Size Queen

Published on Mar 7, 2011


Size Queen By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

My name is Scooter DeWitt. I guess from my name you can tell that I'm a redneck. Scooter isn't a nickname. It's not a stand in for John, Fred or George. My name is Scooter and it caused a problem on the first day of school for years.

My folks live in a small cabin on the side of a mountain in Virginia. Dad couldn't read and Mom was none too good at it, but they worked hard and I had a good life. I was an only child so I got a lot of attention.

Our cabin was next to a big farm called Airhurst. Originally Dad was a pump jockey at the only nearby gas station, but eventually he became a handy man for the folks who owned Airhurst, the Wentworths. They were nice people, but not handy around the house. Mom worked for them too doing things around the house.

They had only one child too, Tommy. We played as kids and stayed friends when we got older. He went to a prep school in New England, but spent the summers at Airhust. We played in the woods, and swam in the creeks and ponds. We also did our share of "you show me yours, and I'll show you mine" games. At thirteen, I had a growth spurt and that spurt included my cock. Tommy liked the new enlarged version of my tool. I was the first to shoot the cream. At first, Tommy liked to watch it. I had tasted it and determined it wasn't creamy piss so I got him to try it. He liked it.

A year later, Tommy had a growth spurt. My cock had doubled in size; Tommy's member tripled. It was huge. He was proud of it. I loved it. When I say loved it, I mean it. We were two teenagers on a big farm and we had the time and the inclination to do some serious explorations into Way we could have fun during those long, hot summer days. We weren't opposed to experimentation and most of our experiments were successful.

You hear about people wanted to keep their children innocent and safe from the evils of sex. Tommy and I were innocent and no one taught us anything. We figured it out all by ourselves. Let's face it, no organ is more handy and convenient than a cock. I'm pretty sure there is no more than one kid in a thousand who doesn't discover his cock and figure out some things to do with it.

Tommy said if God hadn't wanted us to play with it, he should have located it in the middle of our backs where we couldn't reach it. I figured out if our cocks were on our backs we'd be spending a lot of time rubbing our backs against a tree. Cock play was a lot more fun than watching summer reruns on the television.

Tommy and I were pals who had sex, not lovers. I thought of sex as a nice entertainment, a good way to spend a hot, summer afternoon. I knew some people fell in love or had crushed, but I wasn't one of those. I wasn't a romantic.

I assumed someday I would lose my interest in men and begin to like girls, but the switch never happened. I was a tall, gawky kid, and most girls thought I was goofy looking. By the time, I was 16 it was clear I was going to be bald, and my five o'clock shadow appeared at noon.

Tommy told me his cock was popular at his school too, but I had a knack for playing with it. "No one can suck like you," he said. "You have the best ass I've ever fucked." He was big, but it was a good fit for my hole. I loved man sex, as did he.

Tommy was around for the summers and Christmas break, so I had nine months with no outlet for my sexual energies. I worked after school at the gas station and I met an oil deliveryman who was good. He was a nice guy, with a nice average cock. He was fun, but his cock didn't do what Tommy's cock did. He poked me a few times. It was good for him, but not exciting for me. It was okay, but no thrill. I had a good time with Earl the oilman, but it wasn't as good as with Tommy.

One day in early fall, I was hitchhiking home from the station when I guy picked me up and we hit it off. The man was a Methodist minister from another county. I knew every out of the way place you could go. We went down a road to a clearing in the woods and got naked. Glenn's cock was about Tommy's size, but it had a bend and a much bigger head than Tommy. It was great. I didn't know much about sex, but I knew a lot more than Glenn did and we had a great time. His organ explored new areas of my ass Tommy had missed. Glenn tended to pick me up regularly after that.

I found a few more playmates, but they had average cocks and didn't do it for me. Again, they were nice guys and fun, but I didn't get the rush I got when a big one rammed my ass. The gay community on rural Virginia is small, so I was in my twenties when I found out a man with my likes is a Size Queen. The second I heard he name I knew it referred to me.

My life was ordinary and boring until I bought a ticket for Mega Millions lottery. I bought one ticket and won $245,000,000.00 bucks. I took the one time payout and cleared $175,000,000.00. I did a quick calculation in my head to see how many cases of Budweiser that would buy me and knew I was in deep shit.

