Skater Boy Owns Me

By wnt

Published on Oct 6, 2008


This story is completely fictional. People who are prevented from reading such fictional works either by age, by preference (homosexual content), or by law should stop reading and go back on your browser.

All of the characters presented here are fictional.

Thank you to everyone who sent feedback about part 1! I hope you all enjoy this installment as much as the first one. Please keep the feedback coming, as long as you do, I will keep writing! ___________________________________


"I own you now, faggot." Said Mitch, "The next three days are going to be SO much fun, I promise!"

I stayed on my knees, looking up at Mitch blankly, not sure how to react. Here I was, 19 years old, on my knees in front of a 15 year old. I had just finished swallowing the majority of his load, the rest of which was still dripping from my face, and blowing my own load in response. Now he was informing me that there would be more to come and although I should be upset or angry -- not to mention embarrassed -- Mitch's words made me instantly hard all over again!

Mitch saw this and smirked in response. "You just can't get enough of me, can you, bitch?" He asked, cocky as ever, then laughed. "But no more rewards for now. Get out of my room and go make me some dinner!"

What? HIS room? What the fuck?! Everything I had gone through, all the feelings I had instantly vanished. My room was my sanctuary, the place where I spent the most of my time and the one place I could be alone and do my own thing. I was pissed! I got up right away, looked right into Mitch's eyes and said, "Fuck you! You're not taking over my room!"

I was met with a hard backhand across the face and in that moment I was right back down on the floor. Mitch wasn't smiling anymore, instead he had the most vicious scowl on his face and I knew I had made a big mistake. Mitch reached down, grabbed me by the throat again and pulled me to my feet, this time without my help. He pulled me face to face and looked right into my eyes.

"There are 3 things wrong with what you just did there. Number one, don't you EVER speak to me that way, faggot! Number two, this is no longer your room, it's now mine, like I thought I made clear when I told you to get out of my room!" Mitch shook me by the throat to show his superior strength and send me the message that he was in control before continuing. "And finally, you acted like there was anything you could do about it. So now, you lead me to believe you think you can and you're going to have to put your money where your mouth is! Unless you do something about it, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you before I toss your worthless ass out!"

With that, Mitch released my throat with one hand and once again delivered a powerful blow right to my gut. As my knees buckled and I grabbed my stomach in pain, I hung limply in the grip of Mitch's other hand around my throat until he threw me back on the ground. I couldn't move, everything hurt, and Mitch was walking towards me. He sat on my stomach and slapped me as hard as I could across the face as I continued struggling to catch my breath.

"Come on you little pussy!" Mitch said as he slapped me several more times. "Stop me from taking over your precious bedroom. You better fight back because until you do, the beating I give you is going to get worse and worse!"

Mitch slid down a little bit more until he was sitting on my crotch. The feeling of his firm ass took me right back to that erotic place for a moment, but that quickly ended as Mitch started unloading on my gut with punch after punch. I couldn't believe the strength and dominance of this kid and right now I was in so much pain, I felt like I was gonna die.

Mitch finally let up on my gut and chuckled as he looked down at me, moaning in pain, helpless to his strength. He grabbed me by the throat again and squeezed. In my entire life, I never felt more scared and more powerless than I did in that moment. Both of my hands immediately gripped Mitch's wrist and attempted to pull my hand off of his throat. It was no use, his one hand was stronger than both of mine and I couldn't breathe. This 15 year old was controlling my ability to draw in the thing I needed most to live. In that moment I realized, Mitch was in complete control, for as long as he wanted to be.

As if Mitch could read my mind, a huge grin returned to his face and I could tell he was satisfied that I got his message. Thankfully he released my throat and I coughed and gasped as I grabbed my throat and tried to inhale. Then Mitch did something I will never forget. He flexed every muscle on his torso and it was the most amazing sight I had ever seen in my life. Every ab was perfect and they stuck out so far. His pecs were so ripped and toned they looked like they could take a hit from a semi and withstand it. His arms rippled everywhere, the forearms, the biceps, the triceps... Everything was just chiseled to perfection. I wanted to touch it SO bad and without realizing what I was doing, I did.

