Sixteen and Famous

By Lance Lansdale

Published on Apr 9, 2003


Dear Readers; I have decided to instead of writting the story in any certain point of view to just write it in well, god I dont know what it's called. I know it's not first or third person, possibly 2nd pearson? You know where I put "Paul said" or "Justin said" and not "I said". It's a lot easier to keep up with, and I think it makes it look nicer and less ametuer. - LaNcE...

Authors Note: I noticed Im pushing this forward to last year, and in the last chapter Justin hadn't gone solo yet, but they went to see Chicago the film, ummm, sorry about that, that was a mistake on my part and I accept full responsibility of that rather embarassing mistake. I don't think before I type, I jujst let it all out, hehe.

Day-yumn: Well, 15 KB's? I know, short short short, but I don't give a da-yumn. I havent got a chap out in like 2 weeks, so I decided to cut this one short, Im seriously out of ideas on what I wanna happen, any comments are very welcome. I know what I wanna happen, it's just the road to get there that's the difficult bit. All emails are welcome and appreciated. I got all of... oh wait, I got NONE for the last chapter, please write me :).

Setting: One year later. "Like I Love You" is about to be released, and Justin is about to debut it on the VMA's. Oh, yay, we're out of the N Syn phase. Also Paul has recorded his debut album and is releasing it overseas, but not in America, because as we all know the pop phase here is totally out now, and our Paul is a pop princess.

And here we go...

Chapter 6

"Paul, I need you." Justin said into his phone. Paul rolled his eyes.

"Babe, I've told you, I'm almost there. We're like ten minutes from the venue.

"I'm so nervous." He said. Paul smiled, knowing how that felt. He knew all about showing the world what you have after being in a group. He knew all about the pressure. Sure his band wasn't near as big as N Sync were in their lowest days, but he still knew the pressure of proving the cynics wrong. After 5 minutes of talking on the phone they pulled into the underground parking garage. An anxious Justin and his security guard were waiting. Paul jumped out of the limo and Justin lept onto him. "I missed you too, hehe." He said laughing.

"Paul, you have no idea how nervous I am." Justin said to Paul.

"Justin, look at me." He said to an anxious Justin. Justin looked up at Paul. "None of this. We're going to go to your dressing room, get comftarble, then have a little fun. Then you're going to get that cute ass of yours into those hot leather pants, sing to the world, and come home to me. It's nothing too nerve-wracking." Paul said, trying to calm him. Justin's anger rose. He suddenly turned, walking away. He snapped his finger and his security guard followed him back into the building. Paul followed him as he walked.

"And how, may I ask, do you know what it's like?" Justin asked, walking with his eyes ahead, not glancing at Paul. "I mean what's the last big thing you did, Top Of The Pops?" He asked sarcastically. "Oh wow, singing to teenage girls, great job. Where did your last single get to in England again? Oh that's right, number 12. Where did it chart here? Oh yeah, right, it didn't." Justin said bitchily. Paul walked up to Justin as they entered the dressing room. Paul slammed the door, causing Maurice, the security guard to shudder. Her heard them yelling at each other, their voices muffled by the wall. He knew it was one thing to break up Justin and a crazy fan, or someone who hated him, but Justin and Paul? He knew if he liked his job he'd best steer clear of those as he'd learned before with Brian Litrell and Nick Carter. Suddenly he heard Justin tell Paul that he was a nobody who couldn't get anywhere without fucking a celebrity. He knew what was coming, and stepped away from the door. Sure as he knew it the slap came People all down the corridor heard it. Maurice just laughed. Paul stormed out of the dressing room. A scantily clad Justin, wearing only his boxer-briefs and a tank top shot out after him. "Fuck you Paul! Go home and leave me alone you stupid bitch!" Paul turned back and flipped him off. Justin suddenly ran to him. "Oh, by the way, don't forget to pick up the dry cleaning." With that they kissed. "Love you." Justin said.

"G'luck." Paul said smiling. He ran his finger over Justin's cheek where his hand print was still lingering. "That's gonna hurt in the morning." He said laughing. With that they kissed and went their separate ways. Maurice started laughing as Justin passed him. Justin stuck his tongue out at him as he entered his dressing room, closing his door.

Later that night Paul entered the apartment he and Paul shared. "Paul!" He yelled angrily.

