Six Guys No Chaperone


Published on Dec 6, 2013


"Yeah, thanks Walker," Ben said to the hulking jock. The two of them weren't friends. He wasn't sure why Walker was protecting him.

Walker squeezed Jeremy's toe through the comforter, winking at Ben. "What can I say? I like you guys owing me one," he said, before locking eyes with the sophomore. "You have to take one for the team now and then."

Walker didn't know Jeremy was naked under the covers, getting hard again. Or that the boy was still leaking Ben's cum from his ass, the sheets wet against his crotch from where the boy himself came. Walker only knew what he had seen, that Ben was grinding into Jeremy from behind, and that the sophomore had liked it, a lot--all while watching Walker work out his bedtime load.

"I'm still a little tipsy," Walker said, not letting go of the sophomore's toe. He gave it a squeeze with his wide thumb.

The toilet flushed and Luke stumbled out of the bathroom, wiping at his mouth and chin with his forearm. His eyes were dazed as he pushed his way to his bed, where Tommy was already asleep.

"We should all get some shuteye too," Ben reminded Walker. "Big day tomorrow." He turned to Jeremy, not sure what the boy wanted. Suddenly Ben felt protective of him, responsible.

"Real big day," Walker said, starting to smile at Jeremy.

"Come on," Ben said, growing impatient. He wasn't sure if Walker was trying to be funny, or what. "Sleep time, boys. Come on."

Walker let go. He winked at Ben, and nodded. As if the two of them had an understanding. Walker returned to his bed to sleep alone. Jeremy watched as Walker fumbled with the comforter and turned on his side, facing away from them.

It wasn't long before all four of the drunk guys were snoring, and Jeremy and Ben felt alone again in the room.

"I'm sorry," Ben said quietly, sensing Jeremy awake beside him.

Jeremy didn't say anything for a while. He wanted to tell Ben not to feel bad, that he didn't regret it. In fact he liked it. But he heard himself saying it in his head, and the words sounded different. Jeremy was afraid Ben would misunderstand him. He didn't want Ben to think that it meant anything to him.

"No problem," Jeremy said, but immediately regretted it. He was afraid it sounded like there WAS a problem.

"I'm sorry, too," Jeremy said.

"For what?" Ben asked, rolling to face him. "You didn't do anything wrong." Ben put his hand on Jeremy's chest, resting his forearm on the boy's stomach.

"You have a girlfriend. I feel like I'm complicating things for you."

"No," Ben said, nuzzling into Jeremy's neck. It was intimate, animalistic. Ben felt like a wild man, having participated in the secret rituals of his forefathers. "It's like you did me a favor, really. I've always wanted to do that, and now I have."

"But what about what's-her-name?" Jeremy said, even though he knew her name. "What if she finds out?"

"I don't think Walker's going to tell anyone," Ben said. "Regardless, that's the best thing about dating a college girl. High school gossip doesn't get to her."

It wasn't what Jeremy was hoping to hear, and so he was angry suddenly. He felt attached to Ben, though he knew he shouldn't. That he had no claim on him. Yet Jeremy didn't want to hear Ben talk like he was staying with his girlfriend. Not yet, with Ben still holding him.

"Night, buddy," Ben said, when he realized he was falling asleep. Jeremy said goodnight, even though he wasn't tired. His mind was racing.

In the morning, Mrs. P. called early. As editor of the yearbook, Ben was the unofficial leader of the club. Mrs. P asked to talk with him about what happened in the room the night before. She wanted to talk to Ben before deciding what to do.

On his way out, Ben tried not to wake anyone. Walker was a light sleeper, and so he heard Ben as he was putting his shoes on.

"Don't forget you owe me one," Walker said to him as he was leaving.

After Ben was gone and the door closed, Walker couldn't fall back asleep. So he got up and started a shower. He stretched and stripped before getting in under the hot water. The small bathroom steamed up easily, and Walker felt the wet air fill his throat and soothe his lungs. He soaped up his hair chest and ass, thinking about the crazy night the guys had, and wondering what Tommy must have made of it all. He wondered if his friend had even noticed the gay stuff between Ben and Jeremy.

