Skin Fuck

By dralion

Published on Mar 6, 2015


it was a mass of pain.

its neck, its jaws, its balls, its cock, its knees, its arse, its back. Everything was hurting. And only the pain told it that it had been in the urinal for a very long time when it was finally released from the wall. it could barely stand on its legs and as it moved its full bladder made it moan. it grunted as much as it could until it realised they probably couldn't hear it through the heavy mask. And even if they did, no one gave a shit about its needs. The plug in the mask had been removed few times for more piss to fill it. it could only imagine what it looked like, sealed in heavy rubber, locked to a piss through, helpless, offered, available to anyone its MASTER chose. it had never felt that level of control before. When it started on the path of being a rubber pig, it enjoyed getting what it wanted out of so called `tops', men who enjoyed using its body on its terms really. it was so easy to moan at the right time, to complain at another. it was tied up the way it liked it, it was fucked when in the mood, it enjoyed the attention.

But none of that now. it was stripped of all its past humanity and it knew that was the beginning for...

A hard kick in the leg brought it back out of its thoughts, a couple of kicks and its legs were spread as wide as possible. The strap between its legs was quickly unlocked, a zip near its groin was opened and its dick pulled out. its dick, more like what passed as a dick on it: a mass of metal and rubber. The rubber sheath was removed and the instant the plug was out of the catheter it felt the piss being drained out of its bladder. it felt its muscles relax and it moaned in its rubber prison. it nearly collapsed (that was a fucking habit for it) on the wet and slippery floor when it was completely pulled away from the piss through and it was turned around.

The posture collar around was removed and within seconds it missed the tightness around its neck. For hours it screamed in its head to be unlocked and released, now that it was finally happening it didn't want out. The mas was unzipped and it was pulled apart first for the plugs to come out of its ears, then it was pulled away from its face. Slowly to start with. it has to open its mouth as much as it could for the mouth piece to pass its teeth. it felt the gag, the stomach tube and the ones in its snout being pulled out. And when the mas was completely off its head, it blinked few times against the bright light after so long in darkness. its Master was facing it. HE put a thick rubber hood over its head. A basic one with holes for its eyes, snout and mouth. its MASTER removed the discs sealing its septum piercing and put its snout ring back in. The posture collar was again locked around its neck and it was turned around.

The piss room was full with men and subs looking at it. MEN in leather, pigs in rubber, hard cocks sticking out. its MASTER pushed its locked dick back in the rubber and locked the strap again pulling its hands as far down as they could, taking any liberty it had away. From the lust it could see in the yes of the MEN, it knew that it was going to be made some sort of hole for cocks, and when its MASTER showed it the mouth hooks it just opened its mouth. it felt two thick metal claws cold against each cheek and when its MASTER tightened the rubber belt behind its head, its cheeks were pulled further apart forcing its mouth to stay wide open.

it must have been as sight. it had barely time to adjust to its new position when a cock covered with a thick rubber sheath was jammed suddenly in its mouth making it gag as it touched the back of its throat but it could not escape it as a hand was solidly hold the ring on the collar. No amount of moving could dislodge it, leaving no choice for it but to take it all in. The dick was nearly pulled out of its mouth only to be pushed deep in its hole again and again. The man fucking it was goaded and cheered by the others. As the cock moved deeper and faster in its hole it felt tears running silently down its face under the rubber. What a fucking wimp. it was glad its MASTER could not see the tears. But the man face fucking it and he had an evil smirk on his face as he spat a thick gob of phlegm on its face. it landed just above its lips and the man used his dick to wipe it off and push it in its mouth. The only lube he used. The cock was pushed as deep a,d faster in and out of its stretched hole. And when suddenly the man was pushing against its head, he came with harder thrusts in the tick rubber covering his cock. He pulled his cock out of its hole, removed the cock sheath. he didn't disregard the used sheath, he pulled it over the hard dick of a kneeling pig in rubber tshirt and bleachers.

it missed another man approaching it to fill its mouth again. The rubber cock filled its hole again, face fucking it hard. The man again goaded by the others made a quick use of its hole. They were not here to give it any fucking pleasure. They were using its hole to release their pent up lust. MEN kept using its hole. At least a dozen. And after each time the MEN came, the cum filled sheath was pulled over the hard cock of another pig.

it liked the idea of their cocks covered in a man's cum. it enjoyed it a lot less when the first skinhead pig was pulled off the floor on his leash and brought to stand in front of it. His hands were locked in his back and he just step forward pushing his hard dick in the hole. He face fucked it as hard as he could. Making it gag and heave when he kept his hard dick deep in its hole to seal its throat. pigs are fucking nasty when they use another. Even in his state, he was superior to the fucking gimp kneeling in front of it. When he came screaming like a wild pig he nearly pushed down on the floor. The skin was pulled out of it hole, the sheath removed from his cock.

