Size Queen

Published on Mar 21, 2011


Size queen 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

Tommy sent me possible playmates from time to time, but Glenn also contributed. Glenn was the Methodist Minister I had known for years. He seemed to get around quite a bit. He called me and said he had a guy he wanted me to meet.

"What's he like?" I asked.

"Well he's a sweet guy, but a bit of a country bumpkin," he replied.

"Well, I ain't exactly Prince Charles."

"Fabian Malloy makes you look like Fred Astaire. When I first met him, I thought he had been raised by wolves. He's downright rustic," Glenn continued. "I met his folks once, and Fabian would have been a bit more sophisticated if he had been raised by wolves. They were rough. His dad was a professional drunk. His mom worked in a chicken processing plant."

"He's a nice guy?"

"He is. He should be an ax murderer, but he's nice as he can be," Glen said. "He had a big one and he's looking for a place to put it. I know you like them big."

"He's having trouble finding a playmate?"

"He doesn't have the broadest range of friends. I gave him his first lessons in man fun years ago. He took to like a fish to water. You know I'm a top, and I got a friend to bottom for him. Fabian loved it but it was an ordeal for my friend," he said. "My friend is a good sport and did volunteer for it, but it was a challenge."

"I like a challenge."

"Let me warn you, he ugly."

"Worse than me?" I asked. Glenn nodded. The next day I got a call from Fabian and a few days later, he came by to see me. Fabian was a six foot four redhead with a beaver sized beard. He looked as if he had been assembled by a committee with weak leadership. All the parts were there, but they didn't seem to fit.

He had beautiful teeth. I expected to see something like tree stumps in Death Valley but they were in perfect condition. "Damn, you've got good teeth!" I said, speaking out loud what I was thinking.

"Funny you should mention that, most of them are mine," he said. He explained he had been in a serious car accident and his face had borne the brunt of the impact. An older lady had fallen asleep at the wheel and hit him head on, literally. He had no health insurance, but the lady's family was loaded and they made sure he got the best care money could buy. "My Dentist, Dr. Hurt, said I was a challenge, but he was up to it."

"It must have been painful," I said.

"It was, but no worse than having your face rebuilt," Fabian replied. "Dr. Hurt and his nurses were as nice as they could be. They were the first people I had met who were worried I would be in pain. My pa seemed to think it was a requirement of his parenting technique." He paused. "Did Glenn tell you why I'm here?"

"He sure did. He thought I would like you."

"Did he tell you I like to fuck?" he asked. I nodded.

"I've fucked a couple of men and I love it, but I was too big for them to enjoy it much. I'd love to be able to go at it for hours some time," he said, "especially with a man who likes taking it as much as I like giving it. Glenn thought you might be the guy."

We talked a little longer and then went to my bedroom. Glenn was a preacher and he didn't lie. He certainly didn't lie about Fabian's equipment. He was just short of being a carnival freak show. Soft he was eight, thick, uncut inches. Naked he looked even more poorly assembled than he did clothed, but there was no question that all the parts were male. He had a hairy chest and a wide treasure trail to his cock. His balls hung low too.

Men don't need to be handsome to be sexy. With the huge beard, hairy chest and monster cock, all the male sexual characteristics were over sized and evident. Fabian wasn't attractive, but he was sexy. He was also shy, but he lost that when I started sucking him. I later found out he normally initiated sex, and he was pleased I took the first step.

Fabian had some extra so I took it in my mouth and worked my tongue into the pucker hunting for his knob. He must have been oozing precum in anticipation of our meeting. I tasted the rich, slightly fermented precum. As my tongue explored deeper I found his piss slit that was oozing fresh stuff. His cock was expanding to meet my tongue.

Soon we were sixty-nining, but that wasn't that good, h could take me, but I could get only a small part of his cock. It was all I could hope for. It must have been eleven or twelve inches. It was oval so if you saw it from the side it looked thin, from above it was wide.

"How do you want me to do you?" he asked.

"As long as you are careful, I'll leave it up to you," I replied.

"Hot damn!" he exclaimed. He wanted me on my back and spread eagled. That gave him the most control and me the least opportunity to resists. I reconsidered my generosity in leaving it up to him.

"I want to take my time," Fabian said. "When I've don't it before it was quick in and quick out. I like the way it feels in a man and I want to savor it. I have a long fuse and I've never popped my nut in a guy's ass before. One guy asked me to pull out before I shoot. Do you want me to do that?"

I told him to let nature take its course. He hoisted my legs to his shoulder and said, "Relax and let me in."

I didn't exactly do that, but Fabian like to use a lot of lubricant and pulled out many times to reapply the stuff. With each re-entry, it was easier. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't outright painful. He had half of his cock in me after ten minutes of work. He had discovered my prostate and it like his cock a lot.

At this point, he pulled all the way out, coated his dong in lube and reentered. This time he didn't stop at the half way point. He went deep. I was winded and out of it. He told me later I wasn't so far out of it to lose my erection. He left it in and waited for me to revive. He was almost still, making tiny movements with his just to remind me he was there. When I came out of it, he made deeper strokes.