Walker lathered his crotch and balls, remembering the drawings he'd seen. Ben stroking his dick, then on his hands and knees. Ben, who he'd always thought was uptight. He was the classic teacher's pet, a straight-A student, prudish in a way. Or so the jocks had thought. Walker smiled at the surprise, recalling Jeremy's face when the two were called out. How he didn't look scared, exactly, that he was caught. More aroused than worried. Or had Walker imagined it?

There was a timid knock on the bathroom door. Walker wondered if it was Jeremy.

"I'm showering," he called out, part warning and part subconscious invitation. When the door opened, though, he froze. He realized he wanted it to be Jeremy, for the kid to make a pass at him, naked in the shower. He wanted Jeremy to beg him to keep it all a secret. But it was only BJ, needing to pee.

"Sorry, bro. I have to go bad," BJ said, his piss stream already going hard. Walker heard his buddy piss for a long while, until it eventually ended with a trickle. "I think I'm still drunk."

"Crazy night," Walker said, rinsing his crotch and pits a final time. And there was a long silence.

"I don't remember leaving the bar," BJ said, washing his hands. Walker felt relieved. He hoped Tommy would remember as little.

Walker dried off with the last clean towel. It was his right, as the biggest and hottest guy in the room. But seeing Jeremy look up at him in his towel, feeling vulnerable, exposed, Walker felt like a jerk. As soon as he was dressed, he called down to the office to ask for fresh ones. And then he stepped out to the parking lot to have a cigarette.

"What's with him?" BJ asked, to no one in particular.

"I feel like shit," Luke said weakly, waking up.

"Me too," Jeremy said. He hadn't slept hardly at all. And so even though he hadn't drank, he felt terrible.

"I feel great," BJ said, just to be a weasel.

"I'm still asleep," Tommy said. "So shut up."

Jeremy watched Luke's face. He was searching for a glance, some glimmer of knowing. But Luke looked tired and sick. He paid no attention to Jeremy.

The towels came, and while Luke showered, Tommy stretched out, taking over the small bed.

"Are you hungover?" Jeremy asked him when he saw his eyes open.

"I don't think so," he said. "Should I be?" And then he closed his eyes again.

"You guys seemed pretty wasted last night," Jeremy said, and that's when Tommy seemed to remember.

"We watched porn!" Tommy said, laughing.

"You did?" BJ said.

"And were you watching me?" Tommy asked Jeremy, like he was suddenly accusing him of something. Maybe he remembered looking over and seeing Jeremy's eyes on his cock.

"You acted like everyone was watching you," Jeremy said, covering for himself. "Your dick was in the way of the screen."

Tommy and BJ laughed. "It's always gettin' in the way," Tommy said. He didn't seem to know about Jeremy and Ben. No one did.

Walker came back in the room with Ben right behind him.

"Do you guys want the good news, or the bad news?" Ben asked. None of the boys answered. It was too early for news.

"Mrs. P isn't going to call our parents," Walker said, patting Ben on the back. "She's letting last night slide."

"But," Ben said, "there's a catch. She says we can't go unchaperoned for the rest of the trip."

"So what's that mean?" Tommy asked first.

"She's figuring it out," Ben explained. "But likely one of the booster parents is going to room with us. So no more drinking. And no more porn."

"And no orgies," Walker said, with a mocking sad face. He smacked Ben on the ass, and Tommy and BJ laughed.

"But wait," BJ said. "Where will they sleep?"

"Maybe we'll get two rooms? I don't know." Ben shrugged. "Like I said, she's figuring it out."

Luke came out of the bathroom in his towel and groaned for everyone to be quiet. He covered his pale chest with crossed arms.

"Is Flamer not feeling good?" Tommy asked, poking the freshman in the ribs. "You were a cocky bitch last night. I'll tell ya."

"Says the guy wanking it in front of everyone," Ben said, but only Jeremy laughed.

"Shhhh," Luke said, getting back under the covers, his hair and shoulders still wet. He pulled the pillow over his face.

"In all fairness, it was ME with my dick out," Walker bragged. "Little Tommy was wanking under the covers until go time."

"'Go time?'" BJ asked, all confused, and so Walker moaned, and made cumming sounds to demonstrate. He mimed like he was jerking off onto his friend as he did it: spurt, spurt, spurt.

