Skater Boy Owns Me

By wnt

Published on Sep 30, 2008


This sroty is completely fictional. People who are prevented from reading such fictional works either by age, by preference (homosexual content), or by law should stop reading and go back on your browser.

All of the characters presented here are fictional.

This is my first story, I hope at least some of you like it!


This story took place when I was 19. My name is Tony, I have brown hair, hazel eyes and I'm about 6'1. I weigh about 150 pounds, so as you can imagine, I'm not exactly an athlete. I was never really into sports; I spend most of my time in front of my computer or watching TV. I've always been a bit of a loner, not because I don't have friends but because I like to be alone a lot. Sounds weird, most people get lonely, but when it's just me I get to do what I want when I want.

I should tell you a little bit about my family because it's relevant to the story. My mom passed away when I was only about 2 so my Dad remarried and had a second son with his new wife. My brother, Dean, is 3 years younger than me, so we were never very close growing up. It was only after I moved into my own place that he started to appreciate me... Or appreciate a place to get away from home anyway.

I've never been much of a ladies' man and to be honest, I felt a girlfriend would just take up too much of my time and take away my privacy. So, I lived alone in a 1 bedroom apartment and I was fine with that. My brother came over quite a bit to hang out after school and on weekends but he knows I like to be left alone, so he most did his own thing. As long as he cleaned up after himself and nothing went missing, I didn't mind and he brought his friends over with him for the most part so he wouldn't get bored.

The story started one day when he brought a new friend over. He was a transfer student from Toronto and he and Dean basically hit it off right away, so they had been hanging out for a couple of weeks now. When they arrived, Dean brought him to my room to introduce us and I was quite amazed that the kid was the same age as Dean.

His name was Mitch and he was a skater. His face wasn't what made me think he was older but he was the same height as me and he looked like he outweighed me by at least 15 pounds. Mitch has blonde hair, blue eyes and an eyebrow piercing. He also had a perfect tan and he looked like he was in really good shape, physically, for his age. I could tell right away he was a heartbreaker, he was very good looking, and something told me he knew it. He had a confidence about him that actually made me envy the guy.

As they entered my room, Dean introduced his friend, "Hey Tony, this is Mitch, he's new. He just transferred from Toronto".

Mitch shook my hand and said, "Nice to meet you man, how's it going?"

"Not bad," I replied, "Nice to meet you too".

"Tony," said Dean, "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure." I replied, "What's up?"

Dean looked at Mitch as if to say, "Can you excuse us for a second?" and Mitch left the room. Dean sat down on my bed.

"Look, Tony, you know I wouldn't ask you this if I felt like I had any other choice," Dean began. "Mitch kinda had this big argument with his step dad, it was really bad, and he got kicked out. It wasn't Mitch's fault, his step dad is an alcoholic and he fights with him all the time. This time, though, it got so bad that he almost hit him and I'm really worried about Mitch..."

I already knew what was coming and I felt a knot in my stomach. I could tell Dean knew I saw what was coming next because he had an apologetic look on his face. "It would only be for a couple of days... Just until things blow over a bit... Is there any way he can stay with you?"

I sighed, a little annoyed, but didn't want to send this kid out on the streets or back home to get abused, so I did the only thing I felt I could do. "3 days, maximum, Dean and there better not be any trouble from him or his parents!"

"There won't, Tony, I promise!" Replied Dean. "Thanks bro, you're the best!"

So, Dean went off to break the news to Mitch and suddenly I had a new temporary roommate. That's when I suddenly realized that Dean had a baseball tournament out in the country that weekend and wouldn't be around. I was gonna have to entertain this kid on my own. Suddenly I felt really awkward and wondered if I should have asked him to go somewhere else. But it was too late... I already said he could stay.

Dean stayed around for a few hours to hand out with Mitch and help him get settled in and then headed off home to pack for the weekend. Mitch came right into my room after Dean left. "Hey, Tony... I just wanted to say thanks for letting me stay here. I hate to impose but I'm really scared to go back there and because I'm new around here, I didn't have anyone else to ask. I promise I won't be a bother..."

That made me feel a little better. Dean must have explained to him that I like to be left alone. "Sure Mitch, no problem, I don't mind helping out as long as it's only for a few days. Make yourself at home, help yourself to anything you need in the kitchen."