"That's right, bitch, my body is perfect!" Mitch said. "You only wish you could look this good! You only wish you were worthy of touching it! But go ahead, feel the muscle. Feel the body that rules your life and is about to take over your entire world, faggot! Can you feel how hard it is?"

I nodded in response as I continued to run my fingers in the deep grooves between Mitch's abs. I was mesmerized as I caressed every muscle and felt the firmness of each one. This kid's body wasn't beefy or massive at all but it was rock solid and nothing but pure muscle. He was a 15 year old god and I was simply a peasant who was fortunate enough to get to touch it.

"You're nothing compared to me, boy, don't you dare forget that! I am so superior to you that you couldn't hurt me if you tried!" Mitch continued. "I can take everything you've got and SO much more without flinching, but trust me; it's what I dish back that you don't want to deal with! What you just got there was nothing. I took it easy on your pathetic little body. Keep that in mind while you follow my orders and I won't hurt you... Too badly!"

The last two words he added struck fear into my heart. They basically told me that no matter what I did, I would feel pain from this alpha teen, there was nothing I could do about it. But I knew now I had to behave if I wanted it to be a minimal amount. I gave up any hope of getting out of the predicament I was in and decided I should just enjoy the feeling of this stud's body. Suddenly, though, that enjoyment came to an end as Mitch grabbed one wrist in each hand, yanked them away from his body and squeezed them until I yelped in pain. He laughed as he dropped my hands to my sides.

"That's enough now, bitch," he said, "You haven't earned the honor of touching perfection but if you behave I might give you the privilege again later".

Mitch got up off of me and pulled me to the feet by my hair. My eyes watered from the pain as I felt some rip out but I just waited to see what would happen next as he released me and dropped a small clump of my hair to the floor.

"Now," said Mitch, "Get out of my room and don't come back without a big dinner. It better be good, bitch, and there better be dessert!"

I reached down to grab my clothes and was quickly informed that was not okay as I felt Mitch's foot connect with my face. He didn't kick me too hard, but it still hurt as I stumbled backwards and fell on my back. Mitch stepped on my face with his bare foot.

"Did I say you could get dressed? NO! Unless I tell you to do something, you DON'T do it!" Mitch was pissed again and I immediately regretted it. But how did I know? "Lick my foot!"

I knew better than to defy my captor so despite the sick feeling I got in my stomach from the thought of licking someone's foot, my tongue slipped out and I did as I was told, not stopping until he removes his foot from my face and laughed at me.

"Pathetic!" was all he said before sitting down at my computer and opening a web browser. I knew better than to stick around long enough to see what he was doing, so I immediately struggled to my feet and headed to the kitchen, the taste of Mitch's foot still in my mouth. To be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... In fact, I kind of liked it.

I set to work right away, creating the best meal I knew how. I can't remember what it was, it was the most insignificant part of that day to me, but I remember really hoping he was going to like it. Not just because I was afraid of what he would do to me if he didn't like, but because for some reason I really wanted to make him happy. I heard Mitch typing away on my computer, something that would normally anger me beyond belief, and I was actually okay with it.

After about 45 minutes of cooking, I dished out a large plate for Mitch and a smaller one for myself, grabbed 2 beers out of the fridge and placed it all onto a serving tray. I headed back to the bedroom and noticed that Mitch had closed the door and shut me out of my sanctuary. A touch of sadness hit me at that moment but it was quickly replaced by excitement as I thought of sucking Mitch's huge cock again after dinner. I really hoped it would happen and I couldn't believe I wanted it!

As I was about to open the door, I thought better of it and knocked instead. "Come in, cunt!" was the reply from inside, so I carefully opened the door and went inside. Mitch grinned until he saw the tray and then looked puzzled.

"Why did you bring me two of everything?" He asked.

I suddenly remembered that he never gave me permission to eat with him and struggled to find a response. The quickest thing I could think of to say was, "I thought you might be hungry and didn't want you to have to wait for seconds".

I knew he knew I was lying and had made a mistake but I was relieved when I saw him smile, pleased with my quick thinking. "Good bitch!" He said, "But go put my second beer back in the fridge, I want it cold when I'm ready for it!"

