Skaters Gym Boi

By Josh Rogan

Published on Feb 12, 2016


This work of fiction may contain explicit erotic material, including but not limited to homosexual sex, acts of bondage/discipline and/or acts which are unsafe or illegal. If you do not want to read such material, or if it is illegal for you to do so, please stop reading now. This story is copyright the author (Horny Boy Productions), and may not be reprinted or distributed without the permission of the author. If you enjoy this or other stories hosted by Nifty, please consider donating:

Skater's Gym Boi

2 - Ropes

I'd hooked up with this hot muscle guy at the gym. I'm about 5'7", about a 135 pounds, not scrawny but definitely thin. He's just over about 6'2" and a good 225 of tan, bulging muscle. As a body builder, he likes to keep himself shaved all over, including around his crotch. His package is average sized but shaved and on his huge frame it looks kind of small. I've got about 7.5 inches, uncut, nice and thick, but since I wear baggy shorts all the time, no one can really tell, even though I'm half hard all the time.

The point is, we're very, very different. And I'd expect a big macho guy like that to wipe his ass with a little guy like me, but that's not the case. He's a total bottom. He loves to be verbally abused and dominated. Apparently by smaller guys with bigger cocks. Go figure.

After our first hot encounter in the trainers' gym at school, we'd gotten together a couple of times for coffee and that sort of thing. We'd make out a little but since finals were coming up I didn't have much time for more. We got to know each other pretty well as people though, and that was nice.

But it was controlling him and getting him all hot and horny that really got me going. I'm pretty versatile, top or bottom, men or women, but I really liked domming him, and the fact that he was a big built mother who could break me in half if he wanted to really made me hot.

So even though we were being friendly and exploring each other personally, I kept him interested and hot for our next serious encounter. Once at the coffee shop for breakfast, we were sitting at a booth and I made him push his sweatpants down and take out his cock. No one could really see under the table, except maybe a couple of older guys at the booth across the way, but I could tell he got off on the threat of exposure. While we shovelled down eggs and pancakes, I told him about how I should make him play with himself until he cums, or get under the table to service my cock. His beautiful tanned face and neck flushed with blood and his nipples stood out hard against his tight t-shirt, so I knew I was getting to him. When I'd finished with my breakfast and was just enjoying a last cup of coffee, I slid down in my seat a little, pulled my feet out of my flipflops and put them between his legs. Rubbing them up his sweatpants, I pressed them into his crotch and shuffled them around his hard cock. I even stroked his cock up and down between my toes. His eyes closed and he blushed even redder. I Mitch leaks a lot of pre, so once my toes and his cock were all good and slimy, I stopped and used my feet to push his sweatpants back over his meat. I knew he'd end up leaving a wet-spot on the crotch of his sweatpants, but once his cock softened it might just look like a spot of piss or coffee or something, so I knew we could get away with it.

Anyway, after finals were over (for me, he's an assistant trainer with the sports teams) I decided it was time for some relief. I'd arranged with a buddy's family to open their small cabin for the summer-you know, uncover everything, air it all out, clean up the grounds a little and make sure everything functions, which means I'd have the place to myself for a few days. Nice and secluded, in some woods by a nice big lake. But the real appeal was the larger of the two bedrooms and the big king size bed, the frame constructed out of sturdy logs.

I invited Mitch along, of course, with promises of quiet and swimming and canoeing between chores. I think he knew what I really had it mind, though.

We loaded a couple of changes of clothes and a couple of coolers with supplies in a friend's truck and headed out to the lake. But as soon as we got out on the highway, I made Mitch strip down to a speedo and pull his cock and balls out. "Open the glove compartment." Inside he found a small wrapped box.

"For me?"

"Yep. Open it."

Inside was a surprise for him. A studded leather dog collar (I made sure it was big enough to go around his 20 inch neck) and a long chain leash. "Aw, fuck, JR, what's this?"

"It's your collar. You put it on and you belong to me. You're my bitch, remember. Owned meat. This is so people will know."

He looked at me with his big brown eyes, not quite sure if I was serious. Well, I was only half serious-I'm not a hard core slave/boi freak, but I got off on domming, and he got off on subbing, so I figured, for our special getaway together, we'd start as we meant to go on. "Put it on. Now."

He fumbled with the buckle on the collar but his hard throbbing cock told me he was liking it. "Good boi. Now clip the leash to the D-ring." He obeyed.

"Do you want to hold the leash?"

"Not while I'm driving. Wrap the chain around the base of your cock and balls and let the end dangle over the edge of the seat."

