Size Queen

Published on Nov 16, 2011


Size Queen 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

The entire movie crew arrived in late April. They built a trailer park and tent city on the edge of my property for the cast and crew. The schedule was complicated since they wanted to use actual shots of the property and house rather than computer recreations. This could be expensive, but Lee was a master of logistics. There was a second camp in Richmond. Depending on the weather, he could shoot rural scenes or urban scenes with little notice.

He and his crew ran a tight ship. I assumed Lee carefully planned the actual shooting. Lee planned the way the extras and stars would get to a site to make sure they didn't mess up the landscape for a later shot. Randy explained the problem with Virginia's mud. It had been a big impediment for moving troops in the Civil War. It could be a problem in a modern movie production. The early scenes used the Miller's farmhouse, so the Millers moved in with me. I moved to a trailer when the shots were in Airhurst itself.

The big stars stayed in Richmond Hotels. Some of the second tier of actors stayed at Airhurst as did much of the supporting staff. These were mostly the early morning people. Things started before dawn so that all available daylight was used for actual shoots. The costume and makeup crews were busy early.

There was a second crew in Richmond that did some of the post filming stuff. They seemed to stay up all night. Buses shuttled between sites all day long. No one was late more than once. Lee told the extras they were a dime a dozen, and anyone who was late could go back to slinging burgers at McDonald's. He gave the major actors the same speech. There was a sign on Lee's trailer, "No Prima Donnas." He meant it.

Dale was at Airhurst all the time since he knew the property well. The Director and his staff moved from site to site, but Lee stayed with me most of the time. By 5:00 in the afternoon, most day's shooting was done and the actors had left. We had good security and guards made sure all the extras and visitors were off the property. A landscape crew repaired any damage to the property and made it ready for the next day.

Lee was always reserved and a bit aloof. Dale and his men knew my tastes for size and had connections in the crew. There are people who look down on size queens. "Scooter, I know some big men in the crew. Would you like me to direct a few in your direction?" he asked.

I said yes of course. "Are you sure they want me?"

"Well, size queens are a dime a dozen," Dale said. "But a size queen, bottom-pig-combo is a real treat. You also have real stamina. We big boys like it when our playmate doesn't have clenched teeth the whole time and can give us a long session." Dale had no problem of sending men my direction.

I later found out there was another reason for Dale's interest in me. Lee was both popular and admired. He was also aloof. He was shy and reserved.

Lee would never make the first move and didn't respond well to being hit on. I got along well with him professionally and sexually. If he encountered me in a sexual situation, he would sometimes join in. As long as my playmate focused on me and treated Lee as a sideshow, Lee was cool with it. I was the ticket for a sexual connection to Lee.

The first man Dale sent to me was a tall, gangly lighting man named Drew. If a camel is a horse designed by a committee, it was possible Drew was another committee effort. He was six feet five, with broad shoulders, a deep chest and long, almost floppy arms and legs. It looked as if he was a puppet with loose strings. His face resembled Lurch's from the Adams' Family.

Drew reminded me of the old time porn star who was scrawny, not very attractive and hung like a horse. When I got to know Drew better I realized his unattractiveness was a turn on. I was attracted to his unattractiveness. His ugliness was only skin-deep. Drew was intelligent and oddly gifted. He was master of lighting and lighting effects. He had the ability to see a natural effect of the sun and atmosphere and reproduce in artificially in a studio.

I hadn't known that movies are spliced together with a combination of real outdoor scenes and indoor, studio shots. Drew made it look natural. He was a California boy and he loved the light effects of Virginia. He also loved Airhurst.

Drew was very much not a "no pain, no gain" man. Given the size of his cock, this was a major impediment to his enjoyment. Technically, he was a borderline circus freak genitally speaking. He possessed a true foot-long, thick, uncut shaft with a massive mushroom cock head. A low-hanging, hairy sack held his oversized balls.

Drew wanted a man who could take his meat without wincing or crying out in pain. He tended to lose his erection when he hurt a guy. I wanted his cock but I am no fool. I was sure I could take it, but it definitely wasn't for amateurs. We got naked and I became worked up. I asked if I could sit on it and take my time. Drew was game.

