Skaters Paradise

By Dream Maker

Published on Apr 6, 2000



SKATER'S PARADISE: The Lost Chapters Dream Maker Enterprises

This is a story between two boys, their love for each other, and a world they called Skater's Paradise...


My name is the Dream Maker. For two years now, I have written stories about the love between the youth of a small town in California. Skater's Paradise was a fantasy I had thought of when I had fallen in love with a boy named Sean when I was 17. Sean was 15 and the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. Alas, I knew I could never have him. So I channeled my love for him into this story. Where our love would forever run free and never be challenged.

I am now 19 years old. I decided it was time to revise and add to the saga that I had written so long ago. Through the past two years, I have had fans from all walks of life ask me where I get my ideas and if this tale was true. For those who knew me, this story was my life. And for those that did not, this meant nothing at all.

There are bits and pieces of me all throughout this story. From the car Jimmy drives, to the shirts they see in the mall. All of it is a part of me, for I am Jimmy. I want to thank all of you for reading this story, and for all the encouragement all of you have given me throughout the struggles in my life. Not just in the writing of this, but through my own personal demons. Thank you all, for without you, I would have given up after the first chapter.

Now, without further adieu, I bring forth the newest chapter in the series. I have combined the three previous stories and made them into one complete novel. Along with the newest chapter of the story

This is Skater's Paradise....

Chapter 1

Laughter rang out across the half pipe as the boys from the city were skating all over the place. The half pipe, a section of the freeway underpass set off from the actual road, was an area where all the local skaters went to skateboard or roller blade. I had gone there almost every day that summer and I knew immediately that the boy sitting off to the side of the pipe was new. He looked kind of lost and not really sure of what to do, so I figured I'd say hello.

As I skated my way over to the boy, it was then that I realized how handsome he was. A few times, I had to brush a lock of deep brown hair from my face and pushed it off to the side so I could see better. As I came up to the boy, he looked about 5'6", had beautiful blonde locks of hair, and two soul piercing eyes. The blue in them stared out into nowhere as I suddenly came to a stop in front of him. He truly was everything I had looked for all my life, but knew I'd never find. I was only 15 at the time; still unsure of where I wanted to go. But all I knew then was that I wanted this boy. As I came to a sudden stop, the boy pulled his legs back to avoid my wheels. I just giggled and looked at him in the eyes.

"I wouldn't hit ya, man," was all I had said as I extended my hand to the kid. He seemed hesitant, not sure if I was there to be a friend or to bully him. But after a few seconds, he took my hand and I lifted him to his feet. "Name's James. But all my friends call me Jimmy."

"Hey," was all that the small boy could spurt out. I wasn't much bigger than him. I was 5'10" and a little more muscular, but not by far. The boy definitely had the looks advantage on me. If I hadn't have kept my wits, I'm sure I would've told the boy to his face that he was drop dead gorgeous. But if I had said that then, my chances with him would've been second to none. Little did I know how wrong I was.

"What's your name, bro?" I asked.

"Sean...Sean Harrison," the frail figure spoke softly. He wasn't real outspoken I noticed, but that was a quality I knew was going to vanish with time. This time, I took a real close look at him. His face had those dimples that made your heart melt and the eyes that longingly into your soul. I knew right then that this boy had to be mine.

"Hey, how come you're not skating?" I asked curiously. Sean just shrugged and looked at his skateboard. The wheel on the front left was wobbling and was about to snap off. Me, being the repair guy that I was, figured I could fix it with no problem. "Tell you what, I only live about a block from here. You want to come back to my house and we can fix it up there?"

Sean's eyes lit up and he instantly agreed. We started the trek back to my house and I finally got a chance to talk to him alone. It turns out that Sean was an only child and his mom used to beat him when he was little. Soon after his father found out, his parents got a divorce and Sean moved in with his dad. They lived in the apartments down the street from my house and we were only about 10 minutes from each other. I also found out that we'd be going to the same school next year. He was also only a few months younger than me and was gonna be 15 this month.

A few minutes later, we arrived at my house. Not a real big place for a home in Southern California, but hey, it works. We walked back into the backyard and I opened up the door to my garage. As soon as we came through the door, I could feel all the heat instantly as it rushed out. I swear this garage had a heat wave hidden inside. This was gonna be a fun job.

I walked over to the table where all the tools for my skates were and set Sean's skateboard on the counter. It had been no less than two minutes that we were inside the doorway and already I was sweating. I looked over at Sean and could tell that he, too, was getting real hot, real quick. Hoping to take advantage of the situation, I slid off my shirt and threw it into the corner.

"Damn, it's hot, man. If you want, you can take off your shirt and set it over there," I said as I pointed towards the corner where my shirt had landed. Sean immediately took his shirt off and set it in the corner. I almost drooled as I stared at Sean's chest. So bare and glistening, I could almost feel it. I guess Sean must have caught me staring because he was giggling. I turned a bright red and I turned around to the table again.

"What? Never see another guy without his shirt before?" was all I had heard from Sean. Slowly, I turned around and was jokingly pointing his chest.

"No, Sean, I've never seen a guy without his shirt on," I quipped as I kinda pushed at his chest with two fingers. Even with the little contact that it was, it sent a feeling up my spine like no other. Also, every time I touched him, he giggled. "Ticklish, are we?"

Sean got a real serious expression on his face and said, "No you don't. Uh uh. I know Tai kwon do, ninjitsu, egg fu young, and a bunch of other Chinese words..."

I laughed at Sean as he got into a mock fighting stance. He looked so cute. He was kicking his Vans into the air like he was some karate champion and almost lost his balance. A few times, I even caught a glance at his waistline and realized he was wearing white briefs. I wasn't even paying attention when, out of the blue, Sean rushed me and tackled me to the ground.

Chapter 2

"Tackled you!" I was pinned to the ground and I knew I easily could get out of it, but I was enjoying his chest being so close to mine. A couple times, I even felt his nipples graze across my own. I suddenly became aware that the bulge in my pants was growing.

"I-I give up," was all I could muster out under the heavy breathing I was doing. Suddenly, Sean took my hands and held them over my head. I knew he was gonna try to tickle me, but I wasn't about to give up that easy. Just as he was about to give me tickle torture, I whipped him around and flipped over. He struggled a little as I finally pinned his arms behind his head, but he eventually relaxed. I was enjoying knowing I was in full control of his body at that point in time. Once again, the rusty wheels in my head began turning.

"Hey, have you ever gotten a massage before, Sean?" I asked casually. He just looked at me, puzzling the question over. I was really hoping for him to ask me to give him one, but I wasn't about to offer it right off the bat.

"Never really had one before," Sean said thoughtfully and looked up to meet my glance. His eyes glowed an awesome shade of blue; such a contrast to the wild green of my own. I just couldn't seem to stop staring. But as much as I thought I should turn away, he kept my eyes fixed. "Why? You, offerin?"

"Maybe. It all depends. You want me to?" I asked him. He pondered over it for a while before speaking. I knew it had to only be a few seconds, but to me it felt like an eternity.

"Hell, why not?" Sean grinned and flipped over onto his back. I knew my dick had to have jumped when he said that. I mean, I'd never thought of doing anything like this, but this boy was sending shivers down my spine. He really was a piece of art. My hands were trembling as I caressed his shoulder blades with my fingertips. He shivered a little, but was generally content. Gently, I began to rub my hands all over his back, taking in every inch of flesh that the boy's body allowed. I ran my fingers over his sides and over the crest in his back. It was nice knowing that he was letting me do this and he seemed to enjoy it. I couldn't help but graze my hand over his waistline. Those briefs were teasing me and I was almost going mad.

"Hey, Jimmy," Sean said softly.

"Whassup, man?" I asked, hoping he wasn't going to ask me to stop.

"Have you ever tried giving a full body massage before?"

"I tried it once, but the only thing she was wearing at the time was a towel," I giggled with Sean as I was still gently massaging his back.

"Do you think you could give me one? I mean, I'm not gay or anything, I'm just curious what it'd be like." I almost choked on my own tongue right then and there. Was he asking me to give him a full body rubdown? A huge grin plastered itself to my face and I instantly agreed.

"Roll over. Let me try your chest for a while. Here's the thing, though. What's my range?" I asked him.

"Um....I guess wherever and whatever," Sean said after a few seconds of thinking. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I took his hands and put them behind his head then slowly began to circle my fingers around his nickel sized nipples. He giggled at my touch, but I continued on. I eased my hands onto his collarbone and began rubbing my hands from his neck down. I stopped for a second when I reached the line to his briefs and Sean looked up. "What's wrong?"

"O.k. Do you want me to put a towel over you or something, or do you want me just to try to massage through your jeans?" I asked shakily. He gave me a smile and then spoke.

"Aw, hell man, I don't care. Do whatever you want. This feels to damn good to stop!"

As soon as he had finished his sentence, I had already gripped ahold of the button on the front of his jeans. Gently, I began to slip the button from its hold on him. Sean jumped a little at the fact that his jeans were being removed, but he allowed it. As I slipped his jeans over his thighs, I let my eyes dwell on his hips. His white, cotton briefs hugged his package tightly. I could see his bulge clearly through the fabric now. It was about 6 inches and rock hard.

"Wait! What about your mom?" Sean asked, his eyes growing wide.

"Don't worry about her. She's out at the mall. She won't be home for hours," I told him, hoping he wouldn't ask for me to pull his pants back up. After a few moments, I felt him relax again and eased his back to the ground again.

"Jimmy? Have you ever thought of what it'd be like to....." Sean stopped in mid sentence. It seemed as if he'd wanted to ask me something important, but held back; afraid of my response. I rocked back from him and stood on my knees. By this time, I was breathing hard and my dick was throbbing for release.

"Have I ever thought of what it'd be like to what?" I asked, hoping Sean would take that as a curiosity and ask me the question. At this point, I was ready to agree to anything he'd wished. All I could seem to do was transfix my eyes onto the thin blue lines of Sean's waistband.

"Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to skinny dip?" Sean asked after a few seconds of hesitation. Now, my pool, you have to understand, was surrounded by a fifteen foot privacy fence on all sides and was also underground. My yard was the perfect spot to skinny dip, day or night. So I figured I'd take that question and use it to my advantage.

"Yep. In fact, me and my buddy, Eric, used to skinny dip all the time `'til he moved away."

"You skinny dipped with another guy?"

"Yeah! Why not? Think of it this way; if you skinny dip with a girl, she's going to judge you on the size of your dick. Right?" Sean nodded his head slightly. "So, if you skinny dip with a GUY, they're not really comparing you to anyone. See my point?"

"I guess you're right. But wouldn't it feel weird? You know, just two guys with no clothes in a freezing pool?"

"It does the very first time you do, but after that, it's not as hard. Why? You feel like trying it?" Sean was really nervous. I could see him shaking with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

"I'll go if you go," Sean said after a few moments. By now, my dick had pushed its way against the Jean of my pants and was aching to be let loose. I stood up and let Sean get up from the floor.

"Fine. But you have to promise me one thing," I said to Sean as I grasped the fly on my jeans.

"Lemme guess. Don't look. Am I right?"

"No, not really. Actually, I couldn't care if you watched me dance nude on as pool table, but that's not the case here. If we go swimming, you need to keep it kinda low key, so my mom doesn't find out. Deal?"

"Deal! So, you gonna take off your pants or am I gonna have to do it for you?" Sean giggled as he spoke. I knew it was a nervous laughter, but he sounded so sweet. I decided to play upon his bravery and see if he'd actually put his money where his mouth was.

"You do it."

"What?!?" Sean coughed out in a half laugh, half surprised expression.

"You said either I do it, or you do it. I DARE you to do it. Or are you chicken?" I could see Sean thinking hard for a few seconds before finally speaking up.

"Fine! But if you do anything, I'm gonna have to beat you down." Sean laughed one more time before walking over to the spot where I stood. He was still in nothing but his briefs and my dick was trying so hard not to explode right there and then. Slowly, his trembling hands reached their way down to the button of my jeans and began to slip the button through the hole. After a few seconds of fumbling around, Sean was finally able to manage to grip the button and let my jeans fall to the floor.

"Happy now?" was all Sean could muster underneath his breathing. I knew that he was excited by seeing me in only my boxers, and the tent that it made in the front wasn't helping his hormones too much. After what seemed like forever at staring at each other, Sean spoke up. "Well, are we gonna go swimming or what?"

"Um. Sure, I guess. Who's gonna take theirs off first?" I looked over at Sean who was lightly rubbing the line over his briefs. He stood there, dumbfounded, and finally decided.

"You. It's your idea to skinny dip, so you go first," Sean said surprisingly brave. All he could do was fix his glare on my hands as they began to slip into the elastic band of my boxers. I teased him a little, slowly inching my boxers down over my hips, but still covering my throbbing organ. A few seconds later, I pulled my boxers all the way to my ankles and stood back up; my six inch cock waving in the wind. Already, it was rock hard and aching to be touched. Sean stood there watching me, and trailing his eyes over my entire body.

"Like what you see?" I giggled as I felt his gaze on me. His face turned red and he shuffled a little. "O.k. It's your turn."

Sean fidgeted a little with his briefs before slipping his thumbs into the elastic. His eyes were still fixed on my dick as he began to pull the fabric away from his skin and lower it over his waistline. I saw a patch of pubic hair peek out from the base of his dick and I could tell his hard-on was raging. After a few more seconds, Sean had pulled his briefs all the way off and was holding them in his hand. He was beautiful.

"What are we waiting for? I'm fuckin' freezing standing here!" Sean said.

"Go through that door right over there," I pointed and Sean started walking towards the door. As he opened the door into my backyard he gasped. The pool was sparkling and still. You see, my pool is almost an Olympic sized. We have such a small house, but we make up for it in recreation. We also had a slide on one side, so we were pretty much set. I was happy at least.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Sean screamed out as he rushed to the pool. I wasn't about to let him beat me, so I took off with a bolt and came up beside him at the pool side. I had almost jumped and beaten him, but he grabbed my waist and I dragged him in with me. So we had to call it a draw. We swam for a few and I knew it wasn't only me stealing glances. I saw his eyes drift a few times while we were talking. God, I must be dreaming! But in reality, I knew I wasn't. After swimming for a few minutes in silence, Sean spoke kinda shakily.

"Um....Jimmy? Did you and Eric ever do anything besides skinny dip?" He asked, shyly.

" what?" I asked, thinking this might be the doorway I've been trying to pry open all day.

"I dunno. Like, did you ever......nevermind, forget it. Dumb question," Sean said and started to swim around again. Dammit! I guess it was going to be me who was going to have to break down the wall.

"You mean like experiment and shit like that?" I asked, knowing that this question was either going to scare the hell out of him or kick down that door. My chest tightened up immediately after I had said that and waited for Sean to respond. As soon as I got the last word out of my mouth, Sean stopped.

"I-I guess," was all that Sean could gather and I noticed he was turning red.

"We did a couple things when we were littler. Why?" I asked, hoping Sean would open up to me. His ears perked up almost instantly and he started to swim towards me. He was only 5 feet away from me when I could see the tension and anticipation on his face.

"Like what?" He asked, hoping I'd open up to him, too.

"We.....well....God, man, I don't know. We just did a bunch of shit. We didn't know what we were doing, we wanted to see what it was like, so we tried it. Have you?" I asked curiously.

"I did once. Except when we did it, he took off and he never spoke to me again," he said slowly, not sure of how I'd react.

"That's shitty, man. I'm sorry. Me and Eric had a mutual type of deal. He didn't tell anyone, I didn't tell anyone, and we both covered our asses," I said.

"Do you think that we.........." Sean stopped in mid sentence and his voice trailed off as if he were thinking.

"Do I think that we...what?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I dunno. Have you ever wanted to do it again?" Sean said, hesitantly. I knew he was trying to ask me to experiment with him, but just didn't have the guts to ask.

"Maybe. I dunno. It depends on if that person catches my attention, I guess," I said, skirting around his question. Dammit! Why was I playing this stupid game of cat and mouse? Just say YES, stupid, YES!! Why was I being so numb to the situation?

"Do you want to, I you think you'd like to.."

"To do something?" I said, cutting him off. He looked relieved that he'd finally gotten it out, but was tense now in anticipation. I was trying to hide my excitement, but decided it was best just to seize this chance while I had it. "If you want to, I will."

Chapter 3

"Cool! I do, but I don't know what to do," Sean said, more excited than a five year old on Christmas morning.

"Just let me do the walking, you sit back and relax," I told Sean as I hoisted myself onto the edge of the pool. By now, my cock had hardened to something very close to a stone pillar. Sean was staring at it openly now, and I really wished he'd just touch it. He swam over to me and lifted his thin frame right over the edge and laid down on the cement. His six inch cock was waving in the wind like a flag. I walked over to him and straddled his legs. I gently brushed my cock against his and let the two tips touch. Sean jumped but then regained his composure and relaxed once again.

Sean stared intently at my package, all words were null and void. He reached his hand and grasped ahold of my sack. I wrapped my hand around the base of his throbbing organ and slowly began to pump. Sean was somewhat awkward, trying to keep up with my pace, but eventually fell into his own rhythm and began to jerk me off. By this time, we were both moaning in pleasure, but I didn't want this to end so early. I pushed Sean's hand away and eased down his legs.

By the time my face was completely in line with Sean's dick, I could already hear him breathing deeper. I admired its beauty at first, the cute patch of hair above his dick, but then decided to go for the gold. I opened my mouth and took Sean's entire manhood into my mouth. I moved up and down, slowly at first, but kept increasing my pace. His hips kept thrusting up, hoping that I'd go faster. Suddenly, I felt his entire body tense up. I quickly took my mouth off of him and a few seconds later, Sean was spewing his cum all over the patio. He shuddered, but then laid still for a moment.

Sean relaxed for a few seconds, but then realized I was still unfulfilled. Sean crawled over to me and gripped ahold of my dick. I guess he thought it was an eye for an eye type thing. I laid back and just enjoyed being pumped off by this beautiful boy. After a few minutes of rigorous motion, I thrust my hips in the air and let loose all the tension, all the passion, and all the ecstasy I had built up over the past few hours. His hands were so soft and mechanical, as if he knew every exact spot to touch and rub. After about five or six spurts all over the pool deck, I laid down right next to Sean and let my hands caress his soft skin. How had I become so lucky?

After we both caught our breath, Sean got up and went over to the pool to wash off. I watched him swim for a few minutes, admiring his beauty. After deciding that I should probably wash off too, I made my way towards the pool and dove in. We swam around for a while, taking gropes of each other every so often. But eventually we remembered that my mom was due home any minute, so we jumped out and headed into the garage.

"Jimmy?" Sean said as we walked into the back door.

"Whassup, man?" I replied.

"Do you think that we can do this again sometime?" Sean asked hesitantly.

"Anytime you want, man. Anytime," I said as I stared into Sean's sparkling eyes.

A few minutes later, we both had finally gotten all of our clothes on and headed for the door. But just as we reached for the handle, the garage door was opening! As the door rose slowly, I could see the front end of my mom's white Bronco pull in. She pulled it all the way in and finally parked. She eased her way out of the seat and stopped in front of me and Sean.

"Who's your new friend, Jimmy?" My mom asked curiously.

"His name's Sean. Me and him just got back from the pipes," I told her, hoping she wouldn't ask anything else and just go in.

"Oh. Well, that's nice. I'm going to put some things away. It was nice meeting you, Sean," Mom said and strode into the house. Sean let out a whoosh of air and I realized he must have been holding his breath the entire time.

"Chill, man. She doesn't know anything. Hey, tell you what, let's go grab a burger from Mickey Dee's. My treat. Sound good?" I asked and Sean immediately agreed.

