Skaters Gym Boi

By Josh Rogan

Published on Feb 17, 2016


This work of fiction may contain explicit erotic material, including but not limited to homosexual sex, acts of bondage/discipline and/or acts which are unsafe or illegal. If you do not want to read such material, or if it is illegal for you to do so, please stop reading now. This story is copyright the author (Horny Boy Productions), and may not be reprinted or distributed without the permission of the author. If you enjoy this or other stories hosted by Nifty, please consider donating:

Skater's Gym Boi

3 - Surprises

I'd taken my muscle-bound fucktoy/boyfriend out to a friend's cabin for a few days of wicked partying. He's over 6ft, totally muscled. I'm kind of skinny, with smooth chest and arms and hairy legs. Hung better than him too. Luckily, he was a sweet guy in everyday life, and a perverted bottom when we were playing. He craved trash talk, and I was pleased to give it to him.

We'd been airing out and cleaning up the cabin by the lake for a friend's family, and in exchange we had the place to ourselves for a few days. I'd kept Mitch naked the whole time, except for a heavy dog collar, supplemented at times with other fun stuff, or safety equipment when we were doing chores.

Today was the third day of our vacation. We'd taken care of the place, cleaned everything, checked all the appliances and plumbing, cleaned up all the winter debris from the grounds, chopped firewood. Well, I mostly sat and watched as Mitch's muscles worked up a good healthy sweat doing it. Man, he was hot in his collar, gloves, boots, and tool belt, and nothing else, swinging that heavy axe and hauling the split logs to the rack at the side of the house.

We'd played, both sexually and otherwise on the lake, the small motor boat, and all round the house. We'd cuddled in front of the fire and spooned in bed. I'd tied him from the heavy rafters in the cabin and to big trees outside. I'd spanked, waxed, whipped his nude body, and fucked his hungry holes in every way I could think of.

But today I had a surprise for him.

Out on the small dock on the isolated cove that was our private lake access, I'd put him on his knees and made him beg to service my cock. Just us, the dappled sunlight, and the sound of slurping, slapping, and my mouth telling him about all the nasty things I wanted to do to him.

"Yeah, bitch, take that fucking cock. We could take you down to the gym, strip you down and slap you around good in front of all your gymrat buddies. Slap your fucking face, your pecs, your ass, your balls."

"My balls?"

"Yeah, what does a cunt need with balls anyway?" That got him going good. I felt his whole tongue ripple up and down my hard sausage. "Big fucking muscle man, just a cunt. Just holes for real men to use. For real cocks to blow their wads in."

"Would you and your friends piss on me too?"

"Some of my buddies might. I've got better things to do with my piss." He started shoving his head up and down real fast at that one. "Yeah, you want me to drain my lizard down your hungry slut throat? Huh, bitch?"

He nodded eagerly sending waves of hot wet pleasure up my tube. "Lucky for you, I can piss with a hard on, fag. But you better not spill a fucking drop of my hot juice, you got that?" He nodded again, letting my meat slip so just the head was between his lips. He worked his tongue up under my skin and started to tickle my piss slit. "Oh, fuck yeah, you're a thirsty bitch, aren't you. You want every drop this big ol' cock can spray into your bitch holes, don't you?"

He nodded and moaned as I let my golden stream fill his face. I felt lips and tongue twitch around cockhead as he started to swallow.

Mitchie has a powerful swallow as I well know. His tongue and palate seemed to suck down my cock along with my piss. Soon I was buried in his throat as his gullet continued to empty my bladder.

Once he felt the flow slow down, he pulled up and caught his breath, savouring the last few drops on his tongue. Then he went to work scrubbing my dick with his tongue. The piss thing doesn't do it for me as much as some guys, and he knew I didn't want to smell it on him later. So he was working up a lot of spit around my heavy cock cleaning it and himself. True to his promise, he hadn't spilled a drop.

"Yeah, you cock hungry pig. You don't care what it is as long as it shoots out of a big hard cock."

"I love your big, hard cock more than any other, JR."

"Yeah, and you've gotten your share of hot creamy jizz the last few days, haven't you?