I had seen those programs on the television on lottery winners who spent it all and killed themselves, or drank themselves to death. Tommy was now big time lawyer in Richmond and he helped set up foundations. My Mom had died of cancer so I gave money to the hospital that tried to save her. I got that hospital to set up a community hospital in the county. Another foundation provided scholarships for people in my area.

I ended up having about $40,000,000.00 spending money. The Wentworths were getting old had to go to a retirement community. I bought Airhurst. Tommy was too busy to deal with it. I loved the house. I got most of the furnishings too. Tommy had married an heiress and she had her own stuff. Tommy had the right of first refusal if I ever sold the house. It worked out well for everyone.

I briefly thought I would take care of the house on my own, but that was impossible. There were some farming operations most of which took place on the other side of the property from the house. The Wentworths had servants but they were all elderly and retired when I got the house. I got lucky with staffing. I had heard of the Miller brothers who once had a big farm. The word was they were ran a good Black Angus farm and they were as well hung as the bulls they raised.

Their farm was in the path of a major highway project. The road chopped their farm into four, non-viable sections. They did well on the sale, but loved farming. I went over to visit them.

They were as advertized. I like beefy men. They looked like twins, but were three years apart in age. When you think of gay men, you think of florists, interior decorators and choir directors; you don't think of farmers and rednecks. The farmers and rednecks had their own gay telegraph. The Miller Brother's had heard there was a guy who won millions of dollars a few counties away who had a hungry ass. They figured out the lay of the land quickly when we met and we all hit it off. We worked out a deal for them to farm my land. They moved into a large farmhouse on the south side of the property.

I also heard of a sheriff's deputy who was fired by the county for unclear reasons. I found out he was caught in an anti-gay witch-hunt by a member of the Board of Supervisors. The deputy, Randy White, was a dead ringer for the Marlboro Man. He was drop dead gorgeous. Tommy felt I needed some people around the house for protection. I was a multimillionaire living on a secluded farm by myself. Knowing the place had some protection was a good idea. I hired him without considering his cock size, but I was on a winning streak and soon found he was well hung and horny.

Randy was into camping and environmental stuff and that was good too. He liked to prowl the woods and he turned the place into a wildlife preserve over the course of several years. I wasn't what you would call an environmentalist, but I like the animals, so all was well. He lived in the caretaker's cottage.

The final member of my staff was a black man, Hugo, who was a cook and loved to clean. Hugo was borderline mentally, but a nice guy who was happy keeping the house spic and span. They had taught him how to clean at a group home and expected him to work at a hotel. He had worked at a local motel under what were almost slave labor conditions. He thought cleaning my house was a vacation at a resort. He lived in the back of the house above the kitchen.

These four men were all well equipped and into man sex. I made it a point to play with them only at their instigation or by invitation. That was especially true of Hugo. He was obedient and would do what you asked. He was the housekeeper, not a sex slave. He would periodically ask if I would play with him. He got along well with the other men and enjoyed their company too.

I didn't need to work anymore. However, I was short on hobbies. Actually I did have one hobby that involved Budweiser. My Mom nagged me about it. That annoyed me, but she asked me to stop getting drunk just before she died. I did. My favorite pastime involved a large cock and me. Since I was now a man of leisure I had the time to go hunting for the big one. I had a vision in my mind of a monster cock attached to a nice guy who liked man sex as much as I did.

I'm not much of a conversationalist, but I am good in the sack. I figured an open mouth and a tight ass would make up for my social weaknesses. I did some cruising on the web, but Tommy and Glenn were helpful too. Tommy was happily married but he still had some pals he could get his rocks off with. He sent some of his friends to meet me. He also let the word out. He said the gay telegraph was efficient. Glenn now lived on the other side of the state, but he kept in touch.

The first fruit of the telegraph was a total surprise. I got a call from Lewis Brown Guest, a genuine Bishop. At first I thought he was after money, he discussed my generous charitable gifts. I was use to this and sort of tuned him out. As he ended the conversation, he asked if he could meet with me, and then mentioned Tommy was a good friend of his and thought we shared some common interests.

