Sissy Slut Tina Waits with Impatience

By tina foster

Published on Jan 8, 2012


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Sissy Slut Tina Seeks A Spanking

`Retired school-master, looking for those in need of a knee and a hard hand.'

I read the advertisement on Graigslist, noting just how near the fellow lived. And, with a sudden desire that needed to be filled, I had responded.

`Sir, I'm looking to dress in lingerie and end over a real man's knee's as his hard hand falls down on my buttocks,' I'd written.

There'd been a couple of emails and in the second, I'd admitted that if my nipples were played with, I'd be Submissive Sissy-Slut Tina, willing to satisfy any man, or woman with my body, as they chose. And yes, it'd been a hell of an admission.

But, there was no doubt now, Sissy Tina was Slut and, a real submissive. I'd learnt that much of her.

Well... A series of messages through Google chat ensued, over an hour or so, while I'd sat there before my PC hard as hell inside my favourite panties, having already lined up my favourite DVD to watch while I finished getting ready, `Sissy Jade Gets Spanked.' Yes, he had agreed to see me.

But, gawd knows what had got into of since I sent that first email, but oh-wow, did I feel ever-so mixed up as I stood away from the machine, rubbing my right hand over my naked body, sheathed in a nylon-slip.

After all, Tina had been a bad girl of late and perhaps she does need a spanking?' I'd mused, a I'd stood away from the PC and desk; and boy was I leaking inside my panties with arousal and anticipation and a degree of fear; my ass-pussy twitching, as I thought of what may happen, or what could happen? ... Coz like so many things that Tina's sex drive was involved, there was a high degree of risk involved.

I mean, only recently I'd given my home number and then address, to someone, just because I was in need of a fuck; and, as it happens, yet again I'd got off on the humiliation and submission.

Yep,' I mused, as I donned my robe, there is no doubt. Tina's a lot more than she was...' And, grinning at the thought of how much I'd learnt, I made my coffee, which I took through to my room.

I dropped the robe and stood before the Longview mirror at the side of the wardrobe: "Yes, I'm taking the slip." It was a simple item, but boy, did I feel sexy wearing it.

Slipping it off, I pulled on a shirt and removed my self-support hose, that I shoved in a holdall with the lilac slip and my ankle-high cowboy boots, with a hulluva cool heel: And, a lipstick of course.

Pulling on a pair of socks, trousers and black ankle boots, I'd got my photochromatic glasses and cap, then coat on; and left the house, my bag of pretty things slung over my right shoulder, being sure to lock the backdoor and gate. I was in a hurry to see him and... well, see what would happen.

So, I'd walked fast to the station and paid a return fare, momentarily thinking, "I hope there is a return.' And yes, there was always a risk to a meeting, but sometimes... just sometimes, it was ever –so worth it: like meeting Graham. I'd liked him.

So, it was Graham and thoughts of how I enjoyed being used by him that kept my mind racing with possibilities, as the train sped onto Rock Ferry, where I then disembarked.

And, there it was a bit of a walk up the hill and, past the park that he'd named in his instructions on how to get to his, this Mister Astor.

Finally I'd got to his home, a tall property, with a facing of red brick, one a small row, before a large junction.

Walking up the drive past a well cared for garden I walked up to the porch and, the welcome mat, pot plants either side.

Looking briefly around me, I realized that no-one was watching me call, except... the householder. There, up above, to my left was a small camera, pointed in my direction, a small red light above it dimly flashing.

Suddenly a buzzer sounded, then the door opened automatically.

"Come in and wait a moment young man, you are expected and... you will be met."

Nervously I'd stepped inside, into a long hallway, all dark colours and wood -panelling and paintings; and it gave the place a very Victorian sorta look to it.

Suddenly, from nowhere, a young slip of a thing appeared. An Asian, perhaps Thai, with long straight black hair red lips and accentuated cheekbones, a red traditional sorta Chinese dress on, with a massive slit either side, through which the top of her fine denier black self-support hose showed. They were much like mine... Tina's... and knowing how much they cost I figured that he was a woman who knew style.

I sure knew it, they had cost a whole weeks benefit cheque. But, they'd been worth it, that very moment I had put them on.

And, I noticed her walk toward me, elegantly, almost catwalk-like, one foot before the other, an expanse of thoigh and thigh-flesh showing, with each step toward me.