"Not enough," he grunted, dipping his head down to lave my heavy balls with his hot tongue. "Never enough."

"You don't love me, you just think I'm an easy lay," I laughed.

"I love you, and your big cock, sir."

I slapped his face again, reinforcing the light red mark I'd been working on all morning. "Yeah, you remember who you belong to like a good bitch."

I turned around. "Now your reward. Eat my hairy ass, Mitchie."

I let him scarf up my box for a while, burying his face in my furry crack. I love getting rimmed. I don't mind getting fucked by the right guy, but it's not really my thing. If Mitchie wanted to I'd roll over for him in a second, but he's almost entirely a bottom. He was pretty much the only one I'd been with for quite a while, it'd been a while since anybody paid much attention to my ass. Standing on the dock with my legs spread, I reached between my legs so I could work Mitch's hard pecs and harder nipples while he licked and probed, motorboated and sucked on my sensitive hole was a real treat.

About the time I thought my back was on the verge of sunburn, I decided it was time for another special treat for him. Standing up I turned around and he sat back on his haunches, eyes glued to my half-hard rod, mouth open like an obedient boi.

I teased him by tapping the tip of my dick against his flat pink tongue. "You're such a good bitch. It's a shame I keep you all to myself."

"You want me to fuck other guys?"

"Hey, a guy doesn't hold out on his buds. You want me to bring some of my friends in to keep your holes busy?" I shifted my hips forward and let my dick slide into his open mouth. "I should take you to the skate park, strip you down and park you on your hands and knees in the middle of the half pipe. There'd be a dozen or so hard sweaty boarders to feed you all the meat and balljuice you can handle."

Mitch moaned, sending shivers up my dick and straight up my spine. "We'd spitroast you for hours, trading off whenever we got close to cumming. And you'd work for our cum, milking our hard cocks with your velvety throat and hard muscled ass. Awww, fuuuuuck," I moaned as he started to really work on getting my load off. "Fuck, Mitchie, you really are hungry for my cum, aren't you?"

He pulled off and started milking my juicy dick with his big paw. "Oh yeah, JR, I want your tasty load. I want every drop you can give me."

"Greedy bitch," I snarled, "I ought to teach you a lesson. You think you deserve my sperm any time you ... want ... OH" I couldn't help it. I felt my nuts pull up and start to empty their seed all over Mitch's flying fist, which sent it flying all over his face and muscled chest.

"Aw, yeah," he said, lapping at the spurting cream right from my cockhead.

"Damn ... you ... Mitch ... gonna ... bust ... your ass ... for stealing ... it before ... before I was ready."

"Mmmmm, yeah," he said, licking at his creamy hand. "It's worth it. It's always worth it."

I globbed up a fingerful of my spooge from his face and chest and held it for him to suck up with his sweet, slutty mouth. "Yeah, you've had your way with my cum for days now. I can't resist your pretty holes."

He moaned again, rubbing my softening dick against his stubbly face. "I don't know what's better, eating your big thick meat or having it shoved up my manhole."

"Well, if you play your cards right, you won't have to choose tonight, babe." I pulled away from him. "Let's go for a swim and get cleaned up now."

We spent another hour or so splashing in the water, sunning on the small wooden dock, and playing. I'm still amazed that this big muscled dude is such a docile sub and lets me abuse him verbally and, increasingly, physically.

After a simple lunch and a few more chores around the place, I decided it was time to get Mitch ready for his real surprise.

Very obediently, he got up on the heavy table in the living room and let me tie his arms up over his head. Hanging by his wrists from the heavy rafters, his toes barely balancing on the coffee table. I loved the way Mitch's muscles looked all stretched out, lightly twitching has he tensed and settled each group in turn.

"Tonight's going to be real special, baby," I murmured.


"You'll see. First some more knots." I slowly, methodically, wrapped his body in a length of cotton clothesline pulling it snug while weaving and tying an intricate web of rope around his beautiful muscles. I'd seen picture of intricate knots tied around a sub's body in some pictures on the web. While not nearly to that degree of beauty, I think I did a pretty good job, encasing his body in a rope lacework, half-bondage, half-harness, I worked to expose, isolate, and stimulate all of his beautiful muscles.

