Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 28, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Jeremy was pleasured to note that Derek and Robert often made love together. He was happy and thought that the two friends really did make a match. When he was alone with Derek, he told him so.

The young man blushed and said, "Yes, we are good together. You're right. But, the one I really love is you."

"You never told me that..." Jeremy said, surprised.

"It's true now, but in the beginning I thought that two males couldn't really love each other. When I realized that I loved you, that I was in love with you, you were still committed to my brother Sean. Yes, I know, you really love all of us, you are able to love all of us but your love for Sean is... different in some way. And more than that, Sean loves you. He is not like us. He doesn't fool around, he has just you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize how you really thought about me. I hope I didn't make you suffer.Ó

"You? No, I can feel that you love me. When we have sex, you made me feel that you love me."

"At times I'm a little confused by the fact that not only do I love you but that in fact I have four lovers. Mark hasn't ever told me he is in love with me, but I've the impression it's very likely."

"Mark adores you. He is absolutely in love with you. He will be ready to walk on hot coals for you.Ó

"How did all that happen?" Jeremy asked, more to himself than to Derek.

"Because you are a very special person. Because you can't hate. Your love is like a contagious illness. It's infected us all. I was the first to catch it and I've spread it. Oh, I'm more than happy it's happened. Yes, we all love you and are happy you love all of us."

"There's no jealousy amongst you?"

"Not an ounce of it. We feel really loved by you." Derek said and caressed his lover.

Jeremy leaned toward him and kissed him. Derek opened his mouth and their tongues started to play lightly while their eyes sparkled with joy. Jeremy slid his hands under Derek's T shirt and started brushing and fingering his nipples.

This one sighed and with a soft voice asked, "Do you want me, Jerry?"

"Yes... I love you, Derek."

"I'm yours, you know that."

Jeremy slowly crouched in front of the young man, opened his fly, pulled out the beautiful, completely swollen member, and started to lick and suck it. Derek looked down, and saw his hard strong meat disappear between his lover's lips.

He sighed, "All this started exactly that way... and you remain the best." he said.

Jeremy continued to passionately suck that hot meat while his hands lowered Derek trousers and underpants to his ankles. Derek stepped out of them. Jeremy started to knead his small and firm buttocks, then his fingers played with his puckered hole. Derek sighed again.

"Turn around, love... I want to rim you."

"Oh, Jerry! and then will you fuck me?"

"Yes, and you will fuck me."

Derek turned around and bent, supporting himself on his knees. Jeremy kissed the small arse, lapped it, licked it, rummaging with his tongue in the crack until he found the waiting hole. Derek moaned with pleasure and instinctively pushed his arse to his lover face, savouring the inquisitive tongue.

"Oh... oh... oh, please Jerry... fuck me! Shove all your love stick in me... Oh, please!"

Jerry stood up and freed himself of clothes. Derek removed all vestiges of clothing. Jeremy embraced his lover from behind and let him feel his ramrod searching between his buttocks while fondling the his lover's chest and thighs. He licked and gently bit Derek's shoulders and neck.

"Fuck me, love, please..." Derek begged again as he pushed back against the hot, pulsating rod.

Jeremy rapidly took a condom, sheathed himself then approached the waiting hole while Derek widened his buttocks for him. He pushed and slid inside, feeling the hot flesh welcoming him, wrapping his tool, quivering with pleasure. He slid inside his lover widening his bowels with tender energy. Derek pulled back his head, resting it on Jeremy shoulder, and sighed in pleasure.

"Push, love, push. Fill me up, give me all your magnificent cock! Oh, Jerry, yeah... I love feeling you inside me... More, more, please... I never have enough of you... push... harder... more..."

When Jeremy's entry was complete, he embraced him, gently twisting his nipples, and started a fast and strong fuck. Derek was in ecstasy. He made his arse palpitate, wave and swing to heighten Jeremy's sensations. The young men's bodies, tightly entwined in the middle of the living room, were moving in the dance of love, enjoying each other.

"Oh Jerry, I love you! Fuck me... love me.... fuck me good..." Derek begged.

They didn't realize that Mark had arrived. He silently entered and looked at the bodies in their love throws so beautifully united in the trance of the dance. He saw unhurried elegance, sensuous, erotic movements in their coupling and was immediately aroused. He rapidly undressed then went in front of them and smiled. Derek smiled back, and caressed his body. Mark sat on the carpet, putting his legs between the spread legs of the couple, and started to give head to Derek. Jeremy caressed his head. Derek moaned loud, enchanted for that double attention he was receiving. Each push of Jeremy sent Derek cock deep into Mark throat and the boy loved it.

