Skeet and Shawn

Published on Feb 25, 2023


Disclaimer: This story involves things of a homosexual nature. Things in this story such as people, sporting events and things that relate to such are true. Don't think you are going to get off by reading my story because I didn't write it for that purpose, sorry. If you are under the age of 18 please, I advise you not to read my story. If you have any questions, please contact me at:

For those of you who had a problem with my last chapter, the first one, I apologize. I've had something's that had happen family wise and I was so rapped up with my job and school work, I was extremely stressed out and wrote the first story while traveling. Hopefully this chapter will make those who were emailing me (2 people compared to the 10 or more who like it) telling me about the mistakes I made happy.


Chapter 2..

Skeet and Shawn

My body was very sore from the 10 mile run we had just ran and I new I was going to fell worse once I got out of the shower. When I got in the shower, I just stood there while water came down on my body. Not thinking about how long I was taking a shower, there was a knock on the door.

" Hey man, what the hell are you doing in there, jerking off or something." I wanted so badly to come back an put him down when I saw him jacking off last night, but I'm not a asshole.

" It's just taking me longer because I'm sweaty and so dam tired because of your slow ass. You were running so slow I had to pick the pace up."

I really couldn't hear what he said because of the water running, but I know he made a smart as comment. When I got finish, I got out with a towel around me and entered the room. As soon as I did, something charged me, I went flying on the floor. Shawn had wrestled me to the ground and pinned me to the floor.

" So I'm a slow ass now, lets just see how fast you are punk."

Now I'm not a weak ass, but Shawn was stronger than me and it seemed like he had wrestling experience. " So who the slow ass now Skeet, hu, hu." He said this shit while laughing.

" You are punk!"

Using everything I had in me because of the strength Shawn had, I aggressively turned his ass over not caring how sore I was and then seeing my towel coming OFF! " HA, HA, HA, you like wrestling naked man, this is a new one dude."

" Well Shawn, I couldn't let you win that easy man."

I started to laugh myself and we got up, then I grabbed my towel and put it back around me. I begin to get ready for bed, but while I started to put on my boxer briefs ( I prefer boxer briefs than boxers themselves) I notice Shawn taking a peak at me. When I brought my attention towards him, he quickly turned an walked in the bathroom, then I hit the sack.

" Hey man, stop dreaming, wake up, Skeet wake up, we have to go man, it's 10 o'clock, Skeet."

Shawn was shacking and trying to wake me up, I also heard him laughing too. When I finally woke up, I saw what Shawn was laughing at. I started to wipe my eyes and looked down just to see that my cock was at full force, it had some dripping action going on the covers too.

" Who's Sherri man, you must have had one hell of a time. Was she a good peace off ass, did she have big tits or something."

With a sad expression on my face, I told him that Sherri was my ex-girl friend I'd told him about. He looked at me and apologized and said he didn't mean to upset me. I told him I wasn't upset and I probably said her name or something in my sleep.

"You were saying more than her name Skeet, you sounded like you were having a fucking ball."

"Well Shawn, we had our fun man."

With that, we got ready and left for our team meeting. We had walked there but I wish we hadn't because it seem like it took forever. On the way there, a car went by but with some strange reason I thought it looked like a car that I new, but I just shook my head and we kept walking.

I started to think about what my brother said again, but before I new it, we were at the athletic director center on campus. Me and Shawn walked in the door , what we saw was amazing. Doors, offices, plus meeting rooms were everywhere, then I looked at my watch.

"Oh shit! Shawn we only have 10 minutes man, lets go."

We took off and finally after 5 minutes of looking, asking people, knocking on every door we came upon, we found the meeting room we were suppose to go to. We entered the room and saw the coaches office. I sat down in a chair that was around some of the other guys and so did Shawn. All of a sudden coach Slade came out of his office, sat on a table on front of us, handed some paper to one of the returning starters from last year to pass around and he started to speak.

" What's up guys, take a look at your schedule for this season , it's going to be a great one and we will be traveling a lot more."

Shawn had passed me a schedule and I had looked at some of the races we will be running this year. When I started to look down the paper, my month almost dropped to the floor. I shook my head and looked again, it was true.

" Hey man, what the hell's wrong with you, why the horrible look."

" Shawn, we are running against my bother at the very first meet."

Shawn just gave me a "so what look" and we started to talk to the other runners on the team. ( Yes, I was a little afraid of running against my brother, hell I didn't want them laughing at me because he beat me in a race, it mite sound silly, but it's true.)

As coach Slade was speaking, I notice that we had about 14 guys on the team and by NCAA regulations, you can only have 6 runners on a varsity team. I thought " am I even faster then some of these guys," then coach stood up.

" Alright men, tomorrow after your classes, all of you need to meet me at the track stadium at 5 o'clock." I wander why he said that.

" We are going to have our team 'show down' to see who will make the A' team. The first six to come across the finish line will be on the varsity team, but instead of our regular 3 miles( 5000 meters), we will be running a 10,000 meter race this year, so you will run 24 laps around not 12. The other finishers will make up our B' team. We will have these races when a B' team runner thinks he can beat a A' team runner until the championship races come up at the end of the season."

Me and Shawn looked at each other with a competition expression on our faces. Then one of our teammates came up to us.