I grabbed my skates and handed Sean his skateboard. We were still glancing at each other, nervous as all hell, and felt slightly embarrassed. I mean, we had just got done with probably the most amazing experience for us both, and we were hoping neither one of us would back down from the chance.

McDonalds was just down the road, so we got there in about 10 minutes. After getting our food, we sat there talking about everything and nothing. It seemed that every time our eyes met, there was a glow about us. The elderly lady sitting two tables over could even notice something was up, because she kept looking over at us. We just giggled and looked away from each other.

We ate pretty quick and headed out the door. I put my arm over his shoulder and carried my skates in my hand.

"So, what are we going to do now?" I asked Sean, desperately trying to come up with something we should do.

"I dunno. What do you want to do?" Sean asked.

"Oh, no, we're not going to go through this!" I said, laughing. It was beginning to remind me of those two vultures in the cartoons. "How about we catch a movie?

"Sure!" Sean said and we went off to the theatre. We needed some time just to relax and think things over. We were both still awkward around each other, but we were getting over it.

We left the theatre with two raging boners and a lust like no other. Unfortunately, I don't think we could even say what movie we went to see! Except for the family in the front row, the entire show was empty. Sean and I kept our hands on one another the entire time, only looking up to make sure there were no ushers trying to kick us out. School was starting the next day, so we figured we'd better get home. I still had to get my stuff together and he had to finish whatever he needed to do.

I skated back to Sean's apartments and got his phone number. We didn't really want to go, but it was getting late. His dad was still at work, so I went up to his room with him to take care of some pending business.

His room had posters of bands all over it, along with a few magazine pages with skater guys on them. His bed was a mess and I could barely see his floor! Like any average teenager, I guess. Anyhow, we closed his door and locked it. Almost immediately, we were stripping down to nothing.

Sean grabbed my dick and began to stroke it lightly. I almost lost my balance, so I pulled him over to the bed. We sat there playing with each other for a little while, until Sean got up from the bed. I sat up some, but he pushed me back down.

"What the," I tried to say, but Sean already had his lips over the tip of my cock. I moaned and squirmed under his tongue. If my hand was anywhere NEAR what his mouth felt like, I would never leave me room again. I plunged my dick into his mouth over and over, trying to get every ounce out of this.

Suddenly, my dick shot out before I could even warn Sean it was coming. He gagged and backed off. I felt so bad for him as he sat there, spitting it out of his mouth. He had this look like he had just eaten a rotten apple and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Bitch!" Sean said laughing and pounced on me, pinning me to the bed. He had a grin on his face like a Cheshire cat and I knew I was in for it.

"What?" I said, trying to play innocent. Sean slowly inched up my chest until his dick was right in front of my mouth. I reached out for it with my tongue and Sean leaned in. He was so gorgeous, I couldn't help but engulf it in my mouth. I sucked on him as if I was trying to get a bowling ball through a coffee stirrer. He was moaning so loud, the old lady upstairs was literally banging the floor with her cane! I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't help it. The vibration of my laughter was all it took to send Sean over the edge and cover my face with his cum.

"Ewww!" I said, as I pushed Sean off my chest. We sat there laughing our asses off, until we figured we should probably clean this mess up. Grabbing whatever we could find on his floor, we wiped each other off and cleaned up his mattress. After getting cleaned up, I threw on my clothes and headed out the door. I left my number on Sean's desk and gave him a hug before running out the door. Kissing on the first date just wasn't my thing.

Chapter 4

Sean sat on a bench about fifteen feet from me. God, he was beautiful. We were in school, so all my plans for him had to wait. I already missed his soft skin against mine as we'd grind into the other. He was the closest thing to a Greek god I had ever seen. How had I become so lucky? I couldn't worry about that now. He was giving me that smile he always plastered on when I knew he was thinking up something. Tonight was going to be good.

It had been over three months since I first met Sean and since then, we've been inseparable. We've gone on overnights with each other's families, stayed at each other's houses, and have done almost everything together. What we especially love is the night, though. We've been exploring every region on each other's bodies almost weekly now. It's been a blast and I'm so happy I found him.

Suddenly, Sean stood up from his bench and made his way towards me through the crowd of people. In a few seconds, he was standing right in front of me with a smile on his face. He put on a mock anger look and started pushing his chest into mine.

"Whatcha lookin' at me for, huh, punk?" Sean asked jokingly. I pushed his frail figure back and laughed. He put back on his smile and looked at me lovingly. Life was grand and there was nothing that could harm us. Until the bell rang. Damn bell, I almost forgot we were at school. Almost immediately, Sean pulled me into the bathroom and shut the door.

After looking around to make sure no one was there, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me passionately. Flicking his tongue in and out of my mouth was driving me wild and all I wanted to do was strip him right then and there. After what seemed like ages, we stopped and headed back out the door. Sean looked at me one last time before bolting down the hall to his classroom.

A few things have changed about us both in the past three months. Since then, Sean is all I care about. Or worry about for that matter. You see, Sean has been diagnosed with cancer of the liver. He told me only about a week ago, and ever since then I've been worried sick about him. No one quite understands how, but he somehow ended up with it. The doctor has told him he has maybe two years to live.

So far, Sean's looked great. He's been in perfect shape (believe me, I make SURE of that), he's been eating right, and he's even gained some muscles on his tiny frame. Everything other than the fact he's dying is perfect; even us. I just don't understand why it's all being taken away from me.

I went to all my classes, but my mind wondered the entire time. I didn't do anything except think about Sean and what was going to happen to me if he died. I decided I would just try to focus on what is going on now, rather than the future and its impending danger.

After the final bell, I ran out the door to the bus. I didn't want to have to walk home again. As soon as I took a step on the bus, I was yanked back to the ground. I spun around getting ready to punch someone when I was greeted by Sean's grinning face.

"Let's walk home, OK?" Sean asked. He was so innocent and beautiful, I couldn't deny him. So we started walking towards the sidewalk to go home. As soon as the busses were out of site, Sean stole a kiss from me. I loved him so much and I didn't want to lose him so soon. We came to a corner and I stopped to look at him.

"Sean, you know I love you, right?" I asked, hoping I already knew the answer. His face went blank and he just stared into my eyes.

"More than anything in the world," he said as his bright blue eyes stared into mine. I felt a tear fall from my eye and I knew right then and there I was never going to forget him. The walk home was silent from there on until we reached my house. Sean's dad was gone for the weekend, so he was going to stay with us for a while. I already had my plans set for this evening.

Chapter 5

My mom had some meeting to go to for her work and she was going to be gone until tomorrow morning. When I opened the door to my house, I found a note on the counter. It read:

Jimmy and Sean,

I had to leave early, but there's pizza in the fridge if you want it. I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon. Don't you two get into any trouble!!



At the exact same second, me and Sean looked at each other and said, "YES!!"

We rushed up the stairs to my room and flung ourselves onto the bed. No sooner had we stopped bouncing had Sean flopped on top of me and was kissing me as hard as his little body could. I put my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. We were kissing for almost ten minutes when we heard a knock at the door. I was kinda irked at the interruption, but I went to go answer it anyhow. I peeked out the peephole and my heart did a backflip. It was Chris Adamson! You see, Chris was one of the hottest, if not THE hottest, guy in school. Right next to my Sean, of course. But how had he gotten my address? And why was he here? I opened up the door and tried not to show my excitement.

"Um, hi. Is Sean here? He told me he was going to be over here today," Chris said, shuffling his feet a little.

"Yeah, hold on a sec," I said as I ran upstairs to get Sean. I almost passed up the door to my room because I was going so fast. As I slid into the room, Sean had a huge grin plastered on his face. He just looked at me and started laughing.

"Chris is here, isn't he?" Sean said in between giggles.

"What do you mean, `Chris is here, isn't he?'" I asked, a little bit suspicious. Sean smiled a little wider and looked at me with wide eyes.

"I noticed you looking at him in the halls. I decided to talk to him and see what he was like. Well, to make a long story short, he's gay, willing, and horny. Need I say more?"

I almost croaked right there and then. Chris? Gay? Why did those two words not fit into a sentence very well? Aw well, what the hell, huh? So I did what any respectable teenager my age would have done; gave Sean a bear hug. Only two seconds after I let go had Chris walked into the room.

"I figured you forgot about me, so I just came in, " Chris said shyly. He was wearing a tight white tank top and loose corduroy shorts that hung just below his waistline. His plaid boxers were sticking out over the top and his sandy blonde hair hung carelessly over his eyes. He brushed the locks of hair away and smiled shyly at me and Sean.

"O.k. Um...Chris, this is Jimmy, Jimmy this is Chris," Sean introduced us and we both shook hands. His hands were so soft and warm. I began wondering how they felt in a few OTHER spots! Anyhow, after a few moments of fidgeting and small talk, Sean suggested we turn on the TV and see what was on. Being average lazy teens, we flumped down on my bed and flipped through the channels to see what was on. After a few minutes of mindless switching, I stopped the station on an old rerun of Jeopardy. I already knew all the answers, but I guess Sean and Chris didn't. I figured I'd take this as my chance.

"Hey, Chris, wanna play a game?" I asked mischievously.

"Um, I guess. What do you have in mind?" he asked, puzzled.

"O.k. Here's the deal. Each time I get an answer before you do, you have to take a piece of clothing off. And each time you get one before me, I have to take one off. Deal?" I said, hoping I wasn't jumping the line too quickly.

"O.k. Deal!" Chris said almost immediately.

"Hey, and what do I get to do?" Sean said, kinda irritated that he was left out of the game.

"You can be the one who strips to the tune of Final Jeopardy," I quipped. Sean just shrugged and said it was fine by him. A few seconds later, the fun began.

"This great white took the leg of one of history's most well known fishermen," the TV blurted out. Before I could answer, Chris yelled out.

