll have to pay for your insolence!" one of them said talking to Chuck.

"Sorry, shithead, I've nothing to say to you, you fucking pieces of shit!" Chuck said in a calm voice.

"Trying to be funny, little bastard?"

"Absolutely not! I'm terribly serious. Leave us alone if you don't want to regret this."

"Ho wow! He's a real stinking rash boy!" another said starting to swing his chain.

"I warned you!" said Chuck and with a jump, kicked him in his belly sending him to the road on his back.

The others fell on Chuck. Chad saw that the boy was defending himself quite well, but one of them succeeded in throwing his club between Chuck legs and the boy fell on the ground. Before he could jump up, the others were attacking his friend from all sides. Nobody seemed to care about Chad. The boy understood that his friend was in serious danger and felt the rage surge in him. He looked around then just picked up a bike with both hands by the wheels and swung it like a mace, yelling with all his might, threw himself into the midst of the attackers.

The guys turned in surprise and were scared by that violent and unexpected attack. They started to withdraw. Chuck stood and faced the group, advancing at his friend's side menacingly. They all jumped on their cars and bikes and started to flee. Chad threw the bike he had in his hands on the hood of a car. The car veered, hit with the side a tree and drove off.

"Hey, my friend, you're stronger than Hulk!" said Chuck admiringly, brushing away the dust from his clothes, lightly panting but smiling to Chad.

The big boy was trying to cool down, his face still red, but looked at Chuck and said: "I can tolerate it if they bother me, but not if they try to harm you!"

They went back to Chuck's bike: "Happily you didn't use my bike." the boy said jokingly.

"I chose theirs on purpose!" Chad said shyly.

"Well done, my friend. Do you still feel like making love?"

"Of course I feel like it buddy!" Chad said and blushed smiling with pleasure.

Finally Chuck decided to introduce Chad to his new family. On a Sunday, he invited his friend for lunch. They all had a great liking for that big, meek boy. Chad was astounded at hearing that they all were lovers.

Late in the afternoon the two boys went to Chuck's room to make love. Chad, wide eyed, asked his friend: "But you make love with all of them?"

"Yes, but not with Sean."

"I see..." Chad said starting to undress when he saw that Chuck stripping.

"You don't seem happy with that..." noted Chuck studying his friend's expression.

"I... I know that... we are not really... real lovers, but..."

"Are you jealous of them?" asked Chuck quite surprised.

"Well, no... besides, I've no right to be jealous. I just didn't know... you didn't tell me..." the big boy said in a quiet voice.

Chuck caressed his friend intimately. "I like you a lot Chad... You are special to me. That's why I wanted you to meet them and them to meet you."

"Yes, I see..." answered the big boy getting aroused by the expert caresses of his buddy.

But Chuck felt Chad was not really happy with what he just discovered. He was more and more aroused, so, for the moment, didn't think the problem but just enjoyed being, for the first time, on a soft, comfortable bed. They made love at a leisurely pace. This time Chuck impaled himself sitting astride his friend's groin, facing him so that they could kiss each other. Chuck rode the hard beautiful rod of his buddy, relishing the strong, firm piece of meat brushing ceaselessly in his hot channel. He enjoyed the kisses he exchanged with Chad, who was now quite good at it.

They both came at the same time, moaning their pleasure. Chuck remained impaled on the still hard pole and looked with smiling eyes to his buddy. Chad looked at him, but his eyes were not smiling. He saw a hint of sadness.



"What's up?"


"You don't seem happy. I can't detect the usual fire in your eyes. The other times they were shining."

"How can you tell? We were in the woods in the dark."

"I can tell! Don't try to fool me. Now tell me what's up."

"What for?"

"Because you are important to me."


"Sure! Don't you believe me? I'm no liar!"

"I'm not calling you a liar."

For a while they both remained silent, Chuck looking in Chad's eyes, and the big boy looking to the floor.

Then Chuck, with a gentle voice, asked again, "What's up, buddy?"

"I... I thought that you... were... As I'm... I'm falling in... love."

Chuck was struck. His heart skipped a beat. He took the hand of his friend and squeezed it gently. For a moment silence fell upon the small room.

Then Chuck whispered, "I don't think that... I'm all too far from falling in love with you, Chad. Just... give me some time to understand what I really feel. I've never thought about love before. Just some time to reflect. I promise, Chad, I promise I'll be honest with you."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 16

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