Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 20, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


It was 1995. They had moved to the new location down the hill and were putting the finishing touches to their plans for future action. Sean had brought some chickens and rabbits from the farm. They had intended to breed them in a corner of their place that they had set aside.

Jeremy met his mother downtown. She had asked him for the meet with a view to have him return home.

"No mum. I have a life of my own now. I'm happy with what I do, who I am and the friends I live with. I can't see any reason to come back."

"Your friends! You are the talk of our entire neighbourhood, of the entire Congregation! Living with a bunch of skinheads! You have nothing in common with them. You're not one of them. What is it that you find so appealing? I can't understand, I can't!"

"I guess not, but I guess you don't even want to try. What have I got in common with them? The answer is... a lot. A lot more than you have with your neighbours or for that matter your Congregation.

ÒJust to make a point. I share love with them. Yes, Love! Something your Minister always talks about... the love of a god for us, how we should love him, but what about the love for each other here on Earth. Is there any one in the Congregation that has the faintest idea what he's talking about?Ó

"Love? Did you miss love at home?" his mother asked, quite upset.

"Yes, I did. You both loved me as long as I behaved like an obedient boy. You've never loved me for who I really am, but just the obedient boy you tried to make of me.Ó

ÒWhat's so wrong with that? What's so awful with that?"

"Nothing! You both wanted to love me on your terms. You only wanted to love me as long s I was compliant, presented a good image for you both in front of the Congregation. You never loved me. You never loved me!Ó

"That's an evil thing to say... from an evil person."

"Then if I'm so evil, why do you want me back?Ó

"I... I wonder... if those friends of yours are not, perhaps... if you and them..."

"What?" Jeremy asked frowning.

"Do you have an... an unnatural relationship with them?"

"Do you want to know if I'm gay?" Jeremy asked starting to understand that his mother had a clue.

"I don't know... it seems that you are never seen with any girls..."

"And what do you think? What would you prefer? Me being gay and being at home with you and going to church with you, or me being a skinhead and having a new girl every night?" he asked, amused.

"I don't know what to think. I don't think I'd like either."

"And if I really was gay and a skinhead?" Jeremy asked. "Would you try to understand me, to love me for who I am?"

"It's better that we don't talk about that. Perhaps it's better we didn't meet again." his mother sadly said.

"Or if I wasn't born?" Jeremy asked.

His mother shook her head, without saying a word, strutting away in hurry.

It was June.

Jeremy was still downtown doing some shopping after work. He loaded everything onto his bike and started off home. When he entered the service road heading towards the trailer, he saw a van stopped in the middle of the road.

It was skewed at an odd angle, blocking the way. All the doors were open and nobody in sight. He stopped, trying to figure what had happened when, from the back of the van he saw a skinhead emerge. He came towards him, waving.

"What's up?" he asked the skinhead when he was close.

"Something gone wrong. I can't understand it.Ó

"Do you need help?"

"More'n likely.

Jeremy dismounted his bike and walked towards the van. ÒProbably the carby." He said...

When he recovered his senses, he realized several things. He was naked and spread-eagled on a cross affair. He was secured, legs spread, and tightly tied with large leather straps, and he was in a cellar. He had been kidnapped!

A bare lamp drew crude shadows across the room. He tried to move, but each arm, each leg had two straps on it, and two more straps tied his chest and his waist. His head could barely move.

He understood he was in deep trouble.

He couldn't determine any time frame, but some time later, he heard a noise, then steps. Three men entered the cellar and he recognized one of them. It was Roy.

Roy looked at him with a wicked smile, "Ah, you are awake at last. Bart did hit you a little too hard and we're sorry about that. It's wasted a lot of time, but nothing's busted."

"What do you want?" Jeremy asked without fear.

"What do we want? You! We've always wanted you... and now we've got you.Ó

"What for?" Jeremy asked again.

"What for, he asks! For what you're best at, to fuck."

"To rape me again you mean!" Jeremy said. He felt strangely calm, quite detached about it all.

