Ski Trip Heaven

By Bailey Gurl

Published on Jun 20, 2006



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Ski Trip Heaven

By Bailey

Copyright 2006

Note: This work though based on truth should be considered fiction The author maintains all rights.

This is my first story ever so please let me know what you think about it. I debated for a long time if I even wanted to tell this story. Since it is real, it's very personal to me and it also represents a very special time in my life. My name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam. I'm now 18, but this story took place last winter when I was still 17. I have embellished a little here and there, but things happened mostly the way I tell it. Since there is so much me in this story, if you wish to share comments please be kind or at least constructive.

Last winter I had a boyfriend named Matt, we're still very good friends, but at the time of this story we were dating pretty seriously. Living in Colorado, we are big time ski bums, hey it's the hip thing to do and there is nothing like the thrill of a good run on fresh powder. Some friends of ours from school got together and rented a condo at Breckenridge for the weekend. This meant that Matt and I shared one of the rooms, which was great since we had never really had the chance to spend the entire night together in the same bed.

I remember arriving at the condo. Everyone was grabbing the rooms and Matt and I were lucky enough to get one with a queen bed. I flopped down onto the bed and looked at him.

"Not bad, huh?" I asked.

"Not too bad at all," he said as he smiled and looked at me. What a cutie he is.

"So what should we do?" I asked smiling back.

He just knelt on the bed over me and leaned down and started kissing me. My arms wound there way around his neck and I pulled him close. We kissed for a while and his hand had found its way inside my shirt when our friend Kristen busts through the door.

"Hey you two, get a room.oh wait, you already did," she said laughing. "We are all heading out to eat. Want to come?"

Matt and I looked at each other, his hand still in my shirt, and we agreed food first, sex later. After eating we decide to get a half day of skiing in.

Matt and I dated for about 6 months before this story takes place and at the time I thought he was so fantastic. Its funny, looking back on it, everything he did seemed wonderful. Matt has always had a great sense of humor and can make just about anyone laugh. Sometimes he was just down right crazy-goofy, which is part of what I liked about him. The other thing I really liked is that he was always very considerate, which is the opposite of most of the dumb insensitive guys I have known to date. I still think a lot of Matt, but I guess the spell is broken and we broke up about 4 months ago.

Matt's a very attractive guy. He was 17, almost 18 at the time and his build is what you would call lean for a guy. I don't think there was an ounce of fat on his body, but he wasn't muscular. He had dark brown hair and the greenest- green eyes you have ever seen. He had the features of the prototypical all American boy, which I thought was just so cute, but he hated because he looked a little young for his age. He was a little shorter than average, at 5'9". One of the other thing that's important to know about Matt, he is what some people call bi-curious. Strange as it sounds we knew this about each other, you see, I am also bi (not just curious). We had come out to each other a few weeks before this trip.

As for me, people sometimes tell me I'm complicated, but I don't think so. I love to have fun and laugh. I can seem a little shy at first, but that's just appearances, in reality I love to take risks and be a little wild. Modesty aside, I am smarter than most people I know and I love to read. I have three bookshelves in my room full of books on all subjects that I have read. People always tell me how pretty I am, but in my opinion I am pretty plain. Some say I am the pretty girl next door type, you know a little freckled and rosey cheeks, I guess that description fits. I am 5'5" and thin about 115lbs, with curly blond hair just past my shoulders and baby blue eyes. For those that are interested I'm a b-cup and yes, I do shave.

The first day we were at Breckenridge Matt and I skied for a few hours and we were waiting in a lift line up on the mountain. The lines can be really long that time of year and we were trying to keep ourselves amused by making fun of people - we are terrible I know. As we waited, Matt and I were making fun of some skier that just had a "yard sale" on slopes - that's when someone wipes out bad enough to leave their equipment and sometimes even some of their clothing littered across the slope as they fall. The guy next to me, who was very tall, started joking with us. That's how I met Nick.

The three of us talked the entire half an hour we waited in line and then ended up spending the day skiing together. At the end of the day, Nick invited us back to his place for a party. Matt and I talked about it and decided it could be more fun than meeting up with our friends back at the condo. When we got to Nick's place it turned out his roomie was gone, but his friends would be over later he said. He offered us beer and we kicked back and ordered some pizza.

Nick worked at the ski resort, he was 21 and mostly did ski instruction. He was your typical ski bum, meaning a real bohemian, but a gorgeous one. He was 6'2", had sandy blond hair that was always a little messy, baby blue eyes and was packed solid with muscles, a regular statue of David on skis, with a tattoo on both arms.

