
By Badgod69

Published on Dec 1, 2003


When I was a sophomore in high school, the whole skinhead phenomena was still brand new and there weren't many of them where I grew up. Fortunately for me -- or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it -- there was a group of 6 of them at my high school. Now, before you all freak out, not all skinheads are neo-Nazi racists. There are all kinds of skins, from gay skins to Red skins (communists) to SHARP (SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice) skins, etc. The group at my school were mostly confused about what sort they were. They were all juniors and seniors, largely unpolitical but mostly conservative although 1 or 2 of them half-heartedly were white pride skins. Basically, those guys talked a lot of shit but never really did anything. The rest of the skinheads made fun of these 2 guys and their racist talk.

All of them were rowdy, mischievous, and prone into getting into trouble, they all dressed more or less alike, and they were, to me, super cool. I liked the way they dressed and their tough image: tight, wrecked-up jeans rolled up so their black steeltoe boots showed up better, suspenders over tight white or favorite band t-shirts, shaved or buzzed heads, and those shiny, olive green flight jackets that they wore all the time. I'd keep an eye on them at lunch time while they strutted around the grassy quad area where most of the kids ate lunch. They'd wrestle around and sometimes start fights with the other students, but mostly they just kept to themselves. All of them had girlfriends, and gradually the girls started to adopt the female version of the look, the "Chelsea girl" look and style. No one wanted to have anything to do with them because they were the "bad" kids, and the rest of us were from largely liberal, suburban families.

One of the skinheads, a junior named Chuck but nicknamed Choke, was in my drama class. He was a new kid to our school, but he had an out-going personality that won him friends pretty quickly. It was rumored among us kids that he was nicknamed Choke because of the enormous bulge in his crotch that his tight jeans pretty much revealed. I always thought it must have been Chuck/Choke who introduced the other guys to the skinhead look and style. He was from the east coast where skinheads were making a bigger splash than they were out here in the west. Before his arrival, the other "skins" at school had been mostly jocks. The girls cautiously flirted with Choke because, no doubt about it, he was a very handsome kid. At 17, he looked more like 20. He was tall and pretty muscular with a well-shaped shaved head, piercing blue eyes and a broad smile that revealed a mouthful of gleaming white teeth with a small gap between the two front teeth. Rather than making him look unattractive, this gap made him look adorable. When he spoke, it was in a loud, brash New Jersey accent and that made him seem exotic and worldly to us California kids.

Choke was unusual for a kid of his type: obviously the center of attraction and clearly dominant, Choke didn't seem to be interested in being seen as the leader of the skins at school, and so the older seniors took up the mantle of power in their group. The guy who seemed to be the leader of the skins was a boy named Pete whom I had known since junior high school. I didn't like Pete because his chief joy in life appeared to be the harassment of the younger, smaller kids at school. He could be cruel and slightly sadistic and I steered clear of him whenever our paths crossed. He seemed to really get along well with Choke, so I was already predisposed to dislike Choke on account of his friendship with Pete. Choke surprised me by being a decent actor in drama class. At first, we all thought he had signed up for drama because he figured it would be an easy "A" and a perfect venue for his amped-up personality. We were all taken off-guard by his first monologue in class, however: he was good! We were now well into the Spring semester and working on 2-person scenes in class. The girl Choke had been working with got ill or something and had to finish the school year early because of her health. This left him without a partner. One day after class as I was walking to the gym for P.E. he called out my name as I was crossing the quad.

He asked me if I would take on an additional scene and partner up with him. I didn't know what to do, so I just stared at him for a second and I guess he could tell from my silence that I wasn't sure about his motives. He laughed and said that he was impressed by my work in drama class and he had a scene that he wanted to do that would require another good actor. I was flattered and -- I hate to say it -- sort of charmed by his manner. He was confident and goofy, almost playful and sort of flirtatious. So I said yes. We agreed that he should call me later that night to tell me about the scene and to figure out when we could cram some rehearsal times into our frantic end-of-year schedules, so I gave him my phone number. I was kind of nervous and squirmy the rest of the day. When the phone rang at home that evening I ran for it and answered it kind of breathlessly, I guess. He laughed and asked me if I was jerking off. I just sputtered something cuz I didn't know what to say. He joked around about me being out of breath and what that usually meant to him. I laughed and told him that no, I had not been jerking off.

