
By Badgod69

Published on Dec 4, 2003


I wrote before about me and my good buddy Chuck the skinhead when we were in high school. His nickname was Choke, and I was now fully aware of how he got it: Choke had an enormous 9"+ piece of cut meat that he stuffed into his faded blue Levis. What most of the other kids could only guess about, I had seen! Not only had I seen it, but we were best buddies and fuck buddies too during the time that he was at our school until his family moved back to New Jersey in the middle of his senior year. I was a year behind him.

This story took place a few months before he left, during December. He was now almost 18 and I was almost 17. It was the closing night of the school play that both he and I had roles in. Choke was a little atypical of the standard image of a skinhead. He dressed the part and lived the lifestyle, but his tastes and interests were all over the map. It drove his counselors and parents wild because they could see all his potential going to waste, while all Choke wanted to do was learn about what interested him and get wasted the rest of the time. This frequently got him into trouble, but it's also true that he was lucky that he didn't get busted more often. As a result, I was getting into trouble, too. My parents were freaked out and mad at me all the time now.

So, at our high school it had always been traditional for at least some of the cast and crew members to get drunk at school after the play was finished. This was nothing new for Choke and me, we drank pretty much everyday anyway. But it was hilarious watching all these other kids get drunker than hell and making idiots of themselves! This one senior girl named Nerissa had been flirting pretty heavily with Choke for most of the time we had been doing the play, and now that she was pretty drunk she came up to us and slurred at Choke how hot she thought he was and how he was such a cool guy and blah, blah, blah. Choke was grinning that gap-toothed evil grin of his the whole time, just relishing every moment of her drunken adoration. But I could also tell he was getting some wicked ideas forming in his head. He glanced over at me and smiled even wider and said, "Let's go to the field", meaning the football field where no one ever went much after dark. The pool was where most of the drunken hi-jinx usually happened and the field was much further beyond. We asked Nerissa what she was going to do and she said she was gonna go with the rest of the crowd to the pool. I asked her if she wanted to walk over with us and she said yes. So we stopped at Choke's car and got out a full bottle of Southern Comfort that we had shoplifted earlier that day and we each took several hearty swigs. I remember looking at Choke as I chugged on the bottle; our eyes locked and he licked his lips, and I knew it'd all be good! Nerissa was pretty hot. She was about 5'4", blond hair, blue eyes, big tits, and she was rumored to be a slut. She flirted with nearly every guy at school but she was popular with the girls, too. Her role in the play had been small, mostly because she was a terrible actress. She was the type of girl that Choke and I joked about all the time at school, the dumb-ass bitches who hung onto the jocks like another medal on their letter jackets. He'd still fuck her given the chance, of course; that was understood. Never turn down a chance to fuck, was Choke's motto and personal code of ethics. Nerissa was weaving her way with us to the pool and already we could hear the muffled screams and laughter from the kids already there and in the pool. It was a given that it would shortly be broken up by the campus security guys. From there, most of the kids would go home drunk or else someone would have somewhere else they could go to continue to party. The deal was to see which year's play cast got the longest time in the pool before they got busted. This one didn't sound like it was even conscious of the goal. Nerissa spotted some of her friends and ran forward shrieking and squealing to hug and cry with them. Things always got very emotional at the end of the plays. I guess everyone felt like they had the license to get drunkenly sentimental and emotional. Choke and I weren't feeling any pain by now either. We hung back and took a few more-or-less surreptitious swigs from the Southern Comfort and leaned on each other for physical support. Choke pulled me behind a pillar that blocked our view from at least 2 of the 4 sides and shoved his tongue in my mouth and kissed me hard and deep. Me and Choke took risks like this all the time; we had never once been caught and we said we had the luck of the Irish, since both of us were at least half Irish. The risk made it all the sexier, and neither of us gave a fuck what anybody thought anyway. The only guys we worried about were the other skinheads in Choke's crew, so we were always careful not to get too wild with each other when we were around them.

I told him, "Let's get out of here and go play on the field." He swatted my ass hard, stinging it with the flat of his big open hand and roared out, "Party!!"