"In here loverboy." He said from the kitchen. Justin walked in, tears in his eyes and lover boy on his breathe. "Oh gosh, what's wrong?" He asked. He handed Paul a newspaper. It was an advanced copy of the next days local paper. Paul decided to read it aloud. "Timberlake Does A Jackson." He said strongly. "What's that mean?" Paul asked innocently.

"It means I basically fucked myself up the ass, doesn't it?" He said coldly.

"Well," Paul said angrily. "It's good you went and got that done with as you'll be having none from me tonight." Paul replied, just as bitchily.

"You're such a bitch." Justin said sadly, walking to a barstool and sitting in it. Paul walked to him and sat in his lap.

"But that's why you love me, isn't it?" he asked smiling.

"I do have to admit," He started "When you slapped me I wanted to bend you over and do you right there." Justin said kinkily.

"Oh Justin." Paul said laughing. Paul stood, as did Justin who pushed Paul against the wall gently. He then unbuckled his pants and grinded himself against Paul. "Oh Justin, the kitchen? You're such a tramp." He said. He pushed Justin off of him and headed towards the bedroom. Justin figured he'd be sleeping on the couch tonight but Paul extended his hand. "Come on, let's go to bed." He said winking at Justin. Justin's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning.

"Finally. I haven't had any for 2 weeks." He said smiling.

"Well, you better not have since that's the last time we've seen each other." Paul said laughing.

The next morning Paul arose to the sweet smell of Justin's cologne. He saw Justin who was already dressed in khakis and a shirt and tie. "Special occasion?" Paul asked Justin.

"More so than you apparently." He said to Paul, who looked down to see himself exposed. He was about to cover himself up when he realized Justin had seen him naked before.

"So." Paul said. "What's on today's agenda?" He asked smiling at Justin.

"Well, I'm meeting my mother for brunch with Britney, then I'm going shopping for your birthday mister." He said smiling.

"Nothing too expensive." He said winking at Justin. "Or too cheap." He said laughing.

"You've became such a spoiled brat, you know that right?" He asked, laughing.

"It's my boyfriend, your honor. He's just spoilt me rotten." Paul said giving him a big grin. "So anyway, what's the bitch doing today?" He asked.

"Now sweetie, I've told you before. He has a name, it's Chris." Justin said laughing. "But I assume you mean my Mom?" He asked.

"Justin I love your mother, why would I call her a bitch?" Paul said, laughing.

"Because she's always got something bad to say about you."

"Well, it's always about my clothes or my hair. I know the twat loves me." Paul said smiling. "I meant Britney, AKA the media whoring tramp."

"Oh, well we're discussing wedding gowns." Justin said. "Her and the bull dyke are going to be extremely happy together." Justin said wincing, trying to put his tie on. Paul got up, his bare ass feeling chilled in the cool room. He stood behind Justin, who was facing the mirror, and started grinding his erection into him as he tied Justin's tie for him. "You get one drip of precum on these pants and you're getting me new ones." Justin said laughing.

"The bull dyke, as you refer to her, has a name as well." Justin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah," A voice came from behind them. "It's Christina." They turned and saw none other than Christina Aguilera, hand in hand with Britney Spears.

"Christie!" Paul shrieked. He ran to Christina, embarrassing her with a big bear hug. Justin walked to Britney, kissing her on the cheek. Christina cleared her throat.

"Paul, you're dick is touching me." She said laughing. Suddenly she frowned. "And it's hard." She said pouting.

"Sorry, Justin and I were erm..." Christina held her hand up.

"I don't want to know." She said laughing. "Now, what's with this 'bull dyke' name?" She asked, giving Justin the death eye.

"It's the newest term of affection for 'dirrty' whores." He said laughing.

"This coming from a bad Michael Jackson impersonator." She said rolling her eyes. Justin's eyes flared with anger. Paul, who had just slipped on some boxers and a T-shirt, noticed. He quickly ran to Justin's back and started tickling him. Justin started giggling and turned to him.

"You have fun with raging bull you-know-what over there today." He said laughing.

"And you have fun with Miss Media Whore." Paul said a bit louder than he expected. Justin started laughing uncontrollably, slapping his hand over Paul's mouth.

"MISS WHAT?" Britney screamed. Justin quickly kissed Paul and grabbed Britney's arm.

"Have fun!" He yelled as they exited the apartment.

"So what's on today's agenda Christie?" He asked.

"You're staying, I'm going." Christina said.

"What? Why?" Paul asked confused.

"Who, When Where?" She asked sarcastically. "I'm going out with some friends and you're staying here to cover for me."