Then I got bold and jokingly asked him, "Why? Were you jerking off?" He just sort of chuckled and made an "mmmm" sound and then laughed and called me a fag. Not in a mean way, just like a joke. Well, we quickly became pretty good friends, oddly enough. Choke fascinated me. I thought of him as an older brother and he treated me like his kid brother. It was cool. I never hung out with him when he was with the other skins because I didn't like them much. We talked a lot about these kids and he said that basically they were all good guys, just sort of immature and stupid sometimes. Slowly but steadily, Choke was beginning to make me think about the whole skinhead culture and it was attractive to me. Probably this was because I equated skinheads with Choke and I wanted to get as close to him as I could. I started hanging out with my other friends less and less and they didn't really seem to notice because the change was so gradual. Choke introduced me to the other skins as his buddy and they accepted me without question.

Any differences I might have had with the others didn't seem to matter, and I found myself pretty quickly with a new set of friends. I stopped by the local barber shop one day after school and got my hair buzzed off. My parents sort of freaked out when I got home that afternoon, but mostly they just laughed at my new look. Choke gave me one of his old flight jackets and I treasured it. It smelled like him -- sweaty and masculine. I would wear it while I masturbated in my bedroom at home and I wore it everyday to school. Choke explained to me the story behind the numerous patches he had sewn to the sleeves of the jacket. Mostly they were band patches, but a few were political. One patch looked a bit like a swastika which worried me, but Choke told me it was just a design he had made up and that it didn't mean anything, he just liked the design. Over the next few weeks I adopted the classic skinhead look with tight, rolled-up levis, narrow black suspenders, and the first pair of black steel-toed boots I ever owned. Wearing those boots was a major turn-on for me. They made me feel strong and mean and the feel of them tightly laced up gave me a 24-hour hard-on.

Choke and I began to spend all our free time together. He took me to shows where the bands played the music that skinheads were listening to, mostly ska and some reggae; Oi! music had not yet hit the scene, that would be a few years later. We talked about anything and everything. Sexuality was a large part of what we talked about, and Choke wasn't shy or weirded out by anything, gay, straight or otherwise. His philosophy was if it felt good, do it. He was the only person I had ever told about me and my older nephew having sex, and he thought it was great. He never got tired of hearing me tell him about what sort of stuff we'd do with each other. In fact, he'd always tell me that what I told him got him horny as hell. He told me about fooling around with a younger cousin of his, a girl who sounded as liberated and promiscuous as he was. Whenever he'd fuck one of the girls from school, he'd call me right after he got home and tell me all about it. His telling me his secrets and giving me a blow-by-blow account of his sexual adventures just made us all the closer. Finally, one night when we were talking on the phone he asked me if I had ever fantasized about getting off with him.

At first I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't want to spook him and scare him off, cuz he was my buddy and I would have missed his friendship a lot if anything came between us.

But he kept coaxing me and when I still hesitated, he said, "Look, if you want, I'll tell you what I think about you. You're a cool dude and I would get off with you anytime you wanted."

I was so relieved and excited that all I could do was laugh and tell him that I felt the same way. This was like some sexy story you'd read in a porn mag, but it was real and it was happening to me. I couldn't believe my good luck! Our scenes were due to be presented in class in less than a week. We had done some good work on our scene, and all we needed now were some costumes and a few props. We asked our teacher if we could use some of the school's stuff, and she told us to grab whatever we needed from the costume shop. We met after school that day in the drama classroom, which also had two extra rooms for costume storage and some small set pieces and props. The drama teacher had told us to come get the key to the room from her after school. We were looking through the costumes for some pants and jackets and Choke found some pants he wanted to try on.