I couldn't think clearly; it was as if his cock had turned off my brain. I could react and moan. Fabian liked that. I don't know how long he skewered me. He suddenly pulled out, rolled me over and entered from the rear.

This time he slid in deep on the first thrust and he went so deep he was fucking my brain. For the next hour or so had fucked me every possible way and then went back for seconds. Sometimes it wasn't as good for me as it was for him, but he was cheerful, energetic and happy.

It got better after an hour. It was much better. My ass must have adapted to the huge organ. Fabian didn't fuck me; he occupied a good part of my body. The sensation was new and I was somewhat dazed and confused. I couldn't sort out me feelings.

Eventually he got me on my side and entered me from the rear. He liked what he called quality time in my ass. Fabian made just enough movement to stay hard. As far as I could tell, staying hard wasn't a problem. He was right when he said he had a long fuse. We had been at it for an hour and a half, and I was on my side when he suddenly made three hard thrust. It felt like a fire hose letting loose tickling my ass linings.

He had ten or fifteen massive ejaculations and then calmed down to twitches and shivers. He left his cock in my ass and let it go soft.

"I don't believe how beautiful that was," he whispered in my ear. "That was the best it's ever been. I'll pull out of you want me too, but it feels so good! I've never shot in a guy before. It was great."

As his cock returned to its soft state it remained an impressive organ. I had been entirely passive until now but I squeezed his.

Fabian moaned. Damn it! You're milking me. That's fucking wonderful! Can you do it again?" he asked

I could and did. He was very responsive and his semi-erect cock was exciting especially in my sperm filled ass. At that point, something odd happened. I found myself longing for the enlarged organ. Fabian had exhausted me in his marathon session. Now that he was going soft, I missed his erect member.

I squeezed my ass again, and damn if he didn't begin to re inflate. It had been no more than five or six minutes since his first orgasm, and he was ready to go. As I squeezed the cock re-inflated.

The sensation of a cock growing in my ass turned me on big time. Fabian had shot a big load and his slippery sperm let his cock effortlessly re occupy spaces that had been challenging before. When he was fully erect, my ass had fallen in love with his cock. From then on Fabian could do no wrong. Every movement, every twitch or jiggle was exciting.

We had a break and showered after a while. I was a little worried I would close up when he pulled out, but as soon as we had dried off, Fabian was back in my ass and it was just as good. I loved it but Fabian more than loved it.

I wouldn't say I was the most sexually experienced man in the world, but I had a lot more than Fabian. He had only fucked a few men, and that hadn't been that successful. I possessed the first willing ass he had fucked. He liked my tight, warm and juicy ass and hadn't guessed that I could massage his dong with my sphincter. Indeed, he had no reaction from his previous bottoms, other than being relieved when he pulled out. My ass was a revelation to him.

Fabian naturally was an enthusiastic man; he now became wildly enthusiastic. We had a good time. After another shower, I sucked him off again and got a mouthful of his special redneck ball brew. This was his third climax of the afternoon and I almost choked on it. I got a mouthful and gobbled it down like a starving man at banquet. Fabian liked that too. No one had done that for him either. When he left, he asked if he could come back. I said sure, and suggested a time two weeks away. He said that would be good for him.

That evening I was with Randy having some fun when Fabian's cum spurted out of my ass as his cock slipped in. Randy noticed and I told him about Fabian. Randy was a good sport and he enjoyed using Fabians sperm as a lubricant. He also said my ass was just as firm as always, but a bit tenderer. Afterwards we talked and I described Fabian.

"I like them big too, but mostly as inspiration," Randy said. "I like the top too much. I wouldn't mind watching you take a big one. That might be a turn on."

"I'm not sure about that," I said.

"You're not sure about taking that cock again or having me watch you take it?"

"Having you watch; it seems too personal," I replied.

"I hope I didn't offend you by mentioning it," Randy said. "You may have noticed I'm not very lovey-dovey. I think of sex as a fun way to get off. I'm afraid I don't love my playmates; I just enjoy them. I had been in a few threesomes and a foursome once. As far as I could tell the more cocks, the better it was for me."

"You weren't embarrassed?"

"I may have been uneasy for a minute or two, but once you get naked all is well. My foursome was in the steam room of a health club with two pals and an instructor from the police academy. I was surprised the instructor, Major Davis, let me fuck him. Somehow, it didn't seem right for a Major to take an ordinary troopers cock. Major Davis said he liked man sex and was man enough to admit it," Randy continued. "He pointed out were all had cocks and knew how you use them; why pretend we don't enjoy it? Frankly I was one of those men who like to suck and fuck men, but was afraid to admit I enjoyed it."

"I never had sex with men, I just messed around some," I said. "After my folks died I finally admitted I was really into it. Was your foursome hot?"