Then we laughed and started across the pool area to exit through the back gate that opened out onto the playing fields. The football field and stands were beyond these first fields. Kids were splashing and giggling in the pool and some were sitting on the edge with their feet in the water, swaying and trying not to be sick. From the looks of the piles of clothes it was obvious that some of them were swimming naked. This was also always a part of the tradition. As we crossed the pool deck several of the kids called out to us to join them in the pool and some of the girls told us to take our clothes off and show them what we looked like naked. I laughed and Choke told them to get fucked. Two of the guys in the play that neither Choke nor I liked much called out a comment about how we acted tough but that we were really fags. Choke yelled back that when he'd been fucking this kid's ass he hadn't seemed to mind that Choke and I were also fucking this kid's sister. Words started getting more heated and angry so I picked up one of the large plastic trash cans that were placed around the pool deck, let out a war whoop and hurled it as hard as I could towards the place where the voices were coming from in the pool. It splashed with a terrific noise and people screamed and then giggled when it quickly began to bob gently in the pool. Choke walked over to the portable lifeguard tower and pushed it over into the pool. It smashed into the pool with enough force to cause a huge wave that poured over the pool's edge and onto the deck. After getting dunked by the wave, the kids started yelling at us and calling us names, but we just laughed and laughed and walked out the back entrance gate on our way to the field, but not before we tossed all the stacks of clothes into the water. Swimming naked and drunk was one thing to the school administration; vandalizing school property was another. It was now for sure that all these kids would get in some serious trouble, even if they pleaded innocence. They'd all get busted anyway. We hadn't gone more than a few dozen yards when we heard someone running to catch up with us. We turned and saw Nerissa running drunkenly towards us. She was laughing and calling us assholes but the more she laughed the funnier the whole thing got and we all started laughing our asses off. When we finally got calmed down Choke asked her why she came after us. She said that she was horny and wanted to fool around. I started laughing and Choke looked at me and smiled, so I told her to come with us to the field, cuz we were gonna go fuck around anyway. She was too wasted to get what I had just said, so all she said was "Let's go!" We walked along for a bit and then Choke broke into a run. I took off after him and when I caught up I jumped up onto his back, wrapping my calves tight around his strong thighs and clasping his chest with my arms. He grabbed on to me and slowed down a bit and we trotted along with him giving me a piggy-back ride. I reached into his jacket and pulled out the bottle of Southern Comfort, took a huge swallow and then offered the bottle to his lips. He stopped trotting, leaned his head back against mine and wrapped his lips around the neck of the bottle. I poured a few good swallows down his throat and he turned his head away when he'd had enough. Some of the booze spilled out over his lips and splashed down on his t-shirt. He laughed and turned his head to kiss me. I was completely hard and ready to fuck or whatever. We heard Nerissa call our names and then laugh in a muffled way. I jumped down and we turned to see Nerissa down on the lawn way the hell back there! She was starting to irritate me because she was too fucked up so I just sighed and said "Stupid cunt."

Choke laughed and said "C'mon, bro, this will be fun!" as he took off to help her get up. I walked back to them and when we met up again I asked her if she was too wasted to fuck around and she slurred "Hell no!' and walked ahead of us. I laughed and mumbled to Choke that I bet she was passed out before we even got to the field.

We snickered and then he said all fake-whispery, "Hey, Nerissa, will you suck my dick on the football field?"

She spun on us and looked us up and down through eyes that tried to focus. She smiled and said she'd drain us both dry. We jumped around, laughing and shouting, and told her she was cool. By the time we got to the field Nerissa seemed to have sobered up some. It was pretty cold and I think that helped revive her. We sat high up in the bleachers for a while, talking and drinking and looking at the clear night sky. The screams and laughter coming across the fields from the pool had stopped and shortly after we got to the field we saw that the lights from the pool had gone out. OK, so they got busted. We wondered if they were gonna send some security guard out looking for us because of the lifeguard tower in the pool. We didn't hear or see anyone coming over the fields, so we figured we'd just deal with it on Monday when we came back from the weekend. Choke and I were having a good time sitting up in the bleachers drinking and smoking and talking, but Nerissa was getting bored and sleepy.

So I told her, "Hey, Nerissa, why don't you open up my jeans and take my cock out and suck on it for a while?"

