Skinhead Construction

By Gunter Ragen

Published on Sep 14, 2009


Comments Welcome

I shook my head in disbelief. "Fuck dude is everyone a fag around here?" I asked. The young stud laughed and said, "More than you would think, but no not everyone is and you'd be smart to keep that in mind." He paused and looked out the window again. "But he's right. Brush off your knees before I give you the grand tour".

I did as he said as we walked out the door. He spent the next hour walking me around the site and introducing me to a lot of the guys on the site. There were some pretty hot fucking dudes. I kept asking him to tell me if any of them were day and he refused saying, "You will find you in good time". As I met them all the overwhelming theme from the new guys I met was "Nice boots. Those are gonna get trashed." By the end of the tour it seemed I had my jobsite nickname, "Boots". I liked it.

We finished the tour and got back to the musty office trailer where Dave had made it back. "Did Josh show you the ropes?" he asked. "Yep in more ways than one". Looking me over like a piece of meat Dave remarked, "Damn, you spent out on the boots. Come over here and let me see those". I walked over closer to him and he grabbed my right boot, pulling it up to see it almost dumping my ass on the floor. "Damn bro, these must have cost you $150." Ths skinhead construction stud razzed me more about them before finally saying they had to get back to work.

As I started leaving Josh asked, "Hey bro you got plans tonight?". I looked toward David first for a signal. The skinhead construction stud shrugged his shoulders, "Don't look at me. I gotta play family man this weekend up in Redding with the wife and kids". Looking back at the young stud who's dick taste was still in my mouth I said, "What do you have in mind?". Josh smiled with a devilish grin and squeezed his package through his jeans saying, "How bout I pick you up at six and we can find some trouble to get into". Excited, I squeezed my own manhood and said, "It's a date".

He arrived at my place about ten after six. The shaved head muscle punk was dressed in a clean pair of acid washed Levis, black combat boots and a crisp white T-Shirt. A long chain draped from his belt to his pocket and a red baseball cap sat low over his brow. He even had a chunky gold chain around his neck and a big heavy looking watch with a thick leather band on. "Man you look dressed to kill", I admired. We embraced and engaged in a short kiss. "You ready to roll?" he asked. "Yep. Should I bring my stash?" I asked. He replied excitedly, "I hoped you would". When then left my apartment and headed for the parking lot. "Over here", he said as we walked toward a black 2004 Cobra Mustang. Looking mean and righteous, it was lowered with tinted windows, blacked out wheels and big chrome exhaust tips.

"Wow man that's bad ass!", I said. "I figured you for a pick up truck". Laughing, we got in and he fired up the supercharged V8, filling the cabin with a deep exhaust grumble. The stereo chimed in with a System Of A Down CD at high volume and we pulled away. When he hit the street he floored it to show off. The engine roared with a high pitch whine from the supercharger as tire smoke billowed from behind. He was in third gear within seconds and then hitting the brake to stop at the traffic light. Damn!

"You like to play pool", he asked. "Yeah", I answered. "Then how bout we hit my place first to drop my car and have a toke", he said. "Then we'll walk around the corner to the billiards bar and hang out for a while. We might even meet someone to come back and party with us. That cool?" Sounding like fun I said, "Sure." About 15 minutes later we pulled down a street in an neighborhood with old houses and tall tress. He turned into a long narrow driveway that went back behind a small bungalow style house and parked in what looked like the back yard. "Here we are, home sweet home".

Looking around I asked, "You live here by yourself?" "Naw, I rent the place with another guy. He isn't home right now," he replied. As we walked up the back porch steps I asked, "Is he into dudes?" Josh laughed. "Yep but were not like partners or anything. Just buds. He's got a pretty serious relationship going with another dude is over at his place most of the time. " he replied. "You already met him. He's the building inspector guy you met today at the office, John". I shook my head. "No shit! He`s a stud" was all I could muster as we got into the kitchen. "That he is", Josh joked back.

Grabbing a six pack of Heineken from the fridge Josh nodded for me to come with him. I followed him down the narrow hall, the hardwood floors creaking under my feet. We entered a small musty bedroom with dingy plastered walls and a lot of clutter. An unmade double bed with visibly sweat stained sheets stood against the wall, surrounded by piles of dirty work clothes, boots, and construction gear. A few band posters and skinhead banners hung in décor while a bent up aluminum mini blind allowed slivers of light to enter.

