Sixteen and Famous

By Lance Lansdale

Published on Mar 31, 2003


Disclaimer: Don't know N Sync, don't think I ever will. Don't read if you're under the age limit, blah blah, all the stuff I've put in the previous chapters goes here, hehe.

Email me people: or either work and both are checked daily.

Authors Note: How's you all doin'? Hope you all liked chapter 4. This story is gonna go on for a while if you like. I like writing it, it's cool. It gets me away from shit with my friends and family so it's sort of an outlet, ya know, hope you like it, email me if you do. I don't care if this is like 2004 and it's still up and hasn't been updated in months, email me :).

Story shout outs:

Soul Mate JC - Awesome story! I love it, it's totally fricking awesome. Write to the author, tell him not to stop writing it people, we need N Sync stories, they're all about Lance now. Blah. I mean we may share the same name, but the guy just does nothing for me.

All The Ways I Love You - Inspired me to write this story, though I never emailed the guy to thank him. If you're reading this thank you, I love your story, you rock, email me ;).

Light In The Tunnel - OMG, I totally am in love with this story, it rocks. I think it's just totally awesome, with the exclusion of the latest cliffhanger, bah to those, I'd never do one of those angel face hehe.

Songwriter Notes: Well, I didn't use any of my songs this chapter, but if I use any of the good ones and you touch them I swear to God I'll come and rip your fricking heads off, hehe, love you :).

Note: This chapter, for a change, is in Justin's point of view. As will be the next couple of stories possibly. Email me and tell me which point of view you think I should use permanently.


After sitting through Catherine Zeta-Jones singing about "All That Jazz" for a while I got tired of the fucking movie. I looked over and saw Paul singing along with Catherine to the film. I watched his perfect lips form to every syllable.

So start the car I know a whoopee spot Where the gin is cold but the piano's hot It's just a noisy hall Where there's a nightly brawl And all that jazz

When Catherine stopped singing He stood and applauded. I sunk 5 feet down as everyone turned around to look at him. He sat down quickly when he saw what an ass he made of himself. When the film ended he gave another standing ovation. We walked out of the theater both in different moods. "Paul, did you enjoy the film much?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh my gosh Justin, it was the best movie I've ever seen. I loved it so much! Thanks for taking me to see it." He said smiling. We climbed into my car and drove off. "Justin, why didn't you like the movie?" He asked.

"I dunno babe, just wasn't my 'jazz'." I said smiling. Paul rolled his eyes and placed his hand on my free hand, looking out the window.

"Everything OK?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just... It's nothing." He said.

"What is it?"

"Well, you don't like musicals do you?" He asked. I giggled a bit.

"That obvious, huh?" I said laughing.

"Well, I mean, what if I wanted to do a musical? Then my boyfriend wouldn't want to come see me, and I'd be singing to just the audience."

"Well," I said laughing, "You want to do a musical?" I asked. He looked down.

"I dunno." He said sheepishly.

"Come on Paul." I said smiling. "If you want to do a musical, then go for it babe." I said smiling. "I'll be at every show." I said smiling.

"You mean, you're not going to make fun of me?" He asked smiling.

"Why the hell would I do that? It's your life." I said smiling. "I'm your boyfriend, whatever you wanna do I'm here for you." I said. "Why?" I asked.

"Because the other guys would have knocked that dream down quickly." He said.

"Paul," I said, smiling at him while stopped at a red light, "I'm not the other guys, I wouldn't do that." With that we pulled up to my house. As we walked into the house the phone started ringing. "Can you get that baby?" I asked. I heard Paul answer the phone as I went into the kitchen to get something to drink. I happened to overhear a little of Paul's conversation while in there.

"Uh huh, yeah. Well Mom, you could've given me some time to get ready. OK, an hour? Let me ask J, hold up." Paul sat the phone down and came into the kitchen. "Justin, I need a favor. I looked at him a bit confused. "My family's in town, and they wanted to know if I wanted to go out to eat with them, but I need a ride." He said.

"Umm, Paul?" I asked. "Am I going?"

"Well, if you want to then sure." Paul answered. "But it might take my parents some time getting used to you."

"Do they know you're gay?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I've, well, I've never actually dated anyone before." He said, blushing a bit. I walked over to him and kissed him. "I love you." He told me.