She laughed and said, "Wouldn't you rather have me take off my sweater so you can feel my tits?"

"No," I said.

"Come on, Nerissa, suck his dick," Choke said in his most insinuating and charming voice. When he talked in that tone it was like smoky honey being poured into your ear. He could sweet-talk anybody into anything.

Besides, it was obvious that the guy she wanted to fuck around with was Choke. That's why I was sort of being a dick to her. That, plus the fact that I didn't really like her or her group of friends. Neither did Choke, for that matter. But this was fun in a manipulative, slightly sadistic way. She really was a super hot chick, and even though I didn't like her I still wanted to fuck her. But what I really wanted was to watch Choke fuck the hell out of her while she sucked my dick. She climbed up one row of bleachers and knelt in front of where he and I were sprawled. She began to rub our crotches with her hands, and as I was already rock hard she began fumbling with the buttons on my jeans. I slapped her hand away and opened them myself, and then reached in and hauled out my ramrod hard cock and aimed it at her face. She ooooed softly and then giggled and said I sure was big.

Choke laughed at her and said, "Don't think you can take it?"

She laughed back and said, "Hey, asshole, I could swallow you both at the same time if I wanted to!"

I hooted with laughter and Choke started too, because we knew that no way could she cram both our cocks into her small mouth, especially not with Choke's massive monster at full hardness. She looked at us confused, so Choke stood up and unbuttoned his jeans too, and pushed them down to his upper thighs. Choke wasn't wearing underwear - he rarely did --, so as soon as his jeans had cleared his hips his hard dick sprang out and bobbed stiffly right in front of her face. She gasped and then laughed and said everyone at school talked about how big Choke's dick was, but she didn't believe it 'til now. I could see her whole face brighten up in anticipation when she saw his cock, but I was still waiting for that blow job, so I told her to start sucking. She took my cock in her silky mouth and started humming over it while her glance went back occasionally to Choke's hard cock which he was now pumping in and out of his fist. I leaned back and braced my hands on the floorboard of the row behind me, spreading my legs so she could go all the way down to the root of my cock. After a little while of this, I sat back up. Her blond hair in my hands, I guided her head up and down as she sucked and licked, her mouth hot and wet and pretty damn good, every once in awhile letting go of her hair so I could stroke the soft skin of her face and cheeks.

"Nice pussycat," I whispered to her, "Good pussy."

Choke climbed down one row so that he was behind her where she crouched down to blow me. It was hard to clearly see his face in the darkness, but I could see that he was staring first at her head and then up at my face.

He said clearly but quietly, "I'm goin' down onto the field, c'mon."

He shoved his massive, hard meat back in his Levis, buttoned up, and clambered down to the field. This had to have been a good 15 rows, at least. We went to a big high school, so all the public areas had to be big, too. The football bleachers were no exception. When he was almost down to the field, I gently pushed her head off my dick and told her, "Let's go."

She giggled drunkenly and started to wrap her lips around my throbbing cock again, but I pushed her head away this time and roughly said, "I said, let's go!"

I stood up and closed up my jeans and then started the long climb down. I could hear her getting up and muttering and she said, "You guys are such fuckin jerks!"

Choke laughed from down on the field. Now I could see what he was doing. He was walking towards the center of the field, twirling and struggling to take off his shirts. He'd already tossed his jacket nearby. I remember his laugh then, sort of high and secretly amused at something, sort of dreamlike. I'd never heard him laugh like that before. It kind of gave me the creeps but it was also really sexy sounding. He took a swig on the bottle (he always carried it) and stopped twirling, facing me.

He roared in a fake raging voice, "Hey you fuckin cocksucker, get over here and lick my asshole!"

We both laughed loud and long and when I got up to him he slapped a hand behind my neck and drew me into him until our foreheads touched as we wavered back and forth, trying to stay standing up. We were both pretty wasted by now. Who knew where Nerissa was?

After a few moments he said, "Dan, m'bro, I fuckin want us to both fuck that bitch and fuck around with each other, too. I wanna use that bitch up. But you gotta follow my lead. OK?"