"Yeah, something like that. You see, I told those friends of mine, I know a certain Jerky. He is the skinheads' whore. Wouldn't you like to see what a girly-boy whore can do for a real man? They said yes, so... here we are. You see, I loved the first time I fucked you. You didn't scream then, but this time you will."

"Try to touch me, and I'll report you to the police!"

"Oh, you can't. We took precautions. We all have very strong alibis. Wanna try and pull the other leg now?" one of then interjected.

"I will ask for an analysis from your sperm inside me - they can find your DNA and you will be arrested, alibi or not." Jeremy said with a sneer.

"Hey Bart, what's that story about DNA? Is he bluffing?" one asked.

"No, Gus, the little girly is right, we didn't think about that." Roy said frowning.

The one called Bart burst out laughing. "Thank you boy for bringing that to our attention. Don't worry, friends. First of all, we will wear condoms, and anyway, after we have used and abused him, we will simply give him enemas and wash his body until no trace of our sperm is left. Simple."

"But in his mouth, or stomach... I want to cum in his mouth..." Gus protested.

"Good, we'll give him a good gastric washout too. I worked as a nurse for five years. Don't worry. It's all been planned. Roy and I have been planning this for months." Bart laughed again.

"OK, Jerky, we have to go now, but we will be back soon enough. Are you comfortable? I personally built your nice bed. You see, your arse hole and your mouth will be available without you moving much."

"I'll cut off your cocks with my teeth if you try..." Jeremy said.

"No you won't. You see those two electrodes? We will fix them to you. One to your balls and one to your chest. Any tricks and a you'll get a shock. The nastier your trick, the higher the pulse. Got it? Want you try it, just to have a taste? Look, one here... on your nice balls... and the other here... do you prefer the right or the left nipple?"

"Fuck you!" Jeremy answered.

"No. No, no... we will fuck YOU, girly boy. Here, on your left tit... And now..."

Ray switched something and turned a dial. A shock of growing intensity passed through Jeremy's body. He tried to resist, but as the pain intensified, he couldn't avoid screaming. The shock ceased.

"This was just a little taste of what it's like. The real thing would be a lot more... effective, believe me. So, now..." Roy said with a smile.

"Before I leave, girly boy, I want to give you a toy, so that you can enjoy something, even in our absence. Do you like that?" Bart said waving a big, long white dildo in front of him. "It's not the real thing. We'll give you the real thing soon enough."

Bart took a small jar and with two fingers scooped out a god glob of lubricant and spread it all long the dildo, then applied a liberal amount to Jeremy arse. Then he shoved the dildo up the boy's arse, turning it around, pushing, manoeuvring from side to side, while looking at Jeremy's pained expression with demented satisfaction.

"Do you like it, Jerky? It's not the real thing, like I said, but you'll just have to be content with it for the moment. We know you would rather take male meat, but you have just to be patient. You'll get more than enough. Ah, and did I tell you? If you behave, you will satisfy only the three of us. Play games with us, disobey us, curse, say anything that we find disagreeable, if you do anything that displeases us, we will keep you here longer... for auction. Gus knows a couple of S&M guys that are on the prowl for a good slave. Understand? You will behave, won't you?"

"As if I've got a choice!"

"No choice at all. I see you are smart..." Roy said.

"How long will you keep me here?" Jeremy asked.

"Not too long, just enough to enjoy your nice male pussy, and mouth... all of us, of course, and maybe two or three times each..."

"My friends will be looking for me."

"Could be. We don't care. Nobody knows where you are."

They left.

The big dildo which was deeply embedded in his bowels, gave Jeremy a dull frustration, not a real pain. The fact he couldn't move was the biggest pain as well as waiting for their return.

Roy was the first. He started undressing the moment he entered the room.

He approached Jeremy's head, "Here we are. You were wrong to refuse me that day when I asked you politely. Now you're in no condition to refuse me anything. Now I'll give you a treat. You're going to love it. For a starter, I'll fuck you in the mouth. Pull back your head so that your throat is straight. I want to go as deep as I can. Ah, and I hate feeling the teeth remember. Yeah, that's good open it... Good... take it all... all... all...." Roy was almost chanting, with a perverse pleasure.

