Sins of the Father Series

Published on Jul 29, 2023


Sins Of The Father / Chapter 5 - Playboy Magazine

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Sins Of The Father
Chapter 5 - Playboy Magazine
PJ Franklin

Chapter 5 –  Playboy Magazine

It had been a week now since I had purchased Kasey Oliver's slave contract from Abdullah and brought him home amidst the other odd events of that day and afternoon. I put Ben, Cody and Tim to work immediately training Kasey to serve my home just as they did with all of the necessary chores, housework, laundry, all mostly indoor stuff.

I had professional landscapers doing the outside of my estate and Ben sometimes joined them. Tim had no such talent. He couldn't grow a green weed if he needed it to live. Cody had no interest. Fine by me. I utilized experts whenever I could and no one person, even a slave, was going to have all the talents needed to keep up my estate.

The three were also tasked with the more pleasant business of "retuning" or maybe "adding-to" is a better word to describe that Kasey must sexually interact with me and his brothers in meaningful male-on-male sex as well as to the pleasures of corporal punishment.

This was not about Kasey having to suppress his natural heterosexual tendencies, more like setting them to the side and adding the other missing half. This would, of course, all take time; but even in the space of a week, he seemed to be starting to enjoy a few things here and there.

I even allowed that he should spank and sex up Tim and Cody in a dominant position as that could help a lot, but not Ben. Ben was now Kasey's Alpha and their sexual relationship shall proceed much differently and much more traditionally.

Nonetheless, we all celebrated when his cock stiffened up not fully, but enough two nights ago when I sought to spank him for pleasure across my knees on the front room couch. He responded and I made sure that his balls were thoroughly emptied and he seemed very pleased with himself, but also with noting how much it pleased me. You best believe that I fawned all over him with praise shamelessly taking advantage that Vincent had been a total loss in that department of adolescent psychology.

Then, a fall. I should have expected it. Actually, I had expected it, so why did I feel surprised or maybe it was not surprise as maybe a slight betrayal of trust? Maybe not that either, but in any case I now held in my fist the old, worn and even dog-eared copy of whatever month's issue of whatever year of Hugh Hefner's actually fairly well done historical rag called Playboy Magazine, complete with Playmate of the month within the iconic "centerfold" magazine position.

After showing said Centerfold to Cody, Tim and Ben who were standing right there with me as I confronted Kasey over it, I actually rolled it up, sort of like an unhappy dog owner rolls up the newspaper in preparation to swat his pup across his flank for being a "bad doggy!" Well, my Kasey was a bad boy! It was both not a light matter nor was it all that terribly egregious, just somewhere in between.

I had chosen to trust Kasey and did not rifle through his belongings as was my right when we drove him with his new slave brothers to his new home with me for the first time and settled him into the bedroom with his brothers. I told him so, too,

"I am going to trust that you don't have anything in your belongings that would be deemed inappropriate for your new station with me, Kasey. Something you know you should not have in your possession, even on principle," I made sure to emphasize as it should cover any so-called "moral dilemmas" in his otherwise very intelligent mind. He nodded and even smiled and at the time responded accordingly, "Yes, Master. I understand Master. Thank you Master!" and he seemed happy.

Cody, Tim and Ben were right there as well at the time, not that I needed them to be if only to be witnesses for their own purposes should the worst happen. The worst being that Kasey might smuggle in with him something inappropriate that even he might think he should not even without me pointing it out.

The nineteen-year-old now looked appropriately cowed, head down, hands clasped in back at his lower back as he knew to do. The magazine in and of itself is pretty mild really; but not in the context of a boy who knew for certain that he should not be egging on his natural heterosexual urges in any way, shape or form. It was deceitful. He had lied to me.

The larger problem here is that Kasey's obvious natural heterosexual orientation is always going to be a challenge for me and for Kasey to manage and endure within the confines of his new family's dynamic, all homosexual of course. But even I and my boys understand that like many things in the natural world, sexuality is not black and white, but that was not the point in this instance.

I had flirted once in a while with a female dominatrix for myself around five years ago. Her name was Kaitlin. Two sessions, no more. It was nice, but not my thing. She has stayed a close friend, however. The point is, I was aware.

