Skinhead Construction

By Gunter Ragen

Published on Sep 11, 2009


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All of this hit my like a door in the face. All of my emotions of my job situation, this budding new feeling I had going for this this tenderly loving rough construction stud, and the energy of the last week's highly charged sex came together in a wash of tears. I knew what the answer was.

Catching myself from being a drama queen, I quickly wiped the wetness from my eyes and manned up. "Yes, that would be awesome!" I said. We talked about pay and the specifics of the job a bit and laid out how things would be. The skinhead construction stud would be my boss but his young stud brother Josh would be training me.

Because he knew I had little more than Khakis and dress shirts in my closet, he told me to get some good leather work boots, and some jeans to wear at work. "Tell you what, why don't we start you next Monday. That'l give me a day or two to let my boss know I have a new hire and get the paperwork done. You can come by the jobsite tomorrow around lunch time and I'll show you around. "

Slap patting me on my now bald shaved head he smiled and said, "You're gonna be our new jobsite bitch". Giving me a quick kiss and a smile, David gathered his things and left. I went and stared at myself in the mirror to admire my new skinhead butch look that David had created. Man I all needed to complete the look is some piercing and some nice ink. I stroked my cock, pinching my nipples while watching myself in the bathroom mirror until I squirted my juice. I then fell into bed, leaving my spunk all over the sink and mirror.

The next day was Friday. I awoke, jacked off in bed blowing my first jizz of the day into my dirty sheets, took a shower and headed out to the shopping mall. I had always seen hot ass studs wearing leather work boots. Don't know why but something about those big boots adds 4 inches to a guy's dick in my mind. So buying some for myself for the first time was actually giving me a hard on. I never had a boot fetish before, but the thought of jacking off on them and licking the cum off the leather seemed so natural a kink in my brain as I looked at them in the store.

After hitting some of the various shops at the mall I bought a pair of dark brown leather Caterpillar Titans. They cost me $135 and I immediately thought I was pissing money away because they would look like crap in about a week. But I couldn't wait to get home, put them on my naked body and watch myself flogging my cock in the mirror. I picked up five pairs of new Levi 501's and even a pair of leather work gloves in case I needed them. On the way out of Sears, I wore one pair of the jeans and my new butch boots.

I felt like a stud, and I looked like a stud. I seemed to notice people reacting differently to me since I was now bald with a styled goatee and sideburns. I had a young frat skater look before that was more boyish, but now looked a few shades shy of Calvin Klein thug model. The women looked at me more at the mall, and the even guys had a different tact toward me. Maybe I was imagining things, maybe not. On the way back home I headed out to the job site to show off my new duds and see Dave.

It was about lunch time already and the late August heat was already well up to about 100 degrees. Going down the street of the construction site, watching all the dudes working up a deep chest sweat by noon make my cock twitch. "I was going to be working here", sounded like a fantasy come true in my mind. At the job trailer I didn't see David's old truck but figured he was out on the site somewhere. It was a sprawling neighborhood of houses under construction with lots of places to be and not immediately seen. I made my way up the steps and opened the door to the musty old mobile home office trailer to see if anyone was there.

When I stepped in, young stud Josh was sitting at the desk talking on the phone. He looked up at me under his brow and stopped dead when he saw me. "Hey bro I gotta go, someone's here", he said into the phone. "Yeah, yeah. I'll call ya right back in five". The young punk slammed down the phone and lit up like a light, standing up with a surprised look on his face. "Damn bro! Look at you!" he exclaimed looking me over head to toe. "Fuck me bro! You look fuckin butch. Right on!"

A little blushed I said, "Thanks". I was not used to guys like him gushing at the sight off me. He just smiled ear to ear and fist bumped me in the shoulder. "Looks like my bro had his way with his razor huh?", Josh joked with a smirk rubbing his palm on my bald skull and then his own. "Been there done that bro. He`s my official barber for life". The 23 year old buck who I had just sucked off yesterday stepped back and looked me over again. "Nice boots. Caterpillar huh? Those must have set you back $150 bucks", he observed. "$135", I replied. "Well those are gonna be trashed pretty fast, but they'll last forever", he said. "You sure look good in them tho".