"I love you too. So, should I get dressed?" He nodded. "Cool." I went up to my room and heard him get back onto the phone.

"Can I bring 'someone' with me?" I heard him asked. I smiled and went back up to my room to get dressed. Paul came up after about 5 minutes.

"My mom's excited about meeting you." He said. I smiled. "She might be a little weird about it though." He told me.

"Don't worry." I said smiling. "Everything will be OK. By the way, how did she get my number?" I asked.

"She said she called Jarred, and he gave it to her. He also told her about what happened, and, well, he sort of told her about us, the bastard." He said. I smiled at him.

"You know Paul." I started. "It isn't all that awful that we're sort of out to your parents you know." I said smiling. "Makes me wonder if I should tell mine next." He said.

"You... You want to tell your Mom?" he asked. I smiled.

"I want to tell the world." I said. His jaw fell to the floor. "Well," I started. "Not right now, obviously. Maybe in about a year or so?" He asked.

"Are we going to be together in a year, Justin?" He asked, as I was turning.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean come on, we can be a little realistic. I mean you're a popstar, I'm someone who is trying to become one. Our schedules are going to be jam packed. What will we have to keep us together?"

I turned, smiling at him. I walked to him and hugged him. "We've got each other." I smiled. "That's all we need."

As we walked into the Italian restaurant we located Paul's Mom and dad quickly. They waved to get our attention. As we approached the table they both stood. Paul's Mom hugged Paul as his dad shook my hand. Next Paul's dad hugged him and his mother shook my hand. We all sat at the table. "So," Paul's dad started. "I hear you two are..." He smiled.

"We are." Paul said, smiling.

"So, our son is dating a popstar. How exciting." Paul's Mom said. I couldn't tell if she was happy, or being a bitch. I decided to go with happy.

"Umm, yes ma'am. I'm part of a group, you might have heard of us, N Sync." I said smiling.

"Right, you're the blonde one with the high voice right?" She said,

"Well, I'm not that blonde anymore." I said.

"It's a shame, it made you look younger." She said, giving me the death eye, while taking a sip of her martini. OK, so maybe she wasn't that nice, or maybe she just spoke her mind. "Tell me Paul, why is it you went after the lead singer? Why not that cute brunette with the big nose?" She asked.

"Do you by any chance mean JC, 'Mother'?" He said. The way he said 'Mother' so coldly sent chills down my spine.

"Right, that's the one. Why go for... What was your name again dear, Jamie was it?" she said, taking another sip of her death eye. Her hair peaked down from it's multi layers as if it were about to fly off like a hawk, awaiting it's prey, which was exactly how I felt how she seemed with me.

"Justin, it's Justin Mother." Paul said, rolling his eyes.

"So, Mr. Ryder." I said.

"Oh no, it's Mr. McCutcheon. Paul had his name changed when he went off to become a big celebrity, didn't you boy?" He asked, chuckling a whole hearted laugh. He was completely opposite Paul's mother, which I still didn't know her name. He seemed full of energy. A 50 something man with cute dimples you could swim laps in. He had a goatee and a mustache, which was still entirely black, with one or two gray streaks. His hair was black with a few gray hairs as well, but non really noticeable. His mother seemed so posh and put together, while his father seemed as a 'roll with the punches' kind of guy. A man who was surfing in the ocean of life, if you will, a cheesy analogy, I know, but work with me here.

"Yeah, It just didn't fit a celebrity attire did it?" Paul's mother said coldly.

"No, actually 'Mother', the guys wanted me to change it. They thought it sounded to classy for the image they wanted me to have." He said.

"Which was?" She asked again.

"The poor farmboy who had to work for his living. You know, like your family was before you left them and married money, I'm sorry, I mean Daddy." Paul said, taking a sip of his drink as well. "Strike a nerve, Mother?" He asked. I sunk into my chair, as did Paul's father.

"Well, at least I've got a husband with a proper job, you've got a boy who gets his money by taking his close off. I mean he's no more than soft core porn for teenage girls, oh, and of course gay boy's like yourself." I blushed, looking away.

"Well, at least he knows how to please a man, unlike you. When's the last time you two had sex? A year, two?"

Paul's dad spoke up. "Try five and a half." He said, sipping his drink. Paul's mother slapped him on his arm.