"Speaking of 'Go time,'" Ben interrupted. "Mrs. P wants us ready in twenty minutes. So giddy up."

Jeremy claimed the shower next. Ben passed him his shorts and one of the fresh towels, a sweet smile on his lips. Then, when Jeremy was passing him, heading for the shower, Ben pulled him aside and whispered.

"I have a surprise for us today," he said with a wink. It made Jeremy smile, which made Ben smile in return. And Jeremy disappeared into the bathroom.

Luke just laid there as the guys got ready.

"I don't think I can go anywhere," he said after a while, as if he'd considered his situation carefully. Because he had. Luke had barely been able to shower, and was completely unable to get dressed, let alone leave the room for the day. The dim morning light was giving him a headache, even in the dark room. "I'm serious," he said. "I can't."

"Well, that's going to be a problem, bro," Walker said, ready to shake Luke by the shoulders if necessary. "Cause Mrs. P is only being chill because she doesn't know how MUCH we were drinking. If you let on that you have a hangover, it's going to be bad. Real bad. For ME." Walker leaned over Luke in the bed, his shirt unbuttoned. "And you don't want to know what bad for me looks like for YOU, bro."

"Man up," BJ said to Luke. He sounded like an echo of Walker. But the freshman looked nauseous. She laid there shaking his head.

Ben looked at Jeremy as he came out of the bathroom. He spoke as if he'd been considering something, but wanted Jeremy to hear it too.

"We're actually dividing up for the day. Mrs. P is going to explain more, but two of us were going to run an errand before lunch while the rest of the club visits the printer. I proposed it be Jeremy and me," he said, giving the boy a knowing look. "But if it absolutely has to be Luke..."

"What kind of errand?" Walker asked, watching Jeremy's face.

"Mrs. P should tell you herself," Ben says.

"So you and Luke will go?" Jeremy asked, unable to hide his disappointment.

"No, you two. You'll see. It kind of depends on you, Jeremy," Ben said.

"I can't run any errands," Luke said. "I'm telling you, for real."

"Maybe I can run it myself?" Jeremy asked Ben, who just shrugged. It all seemed so mysterious.

"Just get up long enough to show your face, and then figure it out," Ben said. He didn't hide his annoyance. Luke had brought his hangover on himself, after all. It was bad enough that Ben was forfeiting his time alone with Jeremy to save the kid. Luke should at least be grateful.

"Get up," Walker commanded, throwing Luke a shirt. The freshman sat up weakly, his towel loose around his waist. He pulled on his clothes as the guys left, grumbling profanity the whole time.

"What's our errand?" Luke asked Jeremy after the meeting with Mrs. P, when the two boys were back in the hotel room. Luke had felt too sick to listen to the woman's shrill voice, and so he missed most of what she'd said.

"Tell me. Slowly," Luke said, and Jeremy did.

"Jeremy pitched her the idea of having my drawings in the yearbook. She asked to see samples, and wants us to be prepared to show something representative to the printer this afternoon. So I'm supposed to draw some spot art this morning, to show her at lunch."

"That doesn't sound like an errand," Luke said, and he was right. Jeremy suspected that Ben had set it up so the two of them would be alone. Mrs. P said that the boys should get their hands on pictures of the school and faculty, for Jeremy to use as reference. But even that was a one-person job. Luke could just lay there while Jeremy browsed Facebook with his phone.

"Fun night?" Jeremy asked, and Luke got quiet.

"So what do you remember?" Jeremy asked him after a long silence.

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that," Luke confessed.

"Why? Because you're embarrassed you don't remember?"

"No," Luke said. "Because I remember everything."

"Everything?" Jeremy asked, getting nervous.

"Enough, anyway," Luke said.

Jeremy nodded. He felt like he should apologize, or explain.

"Are you mad?" Jeremy asked him.

"Only that I missed it," Luke said.

"Missed what?"

"I've had a crush on Walker for, like, ever," Luke said. "And then suddenly he's jerking off in front of everyone and I'm too drunk to get hard? It sucks."

"I didn't know you were gay," Jeremy said.

"I'm not," Luke said, all defensive. "I mean, I'm not anything. And I'm everything. I don't know."