"Wow, you're pretty..." I'd told her, suddenly wondering why I'd said it.

"You think I'm pretty then?" the young woman asked me, tittering, her right hand over her mouth, "I'll have to tell Mister Astor that, he'll appreciate it..."

"Mister Astor?" I queried.

"The headmaster. The man you're here to see... he's my husband."

I'd gulped and, then paled I'm sure, which caused her to giggle some more.

"Do come with me, the Mister's waiting..." she told me, in halting English, as she grasped my elbow and begun to lead me down a long hallway.

"I was hoping to change, before I saw Mister... erm, your husband... before I went to see him..." I'd stammered.

"Ah yes, he told me, you come..." she'd told me, pulling me toward a door labelled `bathroom, "you can get changed, here."

"And you think I'm pretty then?" She asked again, with a toss of her long black hair, as she looked back over her left should, a coquettish look to her face.

I didn't know what to say, but I think my blushing and evident arousal must've been a giveaway, as her free hand flew to her mouth, as she giggled again.

"I'm Mai..." she told me, opening the door to a bathroom that was positively palatial, "C'mon, let's get you pretty for the headmaster."

"I'm Kevin" I answered softly, as I followed her.

"And what are you called when you're ... girly?" Mai asked, hand to her mouth, as she giggled some more.

`She knew, she knew it all,' I thought, even more aroused and, even more scared.

And I kinda stumbled in after her, suddenly becoming even clumsier than I usually am and, she caught me, laughing.

Now, I'm about five ten, which is about ten inches more than the beauty supporting me, with my hand on right her hip, at the top of the dresses slit, my fingers on her thigh, clad in nylon.

Pushing me away with a giggle, Mai said to me, "Now, you get undressed for Mai... and we make you pretty for my husband...

For all of a second, she went silent, a she stood before me, hands together, as if in prayer, just looking at me, appraising me.

"Now," Mai began brightly, suddenly clapping her hands together and laughing, "You get undressed and, your pretty things out and, we'll get you ready for the my husband... and The Headmaster."

And there it was, my moment.

There I was, with the young Thai wife of the man I was there to see, who would spank me and, all-of-a-sudden, my submissive streak of mine... well, Tina's... set in.

Lowering my gaze I began to undress as bid, listening as she spoke to me, "Is it true what my husband said?"

"What's that?" I asked, removing my trousers and socks.

"That if your nipples are played with you'll get like me, obedient and submissive; like my husband likes me to be..."

I stopped undressing briefly, to look to Mai, blushing madly and, then replied simply, "Yes."

"That is good. But, now," Mai said began brightly, as she clapped her hands together, "You get undressed and your pretty things out and, we'll get you ready for the Headmaster."

There I was, with the young Thai wife of the man I was there to see and, all of a sudden that submissive streak of mine set in. And, I'd undressed as instructed.

I'd already shaved all that needed to be; lubed myself well; and worn my purple panties, reversed as usual, so that my sex were held in check as it were, while what would have been the front, cleaved itself between my buttocks.

Isaw Mai look at me quite intently, before licking her lips slowly.

"Now, they do look nice on you," she'd murmured in appreciation, running her right hand over my smooth buttock buttocks. And, for a moment her fingertips paused, then they pushed the gusset away from my lubed sphincter.

Then I'd sighed with pleasure as two fingers eased into me, knuckle-deep. Mai had taken a step toward me, then teasingly said, "My husband will really enjoy spanking you ... and, maybe more..."

And as I felt her fingers slide slowly in and out, I whispered; "While he spanks me... and... well..."

"Yes?" She asked me, her fingers painting slow sensuous ripples inside my rectum.

"Please?" While he... uses me... would you please... hold my hand?" I asked nervously; have somehow found the courage to voice my desire.

Her free hand, went straight to her mouth and, she giggled somewhat, before answering, "I'll ask my husband. I'm sure he'll..." and, suddenly she'd found that spot; the one that has you seeing stars, when it's found.

And, she giggled again, as my ass-pussy muscles clenched her driving fingers.

"...say `yes' to such a simple request. And, so saying, Mai removed her fingers slowly, before bringing them to my lips.

