Skin Fuck

By dralion

Published on Jul 16, 2015


it stood as tall as it could facing the glass skyscraper.

it could see its reflection in the glass. Impeccable suit and tie knot, shoes polished to a shine.

Nothing different from few days ago. Except for its shaved head. it has never been grateful that much before for the speed its hair grew. The cropped black hair barely covered its tattooed mohawk.

it took on last deep breath and stepped inside the building withe rest of the crowd, queued to pass through the gate. it could not help sweating at it got closer to the metal detector. But it passed through with no itch. it thanked silently its MASTER for the plastic cage locked on its cock and walked quickly towards its office.

Earlier this morning, when it awoke with a jerk it was still sealed in the rubber bag. The mixed stench of piss and rubber filling its snout, making its dick hard. it remembered that there was no cage locked on it, it could feel its dick pulsing, begging for relief but there was none possible. The way it was strapped to the army cot prevented any movement. it could not even slide the slightest in the rubber bag in the hope that a small friction on its dick would bring some relief. Then it thought about its MASTER would react if it dared cum without his permission. There would be hell to pay. Or worst it could be dismissed. its mind froze and stayed still. Yeah, like if it had been moving...

it felt its MASTER coming next to it. The straps were unlocked, the bag unzipped,it was pulled on its knees to face its MASTER hard cock. HE pushed it deep inside its throat and face fucked it. Pulling his dick til his glans was on its tongue before pushing it deep down with a hard thrust. it had to keep its mouth wide open to stop its teeth from scrapping the monster plugging it. When its MASTER stayed deep in its throat, it worked its muscle to pleasure the cock gagging it. Then its MASTER started to face fuck it harder and quicker. Just hard thrusts again and again. HE was not looking for pleasure, He wanted relief and with a final push deep in its throat, his cum filled it. it had no time to enjoy the taste as it was flushed down its pipe with its MASTER morning piss. HE blocked its snout holes forcing it to swallow as quick as possible if it wanted to get any air. When done, HE pulled out, removed the hood still on its head and wiped his cock all over its face. "GET UP CUNT!" The roar made it jump on its feet and it instinctively put its hands behind its back and spread its legs apart. The realisation of how naturally it came to it was like a blow to its mind. But it had no time to think about it as itsMASTER grabbed its groin and put a tight plastic cage over its dick. The spikes covering the inside scrapped its skin and it forced its mouth shut stopping any sound. The cage was locked with a plastic lock with a number on it. The plug up its fuck hole was removed and it had to squeeze it tight to hold on the shit gagging to escape. its clothes were thrown to its face and it was told to fuck off.

Without another word its MASTER walked away.

it got dressed in the filthy skin gear as fast as it could, rushed through the door, ran down the hill to the train station. it had no idea what time it was but the street were very quiet, so it thought it would make it to work in time. Back to real life. The journey was just a blur as it could not help blocking the empty feeling in its guts. it had been kicked out. Not asked to come back. Was it just a one off? Then the spikes bitting deep in its sore skin reminded it that it was locked in a fucking cock cage. its MASTER's. And it could not help grinning all the way back to its flat.

Without any specific instructions, it assumed it was safe to do as it usually did. So it got cleaned, shaved and dress for work. it could not stop checking in the mirror if there was any sign of the tattooed mohawk on its skull. The cropped hair barely covered it and as long as it stood straight it would be alright.

it barely sat at its desk when its mobile chimed. The short message send shivers all over its body: CHECK YOUR MAIL CUNT.

its hands were shaking with excitement as it logged on. The emailed titled CUNT was like a beacon and it took a deep breath as it opened it.


So stop thinking or trying to understand. This is ITS life now.


For the time being it is permitted to carry on working but the rest of its time is MINE. No meeting with friends for a drink or whatever without permission. Got to have it properly formatted.

Instructions for today:

During its lunch break it will go the public toilets and cottages close to its work and take pictures of all the graffitis on the walls. Same thing again after work, making its way to the tattoo studio. Be there by 6pm CUNT.

it stared at the email, reading it again and again. The pleasure it felt first quickly replaced by a feeling of dread. its MASTER wanted to keep it, to mould it, to transform. it nearly pissed itself at the thought.

The morning didn't pass quickly enough. And it rushed out of the building as fast as it could still looking calm and composed as it made its way to the local market's toilets; it stepped inside the stinking cubicles, its dick getting hard at the depraved thoughts started to fill its mind as it looked at the vulgar ads, obscene drawings. it didn't understand why its MASTER wanted records of such crappy `art'. But it was told to do that and it obeyed.