I set the tray down, opened one beer for Mitch and picked the other one up, heading back to the kitchen to put it back away. As I walked toward the fridge, I heard him call after me.

"Get your scrawny ass back here when you're done, I have a job for you while I'm eating!"

I put the beer back in the fridge, disappointed that I would not get to enjoy it, and headed back as ordered. Mitch pointed at his clothes on the floor and I knew just what to do. It was laundry time. After throwing the load in the washer, I returned to the room to wait for further instructions. I was then told to take all of my clothes out of my dresser and closet, throw them in a pile in the hallway, and replace them with what was in his bag. As I did so, he had a few things to say between bites.

"I hope you weren't originally planning on eating the second plat yourself, bitch. See, you are on a strict diet as long as I'm here." He saw that I looked confused, shook his head to indicate he was annoyed with my stupidity, and continued. "It's an all-natural diet, dumbass! You got your first taste of it a while ago and your second taste is coming up after I'm done eating."

I knew exactly what he meant as was instantly erect once again. Did he really mean I wasn't allowed to eat anything but his cum for the next three days? I would starve! As Mitch finished the second plate of food, he held the tray up and I quickly took it to the kitchen. I had an apple pie I had been saving for tonight and really looking forward to, which I cute a large slice out of and took it to Mitch.

"While I eat this, " He said, "Get on your knees and worship my abs with your tongue!"

I didn't need to be asked twice! I dropped down in front of him and went to work on his 8 pack, licking every inch of every abs and running my tongue in every crevice in between. This was the best moment of my life at this point, which amazed me considering only a few hours earlier, I was watching girl on girl porn, getting my rocks off. The most pleasurable part was that he was not flexing at all, but his stomach was still rock solid.

Mitch finished the pie and then put his foot directly on my chest and kicked me backwards onto my ass. He laughed at the disappointed, lustful look on my face and then spit right between my eyes. As his saliva dripped down my nose and onto my chest, he handed me the plate his pie was on and pointed toward the kitchen without a word. I put it away and once again returned to the room.

I was greeted immediately by Mitch's hand on my shoulder as he pushed me down to my knees. He slapped me in the face with his massive soft cock -- which was bigger than mine is when it's fully erect -- and then shoved it back in my mouth. I sucked on his tool with passion, taking in the taste and musky smell of this stud's manhood. As his cock grew, I once again gagged and he once again didn't care.

As his cock reached its full 9 inches, he didn't waste any time ramming it directly down my throat, holding the back of my head and smothering me in his pubes. He laughed hysterically as I choked and gagged and then began another ruthless face-fucking. You would think I'd be able to take it better this time, but instead it was worse. Because he didn't work it down my throat this time, I had no time to adjust and I felt like I was going to throw up. He just kept ramming his meat in and out as hard as he could and I felt like I was going to pass out. Then, just before I lost consciousness, he pulled all the way out and held it an inch from my mouth. I stuck out my tongue and licked the pre-cum off the tip of his cock and he let out a moan of pure pleasure. As I took a second lick, I was pulled to my feet and feel back down hard after Mitch's knee connected with my gut.

"You stupid piece of shit!" He exclaimed. "I didn't offer you my juice, you greedy little slut! For that, you need to be punished!"

My teen master sat on the edge of my bed, grabbed me by the hair and put me over his knee. He immediately started spanking me and my ass felt like it was on fire as his powerful hand met the flesh of my backside over and over again. I screamed and begged him to stop, apologizing for my action, but it only seemed to make him hit me harder. I was now sobbing uncontrollably like a baby and screaming from the pain I was in.

"I would say this hurts me as much as it hurts you" he said, "But it doesn't!"

He finally felt he had destroyed my ass enough as he dropped me on the ground in front of him. He again grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to my knees. He placed my mouth onto his cock and started fucking my face, driving his cock up into my throat like a battering ram. This face fucking was so much meaner and nastier and more painful than the last one but no matter how bad it was, I couldn't get my dick to fall soft.