"Fair enough."

"I mean Walker? Walker is WALKER. You don't have to be gay to want that," Luke said. He seemed comfortable talking about his attraction. Far more comfortable than Jeremy was. Maybe because Jeremy had no clue what he wanted.

Jeremy thought of Walker holding his big toe, looking at him with smoldering eyes.

"Yeah," he said. "I guess."

"Ben too," Luke said. "He's pretty hot."

Jeremy thought of it as a compliment. Like Luke was congratulating him or something.

"Have you ever...?" Jeremy didn't know what he was asking. Or how specific to be.

"No," Luke said. "Not really. I mean, I jerked off with a guy once. He had me put my mouth on it. But just to get it wet."

Jeremy had never sucked a dick before. He would have last night, with Ben, but it never happened. The idea turned him on, though.

"Fuck," Luke said, suddenly. "I'm horny now! But it's like it's giving me a headache to get a boner."

"Nice," Jeremy said, looking in the freshman's lap. He wasn't kidding. His dick visible in his pants.

"So are you and Ben, like, a thing?"

"He has a girlfriend," Jeremy said. "He's acting like it didn't mean anything."

"But it did," Luke said.

"Are you asking me?" Jeremy didn't understand what Luke was doing, if he was testing him or something. Jeremy suddenly didn't want to answer the question, so he changed the subject.

"It was pretty hot," he said. "Walker. Stroking and moaning for us."

Luke looked at Jeremy with a raised eyebrow, and then squinted both eyes as if his head suddenly hurt. "Tell me everything," Luke said, laying back. "No, don't tell me." He groaned with pain. "Owww!"

"I could show you," Jeremy said. He turned to a new page of his sketchbook, just past the pages of Ben. From memory, he drew a rough sketch of Walker the night before, lit by the television, a dumb and dopey look on his face as he gripped his big thick cock.

Jeremy saw Luke straining to look, and so he moved to sit with him on the bed. And soon both boys were drooling over the picture together, both getting hard.

"You're driving me nuts, you know that?" Luke said finally. He reached down discreetly behind Jeremy and gave his dick a squeeze through his pants.

"I'm driving myself nuts, too. Sorry."

"Draw Tommy?" Luke requested, and Jeremy turned the page. He drew two versions of Tommy, one with his hand below the blanket, tenting it huge, his thick bottom lip out and his wide eyes bright from watching the screen. In the second, Tommy's hand and cock were out and his eyes were closed tight. He drew in the outline of Luke, turned away from him while he came.

"Can you draw me?" Luke asked.

"Now? Or like you were last night? I don't know if I remember." Luke rolled his eyes.

"I should really focus on my assignment. I mean, I have to draw some stuff I can show Mrs. P." Jeremy looked at the time on his phone. They didn't have too much longer before lunch.

"I would like to draw you some time, though." Jeremy looked at Luke. He felt like they were close now, like he could trust him. And he was hot, for a freshman. Shy and aggressive at once. Jeremy could imagine himself with Luke. If Ben were suddenly out of the picture.

"Maybe when I'm not dying," Luke said, and they both laughed.

Luke watched while Jeremy focused on his sketches. It helped him focus on something other than his hangover. Eventually, though, Luke got up to go to the bathroom, and Jeremy kept at it.

"I'm going to take a bath," Luke said after a few minutes, sticking his head out. "I think it will help my headache."

But he left the door cracked open. Jeremy could hear the water running, and pictured Luke stripping out of his clothes.

Jeremy thought about Luke as he drew a portrait of Principal Henderson. It was a composite of two photos of the man that Jeremy found online. His mustache looked uneven, but other than that it was pretty good. Ben had suggested that Jeremy show his range. He wanted to do more than portraits. He had sketched the school building already. He could find it in his sketch book. And once, two of the drum line boys posed for him at lunch. He'd emailed a scan of it to the guys, so he knew he could find it.