He visited me three days later. He was a tall, handsome man wearing a magenta shirt and a clerical collar. I am not very impressive, but he was polite and didn't look like he was going to run from the house in shock.

"I'm sorry to have cloaked my visit as a fund raising effort," he said. "It was logical from the point of view of my office staff, but your foundations have been generous and you certainly have been doing your part."

"I never thought I would say it, but I have too much money," I said. "I didn't realize it, but when you have as much money as I do, I just keep on making more money even when you give it away."

"That is your friend Tommy's doing," the Bishop said. "We had a problem with his predecessor, Tommy straightened things out, had the firm make full restitution and then he reinvested very wisely. He is a good man."

"I take it you have connected personally?" I asked.

"Several times, most successfully too, I might add," he replied. "It is hard because we are both well known and neither of us can stand the hint of scandal. We also both prefer the more aggressive role. Personally, we are most compatible, but connections that are more intimate are not fully satisfactory. He said you were receptive in many ways."

"If receptive and taking it up the ass are the same, I am."

He laughed. "Tommy said you were direct. They are the same. Let me be direct too," the Bishop continued. "This may sound odd, but I have no desire for a relationship. I want sexual release with no strings attached. This house is so secluded and private, I would love to visit from time to time, fuck you silly, and then go home. If you find that sort of relationship insulting and demeaning, I can leave now and we can forget I was ever here."

"Frankly, that is close to being my idea of a dream date, I said. "I do like long sessions though. Is that a problem?'

"Quite the opposite," he replied. He paused. "Is there a place we can go? I am hot to trot!" We went to my bedroom.

The Bishop was naked a few seconds after I closed the door. He was handsome, well groomed and tan. White hair covered his chest and formed a treasure trail to his cock. I barely had a chance to see his meat before he was on the floor sucking me. He was into it. From the way he talked, I thought he was going to bend me over, shove it in, shoot his load and leave. He was into man sex big time, and this wasn't his maiden voyage.

I don't think I had been with anyone as skilled as him before. I'm a bit scrawny and hairy, but he seemed to no problem with that. I'm uncut; he loved that. I leak like sieve; he loved that even more. He licked my cock, balls and asshole before he calmed down and let me get to his cock.

He had a beauty. The Bishop sported an eight incher. It was a little shorter than Tommy's but noticeably thicker. His cut, flared cock head was pink and juicy. Not everyman oozes precum, but he was drooling the sweet stuff.

As I sucked him, he told me what he wanted. "I shoot quickly the first time, but it takes a much longer the second and third times," he said. "Do you mind taking the load in your ass? I can pull out if that bothers you. We've just met. I understand if you don't want to take the seed."

"The ass or mouth is fine with me," I said. "It's easier on the sheets; there is less to clean up. What's your record for orgasms in a single session?"

"Five," he said. "That was a good night. I shoot big loads and it gets messy after the third." He began to whisper. "I have a friend who likes to lick it up from the hole. Would that bother you? I could bring him another time if that is okay with you."

"Not at all," I said. "Do you have any plans for my spunk?"

"I hope I don't insult you, but I'm not much into semen," he said. "I can give it but not take it. If you really want me to take it, I can."

"If you don't like it why bother?" I said. "Once I've shot it, I don't give a crap what happens to it." After that comment, he lubricated his cock and we were off to the races. I was on my back, and he put my legs on his shoulders. He spent time opening my sphincter with his big knob. It was large, but after a few tries my ass relaxed and opened for him. The flared edge of the organ was on the dark side of my sphincter.

He slid in deep enough to rub his cock head against my nut and he massaged the excited gland. I got excited, but he seemed cool as a cucumber. While his cock was rock hard, he seemed almost casual.

"I ooze buckets of pre cum," he said. "I like to lubricate the entire tunnel before I get into heavy duty fucking." A little later, he slipped the rest of his organ into me. In another minute, he started pounding me.

"I'm shooting!" he cried. He had ten or twelve ejaculations and then he left his organ in me as he came down from the sexual high. I felt him go soft, so I squeezed my ass. He moaned in approval and I felt him twitch. He had another ejaculation. When he was completely soft, he pulled out.