"Oh, man." But he did it.

"How's that feel?"

"Fucking hot. Are you going to make me play dog all week?"

"Well, not every minute. Real men don't fuck dogs. Besides, I don't have a kennel to keep you in." I smiled, and Mitch's big goofy grin made my dick hard.

The hour and a half drive was uneventful. Every time a car passed or we passed a car, he'd tense up a little-especially when a cop car went whizzing by us. I'd really hoped we'd see a big truck we could pass and the driver could look down and see Mitch's chained up meat in his lap, but I guess there were no trucks headed that way on the highway, and there wasn't any other traffic the last half-hour or so.

We finally pulled up to the cabin. "Stay here," I ordered, and got out of the truck.

I walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. I took the end of the leash from between Mitch's legs and unwrapped his cock. His hardon had dripped his sweet syrupy precum on the chain, so I pulled it to his mouth and ordered him to lick it up. His hot wet pink tongue snaked out and over the shiny chain and made me just want to fuck his skull right there. But first we had work to do.

"Okay, muscleboi," I said, yanking the chain. "Get out of there and put those pretty muscles to some good use." I led him to the truck and made him lift and carry each bag and cooler into the cabin, leading him by the leash.

Once we'd got everything in, I unhooked the leash and hung it on the doorknob. I left the collar in place. We spent an hour or so uncovering all the furniture and opening the windows. We checked the power, water, and appliances, and put away some our stuff.

We made sandwiches and took a small picnic down to the small dock behind the cabin. The place backs onto a large lake, but is built into a little cove so even though there may be others fishing or swimming or even waterskiing out on the lake, we were pretty secluded.

After lunch, I grabbed the D-link on his collar and pulled him to me. I planted a hot wet kiss on his red lips. Drawing his head down, I led him down toward my crotch, and he buried his head in my lap. He let out a little moan and rubbed his face against the thin board shorts finding my half-hard throbber inside and sliding his mouth around it through the fabric. I love when he flutes my dick, his full lush lips and hot wet tongue sliding up and down the sides of my cock, and he quickly started rubbing the length of my shaft with his whole mouth, quickly making me full and hard.

He knows enough not to use his hands without permission, but he's gotten very good and getting what he wants, and what he wanted was my cock in his mouth. Without my realizing what he was doing, he worked the leg of my shorts up enough that he could free my cock. I only realized it when I felt his hot wet velvety throat close around the length. I'm not huge, but it had been a while since I'd fed him my whole hog, and I felt his throat start to spasm and gag on it. I grabbed his head by his silky brown hair and held him down hard. "Choke on it, bitch." I growled. "Choke on your master's big hard cock.

"I should just hold you down, until you pass out. Cut off your air until you totally black out and then I can do all sorts of nasty things to you. Brand you. Tattoo you. Mark you up good so all your jock buddies knows whose cunt you are."

I felt him gain control over his throat and let him up, a little. The quick blast of cold air he sucked up past my shaft made me shiver.

"Would you like that, fag?"

He looked up at me and curled his tongue around the head of my dick. "If you want. Do you want them to know what a whore I am?" he mumbled around my dick

"Nah," I said. "They'd just want to fuck you up the ass, and I don't like sharing my toys. Much." That made me chuckle. I don't think he caught it, bless him. He's not a dumb jock, but when his dick is hard (or mine is) he's not exactly a deep thinker. I'd almost let slip what I had planned for the rest of our stay.

I got up and tugged on his collar. He jumped up and followed me back into the cabin, absolutely like a happy puppy. I'm sure his tail was wagging either way.

"Okay, meat, go get that blue backpack we brought up and bring it to me." I made myself comfortable on the couch in the main room while he obeyed.

Dropping it next to me, he sat down on his knees in front of me, smiling widely. I opened up the pack and pulled out the extra toys I'd brought with me for the trip-several coils of cotton clothesline, a bunch of wooden clothespins, a small whip thing I'd borrowed from a friend who kept horses, and a pen with a long white fuzzy feather on the end I swiped from an old desk set I'd found in my folks' attic.

His eyes got real wide, but his smile never faltered. His dick either.

"Hold your wrists out." He did, and I secured each with a different coil of rope. "Stand." I tossed the rope over the exposed rafter beam in the middle of the room. I pulled one until his arm was stretched high over his head and secured it to the leg of the heavy log coffee table. Pulling the other rope over the rafter, but I really had to lean on the end to lift Mitch's 200 pounds of muscle into the air. Securing the rope I looked up and watched as his big round muscles twitched under the strain of being hung by his wrists, his legs and glutes working his feet to find purchase on the edge of the table.