One after one the subs were allowed to face fuck it too until they came in the sheaths too. And all make sure it gagged, and heaved on the rubber cocks ploughing its throat. it was a fuck hole for subhuman pigs, marking it as the lowest cunt around.

The last pig (in full rubber from head to toes) to use it had a massive and long dick on him. The pig pushed it down its throat not giving it a chance to adjust around the fucking monster and when it was finally impaled on it, the pig started to throat fucking it in short hard stokes to make sure his dick stayed in its throat. And when it heaved the pig just pulled back enough for acid puke to fill its mouth. The pig used it as lube to fuck it until it swallowed it all back and he made it puke again and again with the MEN laughing at it. The pig came pushing his dick even deeper in its throat if that was possible. And when he pulled out of its throat it was left panting for air. In no time a large ball gag was pushed in its mouth and locked around its head. its MASTER gave its leash to the last pig telling him to cage it. The pig dragged it back in the bar area. it could see the cages holding pigs not needed as it was pushed it standing up in a narrow cage for all to see.

The cage was fucking narrow and it got no comfort with the bars pressing on it from all sides. At least it could watch all the perverts staring at it. That was until a rubber blindfold was pulled over its eyes. FUCKING MIND READERS!

Time had no meaning and when it was pulled out the cage it just followed. This time it was taken through the maze to the back of the room and up some stairs to the platform in the back. it was pushed hard against one of the barrels serving as tables. it flet a chain locked around one ankle, pulled around the barrel and locked on the other ankle forcing it to spread its legs. it was pushed on the barrel and a chain was locked from its collar to the chain holding its legs. it was glued to the barrel, its arse spread by the strap holding its arms down, completely available. And did they fucking made use of it. They beat it to a pulp. They used paddles to deliver massive blows to its arse. Solid paddles that hurt a fuck. it was a constant beating. They must have queued behind it to have a chance at hurting it even more. its face was once agin soaked with its tears. Even the two layers of thick rubber were not enough to protect it from the pain. Not that it need, not that it wanted to be protected from it. its stupid dick was hard as fuck. it knew it was a real maso pig and that it need pain as much as it need to breathe to function. And the MEN around it knew that. the beating it was getting was another show of how dependant it was on its MASTER. This was not about pain, this was about control, about power. Or its lack of it where it was concerned.

it felt more than it heard the MEN around it falling silent and it knew that something nasty was going to happen. A strap was put against its arse. it must have been a very big one as it covered both its arse cheeks. And the first blow hit it, it saw a flashing light in its mind followed by a searing pain. it jerked against the chains holding it in place and it clamped on its arse cheeks ready for the next blow. But nothing happened. The moment it relaxed another blow made it scream. it tried to brace itself for the next as long as it could but the MAN beating it has whole the time in the world. The second it slumped against the barrel the next blow sent a wave of pain all through its body.

it realised that its cock was not hard. it was scared by the MAN punishing it. And only one MAN could trigger such a basic reaction in it.


Suddenly it remembered the quick flash of the rack with straps, floggers in its `home' and the evil looking prison straps next to them. The massive leather straps with holes in them to deliver even more pain. By the tenth blow it had no screams left and it was left with its mouth stretched wide open around the ball gag in complete silent, and with every blow its strength was reduced to nothing. But it fought against every blow with its misplaced pride. it thought that by showing even a slight spark of resilience it was making its MASTER proud of it. it took it a huge amount of pain to understand that its MASTER wanted only one thing from it. Complete and utterly total submission. And only when it collapsed on the barrel, unable to move, all defiance beaten out of it, the beating stopped. The pain started in its arse all the way down its legs, up its back. it felt like electric shocks crawling up and down its body. it was released from the barrel and carried downstairs through the bar, through the entrance and dumped in front of the piss through. There was no need to tie it up. it laid there its head in the through with the stale stagnant piss making its way under its rubber hood. it felt someone standing over its body and pissed all over its head. it opened its mouth but the MAN ignored its hole, he just soaked its rubber hood with his piss not even aiming at the hole. And all the MAN who pissed on it from then did exactly the same. They did not piss in it. Only on it. it did not deserve their stinking waste.