He went back into the deserted classroom so he could sit down on one of the chairs while he took off his boots. When he came back in, he whipped his jacket off and tossed it over a rack. Then he slipped his suspenders off his shoulders and unbuttoned his jeans. He called me over to him so he could lean on me while he pulled his pants off. His briefs were stretched tight over what all the other kids at school were whispering about. Now I got to see for myself. I wondered how many other kids knew the truth about what this guy was packing. From the look of his bulging briefs, it seemed like all the rumors were true: his cock was huge. By now, I was completely and openly sexual in talking with him; nothing was off limits for us when we talked together alone. I told him that all the kids at school figured he was called Choke because he must have a big dick.

He just laughed and said, "Check it out for yourself."

With that, he pulled his briefs down under his hairy balls and flopped his semi-hard meat back and forth while he laughed. I was laughing too, and he kept trying to get close enough to me so that he could slap my thigh with his cock. Finally, I just stood there and let him whack his dick against my leg.

It was getting hard now and I could see that he was BIG. The shaft was thick and veiny and the reddish-purple head flared out around the edge. I laughed and said that it looked like a Nazi helmet, and Choke just said, "Yeah," as his raspy breath got louder. His cock had to be at least 9 inches, probably more. It looked enormous on this lanky, 17 year-old kid. Our laughter slowed down and he raised his arm and leaned it against the wall right behind me.

He was now almost completely hard so I said, "Yeah?" and he said, "Yeah" right back.

So I reached down and wrapped my fist around his dick. The feel of all that meat throbbing and swelling in my hand as I stroked him only made me harder. I was already rock hard the moment he whipped his jacket off. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, smiled with an open mouth and then sighed loud and long.

"Good job, buddy. Keep goin, you're doin' great."

He lowered his arm and pushed his jeans and briefs down to his knees, freeing his enormous cock and letting his big balls hang free. Then he brought his hands up to the clasps on my suspenders and opened them and then unbuttoned my jeans and yanked them open. With my free hand I pushed them down as far as I could. I let go of his fat, red dick so I could use both hands to push my jeans down further, and he said, "Aw, fuck you, don't let go; you're hand feels awesome."

When I had let go his cock sprang up and slapped his belly with a wet smack. He giggled in that hooligan way of his and reached over and grabbed my hard dick and started jerking me off furiously. He was goofing with me and we both started to laugh. Then he slowed down and really started jacking me off like a brother. He let go of my cock, spit a huge wad of spit into his hand and then started stroking me again. It felt amazing. I ran my free hand up under his t-shirt and rubbed his chest and belly. I could feel a little bit of fine hair on his chest and when I moved my hand to his nipples I could feel that they were wide and hard. I got one of them between my fingertips and pulled at it and then pinched it. He hissed his breath into my ear and whispered, "Hell yeah...," and I dug my fingernails into it, making him wince and increase the speed of his fist around my dick. In the late afternoon light coming from the small skylight built into the roof of the costume storage room, Choke looked incredibly handsome and masculine to me. I couldn't get enough of him, and what I really wanted to do was drop to my knees and gag on his magnificent dick.

At that moment, we heard the classroom door open and we quickly shut the door leading into the costume room. Torn between wanting to finish each other off and not wanting to get caught, we hesitated for a second before our rational minds took over and Choke spun away from me and retreated into the racks of costumes where he couldn't be seen. I quickly pulled my jeans up and fumbled with my suspenders as I heard the voices of some of the other kids from drama class start rehearsing. I quietly moved to where Choke was and motioned for him to hurry up so we could get the hell out of there. When we came out, the kids rehearsing looked at us like we had been doing something wrong.

I said, "Mrs. L___ gave us the keys to find some costumes."