At the end of the work day, it made its way to the tattoo studio, taking pictures of the toilets' walls in the main exchange station, in a cruising cottage in a small secluded park and in underground car park. it had to smile a bit realising that it had no trouble fulfilling its instructions. FUCKING SICK PIG!

it started to get nervous as it walked down the narrow street towards the tattoo studio. it could not take its eyes away from the black wall, the black window, the black door. The door to hell.

it shook itself, took a deep breath as it walked up the steps and through the door.

it was surprised by the normal aspect of the entrance. Black walls with red tribal designs, a seating area with catalogues of designs, a door open on a white clinical room (not at all what it remembered of the place). But normality stopped the moment it saw the man behind the desk. And it had to concentrate not to piss itself there and then. The young `man' was a in full skin gear, rings through his ears and nose but the most amazing scarring bit was that his face was covered in a tattoo. His shaved head was a full black skull. Black hole tattooed over his eyes, the tip of his pierced nose, on his cheeks, teeth roots tattooed over his lips giving him the aspect of a skull. The top of his head looked liked it had been open to reveal the brain still in it, its neck was covered in black and grey veins, bones and muscles. His hands tattooed as if the skin had been removed to show the bones under it.

it could not take its eyes off the man. The living corpse. its stupid dick got hard instantly, the spikes digging in its skin. it nearly shat itself when he man just smirked at it, grabbing a phone. "The pig is here."

Within minutes one of the two MEN who started to modify it walked in through a black door it missed. it just starred at the huge skinhead. it could see clearly every muscles. The man exuded of power, making it shiver as he stepped close to it, locked a collar around its neck and pulled it on a leash through door to the dungeon/studio it was in before. Two other men were already in the room. The first thing it saw was a young skinhead spreadeagled naked on a wall. Metal bands screwed in the wall held the piglet in place at the wrists, elbows, knees, ankles and neck. He was completely stretched, forced on the tip of his toes by the metal band pulling him up by the neck; he was panting and screaming in a huge ball gag as the other skinhead was tattooing his dick. The piglet had huge metal rings in its snout, nipples and glans. Much bigger than its own. The skinhead holding its leash just laughed. "Hope you like the rings on the cunt there. You're getting the same. " it could not help but pull back on the leash. But the skin had no problem bringing it to heel. He grabbed its face with his other hand, crushing its cheeks and jaws between his fingers, forcing it to open its mouth. He spat a huge gob in its hole. "BETTER BEHAVE CUNT OR YOU WILL FUCKING PAY." All it could do was moan. Good. Strip.

In no time it was out of its clothes, standing naked with only the plastic cage on the dick on it. The skinhead just cut the plastic lock and pulled it off wit the spikes scrapping the dick on it. The skinhead put it on a barber chair and strapped it down. He locked large leather straps on its chest just above and below its pierced nipples making sure they were as tight as possible, digging deep in the pig forcing its nipples out like small tits; one across its stomach, one above each knee and ankle, one on each arm, elbow and wrist. He pulled a huge strap with a posture collar on its neck forcing it to keep its head up, presenting its pierced snout. A huge ball gag was forced in its mouth. it knew it was going to suffer, it knew that it was about to experience pain, it should be really scare but the dick on it was hard as steel. The skinhead slapped the dick a few times just laughing as he pulled a trolley next to it. From its sealed position it tried to look at what was on it. it knew that was a mistake but it could not help itself. The stainless pliers and needles looked evil. The scariest bits were razor sharp end tubes of various sizes. it knew they would be used to enlarge its piercings. When it saw the huge rings it tried to shake the straps off its body but it could not move at all, it was sealed in the chair and a feeling of complete uselessness sent cold shivers up its body. it was scared.

The skinhead grabbed its mobile and uploaded the pictures it took on his computer calling his mate over to look at them. From the corner of its eyes it could see them checking the pics and laughing.

The skinhead sat on a stool next to it, pulled chirurgical gloves on. He removed its snout hole holder, grabbed one of the tubes with the razor end, place it on top of its snout hole, a stopper of sort on the other side. it was ready for some awful pain, it was breathing fast and deep, its eyes shut tight. it started to feel the pressure. And... Nothing. it opened its eyes and found the skin staring at it, an evil smirk on his face. it forced itself to look into his eyes. it saw the sadistic pleasure there as the skin pushed the tube together. The sharp pain sent it screaming in its gag, its face soaked in tears as its brain tried to comprehend what happened. The skin gave a twist to the tube and remove it. HE showed it a piece of « flesh » to it, a round piece of its septum. The skin grabbed a fucking huge ring, the size of the tip of its small finger at least, pushed it in the wide hole and close it. No balls, a smooth segmented ring. it immediately felt the weight of it resting on its top lip. its brain was screaming NO, but a slap on the hard dick on it brought it out of its thoughts. Without a pause, the skin removed the nipple rings, pushed a round stretcher through them, pausing to give time to the hole to stretched and pushed two bigger rings trough the holes. it wanted to look at them but could not move its head. Next was the piercing in the dick on it. Again stretched as fuck and a new ring pushed through it.

it was soaked in sweat and tears. it was panting trying to get air in its sore through. it realised that it had been screaming the hole time. Unable to move, its only release was to scream, again and again.

The skin took care of the piercings, putting an after care package together, showing the new snout holder. Fucking huge.

