Skin in the Game

By Wibi Player

Published on Sep 6, 2014


Part 4

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No one was happy to leave Pete's house caged. The only consolation that any of them could have was that everyone was caged. Both teams had lost so everyone was locked up again. Everyone was hoping and rooting for their teams to win next Sunday. The Pack would be playing their other perennial rival, the Minnesota Vikings at 7pm while the Bears took on the Redskins in a noon game.

During the next week, there were quite a few emails flying back and forth between all of the men, but Joe and John were accidentally on purpose left out of the loop. Every one agreed that the addition of the after point whippings made the games much much more interesting, and they actually wanted them to continue; but they all knew that Old Man Winter would be there soon and they would need to curtail their punishments. Tieing someone to the clotheslines in 30 degree weather would not be sane or safe. So they decided on a Plan B. Joe and John would continue to be the main centers of attention each week. But in addition to them, two other men would also have to endure the same punishments that they had to endure – and the teams would be assigned to the two volunteers at random. So a life long Bear fan could have to endure Packer punishments during the game including getting caged if the lost. But he would also be caged if the Bears lost.

Pete once again volunteered to have the festivities at his house and as expected everyone arrived between 10:00 and 11:00 eager to find out who would join Joe and John in getting punished and to find out if Denise would be joining them. As they arrived they saw that Pete had added an additional twist to the mix. He put up a sign on the driveway directing everyone to park at the far end of the property, near a densely forested parcel – still well out of sight of his neighbors. Once they arrived at the back door, they found yet another note. It read simply "All Men must leave All Clothes in the Car. Shoes included." At 10:00 it was 55 degrees and predicted to get up to about 70 before the first major cold front of the winter came through around 8 PM, the temp was predicted to plummet to the low 20s by the time the Packer game would be over.

Once everyone was assembled, and Mark arrived without Denise in tow, Joe and John found out that the rules had been changed on them. Oh, they would still be punished if the other team scored in their respective games, but they would not be able to watch the game or hear what the score was until the game was over. They and their punishment partner would be secluded in Pete's basement during their respective game. And since Mark had once again failed to bring Denise, he was unanimously selected to be John's partner for the Bears game.

Both men were lead to the Play Room and handcuffed Marks right hand to John's left and Mark's left to John's right. Mark had never stood so close to another naked man, much less held hands with another naked man. Mark thought this wasn't too bad, he could stand here looking at Mark during the game. But he knew that this weeks torment would not be that simple. Dave took a pole with hooks on both ends and attached the handcuffs to each end and then lowered a chain from the ceiling. Hooking the chain to the pole, he then winched the pole slowly towards the ceiling forcing both Mark and John to slowly move closer together until the two men stood chest to chest.

If either man took a leak, he would be pissing on his partner. Luckily for both men, being caged, their cocks were pointed downward. .

Parachutes were attached to each man's balls and instead of letting them fall separately; the chains were secured together so the weights would be shared between the two. Since Denise did not join them today, Mark automatically got his punishment 2 pounds attached to his balls. But since he wasn't alone in this, and this was the second week he had failed to bring Denise, the others decided to begin with 5 pounds.

"Mark, you fucker, you better bring your girlfriend with next week," was all John could say as the weight fell pulling on their balls. The assembled men all laughed at his comment, many slowly rubbing their balls just thankful that they didn't have five pounds hanging from them.

The two men didn't expect the next couple of additions to their rigging. A gallon bucket was hung under the weights, so most if not all of the urine that they would produce would also be adding to their punishment. Neither man thought much of the bucket, how much could they piss in a couple hours without drinking anything.

As they stood there, Pete climbed a small ladder and pulled four rubber hoses from the ceiling. It was obvious that these hoses ran through the floor above, but Mark and John could not see the funnels upstairs that Pete had attached them to. They'd be drinking plenty. Pete took a penis gag and stuck it in Mark's mouth. He tried to resist but Pete only had to lean slightly on the bucket and Mark reluctantly opened his mouth. He quickly realized that the gag was hollow and he could comfortably breathe through the gag. But not for long. One of the four rubber tubes was attached it, leaving Marks throat wide open for what ever liquids were poured in the funnels upstairs.

John got the same treatment.

Joe watched all of this, a slight smile on his face, just happy that he wouldn't have to endure this treatment right away, but dreading the fact that he'd have to endure it later, during the Packers game. Dave caught sight of the smile and said, "don't be so happy, Joe. Your turn is next."

"But I don't have to stay down here until the Packers game," he protested.

"Wrong. All four of you get this treatment from now until the end of the Packers game."

"Who is going to be my partner?"

With that Pete reached into the hat that contained everyone's names and drew out the name Rod. A quiet "Oh Fuck" could be heard from a man standing near the stairs. Rod was the youngest member of the group, at 23, he stood just over 6 ft and was a bean pole, barely tipping the scales at 150. Much as he tried, he could not gain an ounce of muscle. Despite that it was obvious that he worked out constantly. He was a regular at Cardinal Fitness on 75th Street spending two to three hours there every day. Lifting and running. He was one of the few Packers fans in the crowd, so at least Joe would be connected to another Packer fan. Rod's equipment was the envy of many of the men in that room. Most of them wanted to get the chance to worship Rod's rod as they had jokingly named it. At 7 inches, it was the biggest Rod in the room. And his balls were the size of large walnuts, hanging low between his legs.