They didn't say anything to us, just stared as we crossed the classroom and walked out the door. When we were out of earshot, we both roared with laughter and talked about what would have happened if we had been caught jacking each other off. He asked me if I wanted to get together later that evening to rehearse our scene. I told him to come over after dinner, around 7 p.m. Choke had never been over to my house because I had never invited him over. I was afraid that my parents would say or do something stupid and that Choke would tease me about it in front of the other kids.

When I got home, I told my mom that a friend from drama was coming over after dinner so we could rehearse our scene. She was fine with it, and after dinner when the doorbell rang and I invited Choke in, I introduced him to my family before we went into my bedroom to rehearse. Choke turned on the charm and my parents later said they thought he was a nice boy. My older sister told me she thought that he was cute even though he was sort of brutish. When we got into my bedroom and closed the door, I didn't really know what was gonna happen next. All I knew was that I was rock hard the moment I saw him, and as I still hadn't gotten off from earlier that afternoon, I was ready to bust a nut right then and there. We talked a little bit about our scene and the characters and their motivations, but I could tell that Choke was as distracted as I was. He made himself comfortable by lying back on my bed while I sat facing him at my desk. We just stared at each other for a few moments and then he laughed, sat up, took off his flight jacket and tossed it on the floor and then continued to peel off layers of clothing.

He raised his arms and whipped off his white t-shirt and tossed it at me. I caught it and it felt damp under the arms from his sweat, so I tossed it back at him. He leaned back against the headboard and crossed his arms behind his head. His armpits looked wet and the dark hair was matted and glistening. I got up and walked over to my bed and sat down next to him. He leaned forward and got me in a headlock and we started rough-housing and laughing. He was trying to force my head down into his crotch and I was struggling between wanting to dive into it on my own, and trying to resist him because I hadn't locked my bedroom door and didn't want my mom opening the door to tell us to keep the noise down.

I whispered to him, "Wait, wait!" He let me go and I got up and locked my door. Then I turned back to him and took a running leap on to my bed. I surprised him, cuz I knocked him backwards and then laid down on top of him for a second or two before rolling off and laying next to him. He quietly said to me, "Get your clothes off, bro." I was still nervous about my parents being out in the living room, but I wanted to get naked with him so badly that I didn't really care; so I did what he told me.

When he saw how hard and wet my cock was, he laughed and called me a faggot, and I laughed back and told him he was such a queer! We both talked smack to each other like that all the time, and I had noticed that he never got upset when I called him a fag. By now I was naked and standing next to the bed. He was just pulling his jeans off along with his briefs. When he got them off completely, I was planning on getting on to my knees and sucking on his dick for a while. I had never seen a cock as big as his, and I wanted to know if I could get it down my throat. The only dick I had ever sucked up to this point was my older nephew's and he was about the same size as me, about 7 and a half inches at that time. But Choke's was bigger and fatter and I knew I had to feel it in my mouth. But I didn't get the chance, cuz Choke leaned over and swallowed my cock all the way to the hilt. I couldn't believe it! My skinhead brother, this masculine, tough-acting kid, was sucking on my hard cock like a pro! It was the best blow job I had ever experienced, and I almost passed out from the excitement of what was happening. He pulled me down on to the bed by cupping my ass in his big hands and getting me to straddle him.

Without ever letting go of his liplock on my thrusting dick, I was now kneeling on my bed with him under me, his head bobbing up and down on my dick as I fucked his throat hard. Finally, when it felt like I was gonna explode in his mouth, I pushed myself back off him and told him to stop. His eyes were glazed and a thread of spit dangled from his lips to the head of my cock. When the spit-strand broke and he seemed to come out of his sexlust trance, he flashed his big, gap-toothed grin at me and winked.

"Do me," he said, and I did.

I scooted down and licked the long, thick shaft of his throbbing cock. It was like licking a tree trunk, and I thought I would never get to the head. But when I did, a huge bead of his precum waited for me and I lapped it up with a flick of my tongue that sent a shiver through his body. It was impossible for me to get his whole dick in my mouth, so I jacked him off while I sucked on the first half of his meat. He was humming with pleasure now and I thought again about how weird it was knowing that my family was just in the other room.