All through its ordeal it could hear the young guy moaning, crying, screaming as his dick got tattooed. it could see him from the corner of its yes, spread on the wall, looking at it. He was trying to get distracted from his own pain by drinking the pig's torment.

When its piercings were done, it expected to be released and sent home. What a fucking stupid pig. Still thinking, still assuming, still expecting like in its past human life. it still has to fully accept that it is an animal. And animals do not think.

The skin stood next to its head, removed the ball gag, pulling hard on it to drag it out of its mouth, straddled its neck and push his huge dick in its throat. He just kept on pushing it, gagging the pig. it felt the semi hard dick, getting fully hard in its throat, blocking it airways. it tried to stretched its mouth further but there was no room. The skin was staring in its eyes has it ploughed its hole and throat. Pulling out slightly to give it some air now and then. Silent tears were running down its face, its lungs burning for more air, but there was nothing it could do. it could only serve the MAN. The skin pulled his dick just a bit back and filled its throat with his piss. Nasty burning piss. it could not taste it, only the acid feeling as it rushed down its pipe to its piss tank. FUCK. But it was right, no throat, no bladder. Just pipe and tank... When done, the skin left his place to the other MAN. His dick was shorter but wide like a can. HE just pissed in it and went back to his work on the young guy.

The straps were undone and when it stood up it started to walk towards its clothes. Wrong move. A hard slap to its face stopped it in its track. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING CUNT?" The thunder in the voice stopped any reply it had. The skin grabbed its collar and pulled towards a box tin a corner of the studio. A black box with a hole at the top. The skin opened the front on the box, turned it around and forced it down on the large rubber plug at the bottom of the back part of the box. it tried to ease itself on the huge black thing, but a hard shove on its shoulders impaled it on the plug. its hole got no relief as it was a wide «straight» thing. its collar was removed, plugs were pushed in its ears, a thick rubber hood with a mouth hole only was pulled over its head and a wide posture collar attach to the box was locked in place. its wrists were locked in restraints on the sides of the box, a couple of straps locked on its chest,above and below its pierced tits, its legs bent and forced near it for its ankles to be locked in restraints too. it was folded, impaled on a plug and locked in place. A metal band was locked on the balls on it and it felt the balls on it being pulled down near the bottom of the box. its neck was resting in half the top hole. The skin pushed the front part of the box back in place, forcing the pig's further up has the hole fully closed around its neck; it heard metal claps locked in place, even padlocks.

it was locked in a box, deaf and blind. At least it could breath easily. it sort of laugh as a huge ball gag was pushed in its mouth. it could breathe around it, it had to work hard for it. The box was pressing in its body from all sides. There was no room to move. And there was no escape.

Time lost all meaning quickly after the first cramps settled. AS long as it forced its body to relax there was no more cramping. Being locked in a box was fucking hard work. it had to push its head up to be able to fit through the hole, it had to breathe deep and slow ro get some air in its lungs, it had to force to relax its arms and legs, it had to keep its fuck hole stretched on the plug, it tried to hear anything, it had to keep its jaws wide open around the ball gag to accommodate it... A constant struggle. The pathetic hard dick on it reminded it what a sick pig it was.

it was missing its MASTER.

it had no idea how long it was left in the box. The only reminder that is was not alone was when the ball gag was removed and a cock was pushed in its hole to piss. it was a locked urinal. And it was not only the two skinheads. There were different cocks pushed in its hole. it was a commodity for the clients too. An object.

By the time the box was open, its body was completely numbed. The restraints and straps were removed and it was dragged on its back straight in a thick rubber bag. A rubber sheath was pulled on the dick on it. The bag was zipped and straps pulled tight around it. Encased in its rubber cocoon it was lifted of the floor by its shoulder and ankles. it was carried up some stairs to the floor above the studio. it was dumped in a room and left there. After a long time, a blindfold it had not realised was there was removed from the hood. it could see through pin holes over its eyes. it was in a fucking dungeon. it could see the black walls, the hooks in them, the chains hanging from the ceiling. And a face came in sight. A SKELETON. The tattooed guy from the front desk desk was looking at it through hollow holes tattooed over his eyes. it was freaking the pig totally ou and turning it on as fuck at the same time. it moaned and frustration. He stood over it and pulled his dick out. it was covered with a black rubber sheath. The guy kneeled over it and as it looked at his dick again, it realised that it was not covered in rubber. it was completely tattooed black. FUCKING HELL. The black cock was growing as it look at it. The young guy face fucked it hard and deep. Ploughing its hole and throat. He was grunting like a wide animal as he pulled his cock out and cum all over the bag. When done he pushed a breathing tube in the pig's mouth and connected a smaller tube in the gag. it realised that the cock sheath was connected to its mouth as piss filled it. A recycling piss unit.

The blindfold was back over its eyes.

A door slammed shut.

it was alone.

In complete darkness.

Hard as fuck!!!!!!!

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Next: Chapter 30

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