We laughed and goofed around, listened to music and drank until it was pretty late. We were all thoroughly buzzing by around 11pm. Nick was sitting on the floor, Matt in a chair and me on the sofa when Nick got up and came to sit by me. I remember we were talking about concerts we been to when Nick put his hand on my knee. It was like this warm sensation just ran up my leg and into my stomach. Between the warm feelings and the beer I couldn't concentrate.

Since Matt is bi and I am bi, we had talked about other people before, but agreed that we were together and wouldn't fool around with others. This nice thing was, we didn't get all jealous about the other person noticing someone else, or even when the other person was being a little flirty. We just realized that the other person might be attracted to other people, but at the end of the night we would be together.

Knowing this I looked over to Matt for some clue as to what he was thinking. My head was spinning. At first Matt didn't have much of an expression, but then he winked at me. I could feel Nick next to me as I sat there looking at Matt. I thought, maybe I should get up, but I couldn't.

Then I looked back into Nick's eyes. OH GOD, he was beautiful! I realized he'd stopped talking; time froze. He slowly leaned forward and kissed me. As his lips brushed against mine I jumped up and ran toward wait...that was my intention, but my body stayed put. My arms and legs failed me, holding me tight and in an act of utter betrayal, my lips started kissing him back.traitors! Nick's other hand came up and started gently stroking my hair and I melted on the spot. Soon I felt Matt beside me as well. I turned and Matt kissed me passionately while our tongues played.

As I kissed Matt, my head now spinning like a top, I felt one, then two hands on my breast. I knew one was Nick's and the other was Matt's. I was half out of my mind with passion and half out of my mind with fright as I felt them touching me. Half of me wanted to slow things down and the other half had to know what the possibilities were.

As my shirt was being lifted I came up for air trying to get my senses under control. Then I felt my bra come loose. Matt tugged it out of the way and his lips sought one of my breasts. Nick was still fondling the other as he looked at me. Our eyes met and again we started kissing. My shirt came all the way off and I felt a hand, probably Matt's on my leg. Then I felt the button on my pants popping open and the zipper coming down.

I jumped up off the couch. "Wait!" I shouted, "Hold on, what's going on?" I said. I looked at Matt, "Are you really ok with this?"

"Hey Sam I'm sorry if you didn't want to I mean I was just, you know..." Said Nick quickly, "I mean it's ok if you're not interested. No pressure babe."

"No pressure?" I half laughed and half yelled. "In about two more seconds I'll be completely naked if you have anything to do with it." Catching my breath a little I said, "Just wait a second Nick."

I looked again at Matt and remembered I was still naked on top. I reached over and grabbed a throw pillow off the chair to cover myself. "Matt we have to talk," I said heading for the kitchen hugging the pillow to me.

I entered the Kitchen and Matt was close behind. I noticed the bulge in crotch of his snow board pants as he entered.

Now I suppose some girls would be really mad right about now, but not me. In fact I didn't know what to think. I knew this was a potentially dangerous situation and I was glad I stopped it, but I had been getting pretty excited too. My body was electrified and my pulse was racing.

"I'm sorry Sam. You want to go?" he asked.

"I'm just surprised you aren't freaking out," I said, "I mean if you were making out with a girl I don't know what I would do."

"Oh come on Sam, we both know you would jump her if she was hot," He said smiling.

"I wouldn't bet on that," I said. "Looks like you were having a good time though, I added nodding at the bulge in his pants, "I guess I should apologize though for kissing Nick. I shouldn't have let him do that." I leaned against the counter facing Matt. "Just what was going on Matt. How far were you letting this go?"

"Aw come on Sam, we were just fooling around."

"Are you sure that's all Nick wanted? I'm getting a different signal. I'm just surprised you're not freakin'."

"We've always try not to be jealous." Matt said.

"Yes, but." I paused, "I won't lie Matt, he's a hottie. I'm worried about us though. I love you Matt and I don't want to fuck things up," I said.

I thought a minute and Matt just stood there. Then smiling I let the pillow slip down revealing my breasts.and my hard nipples. I asked, "but these aren't the only reason you're hard?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You think he's hot too. Don't you?" I asked.

He started to blush even as he tried to deny it.

"Oh come on Matt. I know you are curious about guys. Nick's about as hot as they come," I said moving close to him and squeezing his hard-on through his jeans. "You want to do him don't you?" I teased.