I had a good supply of poppers and a fresh bottle of Jungle Juice and we went at it. Drew was really big. Fortunately, his oversized cock head easily popped into my ass. The lubrication worked its magic.

I bounced on his knob for a while. My ass was tight and Drew liked me massaging his cock head. I felt a little like Miss Muffit sitting on his knob, but as I bounced, his organ eased deeper into my ass. I re lubricated my ass a few times and it got easier. I had about half of it in me when Drew asked if he could try me doggy style.

That position gave him complete control. I didn't know him, but I agreed. I got on my hands and knees and he mounted me. I was defenseless in that position. I was uneasy, but I didn't need to be. Drew's cock was a monster but he was a careful and almost delicate fucker. It must have taken him ten minutes to get the entire cock in me. He was like a surgeon in a delicate operation. He knew when to ease it in inch by inch and when he could be bolder. He knew when to pull out and add lubricant.

I hadn't realized his cock was bulbous shaped. It tapered slightly as it got near his body. The middle portion was the thickest. When he got beyond the central bulge, he gave me a hard thrust and it was in!

I'm not sure how long it took because I was out of it once the second half of his dong was in me. I could feel every movement and advance as wave after wave of sensation swept over me. It's rare that a man as old and experienced as me has a chance to feel virgin again. He had gone where no man had gone before.

It was good for me, but Drew loved it.

Apparently, my moaning attracted an audience. Lee and Dale appeared to help me out. I was out of it so Lee took charge of the poppers and Dale had a small video camera. Both men knew of Drew's endowment, but neither had taken it. They had never seen it lodged in an ass before.

Drew must have had a sensor in his cock that could tell how I was doing. He knew when I tensed up and he knew when I relaxed. He would pull back when he hit a rough spot and then gently ease his way back. He liked to massage the spot until I relaxed.

Eventually I got on my back and he did me spread-eagle style. Lee put pillows under my ass so I was at the right height for Drew and was comfortable. At first when Drew pulled out, I felt relief as my ass returned to its normal diameter. A few seconds later, I felt empty. I know I am a bottom, but sometimes I shock myself at just how much of a bottom I am!

Lee gave me a snort of poppers and Drew worked his magic again. Having been royally fucked already, I assumed Drew would ram it in. He was just at careful this time as on the first entry. It was faster, but still gentle. Both Lee and Dale seemed to enjoy the show and were helpful when needed. They also got excited.

Eventually Lee fed me his organ and sucked mine. I think his actual objective was to get a closer vantage point to watch the monster dong as it probed my ass. Dale took pictures. I thought he specialized in landscaped, but it was clear he was interested in close ups too.

Lee and I shot off together. He and Dale went to their bedrooms. Drew and I were alone.

"Are you okay?" Drew asked.

I nodded. "I am fine," I said. "Damn you're big!"

"You took it well," Drew said. "It's really good for me. Is it good for you?"

"It is good, but it's more of an achievement," I said. "I feel like I've climbed Mount Everest."

"Well, you've done better than 99% of my playmates," Drew said. "This may sound odd, but I've had a suspicion if I could pop into your ass a few more times, you would get use to it. I wonder if the novelty would wear off and it turn into plain old hot sex?"

I agreed to let him try it again. By the next morning, all was well. It never became easy, but it was good. Drew told me he was self-lubricating. That seemed to be true. He also shot off three of four times and that made it easier. Lee returned in the morning after Drew left and climbed into bed with me.

"How was it?" he asked.

"It got better each time," I said.

"Did he shoot in you?"

"He hit the bull's eye every time."

"Is your ass really sore? I'd like to feel what it's like in there."

"I'm afraid it will leak out," I said.

"I have just the right thing to plug it," Lee said. He was right about that. Lee was a big boy, but not as big as Drew was. He felt great. Drew's cum was the perfect lubricant.

