Size Queen

Published on Jun 19, 2011


Size Queen 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Neither Bubba nor Beau had tasted man seed before. They were happy if they made it to an orgasm, not to mention post orgasmic play. Tom-tom's interest in my drooling, cum-filled ass was the seal of approval as far as they were concerned.

Tom-tom poked his cock into me, coated it with their sperm and then fed it to the boy's lollypop style. They loved it. It was a good afternoon. Tom-tom had to go home to some sort of an event at an Aunts, but Bubba ad Beau stayed on. It was Saturday, I gave them dinner, and then they fucked me through the night.

The next morning, I discovered there was another guest in the house. Hugo, my cook, had some local friends, and Rochambeau Brown was visiting. Rocky Brown was a school principal who had helped Hugo on many occasions. He was some sort of a cousin, but what sort wasn't clear.

Rocky and Hugo met Beau and Bubba at the breakfast table. It was uncomfortable. Rocky was uneasy with the rednecks and the rednecks were uneasy about black men. Hugo is a good cook and everyone could agree on that. Rocky was well educated and a bit effete, and Bubba and Beau were crude.

They were crude, but not rude or impolite. A pair of Baltimore Oriels landed on a tree next to the kitchen window. They are rare in the area. Bubba and Beau knew where they were nesting and Rochambeau was a naturalist and an avid bird watcher. They had an animated and enthusiastic conversation about the birds.

We were watching the birds standing next to the pool when Rocky mentioned how refreshing the water looked. "Take a dip," I said. "It's spring fed."

He stripped naked and jumped in. That was when I realized that cocks are a universal language. Rocky's cock was impressive and Bubba and Beau noticed. They stripped and jumped in the pool too. Hugo and I jumped in next. By the time, we got out of the pool everyone one was a friend and at least half erect.

"Damn, I've never been naked with a black guy before," Bubba said. "I heard you guys got big ones, but shit, you've got a big one."

Rocky smiled. "I had guessed you men had stubby beer can cocks, not battering rams," he replied. "I'm not sure I've seen so much meat on white guys before."

"We you are pretty close to be the first naked black man I've ever seen,' Beau confessed. "Are you a fucker or sucker."

"I'm mostly a sucker. It's hard to find takers for my cock. A pal says it's not ass friendly." Rocky said.

"We had that problem until yesterday!" Bubba said. He was standing behind me and made a sneak attack on my ass. My ass was still lubricated form the day before, so it was good. Somehow, he hit a few spots he had missed the day before. Rocky, Beau and Hugo clustered around me, and we were off to the races.

Bubba's rear entry seemed to excite everyone. I guess we were in uncharted territory since I didn't know if anyone had any experience with interracial sex except Hugo and me. I didn't think Bubba or Beau intended to try out black meat, but Rochambeau's cock was a wonder. Yes, it was black, but it was even more of a natural wonder sort of like Niagara Falls or some rock formation out west. It inspired admiration.

Bubba and Beau weren't sophisticates. They were vocal and frank in their admiration. I think Rocky's organ was so big, they hardly noticed it was black. Rocky was a nice man anyway. He was successful and well liked. He had no need to prove himself. Rocky told me a lot of guys seemed to forget he was black when they saw his cock.

Rocky was appropriately impressed by Bubba and Beau's endowments. While they weren't twins, their cocks were for all practical purposes identical.

"Big meat everywhere!" Hugo exclaimed. Hugo had length, but not the diameter of the other men.

"I don't want to speak for my friend here," Bubba said as he slowly pounded my ass, `But I bet he could take your cock, Rocky. We've worked him over good. He's a good sport."

Rocky was stroking Beau's organ. After a little hesitation, Beau took Rocky's cock his hand. "Shit my hand won't fit around it!" he exclaimed. Everyone laughed.

"Thank you for the invitation, but I make it a point of not shoving my cock where it's not wanted," Rocky said.

"Do you take white cock?" Beau asked.

"I sure do," Rocky replied. "But only after he has taken mine. I like things to be pretty evenhanded."

"I think it would be kind of pretty to see a white cock in a black hole," Beau said.

"For me, a black dick in a white hole is pretty," Rocky replied. "I bet that doesn't surprise you."

Beau smiled. "Do many white guys want to get fucked by you?" he asked.

"I've had my share," Rocky replied. "I don't know if it's because they want to try a big one in their hole, or if they want a back one. Forbidden fruit is the sweetest. For many guys nothing is more forbidden than a black cock. They get turned on by just the thought."

"Do black guys think about redneck cocks?" Bubba asked.

"Yes, but not the way you might think," Rocky said. "For most black guys taking a white cock in the ass is rarely voluntary."

"I hadn't thought about that," Beau said. "A lot of White guys are afraid of Black men."

"Well you guys need to look in the mirror," Rocky said smiling. "What chance is there that someone's going to jump you and live to tell about it?"

"I would guess it's between zero and no chance in hell," I said. Bubba had pulled out of my ass and I could breathe easily again. "I hate to sound like a romantic or a liberal do-gooder, but a cock is a cock as far as I can tell. They all work the same way."

