Skin Fuck

By dralion

Published on Apr 19, 2023


it took it a very long time to fall in a slumber as proper sleep avoided it. it was either sweating in the rubber back or freezing cold on and on... The straps tight a fuck around the bag from its neck to its ankles digged in it just enough to be very uncomfortable without blocking its blood circulation. This level of « expertise » revealed an evil mind. it could not stop thinking that the depraved skeleton guy was once a cute next door type andit shivered at the thought of the level of depravity it took to be transformed in such an extreme way. Was it something like that that its MASTER had in mind for it? PLEASE IT HOPE NOT. its pathetic dick hard as fuck with nowhere to go.

it tried to find a calm space in its mind. it needed to rest a bit, it still had to go to work the following day. The moment it fell asleep, the gag in its toilet hole was replaced by a large dick pushed deep in it to fill it with piss. it took minutes for the gag to replace the cock, leaving it panting from exhaustion.

That was its life now. One of an animal, an object for SUPERIORS. Something it wanked many times over till not long ago. The reality was so much harder to accept. What the fuck is it thinking? it accepted its place. Why is it even thinking. it emptied its mind, to only keep its MASTER in « front » of it. Then it got, hot, cold, horny, frustrated, hard, desperate for attention, tired, bored, angry, horny, hot...

An infernal cycle.

By the time it felt the straps undone, it was gagging for relief. But the only one it got during the night was its bladder emptying itself in its toilet hole, leaving it as full as it started the night. The bag was open over its groin, the sheath removed, the cock cage locked on it before it was turned over and dumped out of the bag. The hood was open at the back of it head and pulled off. As its sight was getting back it heard a door slammed shut. its crumbled suit was in a pile in front of it. it dragged itself up, pulling its clothes on. its body hurting from the night in the rubber prison. Once dressed, it looked around the room, taking in the hooks, chains, floggers, masks and the open door starting to close itself. it rushed through the door leading to a small corridor. Once the door closed behind it, another at the end of the corridor open itself onto a fire escape staircase leading to the street. it stomped down the stairs to a street behind the tattoo studio.

« Hello mate ». it jumped out of its skin, turned around and found the young skinhead from the wall smoking leaning against the wall. « slept in a bag downstairs. Got out a bit ago. Thought you too. Got a spare ticket for the tube? » it handed him a ticket as they both walked towards the station. As they got their separate ways, the skin grabbed the back of its head, pulled it in for a deep snog, feeding it his spit before licking its lips and snout. « Bet i see you soon pigbro » Winking at it before going down another tunnel. The tube journey was another blur. Once home it realised it had just enough time to get ready for work. And in no time it was facing the glass doors again.

its heart jumped as it saw on message from its MASTER waiting in its inbox. Short and not so sweet:

« tattoo studio straight after work CUNT. »

it could not help shivering at the thought of going back to the place it started to consider its personal hell. Nothing good for it was coming from this place. Everything in its mind was telling it to run away. But its dick straining in the cock cage won again. it really wanted to stop thinking and give itself totally to its MASTER. that was easier to do when with HIM. HIS power over it was total, and the bound growing between them, even if completely unequal was what it needed. But of course i was easier in theory, the reality was something else.

The day passed in a flash before it found itself again outside the tattoo studio. it could not help shaking as it opened the door and stepped in.Two scallies were waiting on the seats, the young skeleton looked up and smirked at it. He walked from behind the desk holding a collar and leash. Once collared, it was dragged through the black door as it heard the scallies laughing calling it a good bitch.


The tone left no doubt who was in charge of it for now. Once naked, the assistant as it came to call the skeleton, tied it tight to the barber chair in a spread-eagle position using straps along its arms, legs and the wide posture collar. He removed the plastic cock cage, put a heavy metal band with a ring on its balls. He used a small chain to pass though its pa, the ring on the metal band and locked it tight to a ring embedded in the chair. He then put a harness over its head, with a very large penis gag in its toilet hole and fixed the straps to the chair leaving it glued in place, spreadeagled, fully accessible. he then got the tattoo machine ready and brought the trolley next to it before leaving without a word.

