Skinhead Construction

By Gunter Ragen

Published on Sep 18, 2009


Comments Welcome

"You ready to go play some pool and see what kind of trouble we can get into?" I kissed the Josh again and nodded yes. Standing up, he handed me and dirty work shirt from he floor and said, "Here you can wipe up with this" He found another one and cleaned his stinky fuck stick up as well, tossing it to the floor when he was done. I wiped the cum off my chest, my dick and wiped my sloppy dripping asshole with it. "Just toss it on the floor bro. I'm doing laundry some day soon." he said as if that was needed. After a short trip to the bathroom and a splash of cold water on our faces, we then headed out of the house and down the street to the billiards bar.

My aching throbbing butt hole was still sloppy with young punk's jizz as we walked into the "Eight Ball". The dark dingy dive had a reputation as a place you left with a black eye or missing teeth. It was in the corner of a run down and half vacant strip center who's only other tenants were a plumbing supply store and a tattoo shop. The parking lot was full of work trucks, beat up cars and a few Hawgs. The acrid smell of cigarettes hung heavy inside even though it had been decade since smoking in bars was made illegal.

Following the skin punk's tight bubble butt through the crowd of rough edged blue collar guys I scoped out a few good lookers while trying not to get caught at it. It pretty much looked like the after work crowd from construction sites and other trades. As we made our way to the back Josh exchanged winks and greets from a few of the guys, he was obviously a regular. In the back the room opened up around a number of pool tables. It was a cozy darkly lit den of neon beer signs and posters of swimsuit models.

Out of the corner I heard a sharp loud whistle and then a yell. "Josh! Over here!" I recognized a few of the guys I'd met today at the construction site. Josh looked at me and winked saying quietly in my ear, "These guys can hustle you good on the tables so don't bet on anything you don't want to lose". We greeted the men, already making use of my new nickname "Boots" . After exchanging handshakes and a few customary fist bumps, Josh ordered a pitcher of beer. "We reserved a private pool room", one of the guys told Josh over the loud music. "They'll let us know when it opens up for us".

Settling carefully on my leaking aching ass we drank beer and shot the shit for a short while, getting a good beer buzz going. I spent to quality time chatting up my new work mates and getting to know them a bit while he drank. About six beers in and still a bit stoned from earlier I was confident and pretty well social lubricated, though conversing was a bit hard over the loud rock music blasting from the speakers everywhere.

Each of the dudes were uniquely masculine and sexy in their own way.. Tony caught my eye at the construction site today. He's got a proud macho bravado about himself which comes in handy as he is the framing foreman at the site. He's a well proportioned Italian guy in his 30's with black curly hair, a stylin long legged mustache and a deep voice. About 5'-6", he's not that tall but his build makes him look a lot bigger than he is. He's got had a girlfriend at home that he mentioned once or twice.

Jason the jock is in his mid 20's. Tall and athletically built, he has more of a clean cut sports jock persona. He obviously works out at a gym and busts his ass to look good. His green eyes were glued to the baseball game on the monitors most of the time we were in the bar so I had plenty of opportunity to scope out his muscular thighs and bubble butt. He has short brown hair that curled out from under his backwards grey baseball cap, a tightly manicured peach fuzz goatee and by the ring on his left hand was very much married - probably to a sluttly blonde.

Steve the rough grunt was the boomer in the bunch, looking like he just stepped off a pirate ship. The dude was rough, muscled and mean looking with USMC tattooed prominently on his shoulder amongst other ink. I figured him for about 35-40 or at least he partied so hard he looked older than he was. He had a blonde flattop, rough shaven face, blue eyes and had big gold earrings. He was the only one of the three dudes that greeted me with a bit of a gruff cynicism. With a deep scratchy voice and his rough persona I bet he was the wrong guy to pick a fight with.

After about an hour the waiter brought by a brass key wired a wooden block that had "PRIVATE" written on it with a pencil. Handing it to Steve he said, "Your room is ready". Everyone gathered their beer and we headed down a dark hallway past the restrooms and to worn wooden door marked "PRIVATE". It was a separated game room about 15x20 with a single pool table, a few stools, and a dartboard. The music from the bar was piped in and an intercom to order drinks hung next to the door. It was pretty dim and dingy looking, the barstools torn and taped many times over. An old gold couch sat against the back wall, broken down, torn and looking visibly dirty.

As we made camp in our private den, rough grunt Steve pulled out a metal pipe and back of green bud and started packing a bowl. Everyone gathered around as he handed it to me for the first hit. "This bud's for you", he joked as he handed it to me. Assuming it was ok to toke up here, I took a deep draw off the mean green and passed it on. Within a few minutes the five of us had dusted the bowl and our heads were all spinning. My cock was hard as it always is when I'm toking. "Who's ready to play some pool?", Steve called out. Josh was giving me fiendish eyes as he quietly reminded, "Remember what I said."