"Oh Richard," She said, rolling her eyes, laughing a bit. "Well kids, it's been fun, but we must be off. It was a pleasure meeting you Justin." She said. I suddenly felt very confused. "You're a wonderful boy. Make my Paul happy." She said smiling. I shook her hand as she left. Richard stood.

"Sorry about that, she's kind of, well, it was nice meeting you Justin." He said, smiling. He shook my hand, put some money on the table to cover the bill, and left.

"Paul, don't take this the wrong way because you know I love oy.u" I said looking straight ahead away from him. "But your family is seriously cracked out." I said. We burst out into laughter.

"Well, she likes you." He said.

"But she called me soft-core porn." I said.

"She is a very odd person. She's like schizo without the disorder itself. Meet my mother, schizophrenia." He said laughing. "But seriously, " He said. "One minute she's cold and icy, the other she's a sweetheart. It's her front she puts up. It's like a layer of ice. Daddy is like the only one who can crack it though. I mean one joke about dick size or something crude and she'll get down with the rest of them. If she does that in front of someone it means she likes you, and she doesn't like many. So be happy, she likes you." He said laughing. "Come on, let's get out of here." He said.

"But, I'm confused." I said again.

"You should have that put on a T-Shirt." He said winking at me. "Now come on Mister, we have a play date in your bed."

"Oh you're just so charming aren't you?" I said, winking at him.

"Int I just?" He said smiling widely.

When we got back to my place Paul had to get ready to go back to Texas. "But I don't want you to leave." I said pleading as he started packing.

"Well, I told you, I have to go and get a few things, but I'll be back next week for about 2 weeks." He said smiling.

"But I don't want you to." I said like a 2 year old.

"Justin, I have things tying me down in Texas. Bills, bills, bills baby." He said smiling.

"What kind?" I asked.

"Well, the electric, water, and rent for three." He said again. "Being an adult sucks."

"You're not an adult. You shouldn't have to deal with this shit. You should be having lots of fun, not worrying about your mortgage." I said. "Hey, I have an idea." I said.

"Oh my God, write it down, that's a first." He said teasingly.

"Well, I know someone whose not getting any tonight." I said.

"And you'd better not be getting any either as I'll be gone. I'd have to cut your balls off for that one." He said laughing.

"Anyway, why not move in with me?" I asked.

"Justin, I, I, I don't know." I said.

"Please, I really want you to. Then we can spend all of our time together sucking and fucking." I said, causing him to laugh.

"Ok, but only if you're sure."

"Positive, now come on, unpack." I said.

"I still have to go to pack up my stuff. Oh God!"

"What?" I asked.

"I'll have to see the guys again, I mean we were sharing an apartment." He said.

"I'm going with you. I'll help you pack, and then you'll be off to OUR home." I said smiling.

"If you're sure."

"Positive." I said. Well, this ought to be fun. I looked at him smiling after we were finished packing. "Come on, we have 2 hours before the cab arrives, let's go watch a movie. Paul and I went to the living room and sat on the sofa. We were both really nervous. As I was flipping through channels Jamie yelled stop. "Jeeze, Paul, what is it?" I asked in a panic.

"GLITTER!" He screamed. "Omigosh, Justin I love this movie, let's watch it."

"Ok, whose it got in it?" I asked.

"Only my idol!" He said enthusiastically.

"You have an idol? I didn't figure you for the fanatic type of thing?" I said laughing. I pressed the 'info' button to see who starred in it and I suddenly turned off the television. "Jesus, no way in HELL are we watching THAT!" I said.

"Come on, I love her." He said. "Mariah is my idol." He said giving me those gorgeous puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but if it sucks it's going off the TV." I said rolling my eyes. About an hour into it I was surprisingly loving the movie. "This isn't half bad." I said.

"Shhhh!" He commanded. I sat back, giggling a bit. After the movie ended I switched off the TV and grabbed our bags.

"Come on babe, we got a plane to catch." I said smiling.

"So what did you think?" He asked.

"No wonder the bitch tried to kill herself, that fucking sucked." I said laughing. Paul crossed his arms and gave me death eye. "Sorry, only joking. It was a great movie, a bit cheesy, but great nonetheless." I said smiling. Jamie grinned hugely.