His breath smelled hot and sweet and boozy and it got me hard. You could smell sex on his breath. I grabbed his crotch and cupped as much of his junk in my hand as I could as we kissed and tongue wrestled in each other's mouths.

"I want to get fucked by you right here, bro," I told him and he moaned and laughed and said, "I wanna fuckin plow your ass, dude, and I want her to watch it! I want her to get off on it!"

We laughed some and I told him I was up for anything and we broke the hold and looked around for her.

She was standing a few yards away and she said, "Are you fags?"

And then she started to laugh. We laughed too, because we really didn't think that what we were doing was faggy; we knew it was homosexual sex, but we thought of it as being the most masculine thing a guy could do. We talked a lot about this, when we were alone and drinking and just doing nothing somewhere. The way we figured it, or at least rationalized it, looking back, was that what we were doing was sharing male power with each other sexually and brotherly, like good skinhead brothers. It felt awesome and it sure as hell wasn't soft and romantic sex, and we both liked it that way. Also, Choke had gotten me to take chances, and honesty was one of the chances I knew I could now take. So her question seemed funny because we knew that there was no way to explain what we felt we were doing sexually, and at that moment we didn't care. I think also it was because when she said, "Are you fags?," it sounded more excited than disgusted. Whatever.

Choke said to her, "Aw, baby, don't be like that. Come here, Nerissa, I want to kiss you like I kissed him, you wanna know what it feels like, huh?"

More stuff like that, all sexy as hell and relaxing her.

She was sort of humming softly and giggling and then she said, "I want you to lick my pussy while I suck your dicks. Oooh, I love that..."

We tossed her the bottle and she opened it and nearly drained it 'til I told her to leave some, then she tossed it back to me and staggered to us. When she got there she opened her mouth for Choke's tongue and he plunged in, almost eating her. I walked up behind Choke and ran my hand over his ass and slid it under to pull on his balls through his jeans and he backed up into my hand, making sure I got a good grasp. I moved away from him and went behind Nerissa and pulled myself up close behind her making sure she felt the full length of my 8" prick pressed against the small of her back. She moaned and sort of purred as I placed my hands on her hips and ran them inwards and down to her crotch, rubbing and fingering her pussy through the fabric of her jeans. I moved one hand up under her sweatshirt and cupped her tit through her bra, gently massaging and stroking, then pinching her nipple hard. She gasped and squirmed some and that just made me want to fuck her even more. I was kissing and biting the back of her neck while Choke was devouring her mouth and her throat. His hand met mine under her crotch and we rubbed her cunt with our fingers twining and probing together. It was fucking amazing, the feeling of doing this in the middle of the football field, completely uninhibited and free to do whatever we wanted. Choke was now shirtless and Nerissa and I were still fully clothed. From behind her, I took off Nerissa's jacket and let it fall to the ground beside her, then made her lift her arms up so I could pull off her sweatshirt. Now all she had on top was her bra, so I undid it and she let me get it off her. I threw it aside as far as I could throw it, just for the hell of it. It'd be funny as fuck watching her scrambling around looking for it later, and I knew it would be something Choke and I would laugh about for weeks after. I unbuttoned my levis and pulled my sticky briefs down with them to my knees, then pressed up against her back, the head of my engorged cock leaving slimy precum tracks on her lower back as I humped her soft, warm flesh. Choke's hands were busy unzipping her jeans and pushing them down to her knees. She was making gasping and whimpering noises that sounded sort of afraid and excited all at the same time. I knew that Choke was getting as worked up as I was, because I knew that look on his face well. I guess we were all busy, because Nerissa had Choke's levis open and was fondling and stroking his big cock, weighing it in the palms of both hands. We could tell she wanted to suck it bad, so we all sort of dropped to our knees on the football field grass, sharp and cold under our knees. She dived for Choke's quivering dick, and gagged as she tried to take too much too fast cuz she was so wasted. I remember me and Choke smiled at each other when we heard her gag and back off to take a breath before she went in again. She was leaning over on her knees with her ass towards me, and her panties were moist and tight. I hooked my thumbs under them and slowly started to pull them down, just waiting to make sure she wasn't gonna scream or some stupid shit like that. She moaned like she wanted it, so I pulled them down for reals. They were so fucking tight and kept rolling up on themselves, so I ripped them off her ass with a loud "whoop!"while Choke howled like a wolf. We started laughing and I pulled her shoes and jeans off. Nerissa rolled herself over onto her back, letting go of his cock just long enough to pant out, "fuck you, lick my pussy!" Damn, that was hot! Here we had a hot, blond, popular Senior girl from school, completely naked, sucking our dicks on the football field! What a slut! She was awesome. I just wanted to leap on top of her and fuck the shit out of her! Her pussy was all wet and her pubes were twisted into little dark blond whorls from her juiciness. But I wanted to make it take longer, so I asked Choke for the bottle. He picked it up from where he'd put it and handed it to me. I chugged on it and then pulled Nerissa's face away from Choke's cock and said "Drink!" She took a swallow then I pulled it away from her and pushed her head back down for more of Choke's dripping cock. I handed the bottle to Choke and he chugged. He held it up and raised his eyebrows like asking "More?" I smiled and took it back from him. Nerissa's legs were a little bit spread with her knees up, ready for that pussy-licking. I pushed her legs farther apart and she spread her legs wide. I poured the last of the booze right on her cunt then dove in and started lapping and licking, nibbling and probing and flicking my tongue as deep as I could into her pussy. The smell of her juices and the Southern Comfort was all over my face by the time I came up for air. My face was fucking covered in pussy and booze! I was so amped and totally fucking wasted! My cock was so amazingly hard that it felt like it was gonna explode. Precum was flowing out of it and I needed to get off soon. Choke had the most sex-crazed and evil imp grin on his face that I had ever seen, and for a split second I remember thinking, "He looks like the devil." It was that little gap between his 2 front teeth that gave him that sort of impish look. He looked so fucking hot. I couldn't tell who I wanted to fuck more, him or her?