I uncoiled another rope and secured his legs around the sides of the table. Spread eagled and hung by his wrists, he could hold his weight partially on his feet on the edges of the table, so I was sure I could keep him up there, muscles straining, and play with him without worrying if his wrists were going to fall off or something. Not that I would keep him up there very long, really. I couldn't fuck either of his holes in that position.

I could play with and even suck his hard, drooling cock. I grabbed him around the cock and balls and gave him a good squeeze, getting his sexy half-help half-moan that I love to hear. Watching a large bead of sticky clear precum form again at the end of his dick, I stuck my tongue out and dabbed at it with the tip. I looked up at him as he watched me pull back, a long thread of his goo hanging between my tongue and his purple cockhead.

"Oh, yeah, are u gonna suck me off, JR?"

I slapped his hard dick, sending the pre flying. "What do you think, you stupid slab of meat?" A confused look crossed his confused face. "A man just likes to get a taste of his bitch sometimes."

"Y-yes, sir."

"Good, you're remembering who you are now, aren't you?" I stood up on the table and ran my hands up and down his hard body, feeling his muscles tense and relax under me. "You do taste good, babe." I stuck my tongue out and laid it flat against his right nipple, taking a long, lazy lick off the hard nub. "Mmmm, yeah." I moved to the other and gave it a quick lick and a nibble. I felt his whole body quake.

Running my hands around to grasp his heavy taught glutes I drew his body into mine, feeling his hard cock against my chest as I licked and sucked and nibbled on his hard brown tits. I squeezed he muscular globe and dug my fingers into his crack, and listened to him moan as I expored his flesh.

Moving behind him I licked around his back, tracing the outlines of his muscles while I reached around his chest and pinched his nipples. Twisting the hard nubs, I pulled them away from his body and held him with his back arched so I could run the very tip of my tongue up and down his spine.

"Ohhh, gaaawwwdddd," he moaned. I worked one of my hands down to his shaved crotch and rubbed his cock around with the back of my hand. With the other hand I reached up to his chin and teased his lips with my fingers until they opened. I gently milked his dick while he sucked on my fingers.

What I love about Mitch, aside from his hard tan muscles and his total sluttiness is that he's a noisy fuck. As he gets going, his breathing gets rough, and every exhale is punctuated with a moan or a whimper. Once when we were fooling around I had to stuff my t-shirt into his mouth to keep him from waking my roommate. "Make all the noise you want, baby. No one can here you out here but me. No one will hear you moan, laugh ... or scream."

Releasing him, I slipped out of my clothes and walked around him several time, appraising his magnificent body. "You're so beautiful. But you need some decoration." I reached for the clothespins. "You ready to be decorated, baby?"

"Anything. Sir. Please."

Being a body builder, his muscles are pumped up and his skin is tight, so it took me a while to get the rhythm of pinching up tab of his skin and attaching the wooden clamp. I got a ring of six around his left tit and then another around his right. I added line of four more down each side of his spectacular abs down to his crotch. Then two on each collar bone. I sat down on the table to make a line of them down each thigh. Then I reached up and stroked his cock again, which was leaking like mad. I took my t-shirt and wiped it clean in order to attach the last few clothespins-three along the underside of his cock, two on top, and three behind his heavy balls on his taint.

"Last one, baby. How's it feel."

"Hurts, JR, sir."

"Hurts good?" I asked, rubbing the space on his belly between the lines of clothespins. He moaned in response. "It's real pretty. I like the way the clothespins look against your tanned skin. Wanna see?"


I pulled out my cellphone and took a picture and showed it to him. "See?"

Mitch is important at my school, being a trainer for the sports teams. It might be bad for him professionally if word got out about his extra-curricular activities with me. I showed him partly so he could see my handiwork on him, but also to assure him that even if I took pictures of him, he'd stay anonymous. Just in case. But I figured if there were any lingering doubts, and remember if I got him really mad he could crush me to pulp, it would assure him he could trust me, and that would let him relax and really enjoy our time together.

"It's so hot. You've got me all strung up and covered with clothespins."

"And we're going to leave them there. They'll leave little red bruises that'll last for a few days at least."

"Marked up. Anyone will be able to tell I'm your bitch."

"You like that idea? You want to advertise to your jock friends that you're owned meat?"

"I don't-" he hesitated, "if you want, JR, sir."

Satisfied, I decided to intensify the game. "Now, let's talk about your punishment."


"Out on the dock, got my dick out of my shorts and put your dirty mouth on it without permission."