Kasey had told me about the dominatrix that he had almost tried out at a party once before his dad stepped in and did what he almost always would and sabotage Kasey's fun, spoiling it for him most likely on purpose. I was not against manipulating Kasey with his natural sexuality in order to demonstrate to him that if he meticulously trained to properly react to male dominated activity and stimuli in all of the forms asked of him that I could allow that perhaps that he might shine and thrive with us in a more bisexual way over time.

I even was going to maybe allow to bring in a dominatrix lady like my friend Kaitlin and have her work all of my boys over some just so Kasey could stand out a little, but it would have to be earned. Thusly, the hidden contraband Playboy magazine that I now held in my fist helped nothing and especially so this early in the game and could only earn him a tongue lashing and a punitive spanking and mostly because he promoted a lie about the contraband.

Worse, Kasey had just carelessly left it out and Ben saw it pretty much by accident, "I suppose you masturbated yourself over this?" I asked as he had been forbidden to do that from moment one with us, "No Master. I just looked at it tempting myself," he confessed.

I tended to believe him as he already knew that one, I did not utilize physical chastity devices with my boys. I didn't like them as a fetish and they had expressed no such interest which was fine by me. Two, if he was playing with himself including ejaculation that it would be noticed as he was being frequently milked both by myself and his brothers for training purposes.

We all were familiar with what kind of volume of semen that Kasey should be producing during each mandatory spanking and milking session getting Kasey used to having a hard penis coupled with the new sensations of a pretty much constantly red spanked bottom.

I still needed to get Kasey back to the Judicial Center to carry out his contempt punishment, but that was too bad for him. If it was necessary, I would haul his young behind to that session even if it was freshly spanked because of misbehavior like now,

"Follow me boys," I said and proceeded downstairs to our basement dungeon. I did not want Kasey to yet associate the upstairs rooms and spaces with behavioral correction. That should remain confined to the more severely designed space. In fact, come to think on it, the basement dungeon looked more like the Judicial Center's and for good reason, well in a more fetish sense. But for Kasey I think it would give that air of penalty and not pleasure.

I intended to get Kasey used to the fact that at the center, he would be strapped securely to a padded table ass up and the judicial strop used across his bared and angled up bottom cheeks. That can be scary and intimidating as intended.  I was going to do the same on my so-equipped table to help him get used to the look and to the sensation of the severity of position.

Ben especially loved this table, loved to feel the leather shackles and straps binding him, holding him. Cody also, Tim less so as we used it for play. I handed out behavior correction all upstairs for them for months and years now, the basement was just fun. So opposite purposes were now being showcased for Kasey's sake.

"You are going to be strapped down on the table, Kasey, and given a good whipping. I do not expect you to enjoy it. You will be pleasured afterwards, however, as you still need to utilize the afterglow to stimulate your cock and to be milked after. There is a difference. Do you understand?" I asked him, "yesmaster" his voice low and tremulous as he cast fearful glances at the many leather and shiny chrome attachments of the table designed for bondage.

"You will also be sucking cock after your whipping. You will chose one brother to suck off and you will suck me off completely as well. That is for training, not for punishment and you best think of it that way," and this was meant as a corollary reminder to Kasey that he should never within his own mind resort to thinking about females when he was being milked or trying to sustain an erection with a male oriented activity. Bad habit and sure to be discovered and that would not go over well with me whatsoever,

"Yes, my master," he said a bit more energetically I think trying to get himself into the right frame of mind, "Good boy! Better attitude," and I ruffled his hair and smiled at him to encourage him. He seemed to be starting to like hair ruffles from me now.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kasey had been getting away with shit big and small, well, since forever. His father never held him to any particular standard of behavior at any age growing up, he just followed his nose and the noses of other wealthy spoiled brat boys his age and especially so at the boarding schools that he had attended.

Peers had a way of not letting you get too nuts. Still. Harboring the Playboy Magazine seemed a nonsensical thing to be fussing over and yet Kasey knew for certain and from the get-go that it was a forbidden item that he should have discarded either on his own or given it to Master at the outset. In fact he could have gained huge points and favor had he chosen to do so on his own. He plainly blew it and he knew it.