He started to fuck the boy's mouth with slow, deep strokes. Each time he pushing into the boy's throat, he gave the device more power, sending a shock through Jeremy body, low but strong enough to make his body spasm.

"Yeah, I like when you jump like that. It gives a good twitch to my cock. Magic. You are just a pleasure boy, right? Yeees... and suck, suck... move that little tongue on my big dick! Good! Yeah. It's a pity I didn't bring the camcorder so I could record your performance. What rotten luck.Ó

He fucked his mouth for a while then pulled out.

"Good. Now the main course. A nice, strong, long fuck in your dildoed arse... Did you enjoy it in there ah? I warn you, I said I wanted hear you screaming, right? Yes, you have to scream while I fuck you. You're not a virgin anymore. You're arse must have taken thousands of cocks.Ó He leaned close to Jeremy's ear and almost whispered in taunt. ÒI think you'll not be good at faking pain, so I'll help you... I'll just make the electric shocks more intense. You can scream your lungs out. Nobody will hear you. Only me, and I love hearing them scream.Ó

Roy put on a condom, and got between the spread legs of the boy. He turned a wheel and the entire cross swung so that Jeremy's became slightly inverted, with his arse at the right height.

"Clever, isn't it? I created it with expressly you in mind, to fuck you. Ain't you grateful?" he asked.

Jeremy kept silent. An electric shock shook him.

"Be polite! Answer my questions, pussy boy! Ain't you grateful?"

"Fuck you!"

Another, stronger shock took hold of him and he screamed in anguish.

"Ain't you grateful?" Roy repeated, in a merry voice.

"Yes, I'm grateful!" Jeremy shouted in rage.

"So, thank me. Tell me how grateful you are.Ó

"Thank you Roy! You are clever, you are a real man, you are the best. Please fuck me! Please abuse me! Rape me!" Jeremy yelled.

"Wow! Too much, pussy boy, too much. I appreciate that. And now for some fun..."

With an unmerciful tug, he removed the dildo from Jeremy arse and immediately shoved his cock in with one quick jab, then stood still.

"It's a good feeling to have your channel tightening around my cock. I've read about it, but this the first time I've experienced it. Ahhh. I am curious. You live with three other men. Who fucks you the best?"

Jeremy knew he had to answer, so he said: "Mark. He a bull. Better than you any day." and smiled to himself at his lie.

"Mark? I thought it was Derek. I've seen his dick. He's stacked, but if you say so. So it's little Marky boy is it? Mark's a real fucker... good, but you'll see that I'm up for it too. I love to fuck boy's arses."

"Are you gay?" Jeremy asked. A strong electric shock riddled his body jump.

"Don't be offensive. I love girls, but to fuck a male in the arse is to humiliate him, to make him less than a girl. I love that, especially if the guy is not gay. It's double the thrill.

ÒMy dream is to fuck a young beefy cop. I've fucked a Marine in the rest room of a MacDonald's, a rough teamster in his truck, a Catholic Priest in the sanctuary while he was wearing that silly dress, while all the parishioners were waiting for the Mass, a black boxer just after he won his match. A baseball player in front of all his team mates while we were in the locker room, but never a cop..." Roy said slowly prodding Jeremy's arse in an effort not to lose his hard on.

"I've fucked a husband and wife on their honeymoon. A father and his eighteen year old daughter while they were camping, two male twins, twenty something, in a Greyhound bus while I forced them to sixty nine... but never a cop. Never a cop!" Roy was clearly excited by relating his prowess. He stared fucking in earnest. His strokes were strong, long, and full of lust.

"And they all accepted willingly, of course." Jeremy said ironically. Another electric jolt took his breath away.

"Anybody with a gun on their mouth will let me fuck them." Roy said starting to fuck Jeremy violently, while sending a shock with every thrust, making Jeremy scream in pain.