Derek's pleasure had reached the point of no return. He moaned deeply, his body tensed, and he started to unload all his hot cream in Mark's mouth. He swallowed the man flow. Derek's contractions made Jeremy bust it, and he too unloaded all his hot lave deep inside the twitching hole. All three stood still, panting heavily, quivering in the afterglow of that intense orgasm.

The first to disengage was Mark, who stood up and caressed the bodies of the still united friends. Then Jeremy parted from Derek, pulling Mark into his arms, he embraced him and french kissed him.

"You still are hard, boy..." Jeremy said realizing that Mark hadn't yet reach his orgasm.

Derek and Jeremy made Mark bend slightly, and they took him. Derek entering him from behind and Jeremy giving him head. Mark felt happy. His lover and his friend were giving him exquisite pleasure. Derek, just having had an orgasm, fucked his friend for a long time. Jeremy slowed his mouth work, trying to bring Mark to orgasm at the same time as Derek's second orgasm.

After an enduring session, Derek moaned his approaching peak. Jeremy speeded up so that Mark, while being filled by Derek sperm, gave his cream to Jeremy. His body shook in triumphal bliss.

Then, holding each other's hand, proceeded to Jeremy's room, laying on the bed, their bodies intertwined. Sleep came with the happiness of their mutual love.

1997 came. It was May and Mark's 23rd birthday. They were under the pergola at the front of the trailer, when the sound of a bike interrupted them. They turned towards the entrance gate. A lean figure, clad in black leather entered. He removed the helmet from his head. It was Aaron.

"Hey! It's Aaron! Is the prodigal son coming back home?" Robert said cheerfully.

The others were showing mixed feelings. Jeremy was smiling, uncertain, Sean was serious and seemed worried, Derek was frowning and Mark had a warm smile.

Aaron stopped some steps far from them and asked, hesitant, "Can I join you and have a beer?"

"Sure Ron! Come on, we were celebrating my birthday..." Mark said.

"Oh... I didn't remember. I've no gift for you." Aaron said and sat with the others.

"So, what's up?" Derek asked.

"I... well, I... can I stop here, with you? I... I divorced and..."

"We are a little crowded, now..." said Robert, but with a smile.

"I... well, if you don't want me... I just hoped..."

"Well, what happened?" Sean asked in a neutral voice.

"You see, when I married Rachel, I never told you too much about her. Perhaps it's better if I start from the beginning..."

"Yes, definitely." Derek said.

Aaron started to tell them his story of the last three years. He had met Rachel and liked the girl. She was the daughter of an influential and rich man of the racist right of the 'Bible Belt'. He liked the girl and the girl liked him, so they decided to marry. Rachel said she wanted her father's consent, so she had the two meet. Rachel's father seemed to like Aaron, and asked him to become a member of his "Action Group". A group, he explained, fighting to have America rid of all the no WASP population. Aaron told him that he agreed, even if this meant alienating more than half the population. Norman, Rachel father, said that it was enough just to succeed in changing the laws. Everybody could remain, just losing some rights - voting, for example, or the public assistance, free schools, and the like.

Aaron accepted. So he married Rachel and become something akin to right hand man for Norman. They were campaigning, but also, and this was Aaron job, trying to make life difficult for the people they considered inferior... Latinos, Asiatic, black people, Jews, Roman Catholics.

Rachel was a good wife, subdued and ready to please him. The only flaw was that, in bed, while enjoying a lot of fucking and kissing, she refused to give head or to allow him to take her arse... but even if Aaron did miss that kind of sex, he contented himself with the situation.

Norman had said that they had to burn the new Catholic Church. It was to be a double stroke against both the Catholics and to the Latinos. Aaron organized the affair. They were really careful ensuring a strong alibi: some influential political men had a party and all of them were ready to testify that Aaron and his group were with them all the time.

During the night Aaron, along with the others, went to the church with several tanks of gasoline and, assuming the church was empty, set it alight, but as soon as the fire took hold screams from inside could be heard. Aaron's friends fled away laughing, but Aaron didn't want to became a killer, so he hesitated. Three men came out, appearing to be safe, then Aaron in turn fled.

One of the men, a Mexican working at the local mall, had recognized him, but during questioning he wasn't believed. Aaron was acquitted.

Another time they went bashing some young Latinos coming out from a disco. They didn't want Latinos courting the local girls. They had to teach them a lesson. They were masked when they attacked the young immigrant men. While Aaron was beating one of them, he recognised him as one of the young men from the church, and felt that he recognised Aaron, even though he wore the mask. In fact a new interview was held in which he was accused, but once again, thanks to a good alibi and good lawyers, he was acquitted.