From around his neck, I crossed the line in front of his chest, wrapped it around to the small of his back, pulled it down between his hard glutes, up beside his package and up over the ropes over his chest, tying them off at his sternum. Starting another length of line around his waist, I pulled it through the knot in the small of his back, up over his shoulders, down the front and under his arms, and back up between his shoulder blades, pulling the first rope down a bit and tying off in the middle. More lengths wrapped around his calves and forearms, and he looked like a gorgeous, rope-clad roman gladiator.

I took some time to lick all around his body, especially near where the line was rubbing into his skin, making him moan.

I took some lighter line and wrapped it loosely around his cock and balls like a cockring, and let the ends dangle between his spread legs. Finally, I slowly wrapped one length of line around his head, over his eyes, effectively blindfolding him.

Just for fun, I took some pictures with my phone to tease him with later.

I kept him like that for quite a while, putting some books under the table to lift it up so he could rest a little. I didn't want him totally cramping up on me. I climbed up on the table and buried my face into his chest, feeling the tension of his stretched pecs and rubbing my face against his rock hard nipples.

I'm always amazed how hard his nipples can get when he gets really turned on. Harder than a cock, absolutely like a rock. Perfect for chewing on, which got him moaning even more, and made his cock drool.

About then we heard the engine. It was the first time we'd heard any kind of motor for days, and as it got louder I saw Mitchie start to get worried. I knew what it was though.

My buddy Conner, whose family owned the cabin we'd been rutting in, was going to join us for the night, before we cleared out (and up) and turn the place back over to his family.

I held Mitch close while I worked on his chest, reassuring him by murmuring softly as I licked and sucked and chewed. When the door opened, he just about jumped out of his skin. Con just walked in, whistled at the muscled beauty i was going to share with him, and started stripping down to his bare skin.

He didn't even say a word. Just stripped down, right there in the open door, marched over and dove face first into Mitch's asscrack. At first Mitch squeaked a noise you'd never expect to hear out of such a huge muscled guy, but he calmed down right away once Con's mouth got a good grip on his hungry manpussy.

Conner's the world's best rimmer, as i know from personal experience, Kind of thin and gangly like me, he'd gotten enough guys off just by eating them out that he had quite a reputation. He loved sucking a man's ass and he had guys lined up to get eaten. And the result is Conner knows a lot, and can tell just from the way a man's flesh quivers what works for him.

He got Mitch's number right away. Before a whole minute went by, Mitch was bucking and yelling. I thought for a minute he was going to come loose from his ropes and topple down on top of us. I love his muscles and feeling them while he was quaking and straining against Conner's tongue, torn between getting more and not being able to take any more, was just about as hot a thing as I can imagine.

This is the first time I'd shared Mitch with anyone, and it was fun for me to take a back seat and just enjoy the ride while somebody else worked on getting Mitch off. Watching Mitchie's hard body flex and strain against the ropes I'd wrapped him in, all the while pressing his hard glutes back to meet Con's thrusting tongue, I sat back on the couch, put my feet up and worked my precum all over my hard cock.

After about 10 minutes Conner finally came up for air. "Shit, JR," where've you been hiding this hungry whore?"

"Been keeping him to myself, but since I've almost used him up, i thought it was time to start passing him around."

"He's a fucking monster," Con said, running his hands along the ropes and Mitch's hard knotted muscles.

"Aw, he's just a cunt like any other. You bring the stuff?"

"Oh yeah, it's in the back of the car. I'll go get it." Buck naked, Con danced off to the car.

I walked up to Mitch and started undoing the ropes around his wrists, letting him rest his big bulk on me while he got his feet back.

"Con's got a hot tongue, doesn't he?"

"Oh yes, JR, almost as hot as yours."

I laughed. "That's not all he's got. So you've got two horny men to take care of now. Think you can take it?"

"I can if you want me to, JR," he murmured. "You're so good to me."

"You're going to get a night you'll never forget, if you can take it," I whispered to him. "But first we need to feed Conner something so he'll last the night. Go put the rest of the stew on."

