Sixteen and Famous

By Lance Lansdale

Published on Mar 24, 2003


Disclaimer: Don't read if you're younger than 18 or 21, or whatever the hell the age of concent or whatever, is there. Also I dont know any celebs mentiones, so dont bother trynna sue me, I only do this for fun.

Thanks To: Warren for the cool ideas on what direction to put the story in. Without that this story'd probably be dead by now, hehe. And thanks for showing me I'm not the only one who 'wants the fairy tale and won't settle for less'.

Songs: Ok, for all song credits, look below.

Stories I'm Reading:

"JC Dream's" Ok, it's old, but I just found it. I love it so far but I accidently peaked ahead and sorta ruined it for myself :(.

"Soul Mate JC" I love it, please don't end the story man, I love it. Pretty please? hehe.

"All The Ways I Love You" The story that got me to writting this story, thanks to the writter of it.

"Sans Vous, Je Suis Rien" JJ, the guy that writes this story is an amazing friend from the UK, even if his musical tastes do suck a lot!!! Please, the guy think Martine McCutcheon can't sing and is boring. What's next, Mariah Carey isn't queen of the world? Oh wait, you hate her too right? hehe.

And now to the story...

Chapter Three

The next morning I rolled over, and into Justin's arms. Justin was already awake and staring at me. "What?" I asked, embarrassed.

"Nothing, I've just been looking at you." He said smiling.


"Cute?" He finished.

"My word was going to be stalker-like, but hey, use what you want." I said giggling. I stood up and started to go to the bathroom. "Now Mr. Stalker, would you like to see me brush my teeth as well?" I asked smiling.

"You're cute when you're naked." He said smiling, looking down at my ass, which I noticed was naked. I immediately covered myself with my hands. "Hey, I've sucked that, I'd hardly say now's the time to be shy." He said smiling. I let my hands off of it. He started smiling. "Much better. Now come on," He said getting up "let's go brush our teeth." He raced past me, slapping my ass on the way.

"So," I said while brushing my teeth, my words not coming out well at all. "What are we going to do for my last day here?" I said, toothpaste going all over the counter. Justin walked in and laughed.

"Well," He said grabbing a towel and cleaning up the mess as I continued brushing my teeth. "I figured after I clean up your mess that we could just hang here today?" He asked, a bit shyly.

"You're just SO cute, aren't you Justin?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"You want to screw all day, don't you?" I asked staring firmly at him.

"Well, I mean, erm, maybe?" He asked, putting his hands into his lap.

"I'm only playing with you Justin. That sounds like fun." I said hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Now, I have to take a shower, and I suggest you do so too. I mean I can smell you from here." I said laughing.

After a few hours of lounging around I got my bags together and Justin drove me to the airport.

"Well," He said as we stood at the terminal. "I guess this is it." He said, looking down sadly.

"What, the end?" I asked. He nodded. "Please, it's only the beginning babe." I said, winking at him. I knew I couldn't kiss him in public so I simply patted his hand and smiled at him.

"So what are you going to tell the guys?" He asked.

"That I found out you were straight, and that we're just friends." I said frowning. "This sucks." I said to myself.

"I know, but it's the only way. If they knew God knows who they'd tell, you know?" He said sadly.

I hugged him. "I love you." I whispered into his ear as we held each other. He pulled back a little. "What's wrong Justin?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just, um, I have to go. I'll talk to you later." He said, and turned to leave.

"I mean what I just said" I said to him. He turned around.

"I know, I just... I can't." He said.

"I understand." I said, looking down.

"So, we're still cool though, right?" He asked. I smiled.

"Yeah, we're cool. I've got to go, my plane's boarding." I said. We hugged again and I was off.

I arrived at the recording studio at 7 PM. The guys were already there, laying down vocals for a new song we were working on called "Sentimental" that I wrote. I was the only one of the guys who could write a half decent song. The others could barely sing, much less write songs. I got in the little room and started singing the chorus after being bitched at for a few minutes.

I started in on the first line of the chorus when the producer stopped me. He started talking, and his voice came in through my headphones. "OK, Paul, man, you're a little off today. I want you to forget everything, and just let it out. Think of something that makes you really happy." I smiled and nodded. Suddenly Justin's face came into my mind. I laughed and thought about all we had been through the past week. Suddenly the words poured out.

even if i didn't shed a tear doesn't mean that i didn't have fears that we wouldn't make it that we couldn't fake it and we'd never go to far i wasnt as sentimental as you are

and even if each gift i didn't save i still have every memory you ever gave we could've made it we could've faked it i could've made it back to you i guess that makes me sentimental too woah i guess that makes me sentimental too

The producer, Tony, smiled at me. "Very awesome, Paul." He said. I could see the guys steaming from the ears. I gave them look that said 'go to hell' and continued working on backing vocals and other things for the song. "Sentimental" was to be our debut single. After recording we went back to our hotel. I was bunking up with Damion again. Damion was probably the one I liked least of the entire band, so Lord knows why I was always sharing a room with him.

"The guys and me are going out tonight, so just don't touch any of my shit." Damion piped up after showering.

