Sixteen and Famous

By Lance Lansdale

Published on Feb 28, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Justin Timberlake, or any of the other members of N Sync, or Britney for that matter, and I don't know their sexuality, and am not trying to imply anything. Don't read if you know you shouldn't be reading, you know who you are.

Authors Note: I'm planning on maiing this a long long story. Anyways, mega mega thanks to those stories that inspired me, and everyone else, you know the ones, "Sans Vous, Je Suis Rien" "All The Ways I Love You" "Justin And Chris" and "JC's Hitchhiker" all those cool and awesome stories. I also have a little story you might or might know, "Same Old Brand New You" which is in it's third series, yay! It's the longest A1 fan fic that I've found, so yay.

"Paul, come on!" Jarred yelled. I looked up and realised all of the other guys had already loaded into the van. I smiled to myself. I was in a band called Fantasy. It was made up of 5 guys, you know, your usual boyband. There was Damion, the outspoken spokespearson of the band. Tommy, the cute blonde. Mark, the preppy one. Jarred, the rebel without a fucking clue. Then there was me, Paul Ryder, the shy one. I was also the youngest of 5 20 somethings. The other boys were all 22, 23, or 24, and here willt bitty me, a 16 year old guy, standing a small 5 foot 7, and 135 pounds. Nothing much. I was kind of skinny, but had a few muscles, I wasn't ugly, but I wasn't exactly Justin Timberlake. I was the voice from the band, the only one with a half decent voice. The other guys could hold a note, don't get me wrong, they just, well, weren't exactly all that. I smiled up from Jarred's mom, who was our manager.

"Well chico," She said in her strong latin accent. "I guess it's about that time then." She said smiling. I nodded. "Nervous?" She asked, putting the strap of her purse around her arm. I nodded. "Don't be, you're just touring, it's nothing." I was still a bit nervous. "But that's not what you're worried about is it?" She asked again, sensing my uncomfort. "Don't worry about the guys, They'll behave themselves, and if they don't I'll put my ten inch heel so far up their... Well, you get the point." She said as I started giggiling. The guys, well they ment well, and they tried to get along with me, but we just didn't click. We didn't like each other, not a hate thing, just, you know, we had nothing in common. I spent most of my time reading or talking to Jarred's mom, who I called Mrs. Baker. Touring wasn't that fun, I enjoyed being in the studion, singing into the mic. Touring scared me, hey, I was the shy one remember.

After 2 hours of the guys all fucking around, telling crude jokes, making cracks on every singer who came on the radio, and hours of ignoring me we finally arrived at our first gig for this tour. We were hardly famous, just starting out actually. We were opening up for Britney Spears. When everyone got out of the van before me, leaving me to get my 4 bags on my own, I exited the van. We were to be getting a new big style bus, like the rockstars, as well. First, though, we had a concert to do.

"Paul!" Jarred screamed from 50 feet away from me. "Dude, come on!" He said, waiting for me to cross the parking lot. For the first time he waited for me. When I reached him he put his arm around me. "Look Dude, I know you feel you don't fit in." I started to say something but he stopped me. "Don't even try to say you do, because everyone can tell. Look man, this is the big legue, we need to start getting along or we'll never make it man. I know we all crack on you little man, but, you know, it's in kind of a brotherly way." He said. He had sort of called me a brother, wow, it made me go all mushy inside, until he opened his mouth again, of course. "The geeky annoying little kid brother" He said laughing." I rolled my eyes as he ran out to the venue. When I got inside all the guys were already backstage. I decided to look around a bit since I had 8 hours before the gig. I walked up to a big man in a tight black shirt and and black pants, tapping him on his shoulder, which incidentally was where my head came to on him. He turned around and looked down on me laughing.

"Look little man, Ms. Spears isn't taking autographs right now." He said laughing, his face suddenly getting serious and stern. "How did you get in here, anyways?" He asked.

"I, I, I'm part of F-fantasy, the opening a-act." I said.

"C-c-c-come again?" He said making fun of me.

"Sorry, I'm just a bit nervous, I've never been on tour, you know, one this big." I said, holding up the I.D. they gave me at the front. He nodded.

"Ok little man, go through those doors." He said, pointing to doors at the back, behind the stage. "Then go right, and you'll find a guy standing post, his name's Gerrard. He'll take you to your dressing room." He said laughing a bit.

"Who are you again?" I asked.

A voice came from behind me. "He's my bodygaurd." I immediatley knew who it was. I turned around and there stood Britney Spears. I wasn't a fan of hers, and seemed a bit dissapointed, hoping for possibly one of the N Sync guys to show up from behind her. I smiled half heartedly, shaking her hand. "Not a fan?" She asked, frowning a bit.

"Sorry." I said, shaking my head. "I only know a few of your songs." I said.

"Oh, ok then. What kind of music do you like? Don't tell me," she said, looking at my book, "Classical shit, right?" She asked, winking at her bodygaurd.