I'll leave out the part where we all ate a good meal. Con brought a metal dog bowl and we made Mitch eat his supper out of it under the table while Con and I shot the shit and prodded Mitch with our feet.

So around sunset, we built a fire and got ourselves cleaned up a bit. Mitch was in the shower while Conner and I lay by the fire making out and getting our cocks good and juicy. Mitch came out, his hair still dripping, and immediately went on all fours and crawled to us.

He nuzzled and licked our feet and sucked our toes while we moaned around each others' tongues. He went back and forth between us, at one point getting my left and Con's right big toes into his mouth at the same time.

Feeling Mitch's soft wet tongue snaking around my toes always gets me going, even though I'm not really into feet myself. Mitchie's tongue just about anywhere could get me going. But feeling my buddy's hard body next to mine, sucking his tongue and working his hard nipples while Mitchie worked our feet was mind blowing. Literally. I felt like I was stoned out of my mind just from the three of us all playing.

Eventually I gave Mitch a little cuff under the chin with my foot, which he knew was a signal for him to work his way up higher. He started to crawl up my body, but I steered him up Con's. After all, I'd been enjoying Mitchie's mouth for days. Time to share with my buddy.

Meanwhile that gave me access to Miche's hot little ass. For a big guy, he's still got a tiny waist which makes his beautiful glute muscles flare out broadly from the small of his back. Looks great when he's on all fours, especially with his head down nursing Con's hairy balls. I took the opportunity to dive into his hole. I thought it would be real sloppy after all the fucking I'd given him, but like all his muscles his ring was in perfect condition. I pressed my face between his hard glutes and licked around and around his hot tight pucker. The little bitch started to hump back on me. "What are you doing back there, buddy?" Con asked. "Whatever it is, it's making your boy here go nuts on my nuts." That's what he said. I knew what it felt like, to have my nads stuffed into that hot wet mouth, that tongue working over the hairy skin, massaging my balls as Mitch worked up a big hard load to swallow. I could also hear Mitch moaning, and when he did that to me the vibrations rippled right up my spine and made my teeth ache with pleasure.

I jabbed my tongue into his tight little rosebud and I felt him relax and give way, hungry to be invaded as always. I gave his upturned ass a good hard slap, he jumped and Conner gave a little yelp. "What's the matter, bud? He bite you?"

"A little."

"Well, teach him a lesson, then."

"Oh, man," Con moaned as he grabbed a handful of Mitch's thick brown hair, and yanked him up. "Fucking bitch," he hissed giving Mitch a hard slap across his already bruised cheek. "Maybe I should knock those fucking teeth out of your head." Slap, slap.

"I'm sorry, sir," Mitch yelped. "I'm sorry."

"If I feel one more tooth on my cock, bitch, you're gonna be sorry."

"Please, sir, let me suck your big cock for you. I promise I'll take good care of it and make it feel real good."

"Fucking right," Con said as he pulled Mitch's mouth down onto his hard cock. Grabbing another shank of hair in his other hand, he savagely pushed Mitch's head down onto his crotch.

I could feel Mitch choking, his whole body quaking and his ass slamming shut tight around my tongue. I gave him another slap across his backside to remind him what he was doing, and went back to work on his hot hole. I heard a plop and Mitch gasp for air before Con pulled him back down on his long cock. Con's rod isn't as thick as mine, so I knew Mitch would quickly learn to accommodate its greater length.

Soon I could hear and feel his guttural moans as he began to relax into the ride. I heard Conner sigh a little. "That's it, musclehead, eat that meat." I looked up and saw Mitch's head bobbing up and down as Con settle back with his hands behind his head.

"Yeah," I encouraged. "Get that pole good and slicked up, 'cause the only lube you're gonna get is what you can slobber on that big dick."

"Aw yeah," Con murmured, "suck on that meat, musclehead. Fuck, JR, where did you pick up this hot pussy?"

"On the street, like any whore."

Conner laughed. "Not much of a whore, if she does you."

"For fucking free, too. Fucking stupid whore."

"Maybe we should dress her up like a whore and sell her holes on the street."