When a black girl was found killed, Aaron was starting to think that the "actions" were becoming too much, but he was still tied to Norman's organization.

One day, Norman had decided to have the new Catholic Church blown up. By this time the Mexicans and the Catholics had become suspicious, so they secretly watched the place. As Aaron and his group approached the site with the explosives, the others surrounded them and a fight started. Well into the fight, somebody hit Aaron from behind and he lost conscience.

When he woke, he saw a face peering at him. It was the young Mexican, the same one that he'd seen at the church burning and at the disco bashing.

He tried to jump up but was pushed back. He said to him, "You are in bad conditions, don't move. You're safe here."

"Safe? What happened?"

"They were beating your friends badly. They were furious, they wanted to kill you."

"They... who?"

"My friends, so I hid you. You couldn't defend yourself anymore, and after hitting you, I called the police. They were all arrested, my friends and yours, but the police didn't find you. So I brought you to my house. You need to be take care of. You lost lot of blood and perhaps you have some broken bones, I don't know. If I bring you to the hospital, they will arrest you too."

"I don't understand... You know who I am, don't you?"

"Yes, I do, very well. I testified against you twice, unsuccessfully."

"So... why do you hide me, help me, now?"

"Because you are just a human being in need, and because I think I need to talk to you."

"To talk? About what?"

"We never have. We just hate each other, but why? Possibly because we don't know each other. So, I want to know you, to let you get to know me while you are healing. I sent my girl to call a doctor, he is a Latino, he will not betray us."

"Am I your prisoner?" Aaron asked.

"No, you can go as soon as you recover enough strength. Things need to settle a little yet."

So Aaron remained in Julio home for several days. He was cared for and healed. And they talked for hours.

Aaron told his friends, "Julio with his calmness and gentleness, and ability to speak, brought me to understand how wrong I was in my prejudices, in my ideas. In a word, he converted me. So, when I was well enough again, I went back and told Norman I couldn't share any more his ideas. We talked a lot about it, but Julio had done a job on me. I was able to refute all his assertions. Norman was furious with me, ordered Rachel to divorce me and chased me from his home.

"So I asked myself what I could do, where to go? I recalled the good times I'd had with you all, and the good sex, especially with Jeremy, and his special kindness and warmth. I hoped... I hoped you would have me again."

"Things are changed, Ron..." Sean said, "We are now some kind of... family, you see... not just friends like the old times."

"Family? Not just friends? What do you mean?"

"Ron, we all are... lovers of Jeremy, and a real family, very united. We don't know if there will be a place for you. What with your egotism, your wanting to be a leader."

"You all are... Oh, I see, I understand... but I've changed, I'm different now... really. I thought a lot about my convictions, my past behaviour... and so... can't you just try and give me one more chance?"

"Ron, we are all gay, do you understand that? Some of us needed time to accept it, to admit that, but now we know we are. You aren't. This is just one of the problems." Derek said.

"Gay? OK. I suppose I can label myself as a bisexual. I love having sex with girls, but boys too... especially with you Jeremy, you already know that. At a certain point in time, a man has to make a choice, and I would really like to be with you."

"Are you changed? Really? And how much? I quite can't believe that." Sean said.

"I believe him. I changed too." Mark said.

"You were a puppy then, still trying to find your way. He is a man. A man doesn't change so easily." Derek objected.

Jeremy had assisted the conversation by not saying a word, but now he intervened. "I... I think we have to give him a chance. I believe a man can change. If we are too crowded, and we decide to have Ron come back with us, we can buy another smaller trailer to enlarge the home. It's not a real problem."

"You are always so... understanding, so trusting... And that's one reason I'm in love with you, Jerry... Well, if you really want that, I wont stop it." Sean said.

All the others followed suit, with different words but similar feeling. So Aaron was accepted, even if it was on a trial basis.

He had been there little more than a week, when he was alone with Jeremy in the trailer.

"Jerry... I have to thank you. You made it possible for me to stay. I have to thank you, and to tell you that I'm more than grateful. I think I love you."

"Often gratitude is mistaken with love, Aaron." Jeremy said.

"No. As I told you the first day, in those three years I thought very often about you all, but mainly about you, Jerry. Not only the very good sex we had, and that I missed that a lot, but I also missed you, your personality. If I hadn't married and had remained here, you would have changed me in less time that it's taken me to change. I think I really love you, and I'm not saying that just to be accepted, or just to remain here. I'm really changed, Jerry. Can you now... love me?"

