Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 24, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


When Jeremy recovered his senses, he found himself in an ambulance. The kind face of a unknown nurse bent over him.

"What happened?" he asked trying to move, but a sharp pain made him wince.

"Don't try to move, you could have broken bones. You had an accident with your bike. You fell off your bike and it landed on you.Ó

"Ah..." Jeremy said and tried to think...

Evidently Bart had blocked his attack, then taken him to the ÒaccidentÓ scene. He was not sure what to do now. Report the event to the police and tell them the truth or not? Would they believe him? Roy had said they had prepared an alibi... and he didn't even know where the cellar was. In all probability they would put up the accident story to cover up the hits he received from Bart.

He was brought to the casualty ward.

They were just putting him into bed, when he heard Sean voice, "... my room mate. No, no family to warn. Let me see him!"

"Calm down, young man. We are taking care of him, and you can see him after we have checked him."

"But..." Sean started again almost shouting.

"Sean? I'm here, everything is OK!" Jeremy shouted, feeling relieved Sean was already there.

"Jeremy? I'm here..."

"Just wait..." Jeremy then shouted, just before the nurses ordered him to be quiet.

Sean was eventually allowed to see him. The damage was limited to a cracked ulna, several bruises and contusions, a cut on his thigh and a bloodied nose. They medicated him, plastered his arm and gave him some antibiotics and pain relief.

"Oh Jeremy! What happened?"

"How could you be here so fast?"

"Just by chance. I saw the ambulance with a police truck following. Your bent up bike in on board, so I understood what had happened, and I just followed the ambulance. How did it happen? Were you speeding? And where have you been all day without giving us your news?"

"I'll tell you... can anybody hear us?"

"I don't think but... I'll check, wait... No, no problem. So?"

"I didn't have any accident. I was kidnapped..."


"Yes, Roy and two of his friends I don't know, Bart and Gus they called themselves. They took me to a cellar and raped me. I tried to escape. They beat me and I lost conscience. The accident is just a cover-up for the bruises they gave me. So I cannot report the incident to the police, I'm afraid. They also spoke about a very good alibi, you see..."

"The bastards! The rotten bastards! I'll kill them!"

"No, love. I don't want you in prison. I want you here near me."

They talked about the incident and it became clear that reporting the fact to the police would have more harmful to Jeremy than to the three criminals. Either of them didn't have so much trust in the police anyway.

"But they have to pay for what they did to you." Sean said, belligerently.

"Sean, love, don't make things worst of what they are."

"Jeremy, we can't just pretend nothing happened. Those three bastards have to pay, don't you understand or they will do it again, to you, to me, to somebody we don't know. They have to be stopped."

"As you want, love. Just... be very careful, I don't want to loose you, remember."

"I don't want to be separated from you either. Let me just talk to our friends."

"Robert will be waiting for me, and he will be disappointed not seeing me..."

"Don't worry about him, now."

"Can you find a way to let him know that I had... an accident?"

"I think so... But for now, just try to get well soon my love."

"Doctors say it will be healed in forty days..."

"So long..."

"But I'll be back home before that..."

"I hope, love. I'll miss you so much..."

"Me too."

Sean went to see Robert's lawyer, and got permission to visit Robert instead of Jeremy. He explained why Jeremy couldn't come. Robert was furious at the news.

When he was back in his cell, he said to Woody, "Woody, I've never asked you for the smallest thing, right?"

The man looked at him with a curious smile, "Almost right. The only thing you asked me for was to become my private punk."

"Yes. I've always done what you asked of me in the best possible way right?"

"I agree..." the man said trying to guess where the conversation was going.

"You are happy with my behaviour, aren't you?"

"I must admit I am..." the man nodded always smiling.

"So I have now to ask you to help me."

"Some troubles? Somebody annoying you?"

"No, not here. You have good strong relationships outside, right?"

"Yes, I do. Why?"

Robert told him what had happened to his best friend, Jeremy, and asked Woody to avenge his friend.

When Sean went to see Robert again, he told him that he would take charge of the revenge for Jerry, and that he just needed information to help single out the other two because he already knew about Roy. He passed on all the information he has for Robert, and in turn, he gave all the information to Woody. Woody issued some instructions to some of his friends on the outside.