Panic started rising from deep inside it and it knew that the worst thing it could imagine was probably nothing compare to what its MASTER had in mind. The big skinhead who was tattooing the cock the night before walked in with papers in his hands. he sat on the stool looking from them without a look at it. He picked on page and using carbon copy he retraced what ever design was on it. When done he checked his work and satisfied with it he finally looked at it. it wished he had not. The evil smirk on his fave sent dread thoughts through it. He sat the design on the center just below its tits and above it stomach. he made sure the transfer was perfect before grabbing the tattoo gun and sending it to life as he started to ink it.

it tried to follow the work pattern to have an idea of what its MASTER had decided on but the work was completely erratic. There was no real pattern for it to follow. The pain was bearable at the beginning but as the skin worked on it without a break, the pain got worst quickly. The strap around its neck and the chain on its groin did the perfect job holding it in place as it did not dare to move. Like if it could. it could guess some colouring was going on, then some precise line drawing.

At one point through the haze its head was, it saw the assistant bring someone else in the room. The young skinhead was once again spread naked on the wall, held in place by the metal bands. His cock started to get hard and it aw it was half coloured BRIGHT RED. like a fucking dog cock. its body reacted and it moaned in the gag as it pathetic chained dick tried to get hard making the tattooist laugh. He slapped its groin a couple of times telling it to settle down. he closed its eyes shut trying to avoid looking at the skinhead on the wall.

What a fucking stupid cunt. it lasted a while two minutes probably before it looked again at him. His slender body, wiry frame ans white skin showed its heavy piercing off and the red on his cock was all it could look at. The assistant was putting a large ring in the skin nose and used a chain on it to pull his head up and locked it in place. The young skin was hard and he was starring at it. he could see the tattoo and the look in his eyes turn from curiosity to fear before he got an evil glint in them. it nearly pissed himself then.

After a very long time, the tattooist seemed to be done with it and turned his attention to skin on the wall. he moved next to him, gran his hard cock and started to work on him with another gun. From its place it could see more red ink put on the cock. looking closely it realised that it was more of a purple shade than just plain red blending with white patches left on the cock in pale shade of purple. Veins were tattooed along the cock. The skin why trying to stay silent but he could help grunting. Like a dog. When the tattooist stopped, a hard dog like cock was sticking hard a straight. The tattooist unchained the skin head, letting him have a good look at the dog cock on him before chaining him up again. the young skin's face was soaked in tears. His cock hard as steel.

Another animal brought to life.

The tattooist got back working on it. Pain shooting through its skin as it worked fine details on his work. The pain got more and more intense, it tried to stiffle its moans but failed and soon it was moaning in the gag. The fucking stupid young skin smirking looking at it. it hope the fucking cunt would be soon in pain again.

« Done » The sound woke it from its woldl of pain. « At least for that piece of shit » His own word sent him rolling laughing. The humour completely lost on it. The tattooist grabbed another gun, connected it to the machine and started to work on it again. This time he concentrated his work around its nipples. Again and again and again, going around in circles. The pain was different. it wsa a dull sensation building up as the needle digged thousands of times in its stretched skin. When done, the tattooist was smirking at it again. He turned the machine off, reached behind its head and pulled a large rectangle mirror over it.

it could only stare in horror at what had been done to it.

A HUGE BROWN TURD was now inked forever in its skin.

The dark brown/black thing half piled up looked like it was about to fall of it if it moved. By looking at it, it could smell the stench. The tattooist's words « that piece of shit » came back to it.

it moved its eyes from the filthy tattoo to look at its nipples. The areola was three times bigger, making the large rings stick out even more. it kept starring at the ink on it as the tattooist work further on the young skin/dog cock. Making part of it darker. it realised the skin's groin was fully shaved, his ball sack completely smooth. When satisfied with his work the tattooist called his assistant. « Get him ready »

it could not stop himself to watch what was happening. The skeleton grabbed a square tool and locked it around the skin's groin. it looked like a cock and balls stock. he used straps to attach it to the wall leaving the inked cock and white balls sticking out. He put a chain on the pa ring, pulled it up and locked it on the septum ring on the skin keeping his hard cock straight up. The assistant freak (better name in its head) pulled small clips from behind the stock and clamped them on the completely available ball sack. He put clips all around it, stretching it to the max the young skin stater to moan and even tried to wiggle but the metal bands held it glued to the wall. he realised before it what was next. His balls would soon be the color of a real dog balls.