It was the lack of discipline that he was used to that had led him to not listen to his own common sense on the matter, so that was why he was now facing a whipping down in the basement, "You'll be fine. It will hurt, but you'll survive well enough. I'll help if Master will allow it," Cody said quietly to Kasey as they made their way down to the basement dungeon.

"Thanks Cody," Kasey had said and was sincere. Of all of his new slave brothers, Cody had been the most attentive, the most understanding and never lost patience with him. Tim was still standoffish and a bit snipey at times and Ben? Kasey still did not yet know quite what to make of his new Alpha slave brother, Ben. Ben was friendly and not standoffish per se, mostly just kind of coolly quiet. Aloof. He was aloof, yea that was it.

There was no feeling of aloofness in Kasey's body as he now stood with Master and his slave brothers next to the long table that looked, if he had been in a bad mood that morning, like a torture table meant to enslave a boy or man, tie him down and torture him and not for sexy fun or even corporal punishment. Kasey knew that was not what it was for, but still. It looked very intimidating.

"Do you understand?" Master had asked of him. Kasey had heard about half of all that Master said. Saying he understood was for Kasey a necessary formality, any other answer seemed stupid or delaying the inevitable. Master and his boys were going to do whatever it was they were going to do no matter what he said anyway or that is what it seemed like.

"Ben, boys. Strap your new brother down on the table, please," Master said and Kasey gulped as they led him to lay face first down, forearms on top of the padded side-bars, wrists secured by thick, leather, lambs-wool padded buckle-straps. Similarly, Kasey's ankles were secured down by similar straps and then the very wide, thick, padded back and abdominal strap.

Kasey could either place his face directly down into the portal made for that purpose or have the portal filled with a piece so that he could turn and lay his face side-ways. His choice and that is what he chose for his face.

As for Kasey's genitals, they were dangling more or less free down from the table through a middle-placed portal in the table made specifically to be able to fondle or suck on protruding male genitals. Master Roman was debating to let one of the boys do that sometime during Kasey's punishment so as to train Kasey that even punishment can be allowed to be sexually stimulating and enjoyed to a degree.

Some boys like Cody always responded that way to punishment spankings and never abused or manipulated the process in that manner. Tim as well, Ben of course. Kasey was likely a long ways away from that kind of complex relationship; but one could never tell until it was tested in real time.

"Cody. You stay right at his head and help him, OK?" Master Roman said to him and Cody pulled up a stool to sit by Kasey's head. Master readied the thick razor strop, saw that Cody was in place and let him lean over and speak to Kasey first,

"OK brother. You are going to need to yell or scream at some point. Do so. No swearing. You may cry or sob. That is OK. I'm right here and will stay with you, OK Kasey?" Cody asked. By now Kasey was bat-shit fearful, but of what he was not sure. Fearful of the pain to come? Yes, but more than that he knew he was on display. He knew that how he responded to his punishment was crucial.

Funny, now Kasey could far more appreciate that when Chaz Harper and his boarding-school-bully-ilk had manipulated their power over him to "punish" him and sex him up, that transaction was simple. Easy, really. None of the vast especially mental complexities for his life and well-being that this seemingly simple punishment routine seemed now to suggest.

It was a lot even for his talents, "Please Cody. Hold my hands, with yours?" Kasey asked. Cody's eyebrows shot up and he but glanced at Master who nodded his approval (and appreciation) for the connection that Kasey sought with the youngest of his brothers. Cody's free hands embraced Kasey's trapped hands and fingers and then the whipping started.

"Shit!" Kasey's mind said in a terrified silent shout after just the first hard strop lick seared the center of his bared buttocks. This was going to be worse than anything he had felt to date. Maybe he had best learn very fast to appreciate that when Master wanted to give him a playful spanking with just his palm across Master's knees that he appreciate it, learn to love it and embrace its rather gentle approach to something that was still so foreign to him.

The next lick was lower and on more tender bottom areas and Kasey's face fell and he yelped loudly, maybe too soon. Cody went by instinct alone, clutched at Kasey's hands harder and then sidled his face right next to Kasey's as Kasey's tear glands were already reacting,

"Shhh. Easy brother. I know it hurts. Learn to let it hurt and keep quiet within yourself longer. Be proud. I am proud of you. This is not easy for you," Cody's soft ambient voice strangely sounding so good to Kasey at a time like this, "Yes Cody, thank you," Kasey's voice sobbing and stuttery but sincere and he especially felt buoyed by Cody's praise. It actually meant something!