This may sound odd but I think it was way more than perfect for Lee. He loved it. Lee lost it. He always tried to be detached and cool, but once his cock was in my ass churning Drew's cock cream, Lee became a wild man. He shot off in a few minutes, but he left his cock in me until he cooled off. The rest of the day was quiet for me. I needed some quiet. The main scene was to be a campsite on a wooded part of the property. It was a quiet scene so there were no gunshots, this it was a nice quiet day.

At noon I got word that a tropical storm was making it way up the east coast and was due to go inland in North Carolina and come through Airhurst. That was a big problem. There were thousands of dollars of equipment that had to be secured or taken to a safe place. Lee decided to focus on Richmond and postpone the Airhurst scenes. The trailer camp had to be abandoned and relocated.

The next twenty-four hours were frantic and then all was calm. I was alone in the house with Dale. Dale was alone; his crew was in Richmond. A good portion of the county lived in single or double-wides. They had to be evacuated. The Millers' farm was full up with cousins and other relations. Virgil called me and asked if I could take a nephew. "Robbie is our size and he just doesn't fit in our house," he said. "You'd like Robbie, he's a good kid." I agreed. Robbie appeared an hour later. Kid wasn't the right world. He was well over six feet tall and massive. I remembered he had been a tackle on the high school team. They called him the Bulldozer.

The sky was dark and somber. Wind picked up and the television radar indicated the storm would make a direct hit and had a high potential for tornadoes. I had two surprise guests. At the first trace of wind, a tree blocked the highway that ran past my house. Fred, the Librarian, knocked on my door. He was on the road and was trapped by a fallen tree. Another friend, Fabian Malloy was with Fred. I don't know how they met, but in rural areas, you came to know all the members of the club.

A little later Drew came to the house. He was sort of trapped by the falling tree, but I knew full well he was more in need of sexual release than safety from the storm. I figured that if I was going to be housebound for the night, I might as well fill my house with horse-hung men in heat.

The storm was violent, but not exceptionally so. The lights went out at 8:30. I had an emergency radio that gave all the warnings. I had a backup generator, but I would wait until the next morning to get it going. The day had been hot and once the house was closed up against the storm, it got stuffy and uncomfortable. Tropical storms are indeed tropical, and the humidity was sky high. We went to the game room in the basement of the house.

This room was for the original residents sons. It was not fancy at all, since they wanted it to survive the onslaught of teenaged boys. It had a bath with a shower. I used it as storage so there were several beds and couches. It was sticky and hot.

Robbie's massive physique wasn't designed for efficient cooling. He stripped off his shirt and gave everyone a view of his muscular body. He wore thug style low-riding pants, so when he was shirtless, a nice crop of pubic hair showed. Robbie liked the admiration. He was a red head, and smooth except for his unshaven face and pubes. When Virgil told me I would like him, that meant he was a member of the fraternity. The game room was dark with only a few battery-operated lamps.

We all stripped down to basic shorts and good attitude. Robbie didn't mind have a few gay men looking at him and he asked if Dale would feel his muscles. Dale was willing. Dale isn't the shy type and when he got an invitation, he wasn't only going to taste the appetizers.

Robbie wasn't shy either. I heard him whisper, "Damn is that thing real." He had found Dale's cock. I was preoccupied with the radio reports. The radio broadcast the television reports for those who have lost electricity. I had a county map and Fred, Fabian and I were tracking storms. Drew had a phone that could get radar. Fabian was a doublewide man, and he was worried. By ten, the tornado warnings were diminishing and it was mostly heavy rain.

Following storms on radar and the radio is nerve wracking. The television people have to be alarmist and tell you the worst possible possibilities. I complained about that, but Fabian wasn't concerned. "I can tell you've never lived in a trailer park. You could hit some of my neighbors with a two by four and they would barely notice," he said. "It's better to overdo it than to give an asshole a chance to ignore it. One of my neighbors told me he was watching a funnel cloud come towards him, but he thought it would go in another direction."

"Well, apparently he lived," I said.

