Skin Fuck

By dralion

Published on May 11, 2008


Now that he was "washed" on the outside, it was time to wash the inside. There was some clinking of metal behind him. Then his Master's fingers pushing at his bruised and swollen cunt lips. He gritted his teeth with the pain. The fingers were slick with old engine oil. He was being lubricated with some used oil probably from his Master's bike that was parked up in the corner. But at least he was being lubricated even if he could feel some of the rough bits of burnt residue rubbing abrasively against his sore hole.

The fingers were replaced quickly by the large rubber tip of an even larger butt plug. As usual with the Master, there was no allowing him to get used to the intrusion up his hole, to get comfortable, his comfort was not his Master's concern. His eyes filled with tears as his swollen arse lips were pried apart by the ever increasing girth of the butt plug, stretching until he thought they would tear and then some more. He daren't cry for mercy because he knew that he would not get any. In fact, he knew that his position would get ten times worse if he interrupted his Master's work. Just as a dark mist began to appear before his eyes, the plug shot into place in the cavity of his arse. He let out a large sigh as his arse lips contracted slowly around the small part of the plug. His breath came in sharp and quick intakes.

After the initial relief he began to feel dull pain of the insides of his arse, being expanded by the vast plug lodged in there. It was not a sharp pain like the pain he felt when his hole was being ripped apart but a dull pain that got gradually worse and worse. He fought the urge to push out this alien piece of rubber from his arse. He knew better than to do that.

"That feel good cunt? Enjoy having your arse stretched don't you cunt? Your fucking hole abused."

"Yes sir," he lied.

"Glad to hear it because by the time I've finished with your cunt, you won't even feel it when I've got both arms right up to me elbows in your arse."

"Yes sir, thank you sir." He hoped that his Master would forget his threat or promise but somehow he knew that he wouldn't. Everything looked pre-planned and his Master was not one to deviate from his chosen course.

Next he felt something strange inside his arse, something cold. Something cold flooding into his arse, filling it even more. The butt plug was not solid, but had a tube running through it. A tube that could deliver anything that his Master wanted up into the inside of his arse and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

The cold fluid kept on flowing... and flowing. His bowels began to distend as the water was pushed further and further up into his intestines. the pain was now starting to become unbearable, but still the fluid flowed. He tried to take his mind off the pain in his insides, to think about anything but the growing pain. But he couldn't. It kept on thrusting itself back into the forefront of his brain.

He could now see his abdomen starting to get bigger and bigger. Then the cramps started. His intestines were now trying to flight against the liquid, contracting to try and force the fluid out of his arse. But the large plug made that impossible. All he could do was "enjoy" the pain as his arse struggled against his Master's intrusions.

His mind was quickly taken away from his arse, as his Master came round to his front. He looked so horny, so fucking hard, with his shaven head and ugly demeanour. His eyes were pitch black. Black and cold. He knew there would be no let up, no compromise with his Master. His Master did what he wanted to do and that was it.

What his Master held in his hands also drew his attention. A large galvanised metal funnel with a long rubber tube attached to its end. What the hell was this for?

"Open your mouth fukka and hold your head back. Don't fucking struggle or it will just hurt some more."

He did what he was told. But he was scared. His heart pumping in his ears. The pain in his arse a distant thumping as the present danger came to the fore.

The plastic tube tasted foul as it slid over his tongue. The end was lubricated in something, but what he couldn't tell. All that he knew was that it tasted terrible. The tip of the tube was rough and scratched his tongue as it slid back along it feeling its way to the back of his mouth towards his throat.

He coughed and pulled his head forward as the tube hit the back of his throat and his gagging reaction kicked in.

"I said hold your head back cunt that way its going to go down your throat easier. Its going there whether you want it or not."

Panic set in. His breath was coming faster and faster and his head was spinning. He tried to concentrate on the tube and on not gagging. He had taken many cocks in his throat before. Enjoying the look on the guy's face as he took the bell end of their cock all the way down into his throat, enjoying the feel of the hot slimy cum as it oozed down his gullet.

But this was different. This was not a piece of hot spongy flesh in his throat but a cold and unyielding piece of plastic forcing its way down his throat. He stopped gagging and his Master pushed the tube further and further down his throat towards his stomach. As each inch of the tube made its way down he fought with a new urge to vomit. But he didn't. Finally the tube stopped. It was hard for him to see what was coming next because his head was pushed back in order to accommodate the tube. But out of the corner of his eye he saw his master lift a container up towards the open end of the funnel. He was going to use the funnel for the purpose it was intended--to get large quantities of water into very narrow places. The narrow places this time were his slave's stomach.

He watched as his Master poured the liquid into the funnel. It looked yellow. He hoped it wasn't the same weeks old piss that his Master had used to wash him earlier. Then there was an unexpected pause as the unidentified liquid travelled along the tube. He would not be able to use his tongue to try and guess what the liquid was, since this time his tongue was being by-passed and the liquid was going straight to his stomach.

He felt a strange sensation in his stomach as the liquid hit. Hs mind could not understand why his stomach was starting to fill when he had not swallowed anything. It was a strange sensation. Not unpleasant to begin with just strange. But like with his arse the strange feeling rapidly made way for the pain.

As his stomach filled, the pain just got worse and worse. Again he could feel his abdomen stretching. How long could this go on? His stomach and intestines now felt so full. He started to think that something had to burst soon. But still the liquid flowed down his throat. He started to struggle. To fight against the tube in his throat. But there was no escape. Finally the liquid stopped flowing and he just took air in through the tube in big gulps.

"You look like a fat cunt now."

His Master pulled the tube out of his throat and started to press against his abdomen with his fists.

"A real fat cunt. That feel good boy?"

Silence. His guts were just a writhing pit of snakes. The cramps unbearable. He could not concentrate on anything but the searing pain in his innards.

"I said that feel good cunt? Nice and stuffed?" he shouted.

"Yes sir," came the whimper.

His Master's fists on his stomach only made things worse, intensifying the pain. "Want some more cunt? Still hungry?" His Master picked up the tube again. He didn't know what to say. Yes? No? What did his Master want him to say?

"Nah. Think you need to go on a diet. Don't like fat cunts."

Next he heard scraping behind him. Then his Master was in his face. Looking him straight in the eyes as his Master's fingers invaded his mouth. Stretching his mouth open. Pushing further and further back in his mouth, just like the tube. But his Master's fingers were much bigger and there was no way that he could stop his gagging reflex.

As the fingers got deeper and deeper, he could not stop himself. His stomach contracted with one large heave and the contents of it came rushing back up his throat and through his Master's fingers.

At the same time, his Master had reached down and pulled the plug form his arse. The liquid exploded from his arse into the bucket that his Master had put there.

His mind was everywhere. He wasn't sure what was happening. He felt as if his whole innards were coming out of his throat and arse. He was completely out of control. He had no control whatsoever over his own bodily functions. Everything had been vacated. He had never felt anything like it. The release was greater and more powerful than any time that he had cum. Everything felt empty.

It took him a while to come round. "Look at the fucking mess you've made of my fingers cunt. They're covered in fucking puke. Lick them up, you filthy pig."

His mouth already felt hot and acidic as he reached out his tongue and licked the contents of his stomach from his Master's hands.

The plug up his arse and the tube down his throat were reinserted 3 times, until the liquid from his arse and stomach ran clean.

His Master then picked up the bucket containing the various evacuations of his arse and moved it to one side. "I'll just add that to your new home cunt."

"Want more to eat boy? You still hungry?"

Next: Chapter 10

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