The next few strop licks were even harder and faster and even Cody had to concede that he would be bawling like a baby and Kasey did, and Cody sidled up as before, "It's OK. Let it out. You deserve to, it's all good brother. Show Master you are truly sorry," and Kasey pretty much did.

Fifteen strop licks is a lot and especially so for a new slave boy like Kasey, but it was done and the effects on Kasey telling. Suddenly, though most likely temporarily, he was no longer the intelligent son of a financial guru, Vincent Oliver, but instead was a submissive, sorry, and more importantly well punished older owned teenage male slave hoping that he had pleased both his Master and his brothers with maybe a little bit of stoic showing of himself. Did Master approve? Did his brothers approve?

"Quickly now boys. Loosen up his wrists. Get him up on forearms. Cody you will put your cock into Kasey's mouth. Tim, you will get up on the table facing Kasey's feet, carefully pry open his punished cheeks and rim Kasey, slowly and completely. Ben, under the table. Get his cock hard, fast, I don't care how, but don't let him come," Master Roman barked out the post-punishment instructions.

This was not to confuse Kasey with more things to think about, but to relax him and encourage him that even after a severe whipping, that when a boy has taken the measure that he is forgiven and rewarded with good sexual feelings, "You did yourself proud, Kasey," Master Roman came close to him, leaning over and chastely kissed his temple as his brothers quickly started their duties, "Thank you master," Kasey said actually relieved to hear his voice.

Cody wiped Kasey's face of snot and tears as Master watched Tim leap up and straddling his new slave brother, lean over and very carefully pried apart the ravaged swollen bottom cheeks and then dove in. Cody strategically waited until he saw the look of sudden pleasure on Kasey's face. Cody was even envious because Tim could drive even Cody savagely wild with sexual desire with Tim's skilled tongue down there.

"Enjoy that brother! Now open up, suck in my cock. Maybe you can at least pretend to like it," but Cody was smiling and even Kasey could see that there was never anything harsh or dishonest about Cody. Again, pure useful contrast to the hypocritical mean-spirited attitudes that he had been subjected to by his father and the boarding school boys for years.

Just then, Ben did something to his cock, "GOD that feels good!" Kasey thought and then because his hands and arms were free dared himself and did. He reached out and pulled Cody's hips into himself, thus impaling Cody's rigid member deeply down into his mouth and throat,

"Easy!" Cody blurted startled and pulled out a little, "No Cody. Let him," Master advised, pleased, so Cody did and started to rock his hips, drool already pouring from both corners of the well punished slave boy, but it was so hard to concentrate! Tim's longish tongue was now masterfully "torturing" the tip of Kasey's boy gland right in that certain spot! "FUCK!" Kasey said wishing he could talk and tell Tim how good it felt.

He could not talk, because his mouth was full of Cody's cock and Kasey's tongue was rather taking a liking to playing with the head and the pre-cum? Had it always tasted this good? So Kasey did the next best thing and just moaned. He mournfully moaned so loudly that everyone including Master had to stop and look at each other as if there was a ghost or apparition in the room.

Ben even had to stop stimulating Kasey's cock as it was now running cock snot in a way that was close to the edge, "Wow," Ben nodded, impressed, "Cody pull out. I want to hear Kasey clearly. Tim, sit up. I am taking over," Master said of the oral service and Tim did and Cody pulled his cock out of Kasey's mouth.

"Master!" Kasey threw back his head as his new Master then plunged his bigger and raspier wet, warm tongue deeply inside of Kasey's rectum. It was perfect. The painful heat from his whipping had calmed right down to that narrow zone where it was pure pleasure in all of Kasey's pelvis.

Ben was now content to just let the little rivulet of silvery pre-cum lazily flow from Kasey's gapping and reddish piss slit and into his mouth without even touching his new slave brother's cock or balls. Tim was gently leaning down and hugging his Master, kissing his neck and back while still perched atop Kasey on the table. Admiring his Master, loving him and glad that his new brother could experience Master's hot, sexy ways hoping it would help Kasey to actually learn to enjoy.

