Sixteen and Famous

By Lance Lansdale

Published on Mar 4, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Justin or N Sync, and I dont know their sexuality. This pop star boy Paul Ryder is all a figmant of my imagination. Dont read if you know you shouldnt be reading it, and if you are, oh shame shame shame, hehe. And finally EMAIL me at, even if it's like 3 or 4 months after the story is on the site, Id rather have people email me 4 months down the line then never.


"Chapter 2"

It had been about 2 weeks since the tour started, and since then Justin and I had become good friends. He was at a lot of the concerts, and we spoke on the phone quite a bit. It was about 11 PM one night when my cell phone went off. We were in the bus, so all the guys heard it. We were all watching a scary movie in the front of the bus. I answered it.

"Paul?" I heard Justin say.

'Oh hi," I said blushing. "What's up?" I asked. The guys all rolled their eyes, mouthing the word 'Justin.' I nodded and smiled, standing and heading to my little bunk. I laid down, switched on the little lamp that was above my head. You've seen the busses, all the beds piled on top of each other. Each little 'room' had a mini TV. I was at the very bottom.

"Nothing much. I'm in bed." He said smiling. I giggled a bit. "What?" He asked laughing.

"Nothing." I answered, laughing a bit more.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I can, I can just see you there, in your little pajama bottoms, satin sheets, expensive bed spread, like a little prince."

"First off I sleep naked, second my sheets and bedspread come from Sears, and I don't sleep like a little prince thank you."

"Wow, a cheap pop star? Call the press." I said laughing. "How you been Justin?"

"Good, good. I've been promoting, you know, the usual." He said laughing. "How are you?"

"I'm good, the guys aren't being such assholes, but still." I said trailing off.

"Yeah, I know. Look, there's a break in the tour in a week, if you can hold out until then I'm having a few friends over to my house for the weekend, how would you like to come up and spend the week with me?"

"You mean for the weekend?" I asked smiling.

"No, only good friends are staying the weekend."

"Oh thanks, not a good friend am I?" I asked laughing a bit.


"No?" I asked, a bit shocked.

"You're more, you're like, really cool man." He said. "And, well..." He said, I could tell he wanted to say something else. "You're really cool, and, I dunno, you're really cool." He said.

"So, we've established that I'm really cool."

"I dunno," I he said laughing. "You sort of remind me of myself when we started. I mean I was the youngest, was sort of the odd man out, you know?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"So you like me because I remind you of yourself? Wow." Here I was thinking he actually liked me.

"You know I didn't mean it like that." He said, sounding a bit upset. "You're just..." He trailed off.

"...Really cool?" I asked. We both started laughing.

A week later, after saying my good-byes to the guys ["Bye guys, I'm leaving" ... no reply] I boarded my plain to L.A. I sat in a seat next to a young girl and a woman I took as her mom. The girl did a double take. "Oh my God! Mom, it's the guy that opened for Britney." She said. She was about six or seven years old. I smiled. It was the first time anyone recognized me. I smiled at her, turning to my left a bit to face her. Her mother was in the window sat, the daughter in the middle, and me on the aisle. The mother smiled. I soon learned the little girls name was Cindy and the mom was Sheryl. We all chatted for the flight. After 4 hours we finally arrived in L.A. I got out of my seat as the flight attendant instructed, and everybody walked into that long hallway from the plane to the airport. Finally I made it out of the long hallway and saw Justin waiting for me. I walked up to him and he surprised me by wrapping me in a big hug. I smiled at him. "Well, thanks, I think." I said laughing a bit. "So, you gonna be nice and carry one of my bags?" I asked, smiling.

"One? Jesus, how many do you have?" He asked.

"Three." I said blushing.

"THREE? For one week, God, we're not even going anywhere speacial." He said laughing.

"A star needs his things, damn it." I said, striking a very diva style pose. He laughed. We finally made it out of the airport and got into his car and were off. "So, Justin." I started. "Whose all going to be here?" He smiled at me as he started his car.

"Well, there'll be Joey, and Chris, and Lance. Josh can't make it because he's off filming a video, but he's flying in tomorrow." I smiled. "You're going to get to meet everyone." He said enthusiastically.

"Will the bitch be there?" I asked laughing.

"Well you tour with her, you should know shouldn't you?"

"Please, she's said all of five words to me after you left. Even then they were only 'Get out of my spotlight.'" Justin looked a bit confused. "We were doing sound check and they were doing the lights checks as well and I was 'in her spotlight' as she put it." I said laughing.

"How have the guys been?" He asked.

"Good, sort of. They sort of think, erm..." I trailed off. I looked at Justin as he frowned a bit.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well, they sort of think that, erm, you're... sort of that, umm." I trailed off.