Matt blushed a deeper shade of red, but only mumbled "No."

"Aw come on sweetie. It's ok; I can understand how you would find him attractive." I said rubbing him a little more. "I might even think it's sort of cute."

"He's ok." Matt said looking down at the ground and shifting uncomfortably. "Besides, I don't want him any worse than you want him," He said smiling back at me now. I thought for a minute. Matt was right, I did want Nick. I didn't know how far I would let him go though.

"So what are we going to do?" He asked.

"You're really ok with this aren't you?" I responded.

Matt just shrugged. "I guess. At least I'm ok with seeing what's going to happen next."

Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I wondered what might really happen. Would Nick and I have sex? Would Nick freak out if he knew Matt thought he was attractive. That risk taking side of me wanted to come out and play.

"Ok, I'm game if you are, but it's up to you to stop it if you don't like it," I said.

"Cool," said Matt perking up and hugging me tight. "You're so sexy Sam."

With that I kissed Matt deeply and we hugged for a while. Then as we broke off the hug he stepped back and said "Ready?" I just nodded.

He held my hand and we walked back into the Nicks living room, me with the pillow covering my boobs again.

"You two heading out?" Nick asked as we walked back into the room.

We walked over to where he sat on the couch and Matt said, "Nah, we decided to stay a little longer."

"Cool." was all Nick said as I sat back down next to him, the pillow still clutched in front of my chest, jeans still open.

That may have been the most awkward few minutes of my life. No one knew what to say next, or do for that matter. I was more nervous than a bride on her wedding day, but leave it to good ole Nick to break the ice. He offered us more beer from the fridge. It was that horrible Busch beer, which when handing me, he winked and said, "I hope you like bush too."

I could feel myself blush furiously, but managed to wink back and say, "Yeah, it's all good to me."

When he sat down again he put his arm around me and was playing with my hair. The three of us talked about nothing for a while. I remember at one point, looking at Matt as he was telling us a funny story and feeling Nick's hand on my hair and neck. It was so surreal and such an incredible turn-on. After a while Nick's hand made it back to my knee. Then Matt turned my face and kissed me on the lips. I couldn't hug him because I was still holding the pillow to me. After we kissed, Nick reached over and touching my chin gently turned my head back toward him. We kissed passionately, our tongues touching. What the hell I thought and let the pillow drop fall to the floor. I think I could feel Nick smile.

We continued making out and my hands descended to the guy's laps. They were both hard, of course. I could feel that Nick was a little bigger than Matt. As I did this, Nick kissed his way down my neck to one of my boobs. His warm lips encircled my nipple. I felt warm all over. Matt was now in front of me trying to pull off my jeans. In no time I was sitting in just my panties and white socks.

"No fair guys. You have too many clothes," I said. I reached out and pulled off Matt's shirt. He had a gorgeous bare chest and his stomach was completely flat. Then, I reached over and grabbed the bottom of Nick's shirt. He lifted his arms as I yanked it over his head and tossed it to the floor. I studied him for a moment. Where Matt's chest is flat and bare, Nick's was all lean muscle, with a well defined chest, shoulders and arms. He had just a tiny bit of curly sandy blond chest hair and a small glory trail leading down into his pants. Yum!

Matt was beside me again and he and I kissed. My hands went to work loosening Matt's buckle, but I thought this was going to take forever. With that I sat back and said, "OK boys strip."

They looked at each other a moment, waiting to see what the other would do, but then Nick just smiled and stood up. Both Matt and I watched, probably with dumb struck looks on our faces as Nick started taking off his pants. He stepped over to me in his boxers and smiling down at me said. "Now you babe." I swallowed hard and then hooked my fingers into the waist band. As I pulled them down his cock sprang free.

This is worth taking a second to describe. Nicks cock, like the rest of him, was straight, large, thick, a little hairy, and absolutely beautiful. It was not like anything I had really seen in person before, but then again, Nick is the oldest guy I had ever been with. Even his balls looked bigger, manlier maybe. Also, he was uncircumcised and this was new for me as well. Nick caught me staring at him and just continued to smile. This guy was confident if nothing else. But, I wasn't the only one gapping at Nick's "unit". Matt seemed to as well and this did not go unnoticed by Nick.

