
By sky rider

Published on Jun 6, 2003



i am a junior music major at one of the leading music schools in the south and the leader Louisiana. This story is about a truely awesome experience I had with the boy of most peoples fantasies. The names have been changed to protect both mine and his identities. oh and by the way if you know you aren't supposed to be reading this stuff then don't kiddies. otherwise i hope you enjoy.


he was absolutely gorgeous. amazing. he had natural blonde hair and the bluest eyes that made you want to dive into them. his skin in the summer was a beautiful golden brown that few can achieve and his voice was one of the sexiest voices in the world. everytime we spoke or i heard him laugh from afar it made me want to go to the bathroom and release. and the sexiest thing to me was the fact that he was tall. when i say tall that usually just means that they are taller than me and believe be at 5'7" it is not hard to be taller than me, but i only came up to his chest. this stud named aaron was six-foot-eleven and one of the taller guys on the basketball team.

during our first semester we got to know each other through other friends and choir(he had an amazing voice and i am a vocal major) and decided that we would room together the following semester neither one admitting the attraction that we were to discover.

we were an odd paring in the small dorm room : the giant texan adonis and myself the short louisiana native average looking joe (actually my name is mark). the only thing in our appearances are we are both white with good tans in summer and we both have blue eyes. other than that i was aaron's complete opposite.

shorty after we moved into the room aaron turned to me and said " hey mark, listen i have no qualms about nudity and like to take a 'clothing optional' approach to the home life. do you mind, cause if you do i can try to cover up. my heart skipped a beat and my cock went up a notch when i thought of the prospect of seeing the object of my lusts in the buff. then i realized i still hadn't answered when i heard "mark?....well?" i suddenly snapped out of my stooper and said "i love that idea. i do the same thing."

aaron had early morning workouts and i had class shortly after he left every morning so we didn' usually see each untill afternoon and though we had agreed that clothing was optional, it was obvious that neither was going nude unless the other did first.

A couple of weeks had past and I got sick like I always did at the beginning of the semester I decided that my nine and ten o'clock classes would do fine without me so I would just go to the room and take a nap so I could make it through my evening classes. I knew that Aaron always came back to the room and showered after his workout because his first class wasn't until late so I would go in, we would chat and then I would catch some Z's. So I get to the top of the stairs and I am already sweating (damn school- only in a perfect world would they get the heat/ac right). I get to the room and unlock the door and when I open it, my jaw dropped. There on his bed was my gorgeous roommate naked and asleep. All I could do was stare as I sneaked across the room to put my books down (almost tripping in the process). My heart pounded in my chest as I virtually drooled of the object of my obsession. His sweet innocent face; long supple neck; perfect chest and abs (he was so tall that he had easily achieved an eight pack); nothing more than a peach fuzz for a treasure trail down to a perfectly trimmed pale blonde bush nestling his huge flaccid (and as I had hoped) uncut cock that had to have been eight inches soft, he must have rolled onto his back from his left side because his cock was draped across his left hip, just below that line that separates the torso from the legs. After studying every inch of his monster and tennis ball sized nuts I scanned down his long, long legs cover in the lightest covering of clear hair down to his size seventeen feet. By this time my six-inch cock was so hard that it hurt and I thought if I didn't do something soon it would explode. Aaron started to stir and his breathing quickened like he was waking and I started to panic so I ran into my closet opposite his bed and left the door cracked because I didn't want to miss a minute of my nude stud. As he stirred he rubbed his chest up and down and then down to his tan stomach. Then just as he slowed down and I thought he was done he slowly progressed his way down to his rapidly growing cock. I was hornier than I had ever been, and I knew I was going to get a show! When it was soft it looked about eight inches and pretty thick but by the time it stopped and he had pulled back his foreskin it had to be at least fourteen inches and as thick as a beer can. You may think I'm lying but I shit you not, it was as big as my forearm and his head was like my fist. He began to run his hand up and down his enormous monster and caress his balls with the other. He started to moan softly as I saw precum start flowing steadily out of a piss slit big enough to stick the end of my pinky in. then just when I thought things couldn't get any better, Aaron lifted his leg and started fingering his hole. Then he started talking to himself " yeah that's it ... just like that... FUCK yeah" his breathing got heavier and heavier, his hand pumped his foreskin faster and faster, his moans got louder as he approached the edge "fuck yeah, suck it....getting close...uhuhuhuhaaaaaaaaaaaahhhaahahhahhhhhh" and he came.

I swear I had never seen so much cum fly out of one cock in my life or with such force. The first jet flew up and almost hit the ceiling then arched its way down and hit him in the chin then four more shots went up and hit in a line when they came down: the top of the chest, the middle, the bottom of his ribs, the top of his abs. After the last big jet hit his belly button the rest just came down his cock and pubes.

"Damn Mark why can't you do that for real?"

I froze. I thought he knew I was there but I didn't move. Maybe he was talking to himself --but he used my name...surely I just heard wrong there's no way he's fantasizing about me. He chuckled and got up found a rag and wiped himself of with it and threw it in the basketball hamper. With his softening cock swing between his legs he stretched as every muscle in his back, legs, and perfect bubble butt tensed up to release sleep. He then got a towel and bath kit, put some boxers on and went down the hall to the bathroom.

As soon as the door clicked I ran out of the closet cock-in-hand and proceeded to jack off. It took all of two or three strokes before I had the most intense orgasm of my life. I realized I had cum all over my clothes so I ripped them off and Aaron came back in just as I was down to my boxers and undershirt (both clean of cum, thank all that is holy).

"hey mark what are you doing in so early" " I don't feel so hot so I'm gonna take a nap before choir." "Ok bro I'm just gonna get ready and go to class, sleep well" "I have a feeling I will" I smiled. I must have dozed off faster than I thought after that orgasm because the next thing I knew was the door slamming and Aaron yelling through it "sorry mark" "it's ok" I mumbled as I remembered what he said damn, mark why can't you do that for real?'I can, aaron.' I thought as I fell back to sleep. `and I will...' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ well that's my first attempt at a story. I guess having a photographic memory helps with this sort of thing. To find out about the rest of our semester together (yes we hooked up and it was great) I gotta have some feed back, so email me with comments or your own stories at

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