Finally, he said, "Nerissa, we're gonna fuck, yeah? You want me to fuck you good?"

She groaned and slurred something that might have been "yes" and Choke got up. He walked over to where I was as I stood up, too. We grabbed each other and pressed together as tight as we could. We hugged like animals and rubbed out hard, dripping dicks together against our bellies. He licked the juices off my face, dipping into my mouth for a kiss every once in a while. Nerissa finally said, "fuck!" sort of loud so we shushed her and told her to shut up or somebody might hear and call the cops. She moaned something and moved her arms and legs around a bit, so we just looked at each other and Choke knelt down and spread her legs wide and held them up. "Not like that!," she whined and he told her to shut the fuck up. She kept moaning so I walked over to her head and knelt down and shoved my dick in her mouth to make her shut up.

She tried to spit it out at first but I kept going, "Shhhhhh... shhhhhhh..."

Choke looked at me and we leaned towards each other and kissed, sucking on each other's tongue and biting lips. We were making out when he slid his huge 9" tree trunk cock into her pussy and she squealed and moaned as he pushed in to the hilt. We pulled apart and I watched him start to fuck her, nice and slow and easy at first. He kept looking down at his prick pistoning in and out of her luscious pussy lips as he fucked her. He threw his head back and said "ahhhhhhhhhh..." loud and obviously in heaven. Nerissa by now was relaxed and loving every second of it. I knew how good she was feeling. She let go of my cock and started sucking and licking my balls.

I scooted forward and leaned my asshole right over her face and said, "Lick my asshole, you fuckin dirty whore!"

Choke laughed and started fucking her harder, hard enough to make her tits bounce back and forth. She looked hot, naked and dirty from the grass, grunting and squealing and panting like a fucking bitch in heat. She said she wouldn't do that, so I scooted further forward so I could squeeze her big tits together and jack my dick off between those warm, beautiful mounds. Her nipples were a pretty dark pink with a nice halo of young brown. Fucking nice titties! As I slid my cock between her tits I could look down and see Choke's thick engorged dick just battering away at her gaping, wet slit. Her lips gobbled him up and she was moaning and panting from the force of his fucking. I got up off her and walked to behind Choke so I could see him fuck her from that angle. The muscles in his ass rippled as he fucked her fast then slow, gyrating his hips every once in a while. This kid knew how to fuck! How he ever got that good at it at just 17 years of age I still to this day have no idea. Maybe he was just a natural. I was jacking off nice and steady cuz I knew I was getting close. I got down on my knees right behind Choke's ass and I slid my tongue as deep as I could into his asscrack.