"Are you volunteering?" Beau asked.

"Well, I guess you could say, I'm into new experiences," I replied. A little later I was on a bench with my legs on Rocky's shoulders.

"Beau and I've been filling his ass with cum all night long," Bubba said. "He should be really open and slippery."

"I've never used white boy cum as a lubricant before," Rocky replied.

"I've never used Bubba's that way until last night. It gives you a little extra tingle,' Beau said. "Let me warn you, it may be messy. There's a lot of redneck high test in there!"

Rocky's cock was long and very hard. I didn't think his organ was quite as thick as Beau and Bubba's meat, but he sure wasn't thin.

"Your knob sure has a nice shine on it," Bubba said. A second later Rocky's knob was in my ass. Two seconds after that his pubic hairs touched my ass. I was out of it. I was winded and dazed.

When I came out of it maybe ten minutes later, Beau, Bubba and Rocky seemed to be pals. They were comparing notes. They sounded a bit like food critics discussing a new restaurant. I was going to be getting a four star rating, but Bubba and Beau were suggesting some dishes Rocky hadn't sampled yet.

Rocky knew what the boys wanted, although they wouldn't admit it to themselves. Rocky wasn't one to force the issue. He would just let nature take its course. I did have a suspicion Rocky would like to take a joy ride in Bubba or Beau's ass, but I had no idea how that might happen. He had made it clear that he was willing to take their cocks, only after he took their asses. Sex was in the air.

They made it clear watching the black probe vanish into my pink ass was a turn on. Rocky had a large mushroom cock head and they liked it probing my hole. Beau and Bubba's cock heads were about the same size as their thick shafts. When Rocky pulled out, their semen was on the flared edge. They liked that.

All of us were turned on and wanted to make some sort of physical contact, but his required some delicate negotiations. They eventually made an arrangement. Rocky would fuck one of them as the other fucked him simultaneously. They decided to flip a coin to select the bottom. Beau would bottom as Bubba topped. They knew Rocky's big cock would be a challenge cold turkey, so I lubricated Beau carefully. Hugo took care of Rocky's ass. Hugo also made a few test pokes to make sure Beau was open.

Hugo is a nice guy, but understanding instructions is a problem. He made a few test pokes, but then went deep. Fortunately, that was a great success for Hugo and Beau. Hugo was just as black as Rocky, but that didn't seem to bother Beau at all.

Things did not work out as planned. Rocky eased his knob into Beau as Bubba did the same to him. Beau had a problem with the mushroom, but once it was on the dark side of his sphincter, all was well. Bubba had his cock head and a few inches of shaft in Rocky when he began to shiver and shake. He had a four-alarm orgasm. He pulled out drained and wasted before Rocky had barely penetrated Beau's ass.

The trio also had agreed they would pull out before the orgasm. Bubba forgot about that. There was confusion. Bubba and Beau did have a sense of fair play. Bubba got on his hands and knees and took Rocky as Beau slipped into Rocky's cum filled ass. Bubba was relaxed from his climax and Rocky went in deep easily. Beau shoved his brother's cum deep into Rocky's ass.

Bubba and Beau were built alike, but Rocky's cock hit some very special places in Bubba's ass and Bubba went crazy. Beau was using his brother's cum as lubrication in a black man's ass and he went to the moon. Rocky was the sexual beneficiary of the two men's excitement.

Before they went home, Bubba and Beau had both taken a load from Rocky. Beau even opened his hole for Hugo a second time and let Hugo make a man seed deposit. Hugo's man seed ejaculations are forceful. I saw Beau react as he felt the sperm tickle his rectum.

I was busy for the next two weeks. The house was on the spring garden tour. This is a big event for ladies and garden clubs, both as a social event, and as a fundraiser for garden restorations. The main attraction for the tour was a neighbor's house. It was struck by lightning and couldn't be shown.

They needed a substitute and my gardens were in good shape. Being in good shape isn't the same as ready to be on tour. Everything had to be spick and span, buffed and polished. The Wentworth's had the house on tour several times and I wanted the place to look as good as it was when they owned the house. As a redneck named Scooter, I didn't want people commenting how the place had gone downhill under my ownership. The local garden club would provide guides and flowers for the house. The grounds were fine, but I had a local nursery fill in where plants died during the winter.

One of the ladies of the garden club made a negative comment, just within my hearing, but the President dumped on her so bad the women almost had to go for a rest cure. The house was presented as Airhurst, the DeWitt Residence. That sounded odd to me, but everyone fell for it. The event was a success. We actually had to keep the place open two hours extra, so everyone could see it.

The tour had an unexpected side effect. A movie producer among the visitors was looking for authentic sites for a Civil War movie he was working on. Airhurst, its gardens and the property were perfect for what he wanted. The house was a real pre Civil War plantation, but the site looked like Gettysburg. Two days after the garden tour, the producer, Max Franken, made an appointment to meet me.

I had no idea, New York Jews were as big as Max was. I knew they could be loud, but Max was six feet five and 270 pounds. All those pounds were muscle. Max worked out. It took a while for us to be able to communicate. Brooklyn English and Blue Ridge English aren't the same language, but we worked that out.