"Or tied to this table like you. Yes, I'll have to use this device again, possibly with a cop lashed to it!" Roy yelled wild, ranting pleasure, hammering into the boy. "Yes, the more manly they are, the more I love fucking them. You're an exception though. I love taking their cherry. I love seeing them reduced to nothing."

The wild fuck lasted for a long time, always accompanied by the shocks and by Jeremy screams. Suddenly the fuck stopped. The table was swung back to the horizontal and Roy fronted Jeremy's mouth. His eyes were shining with mad lust.

"And now the dessert. Suck me again, pussy boy! And swallow all of it! Each drop you lose will get you a minutes of shock. Be careful..." he said as he started to fuck Jeremy mouth again with such violence that the boy gagged. Roy laughed hysterically.

Finally it all ended. Roy pulled his cock out of the aching mouth, fully satisfied with what he had achieved, and rammed the dildo back into Jeremy's back hole and left.

The second one was Gus. He wasn't talkative. He just started fucking Jeremy in the arse. No ceremony, no talking... just fucking. His bucking was so powerful it make the entire table move with each stroke. Each thrust was accompanied with an animal grunt. He didn't use the electrical devise, instead, pinched Jeremy's nipples with excruciating force, making him scream in agony.

The man stopped. He too started to fuck Jeremy's mouth with the same violence and disregard. When he came, he pushed deep and held still so that Jeremy nearly suffocated. When he finally removed his dick, he was shaken by a bout of coughs. His eyes were full of tears.

Gus looked down at him and with a sinister smile said "It's a pity they have decided to free you so soon. The idea of making you a slave appeals me. To auction you after using you. Yeh, we could make a living out of punks like you, building up a slave stable, as it were." The last words were hissed into Jeremy's ears.

He returned to the other end of the table and replaced the dildo, taking his time to twist it violently, causing Jeremy to scream again. He returned to Jeremy's face, and bending close, spat between his eyes. Then hissed again. "If they'd have left you to me, I'll make you wish you'd never been born sissy boy, believe me."

He went down the table, grabbed a fist full of Jeremy's bush and tugged violently, pulling away a handful of hair from his groin while at the same time, pinching his cock head. Jeremy screamed again, but this time, it was out of the depths of blackness.

Then came Bart. He had a big cock, not really long but hugely fat. His balls swung like golf balls caught in loose netting.

Bart swung the crucifix, aligning Jeremy body. He stared into Jeremy's eyes for a minute, assessing his attack. "Lick my balls, whore!" he ordered.

Jeremy obeyed. The man turned and said, "Now, clean my hole, inside as well!"

Thankfully, the man wasn't dirty, and Jeremy did as he was ordered.

"Now let me fuck your nice face. O teeth, or I'll thrash you until you lose conscience, understood?"

Jeremy nodded and opened his mouth. The man started to fuck him. Not violent, just rhythmically. He started to groan.

"Yeah, Roy was right, you know how to give head to a man. Suck it, suck that meat, boy! Oh yeah! Milk it... I'll give you some good proteins soon... Suck it baby, your mum will feed you real choice milk... Suck it. Suck it. Stronger! Move your tongue over the tip. Tongue the split. Oh, yeah, that the way boy! You are a real whore aren't you? A perfect pussy boy! Suck it, suck... Oh, yeah... Suck... here... taste my cream... here... suck... I'm cumming. Swallow it... yeah, eat it!" the man groaned while starting to spurt inside the boy's mouth.

Jeremy swallowed the flow of warm milk that didn't seem to stop. The man's body shook uncontrollably. Jeremy saw he was covering in small sweat beads. When he was over, Bart sighed and withdrew.

"Now for a little rest, then we'll continue with your back pussy. You were good, yes, really good. A little too old for my taste, but good. If you were fourteen, fifteen, you would have been perfect. I sort of like girls around twenty and boys around fourteen, but you were good enough."

