
By ...Mercury.....

Published on Oct 3, 1995



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o o Oh Wise Master, I wonder who rules Alt.Sex.Stories ? o Why that is easy, young Grasshopper. It is... o o ... M e r c u r y ... o o For listen to the Wind. Does it not whisper in your ear, o "Mercury rulez A.S.S.!" And listen to the babbling brook. o Does it not babble, "Mercury has the biggest dick of all!" o You see, Grasshopper. All of Nature is in harmony with o Mercury, for he is one with the Universe! o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Lord Alfred Douglas o o o AT DAWN o o He came in the glow of the noon-tide sun, o He came in the dusk when the day was done, o He came with the stars; but I saw him not, o I saw him not. o o But ah, when the sun with his earliest ray o Was kissing the tears of the night away, o I dreamed of the moisture of warm wet lips o Upon my lips. o o Then sudden the shades of night took wing, o And I saw that love was a beauteous thing, o For I clasped to my breast my curl-crowned king, o My sweet boy-king. o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Notes : o o 1. I did not write this story and do not know who did. o 2. If you're a biW/A m/f 18-24 looking for friends, write. o 3. Don't write asking me to email you stories. Fuck off. o SKIN DIVING LESSONS by VA Dee Jay

Hello everybody from the City of Monuments (and we have a lot of them erected here :>), in Richmond, VA USA. Here's part 1. I have a vivid imagination and can really come up with detailed fantasies so I hope this is as good for you as it was for me to fantasize about it, even if you don't know who the person I am writing about.

I really like Dan. Really. He is gentle, polite, and genuinely wants to please me. Those are the reasons, among others, that attracted me to him as we got to know one another. We were talking one Friday after I had gotten to know him a couple of months ago and we were talking about the first calendar I bought with him on the cover. I asked him if he really knew anything about skin diving since he was wearing the underwater goggles around his neck. He said he sure did, that he had taken several years of lessons off and on and was I interested in learning. I said, "Yes, I've always wondered what it would be like underwater for long periods of time not having to come up for air." He said, "It takes a while before you get to that stage but if you're interested I can teach you." I thought to myself he could teach me anything he wants just as long as I get to see him in a wet suit!!

Dan is really one hot looker. He is about 6'1" tall, long, dark curly hair, mustache, deep blue/green bedroom eyes, and a hairy muscular chest that drives me wild!! He said, "Why don't you come and spend the weekend with me at my beach house and we will begin your lessons." Little did I know the real lesson that would be learned that weekend. I said, "Sure, that sounds great!" We hung up and after I got off from work I packed a bag with the usual things and jumped in the car and drove from Richmond to Virginia Beach to begin one of the hottest weekends of my life. Of course all kinds of things were going through my mind but I had no idea of how it was going to turn out (more about that later).

When I arrived at Dan's beach house, located in a small beach community away from the tourist beach, I took my bag in and greeted my host. Since there was still a few hours of daylight left Dan said we would get started with my lessons now. I said, "What is my first lesson going to be about?" He said, "You are going to learn how to put on your wet suit properly." He pointed to the wet suit he had already laid out for me and said, "Strip completely before you put it on and this way you can see how it feels like a second skin. When you actually start skin diving you will NOT do so naked." I thought to myself "you really want to check me out" but I went along with this ruse. As I stripped, I could see he was doing just what I thought, checking me out. He was being very subtle about it but he was checking me out just the same. I got my chance too. He was putting on his wet suit to show me how to put mine on right. When he peeled his bikini briefs off and quickly put on the wet suit's briefs, I made no bones about checking him out and he knew it! I could see already this weekend was going to be REAL interesting.

Once I got the wet suit on I almost creamed in it! This was caused by both the feeling of having on that "second skin" Dan was talking about and by seeing Dan in his wet suit. When we got in the water for me to experience getting wet in the suit I thought I was going to loose it! Seeing Dan all wet in his suit didn't help either. Dan could definitely see I had an erection through my suit but drew no attention to it other than his frequent glances at my crotch. Not to be outdone, I got my eyes full too! I also noticed he was beginning to become aroused as well. Suddenly, Dan said, "Well, it's beginning to get dark. We'd better get inside, get changed and have dinner. Tomorrow is going to be a long day of lessons and we need our rest." Rest was the last thing on my mind. I had become horny as hell and was just glad we were going inside as I didn't know how much longer I could hold back cumming in my wet suit.