His hips shivered and he chuckled. "Do it, bro!" he laughed, then his breathing got raspy and he said "yeah, do it, do it, do it..."

I spread his ass cheeks open with both hands, and I saw his hairy ass crack with the tight pink starfish at the end of it. I licked and bit his pumping ass, moved down to his balls which I sucked and licked and then down to her pussy so I could lick her slit and his cock as he plowed into to her at the same time. I was ready to shoot, so I stopped touching my cock, and moved back up to his asshole. I burrowed into it with my whole tongue and nose, trying to bury my face in his smells. He smelled amazing, like the smell of young, fucking, male animal. I licked all around his asshole and pushed my tongue in, probing and flciking, then licking the whole underside of his crotch as far as I could maneuver. He moaned that he was about to cum so I fell back and got up to stand near him. Nerissa was basically passed out by now but looked happy and exhausted. Choke had his eyes closed with his head thrown partially back, his mouth open and his shoulders slightly hunched. His knees were bent a little bit, too. As his fist flew over his cock I reached over and rubbed his ass cheeks, squeezing and stroking them, running my fingers up and down the cleft between those muscular mounds of hot, sweaty boy flesh. His eyes flew open and I could tell he was about to shoot. I reached around to his dick and batted his hand away so I could finish him off, jacking him off with my own well-slicked fist. As he started to grunt and buck his hips, he reached over and grabbed my straining cock and beat me off mercilessly. We leaned into each other and put our panting, opened mouths on each other's and let our tongues slide around and over each other's tongue and teeth. I glanced down at Nerissa and noticed that she had what looked like a half grin on her face. She made a contented burbling noise, almost like a baby.

I remember that cuz I started laughing at the same time as he started whispering his breathy jack off mantra, "Oh fuck, I fucked you bitch, oh fuck I'm gonna shoot," and reared back as his monstrous cock let out a jet of hot cum that arced out and splattered Nerissa across her shoulder and breast. Another burst flew out and landed on the ground with the tail end of the spurt landing on her belly. I don't know how many more blasts he had because I nutted right then, too. He squeezed the base of my swollen, glistening cock with his hand while I squeezed my balls with the other, with one finger pushing at my asshole. I still love to jack off this way. It couldn't have worked out better, because my first squirt shot out and landed right across her cunt. That sight made my next blasts even more intense, with Choke saying nasty shit in the background. That's how I remember it, drunk as I was. I do remember very clearly that Choke needed to take a piss after his cock went down while I was getting Nerissa's jeans and shoes back on, which was not easy. He aimed his steaming piss stream right beside her and every once in a while he'd jerk his dick to one part of her or another; like, her hair or her pussy, wherever it splashed was fine and it made us both start snickering. I remember that I could smell his hot piss, strong and potent. When he was done, he shook off the last hot, yellow drop onto her flesh and then he did something that really made me laugh. He tilted his head back as he hocked up a wad of spit and spat it out directly onto her pussy. Her cunt looked amazing. Sopping wet and red from the exquisite abuse her pussy had just undergone, her pubes were gummy and matted with my white jiz and Choke's foamy looking spit. I scooped up 2 fingers of cum, spit and pussy juice and held up my fingers for Choke to suck clean. Which he did. Anyway, that was the best part. What happened was we got her dressed as best we could, took turns first dragging her then carrying her slung over our shoulders, and finally after what felt like miles got to the school's parking lot. I still don't know how she was supposed to get home but it was obvious that we'd have to take her home or somewhere. So we took her home, sat in the car and talked about what was the best way to dump her, and finally just decided to put her on the front porch, ring the doorbell, then get the hell out of there. No way would she remember all the stuff that we'd done, but we figured she'd remember it as a really amazing experience anyway. I know it was for me. That was the first and only threesome I have ever done. Ok, long enough. The end.

Next: Chapter 3: Drunk Skinheads Fuck

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