" What's up, my name is Justin."

" Hey man, my names Skeet, well that's my nick name, I like people to call me that instead. These is Shawn."

Justin was a runner who ran last year and was one of the top distance runners on the team while having the highest GPA on the too. He shook my hand and we started to leave, then soon my stomach was telling me I was hungry. We started to go out the door, then not seeing what was coming, I got bumped into.

"Watch the fuck out loser, new runners always do things last when they run on this team."

I looked up at this asshole as he walked by and I notice that it was one of our runners. He was about 5ft 10 inches tall, had dirty brown short hair, with a tatoo on his left shoulder. He was about the same weight as Shawn, with a black shirt on that was cut to his shoulders on both sides just to show his muscles, he swore he was Mr. Perfect and he was Australian to. We had a couple of native runners on the team, like myself, even though they have lived in the states for half of there lives.

He turned around to face me.

" This is how it's going to be mate, I don't give a rats ass how fast you are, but you will not make the starting team. If all of the runners on last years team aren't the ones on this years team because of you, I will make your practices an races a living hell."

This guys name was Tim and when he said what was on this mine, he turned around with some of the other runners and left. Coming as freshman, Shawn and I were two of the nations top high school runners and Tim new it. Justin said not to worried and we left.

Shawn was pretty pissed about that because the rest of the day he had a very upsetting look on his face. After we ate, Justin had invited us to a party that was happing that night at 11 o'clock, we told him we will be there and he said goodbye and left.

I reminded Shawn that we need to get our books from the book store and like the other day when he spoke to my mom, all I got out of him was one of those one word answers.


We went and got or books and to tell you the truth, we really had a lot of fucken books. To make this more interesting, we both dished out over $300.00 dollars, seeing that he was majoring in Computer Engineering and I was studying Journalism, minoring Business. We were in for one hell of a ride for the next 4 years.

On the way back, it was hot as shit outside, I was full, tired and had a lot of books in my arms. I really couldn't wait to get back to our rooms and soon we finally made it back. I started up the steps behind Shawn and started eyeing his ass. With the almost flawless perfect shape, just looking made my heart race like before.

" Man, I thought, I had to snap out of it, I know I couldn't like guys, how could this be. I dated Sherri for 3 years and never wanted a guy in this way, hell I dated girls before that and never had this kind of feeling about a guy, there was just some about Shawn, what was wrong with me."

Shawn went in the double doors first and I followed. I had about six BIG books in my arms, then as I tried to walk in the doors they closed quickly.

All of my books went on the ground and I went face first SLAP INTO THE DOOR! There were people laughing there asses off at me, but my dam roommate looked back, turned around and walked up the stairs. I thought Shawn was joking by doing that, so I laugh it off, picked my shit up and went up stairs to my room.

As I got up to the room and walked in Shawn pushed me, again my DAM books went on the floor.

" What the hell was that for Shawn!"

" Why the fuck did you let Tim boos you around like that man! You just stood there! Fuck what the hell was that."

I tried to tell him that I wasn't trying to start anything, but he didn't want to listen.

" I wanted to bet the shit out of him man! Why did you stand up to him!"

Once again, I tried telling him I'm not into fighting, even though I CAN take care of myself, he just wasn't listening.

" If he pulls that crap again, I'm going to kick his ass."

After all the yelling he was doing for 10 minutes, he calmed down. He was sitting on his bed turned around and had sweat on his back that I seen through his t-shirt. The way his muscles came through his shirt had me looking at him very closely and felt my knocker in my pants move . Even knowing how upsetting he was 10 minutes ago was getting me HOT! I started to fell weird . So to get some of this pressure out of me, I started to the bathroom. As soon as I got to the door, Shawn stopped in front of me and grabbed my right arm.

" I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to...."

" Shawn it's fine dude, really."

But something was strange about him. I know he probably fell my stiff cock and I seen him take a quick look. He even had a wanting look in his eyes.

" Skeet, I'm really...."

" Shawn, I'm serious, it's cool man."

By now, my heart was racing I got out of his grip, then I went in the bathroom. I soon started to stroke awake, I tried to think about Sherri but this weird felling came over me in my mind while I was jacking off. It was Shawn and it wouldn't go away. Then my pace got faster and feeling better!! Then soon my eyes went to the back of my head and I came like a mad man!

I got in the shower to clean myself up and Shawn was still in my head. I kept thinking why he looked at me that way, was this what my brother meant by "keep your on straight."

I keep wandering if there's something about Shawn my brother even new, was Shawn holding something back from me. I had so many question in my head that moment, it made me think.

" Shit, I need shampoo to wash my head."

I looked but I didn't see it

" Crap, it's in my bag."

So while the water was still running, I got out, put my towel around me and opened the door to the room. The sun was going down and the windows were close so the room was a little dark. I walk in and turned to the left.

"Shawn!" ________________________________________________________________________

Hey guys, thanks again for reading my stories. I appreciate all of the great comments and people who enjoyed them, it's keep me going. With all I have going on in my so call busy career, lol , it's get hard sometimes to write and I know I'm not the only one. I'll try to keep them coming as quickly as POSSIBLE!!!

Till next time....

Copyright 2004.

Next: Chapter 3

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