I started to slide a finger up Mitch's hungry ass as he continued to work up and down Con's cock. "Yeah, short little skirt, tight little top. Slutty boots."

"And makeup, lots of trashy make up."

"With plenty of red lipstick so we can tell whether she's done a good job by seeing how much of it she leaves on her dicks."

"Yeah," Conner sighed, pulling Mitch's face free of his dick. "Sound like fun?"

"Anything JR wants, as long as I get plenty of his cock."

"Aw, you make me proud," I said, jabbing a second finger up him. "You make me want to share you with all my friends."

Mitch was lying across Conner's thigh, sliding his lips up and down Con's slick, shining cock, keeping it good and wet. I reached between Mitch's legs and grabbed a handful of his cock and balls which were covered in his copious dick drool. "One thing though. Mitchie might have trouble in short little skirt. Maybe we should tie of his package good so it drops off."

"Aw, fuck man, you want to rip off his nads?"

"Not good for much on a whore. Just makes him think he can pretend to be a man, instead of the fuckhole he is." Mitch's cock pulsed and suddenly my fist was covered in another big glob of his pre. Mitch leaks like a faucet when he gets going, and part of his thing is definitely the mismatch between his hard muscled body and his hungry holes.

"Aw, I like his nads. They grow these nice muscles on him."

"Yeah, I guess. So is that cock of yours ready to taste his tight little asshole, or do you wanna paint his tonsils first?"

Aw, man, you know me, can't ever get enough hole."

I slapped Mitch's ass again and coaxed him to crawl up Con's body. I watched his glutes shift and pulse as he walked up on his knees. He nuzzled his face into Con's neck and started to rub his cock and balls against Con's flat belly. I pushed Con's cock up into Mitch's crack and Mitch's hips started to roll back and forth. After a bit, Mitch lifted up and let me position the tip of Con's long, slender dick at the entrance to his hole.

Mitch is amazing, his hole is nice and tight but he has such control of his muscles that he can make it open like a mouth and suck up whatever he wants inside it. And he wanted some hot hard cock.

"Yeah, baby, that ass knows what it wants, doesn't it?" Mitch leaned back on his haunches and took every inch of Conner's dick in one slow stroke. Once it was embedded up his hole, he reared up and started to grind his hips down, stroking it against every nerve ending he had up there.

I straddled Con's thighs and let my hard dong slide up and down Mitch ass as well, reaching my hands around him so I could play with his chest and belly while Con watched.

"Fuck, JR, this bitch is a beauty," Con breathed. "Look at those muscles."

I reached around and twisted Mitch's nips which I knew would make every muscle tense and stand out while he continued to grind against Con's throbber. I slapped at his pecs and abs, which I knew would make his cock jump, making his copious precum fly around Con's chest and belly.

"Aw, man, your guts are milking my dick!"

I gave Mitch a squeeze around the middle and a kiss on the neck. "You doing a good job on my friend?" Mitch just moaned and nodded. "Good boy. You really like having that hole of yours stretched, don't you?"

"Mmm, yeah."

I reached down and jabbed a finger up beside Con's dick, and was rewarded by a happy yelp. "Yeah, that's a hungry little fuck hole, isn't it, musclehead?" Con started hunching his hips up and down, rabbit fucking Mitchie's hole while he continued to stir the pot.

"Turn around," I ordered. I helped Mitch rotate his body around while still impaled on Conner's stiffy, so he was facing me. I took a hold of his leaking cock and gave it a couple good strokes, while I moved in and fed him my hot tongue.

We sucked face for a bit while I stroked his hard body. Mitch's breathing getting heavier and rougher. I looked over his shoulder at Conner whose mouth was open and eyes were closed. "You're a good boi, Mitch, your pussy has Con totally blissed out."

Con just kind of moaned and I knew the kind of magic Mitch's muscular ass was doing to his dick. I couldn't help but duck down and slurp up Mitch's hard cock which was covered with more pre than you'd need to fuck a dozen virgins. I wiped up as much as I could with my tongue and fed it to the little muscle whore, which he slurped and swallowed like it was the sweetest juice he'd ever had. He sucked my tongue into his mouth and held on, working his slutty tongue around like it was my juicy cock.