"OK Matt, your turn," I said, changing the subject. Matt recovered from his staring and stood up next to Nick. He quickly took off his pants and like Nick allowed me to remove his boxers. In the spirit of giving equal time to Matt, I will tell you about him as well. Matt's penis is just about normal in every way you can imagine. You could even go so far as to say he had the All-American penis. He is about average size; he has dark pubes around it, except for his balls which are almost completely hairless. Unlike Nick, Matt is circumcised. The one thing that is notable about Matt's "package" is that he has the smoothest skin I have ever seen. If a sculptor were to try and recreate it I would just tell him to make the most perfectly shaped youthful penis in the world and make it smooth.

Once Matt was naked the guys looked down at me. "Ok Sam, we've shown you ours, you show us yours," Nick said.

Not to be out down I reached up and slipped my panties down my legs and slid them to the floor, keeping my legs closed.

"Come on beautiful Sam," said Nick, "I want to see."

Blushing just a bit, but determined to show that I could be as confident as Nick, I let my legs open. I was bared to the world and I could feel their gaze on me as if it were fingers. A tingle shot through my body.

As I mentioned before, I shave, but I do leave just a little patch of blond hair, trimmed very short. I knew I was wet and I'm sure the guys could tell that I was excited. I patted the couch next to me and the guys sat back down. We resumed our kissing. I have to admit, it was pure heaven. I had a mouth kissing me on my neck or my nipples constantly and soon Nick's hand found its way between my legs. I was amazed at how quickly my legs spread for him. He even put one of my legs over his knee spreading me open more. Matt's hand joined his while I stroked their cocks. I was getting soaked.

We made out like this for a long time and I was starting to get close when Matt slipped to the floor and got between my legs. His mouth slowly kissed its way up my inner thigh. When his lips touched my drenched pussy it was like a jolt through my body and I'm not sure to this day but I think I had a mini-o. As his tongue started to work its way to my clit, which was hard as a rock, Nick held me and stroked my hair. Soon though, he was leaning back and gently he pulled me until I was leaning over with my head in his lap. I could smell the clean musky scent from his balls. I lowered my lips and kissed the head of his cock, then used my tongue to bathe it gently, pulling his foreskin back.

Nick moaned loudly, "Yeah sweet Sam.that's so good babe." Smiling up at him I took the head into my mouth while Matt was devouring me.

We continued this way for several minutes before Matt stopped and sat again on the couch. I too stopped and kissed Matt before pushing him back onto the couch and started to give him the best blowjob ever. I was so freakin turned on, it was like electric bolts were shooting out from my body in all directions. As I was bobbing up and down on Matt, Nick climbed between my legs and began kissing my clit.

Now the guys out there may or may not understand this, but you get used to the feel of someone going down on you and having Nick down there was a lot different than Matt. It took me a while to get used to his technique.but not too long. Of course, as it turns out, Nick is an expert at eating a girl out. I paused what I was doing for Matt to look down for a moment at Nick. I ran my hands through his hair as his tongue was bathing me. He slipped a finger into me and started moving it in and out. OH GOD was that good! He wasn't just licking me he was making love to my pussy with his tongue and fingers. I was so wet I must have been running like a faucet. I was moaning and panting and writhing. Soon though I returned to giving my love all the attention I could.

Again we continued like this for a while before Nick and Matt switched places again. As we continued I found it to hard to suck Nick as I started panting hard all I could do was relax into the sweet pleasure Matt was giving me. I was riding a wave of ecstasy and so close to a major orgasm. I closed my eyes and just concentrated on the feeling. I was trying not to come yet as I wanted to ride the plateau of pleasure for a while.

Soon though I felt Nick move off the couch and he nudged Matt out of the way so that he could kneel in his place. I thought he was going to go down on me again and at that point I didn't care who was doing it because I was so ready to cum, but he leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. My arms flew around his neck and I sought his tongue hungrily. As we kissed I felt his long hard cock sliding up and down against my pussy. Our mouths were locked against each other. Our bodies were grinding, his cock sliding back and forth against me. Oh, God! He felt so good cradled against the open lips of my pussy, but I had to stop. I couldn't go further with Nick. I looked for Matt; he was on the couch beside me. Then I looked back at Nick.

"O.k.?" he asked.

"No, we mustn't" I thought, but as I opened my mouth "Yes" came out.

As I said this I felt Nick slowly slide the head of his cock inside. "YES" I thought as I moaned. Nick pulled back until he was at the entrance again and then slowly pushed forward again.this time a little deeper.

"aahhhh," I moaned.