A few days later in town there was a large gathering black men that had booked rooms in an hotel for a convention. It was reported that they were all baseball players.

Within those few days it happened that Bart lost his house and bike in a fire, escaping with third degree. Roy had a very bad accident; three of his ribs were broken along with one leg and his nose fractured. His bike was totally destroyed. Gus decided to leave town, but before he could, he had suffered a fall down a rock face, getting seven fingers fractured, losing all his front teeth while having his bike written off to scrap.

While they were in hospital, they all received a bunch of flowers and box of chocolate with a small card on which was written,

"From Jeremy's friends. Hoping that in future you will be more careful. P.S. We hear that there are great towns several hundred miles from here. Try your luck there. This place is clearly not lucky for you."

They clearly understood the message, and were scared enough to follow the advice even before being healed. Nobody heard about them any more.

Jeremy recovered completely and life resumed its normal pace.

In 1996 at last Robert left the prison and went back to the trailer with his friends. They welcomed him with the entire trailer being decorated, and showed him his place in with Mark and Derek.

"It's so good to be back home, you know. You are my family, my only friends." he said visibly moved. "You didn't forget me."

"How possibly could we forget a bad guy like you!" Mark said lightheartedly, then added with a cunning smile: "We missed you a lot. You are the oldest here. We need a fatherly figure you know."

"Hey hey! I'm only five years older than you, Marky boy!" Robert said waiting for the usual reaction from him. When he saw that he was not reacting, asked in surprised: "You were complaining about that way back when you were eighteen and now that you are twenty-two you say nothing?"

Mark smiled: "I've learned lot of things, while you were in thatÉ resort."

"Lots?" Robert asked.

"Yes, lots, thanks mainly to Jeremy."

"Who hasn't got anything to thank Jeremy for?" Robert observed with a smile.

Jeremy blushed and everybody laughed. Sean embraced and kissed him while the others cheered them.

Later, when Robert was alone with Jeremy, he told him, "Those years inside gave me lot of time to think... and to change, you know?"

Jeremy looked at him but said nothing.

"Yes. I really understood, for the fist time just how a horrible rape is, and I realized that I had never asked your forgiveness."

"You don't need to ask for it. What you had endured was lot worst than what you did me."

"Be that as it may. I now feel I have to ask you to forgive me for what I did you."

"I forgave you ages ago, Robert."

"Yes, but I had to ask you. Then I realized how much you all care for me, but more than all, how much you care for me Jeremy... and I thought of all the sex we had."


"Yes. I've realized that all I wanted with you was just to amuse myself."

"But I enjoyed the sex I had with you, Rob..."

"Yes, but... you deserved lot more. You see, I always denied being gay, pretending that just I loved sex, not caring with who it was with, Ok, I don't know if I'm gay or bisexual or what."

"They are just labels, what importance can they possibly have?" Jeremy asked with kindness.

"Yes, OK. Just labels, but I've understood during those years, that I really dig males, that I really love being with males. Yes, babes also, OK, but with babes I need to dominate, to feel... superior. Whether it's the same with men is yet to be seen. With males I feel a peer. Even being the wife of Woody or the husband of Harvey. I liked Harvey a lot. I respected and esteemed Woody, but you are the most complete man I ever met. And... I feel... I love you!"

"I like you too, Robert, a lot."

"No, I said I love you. Yes, I know that you and Sean are lovers. It's OK. But I know that you love Derek and Mark as well. Can you accept my love and love me, please? I think I need your love now Jeremy. More than ever"

"Oh gosh! What can I do?" Jeremy said, really shaken.

"Just accept me. As time passes allow me to show with all my body how important you are to me. To have, sometimes, sex with me."

"It seems that my harem is increasing..." Jeremy said jokingly then became serious and said: "You see, Robert, we are a strange family. I don't want to tip the balance of what we have built here, so, I'm really flattered, and I do love you... but we have to settle all that with all the others. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do. You're right. We'll resume this talk with the family... and I'll accept the decision. Anyway, Jeremy, don't forget that I really love you!"