Jeremy felt dizzy, tired and fed up. He didn't even have enough energy to vent his rage.

Bart continued his unheard rant.

"When I was twenty eight I worked a summer in a reformatory. Almost all the boys were teenagers. I was the gardener. There was a nice green house, with some secluded areas. They were literally queuing to be fucked by me or to give me head, all for smokes or booze. I had all of them, believe me. From the youngest, he was thirteen, to the oldest, eighteen, all eighty-three of them. The ones I liked most...mmm...I took them over and over.

ÒI used to love taking them, especially this one punk hood. He was sixteen and had a fucking tight arse on him. He squealed like a stuck pig when I fucked him. All that ever came out of his mouth was 'Fuck me fuck me fuck me'. A real whore, a slut. He wanted to get away with me at the end of the Summer so that the little rag could be my slave, but I didn't want any trouble with the law, so I refused. Pity.Ó

Jeremy just wanted to sleep. The tiredness. So tired.

"I picked up another pig boy last year. A whore. He was thirteen, a country boy, but he looked and acted like a fifteen year old the way he walked. Silly bastard was hitchhiking, but I picked him. I stopped, but he wanted to go in the other direction. Do you think he was high?

ÒI wiggled my finger into his butts and said: 'I'm sorry, son, you'll have to find some other transport'. He said he had been waiting there from more than two hours. He begged me to take him in the opposite direction or take him home.

ÒGuess who won the toss? He begged me to fuck him. 'OK son, I'll ride you then, but I'll ride you now. Get into the scrub and let me have your arse. By God it was good! Long and Grrreat!. I wasn't his first dick either. I fucked his brains out 'cause he was still high.

ÒI took him home to his parents' farm, and he asked me if I came by often. I met that little tight arsed slut three times a week. Fucked his arse off every time. You know what he wanted? My cock, nothing more. Just my cock. That's all his tight arse ever wanted. Just my cock. He had a really tight arse, but he could take all of this fucking huge sausage without blinking. God, he was a fuck and a half that boy!

ÒHe was so light that I could lift him by his arms and legs, bring his arse at the right height and fuck him that way, in mid air. He loved it. I didn't fuck him every time. He give head too. He loved cocks, just like you."

He stood up, ready to take Jeremy's arse.

"It's a pity you're tied. I would like to fuck you doggie style."

Jeremy suddenly had a plan.

"I'd like doggy style too." he said.

"Yeah... but if I untie you...Ó

ÒOh. And I'm going to escape? You've stolen my clothes and I haven't got a clue where I am.Ó

"You'll get it all right but we'll just make sure."

He locked the door and put the key in his trouser pocket. He approached, paused, then continued to untie Jeremy.

Jeremy stayed perfectly still, waiting. He drew on every reserve of energy ready for the for the right moment, for the fight, for the run. Determination steeled every muscle.

When he was free, he slowly got off the cross and stretched, studying Bart. The man wasn't too big. If he caught him by surprise, he would easily overcome him. He would have used Bart clothes to dress and flee. He had to stun him, but how?

He spotted an iron bar on the chair near the table that he had not seen before. ÒJust what I needÓ he thought... Good... now to get nearer to the table.

"How would you like to take me, Bart, on all my fours, or bent in half?"

"I want to fuck you dog style, but the floor's filthy. Bend over and I'll take you. Bend over the cross."

"The cross is too narrow for that. I'll bend over the table, eh?"

"Yeh, good... but... Hold on!" Bart yelled as Jeremy approached the table.

Jeremy had a head start. He reached the table and pounced on the iron bar and turned brandishing it. Bart abruptly stopped, assuming a fighting stance. Jeremy attacked with out hesitation. A furious struggle erupted.

He landed several serious blows on Bart, but not enough to stop him or stun him. He took some heavy blows. They both fought in silence unleashing all their energy. The clash seemed to be even. But Bart succeeded in tripping Jeremy. He feet raced backwards propelling him to the wall, whipping his head into it.

Blackness rolled over his consciousness again.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 12

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