"I believe you, and it shows, anyway. About me loving you? Apart from the good sex we had, I think I love you too, Ron."

"May I... may I embrace you?" Aaron asked.


But they didn't just embrace. Aaron kissed Jeremy deeply on his mouth, and Jeremy responded in kind. Immediately they were extremely excited. They slipped on the carpet and started to undress each other with feverish hands. They were kissing each other all over their bodies, savoring each other in a growing excitement.

When Jeremy freed his companion's rock hard cock, he leaned down and took the length in his hot mouth.

Aaron sighed aloud, "Oh, yeah! You are always the best, Jerry... How much I missed that. Oh, Jerry, Jerry. You are driving me crazy with pleasure. Oh yeah, Jerry. I want to belong to you.Ó

Jeremy was working the throbbing fleshy tool with his lips, his tongue, moving up and down, licking it, and sucking it, with all his soul. Yes, he loved this man, and he loved his body and his strong, quivering rod.

"Would you fuck my arsed Ron? I loved the way you do it..." Jeremy asked with an inviting smile.

"Yes, with pleasure. But, if we have to be lovers, I want you to fuck my arse."

"But you never did it..."

"I don't care. I want you in me."

Jeremy nodded and lowered to rim the hole of his newfound friend. He licked and lapped and tongue fucked it until he felt he was ready. He quickly applied a condom, and tried to penetrate the inviolate flesh ringlet... He pushed, but even if Aaron tried to relax, he couldn't enter. He pushed with force, but then withdraw, seeing a grimace deform his friend's face.

"It hurts to much, right?" he asked.

"Yes, but I want you in me..." Aaron said, "Try again."

"No, I don't want to hurt you."

"But I know you like being a top."

"Ron, I know you ARE a top. It is ok with me."

"I want you to try again."

"But why? Sex has to be pleasure, not pain. Look, your cock is soft again."

"I owe you that, and anyway, even if it hurts, I like the sensation of your meat trying to enter me. I can get used to."

"No, Ron. Not now, anyway. Now you have to fuck my arse. You know how muck I love feeling your rod inside me. So, please, take me, now. Please, I really need it."

"You really want me in you?"

"Badly. And, you see, yours is becoming hard again just thinking about taking me... Don't fight your natural instincts Ron. Make me happy, take me as only you can." Jeremy said, offering himself to his companion.

He widened his legs and brought them up to the sides of his chest, and offering his smooth and firm arse to his partner. "Take me, please..."

Aaron sighed, but wore a condom and entered his friends. Embraced him and, his long, slender rod guided by Jeremy hand, started to enter the love channel so eagerly awaiting it.

"Oh Ron! I'm feeling it! How good is it... Your spear his conquering me again. It seems bigger than it really is. It is filling me. Oh yes, Ron yes, it's so good having you in me again."

"Do you love it?" Aaron asked with a joyful and excited smile.

"Oh yes, I love it, and I love you."

"I can tell you love me. I love you. I will never use you just for my pleasure. I don't want to just fuck you anymore. I want to love you. I want to make you happy. I want my cock being the messenger of my love, not just of my desire."

"Yes, Oh yes. You are all inside now. Go on, move it. Give me joy, pleasure and your love. Go on, make me feel the strength of your desire for me. Oh man, I love you!"

Aaron started to move in a steady rhythm, brushing his lover's nipples, covering his face with kisses, enjoying the bliss that was shining in his lover's face. He loved the sensation of his flesh column tightly encased in the velvety, hot, quivering channel, he loved feeling body of his lover trembling with excitement and pleasure. To realize that he was giving him that pleasure. Yes, he was really in love with that splendid young man, and he was trying to express his love with all his body.

Jeremy was enjoying the strong, hot ride. He was sucking his lover's tongue with real passion. He felt Aaron gradually speeding up, taking him with deeper strokes and understood that his companion was rapidly nearing his orgasm. He saw Aaron closing his eyes, he heard him panting, he felt his lover's skin being suddenly covered in sweat, he felt his body tense, and he came between their bodies. The contractions of his member echoed in his anus, and finally Aaron came in a symphony of low and hot moans. Their kisses became deeper, until both suddenly relaxed panting heavily.

Aaron emitted a long gratifying sigh. "Oh, Jerry, I really love you."

"Yes, I know."

"And I need you! Don't send me away, please."


"But the others?"

"They will accept you, I'm sure. We'll buy another trailer. The family will grow."

"We gang raped you. That day seems so far away now, but you kid-napped our souls, our hearts. You changed all of us. We are all your... happy prisoners now."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 14

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