"Let's get to it," he said as he walked over to Joe and grabbed his hands, waiting to be handcuffed just as Mark and John were. Dave did the honors and attached the bar, pulling the two men close together and attached the parachutes to their balls.

Once Dave got the parachutes attached, Joe asked if they would be getting the five pound punishment weights that Mark and John were carrying. The answer was unanimous. "Yes".

"Mark, next week, we are at your house if that's what it takes to get Denise to participate!" yelled Joe as the weights started swinging between his legs. As with Mark and John, Joe and Rod had a bucket attached to their parachutes as well.

Penis gags were inserted in their mouths and rubber hoses connected to them.

"For your entertainment, we have thoughtfully provided the greatest music of all times." With that, Pete hit play on the ipod. The four men would be listening to Bach, Beethoven, Grieg, Gregorian Chant. Great music like that all day. And the quiet babbling of a small fountain in the corner. They would be listening to running water all day. And you know what that causes!

They didn't realize that this room was sound proof, the others would be upstairs from them and enjoying the game and these four would not be able to hear a word from outside.

"Now, don't worry, some one will be down to check on you during the games," were Pete's reassuring words as the rest left the room and went upstairs. As they settled down to watch the game, Pete let the others know that the toilets were off limits for the pissing. He said, just grap to a funnel and let it rip, pointing to the four funnels, attached to rubber hoses, sitting on the table along the wall.

"Which funnel goes to whom?"

"Don't know. Just be sure to spread the wealth. You can also let the boys down stairs have some beer and pop. Or soda if you prefer. Pour the beverages slowly, you don't know who you're giving it to and you don't know how quickly they can drink."

After that quick introduction, three men grabbed funnels and started pissing. "been holding this for a while. Gotta go." Downstairs, three of the restrained men got the first taste of what was to come during the course of the day. Liquids down the hose with no warning. Joe was the only one who didn't get a drink. But he could tell by the look on Rod's face that he wasn't happy to be drinking. Luckily for them, the penis gag pretty much funneled the acrid piss straight down their throats so they didn't have to taste it.

At the end of the first quarter, Pete quietly went outside. He went to each car and gathered the clothes that the men had worn there that morning, but could not wear inside. Making sure that the pockets were empty of money, keys, etc., he put all of the clothes into a 55 gallon drum and filled it with water. "No way that its gonna hit 70 today," Pete thought, glancing at the thermometer, which read just 50. The temp was falling instead of rising. The cold front was coming sooner than expected. Since they had been inside, Tom Skilling on WGN had changed his forecast. By the end of the game, the air temp would be in the high teens.

Every 15 to 20 minutes some one would go down stairs to check on the four. From the smell in the room, it was clear that the combination of the funnels upstairs, which were rarely not in use, and the babbling fountain were doing their jobs. The buckets were both about 30% full at the end of the first half.

The weight hanging from their balls was starting to take its toll on the four. None of them could stand still, but that just increased the swinging of the buckets and weights, causing even more pain.

Meanwhile, upstairs the Bears were losing. The Redskins has pulled to a 14-0 lead in the first quarter and the score would stay there until a touchdown in the fourth quarter. By the end of the Bears game, both buckets were full. The combination of the piss, soda and beer together with the fountain in the background resulted in at least one of the four men pissing into their buckets at any time.

At the end of the game, the buckets were removed from both pairs. Very audible sighs of relief came from all four. The buckets were simply set aside. The penis gags were not removed so the four knew that they would still be drinking from above.

No one said anything about the Bears loss.

During the time between games, Pete slipped out one more time and went to the freezer in the garage and pulled out several bags of ice. Taking them to the 50 gallon drum, he added the ice to the water helping lower the water temp even more. It was only about 35 degrees out at this time. He was trying to get the water to freeze – adding to the trouble that the Bears fans just experienced.

Once he was done with that errand, Pete joined the rest in the basement and let everyone know that there would be one more additional torment for the Packers game. He reached into the bag he was carrying and pulled out a rather large buttplug. Joe , John, Mark and Rod all almost went pale seeing it. None of them had ever had anything that large in their ass. It was thicker than a beer can, about 3 inches in diameter, and about a foot long, tapered at one end but that didn't make much difference as the plug reached its full thickness quickly.

Handing the plug to Dave, he said, "You know what to do. And here's some lube." Pete handed several tubes of Ben-Gay to Dave.

Dave walked over and loosened the chains so that the four men could lower their arms. He took the handcuffs off of them and handed each one a butt plug and a tube of BenGay. Rod reached for the gag in his mouth trying to undo it so he could talk, but Dave grabbed his hand and said, "Leave that in."

"You know what to do. Lube up the plug and get them in place. You'll be reattached to the pole once you get it in place and we'll start watching the game once the last one is in place.