"That... I just want you for your hot ass?" He asked laughing. I nodded smiling.

"Oh yeah man, just can't wait to get it in my hands tonight." He said sarcastically. I started giggling a bit, but truth was I wanted that. "Speaking of which, I want to ask you something. You don't have to answer, but I was just wondering." He said. I smiled at him, laying back on the seat a bit more, getting comftarble. We were driving pretty fast as well.

"Go ahead. Anything ya wanna know, shoot." I said smiling.

"Are you gay?" I looked away. "It doesn't matter if you are." He continued. "In fact, it'd be kind of cool if you were, I mean I don't really know many gay people, you know, aside from Lance." My head jerked back in his direction, my mouth gaping open. "But you cannot tell him I told you, OK?" He asked.

"I won't." I said smiling. "And Justin?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I... I'm, well, I'm..." I trailed off. He took his hand off of the gear shift and placed it on my hand.

"I know." He said smiling.

Soon enough we were at Justin's house in L.A.. I looked around d and saw three really expensive looking cars. The house was pretty big, but nothing too huge. Justin grabbed my bags for me with one hand and threw his other arm around my shoulder. "So," I said, "What's on todays agenda then?"

"Well, we could go swimming. You could show off that hot little stomach of yours, show off your six pac."

"It's more like a no pac." He stopped as we got to his doorway, dropped my bags, and lifted my shirt a bit.

"See there, a 6 pack, now stop complaining." He said laughing. I rolled my eyes. "Now come on, you have to meet the guys." He said laughing. We walked into the house to find the guys all sitting around the television. They all smiled at us, and waved, but then went back to their show. Justin walked to the television and cut it off. The guys started yelling. "Guys, this is our guest, be polite and say hi." He said smiling. "OK, Paul, this is Joey, that's Lance, and that's Chris." He said smiling. The guys all got up and shook my hand, Joey even hugged me. "So, guys, any advice for a guy starting out in the boyband business?" Justin asked smiling.

"Get out!" Joey said laughing, "As fast as you can."

"Have fun with it, get as many girls as you can, and have fun." Chris answered.

"Don't worry about the press, they're all bastards anyway." Lance chimed in.

"So, what are we up to then?" I asked. The guys all went back to the TV as Justin led me down a hallway.

"This is going to be your room while your here." He said smiling. "Basically I just want you to be as comftarble as you can be."

"Well, I think we could start with a blowjob." I said laughing. He sort of giggled nervously.

"Anyway," He said, changing the subject. "We're gonna have a lot of fun, and go shopping, and swimming, and whatever you want to do." He said smiling. I smiled at Justin, looking deeply into his eyes. I couldn't help but lick my lips, leaving it obvious what I was thinking. Justin started to blush a bit. "Fuck, I need a drink, how about you?" He asked. "Oh right, you're 16." He said laughing.

"Justin," I said rolling my eyes "I'm 16, but it's not like I've never had a fucking beer." I said laughing. He rolled his eyes, took my hand, and led me to the living room. I sat on the sofa beside Joey. Justin tossed me some weird drink I'd never heard of. After 3 bottles of whatever it was I was kind of out of it. Joey and the other guys headed off to bed, leaving Justin and me up alone. We played a game of charades, which without anyone but ourselves was stand up and act like a fool until the other one guessed what the other one was thinking, or until the other one passed out. We were both pretty smashed, but we continued drinking. At about 2 AM we heard the door open. "Justin!" I said loudly. "It's a fucking bur-bur-burglalur" I stammered. Justin smiled at me, sitting beside me on the sofa.

"It's just Josh." He said laughing. Sure enough Josh entered the living room, bags in hands, smiling. He waved at us. I smiled at him. "This ish my good friend, and the very shexy Paul." Justin said giggling.

"I am not!" I said laughing.

"Dude, you're fuckin' hot." Just said, winking at me.

"OK." Josh said smiling. "I'm off to bed." He said laughing.

"Oh wait!" Justin blurted out. "I put Paul in your room cause we didn't think you'd be here until tomorrow."

"I could bunk with you." I said smiling at Justin. Justin was already so drunk he didn't even object. He only smiled at me. "Yay!" I stammered. "Slumber party." Justin giggled. Josh looked a bit nervous.

"Justin, a word?" He asked. Justin and Josh went to the kitchen. "Justin, just... just don't fuck him." JC said to Justin.

"What?" Justin asked, looking a bit shocked. "I swear, I thought you were cool about this." He said to Josh.

"I am Justin, but he's fucking 16 years old! Hello, illegal?" Josh said.

"Look, whatever! I don't need you lecturing me about this, OK? You of all people. Some might even say you were just jealous." Justin said coldly.