I sucked them slowly into my mouth, cleaning them, tasting myself on them. "Good girl," she muttered, then clapped her hands together, she told me again, "You get dressed. You get your pretty things out and, you get dressed, like a good Sissy. And, you are... a good sissy, aren't you?"

"Yes Mai... erm... Mistress..." I replied. `Mistress', it just seemed right, somehow.

I bent to open my back and Mai whistled softly, "Nice, in panties... nice."

`She liked my bum in panties.' And, I liked that.

And, as I dug my pretties from out of my bag, my next thought was, `Would her husband like what he saw as well?'

And, she stood back to watch as I pulled on my favourite pink slip, with a wonderful satin feel, that felt just wonderful, as it glided over my recently shaven body.

Then sitting on the toilet, I pulled on the self-support hose, one-by-one, enjoying the feel of them on my legs.

Smoothing down the slip, I then got my ankle-length cowboy boots out and, sat back down, to ease them onto my feet. I liked the heel and, appreciated the way I kind of swing my hips that little bit more when I wore them.

Yet as I stood, Mai looked at me, brow furrowed.

"Erm Sissy Tina is waaay to big with those boots on," she opined with a sing-song voice, urging me to sit on the edge of the large sunken bath.

She knelt before me, her left knee forward, with the dress sliding up a little, to show me Mai was wearing blue panties, to offset the colours of the dress itself.

Crossing my legs, she removed one boot, then the other.

"Now stand," she instructed, "with your head down, hands clasped in front of you."

I must've looked puzzled.

"You must look demure, when you go see the Headmaster..." She told me: "Now sit again, there's some things we must do to finish here, before you go to see him..."

Again I'd sat, patiently, as Mai gelled my hair and drew it back; then she finished my make-up by heightening my lips with a dark red lipstick and eyelids with light blue.

Finally the young Thai stood, giving a satisfied sigh.

"Yes," Mai pronounced, you nearly finished Sissy Tina. Just one more thing..."

"Yes?" I quizzed, looking up to Mai.

She reached forward with both arms and grasped my nipples with both hands, twixt her forefinger and thumb through my delicate slip.

Turning and twisting my nipple-flesh until I winced with the pain of it, feeling the exquisite pain and pleasure of it, that acted to increase my arousal somewhat and, give me cause to submit.

Dropping to my knees, I grasped Mai's delicate feet, "Please Mistress..." "Mistress?" She said, as if to herself; continuing to generously give me pain, "Yes," she murmured, "I do like that..."

Leaking precum into my panties I repeated, "Please..."

And though unsure of what I was asking for, I'm sure it was more of this.

Abruptly she twisted again, then pulled her fingers away: "Now you're ready..." Mai told me with a smile; and she offered me her left hand, which I accepted.

Standing, I'd followed, as she led me from the bathroom, to the Headmasters study.

Then outside the study door Mai turned looked over her shoulder toward me, "Now you stay here... Sissy. I'll go ask my husband, if he'll mind me holding your hand..."

And, looking to my stocking-clad toes, I murmured, "Yes Mistress..."

Then, as she opened the door, Mai had turned to look at me once again, smiling. "Mistress, I like that... Perhaps you and I will see each other after tonight, Sissy?"

Saying that, she left me, alone in that long dark hallway, my heart hammering with nervous anticipation, panties dampening with pre-cum, such was my arousal.

And then, minutes later, long long minutes later, the door opened and closed and, Mai was back, a grin on her normally very serious-looking sensual face: "Yes, your wish is granted. And, he will punish you now... What do you have to say Sissy Slut Tina?"

`What did I have to say? What else was there to say, but...' "Thank you, Mistress..."

"Oh yes," she muttered, as she led me into the study, "I do like the sound of that..."

"What's that dear?" The fellow sitting on the old-style dining-room chair asked. "The sound of a hand on flesh, my husband," she had said; then looked over her shoulder and, I'd caught the quick wink.

"C'mere... slut..." the fellow barked, in a clipped voice, that spoke of a life in authority, with the knowledge that what he demanded would be done. And, it was.

I walked across the room, trying to move with a feminine gait, briefly looking round the small room, each wall bar one, filled with shelves of books; and there against the window, before the long red drapes, there was an old-fashioned roller-desk.

The fellow, dressed in a cap and gown, wearing a Harris Tweed jacket, suddenly looked up with a stentorian glare, as he patted his lap.