"Moby Dick!" I just looked at Chris and wondered how he could get it that quick. I suddenly realized I was up for a challenge. "O.k., Jimmy, take off your shirt."

Still wondering if I was actually going to win this game, I pulled off my shirt to reveal my six pack. I had joined the swim team last season and had to shave all my hair for it. It still hadn't grown back. I'm still afraid it WON'T grow back.....I hate Bic.

"This novel was written about a woman's struggle between her daughter and her ever present adultery," the announcer said again. This time, I was quicker on the draw and screamed out the answer first.

"The Scarlet Letter!" Chris could only get out `the' before I answered it completely. "Ha, ha. Your turn."

Chris looked at Sean for a moment or two before deciding he wanted to do this. He stood up and lifted his shirt to reveal a completely hairless chest and nice set of abs. He wasn't fully developed yet, so it still had that nice soft tone to it. I was drooling.

"What? Wanna feel `em? Yeah, they're real," Chris said, myself oblivious that he caught me staring at him. I finally shook my head back to reality and spoke up in my defense.

"No way, man!" I said a little too fast. He looked a little hurt, but then got a grin on his face I KNEW meant trouble.

"Fine, then. The next question is worth to gold. Let's up the ante," Chris said, a smile of pure roguishness on his face.

"Deal!" Sean was still looking at me like I was friggin nuts, but he just shrugged and laid back on my bed, watching the "fierce" competition before him.

"In this movie, Robin Williams played an elderly woman for the opportunity to see his children again," the T.V. said. Before I could say it, Chris blurted it out.

"Mrs. Doubtfire for the win, Alex!" He drew a smirk across his face, folded his arms, and stared at me in anticipation. "You lost, the ante was upped, take it ALL off, boy!"

Sean shook his head and smiled broadly. He knew Chris had just seen the same episode about two days ago. It WAS a rerun after all. I stood up from the bed and shut my door. It was more of a stall than an attempt to make it more private.

"Well? C'mon, you lost, so strip!" Chris said. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to win this one. I began to unbutton my jeans and let them slide around my ankles. My boxers were a pair of silk ones with little pink elephants all over them. Don't ask, it's a loooooooong story!

Both Sean and Chris were perched on the end of my bed staring intently at my little show I was about to put on. I decided to have a little fun and only let the line of my boxers show off my pubes. I pushed them down so far, then pulled the back down, too. I was inching them so slowly, they didn't seem like they were going anywhere. Finally, I dropped them all the way down, and my boner popped out in full sight. I went and sat down next to Sean, who was already rubbing his crotch. I looked over at Chris, and I could see a tent forming in his cords.

"O.k. So what now? Group orgy?" I said, half-joking, half-hoping. Nervous laughter came from both Chris and Sean. I knew it was now or never, so I reached over to Chris and grasped the line of his boxers. I slipped my hand beneath the edge and could feel the side of his leg pulse with apprehension. He jumped a little, but a smile formed across his face and he laid back on the bed.

Sean moved to the edge of the bed and I moved in between Chris's awaiting legs. He had his eyes closed and was breathing deeply. I wasn't sure if he was nervous or scared.

"Hey, if you don't want me to, I won't," I spoke softly. He nodded his head as if to say yes. I don't think he could form words right now! I let my finger drift along the inside of his boxers, just above his pubic hair. I rubbed that spot, taking in the softness of his skin, then finally pulled his button out from his cords. I unzipped them and pulled them down. He lifted his hips to allow me to pull them off quicker, then sat back down. His boner was sticking out clearly now. About 5 ½", he wasn't that big. But it was perfect for me!

Sean was sitting in my chair across the room, rubbing his aching cock through the fabric of his jeans. His long, 311 band shirt covered his waistline, so I couldn't see his erection that good. But right now, I was more focused on the business at hand.

Chris had his arms behind his head and was looking at my throbbing cock. I let my hand linger on his stomach for a second before reaching for the band of his shorts again. He gasped slightly as my hands pulled his boxers down. His dick was hard as a rock and I grasped it lightly. Slowly, I began to pump his meat and play with his balls. After a few seconds, I was rubbing my own dick against his. I looked over at Sean, who had his hands down his jeans and was obviously getting off on this. I stopped for a second and looked over at Sean.

"Ahem. If you're going to do that, at least pull it out. Or join us over here. Gosh!" I said, jokingly. Sean, being the daredevil he is, stood up and pulled down his jeans. He was wearing a pair of outrageous boxers. American flag indeed! Of course, all America IS, is a bunch of flaming flaggots....hehehe. He crossed his arms and pulled his shirt up to show me his jewels. His abs were forming nicely now and I beckoned him over to the bed. He walked over to us, and Chris leaned forward to sit up straight. Of course, then again, NOTHING in that room was straight!

Chris leaned forward and felt the bulge in Sean's boxers. Gently, he pulled them completely down to the floor and Sean stepped out. Three naked one home...and all the time in the world. God loves me!!

After a few seconds of fondling, Sean sat on the opposite site of Chris and began stroking him. Chris crossed his arm to my own throbbing member and I sat there feeling all over his chest. Once we were bored with just feeling each other up, the three of us stood on our knees and began grinding into each other like some sort of circle jerk.

Sean began moaning, not knowing whose cock was where and I felt like I was going to explode! Chris leaned his head back and grasped his own dick in his hands. Not about to let this work of art go without my personal touch, I carefully pulled his hand away and lowered my mouth to his crotch. He was squirming in excitement. He's probably never even had someone this close to his cock before.

Sean was holding my own dick in his hand and was massaging his own with the other. I reached back and began playing with his sack as I finally submerged Chris' cock in my mouth. He lifted his hips slightly, not knowing what to do. Working my magic, I rolled my tongue around his tip. While sucking slightly, I began to caress his sack with my free hand.

Sean was still pumping his own dick while working his way on mine. Suddenly, I felt a moist ring around my dick and I almost jumped. That's all it took for me to suck as hard as I could, and Chris finally shot his load into my mouth. Letting it drizzle out onto my sheets, I began to moan, as Sean handled my cock with his tongue. Chris had moved his way to working on Sean's member and Sean finally sent me over the edge. Spewing load after load, it flew across the air and landed on my pillows. Chris meticulously tried to mimic my motion on Sean and Sean groaned in ecstasy. After a few moments, Sean finally spurted. Exhausted, we all fell to the floor in a big heap.

"God! Why didn't I ever do this before?!?" Chris said laughing.

"Because, crack fiend, you never eyeballed me like I did you," I joked, poking Chris in the ribs.

"Happy now, Jimmy?" Sean spoke up, probably the most he's said all evening.

"More than you could ever imagine," I said, tiredly.

Chapter 6

After a bit, we all finally got cleaned up and got some clean sheets on my bed. My mom wouldn't be home until tomorrow afternoon, and I knew I would be safe for the night. She'd let Sean stay before, but never knew what we did. It's really fun being gay. Let's see a straight guy say his girlfriend is coming over to stay the night! But me, I can have Sean over whenever I want and we're never questioned. I love my mom!

The three of us went downstairs to the den and popped in a movie I'd seen a thousand times. Austin Powers. Michael Myers wasn't exactly my type, but he was damn funny! We sat there until about 8 PM until we figured food would be a good idea. I got up and ordered us a large pizza with pepperoni and---o.k. o.k., so you don't give a damn about the pizza. You just want the sex in this story! God, you people are so impatient!

ANYHOW, time dragged on by and nothing else happened that night...hehe. Thought I'd get your hopes up and crash them. Oh, don't worry, there's MUCH more to cum....I-I mean come. We just ended up sitting in front of the TV, eating our pepperoni and EXTA CHEESE pizza. Of course, all we had on was underwear, but that's a whole `nother matter. The pizza guy got his tip just by getting to see us like this. After eating, Chris called home to see if he could stay over as well. They agreed and Chris ran into the den to tell us.

The hours flew quickly and by the time we'd realized it, it was 2 AM. We all decided it was time to turn in. Anywho, since my room had a king sized bed, and, being normal horny teenagers who just wanted to grope each other up in the night, we all slept in my bed....nude. Yes, nude. Hey, no one was home and we wanted to get the chance to "accidentally" rub each other up in the night.

The night came, and the night went, but it was the MORNING that we all enjoyed. I awoke to feel a pair of lips wrapped around my already hard woody. Chris was going to town on me and all I could do was sit back and enjoy it. Sean was still asleep, and I decided I was going to wake him up the same way I was. With a nice semen hot cup a cocky. I finally exploded into Chris's mouth and laid back. What a way to wake up! After regaining my composure, I slid my way off the bed and pulled the sheet off Sean. His skater figure was glistening with small droplets of sweat. His dick was still limp, but I was about to change all that. Lifting his cock from his skin, it began to slowly grow. A few seconds later, I took Sean's waiting hardon into my mouth. He began to stir as I pulled on his dick with my tongue. He awoke pretty much the same way I did. Head tilting back, and with a moan of pleasure. I was greeted with the normal morning emission. The back of my throat almost closed off from the blast! Anyhow, we all decided to take ourselves a showed to clean up.

To "save water", we all took a shower together and soaped the other one up thoroughly. After yet ANOTHER orgasm, we all got dressed and headed downstairs. We grabbed a bowl of Frosted Flakes and sat down in front of the TV. God, we were such couch potatoes! Scooby Doo came and went and, soon, it was time for Chris to leave. I walked Sean home that day and we decided to hang out after lunch. I headed home and plopped down on the couch.

A few hours passed and still no call from Sean. I was getting worried, since he's never forgotten to call me. After about another half hour, I called his house. His dad answered the phone shakily.

"H-hello?" He said. He sounded choked up. I knew something wasn't right.

"Yes, Mr. Harrison? Is Sean home?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"No, Jimmy. I'm sorry. He..." Mr. Harrison's voice trailed off. I got a huge lump in my throat and tried so hard not to get upset. I knew what had happened.