The family discussed and accepted Robert request. One Sunday afternoon they found themselves alone in the trailer so that they can make love in peace. Robert seemed nervous. He was fidgeting in the kitchen. Jeremy approached him from behind and lightly embraced him. Robert sighed and leaned back into his lover's arms.

"What's up, Rob?"

"I feel so nervous..."

"I know, but why? Aren't you near to realizing what you wanted?"

"Yes... but... if I deceive you? You see, I feel that this time, having sex with you is not just a fun game, it is lot more."

"Right. So what now? How can you disappoint me if you are in love with me?"

"I... I've never loved anybody, until now. I'm twenty seven now, but I feel like a teenager."

"Isn't that beautiful? Relax, Rob... I'm here for you and with the blessing of all the family"!

"That scares me even more. If I fail, all the family will be upset with me."

"How can you possibly fail if you really love. Come with me Rob, I'm longing to be with you. Come on."

Jeremy guided Robert to his room, gently nudging him onto the wide bed and started to undress him. Robert was trembling but started to undress Jeremy with feverish hands.

"While I was in prison, all I could think about was this moment..." he whispered.

"And what did you fancy doing with me?"

"Everything, but differently."

"Different, how?"

"With all my love, Jeremy. With all the love I'm able to give you."

They were almost naked with just the tenting underpants still covered their bodies. Robert slid one hand on Jeremy chest, caressing him, full of desire. Lowered on his friend belly, then slid his hand under the last vestige of clothing and took hold of Jeremy's hot rod, fingering and caressing it.

"I would like... to taste you again..." he whispered.

"Do anything you please, Rob..." Jeremy said caressing all his body.

Robert lowered, and with his teeth took the band and pulled it down, slowly. His fingers played with Jeremy nipples. Jeremy lay back raising his pelvis allowing Robert to free. When Jeremy's hard cock was freed from the underpants and sprang up hard and straight, Robert moved his lips to the glorious rod. He started to lick it up and down, to kiss it, to lap it as if in a state of gluttony. Jeremy quivered. His hands caressed Rob's soft hair. He applied his hot lips on the shining cock head, circled it and slid down, taking the entire length of quivering flesh. He started to suck, moving his tongue over it, moving slowly up and down. Jeremy sighed with pleasure. Slowly he turned around, until his mouth was able to reciprocate those heady feelings. Rob moaned his appreciation. They were now on their sides, sucking each other with tender passion.

They continued, caressing each other body, kneading each other nipples, balls, buttocks, tempting each other's back holes with their inquisitive fingers. They were moaning louder and louder, feeling their orgasms grasping their bodies. They had previously agreed not to stop. They both wanted to come, to taste each other. They were now like anxious to achieve that wonderful, mutual gift. They sucked with eagerly. At last, simultaneously, each of them quenched their thirst on their friend's fountain of life. They drank, grateful for the gift they were receiving.

When the last spasm had subsided, when the last drop was swallowed, they both shifted so that they could embrace and kiss. They savoured the friend's of each other's mouth, blending the two manly essences with their searching tongues.

They parted just a little, enough to look in the bright eyes of the friend and they smiled.

"Jerry, oh Jerry!"


"How wonderful can be to love and to be loved..."

"It is..."

"Yes... and just one thing I regret..."

"That is?"

"It's is possible to suck each other at the same time, but it's not possible to penetrate each other sweet hole at the same time. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could do that?"

"True. It would, but we have to be happy with what we can do."

"Once I was fucking Harvey when Woody entered the cell. He saw us, made a gesture as if to say 'continue', then undressed, come up to me and started to fuck me. I felt that fucking while being fucked was really great, but that it would have been wonderful if it was possible to fuck and be fucked with just one person, the same person. That day I thought that person was you."

"But we cannot..." Jeremy said sweetly, caressing Robert cheek.

Robert took Jeremy hand and kissed it, then asked, like a boy asking for something special of his parents, "Will you please fill my ass with your delicious cock?"

Jeremy smiled and nodded yes. "How would you like me to do it?" he asked.

"On my back, my legs folded up, so you can kiss me. Woody always took me from behind, but I want to look at your face."

"Yes..." Jeremy whispered.

They shifted into position. Robert offered himself to his friend. Jeremy gently pushed his hard spear inside his friend and enjoyed the wide smile and the pleasured sigh as he was welcomed into the warm flesh pipe.