I looked at Matt and I could see a little shock on his face, but he was also hard as a rock. Nick pulled out and pushed in again. I closed my eyes.

Soon Nick was all the way in and we embraced and we kissed passionately. He was in so deep, I was out of my mind.then he began to slowly move. I put my hand on his arm and felt his muscles. My other hand searched out Matt's cock. Nick moved and I spread my legs a little wider. He was speeding up his rhythm. The music had stopped. The room was filled with the sound of our bodies slapping against one another and my soft moans. Nick's cock was a warm steel rod pushing deeper, harder, faster. Not heaven or earth was going to stop this girl now from getting some and I didn't care what else happened. Every part of me had to have him. I didn't care what Matt thought, I wanted to loose myself in Nick. As Nick thrust, I moved my hips up to meet him. At least once in a lifetime I think almost every woman wants to be taken by a man, taken gently, but taken all the same and I was Nick's for the taking tonight.

Soon I was building to an orgasm. Nick was looking down at me with an intensity I don't think I will ever forget; our eyes locked. He knew I was close and he held his rhythm steady. I opened my legs as wide as I could and started to shake with my first orgasm. I am pretty loud when I cum and this was no exception. I was moaning and screaming and shaking and cumming for what seemed like an eternity.

Yet, all too soon it subsided and I looked up at Nick once again. He had slowed now and was still looking down at me, but was once again smiling.

"Fuck!" he said, "That was intense."

"Yeah," was all I could say.

I looked again at Matt, who appeared to be completely in shock by what he had just witnessed. I started stroking his cock. Then I pulled him closer and slipped him into my mouth. Nick didn't miss a beat as he moved slowly in and out. Matt was moaning as I licked him from base to tip and back again. I wanted to show him how much I cared for him.

After a few minutes I pushed Nick gently out away from me after giving him a quick kiss. I moved over to Matt and straddled him. I guided him to my entrance and as Matt slipped into me, I leaned over and started kissing him our bodies moving slowly together. I was so turned on, but wasn't sure why. I think a part of me liked being watched, liked having so much attention.

As I fucked Matt, I sat up straight. I love this position. He was in me so deep. Now it was just Matt and I.

After several minutes of watching us Nick came over to me knelt and started kissing my nipple. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, allowing the pleasure to just wash over me. I felt his tongue tracing circles and my nipple became hard as a rock. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Matt watching. I could tell he was just as turned on as I was. I leaned down and started kissing him again.

Nick repositioned himself so that his cock was very near my face. I reached over and pulled him closer so I could take him into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the large head I noticed I could taste myself on him, I always love that. As I was sucking Nick's cock it struck me how odd this might be for Matt, his face just inches away. I glanced down at him and he was watching intently. A thought crossed my mind.I wonder.I pulled Nick from my mouth and stroked his cock. I had stopped fucking Matt and just sat there with him deep in me. I leaned closer to Matt's face and started licking Nick again. Closer I moved, soon Nick's dick was literally an inch away from Matt's face. I looked at Matt knowingly. Matt hesitated, I knew he was thinking the same thing I was, but I wasn't sure he would take the plunge. Then slowly Matt reached out with his tongue and licked the tip. YES! I joined Matt and our tongues bathed Nick from the base of his cock to the tip. Then, still guiding Nick's cock I put it to Matt's lips and watched the head slip in. As I sat up again I watched as Matt started sucking Nick in earnest.

I looked over and Nick was smiling at me again. "Did you know that you boyfriend could suck dick so well?" he asked me.

"I knew he was bi," I said.

Matt popped Nick's dick from his mouth. "Bi-curious," he said, blushing just a bit.

Looking back down at Matt, Nick guided his hard cock to Nick's lips. "Looks like you found the answer to your curiosity to me." Matt took the tip back into his mouth.

"What about you Nick? Are u bi?" I asked.

He looked at me and winked, "No, I'm just an open minded kind of guy. But, if anyone could turn me it would be my little buddy here."

"I see that," I said.

Matt popped Nick out of his mouth again and said, "Sam, hop back on babe."

"Na-uh," I shook my head, "I want to watch."