"You could say please." Paul said rolling my eyes. She smiled.

"Please Paul, I really gotta get out. Brit's got me going stir crazy." She said laughing.

"Well, I guess I could go and lay down a few tracks, I am a little behind on work for the next album." Paul said.

"That's a good by." She said smiling. "I'll be back around two ish. See you." She yelled, walking out the door. As she left Paul decided to play a bit of piano as he hadn't practiced in a week. Paul sat down and started trickling about for a few minutes until he started playing a favorite of his. Paul heard the front door open and assumed it was Justin. Paul started singing aloud.

"Sometimes I wonder where I've been

Who I am, and do I fit in

Make believing is hard alone

Out here on my own

We're always proving who we are

Always reaching for that rising star

To guide me far, and shine me home

Out here on my own

And when I'm down and feeling blue

I close my eyes so I can be with you

Oh baby be strong for me, baby belong to me

Help me through, help me need you"

Suddenly Paul heard JC start talking from behind me. "That's a really good song." Josh said. "I didn't know you could play piano."

"Yeah, I can play piano, guitar, and a bit of drums."

"So what's that song? It sounds really familiar." Josh asked.

"It's from that movie 'Fame.'" Paul said laughing. "So Josh, did you need anything?" Paul asked.

"Well, I was a little bored and decided to come visit a friend. Is that some kind of crime?" He asked smiling.

"Guess not." Paul said. "Wanna do a song?" Paul asked smiling. He nodded. "Any requests?" Paul asked, laughing.

"Do you know 'Whenever You Call'?" Josh asked. Paul smiled, nodding. Paul started playing the tune, letting it flow through him. Josh started singing.

"Love wondered inside

Stronger that you, and stronger than I

And now that it has become

We can not turn back

We can only turn into one

I won't ever be too

Far away to feel you

I won't hesitate at all

Whenever you call

I'll always remember

The part of you so tender

I'll be the one to catch your fall

Whenever you call"

"That was fun, Josh." Paul said smiling.

"Well, I'd better get going. I'm meeting a 'friend' for lunch and have to get ready."

"Oh a friend, huh?" Paul asked smiling. "So who is this friend?" I asked. Josh suddenly tensed up. "Oh." Paul said, exhaling.

"What does that mean?" He said rasing his voice.

"I think we both know what that means Josh." Paul said smiling.

"How did you know?"

"I've seen you give me looks before." Paul said laughing.

"Yeah, just shut it until I tell the rest of the group please." Josh said laughing. Paul nodded and hugged him. "I really appreciate having someone I can talk to now." Josh said, genuinely happy.

"Anytime you need a friend I'll be here." Paul said smiling. With that Josh left, leaving Paul alone. About thirty minutes after Josh left the phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey you sexy little bitch."

"I'm telling you Josh, we have to stop this. Justin's starting to suspect something."

"What?" Justin screamed.

"Umm, hello joke much?" Paul said rolling his eyes. He flopped down on the couch and turned on the television. As he was channel surfing he began talking to Justin. "J, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just sitting here with the media you-know-what." He said whispering. Paul heard a muffled Britney say 'I heard that.' and he started laughing.

"So, when you coming home babe?" Paul asked Justin.

"We're in the car now actually. We're like five minutes away actually."

"Yay! My baby's gonna be home soon." Paul said excitedly.

"You miss me then?"

"Of course. So what's on tonight's agenda?" Paul asked.

"I've got a surprise for you actually."

"Really? Does it come in a little box, and is it in a ringed shape?"

"Oh please." Justin said laughing. "No, actually it's..." Britney took hold of the phone and started talking.

"I am not letting him spoil this." She said laughing. "It's too good to spoil, just sit your impatient ass down and wait. You've really became spoilt you know?" She said laughing.

"But that's why Justin loves me." Paul said swooning. The doorbell rang. "Hey Brit, hold up, I have a knock at the door." He noticed they must've hung up. "Shit." He said to himself. Paul walked to the door, opened it, and felt someone shove a blindfold on him. suddenly he was being picked up and carried somewhere. He was thrown in the back-seat of a car. He heard the wheels skid off. About thirty minutes later someone took the blindfold off of him. He noticed the person. "Oh my God! You're... You're..."

Ok, so, a bit of a cliffhanger. I have two ideas in mind of what can happen, one good, one bad. So, do you want drama, or sweet fluffy shit? Email me, tell me :). and are both checked, but the aol one is checked more than twice a day usually.

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