"Thanks!" He replied, "Actually, do you mind if take a shower? I had gym last period and the showers at the school aren't working right now... I'm a little sweaty."

"Sure" I replied, "There should be a clean towel hanging in the bathroom".

Mitch went off to the bathroom, closing the door behind him and I went back to playing a game on my computer. About 2 minutes later, the bathroom door opened again and I looked up to see what was wrong. My jaw dropped as I saw Mitch standing in the hallway in nothing but a tight pair of white boxer briefs. The guy was ripped! He wasn't huge or anything, but he had a decent build and awesome definition. My eyes stopped for a minute on his stomach. He had a perfect 8 pack without even flexing and it looked rock hard! He also had great pecs and a black tribal tattoo on his right shoulder. His arms were also very defined and I found myself thinking about how this 15 year old kid looked stronger than me!

As I looked up at his face, I saw a cocky smirk. Then he said, "Hey man, there are no towels in there..."

I remembered that I had taken the towel out of the bathroom earlier to wipe up some water I spilled and wished I had remembered that so I wouldn't have to deal with such an awkward moment. I got up and went to the closet, grabbed another towel and tossed it to him. "Sorry about that, I forgot." I said. He smiled and went off to take his shower.

About 15 minutes later, when I had finally managed to get past what happened, the door opened again and steam barreled out of the washroom. I expected to see him come out with fresh clothes on since he had taken his backpack in the washroom but what I saw instead was Mitch with my towel around his waist and all of his clothes, including his boxer briefs, in his hands.

"Sorry to bother you again, but is there a laundry room in this place? I didn't get a chance to grab any more clothes before I left home. I have money if I can borrow a little bit of laundry soap..."

Again, I found myself fixated on his abs. It made no sense... I was straight, I had never been attracted to guys, but something drew my eyes to this kid's body. And now it was still a little wet, so the tanned skin was actually shining, which made it look even more impressive. I realized I was staring again and looked up at his face. He was just standing there, the same cocky grin on his face, looking back at me. Suddenly he laughed as if he knew something I didn't and said, "You like that?"

My face must have turned the deepest shade of red possible but I tried to act like I had no idea what he meant. "Like what?" I asked.

He chuckled again. "Don't play dumb, I saw you checking me out. Dean didn't tell me his bro was a fag!"

Despite my embarrassment, a wave of anger hit me as I got up and looked right into his eyes. "Dude, I'm not a homo. I wasn't checking you out, and you should be a little bit more respectful to someone who's being nice enough to give you a place to stay!"

The cocky grin remained on his face as he tossed his clothes in a pile and walked into my room, standing about 5 feet away from me. I saw his muscles flex as he chuckled yet again. "What are you gonna do about it, bitch?"

I was shocked! This kid had a lot of nerve and I wasn't gonna put up with this kind of disrespect in my own home. "You know what? Get dressed and get out! I was gonna be nice because of your situation, but if this is the attitude I'm gonna get for helping you out, you can forget it!"

"No," He replied, "I'm staying," In a very nonchalant tone.

I didn't know what to do, he was only 16, I couldn't physically force him out, and so I just kind of stood there, an angry look on my face. He walked right up to me, bumped his chest into mine and said, "Come on, bitch, I dare you to do something about it!"

So there I was, being insulted and humiliated by a 16 year old kid and as he bumped me again, I realized I was fucked! His body didn't just look good, it was rock solid. I decided I couldn't handle the embarrassment of just putting up with this so I made up an excuse. "Mitch," I said, "You're 16 years old. Do you know how much trouble I could get into if I physically harmed you? I'm not that stupid! Just..."

Before I could say another word, he punched me right in the gut, hard. It felt like a bull kicked me or a cannon ball came out of nowhere and I couldn't breathe as I dropped to my knees, clutching my gut. I heard Mitch's evil chuckle and looked up at him... in fear! I couldn't believe I was scared of a high school kid!

He looked down at me with that cocky grin and grabbed me by the throat with one hand. He squeezed as I grabbed his wrist with both hands and tried to pull him off of me, but I was too weak after the cheap shot in the stomach to even budge him. "Now its self defense, faggot!" he said as he slapped me across the face with is free hand.