I pushed Mitch back onto Con's body and I heard Con's breath kind of whoosh out. Mitch is a big guy, bigger than Con or I had much experience with otherwise, certainly as our bottom. I took a moment to admire Con's long slender pole as it jacked in and out of Mitch's clutching manhole. Then I stroked up and down with the palm of my hand, from Con's balls up his dick, over Mitch's taint up to his balls and back again. Con's legs started thrashing at that. I decided to up the ante and dove down to follow up with my tongue. I darted it into Con's hole, over his taint, around his balls, up his shaft, around Mitch's pussy lips, over his taint, over his balls, up to the tip of his dick and back down again. That got them both going real good. Con was hunching his hips up and down, Mitch was twerking his ass up and down on every inch he could.

I crawled up their bodies, kissing and licking the Mitch's sweaty smooth tan skin, tracking his abs and circling his hard nips. I got up to his neck and murmured into his ear, "You having a good time, baby? Con giving you a good hard fuck the way you like?

"Ohhh, yeah... JR. ...Thank" He was so sweet.

"Are you ready for your surprise, buddy?"

"There's...more...?" he breathed.

"Oh yeah, baby, there's more." I reached down between my legs and grabbed my hard meat. I let the head press into Mitch's taint as he rode up and down. Then I pushed it further down, so it was in line with Conner's long stick. I pressed my thumb below the head and wrapped a couple fingers around Con's pole, pressing them together, And as if Mitchie's hole was born just to get fucked, I felt his ass lips respond to the pressure of the head of my cock and open right up, sucking my cock head inside, right along Con's. Mitch's eyes flew open and his muscles tightened. All except his assring which obediently stretched open more and more, accepting the invasion of two hard cocks at the same time. "Ssshh, buddy," I whispered. "It's okay. Take those cocks."

"Ohh, fuuucccckkkkk." Mitch's eyes rolled back into his head and he sucked a lot of air through his clenched teeth. I felt his assring tense up a little, relax, stretch, tense again, relax again. I pressed up with my hips just a bit and my cock slide right in along side Con's. After a moment, Mitch relaxed again I took that as a cue to start sawing in and out.

Mitch took it like a champ, as he did everything I gave him. He has such total control of every muscle in his body, I soon felt him start milking our cocks. Con and I both started working in and out of his hole, sometimes in unison, sometimes alternately, and Mitch just growled with a low guttural purr that was the sexiest thing I've ever heard in my life.

With my cock and my buddy's buried into my fucktoy/boyfriend's ass, I pulled Mitch's torso up and leaned back a little, so Mitch was sitting on our conjoined tool. Mitch's head flopped forward onto my shoulder and I could hear him whimpering. "You okay, baby?" I asked.

Mitch's lips and tongue started sucking at my shoulder, slobbering and nibbling up my neck and to my ear. I could hear him murmuring, "Oh gawd ... thank you JR ... fuck my pussy...fuck my pussy...thank you ....don't stop..." over and over again.

If you've never double fucked a dude, it's a wild sensation. You can feel his ass clutching around your dick, but only part way. The underside of your dick is pressed up hard against your buddy's dick, so you can feel his tube and veins pulse as you fuck. So you're getting not only your rhythm and your fuckhole's, but your buddy's as well.

We were sweating, and I could feel Mitch's mouth drool dripping down my neck and back, and his dick drool practically spurting between our bellies.

Con started making that "hnng hnng' noise he makes so I knew he was getting close. "You hear that, Mitch? You're doing a good job. Con's about to blow his load up inside your hole."

When Mitch decides to ramp up the ass action, his incredible muscles can do this milking thing, rippling up and down the length of your cock as he rides, practically like a fist trying to draw out your juices. With his ass stretched over two cocks it was like a hot wet velvety vice sliding up and down. I felt Con's cock pulse and could feel his spooge pump up his tube as his started to blow his wad. The hot wet spunk splashed up and around my cock and seemed to disappear up Mitch's sucking hole.

"Aw, fuck!" I growled as my own nut started to blast down my tube hard and spray deep inside my Mitchie's sucking manpussy. "AW FUCK! You made me come again! That's two loads you got without permission!"