Nick shrugged and straddled Matt's chest. Matt was working more of Nick's cock into his mouth, alternating between taking it deep and sucking on the head. Nick really did seem to be enjoying himself. I let my hand drop into my lap and gently rubbed myself. It didn't take long for Nick to start moaning loudly. I was so freakin turned on I could hardly stand it. I was wondering, would Nick cum, would Matt let him cum in his mouth. I had my answer soon enough though. Matt was sucking the tip of Nicks cock when Nick groaned and I could tell by his body motion that he was cumming in Matt's mouth. Matt wasn't swallowing though and soon he started choking and cum came spilling out of his mouth as Matt swallowed some and let the rest run out.

Spent Nick collapsed back onto the couch. I could watched his wet dick flop back against his belly. God, what a bod he has.

I grabbed some napkins and knelt over Matt who was trying to wipe up some of the cum with his hand. "Hey babe, let me get some of that for you," I said as I wiped up his face like a mother cleaning chocolate from a child's mouth.

"Sorry little buddy," Nick chuckled, "I should have warned you that I cum a lot."

"It's alright," he said, "it's just that I've never done that to a guy before."

"Could have fooled me," Nick said, looking very relaxed. "I think that was one of the best blows ever."

When Matt was cleaned I leaned over and kissed him again. "That was way sexy baby."

Matt smiled at me, a little self-consciously I think, mental note, do something to help Matt reaffirm his manhood. I kissed my way down Matt and took his dick into my mouth. He had stayed hard as a rock the whole time. I started giving him a grade A, first-class, Samantha special blow job. In no time he was rocketing jets of cum into my mouth, which I quickly swallowed.

We all laid on the couch for a while, just relaxing. Matt was on one end, Nick was on the other and I was stretched out between them with my head on Matt's tummy. He was stroking my hair, Nick was touching my leg. As we laid there I noticed that Matt's dick was starting to harden again. I looked up at him and smiled. I kissed Matt's cock head and stroked him a few times. Nick noticed it too I think. When I looked at him, he was still at half-mast, but wow, was he big!

Nick gently grabbed my arm and pulled me over until I was laying next to him, with my head on his tummy. He looked down at me and said, "I think he misses you Sam."

"Oh he does huh," I replied.

I kissed his cock once on the tip, "Can he show me?"

I watched as his dick hardened to its full 8+ inches. I have to say, this is one of the mysteries of the universe to me. Watching a man get hard is just, well, there isn't anyway to describe it but exciting.

When he was fully hard I grabbed him and started stroking him slowly, moving the foreskin over the head. My hand could hardly wrap all the way around, but then again, my hand is small. I leaned over and licked him. Now for those of you that haven't licked a dick before it is an unusual feeling. It's hard, yet soft and warm all at the same time. When my tongue touched the tip I tasted his pre-cum. It was salty, but slightly sweet. I leaned over and took the head into my mouth and slowly moved up and down, making sure to use my tongue. Nick moaned loudly.

I felt Matt moving and soon my legs were being parted. Given his excited state I was pleasantly surprised when I felt his lips on my pussy again. He's such a nice guy. We continued like that for a while, me sucking Nick slowly, Matt licking my pussy.

Then all of a sudden, Nick pushed me off and without a word stood up. "Would you like to see my bedroom," was all he said.

I looked at Matt, who nodded. "Umm sure," I half-stuttered.

Nick leaned down and with hardly any physical effort picked me up in his arms. He carried me up the stairs and down the hall to his room. I buried my face into his neck and kissed him. I could taste the salt on his skin. Nice I thought. He stopped at the edge of the bed and then shocked me by stating to swing me in his arms.

"One.two.three," he shouted as he tossed me into the air, turning me a little as he did.

I squealed as I flew through the air and landed with a whomp on the bed. I landed on my tummy and bounced once. But before I could role over I felt Nick's wait descend on top of me. His body pressed gently against mine, his warm skin touching mine, sliding as he positioned himself. I felt his hard shaft press into the cleft of my butt. His lips searched out and found my neck. I was purring and movning gently. God this guy was so erotic. I heard a noise and looked up into the mirror to see Matt arrive in the doorway.

"Come on in little buddy," Nick said without really stopping, "I think Sweet Sam needs another good fucking, don't you babe."

"Uh-huh," was all I could say. Nick's lips on my neck and his body pressed against mine were driving me crazy.

Slowly he worked his legs between mine and I felt the head of his dick at my entrance. Still kissing my neck he slowly slid in. Oh God! He was so big and so deep and it felt so good. He began a slow rhythm of moving in and out, kissing my neck and my shoulders. I turned my head and our lips touched. While we were like this, he never sped up, he just slow fucked me for what seemed like an hour and I wish it had been. I looked over and saw Matt watching, he was hard as steel and was slowly stroking himself.

