Size Doesn't Matter!

By Nick

Published on Jun 2, 2000



This story is true only the names were changed and some details altered to protect the people involved. It involves Teen -- Teen to grown up male to male sex so if you are under 18 PLEASE DO NOT continue.

It further chronicles my adventures as a teen.

See also:

My Cousin's Husband and I (Gay/Incest) Sarge, Butch his Dad and I (Gay/Incest, Bestiality, Military) Car Wash Man (Gay/Adult-Friends)

Living and growing up in Greenpoint, Brooklyn was fun. I was 18 and my elementary school pals, Timmy and Neil were packing getting ready to go to Montreal for our first solo vacation ever.

I was extra-excited cause I wanted to see if I could get some more seeds of sexual nature planted in Neil's head.

But before I go on let me tell you about the 3 of us.

I was transferred from my school in Ridgewood when I was in the 7th Grade to a school in Greenpoint where I first met -- Timmy and Neil.

Timmy was also Italian but a bit overweight not fat just a tad overweight and had very little personality but took to me and we became fast friends. He played guitar and since I played drums we had music in common.

Neil on the other hand was Polish and had a physique that made him look like a young god. He like me stood 6' tall and had broad shoulders and the start of what was to become a well-chiseled body in his adult years. He had blond hair and hazel eyes. He wore his hair loosely while the rest of guys had ours slicked back (which was the style in the 60's! He had charm and a smile I could still see in front of me that would make you melt! He played the piano.

When we went to the beach after 8th grade graduation I would discover he had a great bubble butt and the hardest nipples that pointed right out at you that I have ever seen.

I had to have him.

My first chance came when we were 16. We had formed a band, you know the kind that plays local events and dreamed of becoming famous. We called ourselves: The T'N'T s. The s was for Susan who was our singer. Get it?

T = Tommy (ME) N = Neil T = Timmy and s = Susan. And it was my turn to provide lunch, I only invited Neil but he brought Timmy, thinking it was an oversight on my part!

I still had to start the "ball" rolling.

We just got a new color set and Neil's parents hadn't gotten one yet so Neil was fascinated. He wanted to fiddle with all the knobs. So I waited until Timmy had to go take a shit (which took him about 15 minutes) to lunge after Neil. While he squatted in front of the TV I had a great shot of his ass and maybe I could??

I did it I put my hand in between his legs and went for the works grabbing his balls and cock at the same time. He felt so huge! He didn't budge as I said excuse me I wanted to show you the Vertical Hold, he laughed! He turned and gave me a warm smile. That was that for 2 years we never spoke about it or did nothing.

It was our first night in Canada and as agreed I slept with Neil then the next night with Timmy and the next night they'd sleep together since we had one Queen Sized bed and a folding cot! We showered and each came out in their pajamas! Boring I thought to myself. When I wasn't home I always slept in the buff! But I was glad I listened to my mom and brought my pj's! So off I went and then after a pillow fight and watching HBO we turned in.

I felt Neil's hand brush up against mine and then grab it and squeeze. I turned to him and asked if he wanted more. He replied: "No, not now I'm a bit scared, Timmy's in the cot and may wake up. I just wanted you to know I've been thinking of how nice your hand felt on my crotch a few years ago. Can I rest my hand on yours?"

"Sure, go ahead!" was my answer. I felt him grope for my cock, which was hard as a rock by now and then he said: "Good Night!"

In the morning I tried to get Timmy out of the room for a while but to no avail! They stuck like glue to each other. I found out they weren't lovers or gay just that Neil save Timmy when they were 5 and Timmy has always stuck like glue to him ever since.

Then we came home.

The end of summer was near and we'd all be off to college, the band broke up and Timmy would be going upstate -- GREAT I'd have Neil all to myself!

To my surprise I got a call from Neil the day Timmy left. He said his mom and dad were out of the house for 5 hours and his sister was at her friends for the week could I come over?

I took the bus and in 15 minutes I was there.

Neil took me by surprise!

He started to kiss me the minute I got through the door. At first they sloppy and badly aimed and felt too wet. His hands were all over me and he was unbuckling my belt and unzipping my shorts and started to pull them down. He knelt in front of me and unlaced my sneakers and threw be back on the wing chair in the living room and took them off. Then he took my socks off. Then he got me to stand as he took off my t-shirt and then my shorts. He felt under my jockies and grabbed for my cock! Then he knelt in front of me again as he used his teeth to remove them as well! All the time his hands were feeling up every part of my body!

He gathered all my clothes and led me up his long staircase to his room!

There he had candles lit and the blinds down. Gentle classical music was on and he had posters of musclemen all around the room put up quickly with scotch tape.