Here I was naked with my buddy from school, chowing down on his enormous tool. I forced his legs wide apart so I could suck on his hairy balls, and he loved it. I could smell the hot, musky scent of his ass and his crotch and I almost came on the spot.

After a little while, he said, "You ever been fucked?" I told him I hadn't but that I would let him try. I also said that if it hurt too much he had to stop. He said he would, so I told him to go ahead. He got me up on my hands and knees and got behind me. I heard him hock a big wad of spit into his hand and then felt his fingers rubbing over my tight, hot, virgin asshole. Another spit wad got his dick lubed up and he started to slowly push into me. It hurt like hell, but he kept telling me to relax into it, to push out like I was trying to take a shit. When I did that, he was able to push into me much easier, and after a few moments he was inside me. I felt like I had eaten a huge meal and was very, very full.

When I was finally comfortable with him inside me he started fucking my ass slow and steady. As he increased his speed it started to hurt more and at one point after a particularly powerful series of thrusts, I yelled out and he laughed. Soon there was a knock on my door and my mom asked me if everything was ok. I called out that we were fine, that we were rehearsing our scene and that we had to yell some during it. Choke was leaning over me, biting my neck and whispering "Liar!" into my ear as I answerd my mom. I heard her walk away from my door, and then Choke laughed quietly as I told him to fuck me some more. He plowed into me for what seemed like hours, all of my senses dulled to everything except his relentless pounding and the feel of his huge dick ramming into my guts. He turned me over and grabbed my legs and draped them over his shoulders. Now I could watch him fuck me, and I couldn't take my eyes off his face. He was sweating like a horse and his scent filled the room. His face was red and flushed from the exertion of fucking my ass, but his grin never left his face. He wrapped his fist around my cock and jacked me off while he fucked my ass hard and deep.

When he was about to shoot he pulled out and lay down beside me, our legs draped over each other's. We were both jacking furiously now, and when he was close he turned his face towards mine and leaned over to kiss me. His tongue was like a marauder in my mouth as it forced its way down my throat. This was too much and I knew that I was gonna blow my wad any second. I started groaning and whimpering and he knew what was coming, so he stopped kissing me and pulled back so he could watch me shoot. I could feel the first bursts about to erupt so I said, "Here it comes...", and a rope of hot, creamy spooge leapt out of my cock and splattered against the side of his thigh. More ropes blasted out and covered his leg and my belly. By my third spurt, Choke started cumming, too.

He said, "ohhhh," and then quickly turned his body towards me so all his jiz would splash onto me. Jet after jet of Choke's cum slapped my stomach, my chest, my arms. When he was through he wiped the head of his dick off on my bedspread. Then he took my pillow and rubbed it over the ponds of cum on him and me both. I was laughing and so was he.

When he stopped he showed me the cum-coated pillow and said, "Tonight you can smell our nut, bro, while you go to sleep."

We got dressed, rehearsed for about a half-hour, and then he left. When I saw him at school the next day he ran up to me in the hall and lifted me off my feet as he hugged me.

"Hey, you dirty cocksucker! You are an amazing bro, Dan!"

Nobody knew what he really meant by that, so no one made anything out of it. But Choke and I knew exactly what he meant, and we got together again whenever we could that summer and the fall semester of the following year.

His family moved back to New Jersey at the end of that semester and we eventually lost contact. But Choke introduced me to the skinhead scene and I stayed involved in it until I finally dropped out of it when I was in my 30s. At one of my high school reunions I ran into Pete, the "leader" of our high school skinhead group. He was married and fat and respectable-looking now, and I asked him if he ever heard from Choke anymore. He told me the last he'd heard from Choke was that he was married and had some kids. He was a fireman in a small town in New York. I thought that that was an excellent job for him, heroic and masculine, dangerous and exciting. Plus, he had the right size hose for the job.

Next: Chapter 2: Two Skins and a Wasp

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