The rough grunt then went to the intercom and ordered a bottle of Jose Cuervo and five shot glasses, along with another couple pitchers of beer. He and Tony played a round of pool as the rest of us watched and BS'd until the Tequila and beer showed up. Steve then set out the five shot glasses and poured everyone a round. "Drink!", he ordered. We all swallowed down the burning shots and he followed up with another round. "Drink!", he ordered. We did it again. He poured one more round which emptied the bottle. "One more!" We collectively sucked another round down. I was getting drunk now.

The rough grunt chalking up his pool cue looked around the room and asked, "Wanna play for some stakes? How bout $10 rounds?" Everyone nodded and grunted in agreement. Josh elbowed me and gave me a glazed eye wink. "I don't have much cash on me", I whispered into Josh's ear. The young skin punk told me not to worry. "I'll spot you a couple of rounds". About an hour later and a few more pitchers we had gotten pretty rowdy and were having a good time. The room had filled with a strata of smoke as some of the guys lit cigarettes. The pitchers of beer kept coming like clockwork.

I was up again to play and it was going to be rough grunt Steve this time. Before he and I played, Steve packed another bowl of his mean green weed and passed it around. The six of us were now totally baked to the walls. As we got ready to rack em up the rough grunt looked me and said, "What do you say we raise the stakes for this round Boots?" Three sheets I confidently countered, "Like what". A collective silence fell on the room which should have been my first warning. The buff tattooed ex-Marine got up close to me, the drunken breaths from his flared nostrils brushing my face as his glazed eyes fixated into mine.

"You win, you get $100. You lose you suck everybody`s dick right here", he said in a taunting tone. Josh and the collection of guys in the room all oozed and ahhed hazingly. I knew I was done. "What do you say Boots?", he leaned in closer and asked. Pointing at the young skin punk he said with a condescending smile, "Your buddy Josh here likes to suck our dicks." I was on the spot in front of my new workmates, standing in the spotlight of embarrassment, intimidation and being turned on at the same time. Figuring I was out in the open one way or the other at this point I said "How bout we forget the money."

Looking around at the dudes in the room who were excitedly on the edge of their seat for my answer, I raised the bar on the rough grunt. "I'll suck everyone's dick if I lose, but if you lose you gotta do the same thing." A couple of cat calls rang out loudly as the guys oohed and ahhed at my wager. Steve let out a condescending laugh and shook my hand "It's a deal.". The silence in the room exploded with collective cheers, "Whoo hoo!...FuckYeah!.... Right on!" Steve leaned in close to me and said under his breath "Now we know what you are, it`s just a matter of negotiating a price." Taking that as a slight gaffe I replied. "That works both ways stud". He grunted again with confidence, "I was never gonna lose".

My heart was racing, my body sweating. My new workmates now knew I was a cock sucker. Win or lose, I was now a marked man. While the sound of balls getting dropped in the rack echoed, a cloud of sexual male brut odor filled the room as everyone watched in anticipation, some grabbing their packages and rubbing themselves through their jeans. While I actually made an effort to win, the game was over as soon as it started. Steve cleared the table in two turns, sinking one ball after the other in surgical order. As the white ball sunk in the corner pocket the room erupted in cheers again. "Whooo hooo! Fuck Yeah!"

The rough grunt smiled a shit eating grin. "Make sure that door is locked", he said to the group of wasted studs were jumping off their barstools and unbuttoning their pants. I had four drunk horny dudes waiting to get their ripe sweaty cocks sucked and they were all looking at me like a piece of meat, glazed in the eyes and beginning to circle around. Steve unbuttoned his 501's and said "On your knees, I'm first". The guys all gathered around us cocks in hand as I knelt down on the dirty linoleum floor in front of the blond ex-marine. He pulled his stinky rubber dick out and slapped my face tauntingly.

His hands around my bald head he guided my sweating face to his blond haired tool and smeared me around in his rank sweaty meat. He was still fresh from the job-site and had a day's work of sweat and grime ready to be cleaned off. As I began taking his hairy meat into my mouth and working him he slurred sweet nothings at me, "Oh yeah Boots, that's it". He tasted pretty strong at first but after few minutes of my drunken pig fest he was clean and flowing the sticky sweet. His spindly hairs were getting caught in my teeth, but I didn't care. I was rolling in it.

Josh and the other three men were standing around us jacking off as they watched in excitement. As the rough grunt began to give signs he was gonna blow off the guys standing around us started egging him on.

"Go Steve! Go Steve! Go Steve!, the men chanted in unison as the muscled rush grunt pumped fucked my face violently for a few seconds, letting out deep grunts of satisfaction, "Uhhh Uggghhh, ugggg, yeah!". Within seconds he blew his salty warm spunk in the back of my throat. A second pop of his jizz flooded my mouth before he pulled and out and squeezed another rope all over my face. Catching my breath, his warm seed began dripping off my hairy chin as he stepped aside.

Jason the jock stepped in his place quickly and shoved his wet rock hard dick between my cum coated lips. He had been jacking off his meaty stick and already had a sticky stream of rich tasting clear flowing from his piss-hole. His 8" tool had a pronounced sideways curve and nicely plump at the middle. Light brown trimmed pubic hairs danced on my nose as I went balls down on his smooth shaved shaft. "I had you pegged the moment we met Boots", he joked as his rough palms gripped my skull. "It'll be nice having another cocksucker at the jobsite". The guys all cheered in unison at his remark, "Fuck yeah bro!", one yelled.