Unfortunately, when we got inside we didn't dress in front of each other. Dan let me change first in his bedroom while he got dinner started. When I was finished he changed his clothes. We were both wearing T-Shirts and boxer type shorts. He fixed a wonderful dinner with candles, wine, soft music. I was impressed!! Finally he said, "Let's hit the sack, we have a long day ahead of us." I began to shudder slightly, pleasantly wondering what was going to happen next.

Dan was well aware of my gayness because when we met (purely by accident) I didn't hide the fact that he was the man of my dreams (wet ones to be exact). The calendars of him titled "Skin Deep" were where I first saw him. I now own all the calendars he appears in. We met in Virginia Beach when I was visiting my friends Jeff and Ronnie. Jeff works at one of the local TV stations and Dan was in town doing beach photos for the next calendar. He was being interviewed for the local news and Ronnie had asked me to take dinner to Jeff. I practically knocked Dan down as I was coming in the door as he was going out. When I realized who he was, I was floored! I very quickly composed myself (Jeff was laughing his ass off and I knew I would never hear the end of it and I didn't later) and asked him to wait a moment at the door as I wanted to speak to him. I ran into the Master Control area where Jeff was laughing as he watched us on a monitor that was aimed at the door for security. I then plopped his dinner plate on the desk and ran back to Dan at the door.

We walked out of the door as we began chatting. He then asked how I knew who he was and I answered, "I have three calendars at home that you appear in. I have saved them all and can't seem to stop looking at them." He said, "So you're attracted to me then?" I couldn't believe it! I said, "You are my dream man, I hope that doesn't bother you." He said, "No, a lot of men and women tell me they are attracted to me. I'm used to it and not bothered by it at all." Well that didn't tell me anything, really, other than he wasn't going to punch me out for being honest with him. So, I asked him could we be friends and hang out together (hint, hint). He laughed and said, "Pardon the pun, huh?" And I said, "Really, I would honestly like to get to know you even though it would probably only be a friendship and no more." He said, "What makes you think that we'll only be just friends?" I said, "Well for one thing I'm assuming you're not gay and secondly you don't live here and since I will probably not ever see you again, there is no chance of ending up anything more than friends writing to one another every so often." Then he said, "Well, you should not assume anything."

"I have a beach house here at the beach and after the shoot I'll be staying here for 6 to 8 months or longer. I'm seriously considering moving here permanently but I haven't made up my mind yet. I would really like to get to know someone who really know the area and can show me some spots where other shoots might be done." I said, "I don't live here though." He said, "Where do you live?" And I said, "Richmond, it's about 2 hours away." Then Dan said, "That's not too far away, I might even check out the capitol city." Well as the story goes in this flash back the rest is history. I never have really found out whether he is gay or not. When I point blank asked him recently if he is gay, he said, "It'll be interesting to see how you discover the true orientation of Dan Peterson now won't it. So let's have fun and you go with the flow. You'll find out soon enough." Somehow I really didn't like this little game but I went along with it. Regardless of his orientation, I wanted to get to know him better.

This new development with him wanting me to spend the weekend with him to learn how to skin dive looks like it may be the turning point in my learning his orientation. I decided to play it cool and let him give direction as to what would happen next. We cleaned up the dinner dishes and shut off the lights. I said, "Well how does this couch work?" He said, "What do you mean?" I said, "There's only one bedroom and one bed. That means one of two things, I either sleep on the couch or I sleep with you Dan. I figure the best thing to do is take the couch unless you suggest otherwise." Then he gets this really smurky grin on his face and looks at me with those beautiful bedroom eyes and says, "You are about to find out what you've been waiting so patiently to learn the last few months." I said, "Okay, which is it, the couch or the your bed??" He said, "MY BED!! You've earned it!! I've held out up to now because I wanted to make sure you weren't getting involved with me for all the wrong reasons. I can tell you are really sincere about your feelings for me but you were willing to become friends first. That really means a lot!" Well as you might figure, this was a dream come true for me!! I ran over to him and planted the biggest, deepest, wet kiss on his lips and tongued him for filth!! That mustache of his and mine rubbing together made us both immediately aroused. We went to his bedroom and proceeded to slowly remove each other's clothes. Enjoying the discovery of each part of our bodies, one part at a time, as we removed each piece of clothing (and there wasn't much to remove either).

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