Mitch's thrusts were getting more and more rapid and his dick was expanding in my mouth. I could tell he was about to cum, but before he did, he said, "If you let even one drop fall, I'm going to beat the holy hell out of you!" He then stopped pumping, held just the head of his cock between my lips and started shooting his load.

I tightened my lips around his cock, afraid of the consequences of letting any slip out. The first 3 spurts alone filled my mouth completely and I began to swallow as fast as I could. Spurt after spurt exploded into my waiting mouth and I felt like I couldn't swallow fast enough. When he finally stopped shooting, he pulled out his cock, grabbed me by the chin and made me look up at him.

"Open" he said. I opened my mouth and he was pleased to see I had swallowed every drop, just like he had ordered. Then, before I knew what happened, he spit directly into my mouth and forced it closed. "Don't swallow." He commended. "Swish it around and enjoy the flavor."

Surprisingly enough, I was able to obey both commands. As I swished his spit around, mixing it with my own, I really DID enjoy the taste and feeling it gave me. He smiled that cocky smile and told me to swallow it and I did exactly that.

"You're learning really well" said Mitch. "I'm glad to see you are obeying my commands now. A little bit of punishment was all you needed, huh, shit-face? I guess you realized that even though you're 19 and I'm 15, I am your superior and you are going to do what I want whether you like it or not. Better to do it the easier way than the hard way. Now get on the bed, I'm still horny and I was to use the other hole!"

I was frozen stiff. Mitch had just launched more cum into my mouth than I shot in 5 loads and he was STILL horny? And even more importantly, nothing had ever gone up my ass before, how could I possibly take something as massive as his cock up there? I was so afraid, I actually started crying.

"Please." I begged. "I can't take it, it's too big! Let me suck it again, please, anything but that!"

Mitch looked mad. "Are you defying me again?" He asked. I realized I had no choice. He was going to rape me if I didn't go willingly. But still, I couldn't move, I just knelt there, staring up at him, pleading with my eyes. He wouldn't have it. He got tired of waiting, picked me up under the arm pits like a rag doll and threw me onto the bed. He leaped on top of me and did something I wasn't expecting at all as he shoved his armpit right in my face.

"Lick it clean, bitch" he said. I stuck out my tongue, relieved that he had moved on from wanting to fuck me, and ate out his arm pit. I never thought I'd be able to stomach doing this, but it turned out I loved it. Mitch was all sweaty from fucking my face, so it had a salty taste to it and it smelled so good. When I finished with that one, he roughly dragged my face across his pecs and shoved it into the other armpit. I went to work immediately on that one.

"That's right, bitch, lick my pit clean. Get every last drop of sweat!" He demanded. "I know you like it, you dirty little pig!"

I had never been insulted and degraded so much in my life and the fact that it was at the hands of this teenager just made it worse. Or, better, depending on how you look at it. All I knew was that I was enjoying Mitch's humiliating words just as much as the embarrassing predicament he had me in.

I finished with that armpit and then he slid my face back onto his chest. He squeezed my face against his pecs while he flexed them and the pain was so intense, I thought my head was going to explode. Being trapped between his stronger biceps and rock hard chest felt like I was in a vice, but still I licked his chest and reached up with my hands, placing them on his washboard abs and rubbing them all over.

Again, I quickly realized I had made a mistake. Mitch released my head and sat up, throwing my hands away from his body. He punched me right across the face so hard that I blacked out.

When I came to, I was still lying on the bed and Mitch was standing over me. I reached up and rubbed my face, which was in so much pain I felt like screaming. He looked down on me with the scariest expression I had ever seen on anyone's face in my life.

"You just couldn't behave, could you bitch?" He said. "I gave you a chance to be a good bitch but you had to touch what you're not worthy of touching! These abs..." He paused while he flexed his abs and rubbed his hand up and down them. I actually literally drooled a little bit. "These abs are WAY too sexy for you to touch without permission! And just for that, you're gonna choke harder than you've choked so far!!

Without a moment's pause, Mitch dropped back down, his cock above my face, and shoved it all the way down my throat again. He relaxed his body, letting all of his weight balance on my face, with his cock hardening in my throat. I choked and gagged and flailed my arms and legs all over the place as I struggled to breathe, but he just kept laying there with his cock down my throat.