Chapter 7

Sean was laying in the hospital bed. His heart monitor was jumping normally, and everything seemed o.k. His dad was sitting next to Chris and I when the doctor walked in.

"Mr. Harrison?" The doctor asked. Mr. Harrison just nodded and the doctor continued. "Your son was diagnosed with liver cancer a few months ago and, unfortunately, it has progressed rapidly. There's not much we can do at this time. I'm sorry."

I broke into tears and buried my head into Mr. Harrison's shoulder. He held me gently and Chris just laid an arm around me. I peered over toward the bed and Sean was still asleep. I was going to miss him more than anything.

That night, I couldn't sleep at all. My mom tried comforting me in any way she could. I was losing my best friend and my lover. I was losing all that mattered to me in this world. I just couldn't understand it. I guess no one could.

I skipped school the next day to go spend it with Sean. He was conscious enough to hold a conversation and I decided to close the door. I held his hand and we talked about all the things we'd done and how much fun we'd had together. He knew he was going to die, but he didn't let that affect him in any way. He just kept telling me how much he loved me and how much he'd never forget me. He didn't seem so weak anymore.

A week or so passed. I made sure to visit Sean every day and talk to him until I had to go home. It hurt me so much to see him in pain and I cried myself to sleep every night. Chris came over after school to go with me to the hospital and see Sean. We were becoming close friends, but my mind was too tied up with Sean to think about anything else. Eventually, Friday rolled around and I was reading a book while Sean slept. I was already crying earlier, so I was only sniffling now.

The doctor came in about an hour later and had to take Sean in for some tests. I sat in his room until my mom came and knocked at the door.

"Knock, knock," She said, tapping the door. It was already open, but she just wanted to make sure I was o.k. I looked at her with tear-swollen eyes and looked back at Sean's bed. She came over to me and put her arm around me. "You know, Sean can stay over whenever he wants to. You know that, right?"

I chuckled at her comment, knowing he wouldn't be able to stay anywhere anymore. I just kept looking past her to see if Sean was back yet. It had been over three hours and they should have brought him back by now. Visiting hours had been over for quite some time, but they let me stay.

"Mom? Why does God make people die so young?" I asked sadly.

"Well, Jimmy, it's hard to explain. God put everyone on this Earth for a particular reason. Whether it to make someone else stronger for their mission or to make a mission themselves. I guess Sean is becoming a stepping stone towards your mission in life," My mom tried to answer. I was only half listening as I heard a code blue alert in the background.

Sean came back to the room around 2 AM. I'd been asleep for about fifteen minutes when he was wheeled in. He looked like he was in pain, but he looked o.k. He was lifted from the gurney to the bed and the nurses left the room. I walked over to him and laid my hand on his. He opened his eyes and smiled. I was going to miss him so much.

Slowly, but surely, Sean lifted his gown along the side. Along his abdomen, an incision had been made. He smiled at me and lowered the gown again. I guess it hurt too much to talk. I didn't understand why he showed me that cut until later. I kissed his forehead and went back to sleep.

The doctor came in around 7 or 8 AM. He checked the sheets and smiled.

"Well, Sean, you'll be alright after all. Your replacement should be all right for a while. Just don't drink till your 50," The doctor quipped and walked out of the room. Groggily, I stumbled towards Sean and looked at him. Allowing my eyes to adjust to the sunlight, which was streaming through the windows, I noticed Sean sitting up in his bed. I wondered why he was up until it hit me.

"Hey, Jimmy. How's it goin'?" Sean asked warily. I didn't even notice that he was getting dressed and pulling off his hospital gown. Was he going home? What was going on?

"I just looked at Sean as he pulled himself off his bed and stepped into his sweats his dad brought for him. He pulled them up over his white fruit of the looms and then pulled on his gray sweater. I remember buying him that one, too. We were at the mall and-o.k. o.k.!! Anyhow, he held his arm against the railing of the bed and walked over to me. He gave me a gentle hug and whispered in my ear.

"Let's go home," He said. I almost flipped when his dad was at the door holding the wheelchair for Sean. He was going home!! His dad wheeled him to the car and let me in the front. Sean laid down in the back seat and slept the whole way home.

We got to his house and his dad had me wheel Sean inside. I helped him lay Sean on his bed and we walked to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Sean's going to be o.k. He had a transplant last night. Because of his health and age, he was top priority on the donor's list. He got one almost immediately. They say the cancer was benign or whatever. Either way, it would have just stayed the same size. But it had already grown so big, they needed to replace it. Don't worry, Jimmy. He'll be o.k." I almost cried when he said that. I looked at him with glossy eyes and ran upstairs to Sean's room.

"You're gonna be o.k.! You're gonna be o.k.!" That was all I could say for almost 10 minutes. Finally, Sean calmed me down by kissing me smack dab on the lips.

"Yeah, now stop your hollering. You're killing my head!" I laughed and laid my head on his chest.

A few days passed and Sean needed his rest. Chris visited with me every day and we made sure to bring Sean a new movie each day. Renting all these movies was killing my pocketbook, but Sean was worth it. After about another week, Sean was able to get out on his own. I dragged him out of his house to go see the new movie A Bug's Life. My favorite character was Heimlich. Sean was laughing so hard he almost coughed up a lung! I think there's a longer waiting list for that.....Anyhow, we had a blast and I walked him home again that night.

I decided I wanted to spend the night with him, and his dad agreed to let me stay. Sean was still too sore too do anything, so I just held him in my arms all night. This entire experience had made me realize just how precious Sean is to me.

The sunbeams of the ever-present morning streamed in over Sean's bedroom. I pulled the covers over my head, trying to block out the sunshine. The sun is nice, just not a 6 AM in the friggin morning. I guess Sean was already awake, because I head him giggling from somewhere out there. Where that damn sun was. I sighed and realized I was going to have to face it sometime, so I pulled off the covers. Sean was bathed in light and looked like and angel standing there. If it wasn't for the fact I was still groggy, I would have probably said something to that effect. Alas, I could barely say `good morning' than hold a conversation.

Sean helped me out of bed and kissed me. I was so tired, I just laid on his shoulder and acted like I was snoring. Sean laughed and pushed me back onto the bed.

"Get up, lazy. We're supposed to go get Chris and go out to the park today, remember?" Sean said. I looked at him like he was crazy, but then realized we WERE supposed to go there today. Aw well, it was time to get dressed and get out the door.

The park was nice, but there weren't that many cute guys to gawk at. So, doing what we normally do, we said screw the park and hit up the mall. As always, we just hung around and skated until we got bored, kicked off the premises, or it was dark. Whichever came first.

After a few hours, we decided to call it a day and headed our separate ways. We had homework to do and still needed to finish things at home. I kissed Sean goodbye and hugged Chris, and I skated home for the night.

Chapter 8

"Hey, Jimmy!" The Screen lit up. An instant message from A2PrepBoi popped up.

"Hey Anthony," I typed into my box. Anthony was a good friend of mine from across country. He was from Michigan. I heard they had a heat wave and I was hoping he was o.k. "How's the weather up there? I heard it got kinda hot."

"Yeah. Got up to 95 today!" Anthony typed on his screen. At least he was doing o.k. I hope one day we get the chance to meet. He sounded cute. Maybe I'd drag Sean along and we could go on a cross-country trip. Yeah, right, and I'm King John the Crossdressing Pope! It was a nice dream, though.

Suddenly, another message popped up. I was popular today! It was my friend Barry from Minnesota. A fellow author and great friend of mine, Barry was always there to chat. His sister even owned a bar called Over The Rainbow. I wish I was old enough! Aw well.

"Hey Babes," The message read.

"Hey, sexy! How's the new story coming along?" I asked inquisitively.

"Fine. The newest chapter to Dave and Barry is coming along great!" I was proud of Barry. I guess he'd written a few stories and submitted them to the Nifty Archives online. I had been looking forward to reading what his new story was about.

Suddenly, I'd realized the time. SHIT! It was 3:30 and I was supposed to go pick up Sean at 3. I quickly told everyone goodbye and shut down. I grabbed my backpack and rushed out the door to my car. Yes, I have a car now. It was a 94' Mercury Topaz. Not much, but it was mine. Mom and I had saved up for it and we went out and bought it about a week ago.

I pulled out of the driveway and drove as quickly as I could down the block to Sean's. He was sitting on his porch looking as hot as ever. He'd cut his hair now, so it was short and spiked. It looked great on him, accenting his eyes. I had just turned 16, and to celebrate, cut my hair to match Sean's. I'd also been given one hell of a present from Sean, but that's something for another time. We looked almost like twins. Except he was cuter, had dimples, a wider smile, my shoulders were broader, our eyes were different, I had frosted the tips of my hair, and....hmm...maybe we don't look like twins. Ignore that comment.

Anyhow, by the time I'd gotten into the driveway, Sean was already opening the car door. As we pulled out onto the street, he stole a quick kiss before we got going. I loved him so much. Anyway, the car coasted silently as we listened to the newest song by the Barenaked Ladies. We were on our way to the mall. I wanted to grab a new T-shirt that I saw and Sean wanted to get a new CD. I had only hoped we'd get back in time so we could go swimming. I needed to cool off and taking a dip was the best thing to do. And, if my mom was gone, we wouldn't need our suits....hehe.

"Hey, Jimmy, check this out!" Sean said as I walked over to meet him. He was holding a copy of the new Reel Big Fish CD. We had dedicated the forth song to half the school. If you don't know the song, buy the CD! Hey, someone has to plug their favorite band here! We both chuckled at the song and I ran off to the T-shirt place next door. I quickly scanned the wall and found my shirt. I grinned.

When I came back to the music store, Sean was laughing so hard he almost collapsed. On my shirt, the phrase "Me...You...Handcuffs...Whipped Cream...Any Questions?" was clearly spelled out. If you knew the story of the weekend before, you would understand. ANYWAY, before I get myself into trouble, let's get back to the story at hand.