The four started struggling to get the plugs in place. Finally each man resorted to slathering a thick coating of Ben-Gay on the plug, standing it on the floor and squatting over it, using his own body weight to impale himself on it. Once the plugs were in place, they were reattached to the poles which were raised back to the ceiling, buckets rehung from their parachutes and the rest of the men went back upstairs to watch the game.

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony started playing as the door closed.

At the end of the first quarter, Dave went back downstairs to check on the four. The buckets were over a third full, the men upstairs had been generous with the drinks. Dave grabbed the 4 Ben-Gay tubes and said, "Can't let these go to waste." He put a generous helping of the menthol lotion on his finger and reached between Mark's legs and put a coating on his balls. Repeating the same for the other three, soon all of them were trying desperately to calm the burning. But their actions simply meant the weights on the balls swung more. It was a vicious never-ending cycle and Dave loved watching it.

He repeated the process, applying generous helpings of Ben-Gay on each man's nipples and arm pits. Each man was fighting trying to get the Ben Gay off of him, but the more he struggled, the more he sweat, the more the Ben-gay got activated, the more it burned.

And they kept pissing filling the buckets more and more. And the men upstairs kept feeding them more beer, water, soda and piss. By the end of the third quarter, the buckets were both full. Dave took the buckets off of the restrained men, removed the parachutes and covered their balls with the rest of the Ben Gay. By this time, the Packers were ahead 28-17 and a Packers win looked inevitable.

The Vikings were able to score one more touchdown in the final minutes of the game, but they still lost 28-24. The Packer fans in the crowd would be able to go home unlocked.

By now, there was about a half inch of ice on the 55 gallon drum that held their clothes.

Pete and Dave released the four men, removing the penis gags from their mouths, letting them talk for the first time in about seven hours.

"Okay, who won?" was the first question Rod asked.

"Redskins 14-7 over Da Bears and Packers 28-24 over the Vikings."

John and Mark knew that their cages would be staying put yet again. Rod and Joe immediately asked for the keys to their cages so they could get out! "Looks like someboy owes me a blow job," Joe said tugging at John's cage.

Joe's cock was already standing tall, and ready for action. John knelt down and starting caressing Joe's balls, and in the process reactivating some of the Ben Gay. "Stop that." Joe started yelling. "Fuck that burns."

"Don't you want your blow job?" John asked with a very mischievous smile.

"Not till my balls stop burning."

The men gradually migrated upstairs. Rod, Mark, Joe and John all very hungry and more than a little drunk, they needed to get something to eat. They headed for the food, some left over pizza and chips and gobbled them down like there was no tomorrow. Every one stuck around listening to the four complain about the pain and the various drinks they got. Rod and Mark both agreed that piss was the most awful thing they had ever tasted and they didn't want to do it again. And with any luck, they wouldn't. Joe and John stayed silent knowing that those penis gags would become familiar friends.

All day, the only one who had paid any attention to the weather was Pete. It was now almost midnight and the temp was hovering at about 25 degrees.

Dave remembered the buckets of piss downstairs. "Hey, Pete, what should we do with those buckets?"

"Almost forgot about them. Can you bring them up?"

Dave and Fred went down and got them, each man bringing up 2. Pete told them to put them by the back door and announced to the group. "Time for our own piss bucket challenge. John and Mark, since Da Bears lost, you get the choice of what to do with these buckets. You can drink them or wear them. Your choice."

"What do you mean, wear them?"

"Go outside, right now, naked, and dump both of them over your head."

"Can we shower off after that?"

"Sure, at home."

"I don't want to drink that much," said Mark, heading for the back door. "I can dump these over me, head for the car, get dressed and head home."

John was right behind him.

Fred said, "Don't dump until we're all there." And the men all headed outside into the 20 degree wind, all naked.

"Alright, we're all here. Bucket Number 1. On your mark. Get set. Dump." And Mark and John both dumped one bucket of piss on themselves.

"Bucket Number 2. On your mark." Mark dumped the second bucket on his head. He didn't want to wait and headed for his car.

John took his cue and did the same. Both men were back quickly. "Pete, our clothes are gone." When the others heard that, they all went to their cars. "What the fuck? All of our clothes are gone."

"No they're all here," Pete said, walking to the drum. They're all in here. Wet, cold. And maybe even frozen. Just like was suggested I do last week."

Once he said that, Rod remembered that he had suggested doing this during that email discussion the week before. But since no one had commented on it, he figured it had been forgotten.

"Whose idea was that?" asked several quite angrily.

"Mine," said Rod sheepishly. "But fuck, I'm freezing. Let's get the clothes out of the water and get back inside."

"Oh, no you don't. Your idea Rod was that they go from water to car to home. Looks like you are all going to be driving home naked tonight. Let's hope your cars heaters all work well!"

"We meeting next week at Marks?"

"Yes, and I'll make sure Denise is there!"

The Kenosha paper the next day had a headline that no one ever thought possible. "Six Men Arrested for Indecent Exposure; Caught Driving Home after Packers Game Naked".

Next: Chapter 5

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