Drool spilled out of my mouth and ran down my cheek from all the choking and I tried to push up on his legs to get a little bit of breathing space, but it was useless. My face was already sore from when Mitch punched me out and having his full body weight on top of it was excruciating!

Mitch finally pulled out a little bit and a wave of relief spilled over me, but it was just a tease. As I was about to suck in a breath, he plunged all the way back in again and held it there.

"You see Tony," He said, "Every single part of my body is a deadly weapon, including my cock. I can punish you in so many different ways, you're not safe from anything. You just need to learn to behave yourself, do as I say and avoid all the pain. But you don't seem to know how to do that, so now you're in a really bad spot. So for right now, you're going back to sleep. When you wake up... I have SO many more plans for you!"

And he did just what he said. He used his cock to make me pass out from lack of oxygen. For the second time on just minutes, this 15 year old kid knocked me out and I was completely under his control. No matter what I said or did, nothing could or would change that.

This time when I woke up, Mitch was nowhere to be seen. I was on the bed, looking around an empty room. The fresh taste of cum lingered in my mouth and my face felt stiff and dry. I reached up to find he had given me a complete facial. Every inch of my face was covered in dry cum. I licked my lips to confirm it and tasted Mitch for the third time that day. I didn't enjoy it as much this time because it was old and tasted a little dry. My throat was raw and sore and I felt bruised and beaten, but my ass was still intact. I wondered what made Mitch decide to change his mind about fucking me.

As I got up, I felt a sudden head rush and lost my balance. When I regained my composure, I stumbled to the washroom. I had to piss so bad, it took me about 2 or 3 minutes to empty my bladder. Since there was still no sign of Mitch, I decided to jump in the shower and wash up. After I had scrubbed all of the cum off of my face and the rest of my body, I got out and dried off. I went back into the room and turned on the computer monitor and what I saw took my breath away!

There was a video window open and streaming a live video. It was Mitch and he was fucking another guy!!!My jaw dropped and my eyes widened as I watched him ram his cock in and out of the guy so hard, the guy screamed with every thrust. Mitch looked over at the camera and smiled as if to say, "This is what you're missing out on".

Part of me was jealous of this other guy, but I was so relieved that it wasn't me feeling the pain of Mitch's hard, deep thrusts. I then realized that it was two way video and he could see me watching. He looked right into the camera and spoke,

"I hope you had a good nap, bitch!" He said. "I have the keys and will be back when I'm done. Because you were such a little pussy, I had to go out and find a real man who could take it! You're missing out on the greatest fuck of your life now, faggot!"

Mitch turned his attention back to the boy he was fucking. He started slamming his cock into him so hard, I couldn't believe the guy was taking it. He was moaning in pain but also in pleasure. As Mitch reached his climax, I saw the pure pleasure on his face and knew he was blowing yet another load. He finished up, pulled off the condom and walked over to the camera.

"Hope you enjoyed that little show, bitch! I'm on my way back now and I expect my apartment to be spotless, so get cleaning!" After saying this, he shut off the camera and killed the video feed.

I immediately started cleaning up, knowing if it wasn't perfect when he got back, I was in trouble. I cleaned for about an hour before I felt satisfied that he would be happy with the condition of the apartment. And I finished just on time because as I sat down, the door opened and Mitch walked in.

"Hey bitch." He said. "Did you like my little show?"

"It was hot" I replied.

"Yeah, I know. Now get in the bedroom, bitch, time to continue your training!"

I was amazed. This guy had already fed me 3 loads, then blew another one into someone else. Now he still wanted more? This kid was a machine! I followed him to the bedroom and watched as he peeled off his clothes, revealing his tight, defined teen body. He turned around, looked at me.

"You know where you need to be right now!" He said, and I immediately dropped to my knees in front of him. "You liked watching me fuck the shit out of that kid, huh?"

"I loved it!" I said, "It was so hot!"

"Good" he replied, "Because now it's your turn bitch!"


Sorry for the tease, just wanted to leave off in a place that would make you all want to come back to read part 3 ;)

Again, please feel free to contact me at with any further feedback. Hope you all enjoyed!

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