I had never felt as humiliated in my life than in that moment. But that was about to change... It was nothing compared to the humiliation Mitch had planned for me and I didn't even know it at the time! I thought I had hit rock bottom. Then he lifted me up to my feet by the throat. I helped him out but only because I had no choice if I wanted to keep breathing. He released my throat and finally let me catch my breath. "Your turn, queer!" He said.

I raised my hands in surrender. "I don't wanna fight you, Mitch" I said between coughs. "And I'm not gay, I swear to you!"

This just drew another laugh from Mitch. "Bullshit" he said. "I know you want me, I can tell by the tent in your pants!"

I looked down, astonished when I saw he was right! I hadn't noticed and I couldn't believe it, but my pants were tenting out. I must have looked like a deer in headlights as I looked up at the super-teen in front of me. I was speechless; I didn't know what to say. He did though...

"Come on, bitch, hit me, I dare you! Tell you what; I'll give you a free punch in the gut. I got one, you get one now. If I go down like you did, I leave now and you never see me again. But if I don't, I stay for a few days. Its self defense now, you can't get in any trouble and it's the only way I'll leave. So come on, punch me!"

I didn't know what to do. Either way I would probably be humiliated and be stuck with him for a few days. But what was more embarrassing, just giving in and letting him stay or failing to knock down a kid three years younger than me with a gut punch? I decided I had to at least try, you never know, if I caught him off guard, it might work. So I let my hardest, fastest punch fly out of nowhere towards his stomach. I watched his muscles flex just before it hit and groaned in pain as I connected. My hand hurt from that shot, he had to go down! But as I opened my eyes and looked, he was standing there, laughing at me as I clutched my hand in pain.

"That's fucking pathetic! Is that SERIOUSLY all you got bitch?"

I stood there, angry and mortified at the same time. "Quit calling me that, Mitch!"

"Why? I think I just proved that it's what you are... Or at least you're about to be!"

Before I could react, Mitch grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me down to my knees in front of him. He grabbed me by the hair and slammed my face into his abs and it hurt like hell! He pulled my head back, made me look up at him and said, "I'm gonna make you my bitch!" He looked down and laughed and made me realize that I had both hands on his abs and hadn't moved them. What he did next was the ultimate though. He once again pulled my head back and spit right in my face. As I wiped it off, he laughed at me again. "This is gonna be a fun weekend!"

He released my hair and I felt relieved. He had a strong grip on it and it was giving me a headache. I had no idea what he meant and I didn't move. I was too humiliated. "Get up" he said.

I hesitated, not wanting to submit to this kid, but too afraid to defy him. The hesitation was a mistake. I felt a sharp sting on my face and what felt like whiplash as he slapped me across the face full force. I fell back from the blow and as I looked up at him, I saw the smile on his face was replaced by a look of total superiority and seriousness. This kid meant business! I forced myself to get up as fast as I could and stood there, waiting for his next order. I was astonished with myself and the situation I was in!

"That's right bitch, you need to do as I say or you get punished. Now I like my skin to stay soft, so I need you to put some baby oil on me. Go in my bag and get it."

I did as I was told. If I was gonna get ordered around, I might as well enjoy it and something told me I would like putting it on his body. I couldn't explain why, but the urge was there. As I opened his bag though, I suddenly got angry as I saw it was full of clean, folded clothing. "I thought you said you had no clothes!" I said, giving him a dirty look.

He laughed. "I lied" he said, shrugging. "I knew you wanted me the first time I came out of the bathroom, so I decided I would use that to make sure you knew who was boss. Do you?"

The scowl faded from my face in defeat as I realized I did. "Yeah" I said.

"Actually, it's `Yes Sir' to you, bitch!" He replied. "Now get the baby oil and get your ass over here before my skin dries out!"

I fumbled in the bag and finally found a small bottle of baby oil. I walked back over with it and he flexed his chest, nodding for me to get to work. I opened the bottle and poured some on my hand, letting it warm up before I started to massage it into his skin. I set the bottle down on a table next to me and used both hands, rubbing it all over his flexed chest and washboard abs. He had a satisfied, shit-eating grin on his face. This kid was EVIL!

This time I noticed ever before him as my cock hardened. It happened the moment I touched his skin but by the time I got to his abs, it was dripping pre-cum and he knew it. "Don't forget my arms" he said as he did a double-bicep pose. I couldn't believe my eyes; the muscle just bulged up like a tennis ball. As I got a little bit more out of the bottle and began to rub his arms, I felt like I was rubbing a rock. This kid was strong, no doubt about it, and I was in the most helpless situation of my life.