"Look, I'm not fucking jealous, but if you wanna fuck him, fine, I don't care, but when the cops come knocking on your door I'm not going to be the one that covers for you." Josh said coldly, and quickly left the kitchen for the bedroom. Justin walked to the living room and found an already shirtless Paul.

"Look, Justin. I think we both know what's going on here." He said. Justin nodded, putting his head down. Paul smiled.

"I think we both know that your bed isn't big enough for the both of us, so I'll just take the couch." Paul said smiling. Justin sighed a sigh of relief.

"It's big enough." Justin said smiling. "Don't worry, if you'd like I'll take the couch and you can have the bed." Paul laughed.

"It's your house, and if it's big enough cool then. We're both guys, right?" Paul said smiling.

"Yeah, both guys, right." Justin said smiling. As we headed for the bedroom Justin put his arms around me. I stopped and smiled back at him. "You look so good tonight." He said, suprising me. With that I planted a kiss right on his lips. To my surprise he didn't object, he only kissed me back. We made out in the hallway for about half an hour, before heading back to his room. We didn't have sex, only made out for 3 hours.

The next morning I woke up and Justin was already up. "Shit!" I shouted. "God, I scared him away." I said nervously to no one in particular. I stood, put on my shorts and shirt, and ran into the living room, still pulling on my shirt. The guys were gone, to the beach I guessed. The beach was just down the street, about half a mile. I quickly ran out to the driveway. All the cars were gone. I went back inside, slipped on a pair of shoes and started running the half a mile to get to the beach. I eventually made it to the beach, and found the guys all hanging out in the sand. Justin saw me and his mouth dropped. I ran up to Justin, who was beside the other guys, and started to speak. Trouble was I was a bit out of air.

"Are you OK?" Lance asked. I put my hands on my knees, bending over a bit. I nodded my head.

"Justin..." I said, gasping for air. "Why... didn't... you... tell me you... were leaving?" I asked, gasping a bit more. I finally got my breathe back and started again. "I thought you were mad at me for... well, you know." I said. Justin smiled, walking up to me hugging me.

"You are such a weirdo man, I left a note right beside you, as well as one on the front door, and one on the TV." He said smiling. "Of course I wasn't mad at you, I mean I wanted to do it as well." He said, just remembering we were in the middle of the guys. "Erm, I mean, share a bed... is all." He said.

Joey smiled. "Busted."

"We only kissed." I said in our defense, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Don't lie." Chris said laughing. "It doesn't matter anyway, we've known Justin was gay since the band started. Hell, Josh and him were boyfriends for like two years." Chris said, slapping his hand over his mouth as soon as he'd said it. I smiled at Justin.

"So you're really gay then?" I asked smiling. He looked to the ground a bit nervously. "Cool." I said, smiling. Justin looked up at me smiling. "Let's go swimming now." I said laughing. After a full day of swimming and sitting by the ocean everyone was ready to head back. Justin and I took his car. "Justin?" I asked. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"I figured we'd tale the long way home." He said smiling.

"How can there be a long way home? Justin, it's half a mile away and we're going in the wrong way." I said

"Just trust me Paul." He said smiling. After 20 minutes we pulled up to the top of what I took to be a cliff out spot. "Well?" He asked.

"There are trees everywhere. It's really private isn't it?" I asked smiling. Justin put his hand on mine.

"That's why I like it here." He said smiling. Justin put his lips on mine, and for about half an hour we only made out. After that Justin smiled at me. He lent in one more time, kissing me passionately. "I guess we'd better be getting back." He sailed, nervously. I laughed. "What?"

"You're so goofy. You're like a love struck teenager." I said laughing.

"I'm just a little scared" He said

"You're affriad of what exactly? That I might want to go a little further?" I asked.

"No, actually, I'm worried of what I might want to do, and I think it's a little too early for..." I muffled his words with a kiss. He was taken aback a bit. I smiled at Justin as he leaned in for one more kiss before starting the car. With that we drove off.

When we finally arrived at his house the others were already out for a night on the town. "So what do you want to do, Paul?" He asked me, tossing me a soda.

"Well," I said, popping the top open "I'd really just like to stay in, I mean we still have the rest of the week to go out, let's just stay in and, I don't know, make our own fun." I said winking at him.

"Sounds like a plan." He said. With that we headed into the bedroom.

Well, chapter two. Not really sure if it's any good as Im not good at judging my own work, but hopefully you'll like it, and hopefully you'll send me an email @ anyway, hope you enjoyed the story, and don't forget to check out my other stories, "Same Old Brand New You" in Boybands and J and Scott in High School :).


Next: Chapter 3

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