After a bit it was dragged out off the through by its feet and it was put on its back in the middle of the piss room. its blindfold was removed and it saw that it was once again surrounded by MEN, all leering at it. it could no stop itself looking at all of them, going from one evil smirk to another trying to guess where the next abuse would come from. One approached it holding a pig in full rubber on all four. The pig was made to crawl over it and aim his cock at its face. A heavy boot pressing hard on its balls made it open its mouth with a gasp. As soon its hole was opened, the pig had a massive nasty piss in it. The disgusting liquid was filling its mouth and the boot pressing hard on its balls was a clear order to keep its hole open. Only when the piss reached its lips did the boot cam off its balls and it swallowed as quickly as it could chocking on the piss. The boot landed again on its balls, and the pig stated to piss more. it was filled three times before the pig moved off only to be replaced by another one.

it was the pigs' piss hole.

it lost count of how many time it was made to flush pig's piss. Some of it was so fucking disgusting that it had to be recycle piss.Many times over. its throat burned from the acid waste but it made sure not to drop a bit. But some of the pigs did not stop when its mouth was full, they just kept on pissing, so it swallowed quickly but it was too late. Piss was wasted on the floor and its balls were crushed for being a stupid animal. It was not its fault. WRONG. It was its fault, no matter what was done to it.

As it flushed loads after loads of piss it felt the rubber sheath being pulled over its cock cage, sealing again the catheter in its dick and by the time the last pig emptied itself in it, its bladder was screaming again for relief. it knew that there would be none for a very long time.

MEN and pigs around it started to leave. The music had stopped and it must have been closing time.

its MASTER grabbed its leash and pulled it up. Time to go home. it was not eve surprised as it was pulled back in the bar area. There were not many people left. TOPS making the last arrangement before taking a sub home for some fun. its MASTER went to the bar, sat on a stool and pushed it down on its knees. From where it was it could hear its MASTER talking to the barman. A very horny young rubber guy with a mohawk. Not a pig like it, someone its MASTER talked to. it noticed the silence in the empty club, there were the last one left with the staff. it heard goodnight being said and it was pulled up its feet again. it kept its head down walking behind its MASTER and the barman. He was leaving with its MASTER. A black cab was waiting fro them and the driver greeted them with a joke about the pig. it spent the journey on the floor being crushed under their boots as they snogged each other no end. it was fucking jealous and it shot quick glances to the barman. If its eyes had been daggers he would be bleeding to death. it hated the barman. For a short time. its MASTER had claimed it and it was his right to amuse himself the way HE wanted. Even with a cheap slut. it was glad it was hooded as it was sure it could not hide its emotions from showing.

When the cab stopped, the barman grabbed its leash and pulled hard on it as it stepped out nearly sending it sprawling on the ground. The barman just laughed at how useless it was. They used the back entrance to the garage and straight in its `home'.

its MASTER grabbed its leash, wrapping it around its fist to hold it in place and slapped it hard. The slap stung but it was nothing to the next one. "You thought i did not see the way you looked at my friend here YOU FUCKING PIECE OF USELESS SHIT? YOU THINK YOU'RE FUCKING BETTER? GONNA REMIND YOU YOUR FUCKING PLACE! »

Each word was followed by a hard slap. it was hurting, it was crying, it was babbling like a baby but nothing could stop its MASTER's anger. it was dragged to the other end of the building. And as it neared it, it could not help but try to pull back. The smell left no doubt where its MASTER was taking it.


The fear it felt in its stomach was worst than anything it experienced the first time it was put in the pit. This time it knew what to expect. its MASTER stopped it next to the sleepers covering the hellish pit. it could see the rubber used on it the first still piled up in the corner. The stench of it as bad as the one coming from the pit.

They stripped it naked. The only bit covered was its locked dick and even that changed. "YOU BETTER HOLD YOUR PISS CUNT!" The chill in his voice was a clear warning. Any drop and it would pay hell for that. So as its MASTER removed its cock cage, pulling the catheter out it squeezed as hard as it could to stop any piss to escape. it didn't know how long it was going to be left like this. Obviously not long. Its MASTER got another catheter. A longer one. A FUCKING THICKER ONE! HE put some gel on it and started to push it down its dick. The thickness of the catheter was another challenge for it. Not really painful but definitely not comfortable because of the metal ring already in its dick. The rubber tube was so thick that not even the pa ring could push on it. its piss hole was stretched to a new level and its dick was invaded in a way it never felt before. When it finally reacher its full bladder it gave silent thanks that the catheter was clamped half way down it. it could not stop a gasp as the catheter passed in its bladder, then held in place by the filled ballon. Only then did it dare to relax. The catheter was very long and coiled on the floor like a snake waiting to assault it.

Next it was thrown the thin rubber overall piece with the holes over its crotch and arse. With a resigned submission, it pulled the thin rubber over its body, pushing its feet in the socks, its hands in the gloves. The rubber piece was as slimy as it remembered, sticking to it like glue. it struggled to get into the suit, making it sweat and by the time it was fully covered it was exhausted. The rubber was thin and it could feel it all over just like its skin. it could feel any draft passing over it.