"Shit yes," he replied. "The other men had been together before and I was the new meat. I was flattered by all the attention. They weren't shy at all. I was the biggest of the men and they wanted to watch me fuck the Major. I did and discovered I enjoyed being watched. I like to fuck and if several other people can get their rocks off watching me do the deed, why not? One of the watchers shot off watching and some cum splattering on our bodies was a nice touch."

It was a week later when I had a visit from Fred Mueller, who had gone to high school with me. We were both uncool boys, but for opposite reasons. I was the reddest of the rednecks; he was way too smart. Today he would be a geek; then he was a shy kid with thick, Coke bottle type glasses and had his nose in books all the time. While we weren't alike in any way, we got along well enough. He went off to a major university and I lost track of him, although he did send a sympathy card when my parents died.

He called form unexpectedly and asked if we could meet. I said sure, but I knew what he was after. He wanted money. I had no idea what he wanted money for, but when I got this type of a call, it was always aimed for a donation.

When I saw him at the door, I knew it was he, even though he had greatly changed. The glasses were a dead giveaway. I had remained scrawny, but he had filled out and seemed taller than he had been.

"Let me be up front with you. I am embarrassed to be here, I am the director of the Virginia Rural Library Association and my chairman wants me to get some money from you," he said. "I told him I knew you in school, but not so well as to justify asking for a donation. We applied for a grant from your foundation and didn't get it, and my chair insisted I make a direct appeal. I assume you are tired of guys who want special treatment because they saw you in the parking lot in sixth grade."

I laughed. "Well, the direct approach simplifies the situation," I said. "I hate it when you have to pussy-foot around for an hour or two before you get to the objective of the visit. Come in and let's have some coffee."

I showed it around the house. "It's exactly the same as I remember it," he said. "My parents were close friends of the Wentworths. I still see Tommy in Richmond once and a while." Fred's father was a banker and his mom was a teacher, so they moved in the same social set as the Wentworths.

Fred was wearing a good suit, but wore boxers and I could see the outline of his cock. It was unexpectedly large. I also noticed he wasn't wearing a wedding ring. We talked about our school days. He lived in the county seat and was a townie. His trips to Airhurst were rare visits to the country and he liked roaming the large farm.

I began to suspect Fred might be a member of the fraternity. I hadn't known Tommy and Fred knew each other.

"I use to play with Tommy in the summers," I said. "We had a lot of fun roaming and going to the pond." Fred looked me in the eye. He had visited the pond. Every time Tommy and I went there, we ended up naked and messing around. From the look in Fred's eyes, I knew he had the same experience.

"Those times at the pond were the highlights of my visits," Fred said. "I love it there."

"It was pretty alright," I said, "but I liked skinny dipping on a hot summer day."

"We seem to have had the same experiences," Fred said. It was the most exciting thing that ever happened to me when I was a kid. My parents were conservative. I had never been naked outside in my life before." He was silent for a few seconds. "Did you and Tommy mess around some?"

"We sure did," I replied. "I love it. I didn't know Tommy played with anyone else."

"I didn't either," Fred, said, "I hope that's not a problem. When we first played, we promised never to tell anyone ever. I guess he kept his promise."

"Do you still play around?" I asked.

"No, not since college," he replied. "I think about it a lot though."

"How much is a lot?"

Fred smiled. "A few times a day," he answered. "I loved playing with Tommy, but I lack nerve. I can't get up enough nerve to make a pass."

"I'm still playful," I added. I rubbed my crotch. It's nice to know that tried and true come-ons still work even if the lack sophistication.

Fred leaned close to me. "Did you ever take Tommy's cum?" I nodded.

"I loved it. I still think about the warm cream spurting into my mouth as he moaned," he continued. "I've never tasted anyone else's man seed."

"Well, this might be your lucky day if you're in the mood," I said.

Not surprisingly, he was in the mood. We got naked and soon were in the sixty-nine position. His cock was longer than Tommy's but a bit thinner. It was one of those wonders that were big, but easy to seep throat and breathe at the same time.

Fred was a top of the line cock milking machine. He was good. He genuinely loved man seed and had no problem with my redneck high test. He got me off quickly and as soon as I began to ejaculate, he began to shoot his load. I had never been sixty-nining with a man and shot off at the same time before. We actually ejaculated together; I can recommend that highly.

If you want to get to a guy fast, try sucking up sperm as he is gobbling up your man seed. Fred was like a starving man who found himself at a banquet and wanted to eat it all. He did. We stayed in the same position. He kept an eye on my cock to intercept anything that drooled from my tool.

He was so needy it was almost pathetic, but I had a few urges to swallow his cock and again and coax a few more drops of his manly juices from his balls. I got a few left over drops and got one genuine spurt and he ejaculated once more. I felt close to him.

"I had forgotten how good it was," Fred said. "It was fucking wonderful. It's been so many years."

"If you have another load bubbling up in your balls, I'd be glad to help you out," I said. "You can even make a rear delivery if you want."

He was silent. "I've never fucked a guy before," he eventually said.

"This may be your lucky day," I suggested.

Next: Chapter 3

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