The jock moaned as I struggled to get his long bent dick in my mouth. He had showered since work, but tasted so sweet and delicious. I concentrated on mouthing his smooth bent shaft and fat mushroom tip, swallowing up the river of pre-cum as I drilled his piss-hole with my flithering tongue. He flinched every time I ran my rough taste bugs across his head. He could not take it long before he pulled his dick free and said, "Open your mouth". Holding my head still with one hand, he aimed his pulsing meat with the other as he squirted his hot juice into my mouth and all over my face.

The group of guys hooted and hollered once again, exchanging a couple of high fives as I took another one down. His warm tangy juices were running all over my face as he shook the last drops off the end of his hose. He held his cum drenched left hand out for me to clean off. I licked his sticky seed off each of his fingers one by one, taking extra care to clean off the wedding band on his ring finger. "That's right boots, get that one real good there", he kidded and then stepped away. "Don't need my wife asking why I got cum all over my wedding ring".

The Italian stud Tony shoved the jock aside saying, "Save the small talk for later bro, I`m ready for my turn". Letting his thick uncut tool slap my cum drenched face, he smeared it around with a shit eating smile. Black course hair circled up his shaft like vines and thick bushy tufts of hair gushed from his crotch like a fire hazard. Thick veins popped all over his hairy shaft as he squeezed his foreskin up into a bunch for me. His blunt cock smelled ripe with man stench as he too had come straight from the job-site to our little party. Pooling up with precum and coated with musky grit and grim from a day's work in the sun his dick was as dirty as they come.

I buried my sloppy tongue into the folds and went to town in there. He then grabbed his foreskin with his fingers and stretched open like a cup, letting me lick and suck him out, getting a good rich feast of his Italian spice. I rooted around like a pig, licking up and slurping his shit. I finally began taking his full tool in my mouth down to his bushy balls. Holding my head like a vice, he began face fucking me rough and fast. The men watching began chanting "Face Fuck! Face Fuck! Face Fuck! I swore the rest of the bar outside the room would hear

They were all drunk, horny rednecks with a cocksucker at their disposal. His cock was pumping my skull so hard I was having a hard time keeping my place and my knees were really beginning to hurt from the hard floor. "Uhhh Uhhh Uhhh, Yeah. Here I come!", the Italian Stallion grunted as the guys continued their drunken chants "Face Fuck! Face Fuck! Face Fuck!"

Suddenly my mouth flooded with his warm juice as he continued plugging my face. I swallowed repeatedly to keep up with his deliveries and get every bit. "Oh yeah! Swallow it! Huh Huh Huh Swallow it!", he moaned. He pulled his hairy meat out and squeezed the last white pearls into his foreskin. I dutifully lapped the last of it from his tasty folds and made a mental note to come see him at work as often as I could. "Thanks bud. You put my girl friend to shame", he said as he winked at me and patted my sweaty bald head.

Now it was Josh's turn. He stepped over to me and smiled. "Told you not to make a bet with these dudes", he joked. The guys all exploded in laughter. Josh just smiled cockily and gave me a wink as he pushed me down on the floor in front of his familiar stink tool. He was still dirty and pasty from fucking my asshole raw earlier in the evening and wet with the sweat of jacking off. I was so trashed I didn't care as I began to take the young skin punk's thick uncut potato in my mouth.

"It's cool bro, I'm about to cum any second anyway," he teased. He tasted like asshole, my asshole, as he grabbed my head roughly stuffed his blunt stump into my mouth. "Uhhh", he grunted. "Yeah! Face plant that bitch!" one of the guys cheered as I heard the sound of hands clapping. I savored the dirty raunch of his wet slimy cock for a good minute before he started to buck. A few drunk blunt stuffs and the warm sensation of his salty juice filling my mouth came as he grunted softly, "Yeah bro, Fuck yea!"

He pulled out and held my head with his sandpapery palm as I licked and slurped his juice from the folds of his thick foreskin. Cleaning him up good he finally patted me on the head and smiled down at me with a wink. He then helped my drunk and exhausted body up off t he floor saying, "I`d say you are officially initiated!" Look around the room for a response he added, "What do you guy guys think?" The group of drunk sweaty men with their dicks in their hands erupted in a flurry of claps and cheers. "Whoo hoo! Yeah!"

The rough grunt sparked up another bowl and passed it around before everyone began to leave. Tony and Steve thanked me with a sheepish grin and said they'd see me at work on Monday. Jason the jock bashfully left home to his waiting wife without saying anything.

With my jaw sore and the taste of four dudes coating my mouth, Josh and I left the back room and headed out of the bar. We got some strange looks from a few people as we milled through the thick crowd of local studs. Back out into the fresh air one thing was for sure in my wasted haze. Though I enjoyed the fuck out of sucking off the group of studs, I was going to get even with the young skin for setting me up to be the bitch.

To Be Continued..........

Next: Chapter 12

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