The barman turned it around, the plug was pulled out making it moan as it stretched its arse lips around it to let the fucking monster out. it started to open its mouth expecting to be made to clean it but it was just thrown on the floor. They had no much patience with it. The barman even less than its MASTER. The bastard made sure it saw the pipe it was going to use to plug its fuck hole. He put thick rubber gloves on like if he did not want to touch the disgusting animal. He dipped the pipe in a grease bucket and started to push it inside its hole. it had to fight not to push its hole open to accommodate the solid tube, it was too scare that any shit would shoot out of its arse. The barman feeling its discomfort kept on pushing the tube deeper and deeper until it was fully impaled on it, not able to close its hole. He locked the straps tight around its waist and between its legs, the bastard used the smallest setting. The tube was going nowhere.

Its MASTER pulled the thick heavy duty chaps up its legs, forced its feet in the bondage boots, then proceeded to lace them up. At the same time the barmen was adding a very tight weight to the metal band already around its balls , pulling hard on them, probably more than really needed. it did its best to stay silent not wanting to give him any satisfaction. The stupid pig just played his game. ItS MASTER strapped the boots together, taking away any movement, then HE tightened the straps on the chaps as the barman was holding on its balls behind its legs. When all the straps were done from its ankles to the top of its thighs, its legs were joined together in a very uncomfortable position. it had to concentrate to keep its balance. They put the stinking rubber straight jacket on it, pulling every strap very tight around its waist and chest. it breathed in to get a little relief but they just used the next hole down on the straps. The stupid pig would never learn that nothing would be easy for it. Not even breathing.They put the leather suspension harness over the layers of rubber before strapping its arms high and tight in its back. it could hardly breathe held in the heavy duty bondage. it was forced to slow down its breathing to get any air in its lungs.

it was so lost in its own space that it had not seen the barman squatting down in front of it. When it looked closely at him it nearly lost any self control it had left. He was shitting inside a rubber hood. it could see the shit pilling inside the hood. When he was done, he got up rubbing the hood, spreading the nasty filth all over the inside. he showed it the shitty rubber before pulling it over its head. The hood was very thick and its face hurt as it was squeezed by the rubber. Some shit escape through the holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. But the barman just collected it on his fingers before pushing them deep in its mouth making it gag. He coated all the inside of its mouth with the foul tasting shit. He was hard humiliating the pig even more.

Next they pulled a rubber sack over its top half forcing its head through a tight collar around its throat sealing it further in its rubber prison. They pulled the harness' straps through holes in the bag and connected them to the hanging chains. it was lifted off the floor and the little support it had as it was standing on the floor was gone, it felt as it was sinking further in the rubber.

The barmen passed a chain through the bottom strap on the boots, pulled its legs backwards and locked the ends of the chain to two rings on the ballweight. it could not keep its legs up and its balls just got pulled hard as it hang helpless. There was no end to their sadistic mind.

The sound of the sleeper being removed made it jerk in the chain. When the pit was open the stench coming from it nearly made it puke. its MASTER grabbed it and pulled it along the track until it was above the filthy liquid. the barmen started to mower it inside the pit. it could only watch as its bent legs were getting closer. it felt the cold liquid working its way up its rubbered body. it jumped from the shock as the cold liquid hit its exposed balls and dick, entering its hole through the tube that got cold. it was stopped when the liquid reached its waist with its shoulders sticking out of the pit. its MASTER squatted in front of it, holding a rubber mask similar to the one with the tubes. This one had only one tube for its stomach and there were two wide plugs for its snout. it looked at its MASTER pleading with its eyes for some mercy. Even as it did not say a word. part of it knew it needed that, but another knew that was wrong, men did not behave that way. But that was it. it wasn't a man, not even an animal.

Animals have more rights than it.

its MASTER took its time pushing the end of the catheter lodged in its dick and bladder through a plug of some sort. HE pushed the plug on the hole part in the mask sealing it completely. HE tested it a bit , making sure it was well in place. The catheter was fully connected to the stomach tube. Then HE greased the tube and started to push it up it down its throat. its MASTER stared at it with cold eyes as HE pulled the mask over its head, engulfing it in total darkness, the two plugs sealing its snout for it to breathe through. it opened its mouth a wide as possible for the mout piece to pass its teeth forcing the tube further inside its body. the mask was zipped so fucking tight that the shit covering its head was spread even more, some sticking between its lips and the gag. The clamp was removed from the catheter as it felt its bladder emptying itself straight into its stomach. A wide collar was put around its neck. And as it felt the padlock being locked it was sealed in its rubber coffin.

it was lowered in the filthy liquid all the way up to its neck with only its head sticking out. The smell was revolting as it entered its snout through the hollow plugs. Then it heard the sleepers being scraped along the concrete as they were placed back over the pit. Over it.

Then nothing.

Only silence.

Only darkness.

Only pain.

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