Eventually, Nick pulled out and layed down. He pulled me on top of him.

"I hope you don't mind me borrowing her for a little longer Matt, "he said," not waiting for an answer.

"Not as long as she is enjoying it," Matt replied, trying to sound in control.

I just blushed when my eyes met Matt's.

"Come here babe," I said to Matt.

He scooted over next to me and I kissed him hard.

"Love you," I said.

But then felt Nick's hands at my waist guiding me and I willingly complied. He guided me over to him and I straddled Nick's waist. Then sunk down and his dick slipped in me with ease. Our fucking was more urgent this time. The niceties were over. We wanted each other and we wanted to cum. As I moved up and down Nick found my rhythm and started pounding away. Almost immediately I started moaning. My boobs were bouncing and suddenly I was cumming with a vengeance.

I fell forward and cried out, "God yes! AAAAAHHHHHHIIIIIII!" My body shock almost violently as I collapsed on Nick.

No sooner had my orgasm stopped then Nick swung me over on my back, keeping himself buried in me. He started a good rhythm again. Looked down into my eyes and said, "You are so beautiful when you cum Sam my girl. You have the face of an angel." With that he picked up speed again, thrusting into me like, well, a man on a mission. My head was spinning and not from the beer any more.

"Tell me how much you want me Sam girl. Tell me how good I'm making you feel. Tell me you want me to cum in you." he whispered in my ear.

I looked over at Matt for a second. He was watching with intensity, every move I made. He was stroking that beautiful cock of his faster now. Oh God how I loved him and I knew he loved me. That's what made this moment so erotic, sharing it with him this way. He was looking at me with new eyes. Seeing me in the throws of passion like this with Nick he was seeing me not just as his girlfriend, but as the very sexual person I am. I was sharing with him a new passion and I could see the excitement in his eyes. He was watching my every move as Nick moved in and out of me. It was like we were connected.

But, at this moment he was waiting to hear my answer; I could FEEL it. I closed my eyes for a moment, but my head wouldn't clear. Every nerve in my body was as alive as it had ever been. I felt my orgasm building, my legs fell open wider. I opened my eyes again and saw Nick looking at me, waiting.

"Yes," I whispered.

"Louder " he said.

"Yes," I hissed, "God yes!"

"Tell me Sam girl," he said

I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted this guy like I had never wanted anyone before. I would have done anything for him right then, except give up Matt. I wanted him to make me cum. I wanted him to cum in me. I wanted Matt to see every moment of it. I wanted to share the most intimate of moments with them both.

"Fuck me Nick! Fuck me baby and cum inside me!" I said loudly and with passion, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Will you cum for me again Sam girl?" he asked. He was fucking me crazy.

"Unngghh," I babbled, "Yes, anything babe. I will do anything for you."

"Who fucks you the best babe?" he asked.

"Just shut-up," I said, "Now shut up and fuck me. Make me cum with that glorious cock of yours."

Nick renewed his fucking with intensity; the noise of it filled the room. I looked over at Matt and saw him masturbating like a maniac. My legs were thrown as wide as they would go. Having cum twice already I wasn't sure I would be able to again so I reached down and started rubbing my clit gently in time with Nick's thrusts.

Then, I felt it, building, unstoppable, my body arched and I cried out as another orgasm shot through me, or at least I tried to cry out, but my mouth wouldn't work anymore. My entire body convulsed. It went on forever that way, suspended in time, Nick pounding into my pussy, with my rubbing my clit, as I came and came. Then slowly it subsided. The noises of the room returned to me just as I heard Nick start to grunt and push into me. I felt a warmth in my pussy and knew he was filling me. Still thrusting forcefully, he continued almost like an animal rutting. Finally he slowed and collapsed on top of me. I kept one arm around his neck, panting for breath, feeling his chest heave as he did the same. Our bodies covered in sweat. My other hand reached out searching for Matt's hand. I found it. It was slippery covered in his cum. When I looked at him his cheeks were flushed and his eyes were moist.

Nick whispered into my ear, "You are one special girl Sam. Thank you."

"You're pretty special yourself Nick," I replied.

There, I said it, but when I did I thought of Matt, I could only hope he understood. One look at him told me he did.

  • Tell more about relationship with matt * More description of Sam * More cock sucking detail.What do I I loving it.worship the cock. * Finish with more of an ending about Matt and the relationship.

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