"But-" I spanked his hard butt.

"Quiet. You put your dirty mouth on my cock without permission. You've made a mess all over the room with your flying pre-cum." I watched his face redden. "And don't think I didn't see you try to show off your naked body to those cops as they drove by." Of course, he hadn't, but that doesn't mean I wasn't going to 'punish' him for it anyway!

I ran my hands up the back of his legs and around his muscular buns. "I bet you were trying to get them interested. Big rough cops to have their way with you."

"No ... no..." he protested.

"Maybe you were even going to tell them I kidnapped you. Have them rough me up and put me in jail?"

"No, never."

I spanked him again. "And you keep talking when I've told you to be quiet. Tsk tsk."

Mitch clammed up but I saw him gasp as I grabbed the riding crop thing. I played the leather tab gently over his exposed skin, avoiding the clothespins. "So, you have to be punished. Understand?" He nodded. "Good. You'll be punished, and then you'll be a good boy again, right?"

"Yes," he whispered.

I gave him a good whack with the whip across his buttocks, and watched his sexy glutes tense and relax in response. "Good boy. You like it when daddy punishes you, don't you?"

"Yes, JR. You punish me so I'll be a good boy and make me worthy of you."

I whacked the back of his left thigh and was rewarded with a yelp and a hot red mark across his tanned skin. "And you want to be worthy of me, right." I cracked another wet across the back of his right thigh.

"Yes, sir. I want to earn your big cock and your creamy load."

"Is that all?" Crack, buttocks again.

"No, sir! I want to be your slave, your bitch. I want to be worthy of anything you want to do with me. To me."

"Good boy. Your punishment is almost over. We just have to get those nasty clothespins off you."

I snapped the crop over his left thigh, sending the clothespins flying. "Yeeeoooww!!!" he yelled, pulling himself several inches up by his roped wrists. I loved watching his biceps and shoulders bulge as they worked. Just as he started to relax again, I hit the pins of his right thigh. "Shit," he yelled.

Pulling the end of the crop back I snapped across the bottom one on his left belly. It made a great snap as it flipped off and I watched it sail across the room. I did the rest of the clothepsins on his belly like this one at a time.

By the time I was done Mitch was panting and sweating, his breathing marked with whimpering moans. Several of the clothespins around his nipples had flown off from the force of him breathing and flexing. Tears were streaming down his face, but his dick never got soft.

I teased the tip of the crop against his nipples inside their rings of remaining clothespins. "Ah, ah, please, sir," he panted.

"Please, sir, what, boy?"

"Please, sir. Anything. It feels so good."

I twiddled the whip around striking the clothespins. One more flew off but the rest stayed in place. Setting the crop down, I used my teeth to pinch each clothespin open, one at a time, releasing the trapped flesh.

That left the ones on his dick and under his balls. I decided to leave them. "Those last pins down there? They're to stay there until I tell you to remove them, understand?" He nodded.

I carefully undid the ropes around the table legs, letting him stand on his own feet again. He was a little wobbly as his brought his arms down, but I got to hold his massive muscular body as I untied him. He smelled sexy and sweaty, just like I like.

I helped him down onto all fours on the table, and gently pushed his head and shoulders down so he was presenting his ass like a bitch inviting to be mounted. Getting behind him I knelt down and palmed his big glutes. I blew a cool stream of air at his winking asshole, making it wink.

I pressed my face into his cleft and lapped at this pink, twitching ring. "Mmm," I murmured into him, "what is this?"

"It's my fuckhole."

"Whose fuckhole?"

"Yours, JR, it's your fuckhole."

I dug my tongue into the tender flesh and got a long guttural moan for my efforts. I worked on his hole, feeling it tighten and relax against my probing tongue. "What's my fuckhole for?"

"It's for your cock," Mitch panted, "It's for you to fuck and to receive your seed."

Twirling my tongue around his tight sphincter I felt him open up a little more. Pushing my fingers deeper into his crack I pulled him open. I spat into his hole and worked it around with my fingertips and tongue. "Look at that rosy musclepussy ... so wet and juicy. Must need to be fucked real bad."

"Ohhh, yes, JR, please fuck me. I need your cock up my ass. I need to feel you fuck me the way I deserve."

"You think you deserve to get fucked by my pretty dick?"

"Yes, pleeeeaase," he whined.

I dug my fingers into his slick chute. "I don't know. I'm not sure you're ready."

"Please, please, JR sir, I need it so bad. No one gives it to me like you do."

I slapped his hard cheeks. "You been getting it from someone else, bitch?"