He walked me over to the bed. I sat at the edge as he finally broke contact with me as he slowly striped for me in tune with the music.

First his undershirt came off slowly as he played with it revealing one nipple and then the next. Then he played with it as he lifted his arms and got it off in an instant! Then he kicked off his loafers and turned away from me revealing his great bubble butt.

Did I tell you or do I have to tell you my cock was rock hard by now!

He removed his socks and when he turned around again they were in his mouth as he did a stripper's twirl with them throwing them wherever they fell! He then gyrated his hips to the music as he slowly undid his buckle and slowly removed it from the loops of his pants! I wanted to help but he just said: "Sit back and relax before I lose the courage."

He then held the head of the zipper and very slowly drew it downwards and finally he grabbed one end of his shorts in one hand while the other held the other side as he took off his shorts in a deliberately slow manner. He had on his jock strap from gym. He played with it turning around to give me the best view of the ass I wanted since I was 16.

When he turned and started to remove his jock he came closer to the bed. He told me to get under the sheet and then he turned out the lights and only the glow of the candles lit the room. He crawled into bed with me and then he flung the jock across the room.

I couldn't contain myself. I turned over and began to teach him how to kiss, Lips first meeting as I told him to let my tongue in as it separated his lips. I told him to accept it and gently suck it in as you let out tongues meet. He did. Then I grabbed his head and fondled it and played with his hair. He mimicked every move I made. I began to caress his massive chest and fondle his nipples under the sheets and he did the same. This time he was far more gentle with my cock and caressed it and slowly jerked it off.

I went down with my hand to do the same. I could feel his hardness as he was lying on his side to my lying on my back against my thigh.

He moved my hand and said: "Later."

I didn't listen and I went to grab it! I knew it was there and he turned away from me so I had to work at it to get it. I finally won. It was in my hand. It was small only 4" while his ball sac was huge!

"There I hope you're satisfied! That's right me -- Mr. Charles Atlas has a small one!" He added: "I bet I've disappointed you!"

I turned him over and placed my body on top of his and began to caress him and kiss him. I held him in my arms and told him, "Stupid, who told you size matters, it's not the size that counts it what you do with it!"


"Yes, it's how you treat the person you're with, it's giving of yourself to that person. Look at how much trouble you went into today -- you knew how much I wanted you and you were willing to give me you all wrapped up. You gave such a great strip show and you really set the mood. Look Neil I have to ask am I your first?"

"Yes" he said and turned his head.

I turned his head back, laughed and told him, "We all have to start off somewhere.

Let me guide you the rest of the way -- O.K. Neil? Can you let me take over? I'll guide you and teach you -- but are you sure you want this?"

"More then you'll ever know Tommy. Do you know how many nights I stay up here looking at the picture we took at the beach together and Jerk Off in front of it, imagining that you were right here in my bedroom?"

"No, I didn't but Neil now you don't have to imagine anything, I'm here."

He started to cry!

"I'm here for you guy" I said as I held him as we rocked back and forth together.

As we rocked our cocks once again hardened and then we laughed!

It was so awesome to be able to be somebody's first!

We kissed and hugged each other letting our hands discover and explore each other's bodies. His massive hands were so gentle as he stroked my back and then my shoulders and arms. I repeated his movements on his body and added a few of my own. I played with his chest my hand facing me, my palm rubbing the outlines of his pectorals and nipples. I fondled his huge thick arms and gliding my fingers over the veins that popped out of his arms. Since his legs were on top of mine, he used them to hug my torso and was a bit amazed my cock was thumping up and down like a drumstick beating on a drum against his ass. His had found its way down to my cock as he caressed it and used the palm of his hand to rub against my head and glans and made me a bit ticklish. Which caused my cock to pound out a stronger rhythm pounding his ass with each beat.

He slowly removed his body from mine as he started to lick my nipples one at a time, he then sucked them and I felt they were about to be ripped off -- "Gentle" I mentioned to him "Gentle -- very gentle!" He kept up with all my instructions as he tried to lick his way from the center of my chest to my navel but my hairy chest got in his way but didn't stop him. He ate out my belly button as his hands were ever present on my body which now was his lock stock and barrel! He took my cock into his mout and tried to get all 9" in at once and then he gagged. "Slowly I told him. You have to take it in slow, bit by bit and it will all be yours. If you feel yourself starting to gag just take deeper breaths and suck in as you let it glide into your throat. He did and then he felt so comfortable that he just stood on my cock with it all in his mouth and his eyes met mine and looked so happy and so proud that he could do it. He then lifted off slowly and descended with more force as he started to gain more and more confidence. He took it out in intervals in order to hold it in his hand as he licked the shaft from top to bottom and then back up. I told him to twirl his tongue around the head and he enjoyed that cause it to made me real. I began to purr. That turned him on more. He enjoyed the power a man feels when he's in control. When the cock he's trying to bring pleasure responds. He said to me; "Tommy I love it when you pulse and throb in my mouth, it makes me want to eat you more and more."