Luke started humming in the bath, and Jeremy could hear it. He knew the song. He'd seen Ben dance to it once at Homecoming. He was dancing dirty with his girlfriend. He hadn't thought much about it at the time, but suddenly every memory of Ben was worth mining. Jeremy had been attracted to Ben, but seeing him grind close to that girl gave Jeremy a visual. After that, he would check out Ben's crotch and ass when no one was looking. He'd listen extra close when he lead the discussion at yearbook meetings. It wasn't an attraction Jeremy was even all that aware of. He never thought of the guy late at night, alone before falling asleep. Jeremy had only thought seriously about one guy before. And that was Walker. Like Luke had said, that was normal.

Without thinking, really, Jeremy started to draw a picture of Ben. The way he looked in meetings, all serious and in control. He'd always looked up to Ben, Jeremy realized. And so he drew him just as he pictured him. Rough and ready, yet brave, and knowing. Except, for the eyes. Jeremy didn't draw them how he remembered from meetings, but instead that more intimate look. The private gaze Jeremy had seen, before Ben said goodnight. Jeremy absentmindedly filled in the sketch. He put books on the classroom shelves, drew in the sign-up sheet by Mrs. P's desk. He wasn't even thinking about the yearbook, or his assignment. He was simply thinking of Ben. And then suddenly he looked down, and Ben was looking back at him.

"Hey," Luke called from the bathroom. "I forgot to grab my towel."

Jeremy brought one to Luke, amused by what seemed an obvious ploy. "I'm not going to look," he warned the boy.

"Then how will you draw me later?" Luke asked from behind the door.

Jeremy pushed the door open and nearly gasped at the sight. Luke was buck naked and standing there, suds from a bubble bath still clinging to his young skin. But it was his hard dick that Jeremy gasped at. Luke's skin was fiery red form the tub, and his cock was sticking straight out. Red and thick, the light hair clinging to his balls.

Walker and Tommy were hot, but Jeremy had seen them shirtless dozens of times. On Facebook or at pool parties. They both seemed eager to show off their jock stomachs. But Luke's body was entirely new to Jeremy. The boy was muscular from playing, but not like a jock's. His skin was pale, like he'd never been shirtless outside. Plus his build was uneven. His pecks big and flat, with big pink nipples that made Jeremy feel dark-skinned by comparison. And that dick! He was uncut, and it made the shape of his cock's fat head blunt and juicy.

"Where's your sketch book?" Luke said, smiling. "I'm feeling a little better."

"You want me to draw you?" Jeremy asked, and Luke shrugged. Of course he did. Jeremy went back for his sketchbook, and Luke got back in the tub. When Jeremy came back, the boy was on his hands and knees, elbows deep in the hot water. Jeremy felt guilty, like he was cheating on Ben. But why? Ben had a girlfriend, didn't he? It was Ben that acted like it meant nothing. Didn't he?

"Wash my back?" Luke said.

Jeremy looked at Luke's body. Smooth hard mounds for shoulders and shoulder blades. The bathroom light made him look like he was glowing all along his ribcage. Luke reached down between his legs and pulled up a soaked white washcloth. He handed it to Jeremy, who fumbled with his sketchbook, careful not to get it wet.

The washcloth was steaming in Jeremy's hands as he at Luke's smooth ass and hairless thighs. Jeremy stared, and as he did the freshman kind of shook his ass. Just a little. To tell Jeremy he'd seen him looking.

"Come on," Luke said, and soon Jeremy was scrubbing the boy's back. Occasionally, he let himself peek along Luke's beautiful body. Between his legs, and up into his armpits.

"Lower?" Luke said, and Jeremy washed the boy's lower back better. stopping just as the muscles of Luke's tight ass met his spine. "Lower," Luke said, after a few seconds. And so Jeremy ran the washcloth down across the boy's ass cheeks, then deep along his crack. Luke leaned into it, too. Jeremy could feel the boy's asshole under the washcloth. And then swept down across Luke's taint.

Jeremy was hard in his shorts and Luke was staring back at him, dunking his balls in the bath water. He moaned for Jeremy to wash him good, which made Jeremy laugh.

"What?" Luke said, all bashful. "I'm serious."

"I prefer you dirty," Jeremy said, all suave.

"Are you going to draw me?" Luke said with a smile.

Jeremy rolled his eyes and reached for the towel to dry his hands. As he did, he heard someone at the door to their room. The door was unlocking, then opening. Not thinking, Jeremy shut the bathroom door in a hurry, still inside.