He then stepped around the desk and sat down as I grabbed chair in front of him. "So Dave told me you are coming to work with us huh?" We just looked at each other and smiled in a moment of telepathic silence. I was still thinking about Dave warning me my ass would bleed for a week after his little bro fucked me the first time. I finally nodded yes as if it was necessary. Josh just rubbed his goatee and rocked in his chair as we continued looking across the desk at each other with a strange giddy energy, a smile or a giggle just under the surface.

I finally broke the silence and asked, "So where's Dave?" Josh just laughed, "He's down at the main office getting his ass reamed out for hiring a new guy on without permission". I got a worried look on my face. "Don't worry bro, he is taking the heat for you. He really seems like you a lot", he said with a wink. "And I like you too bro", he said flirtingly. "That was fuckin hot yesterday at your place".

The young stud stood up and walked across the office trailer and peered out the blinds, doing a quick recon of the area. Walking behind me he twisted the deadbolt shut on the flimsy trailer door. My cock hardened I heard his boots clogging back over in front of me. As I sat in the chair he lifted his T-shirt up with one hand exposing his lightly haired stomach and unbuckled his leather belt with the other. Then he began popping the buttons of his worn 501's one by one in a flirty showy way. His hairy muscled forearms tensed as he peeled his jeans open exposing his dirty white briefs.

Josh was a lot like his much older ex-con brother David. He has that same rough butch stud persona but in a younger, cleaner more punk like package. Seeing him standing there in front of me with his shaved head, a bushy light brown goatee with his jeans peeled open for business made be hard as a rock. He has a pretty muscular build for a guy of 23. His hairy arms show just a hint of some ink creeping from under his shirt sleeves, but he has yet not gone ape shit with the tats like his brother. As a sat in the chair he grabbed the back of my head with his palm and pulled my face into his crotch.

"Smell it bro", he said as he pressed my nose against his bulging package, straining against the moist yellowed cotton briefs with dusty hand prints. "Breath it in bro. It's nice and ripe for ya", he chided knowing very well I`m a pig for it. He humped his dirty moist package against my face as I sniffed and tasted his pungent basket. Like a drug, the smell of his dirty cock, sweat and piss stained underwear put me in a zone, and made me forget all about the world out there.

I grabbed at his underwear band, pulling it hastily down to let his swollen uncut meat out into the air. As the band snapped under his hairy sweaty balls, his fat grimy tool sprung out and slapped my lips. Wrapping my hand around the base of his shaft I thrust my tongue into the moist sticky folds of his ripe foreskin, sucking and slurping his rich pasty goodness. Going down on his beer can thickas fast and furiously as I could, he held my bald head tight in his rough skinned palms. "Yeah bro, oh man bro.", he groaned. "Gonne like having you for my bitch bro. You're gonna suck my cock all day every day............except when your suckin Dave's"

Pushing the chair aside, I got down on my knees before him feeling grains of small bits of gravel and dirt on the filthy floor grinding my knees through my jeans. I pulled his worn 501s and briefs further down exposing his hairy thighs, giving me more room to swallow down his man tool. Wrapping my palms around his ass cheeks I took his blunt meat in my mouth til my nose bottomed in his light brown pubes. His hairy dirty cock tasted so good and made the challenge of fitting his girth into my mouth worth the work. "Watch the teeth there", he warned as I got too exuberant.

I knew my jaw would be even more sore than yesterday, but I would have to get used to it I thought. The sour pungent taste of sweat, worksite grime, and piss went away to be replaced by the sweet stickiness of precum as he fucked my mouth. We got into a quick hasty rhythm of skull fucking as sweat began to flow out of both of us. His cock was tasting so good and his murmurs of pleasure sounded so sexy. "Uhhh man, that feels so good", he moaned. "I'm getting ready to.........I'm gonna.........."