"So good, soo good, I love ur sperm inside me, JR. I love having you in me." His muscled hole was still sucking our cocks, as if it was afraid they'd get soft if it didn't keep sucking really hard.

As my orgasm subsided and I could tell Con's was as well, I reached between my body and Mitch's and wrapped my fist around his rock hard, slick and silky cock. "Aw, baby, you're so good. Your body is so perfect. Your pussy so hungry and tight," I whispered as I stroked him. "You still have to be punished for stealing my loads from me before I was ready, you know."

He kind of nodded, still working his ass around our spent pricks.

"But you've been a good boy, and I think you deserve a special treat."


"Yeah, baby." I coaxed him up off our cocks, and his pussy slurped as they slipped free. Con was practically passed out, as he often was after a big hard cum. "You want to clean your ass juices off my pretty cock?"

"Oh yes, JR, please please. I'd love to taste both your juices that you fucked me with so good."

"Good, baby. You're going to. But first, help me flip this sack of shit over." I grabbed Con by his shoulders and Mitch did by his hips and we turned him on his belly. Con just sighed happily. I knelt around Con's head and directed Mitch to crawl over his body. He tried to catch my dripping cock in his mouth but I grabbed him by his hair and held him at bay. "Not yet, musclehead. First I want you to plant your roided out cock up Conner's pussy."

"My cock? In his...?"

I tugged his hair. "What's the matter with you? Too thick headed to understand instructions? Fuck. His. Hole."

Now Mitch is a power bottom. I'm not sure he's ever really fucked a dude up the ass. I know he didn't get off on it the way a top would. But he obediently reached down and grabbed his crowbar stiff shaft and pressed it between Conner's smooth asscheeks. He prodded around, trying to find the entrance, and Con gave a couple yelps the way you do when your top can't quite find the right angle. Luckily I knew that Con was a very experienced bottom as well, and wouldn't have any trouble showing Mitch the way. I saw Mitch's confused brow smooth out and heard Con give a contented sigh and I knew they were good to go. I pulled Mitch's face toward my cock. "Yeah, baby, that's it. Fuck that hole good, while you suck on my meat."

Mitch was insatiable. He impaled himself on my cock, right down to the root, and I could see his hard glutes flex hard as he pressed his cock into Con's prone body. I grabbed two handfuls of his hair and pulled him down so just the head of my cock was between his full wet lips, and I saw his hips pull out of Con slightly. I pulled his head back down and was pleased to see his hips press forward again. I pulled his face up and down my pole and fucked my buddy Con with my best fucktoy's cock at the same time.

It had kept Mitch hard most of the day and not let him cum, so knew Con's talented ass wouldn't take long to coax a load out. "Yeah, that's it baby, fuck that hole good. Make me proud. Shoot a big boyload up Con's tight butt."

Mitch moaned around my cock and buried it down his throat. His hips punched his cock up Con's willing hole three or four times as hard as I've ever seen them, and then his whole body tensed up. When Mitch cums, his muscles tense and flex up so much, watching his back and butt muscles shred made me love the musclehead's body all the more. I could practically feel his body unloading his pent up sperm into Con. Con could definitely feel it. He moaned the sigh of a well-satisfied cumhole!

After a moment, Mitch just seemed to disengage. He releases my cock all at once, and kind of toppled over onto the floor, his chest heaving trying to catch his breath. Con kind of pushed me off him and rolled over, a big goofy smile on his face. The slut even reached between his legs and put a finger up his hole testing for Mitch's load.

I got down on the ground between them facing Mitch, who I pulled into as big a bear hug as a little guy like me can give a huge muscle stud. Mitch's eyes unglazed a little as he looked at me and mouthed "I love you."

"I love you, too, buddy," I murmured at him as he curled up into my arms. For a big overbuilt muscle guy, he's just a puppy.

Con came up behind me and spooned us. The bitch's cock was hard again and poking at my back door. "When do I get a shot at yours, JR?" he whispered.

"Not in front of the b-o-y," I whispered back. Mitch smiled sweetly and nestled deeper into my neck.

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