"No actually, I like pop music." I said smiling. She stood there, wanting me to go on I guessed, so I did. "I like the boyband stuff, you know, BSB, Five, N Sync." I said, noticing her eyes flare when I said the last name. She rolled her eyes.

"You really shouldn't be wondering the venue like this little guy. Go on." She said, shooing me with her hands. Bitch.

I finally made it to our dressing room and noticed all the guys in there throwing around a football. They all smiled at me when I entered, and I smiled at them as well, sitting down and opening my book. After about an hour there was a knock at the door. The guys, all caught up in their own things, didn't budge. I opened the door and to my surprise saw Justin Timberlake. Behind him was Britney. My mouth dropped as he smiled and extended his hand. "Hi, I'm Justin." He said smiling. Nothing came out of my mouth though. The other guys saw him and all waved very casually.

"Guys," I said. "How can you just sit there and just, guys, it's Justin." I said, giggiling like a schoolgirl.

"Yeah," Damion piped up, "We met him earlier while you were still jacking off in the van. My mouth dropped again. Justin started laughing.

"I was not!" I said to him. "I was trying to find the room. Ask her," I said pointing to Britney.

"Why would we ask her if you were jacking off in the van?" Mark asked, laughing.

"We actually had a few words in the arena." Britney said, piping up.

"He didn't mention how much he hated you did he?" Damion asked winking at me.

"No, but he did say he wasn't a fan." She said pouting her prissy lips. "Why does he hate me?" She asked, giving me the death eye.

"You know, your doing 'tasteless throw away pop' as he put it, and you know, the whole stealing his man thing." Damion added. My mouth dropped to the floor.

Britney rolled her eyes, whispered something in Justin's ear, and left. Justin, though, stepped inside and sat on a couch. "I'm, I'm not, not because of that, no," I said, making a fool of myself. "I'm not, well, I am, but, noooooooooo, not for you." I said, getting nervous. The guys all started laughing at me, but Justin only smiled. I sat down and tried changing the subject. "Why are you here anyways?" I asked. "Didn't you two splitup or something like that?" I asked.

Damion, who was writting in his journal, butted in again. "Don't act like it's nothing, you know you've been following their every make up and break up." He said laughing. I looked at him like 'shut the fuck up or i'll come over there and kick your ass'. He winked at me.

"I'm here because me and Brit are still sorta friends, we just broke up because, well, let's just say we both wanted different things." He said giggiling. I smiled at him. "Look, you guys have like what, 6 or 7 hours before the concert, so like 2 or 3 hours before soundcheck, what do you say I borrow Paul here for a bit?" He asked. They looked at him like he was crazy. Damion stepped in.

"You want to hang out with... Paul?" He asked. "Sure, he dosent have any friends anyways, no worries about him pushing another potential friend away." He said, rolling his eyes. Mark butted in as we were walking out the door.

"Have fun love birds." He said. We heard all these loud smooching sounds and looked backl, seeing the guys all kissing their arms. With these guys how was I ever gonna get a man?

"So?" I asked as we walked down the corridor. "Where we headed to?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I just figured you wanted to get away from those bastards." He said smiling at me. I mouthed 'thanks' to him and we headed down the long hallway. We ended up in a nice room. "This is Britney's dressing room." He said smiling.

"Should we be here?" I asked, remembering how bitchy she was for my not liking her music. He started laughing.

"Don't worry about it." He said. Suddenly a door to what I was guessing was the bathroom opened. A hot guy in his mid 20's exited, a big grin on his face. His hair was wet. A few minutes later, Britney exited, her hair wet as well. The guy, who had sit down beside me and Justin, smiled at her. "Nice shower?" Justin asked winking at her.

"Nice 'talk'?" She asked smiling at him. I turned to him as he turned bright red. How odd. "Justin, whatever your name is, this is my soul mate... What was your name again?" She asked him.

"Pedro." He answered, the r sliding off of the end of his tounge.

"What a stupid fucking name, get out." She said, pointing to the door. He quickly exited the room as Britney looked at us.

"Sooooo," She said smiling. "He get into your pants yet?" She asked smiling at me. I gasped a bit, looking at Justin.

"Don't worry, her stupid sence of humor. Pay the bitch no attention." He said laughing.

"Awww, I'm not a bitch, what makes you think that?"

"Cause Paul said so." He said winking at me.

"I did not!" I said quickly.

"Well, maybe not said so, but you know you were thinking it." He said smiling.

"What I say and what I think are two different things, hehe, I have manners you know." I said smiling. Britney got up to get a water out of the mini fridge.

"Just for the record, I'm not a bitch. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off. I have a ton of interviews. See ya." She said. "Oh and guys, if you need to fuck, just, make sure, ya know, you clean up." She said smiling. Justin shrugged like he didn't know what the fuck she was on.

Ok, not that good, but it'll get better, hopefully. Anyways, if u like it email me @ and tell me.


Next: Chapter 2

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