Sean ended up buying the new Cher CD. He broke down at the last minute. I don't care WHAT you normally sleep with, that woman is GORGEOUS! I may be gay, but I'm not dead. We played the CD all the way over to Chris's house. We hadn't seen our friend in a while and was wondering how he was. Last time I had heard, he was packing for some trip to Florida with his family. Poor guy. I wouldn't spend a week with ANY relative, nevertheless a reunion. But I guess you have to roll with the punches.

My car rolled into Chris's driveway and I parked it off to the side. Sean stole another quick kiss from me before we headed up to the door. As we thought, Chris was laying on his couch watching T.V. He was only wearing a pair of cut off shorts and a smile. Kinda like a porn model, but he was cuter. Smirking, I put a finger over my mouth and sneaked around back to the sliding glass doors. I opened them quietly and slipped in, allowing Sean to sneak in behind me. We tip toed the entire way to the den and could see the back of Chris's head. Slowly, I snuck up close to him and tried so hard not to make a noise. This was gonna be fun!

"BONZAI!" I screamed as I leaped over the couch. Chris leaped up and stumbled back about ten feet before falling to the floor. Sean was already on the floor laughing his ass off. By the time Chris's heart had begun beating again, he was on top of me, giggling. I tried in vain to keep my balance, but Chris was almost as strong as me. I fell onto the couch and stop struggling. Chris had me pinned and he knew it.

"You lose, Jimbo," Chris said smugly. He'd taken on calling me Jimbo rather than Jimmy. Why, I don't know. But he had and it just stuck.

"What's my consolation prize, huh?" I smiled back. I knew what the prize for being the loser was and I was gonna make sure I collected. Sure enough, Chris's hand lingered over my crotch and then unbuttoned my cords. Sean was walking over towards the front of the couch and was rubbing his dick intently through the fabric of his shorts. I gave a ragged breath as Chris's hand grasped my cock. It had been quite some time since we all hung out together and we were all as horny as a hooker on First Street!

Sean sat down on the couch, still rubbing his dick through his shorts. He began rubbing my chest as Chris slowly pulled my shorts down. I lifted up to make it an easier task and then let myself back down. Chris stopped only for a second to unzip his shorts and let them drop to the floor. Sean reached over and finished the job for him, pulling his boxers down and letting his dick swing freely. Since the last first time we met him, Chris has actually grown some in size. He now reached 6 inches and had a slight peach fuzz happy trail up to his belly button. He still looked hot as hell.

"Hey, punk, " I said, talking to Sean, "no clothes allowed after 4 PM." Sean giggled and stood up removing his shirt. His chest was defined, but still as smooth as ever. He took to wearing low riding pants now, and you could almost see the button to his boxers sticking out. I stretched my arm out and grabbed a hold of his shorts. With one quick pull, they came down and all Sean was left standing in was his birthday suit. And what a DAMN fine suit it was!

Chris was intently stroking my cock, rubbing the patch of hair above it every down stroke. By this time, Sean had walked over to me and was brushing my cheek with his dick. I turned my head just enough so I was still comfortable being jacked off, but so I could lick Sean's prick. I reached over and began playing with Sean's balls, caressing them as I slid my tongue up and down the sides. We were all in heaven.

Chris sped up the tempo on his pumping and I knew I couldn't hold my load in any longer. With a moan, I let loose a rocket that shot three feet in the air. Exhausted, I laid back on the couch and watched Sean move his way towards Chris. Still unfulfilled, Chris grasped Sean's member and licked the tip gently. Sean leaned his head back and petted Chris's hair. Chris carefully pulled Sean's cock into his mouth and sucked like there was no tomorrow.

Sean lowered himself to the floor, before his knees bucked beneath them. Chris spun around and put himself on top of Sean in a sixty-nine position. I just sat there watching my two best buds go at it, enjoying every minute. Now only if I had a camera! Anyhow, Sean took Chris's full 6 inches in his mouth and slurped a little too loud for my taste. In fact, he slurped so loud, Chris's cat fell off the T.V.! After we all stopped giggling, Chris and Sean went back to the task at hand. Or mouth, I should say.

After a few more minutes, Sean was groaning so loud, I swear the neighbors could here us! But luckily, Chris was able to hold his moan in. Almost simultaneously, Chris and Sean shot their loads. As soon as it began, it was over. We gathered up the scattered clothes all over the floor and got dressed. My mom was leaving that afternoon to go to the mall and I wanted to get ready for a fun packed night!

We all piled on my car and drove the ways back to my house. I held Sean's hand the entire way and almost felt bad that Chris didn't have anyone but us. I was determined to change that. Anyway, we pulled into my driveway just as my mom was pulling out. I stopped for a second next to her Bronco to talk for a second.

"Hey, Mom. Me, Sean, and Chris are all just going to hang out here for a while. Are you leaving for the mall?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, Jim. I'll be back later, though, so leave the door unlocked if you leave, ok? Love you, baby," My mom said before backing out completely and driving off. This was gonna be fun.

After parking the car, we all ran inside to throw our swim trunks on (Like that wasn't a futile task), but we threw them on anyhow. I was a little slower, because I still had to find my trunks in my drawer somewhere. Sean and Chris were already out the door and on their way to the diving board before I'd even gotten my shirt off.

I heard a splash and looked out my window. Sean did a somersault off the diving board and splashed down. A perfect 10 in diving he was not. Anyhow, He looked like he must have hurt himself or something, because he got out of the pool and laid down on the pool chair.

Chris hoisted himself out of the pool and sneaked over towards Sean. Sean was lying on the pool chair, with his eyes closed. Chris slowly reached his hand onto Sean's leg and inched it up his leg. Gently squeezing his dick, Chris felt it begin to grow in his fingers. Suddenly, Sean shot up and pulled Chris's wet trunks down in one swift motion. Caught off guard, Chris stumbled and landed on top of Sean. Giggling, the two were rubbing up against each other and slowly began to kiss.

I was getting my shorts on to go swimming and couldn't wait to join in on the action. My mom left for the mall about 15 minutes ago and wouldn't be back for over 2 hours. I finished pulling my shirt off over my head and ran down the hall out into the side yard. But as I rounded the corner, I saw my mom; staring into the backyard at Sean and Chris.

"Shit!" was all that could come out of my mouth, and I knew my mom heard me. She stormed past me into the house and slammed the door. Sean and Chris must have heard the door slam, because they had thrown their suits on and walked to the gate.

"What's goin' on, Jimmy"? Sean asked me. I just pointed to the white Bronco in the driveway and heard him gasp. "No, you're bullshitting me, right? Your mom's not home. She can't be!"

Sean looked distraught, but Chris was almost in hysterics.

"Did she see us? Shit! What are we going to do, man? My mom will KILL me if she knew!" Chris said, almost in tears. I just shook my head as a tear slid down my cheek.

Chapter 9

"So, how long has this been going on, James?" My mom asked. She only called me James when I was in deep trouble. All I could do was stare at the floor. My mom knew, and she'd seen the worst part of it all. "Well? I want an answer!"

"Ab-About...3 months or so," I said, trying to hide my tears. I wondered what she was going to do? Drag me to the church and throw me into a vat of boiling holy water? Maybe even disown me? I was prepared for the worst.

"3 months, huh?" My mom said harshly. By the tone of her voice, I knew I was going to end up in a foster home or something.

"Y-Yes, ma'am," I spoke, shakily. She glared at me for a few more minutes before pushing the chair out and going to the sink. She stood there with both hands on the counter, staring out the window to the backyard. Right where Sean and Chris had been earlier. They went home as soon as I went inside. I guess in fear of my mom calling their parents.

"O.K., let's start over. Why didn't you ever tell me before?" My mom asked, still staring into the backyard.

"I-I guess I was afraid you''d disown me or something," I said, nearly crying. My mom stopped moving for a second and then sighed. She sagged her shoulders and came up behind me. I was still hanging my head down when I felt two arms embrace me.

"Oh, Jimmy. My precious Jimmy. Why would you ever think I would do something like that?" My mom said softly. She hugged me gently then took a seat next to me and held my hand. "No matter what, I will ALWAYS love you. Don't ever forget that."

I was sobbing. I was still staring at the floor when I felt my mom let go of me and pull a chair out and sat down.

"Jimmy, I'm going to ask you something, and I want an honest answer. Will you give me your honest answer?" I could barely move, but I somehow nodded my head to appease her. "Do you really love him? Sean, I mean."

I was shocked that she had asked me, but after a few moments, I said almost in a whisper, "Yes."

"Then that's all I wanted to know. It's your life, hun, and I never want you to be unhappy. I had hoped for a grandkid one day, but having two sons will be just as good. If you honestly love him, then don't let me, nor anyone else, stand in your way."

I looked up from the floor for the first time in almost 15 minutes and saw my mother's eyes filled with tears. And for the first time since I had first realized I was gay, I was crying. My mom took me in her arms and held me for what seemed like forever as I cried and cried. For once, I felt safe. And for once, I felt like everything was right.

Chapter 10

"Yes, dumb ass, get your friggin faggot behind over here!" I yelled into the phone, half-crying, half-giggling. I had called Sean first thing after I had stopped crying. I had needed to tell him so bad, but I knew he wouldn't believe it unless my mom said it herself. So I decided to get Sean to come over.

"And your mom won't rip off my ballsack with a rusted spork?" Sean asked suspiciously. His dad still didn't know anything, so I didn't mention anything. I just decided I needed to see him now.

"No, I SWEAR to you. Now get over here!!" Sean agreed and decided he'd get his dad to drop him off. It was already 9 at night, but I didn't care. So I hung up and ran downstairs to the door. A few minutes later, Sean was standing on the porch. He didn't look too good at all. I pulled him inside and shut the door.

"Jimmy? Is that Sean?" My mom asked from the kitchen. Sean jumped at the mention of his name, but I calmed him down. My mom came around the corner with a towel as she was finishing the dishes. She was holding a large butcher knife, and Sean almost jumped through the roof. When my mom finally realized why Sean's eyes were bugged out of his head, she giggled and blushed. She disappeared back into the kitchen and came back out empty handed.