"He made it; his wife and two kids didn't," Fabian said. "By the way, he doesn't believe in seat belts." We all laughed. We heard some crashing up stairs and some breaking glass, but I told everyone to stay put. I could fix the damage, but flying glass was another thing. We were safer in the basement.

It was hot and cozy in the game room. Robbie gave up on his thug pants and went naked. That improved moral. Dale followed his lead and soon we were all bare-assed. Robbie didn't try to play the blushing virgin. He was frank in his admiration. "Shit, I haven't seen this much big meat in my life. I didn't know you were running a stud farm, Scooter?" he was the youngest man there, but he didn't seem to mind meat aged to perfection.

"Robbie, I choose all my friends for their personalities," I replied. There was laughter.

"My uncles told me you like them big," he added. "Are you guys all tops?"

"Hey Robbie, we are men, not sex objects," Dale said, "and damn right. We are all tops!" the men laughed.

"Don't worry," Fred said. "We are tops, but I never stick my business into your business without you being willing."

"Let me let you in on a little secret," Fabian said. "Scooter is the only bottom here, but I am willing to do a little ass stretching and hole probing to help a young man learn what real pleasure is like."

"I would bet everyone here would be willing to help out," Drew said. Robbie was rock hard, and the conversation inspired the other men. Robbie looked like he was in heaven and had been assigned to the top tier of angels. I noticed, as did the other men, he had not said no.

"Now Scooter here can show you how a real man can take a big cock," Dale said.

"Can I watch?" Robbie asked. He was all but drooling.

"Would watching some ass fucking and deep probing bother the delicate sensibilities of any of you men?" Dale asked.

"I think it's Scooter's sensitivities I'd be concerned with," Fred said. He said that in a casual way, but he was serious.

"Well, since each one of your cocks has spent some quality time ringing my chimes, I have no problem," I said. "I am a little worried Robbie's sensitivities might be offended. I suspect his asshole is delicate and tight. I'd hate to see it all bloated and messy."

"Don't worry about that," Robbie said. "I can take care of myself."

I would hate for anyone to thing I was a perpetually horny man who was ready for sex at anytime and anywhere, but I did have a stash of lubricant and poppers in the game room, just in case there was an emergency like this. I also had a sling, tucked away in a closet. An old friend of mine gave it to me when he sold his house and moved into adult housing.

I told them about the sling. Fred and Dale took it out of the closet and began to assemble it. That was like a Three Stooges Assemble a Sling, routine. We were rolling on the floor it was so funny. Drew had to help; he had more mechanical skills.

I got Robbie off to the side. "Are you sure about thus?"

"I want to try," he said. "I've never been so turned on in my life."

"Guys talk about big meat, but this is big meat!" I said, "Have you taken a big one?"

He leaned close to me and whispered. "Don't tell anyone, but my Uncles did me a few months ago. I had to beg them to do it. I told them I wanted it bad and I thought they would be careful and gentle," he explained. "They said I was a kid; I told them I was twenty-three and I could pick who I wanted up my ass."

"It was okay?"

"I spent the weekend with them. It was a bit bumpy at noon on Saturday, but by dinnertime on Sunday I couldn't get enough of it," Robbie whispered. "They are as thick as you could want, but I want someone to go deeper."

"Do you want four men to go deeper?"

"I'll tell you later," he replied.

I wasn't wild about the sling. It seemed mechanical in impersonal. Most were made of leather and chrome this was made of fuzzy velour and was comfortable. The tops lubricated their cock and then knobbed me. They eased their cock head through my sphincter and then played. They didn't go deep, but my sphincter was sure limber and flexible.

Drew was the first to slide in deep. This excited Robbie. "I don't believe that fucker fits!" he said. Frank admiration is always good. Eventually Dale and Fabian took their turns.

While I frolicked in the sling, Fred, the librarian, made a sneak attack on Robbie. The sling gave everyone a near perfect view of my ass and whichever cock was fucking me. You rarely get a chance to study another top's technique. The men were interested.

While Fabian eased his organ into my twitching hole, Fred slipped his cock into Robbie's behind. No one noticed except for Robbie of course.

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