"Sorry for the mess bro. I`m a fuckin pig", he said sheepishly as he shut the door behind me. "No worries, I said. "I might have to swipe your dirty underwear before I leave". He laughed while he hastily grabbed the dirty clothes, his tool belt, and other shit off the bed and threw it in a corner to make a place for us to sit. It was actually turning me on, the smell of his brute odor filled his den. I could roll around in here like a dog I thought to myself. He flipped on the stereo and peeled off his T-Shirt, exposing his lightly hairy muscled chest. His light hair glistened in the moisture as I took a good look at the tribal tats around his biceps.

It was hot there was no air conditioning so I followed suit. We both kicked back on his bed for the next half hour or so BS'n over beer and Humbolt Green. It was not long before the beer and weed had us both laying back on the bed next to each other and getting close. I buried my nose in his bushy sweaty armpit and took a good whiff of his scent. We and began touching and pinching each other's tits which led to a kiss, a couple crotch grinds and then well you know what. He crawled up on top of me and grinded his muscular frame on mine and we kissed some more. His passionate dominant sexual pin-down in the folds of his pungent sweat stained sheets had me in the zone. Our cocks were hard now and straining against our tight 501`s.

We then got up and hastily undressed, pulling off our boots, pants and underwear. It seemed to take forever as we threw them off on the floor. The young hairy muscle punk pinned me back down on by back, crawled on top of me and grinded his throbbing sticky cock against mine. "Oh man, you're so hot", he said as he buried his tongue in my mouth. He then winked at me before going down to began licking and sucking on my 7" cock. My head rolled to the side and I inhaled the brut odor of his dirty stained pillow while his mouth engulfed and dutifully massaged my cock. The feeling of his bushy goatee scraping my balls as his tongue slithered wet on my cock made me reel.

As I was enjoying the service he went further down and began licking and sucking my balls. His rough palms clasping my butt cheeks, he began playfully probing my smooth clean shaved hole with his thumbs. "Grab your legs bro", he said. Pulling them back I gave him full access to my freshly manicured man hole. "Nice. I see my bro had his razor down here too," he said with giggle. He then spread my cheeks wide and buried his rough wet tongue in my stink. His thick goatee and five-o-clock mug scraping my skin, his tongue slithered in and out of my pucker. He sucked and slurped at my man cunt like a hungry dog while his rough hands clenched my ass cheecks. I was falling into the zone, melting under his wicked spell. I was his bitch now.

He then stopped and asked, "You ready for my cock bro?" Was I ready? My hole was watering, itching for his cock since the first time I saw it. In my shallow breaths I looked at him and nodded yes.. He crawled over and grabbed a bottle of lube from his nightstand drawer. He saddled up between my legs again and squirted some onto his hands. Lubing me up first, he finger fucked my stink hole for a few minutes until it was greasy as fuck. He then jacked up his thick blunt uncut meat with the lube.

His cock was 6-7 inches but nearly as thick as a beer can, and I knew it was going to hurt. His older brother had taunted me that I would bleed for a week after getting his first butt-fuck. I controlled my breathing, inhaling deep and slow as my body tensed up in anticipation. "I'll take it easy on you bro, I wont hurt ya, " he reassured sensing my apprehension. After lubing himself and my hole to the point of wet sloppiness he lifted my legs against his chest and began guiding his mushroom tip against my wet sloppy asshole. I let out a deep slow breath and tried to relax as I felt the head of his cock touch my rosebud.

His dick is somewhat rubbery, so he struggled to press himself in. It was a bit clumsy as my legs rested against his body but he deftly forced his fat knob into my sphincter. When it popped in a shockwave of sharp pain rocked me and my hole clenched tight around his meat, trying to shit it back out. "Uuuuhhhh eeeee fuck!" I screamed as the burning shot hit me. "Don't worry, I'll take it easy", he reassured again. He held himself still for a moment letting me recompose. He then pressed again, working my and slowly stretching my fighting hole. It took a few moments of pushing and stretching as he guided his bending rubbery butt plug with his hand.