"I know you would. Now we can listen to the soundtrack on the way to the airport." He said.

"Oh gosh, you have the soundtrack?" I asked.

"Yeah, got it right after I saw the movie, it rocks." He said. "I'm actually thinking of covering one of the songs on it for my album." He said blushing.

"So you are going to record?" I asked as we stepped outside and got into the car. After we sat down in the back the driver pulled out from the driveway.

"Yeah, I was thinking of starting next week-ish." He said smiling.

"That's so great baby, I'm so proud of you." I said smiling. I kissed him. "I love you."

"Love you too babes. Let's get this over with." I smiled. After the plane ride and the car ride to the guys place we finally arrived. We stood on the doorstep holding hands.

"Sure you want to do this?" I asked.

"More than anything." He said. He then opened the door. The guys were all hurdled around the television. As we walked past them they looked up, surprised.

"Go get your bags." I said standing in the living room. "Then we're out of here." I said eying the guys. Jarred stood up.

"Still with that twat?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at him and yawned.

"Still with this 'band'?" I asked unimpressed.

"Yeah, well, unlike Paul, this band has talent." He said.

"I think you mean 'despite Paul' this band has talent, which actually isn't true, I mean, can any of you actually hold a note?" I asked. Everyone looked down. "Exactly." I said. I'm going to help Paul. Any of you come in there and I'm warning you." I said eying them all. I went into Paul's bedroom and saw him sitting in the corner crying, holding a picture frame. Everything in his room was gone except for the picture he held and 3 CD's. "What's wrong babe?" I asked, rushing to him. He handed me the picture, it was of us.

"Paul, is something wrong with this picture?" I asked smiling.

"I just can't believe it's happening. I'm finally out of this, it's finally over." He said. "These aren't tears of sadness, they're tears of happiness." He said, smiling.

"Where's your stuff?" I asked.

"Oh, I had the movers take it all." Tommy said stepping inside. Paul smiled. They hugged and as they let go I noticed something, Tommy was crying. "I love you man." Tommy said to Paul. "And I'm really sorry I never said anything when the guys would you put them down."

"It's ok, you had enough issues." Paul said.

"Guys, wanna tell me what's going on here?" I asked. "I thought you hated all of the guys."

"Justin," Paul said smiling, tears still in his eyes. "I'd like you to meat my brother, Tommy." He said smiling.

I was totally bewildered. "Come again?" I asked.

"He's my dad's son. He's the only one I actually liked from the band." He said smiling. Paul turned to Tommy. "Oh Tommy, why don't you take a few days off and come visit us." Paul asked hopefully. He looked to me for an 'ok'. I nodded smiling.

"I wish I could, but we've got loads of promo. But I will someday." Tommy said.

"Well Paul," I started "Our plane leaves in 45 minutes, we'd better be going." I said. Paul nodded and hugged Tommy. With that we left the room, and the house. Paul looked back on a life that was once his breaking point, and looked forward to what could possibly be his saving grace and smiled. He put his sun glasses on and got into the back-seat of the car with me. Paul handed me one of the CD's to put on. I handed it to the driver.

"Number 1 please." He shouted.

seven years I've waited seven years I've hold on always kept my faith always knew this day would come let everybody know

I've made up my mind it's time for a new beginning I'm living my life it's time for a new begining

Song Credits...

"All That Jazz" is from the motion picture 'Chicago' and was written by Fred Ebb and music is by John Kander [I think those are the correct spellings. See, I did my homework, hehe.

"New Beginning" sung by Stephen Gately" written by the same I'm pretty sure. It's not his best, I suggest "far from love" or "i believe" from the film 'Billy Elliot' :).

Well, what is it with me and short chapters? Well it's either short chapters more often, like 2 or 3 times a week, or long chapters, like one a week, so more often or less often, you chose, and email me at and tell me. This one was a bit longer though, so yay me. And if you'd like, please tell me what you think of the story, I love hearing comments. I got like zip for the last chapter. So come on people, email me, please :).

Oh, and a sneak peak you're after? All I'll say is the next chapter is a complete 'new beginning' if you will. It's going to be propelled 6 months into the future as J hasn't started his solo album yet in this story, so ill boost it up a bit shall I? Major changes, and possibly someone's dead? Oh my, read on to see.


Next: Chapter 6

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