He then began to throw my legs over his shoulders as he licked my inner groins and worked his way down to my ass. He licked my hole and then used his tongue to find its way in. I was his. I almost lost control. But I had to be the teacher. He asked if he could fuck me. "I said I never let anyone fuck me, but I'll fuck you!"

It was now my turn as I too took hold of Neil. I gave new spins on the way he caressed me my being more forceful alternating force with gentleness. It drove him crazy. I kissed his arms and sucked out his armpits which had so little hair compared to mine. I could easily work my way down his chest for it was a smooth as silk and felt like it. I could taste the salt that came from his body since this was the summer and we worked up quite a sweat. I got hold of his cock and played with his massive balls, which hung very low. I managed to get them both in my mouth, which made Neil squirm. I was now in control and I was now the master. I spread his legs apart and worked my wet with saliva fingers into his rectum one at a time until he felt comfortable and begged for more. I moved them about. Stimulating his inner workings and his prostate. His cock became more erect and stood more rigid as I did that. He said I'm ready for your cock and then he gave it a good wash with his saliva as he gave it one last suck before I entered him.

I started to wet my cock and slowly began the entry. Head first and a bit of a wiggle. I had him on his back holding his legs up in the air as I trusted it in more and more. I had him wiggle in tune with me and before long I was in! I began a smooth even tempo and before long he was keeping up with me.

"Oh Tommy, I love it, it feels so good inside me. Please cum inside me I want to feel your hot cum and the sensation of it shooting up my ass! Do it, please do it!

Then we'll take a shower and I want to suck you off and feel you shoot in my mouth as well. I want it all. I held out for too long. Oh, Tommy do it to me!"

These of course made me more hot and passionate as I positioned his legs around my waist and I moved down to kiss him. I jerked him off as I was pounding my full 9" in his ass. In and Out, In and Out -- with each trust he begged for more. By now his muscles kicked in and aided in sucking me in deeper and deeper into his immense asses cavern. I pumped harder and harder. I was sweating so much, Tim rubbed his hand over my chest and brow and then licked it to savor my bodies taste.

He joined in by beginning to play with my nipples and that was just what I needed.

"Oh, Neil. I'm cumming, I cumming I'm going to drop my load!" He held on to me with his legs and grabbed my upper torso with his hands as he said, "I can feel it! Wow it's so wonderful -- don't stop!" I stood inside him till I got soft and then the cum from load helped in gently gliding my cock out of his ass. I jerked as I pulled out and saw a smile on his face!

The bathroom smelled so nice he had incense burning in it as we made love.

We got into the shower and washed each other down. Tim was still hard and didn't cum so I played with his cock with my ass and then I greased his cock with some petroleum jelly I found on top of the commode. He said "But I thought." I turned to him and said, "Shhh!"

I turned around again and bent over as I spread my cheeks open and let him glide in. He'd be the first person and the only person I ever let fuck me. He was so good and gentle, not like the beast I was with him. And with the lukewarm water caressing and running down our bodies in a few minutes Neil came! I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't enjoy it but I will say this his size did matter to me it fit as Goldilocks would say -- Just right!

He then pledged his eternal love to me!

We dried off and then he went at it again bringing me once again to a climax as I shot another big load in his mouth. He swallowed each drop and as I tried to pull out he sucked me in more. The tenderness maked me jump, not with pain but excitement!

I went down on him and wanted him to see what it felt like to shoot in someone's mouth. Just as he was about to cum we heard the door from downstairs it was his parents home earlier!

We rushed to blow out the candles and I hurriedly got dressed, in the rush I forgot to put on my underwear. We must have looked like a bird who swallowed the canary (or is that cock) to his parents. I stayed for supper and Neil ran up to his room and put my underwear in a checker game box and gave some lame excuse that I wanted to borrow it since my cousin was coming over and loved to play checkers and I couldn't fine my box.

Did you ever try to explain to your parents why you needed to take a checker box in the bathroom with you? Cause that's what I had to do when I got home and had to put them on so my mother wouldn't get wise as to why they weren't in the morning wash.

Neil was left hanging he didn't find out what cumming in a man's mouth felt like until he got married and his wife went to see her folks out west and we once again went at it without the worry when we were 22...but that's another story!

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