"Anyone here?" The voice asked. It was Ben. "Jeremy? Luke?"

Jeremy opened the bathroom door. "We're in here," he said, and kissed Ben hard in the bathroom doorway. The senior seemed nervous about kissing in front of Luke, until he saw him naked and hard in the tub.

"What's going on here?" Ben asked, reaching down and feeling Jeremy's harden.

"I'm having my portrait done," Luke said, all innocent. He stood on his knees so Ben could see more of his wet body. Luke gripped his cock as the senior looked him up and down.

Jeremy watched Ben's eyes as he checked the boy out, then returned to meet Jeremy's gaze.

"Hi," Jeremy said, kissing Ben again.

"Should I leave you two alone, then?" He asked.

"Of course not," Luke said. Jeremy was glad he wasn't the one to say it, even though it was what he was thinking. "Two bottoms don't make a top," Luke said.

"I'm not a bottom," Jeremy corrected Luke. "I mean, I'm not anything."

"You're everything, too?" Luke asked. Jeremy shrugged.

"You need a top, huh?" Ben said. He was already hard in his pants. He looked at his phone to check the time. "I guess you enjoyed the show last night?" He asked Luke, looking to Jeremy for his okay. But Jeremy wasn't sure what he wanted. Part of him wanted Ben all to himself.

Jeremy knelt down on the bathroom floor, right there in front of Ben. He reached up to undo Ben's pants, and heard Luke moaning in the bath. When he turned to look, Luke had turned around. He was showing off his ass, and Ben was watching.

Jeremy wanted all of Ben's attention, and he thought he knew how to get it. He pulled the guy's big dick out through the hole in his underwear and licked at the precum already wetting the tip. Ben moaned and Jeremy let the guy's cock into his mouth as he sucked. It felt so good to please Ben like that, to feel his hot hand on the back of Jeremy's head as he started to thrust. Jeremy wanted to be good at it, to look up at his senior and see Ben's eyes rolling back with pleasure.

Instead, when he looked up, he could see Ben staring into the tub. Jeremy could hear the water as Luke flopped over in the tub. He didn't know what the boy was doing, but he could feel Ben getting harder in his mouth. Jeremy's mouth flooded with more precum, and suddenly the sophomore realized it was turning himself on too, to share Ben like that. He wasn't jealous anymore, but aroused. Hadn't Jeremy's eyes been on Walker when Ben was fucking him in the ass? How was this any different?

But Jeremy wanted to see, too. He turned Ben's waist, still sucking him, and was able to watch as Luke slid a finger into his wet red ass.

"Fuck," Jeremy moaned onto Ben's cock, feeling it throb against this throat.

"Yep," Ben said, his voice deep with lust. "Let's both fuck him."

Luke moaned at the suggestion, and Jeremy could hear how badly he wanted it. Suddenly Jeremy wanted it too. He got up off his knees. Standing up, Jeremy saw his sketch book. He wanted to capture it, but he wanted to be part of it too. He was utterly torn.

Ben kneeled then, next to the tub. He put one hand into the hot water. He slid his hand up Luke's leg, and up toward the boy's ass. Both of them were groaning as Jeremy watched.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Ben and Luke looked at each other, and then at Jeremy. The sophomore reached to adjust his hard dick, trying to make it look less like a bulge. He grabbed a towel to wipe Ben's slime off his hand, and then closed the bathroom door behind him.

Jeremy opened the hotel room door halfway, and said hello to the big man that was standing there.

"Can I help you?" Jeremy said. The man looked down at the towel in his hands.

"This is my room," the man said, his voice gruff. He was an older guy, and his strong features made him look menacing.

"Nope, sorry," Jeremy said, and started to shut the door.

The man put his boot in the door jamb.

"Yep, I'm afraid so," the man said. "Are you Luke? Or Jeremy?"

Jeremy opened the door wider, covering his erection with the towel. "Who are you, again?"

"I'm Mr. Penwasczyk," he said. "My wife is Mrs. Penwasczyk."

"Mr. P!" Jeremy said, loud enough for the guys in the bathroom to hear.

"You can call me Shane. I'm your new chaperone."

Next: Chapter 5

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