"Sean? I want you to come over here for a second," My mother had spoke softy. Sean hesitated for a second, but then walked towards her. As he came closer, she sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her. I followed Sean over, and sat next to him on the far edge from my mom.

"Now I know this is hard for you, but I just want you to know that what you and Jimmy have is none of my business. If you two are happy together, then don't let me stop you." Sean looked confused and looked at me. I smiled faintly and nodded my head. He let out an exasperated breath and calmed down.

"O.k. I came over here thinking you were going to CASTRATE me, and all you wanted to do was tell me that you LIKE the idea of me and Jimmy together?!?" Sean asked in alleviation. Mom giggled and spoke softy.

"Well, I had hoped to have a beautiful little grandchild one day, but if you two promise to adopt a kid, I'll be happy," Mom had said half laughing by now. By now, we had all relaxed and Sean kicked back on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table.

"Does this mean I have to call you "mom" now?" Sean asked, and we all laughed.

The next day, I tried calling Chris, but no one picked up. I guess he was out or just ignoring all the calls. I decided to get Sean and go out for a while. I had found a beautiful park about a half-hour outside of the city. I wanted to share it with both of them, but I guess only Sean would see it today. So off to his house I went.

Sean wasn't even awake when his dad answered the door, so I just ran up the stairs to wake him up. Halfway down the hall, I slowed down so I wouldn't make a sound. I crept inside of Sean's room and inched my way to his bed. He was only covered partly by a sheet and I could see his chest clearly . I could also see quite a tent coming from below and decided to wake Sean up in a devilish way.

I carefully pulled the sheet off of Sean's tender body and set it on the floor. He was wearing a pair of boxers that were so cute. They had Taz on the front of them and right where his mouth is, is where the slit opens up. I eased the button on the front of them open and Sean shifted as little bit. I froze until he resumed a normal pattern again. Lightly, I grasped Sean's cock and slipped it out through the opening. It glistened slightly in the sunlight and I loved the sight of it.

I licked the tip and heard Sean moan slightly. Hellbound on making him wake up, I plunged downward. I engulfed his entire cock and starting sucking at full force. Sean was moaning softly still, but he was leaning back and thrusting his hips into my face. After only a few minutes, he shot his load straight down my throat. I gagged, AGAIN, and almost choked half to death! After regaining my composure I looked up to see Sean with a huge smile on his face.

"I think I'm awake now," Sean said, giggling. I laughed and stood up. I wiped what was on my face onto his sheet, and walked over and sat next to him.

"Sean, we need to talk," I said, gently. He had a confused look on his face, but sadness was creeping in there also. "I'm not sure what to do about Chris. I mean, I know he's an awesome friend...and we won't mention what else, but I want to be with only you from now on."

Sean's eyes began tearing up and he gave me a hug. I knew right there and then that I would never let go of him. And even if our love crashed, I knew I would always have a part of him with me. We stayed like that for what seemed like a decade, but in all reality was probably only 5 minutes. I pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes. And I kissed him.

"What in the---?" was all I heard from the doorway. I pulled away so quickly, you could hear a pop come from our mouths. I turned towards the doorway and saw it cracked open. I could have SWORN I locked that damn thing. Well, no use fighting it now. I got up slowly and helped Sean up from his bed.

"Maaaaaaaaaaannnnn....this just ISN'T our week at all!" I sad to Sean, half-smiling, half-terrified. Was I going to lose Sean? Would his dad take the news any better? Dammit. Well, the storm has already come. We might as well fight it out. So, after getting dressed, Sean and I walked downstairs to face the gauntlet.

Mr. Harrison was sitting at the table, smoking furiously. I could see he was visibly upset. We both took a seat at the table and prepared to reveal the secret we both spent so long hiding. He didn't even look up at us when Sean began.

"Dad, I know this is going to be hard for you to understand, but PLEASE don't get upset. I love you, Dad, and I don't ever want you to forget that," Sean took a deep breath. It seemed he'd been preparing this speech for months. "But what I never told you is this; I'm in love with Jimmy. And I'm sorry if I never lived up to what you wanted me to be. Just please don't get upset."

Sean looked at me in despair. I knew what was coming. Or did I? His dad looked up from the table with tears in his eyes. He looked at me, then at Sean, then back to me. He laughed slightly and then smiled.

"That would explain why you two are ALWAYS together," He sighed. He seemed almost sad, but relieved at the same time. "Sean, I love you. You're my only son and my favorite child. Of course, you're also the biggest pain in the ass of the family, but I love you."

Mr. Harrison grinned and reached over to his son. They hugged and cried for what seemed like an eternity. I slowly got up and walked off to the window and stared out. It was beginning to feel like everything was falling back into place. Then, out of the blue, Mr. Harrison said something I will never forget.

"If you two boys are in love, then what's going on with that Chris kid?" We all busted out laughing and decided we need to find that boy a man of his own. We couldn't keep playing this charade. After getting some breakfast, me and Sean zipped out the door to go man hunting. If we were going to get rid of Chris while still keeping on good terms, it was time to pay back all that he'd given us.

Chapter 11

The park was beautiful today. It was warm, sunny, and I think only 2 out of the 500 guys there actually wore shirts. This shouldn't be TOO hard. With our gaydars in sync, we split apart to find some new friends. I was walking towards the pool area, when out of the blue, I was rammed into like a Mack truck. I landed in the grass feeling like I had just been skated over.

"Oh Shit! Hey, listen, man, I'm sorry!" A sweet voice came from off to the side. "I just got my new blades and don't even know how to use the damn things. Shit, man, I'm sorry."

When I finally regained my composure to realize I HAD been skated over and I looked to whoever was speaking. That's when my mouth dropped open and I saw what had to be the perfect match for Chris. Clumsy, sweet, and DAMN fine!! I stood up and brushed myself off before walking towards the boy. He was attempting to stand up, but every time he tried, he fell right back down. I couldn't help but laugh.

"No problem, bro. Just try not to use me for a ramp next time, ok?" I extended my hand and helped him to his feet. He seemed to limp a little, like he'd sprained his ankle. So, I took his arm, put it around my shoulder, and led him to a bench. When we both sat down, I finally got a good look at him. He was about 5'7" tall, golden brown hair, cut short and acid tipped, and he wore glasses. He was wirey, but looked muscular for his age. He was wearing a tank top that clearly showed off his arms and the fact that his chest was bare of any hair. He had two small tufts of hair under his arms, but was gorgeous!

"Sorry, again. And thanks for helping me up. I'm Adrian," the boy spoke. His voice sounded like water running over rocks in a crystal stream. Almost hypnotic, yet so entrancing at the same time. He extended a hand and I shook it.

"James...but all my friends call me Jimmy," I said, repeating a line I'd used so many time before. We talked for a bit, with Adrian wincing every so often when he'd touch his knee. A few minutes after we'd stopped talking, Sean came walking up.

"Hey, Jimmy. Who's your new friend?" Sean asked, with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. I knew that look all too well.

"Adrian, this is Sean. Crackhead, this is Adrian," I said smiling.

"Hey!" Sean yelled and jumped on top of me. I almost toppled back over the edge of the bench, before grasping my hold on the edge. He was now sitting on my lap and Adrian looked more puzzled than a Rubik's Cube addict.

"Don't worry, Adrian. We're not going to make mad passionate love on the bench. We barely know you!" Sean said, giggling. Adrian was looking like he didn't have a CLUE what was going on, so Sean got up and sat next to me. I think Adrian wasn't as bright as I had once imagined. He cocked his head and looked at Sean like he was speaking French. Suddenly, he grasped his knee and cringed.

"Hey, you gonna be alright, bro?" I asked, hoping that he wasn't going to have to go home or something. "Anything you want me to get for you? Ice pack? Heat pad? Full body massage?"

Adrian laughed and it seemed the pain was subsiding for him. Laughter is, after all, the best medicine.

"Full body massage, huh? Last massage I got was from my sister and I still have the bruises!" We all laughed and glanced nervously around. It seemed the park was emptying out, and we were gonna have to be going soon. I had told Chris we'd pick him up. Hmmm......

"Hey, Adrian, do you have a ride home?" I asked, curious.

"Naw. I skated here earlier this morning. Well....TRIED to skate here, anyhow!" We all laughed again, and I decided if I was going to make my move, it was now.

"Well, Sean and I are going to pick our friend Chris up and head out to the mall. Would you like to come?" At that, Adrian's eyes lit up.

"Sure!" He said, almost jumping off of the bench. We all headed to my car and piled in.

The ride to Chris' wasn't long, and soon, we were coming up the drive to his house. I got out and then let Adrian out my side. I could see Chris peeking out the curtain to the house. A few seconds later, he was opening the front door.

"You know, Jimmy? I don't know how the hell you do it, but whatever you do, you do it DAMN well!" Chris said, while glancing between Adrian and myself. I just smiled and introduced the two. They shook hands and we all headed inside. While Chris was getting ready, I decided to strike up a conversation. Laying the bait, in a sense.

"So, Adrian, do you have the internet?" I asked.

"Yup," He answered. Not very talkative either. This was gonna be tougher than I thought.

"Cool! So do I. I just found an AWSOME site. Ever hear of the Nifty Archives?" I asked, KNOWING that I'd know about the site for almost two years now. Hey, what he didn't know can't hurt.

"Yeah! My favorite stories are the skateboarding ones," Adrian said. Bam! Gotcha.

"Oh, no shit? That's kewl," I said. I wondered if that dense son-of-a-gun had caught my drift yet. I was to the point of banging my head on the table if he didn't get it yet.

"So, what section do you normally go into?" Sean questioned. At this one, I think he caught on, and started blushing. He smiled so innocently and laid back in the couch.

"Well, damn. Guess you caught me, huh?" Adrian said with a sigh. He put his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling.