"Oh, Jerry! Fuck me! Let me feel how much you like being my man."

"Yes..." Jeremy murmured, starting a steady and joyful rocking and swaying inside his friend's palpitating channel.

"Oh, how good is it! Oh Jerry I love you! I love your cock in me, I love your hands all over me, I love your smile. I'm yours. Tell me I'm yours."

"You are mine, yes."

"Your cock is paradise!"

"Yes, love."

"It's so good... too good. oh, fuck me... Let me feel your spear. Oh... I'm cumming... ooooh... kiss me... please... oooh... mmmmmhhhhmmmmm!"

Jeremy kissed his friend and the contractions of Robert's hole while squirting out his load, roused Jeremy's orgasm and he too unloaded deep inside his friend, both moaning aloud their intense pleasure.

Panting, they remained united, waiting for their breath and heart beat to calm down again.

"I came from the sheer pleasure of you me fucking me! It's the first time that it happens to me. It was incredibly wonderful. Thank you, Jerry..."

"Was it really pleasurable?"

"More than that. Your cock inside me did wonders, really."

"But now, you won't be able to able to return the same pleasure..."

Robert smiled, looked at the alarm clock, and said: "Yes... we still have plenty of time. Let's just rest a while, and I'll give you all you desire."

They chatted, staying embraced.

"I am curious... Did Woody fuck Harvey too?"

"No, never. Not when I was there. He considered Harvey to be my punk, so he didn't touch him."

"Poor Harvey, punk of a punk..." Jeremy smiled.

"He was happy with that. He told me that he liked being my punk..."

"And now? Is Harvey Woody's punk?"

"I think so. But I'm not sure. He'd still be in Woody cell. I asked him to take care of him when I left and he promised. I told Woody and Harvey that I intended to ask the authorization if I could visit them. Woody said no - you see, I'm white, he is black. He said it would have been strange, so I promised him to send them a parcel every few months."

"You still feel attracted to themÓ?

"Sure. Woody has been good to me and he's revenged you. Harvey really liked me and was always ready to please me. Sure I like them both very much."

"Does Harvey have a long sentence?"

"Yes... he killed his father."


"Yes. His father was a bastard. When Harvey was eighteen, his father discovered that he was gay."

"He beat him?"

"No, not at all. He just said: 'Good, if you love cock so much, I'll find a use for you'. So he forced his son to become a prostitute. As many as ten took him on any one day. The father took all the money and he spent so much as a cent on clothing for Harvey. 'You don't need them, you'll have to stay naked in bed and wait for the next john'. he said. Three years of that life!"

"But... and his mother, his brothers?"

"All consented along with his father. They were looking for more johns for Harvey. He alone procured enough money for the entire family to have a very comfortable life. He was the goose laying the golden egg. One day, Harvey fell ill with fever. His plea for rest and drugs fell on deaf ears. They gave him nothing. Nothing, he had to continue in his work. A john was fucking him in the mouth, and he puked. His father was furious, saying that he had done it on purpose, took his belt and started thrashing him. He begged him to stop, but his father wouldn't. There was a kitchen knife nearby and he took it and stabbed his father without even looking where he was striking him. Just one stroke to his heart proved fatal.

ÒHe told the police what he had been forced to do. All the family, relatives, neighbours, everybody witnessed against him. His mother said that he had killed his father because he wanted the money to buy a car and that his father refused. Can you guess whom the jury, and judges, and everybody believed? Not poor old Harvey."

"Poor boy!"

"Harvey said that at last, in Woody cell, he had finally found a home, a parent in Woody and a friend in me. He was happy to be in prison. Can you imagine that? Happy to be in prison!"

"And this is our civilized society." bitterly Jeremy said.

"I'm lucky, really lucky. Even when I prostituted, I could choose my clients, I could take my rests and the money was mine. It was my choice, you see. And then I met Derek, Sean, Mark and you. Yes, I really am lucky.

ÒPrison has been a good school. Niggers are to be despised? Bullshit! Black men are men, just men, like us. If I could just meet Aaron again one day, I will tell him two words on that subject..."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 13

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