FUCK FUCK FUCK. it knew it had wished pain on the young skin but not like that. it started to regret its thoughts. That was until it saw the hard cock leaking. the fucking pervert needed, wanted that. the way he was strapped made clear that a SUPERIOR MAN was turning his human dick in an anima cock; And balls. The tattooist started to ink the balls, making them roll all over the board holding them out. The assistant moved the clips to stretch every part of the ball sack. And when done, a purple ball sack was handing below the purple and red dick. The cock so hard that every tattooed vein was visible. The young skin was in tears, panting. leaking cum.

« Spread them »

The assistant released the young skin's legs from the band holding them to the wall. He put larger rubber restraints on his ankles, attached them to chains hanging from a hoist on the ceiling. He used the control to pull them up and up until it was hanging by his armas on the wall, his legs up and spread giving a full access to his hole.

Then the assistant came next to it, released a couple of straps on its legs and used a control that force its legs up and spread like on a gynecologist chair. its hole fully offered. The tattooist grabbed the assistant by the back of his neck, forced him down on his knee, pushed his head back up, poured what looked like j-lube in the mouth and pushed his huge rubber covered cock in one thrust deep in the throat. The skeleton had no gagging reflex as the massive cock ploughed its mouth and throat. The tattooist was not looking for pleasure, only a quick way to get his cock hard and greased. When done he walked straight to the young skin and put his cock head against the spread hole and started to push in. the young skin was panting and whimpering like a fucking dog.

« Good doggy »

The tattooist started to fuck the hole, pulling his dick nearly out before pushing it deep down again and again. When done with the skin, he put another black rubber sheath over his hard cock, used the grease hole again before walking towards it. He put his cock against its hole and pushed in one thrust again. There was no pleasure for it. it was an inferior animal to serve SUPERIOR MEN. it was fucked hard, deep hard thrusts again and again. The tattooist did not even bother to cum. He wanted relief, keeping his orgasm for the skeleton. he walked quickly to him still on his knees, hands in his back. he faced fuck the offered mouth and buried his dick deep in the throat as he came ploughing the mouth and throat.

When done, he pulled the rubber sheath out, poured the cum all over the skull looking up at him, rubbing it in the tattooed skin. he grabbed a thick black rubber hood, pulled it over the skull and locked it in place. there was something completely depraved about this you man covered in tattoos, making him a walking corpse with a full black rubber head;

« Get them ready for the night »

Without a word, the hooded assistant got up and released the young skin from the wall. the skin just dropped to his knees as he seemed to have no strength left after his ordeal. What a wimp. it did not fare better as it tried to stand up once released, its legs giving up under it as it collapsed on the floor.

« Come on CUNTS, move »

Both struggled on their feet and followed him up some stairs to the dungeon above the studio for perverts.

He wasted no time as he put the skin in a rubber bag on an army cot with the tattooed cock and balls out. He strapped the skin in place, covered the tattoos with healing grease, put a gasmask with a long breathing tube over his head. Next he put it in a bag on an army cot too, pulling his cock and balls through at reinforced tight hole in the bag. The bag on it was open from its waist to just above its tits. A tight belt around its waist, above its tits and around its neck kept it sealed in the bag. The assistant greased its filthy tattoo, smirking as he called it a piece of shit and took his time rubbing grease on its very sore areolas.

He pulled a gasmask over its head, connected the tube to the one coming from the skin and then to a breathing bag. The smell of poppers hit it straight away.

The animals were in for a hard night as their dick got hard as steel.

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