When Max met Randy White, my Marlboro man look-a-like grounds man, I realized Max was a member of the fraternity. His visit was purely professional, but I had a feeling he would be back and sensed love was in the air.

The next day, Randy came over and told me he and Max had connected. Max was into it for fun, and that was fine with Randy. Randy had mentioned my sexual interests, and while Max was on the high side of average, one of his potential co-stars, Lee Montana was horse hung and into man play. "Lee plays rough and tumbles macho types according to Max. He's afraid of exposure since it might run counter to his image in Hollywood," Randy said. "He tends to let his hair down on location shoots. He likes playmates that aren't Hollywood types and have no connection to Tinsel Town."

"This would be a perfect place for him. We're a long way from just about everywhere," I observed.

"And, by the way, Lee likes his men a bit rough hewn and unsophisticated," Randy continued. "I don't want to hurt your feelings, Scooter, but I think he was describing you!" I laughed. I had no idea who Lee Montana was, but I am nothing if not open minded.

A week later, I agreed to let them use the house and Farm for the movie. I asked that they use as many locals as extras and support personnel. This was a poor area and there were al lot of folks who could use the money. They agreed to do that. They insured the place up the waa-zu, and they donated to the local library in place of paying me.

A month later, I met Lee Montana. When I saw him, I realized I had seen him in many movies. He was the co-star that played the sidekick, thug or bad man with a heart of gold. He was shorter than he looked on screen, but more muscular. He had a distinctive, not quite handsome face and permanent week old stubble. When he snarled he looked like the devil incarnate, when he smiled he was your best pal ever. I assumed that opened-up a wide range of roles. He reminded me of Sam Elliot, but he was heavier and more solid.

He also was a co-producer for the movie, so I assumed he must have invested well. At first, he was rushed and was all business, but he relaxed some in the afternoon. Airhurst solved many problems for him. The house was an old Virginia Plantation so it fit the bill exactly. The property included several farmhouses that could stand in for homesteads, and the landscape included fields suited for Gettysburg, rolling hills and distant mountains.

All the modern utilities were underground, and the gardens looked old. The house and property could save them hundreds of thousands in sets and set decoration. Lee was hoping for a more Tara type of house with columns, but I told him Airhurst was the real thing. We even retained some slave quarters.

The builders of the house were unusually good about slave housing. Most slaves lived in shacks. Airhurst had small cottages. They too were real and didn't need to be antiqued. Lee came alone, without staff. He liked to see potential sets alone, without people bothering him. I gave him a tour, but I also let him go walking on his own.

I know nothing of movie making, but I later found out Lee had a vision for the movie, and was looking to see if the farm fit his image. By four in the afternoon, he was happy. He had worked out things in his mind. We had drinks around my very definitely non-Civil War pool. Virginia is hot in the summer and this was a typical summer day.

He said he's like to spend another day looking over the place and wanted to know about the local motels. "Well most of the local places rent their rooms by the hour," I said. "You'll need to go to Richmond or Charlottesville for a room. You are more than welcome to stay here. There is more than enough room."

"That would re really nice," Le replied. "I won't inconvenience you?"

"I live here alone and have servants, so you won't inconvenience me at all," I said. "They would love to have a real life movie star in the house."

Lee stayed; he wasn't an outgoing, friendly type. Lee was reserved and I took a while for him to warm up. Randy and the Miller Brothers came over for dinner. As with Max, Lee liked Randy, and he took a shine to the Horace and Virgil Miller too. He seemed to like the beefy bear types and the Millers defined beef. I did the cooking on a grill, and Hugo made some salads. Most of the salad came from the Miller's kitchen garden. Lee thought that was hot stuff.

The Millers went to movies and they knew of Lee. Lee was one of those men you see in many movies. The star was too handsome, but Lee seemed more attainable. What he lacked in attractiveness he made up in masculinity. He definitely wasn't a Brad Pitt type.

I thought Horace and Virgil were shy types, but when they saw Lee, I saw them on the hunt. When I met Lee my Gaydar was silent. There was not a peep or blip on the screen. Somehow, the Millers got a clear signal. I later figured out Lee liked big men, and the Millers and Randy fit the bill. I am on the scrawny side. Lee was nice and polite, but there wasn't the tingling in the balls that comes with lust.

It was a hot evening and we were all mellow after dinner and a few beers. The Millers didn't have the most sophisticated approach to making sexual overtures, but they weren't shy. Virgil wore a wife-beater and shorts. Horace wore a mostly unbuttoned shirt and low-slung shorts. Both men were hairy and it wasn't clear if you were seeing their hairy guts, or pubic hair. Lee liked what he was seeing either way.

Horace got the ball rolling when he stripped and jumped in the pool. "I guess you noticed skinny dipping is okay?" I said. Lee seemed to lose his shyness. It was dusk and the pool gave cover for any explorations. I cleaned up the dinner dishes as the frolicked. When I returned the festivities were well under way.

Next: Chapter 5

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