Skin Fuck

By dralion

Published on Jun 28, 2008


He couldn't believe it. His Master wanted him to suck his shit covered cock, like some sub-human pig. He knew that some people were into scat, but he had always thought that they were the lowest of the low and had always thought himself better than them. But now his Master wanted to debase him and reduce him to their level. To the level of a pig.

He struggled against the chains. He knew it was futile. He couldn't move any part of his body. Especially his head, the posture collar made sure of that. Chained as it was to the floor and the ceiling meant that there was nowhere for him to go. Nowhere for him to look other than the shit stained dick. But he knew he must try. He could not allow his Master to take this last level of self-worth away from him without a struggle. Little did he know that the Master had far more debasing things planned for him. More debasing than he had ever imagined. There were a number of levels for him to descend through yet before reaching the bottom of the sewer where such creatures as him belonged.

"Struggle if you want you useless cunt, you ain't going anywhere."

The next thing he knew was a blinding pain across the right side of his face as his Master punched him. Then on the left and again on the right. The blows just kept on coming and at one point his nose started bleeding. He started to cry. He wasn't sure why. It wasn't because of the pain. He had taken much worse in the past from his Master but more the disappointment of having to be forced to do something to please his Master instead of giving himself up voluntarily to his Master's wishes. He lowered his eyes in shame. And opened his mouth wide.

"That's better cunt. But got something for you just in case you change your mind halfway through."

His Master produced a clothes peg which he put over his slave's nose closing the nostrils and forcing him to keep his mouth open if he wanted to breathe. He also produced a metal o ring with leather straps attached. He forced the o-ring behind his slave's front teeth and buckled the leather straps behind his head. Now his slave could do nothing but keep his mouth open in an inviting o-shape. A perfect shape for his Master's cock.

"Ready now cunt?" His Master smiled cruelly. He would enjoy this. He would enjoy the reducing of his slave to a lower stage, where he never expected to go...the enjoyment of seeing the disgust and fear in his eyes.

He knew what would happen. He could do nothing about it. He just had to wait as his Master moved slowly forward. As the shit covered cock got closer to his mouth he could smell its retched putrid smell through his mouth, since his nose was no longer free. Every breath he took he could smell it more. His Master rested the tip of his dick on his slave's lips and kept it there. The slow and deliberate actions of his Master were hell. Raping his slave's throat in one lunge would have been far more bearable. This inch by inch torture was far worse, and he of course knew that.

"Stick your tongue out scum and start licking my cock end clean of your filthy arse juice."

He expected his slave to actively debase himself for his Master. Passivity was not enough. He needed to accept that he needed this debasement and to do it willingly.

The stench of his Master's cock was now more powerful than ever as its cock head sat on his lips. It disgusted him but now also somehow he accepted that it was going to happen. That it was going to be a part of his life.

Slowly he pushed his tongue forward to meet his Master's cock head. Then it touched the brown slime covering the head. He pulled back immediately.

"I said clean it scum."

He pushed his tongue out again and started to pass his tongue slowly over the cock head. The shit felt rough on his tongue like pieces of gravel. It tasted bitter and burnt. He had to struggle not retch. But he controlled his stomach muscles like he had been taught in the past. He pulled his tongue back into his mouth to wash the slime off it. Now he really tasted the shit and it was foul. And the smell was also in his head now worse than ever.

He forced himself to swallow the filth down into his stomach and again forced himself to push out his tongue to wipe clean the cock head once more. Again he found it hard to swallow but the taste was not so bad.

His Master pushed his cock an inch further into his mouth pushing more filth onto his tongue. Again his stomach spasmed but he controlled it. He started to wrap his tongue around the shaft slowly wiping off the arse filth and spunk carefully from it. He worked faster now, wanting to get it over as soon as possible but something stopped him from doing that. He began to feel very horny, as if somebody had flicked a switch in his head. He slowed down again and started making love to his Master's cock. Making love to shit covering it. It was only his own shit after all. It belonged in him. His Master sensed the change and smiled.

He pushed the remainder of his cock into his slave's mouth and let him make love to the remainder. The shit now tasted good as it was diluted with his own saliva. It no longer felt alien in his mouth. It tasted bitter no more.

Once the dick was clean his Master started to face fuck his slave. Slowly at first, but then quicker and quicker. Without mercy he forced his cock down his slave's throat. His slave instinctively opened his throat as much as he could to receive his Master's cock, his own cock by now standing out from his body proudly. Further and further the cock went down the open throat and faster and faster, until his Master emptied his balls directly into his slave's stomach.

His slave did not even taste the spunk until his Master withdrew his cock to rest his cock head on his tongue and he cleaned the remainder from it.

His Master smiled knowing that this was only the first stage in the making of his pig. There was far more to come. By the end of the process his slave would no longer consider himself a part of the human race anymore.

Next: Chapter 18

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