"Can I come?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Can I come, can I come?" Damion said in a mocking tone. "Shut the fuck up, just go to bed or something." He said harshly, slamming the door behind him as he left.

The next day everyone was at the studio again. I had my guitar with me, and was strumming a few notes. "Hey, that's really cool, Paul." Tony said. "Maybe we should try laying that track down?" He asked smiling. I giggled. Tony was the only one who appreciated my talent. The other guys just ignored me. Tony walked to me and whispered in my ear "Don't listen to them, they don't have half the talent you have. You may not have the biggest muscles, but you're the real talent." He said, winking at me. HE pulled me to the recording booth and sat down behind a drumset. "What's this one called then?"

"Well, it doesn't have an 'official' title yet but I'm thinking either 'I Wanted Love' or 'Better Best Unheard". I said, shyly.

"I like the sound of 'Better Best Unheard'" Tony said smiling. "Right, let's get to it." With that I started singing.

i know all i'm saying's right i want you to stay the night, oh baby but you don't feel the same way now i can't beg you to stay, no baby, no

i could never forget those words they're left... better best unheard

oh baby i heard you i loved you then i wanted love i wanted love

you know what i think is true but you just don't know what to do, oh no all i want is for you here so i can hold you near, yes baby, yes

come and be my world no more... better best unheard

oh baby i heard you i loved you then i wanted love i wanted love

and after every single word we had it better best unheard cause it caused so much hurt when we fight it crashes worlds and i could never forget any of your words better best unheard

oh baby i heard you i loved you then i wanted love i wanted love i wanted you

By this time all of the guys were looking in. "That was great." Tony said. The guys rolled their eyes and simply looked away. Suddenly my cell rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey babe." Justin answered. I giggled nervously. "What's up?"

"I just plaid a song for Tony, and he likes it, so it's gonna be recorded soon." I said happily.

"Aww, I'm so happy for you babe." He said. I could hear the smile in his voice. "Listen, I've got 3 days off, and I miss you."

"Well, we're going to be home in Texas for all of next week starting tomorrow." I said smiling.

"You're a Texan?" He asked giggling.

"Yes, but I am so not a hick, and if you imply I am one I'll smack the fuck out of you." I said laughing.

"So, tomorrow?" He asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I said laughing.

The next morning I picked up Justin from the airport and took him back to the house. We all just sat around and watched TV all day. Damion seemed to be flirting with Justin a lot as well. "Well, I'm thirsty." I said 20 minutes into the boring movie. "Anyone want anything?" I asked to no one in particular.

"A coke would be great, Paul." Justin smiled.

"OK then." I said. I went into the kitchen. After I got two cokes and headed into the living room I noticed Damion putting his arm around Justin. Justin smiled at Damion. Damion gave him an odd look. Something was going on in there, and I wasn't going to let anything happen.

"OK, no!" I said angrily.

"What the fuck?" Damion asked.

"Hands off Justin." I said harshly.

"What's wrong Paul?" Justin asked.

"I can't do this anymore, Justin's my boyfriend!" I blurted out. The guys all looked at me.

"You can't be serious." Jarred said aloud.

"I'm very serious." I replied. "Tell them Justin." I said. Justin looked to his feet. "Fucking great, thanks a lot Justin." I said. With that I stormed out of the room. I heard Justin get up and run out after I left the room. I suddenly heard 4 sets of feet coming to my room. The door burst open.

"You fucking freak!" Damion said to me. "Who do you think you are? Why should you get someone like Justin?" He asked. "You're nothing, gutter trash, who the fuck do you think you are?" He asked.

"Jealous are we?" I asked. This was the first time I'd ever stood up to them. "Justin's with me, not you, and that pisses you off majorly. Face it, Justin's mine, and never will be yours. You're a pathetic twit who deserves nothing." I said angrily. I tried to leave the room but Damion caught me. He pulled back his fist.

~Justin's Point Of View~

I walked out of the door and ran to my car. After 5 minutes of driving off I knew I couldn't leave like this. I loved Paul, and no one was going to stop me from loving him. I quickly did a U-turn and raced back to the house.

I opened the front door and heard a loud screaming. Running towards the noise I saw a defenseless Paul lying on the ground, being kicked by Damion and Jarred. I threw a punch at Damion, knocking him to the ground. Jarred suddenly backed off. "Paul, Paul sweetie are you OK?" Paul looked up at me and smiled.

"You didn't leave?" He asked me.

"No, no baby, I didn't leave. I love you." He said, pulling me into a kiss. "Come on," he said pulling me up. "No one's ever going to hurt you again." He said eying the guys. "I'm going to make sure of that." He said. With that he carried me to his car, and we were gone. What was happening, was I quitting, was I just out of it?

K, songs...

"Sentimental" is a song I wrote a few months ago. Full lyrics are available if you want them. Touch the lyrics and I'll get someone to slit ya throats, hehe,

"Better Best Unheard" This song is my baby. It's the first song I ever wrote. You touch and you will die a most agonising death, hehe.

Hope you all enjoyed, if you did please email me at pleeeeeeeeeeease? The story is gonna get good, I promise, hehe.


Next: Chapter 4

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