As I finished every inch of both arms, Mitch turned around with his back to me. I knew what he wanted and I just did it. The skin on his back was tight and smooth and there was a lot of definition. I couldn't get over how good it felt or why I liked it.

"Good job", he said, "Now put it away. Then you can take off your clothes, I wanna compare!"

I was really worried now. I hated taking my clothes off in front of even my family, never mind some conceited stranger! I decided to make a break for it. As I dropped the baby oil back into the bag, I jetted toward the bathroom, the only room in the house with a lock. By the time I got there and started closing the door, though, He was already in the door way and held it open with one strong hand. He looked pissed off!

"You dumb fucking faggot!" He said as he grabbed me by the shirt with both hands. "I told you what would happen if you didn't do as I said, and now you've gone and pissed me off!"

Mitch suddenly bent down and picked me up over one shoulder. He started carrying me toward the bedroom as I squirmed and yelled. "No, please, you can do whatever you want here, but please just leave me alone!"

"You stupid fag!" He replied. "Why would I take a deal like that when we both already know there's nothing you can do to stop me from doing whatever I want?!" And with that, he threw me down on the bed and ripped my shirt right off! I was paralyzed as he then grabbed my belt and undid it, then opened my pants up. He pulled them off roughly and I was left in nothing but socks and boxers. He removed my socks first and then looked at my underwear. "You take those off yourself, bitch. NOW!" he said.

I scrambled up off the bed and dropped my underwear without another thought. He took one look at my fully erect cock and laughed out loud! I was only about 5 and a half inches, so I knew why he was laughing, but I was more humiliated than ever. "Okay, now THAT's pathetic!" He said. "Dude, my 13 year old cousin has a bigger cock than you! And mine's bigger than that soft!"

I couldn't handle this embarrassment, I was horrified. So I couldn't control the tears of humiliation that rolled slowly down each cheek as I sank to my knees, too weak to stand. This made him smile wider than ever as he decided it would be a good time to prove it. Mitch opened the towel to reveal a totally soft dick that was bigger than mine was hard. This kid had proven he was superior to me in every physical way possible. At that moment, we both knew he was right... He owned me!

"Now suck it, bitch!" He exclaimed. This caught me so off guard, my jaw literally dropped. I thought this kid was just trying to prove his superiority... but I never expected those words! Unfortunately, he noticed my jaw drop too and before I could close my mouth, he shoved his soft cock right in my mouth and pulled my head right into his crotch. The first thought that ran through my head was to bite down as hard as I could but then I thought better of it. This kid was obviously capable of hurting me very badly and that was the last thing I wanted. So I let him slowly pump his soft cock in and out of my mouth and without realizing it, placed my hands on each of his muscular thighs.

He guided me by the hair up and down on his cock as it started to grow. I felt it start to hit the back of my throat with each thrust is and it hit harder and harder each time. I started to gag a little bit and the laugh I heard from above indicated that I was in a lot of trouble! Soon he was really hard and he wasn't exactly stopping before he hit my throat. He laughed every time I gagged and when his cock finally reached its full size, he held it against my throat, pushing softly so that I choked hard and my eyes watered. I pushed against his rock hard thighs but they were solid and the hand on the back of my head was too powerful to fight. As I choked on this 16 year olds cock, I pounded on his thighs and tried to breathe through my nose. Finally he pulled me off his cock and I gasped hard for breath.

Then I felt him grip my hair and pull my head back again. With his other hand, he slapped me in the face several times with his cock... It was about 9 inches long, cut, and thick! In fact, the weight of it was enough to hurt a little bit as it connected with my cheeks and forehead. "Take a deep breath, faggot, I'm not done with you yet!" He said laughed as he looked down at me with dominance and superiority.

I took several deep breaths before his cock was forced back into my mouth and once again pressed against my throat. I tried hard to relax my throat muscles as much as I could, but I really had no idea how to do it and my gag reflex kicked in again. He shoved hard and I felt the tip of his cock enter my throat, completely cutting off my air supply. I coughed and my saliva lubricated his cock. After holding it in for a few seconds, he drew it out and thankfully let me take another breath. Once he was satisfied that I had enough mercy, he thrusted it back in again and pushed it further in this time. It had about the same effect on me this time as the last time so I guess it stretched my throat a little bit. Again, he pulled out, let me breathe and shoved it back down my throat. He did this several times, each time going in a little bit deeper.