Just then his hips locked solid and I felt his cock head convulsing against my tongue. The warm salty flood of his cum exploded in my mouth as his rough hands clenched my skull in a death hold. He pulled out and plunged into my mouth again with another rupture of warm seed causing me to swallow his first shot involuntarily. I then caught up with his spewing juices and continued torturing him with my tongue. Rubbing his flowing piss slit roughly with my tongue made him flinch as his warm white juice ran down my chin.

He grabbed his shaft away from my mouth, squeezing it hard and pumping the last drops of love juice onto my waiting tongue. I had a pool full of his cum rolling round in my mouth and in the back of my throat. I was savoring his taste as I looked up at his bushy goatee and sweaty face. He had a look of contorted pleasure on his face as he dabbed his spent cock on my chin and catching his breath.

Hearing the sound of a vehicle driving up into the gravel parking lot of the office trailer, Josh hurriedly pulled back, tucked his slimy cock back into his briefs and buttoned up his 501's. "Get up!", he barked. I got up off the floor and had a seat back in my chair. He quickly leaned to the blinds and saw who it was. Seeming a bit more relaxed, he unlocked the door and stepped back over to me with a smirk. As we heard the sound of a truck door slamming shut outside, he reached down to my face and wiped a stream of his cum from my hairy chin with his finger. Putting it in his mouth and cleaning it off he joked, "Finger lickin good".

I quickly swallowed the last remnants of young stud's tangy cum that had just flooded my mouth, licking and quick cleaning my teeth. He took a few steps back and took a nonchalant position leaning against the desk as the door flew open. "Hey John", Josh greeted with a smile and held out his hand. The tall construction dude with black curly hair, a mustache and dark shaded muzzle shook his hand and looked down at me. "This is Shane", Josh introduced. "He's a new superintendent assistant starting with us on Monday."

The man looked me over fleetingly and smiled, extending his hand. "Shane is it? I'm John", he said. With thick taste of cock and a film of cum in my mouth I shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you". The man was his mid 30's, masculine and handsome but in a more refined way than Dave or Josh. He had square defined facial features, a manicured five-o-clock shadow like Don Johnson, clean 501's, a white polo shirt and a pair of expensive looking Raybans propped up in his short curly hair. His hand was big, rough, and hairy with thick fingers, giving mine a vise like grip. I wondered if it was true what they say.

"Nice boots", he said looking me over again. "They wont stay looking like that but you'll be glad you spent the money". He lifted his pant leg and showed me his identical Caterpillar Titans with a good worn patina. We exchanged a quick smile. Looking back at Josh he asked, "Dave on the site?" Josh nodded no, "He's at the office talkin to the boss, should be back soon". The man sighed briefly. "Well I guess I'll be back later then."

John then looked me over once again extending his huge hand for another shake. "Nice meeting you Shane", he said with a smile. He then looked down at my legs and gave me a funny look. "Just make sure you dust off your knees kid." he said with looking me in the eyes with a smirk. "You don't want a guy getting the wrong idea around here". He then gave me a wink and shot Josh a quick glance. Josh blushed and smiled back at him sheepishly. "See you guys later", he said as he flipped his Raybans down on his face, turned and walked out the door.

My heart racing in a feeling of fear and embarrassment I looked up at Josh who had a cat at the canary look on his face. "Who's that?" I asked. "He's the building inspector", Josh said. "Don't worry he's down. I am sure you will get to know him better one day when he tries holding you up for some stupid ass thing on an inspection. Sometimes a good blow job or bending over for it goes a long way to getting his approval".

I shook my head in disbelief. "Fuck dude is everyone a fag around here?" I asked. The young stud laughed and said, "More than you would think, but no not everyone is and you'd be smart to keep that in mind." He paused and looked out the window again. "But he's right. Brush off your knees before I give you the grand tour".

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 10

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