"Oh no no no," he protested. "I just meant ..."

I spanked him again. "You're just lucky that pretty mouth of yours got me all worked up earlier. Got a nice load worked up for somebody. Not sure you deserve it, but you're the only one around."

"I'll make it good, JR. I'll milk every drop out of your hard cock and make you feel real good."

I stood up, and looked over his hard body, his back arched with the force of pressing his ass back at me. "Okay baby, it's been a while, but I think I'll give you some."

"Yes, thank you, sir. Fuck your bitch good."

"Oh I will," I murmured, as I lined my throbber up with his hole. Being shorter than him, having his ass up on the table put him at just the right height, and my fuckknob settled right into his pink hole. I watched as his hole opened and seemed to swallow the knob. We both moaned as we felt our fleshes mold to each other the way we'd both been aching for.

"Oh yeah, baby, that's it," I said as I slid about halfway in. "Now start milking that thick dong."

Immediately I felt his muscles tighten around me. For a big muscle head, he's got amazing control of his whole body (probably from practicing with a plug in while he lifts weights), and can ripple his sphincter muscles and deeper all around my cock, like a hot wet mouth or a talented fist. It made my balls ache just thinking about it, and feeling it start after weeks of denial sent sparks up my spine. "That's it baby, make that dock feel good."

His rectum seemed to suck me in deeper and soon my pubes were nestled in his slobbery crack and my dick was buried to the hilt. As his ass milked my cock, I reached around and grabbed a handful of his clothespinned cock. Wrapping my fist around it, I sent the clothespins skittering away from us and and worked it in time with his work on mine.

"Oh gawd, JR, that's so hot. I can feel you inside me and around my cock at the same time."

"You make mine feel good, I make yours feel good." I started to withdraw and at the same time slide my hand down his cock so that the head was the only thing left in my fist at the same time my glans was threatening to slip out. Then I plunged deep back in and stroked down on his cock.

"Oh fuck!"he moaned. Somebody pulled the 'fucking yourself' rhythm on me once and it pretty much had the same effect on me as it was having on Mitch. His moaning with every stroke got louder, his dick got slicker and slicker, and watching the gooseflesh break out all over his ass and up his back was a real turn on for me.

Soon my balls were slapping against his and the sound of our wet sloppy fucking was bouncing off the walls along with both of our moans and groans. I had to let go of his dick at one point to make sure I had a good grasp on his hips or one of us, probably me, would end up flying. I like to think I have a lot of control, but it had been so long since I'd gotten off really well, that soon I felt my balls start to tense up.

"Fuck, baby, you're making me hot. You're gonna make me come way too soon."

"Never too soon. I need it bad. I need your cum. Please please please."

"Aw fuck baby, your ass feels too good. I wanted to paint your pretty face with my sperm for the first load."

"I'll wear your load, I'll do anything, but first fill me up. I want you in me forever."

That was almost too dumb and romantic, even for the big dopey lug I was pounding from behind, but he really was working my cock like I'd never felt before, and before I could slow down or pull out he got what he wanted. I started to unload hard into him. The first burst felt like my balls were climbing out my dick and shooting into him. It was followed by at least three more big wads. I felt each one spurt out of my cock and wash up and around me inside him. I saw his whole body shudder around the third blast and felt his ass clamp down around me. I swear I felt his prostate at the base of my dick spasm and start to pump out his load with me still dripping inside him. When the blood stopped pounding in my ears, I became aware of Mitch's sex moan, a sexy, guttural rhythm that accompanied every squirt of his own semen.

I also discovered that I'd fallen over his back and our mutual sweat has plastered us together. I rolled off of him and onto the table, a loud slupring POP sounding as my cock slid from his hole.

Mitch cums hard, and slowly, and I was able to turn and watch the last dribble of white spunk fall from his chubby as I caught my breath.

"Hey, meathead, that's some mess you made all over the Evans's table. You better do something about it."

He moaned but still panting he scooted back off the table and began to lap up his sperm off the wooden table top. When he was done, he made his way over to me and began to lick my cock and balls clean.

Between sucks, he murmured, "that was so good. I needed you to fuck me good, JR. I needed it so bad. Been dreaming about it forever."

"Was it as good as you dreamt?"

"Better, it's always better with you."

I sat up and reached down and took the one remaining clothespin off his scrotum. He moaned. I held it up for him to look at, and then attached it to his lower lip. "And we've got three whole days to play. And I've got more surprises for you." His sexy goofy grin got wider, and the clothespin went flying.

Next: Chapter 3

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