Suddenly a sharper but blunt feeling of tightness came over me as I felt my ass ring slowly stretch and slide around his beer-can thick cock as he pushed in harder. Then suddenly my chute opened up like a trap door and his fat rubbery cock slid in suddenly in one solid movement. "Yeeeoouwwww!" I yelped as the pain of my asshole tearing open overtook my senses. Tears ran out of the corner of my eyes as my body tensed up like a board, trying instinctively to push out the intruder and get away from the pain.

He wrapped his hairy muscled arms around my legs and hugged them tight as he remained planted tightly into me. "Easy bro, just breathe easy there for a minute and relax", he said. "You got a two-inch thick dick in ya. Your hole is stretched six and a quarter inches around dude. The hard part is over. " He then pushed my legs to the side and laid down on my chest face to face, his cock sliding in a bit further making me flinch again in pain. "You know the circumference of your dick?" I asked while wincing in pain. "I measure my dick all the time", he said with a wink. He kissed me and then leaned his head down next to mine and sunk his tool into me some more.

Giving my earlobe a sharp bite and kissing my neck he began slowly pulling out and plunging into me with his fat potato cock. Our bodies were now lubricated with sweat and our chests rubbing together as he began his slow glide back and forth on top of me. The sharp tearing pain in my ass became a more blunt and filling sensation as his cock began sliding back and forth. His skin staying in one spot as he slowly pumped in and out, it was less friction than I expected. Kissing and sucking my neck he began sexing me in a passionate rhythm, slow and easy, massaging my chute easy with his fuck tool.

"You're so tight bro, bit your opening up" , he whispered. As we looked each other in the eyes he grinned. "I told you I'd take it easy on ya". I was rolling in the increasing pleasure of the young muscle punk's passionate man sex. It was not the rough rape attack I had expected, though I would not mind that at some point when I was used to his dick or drunker maybe. My body was giving off a rush of adrenaline as I wrapped my legs around his ass and my arms around his back. "Oh yea, give it to me man. Give it to me harder," I said softly.

We were both buzzed as fuck and just flying in the hot sweaty sliding. My hole was burning and tingling in a blunt stretching sensation as he started fucking me harder, packing my chute faster and deeper with his fuck stick. He then lifted himself up on his hands over me and began giving his full weight to his fuck. His strokes lengthened, pulling all the way out of my hole and plunging back in. The pain of my gate slamming shut and getting forced back open made wince in shock as he began jack hammering me raw and rough for a short stint.

The sound of our sex got louder, our breaths increasing to a pant. "Slap Slap Slap Slap, Uhh Uhh Uhh" I began jacking off as he continued drilling me a new size chute. As his sweat began dripping on my like drops of rain he looked me in the eyes and smiled, "I'm gonna cum soon bro". A few more minutes of his raw fuck boring had me shaking and quivering, hoping it would not end, wanting it more. But his jaw finally dropped open and his head rolled back as he banged my hole hard and deep, breeding my bitch cunt with his seed. "Uuhhh fuck yeah! Fuck yeah! Fuck bro, ohm fuck yeah!", he grunted as he pulled his rubbery uncut meat out and blew another rope onto my red swollen pucker hole, pumped a few times and sunk it into me again and hit me with a few seconds off mega speed hammering that made the bed shake and snap under by back. The wet slippery sensation was refreshing as my shitter was now feeling the burn of raw violent stud fuck.

I jacked off faster as he continued bitch fucking my burning chute with his juice and blasted my own ropes of warm white all over my chest. Spent, he then fell onto me and we laid there kissing, our bodies smearing puddles of our cum and sweat for a few minutes as we came down from the rush. His softening rubbery cock finally slipped out of my sloppy cunt like a cork, letting his seed run out all over the sheets. The sun was setting outside and we finally came out of the fog. "You ready to go play some pool and see what kind of trouble we can get into?"

I kissed the Josh again and nodded yes. Standing up, he handed me and dirty work shirt from he floor and said, "Here you can wipe up with this" He found another one and cleaned his stinky fuck stick up as well, tossing it to the floor when he was done. I wiped the cum off my chest, my dick and wiped my sloppy dripping asshole with it. "Just toss it on the floor bro. I'm doing laundry some day soon." he said as if that was needed. After a short trip to the bathroom and a splash of cold water on our faces, we then headed out of the house and down the street to the billiards bar.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 11

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