"Oh, God. C'mon. If your gaydar didn't break with the homos sitting next to you, I don't know what happened to it," I quipped, hoping to lighten the mood. It worked because he laughed.

"O.k., o.k. I'll admit it. The only reason I ran into you is because I thought you were cute. Happy now?" Adrian said without hesitation.

"Well, I'm kinda taken, bro," I said, leaning back on Sean. "But that guy that just ran upstairs? Chris? He's as single as they come."

"No shit? Fuck, man, hook me up!" Adrian said, immediately perking. I had an idea. So, getting up from my chair, I went upstairs after Chris. When I have ideas, let the world beware!

A few minutes later, I was helping Chris get changed. Instead of the black t-shirt and shorts he had planned on wearing, I picked out a white tank top and some cords. I looked him over and decided he was presentable enough. So I dragged him back downstairs and sat him next to Adrian. I winked at Sean, and he go up from his seat.

"I'm gonna grab a quick bite from Mickey Dee's. You two want anything?" I asked. Chris and Adrian both just mumbled their no's, and soon enough, me and Sean bolted. I had initially planned on taking off all of Chris' clothes, but Adrian may have jumped his bone right there and then.

Sean and I held hands the entire time to the restaurant. I wanted to give Adrian and Chris enough time to get to know each other and, hopefully, hook up. I was actually happy for them. Although I knew I'd be losing Chris, I knew I would ALWAYS have Sean.

When we coasted back into the driveway, the house seemed quiet. So me and Sean crept silently up to the door. I peeked into the living room window and almost fell over the railing! There, with his pants around his ankles, was Adrian. And in between his legs, sucking like a Hoover vacuum, was CHRIS!!

"What in gay hell? Sean, get your skinny skater ass over here and take a look at this!" I said, hushed. I pushed Sean over to the window let him look inside. His eyes almost fell out of his head! I grabbed him around the waste and pulled him back.

"O.k. O.k. No staring at them," I said, pulling him closer to myself. We stood there on his porch....waiting.....and waiting...and waiting. Finally, Sean spoke up.

"I guess we taught him well!" Sean said grinning.

After about a half hour of wandering around the yard, I decided I should go break up the two sex hounds and get Adrian home. It was getting late, and I didn't have time to play taxi for half the city today. Also, I was getting tired and needed to get some sleep. So, in my usual manner, I decided to get them dressed in a hurry.

"Metro Police! Open up!" I hollered while banging on the door. I swear I heard a thump, and it wasn't my fist beating down the door. A few seconds later, a half naked Chris answered the door.

`What the fuck?" Chris said, while rubbing his head. He was looking at me like he was going to murder me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, you got dressed in a hurry, so I fulfilled my duty," I said. When I looked over his shoulder, I could see Adrian struggling to pull his shirt over his head. He looked like he was scared shitless. I laughed again and Adrian blushed when he realized it was just me.

"Fuckin' asshole. I should shove a pitchfork up your ass for that," Chris mumbled while walking back into the house. Sean followed my entry and we sat on the couch while Chris finished getting dressed. After they were decent, they sat on the love seat in the corner of the room.

We sat in silence for about 5 minutes, except for the occasional giggle from Sean or I, and the mumbled `fuck you' from the two newly hooked up love birds. After Chris stopped fuming, he sat back against Adrian's lap and turned on the T.V. No sooner had the T.V. faded in had the Jeopardy board popped on. Sean, Chris, and I all burst into hysterics, leaving Adrian to wonder what was so funny about Nathaniel Hawthorne.

After dropping off an obviously exhausted Adrian, Sean and I drove quietly back to his apartments. It seemed out trip to the mall ended up never happening, so I kissed him a quick peck goodbye, then drove on home to something I've been daydreaming about all evening; my bed.

Chapter 12

The next morning, I picked Sean and Chris up for school and headed out to our prison for the remainder of the week. Adrian was going to meet us in front of the cafeteria after school, and we were all going to go to the mall. There was a carnival in town and it was being held right there in the mall parking lot. They had been setting it up all week, and I couldn't wait to see what they had!

The Topaz glided through the fenced parking lot and came to a stop right beneath the Ferris wheel. We looked up, looked at each other, looked up again, and said simultaneously `Hell no!' as we drove into a parking space. We all giggled as we pushed and pulled our way to the ticket stand. The obvious midway balkers stood heckling the crowd and the rides towered over the lot.

After getting our wrist bands, Sean and I barreled through the crowd to the fun house. Chris and Adrian struggled to keep up, but were still keeping their pace with us. We made it to the entrance about the same time, and I was literally pulling Sean into the mirrors that awaited to engulf us. The attendant would only let one in at a time, so we had to wait inside for everyone else to join us.

"Hey Sean! Can you guess which one I am?" I hollered through the hall of mirrors. Sean was bumping into mirrors left and right, but I was making it through just fine.

"Lemme one?" Sean said, as he tried to grab the groin of one of my reflections. After realizing his mistake, he blushed and continued feeling his way through the maze. Chris and Adrian were huddled somewhere behind us by now, but I didn't want to disturb them. They were still getting to know each other, and I figured this would be a fun way to do it.

By the time Sean had caught up with me, we were at the stairs to the second floor. I gave him a quick kiss and pulled him up the stairwell. When we reached the top, we stood in front of a huge hallway filled with doors. One of them would lead us to the slide outside, but all the rest contained some sort of surprise. Sean took the left side and I took the right. After dozens of doors with buzzing clown faces, roaring gorillas, and laughing mirrors, Sean finally found the right door. I grabbed Sean's waist and vaulted us onto the spiral. We laughed and screamed the whole way down until we hit the soft padding below. After grabbing his hand, I led us off to the side waiting for Chris and Adrian to come barreling down. Ten minutes went by before we got worried.

"Where the hell are they?" I said, bewildered.

"I dunno. Probably making out watching each other in the mirrors," Sean said, giggling. I poked him in the ribs and began laughing with him. Knowing those two, that's exactly what they were doing!

"I'm gonna go in and get them. Are you going to come with me, or are you just going to stand here and look cute?" I asked with a smirk. Sean smiled and just stood there with his hands behind his back. I took that as a no and headed towards the entrance.

It took me about five minutes to find them. They were actually still stuck in the mirrors bumping into every wall imaginable. I pulled them both to the stairs, showed them the way up, and ran ahead. I knew it would take them less time to open doors than it would to find out how many bumps they could get on their foreheads. I slid down the slide before they even reached the top floor.

I landed hard and felt pain shoot up the right side of my leg. Sean ran over to me, genuinely concerned.

"Are you O.K.?" He asked sympathetically.

"Yeah," I cringed, and hobbled off the platform. Sean put his arm around my waist and led me out of the funhouse. We were standing there for a couple minutes before Chris and Adrian waltzed out.

"Finally!" Sean said jokingly.

"Yeah, well you can french kiss my asshole," Chris said playfully.

"O.K., let's just get out of here. I want to go on the Gravitron next," Adrian said, not wanting to waste a minute.

The four of us walked over the line outside the spinning spaceship. My leg was feeling better, although it still felt sore. We got there just in time to get on the next ride, so we were pretty excited. The Gravitron was one ride you didn't want to go on after eating something, but it was fun to ride if you wanted to see how skinny you can really get.

The ride started up slowly, so you get used to the feeling of being pressed against the wall. After a few minutes of spinning, you could actually turn upside down on the wall and not worry about cracking your head on the floor. It was a blast and I loved hanging upside down. I got off feeling dizzy and almost lost my balance coming down the steps. I bumped into Sean a few times and he only grabbed me to keep me from falling.

The rest of the day was exciting to say the least. Once the rides started shutting down, we headed back to the car to go home. I couldn't wait to get back to the house. It was a long day and I was exhausted. I never thought having that much fun could be that tiring. The price you pay when you get older!

Chapter 13

The sun was coming up on the horizon, and Sean sat in my arms watching it. I've always loved the sunrise. We were sitting on a hill, completely content with the world around us. Adrian and Chris were finally spending time alone with each other, giving Sean and I time alone. I was happy for them and wished them both the best.

It turned out Adrian was adopted at birth. His real parents were deadbeats who never wanted him in the first place. A "freak accident" they called it, and left him on the doorstep to the nearest orphanage when he was born. Soon after, the Burnams took him in and raised him. He said he's never met his family and never wants to. He's happy with the ones he calls his own. We kinda left the story at that.

Adrian's adoptive parents were really sweet. Like the Cleaver family on crack, but without the horrid haircuts and cheesy clothes. They both knew a lot of great stories and knew Adrian was gay for a few years now. No wonder he was such a happy guy most of the time. He lives with them and his only sibling, a sister named Tara. She's more of a loner than anything, but an amazing artist! If I knew how to draw like her, I'd have a picture of Sean hanging in my room.

Chris was sick today, so Adrian stayed over at his house to nurse him back to health. Since Chris' parents were gone most of the time, they welcomed Adrian's help. They were so happy Chris had a friend like him, they didn't really care what they did. As long as he was happy, that's what mattered the most.

"Hey Jimmy?" Sean asked, almost whispering.

"Yeah, sexy?" I said, in the same hushed tone.

"Do you think we could just lay here for a while?" He asked, leaning his head back on my chest.

"Sure, Sean. Whatever you want," I said, kissing his forehead.

The sun blazed over the horizon with colors of orange, red, and yellow. It was so beautiful I actually gasped. Sean giggled and smiled. Sometimes, life's worth the trials and tribulations you go through to get somewhere. I know mine was worth it.

The End... No, for real this time!!


The Dream Maker grew up in a small town outside of Detroit, MI. He wrote Skater's Paradise as a release from his anguish. Although the story is fiction, many parts of it make up who The Dream Maker really is. If you liked to story, you may contact the author at You may also see more of his works at his webpage listed below. Thank you all for reading this. You truly are what keeps me alive.


The Dream Maker


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