Finally, he managed to get his cock all the way down my throat. I choked and gagged hard as he held my face against his pubes, not letting me move or breath. He held me down longer this time until I felt like I was about to pass out. Then, just before I did, he pulled it back out and let me breath. He let me breathe a little longer this time, still laughing and enjoying every second of my humiliation. I shuddered with what he had to say next.

"I think you're broken in well enough now, bitch. It's time to fuck your face!" He said it with such enjoyment and authority that even I was turned on. I couldn't believe it, this kid had turned me into a homo! Before I got a second chance, his cock was once again plunged all the way down my throat. But this time it wasn't held there, instead it was quickly pulled all the way out and then slammed back in. Now my throat had loosened up a bit but I wasn't ready for this! Every time he plunged back in, I choked hard. I finally got a rhythm going for breathing, catching a quick inhale through my nose whenever he pulled out but I choked and choked, every time.

His thrusts became faster and harder as his balls slapped against my chin and my faced plowed into his abs. It was hurting like hell but for some reason it turned me on like nothing I had ever experienced. My cock was leaking pre-cum like mad and if my hands weren't busy pushing against his thighs to try to stop the thrusts, I would have jerked off right then and there. He plowed my face for a good ten minutes, the whole time verbally abusing me,

"You like that, don't you, you little cocksucker? You were born for this, you faggot! Wimps like you are put on this planet to serve Gods like me and we both know it! Yeah, suck that cock you little bitch!" Every word turned me on more and more and he sounded so authoritative and condescending. How could I enjoy that? But I did. "I'm gonna fuck your face, just like you want, and then you're gonna get a nice refreshing drink, fag!"

Wait... Did I hear that right? Did he say he was going to make me drink his cum? No WAY could I let him do that to me. I started pounding on his thighs trying to get him to stop so I could say something but Mitch just kept plowing my face like there was no tomorrow.

"Hahaha! Pound as hard as you want, you wimp! Your punches feel like feathers, I can't believe how weak you are! How does it feel to be OWNED by a 15 year old, bitch?!" He said. It hit me right away... He said 15! I had forgotten my brother was held back a grade, so everyone in his class was a year younger than him... This kid that was physically dominating me was 4 years younger than me and totally in control! I would like to say I was bothered by this, but it turned me on more than ever! "Get ready for your prize, bitch!" He said suddenly and thrusted his cock all the way down my throat, holding it there.

I squirmed and choked as I felt his huge cock expand in my throat and each time it throbbed, I felt a warm, wet sensation in my stomach. I couldn't believe it, this kid was blowing his load right into my stomach, not even giving me a chance to spit it out! He must have shot a good 7 or 8 huge spurts down my throat before pulling out so that 2 more squirts filled my mouth. Then he pulled all the way out and I felt another 4 or 5 big blasts hit me right in the face! How much cum could this kid have in him?!

Finally the spurts got smaller and dripped onto my chest instead of shooting. Just as I thought it was over, he rubbed his cock in the small bits on my chest and then in the mounds on my face before shoving it right back in my mouth.

"Lick it clean, bitch!" He said. "Come on, suck the last drops out of my cock and lick it clean."

Without even thinking, I found myself sucking on his cock like it was a baby bottle, then licking the shaft and head, not wanting to miss a drop. It actually tasted really good and I loved every second of it. He didn't take his cock out of my mouth, instead he looked down and said, "Go ahead, jerk off."

I hadn't consciously been waiting for his permission, yet as soon as he said it, I felt like I had been. I immediately grabbed my own dick and started stroking it, as fast as I could.

"That's right, jerk that pathetic little dick" he said, "Cum, now!"

And just like that, my body obeyed. I blew my load at his command and I think even he was surprised. He laughed and said, "Holy shit! You really ARE my bitch!" He pulled his cock out of my mouth and lifted my chin to look up at him. "I own you now, faggot. The next three days are going to be SO much fun, I promise!"

Thank you for reading! If you liked this, please contact me at by email or on messenger and let me know. If I get positive feedback, I will submit another part!

Next: Chapter 2

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