"If you can wait a half hour, I will be ready to go again," he said. I could wait.

"You are good," he said. "You are the second man I have been with who actually opened for me. You respond to me. It was good," he muttered. "I always hope I can draw things out and delay the first orgasm, but nature takes its course."

"You can't fool mother nature," I said. I reached over and fondled his cock. It was still an impressive thing even when it was only half-hard. "You are good at this. Have you been practicing?"

"Not as much practicing as fantasizing," he replied. "I can't tell you the number of times I have dreamed about what I would do the next time I find a willing ass. Willing isn't the right word, I dream about a welcoming ass. Your ass is lovely. Tommy was willing to take my cock out of a sense of fair play, but it wasn't the same."

"I think about cocks too. I think I've always been horny," I said. "You can certainly get a lot of fun out of one not particularly large organ."

"For years I thought it was a minor organ, that was best ignored," the Bishop said. "I think we ignore it at our own risk." He was fully erect by now. There are many ways for a man to fuck another man, and he knew them all. He had two more entirely satisfactory orgasms, and finished his visit by sucking me dry. Not only did he take the entire contents of my balls, he slurped up my cream with great enthusiasm. Apparently, he changed his mind about taking man seed.

Two months later the Bishop called again and then he visited with his cum eating friend, Edwin. Was a small, almost delicate man, who was painfully shy. The pair arrived and hour earlier than I expected. We went to my bedroom, and stripped. The Bishop got down to business quickly. Edwin was well hung. I realized later it was an average cock on an undersized man.

We were in the initial genital fondling stage when Hugo walked into the room naked. He liked to clean the shower by getting in and scrubbing. Hugo was a muscular man and sported a big lack snake between his legs. I introduced the men. "This is Hugo, my clearing man," I said. "He's a good boy, and a member of our fraternity." I think the Bishop was interested, but Edwin was hard as a rock.

"Hugo, you can do the other rooms and come back here later," I said. Hugo left. I saw Edwin looked crestfallen. I explained his situation to the men, and ended by saying, "Hugo is very playful, I can ask him back if you wish."

"Is he discrete?" The Bishop asked. "Is it right to do it with a man who is limited?"

"There is no problem with that at all," I said. "Mentally he is limited, but sexually he is fully functioning. He enjoys it as much as we do."

"Is he rough?" Edwin asked almost whispering. "I've never been with a black man."

"He's gentle as a lamb," I replied. "The black snake is no easy piece of meat, but he is a sweet man." The Bishop nodded and I went to get Hugo. Edwin's shyness vanished the second Hugo's mouth enveloped his cock. The Bishop and I got it on as they frolicked. As is usually the case, our second coupling was more pleasurable than the first. His cock seemed to be little bigger, and he spent more time in direct cock head to prostate communion.

I eased into a sexually induced haze. When I came out of it, the Bishop had shot off in my ass and Edwin was being royally fucked by Hugo. It amazed me Hugo's cock would fit in Edwin's ass. Edwin took it and loved it. Hugo treated Edwin as a favorite toy. He sucked and fucked him as many ways as possible. Hugo was a cheerful and joyous fucker.

Edwin was a needy man. He wanted to be used for other men's pleasure. He was happiest with his ass filled by a cock and his mouth filled with man seed. The Bishop told me he was sometimes worried by Edwin's desire to serve. He also told me that watching the oversized black dong slide into Edwin's ass was unexpectedly stimulating.

Hugo had a slow acting fuse so Edwin got more than he expected, but not more than he was willing to take. He was beginning to show signs of wear and tear, so Hugo pulled out. He looked at me and I smiled. He slipped into my ass.

Hugo had been taught to share at the group home, so he kept an eye on the Bishop. When the Bishop was erect Hugo would pound me, shoot off and then turned me over to him. The Bishop had never shared an ass before and never used a black man's sperm as lubricant. It was very good. When the Bishop shot off a second time, Edwin rimmed me to clean up the sperm drooling from my ass. Hugo took this as an opportunity to plow Edwin a second time.

Next: Chapter 2

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