I walked slowly, feeling timorous, yet anxious to please, with my obedience.

"Come lie over my knees you naughty slut. You deserve a proper spanking..." And, he was right. For all I knew and, after all Tina had done, the Sisssy Slut probably did need a spanking, `a proper one' at that.

Lying over his thighs, the Headmaster drew my slip up and, over my buttocks as I felt his hardon on my thigh. He was as aroused as I was, I supposed.

I looked to Mai kneeling by his feet, reaching out with my right hand and, with the mere hint of a smile; she took it in her left.

With my head down, I had not even seen the face of the man, who was drawing my slip up over my butt cheeks, split in two by the gusset, tight against my ass-pussy.

But, I soon felt his hand.

It landed hard, with a resounding slap, of his open hand on my right butt cheek, then again and again... And, I moaned, squirming on his lap, as the warmth increased and quickly became the sweetest pain.

Then he began to pound my left buttock in the same manner; just with the flat of his hand; but it was a big hand, it seemed and, he was well practised.

And, all too soon, tears ran down my cheeks as I squeezed her hand, as we looked at one another and, she smiled.

"Good Sissy..." she whispered softly. And boy, did I like hearing that.

`Thank you mouthed,' I mouthed to her, as he continued to slap my hard, for a good five minutes. And, finally he stopped.

I felt weak, as I lay there, my fingertips reaching for the carpet, as he slowly eased my panties down a little, to just under my full butt cheeks.

"Now for the ruler..." he pronounced. And, I'm sure I winced, before he began.

I don't know where it appeared from, but there it was in his hand.

The blows of the old wooden ruler fell rapidly, the sound of it falling on my flesh filling the room... SLAP... SLAP... SLAP... again and again, ten times an all. The pain seared my already reddened flesh, with a distinct pain, that I felt right to my groin; such was my pleasure.

And all the while, Mai held my hand. Oh, how I loved her for that.

Then, as soon as he had begun to spank me, the Headmaster stopped. That is when I felt him part my butt cheeks with his right hand, as two fingers speared me, as they entered deep. And, as the Headmasters fingers slid in and out, I watched Mai lean forward and, with her free hand she grasped my right nipple and, began to hurt me, oh-so good. I closed my eyes and groaned with pleasure.

"You really are a Sissy Slut Tina, aren't you?" He hissed into my left ear, as he finger-fucked me, hard and fast, leaving me breathless as I tried to answer.

Yet, I did answer, as I needed to.

"Yessir, I am..."

"You are what?" I snapped.

"I am a Sissy Slut, Sir..." I told him, pushing my ass-pussy back, to meet his driving thrust of those exquisite digits, which found `that spot'.

And I came, hard in my panties. I just couldn't help it.

"Slut, you've got my trousers with your cream..." I shouted, drawing his fingers out of my ass-pussy quickly, waaay tooo quickly. And, I felt desolate at their loss.

"Next time you call, I'll have to punish you for that," the Headmaster admonished.

Then as he pushed me off his lap and onto the floor, the fellow stood and said, "I'll leave my wife to see you out. I have things to attend to..." the fellow muttered, as he rubbed at the bulge in his trousers.

And, then the fellow left the room, closing the door, leaving me looking up at Mai, while she looked down at me, still holding my hand.

"Mistress..." she said, licking her upper lip, "I told you I like the sound of that."

And Mai stood and helped me to rise, then let go of my hand, telling me, "Bend over the desk... Sissy. There's something you might like to see... and, feel."

I did as bid, then looked back, as Mai slipped out of her dress, to reveal a hardon in panties as big and bold as any that had taken me. And, it was on a young Thai.

Much as Mai had earlier, I licked my lips, as my Mistress walked across the room to grasp my hips, "You know where this is going?" I was asked.

And I held back my smile, thinking, `It's going where I've wanted something to be, since... the Headmasters hands left my flesh...'

Then, I groaned, softly, as grasping my hard right nipples through the sheer slip, Mai entered my hot and hungry ass-pussy...

And I closed my eyes and sighed, with pleasure, as she held my left hip, twisting my right nipple hard, with the thumb and forefinger of her right hand.

Mai had provided just what this Sissy Slut Needed and, I moaned with appreciation.

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