"You like it?" Cody had squatted, put his palms gently astride Kasey's red and still most face and smiled, "Yes!" Kasey squeaked, "More!" he said quietly afraid of getting more and what it might make him say, "Speak up boy! You want more?" Master's head suddenly popped up and asked,

"Yes Master!" Kasey replied and then just said it … unbelievably so, but he said it, "I need to be fucked, Master!" dropping Cody's mouth open with genuine surprise and then there was a bump from under the table because Ben had bumped his head trying to look out from under the table when Kasey said that and he wanted to see what was going on, "Get off the table, Tim," Master said with urgency.

Tim took a flying leap down to his feet aside the table and Master Roman quickly loosened the wide abdominal and back strap away from Kasey and then hugged Kasey, hard from above, his face next to his boy's, cradling up the boy's torso,

"Don't be telling tales out of school, boy. We take requests for butt fucking very seriously around here. Take deep breaths, now," Master Roman told him and Kasey did and then the doubts about getting ass fucked crept back in.

"I'm sorry, I … I thought … I don't know what I thought. It just felt so good what you and Tim were doing to me, Master," and Jack Roman kissed Kasey on the temple, "That's OK. I don't think you're ready for anal sex that way, yet. You need to be trained more but don't think that I'm not pleased, because I'm very pleased young man. Tim? Unshackle him all the way," and Tim did,

"Sit up, Kasey," and Kasey did and whether Kasey liked it or not, Master then firmly hugged his boy, chest-to-chest wrapping his big guns around the more slender boy and rocked him gently. Kasey's natural tendency was to resist such contact because that is not what fathers and sons do as more and more of Master's paternal energy grew and grew for Kasey and he was unabashedly slurping up as much of it as he could.

Kasey hugged Master back while Cody, Tim and now Ben just stood by, Cody holding back so much emotion. Tim smiling. Ben smiling less, but even a little smile from Ben was quite a lot,

"OK then. You are punished and that is the end of it. I am going to give your magazine to Ben for safe keeping. I never intended you to shut off that part of your sexuality forever, Kasey. I am asking you to make the decision to set it aside to make room for much more on the male side of things. Do you think you can make an effort to do that for me?" Master asked Kasey.

"Yes Master," and Kasey's eyes were now glistening, something very fierce and needful starting to emerge, "Good. Now. I did say that you were going to suck cock. You are to choose. I will watch. You will make one brother cum and then you will suck me off, understood?" Master asked Kasey.

Kasey nodded. This was sort of like wandering around a museum where all of the signs and displays were in a foreign language. Sometimes you just had to look at the pretty displays and enjoy without understanding. Choosing one brother was a chore. They had all helped. Ben was easy to reject for now, because well, it was Ben.

Tim, however, had driven him insane with hot pleasure; but it was Cody who had kept him from losing his cool, "I choose Cody," Kasey said, "Tell me how you want me. I'll do anything to please you brother," Cody sniffed back some snot from sometimes having too much emotional empathy for his own good.

"Um … I want to try something with your permission, Master," and Jack smiled. This was good. No, this was great! "Go ahead," Master waved him on, "Tim? Ben? Could you please have Cody lie down on the table on his back and strap him down? I want to torture Cody's cock with my mouth and make him cum, while he is tied down if that is OK?" Kasey asked.

Cody was on the table top on his back a short New York second later beyond intrigued, he was jacked! So was Tim. Ben went to stand by Master and always the cautious one (when it counted anyway) and whispered, "Best not get too excited, Master," wishing not for Kasey to do this and then suffer yet another set-back and disappoint himself and everyone else.

For once Master Roman looked at Ben, "Ben, shut up," and Tim heard it and tried not to laugh, but he did. Ben still got a hair ruffle and a side-hug, "You're just jealous that he didn't pick you Benjamin!" Master joyfully chastised his oldest because it was not often he got too, "Maybe I am," Ben smiled.

Master refused to aid, help or suggest anything for Kasey to do with Cody. He forbade Tim and Ben too as it was up to Kasey to develop his own imagination. Cody was beside himself with excitement. His cock was rigid as Kasey then loomed over him, Cody strapped down so tightly by wrist and ankle that he could never move to save his life.

Master, Tim and Ben stood back some to give the pair a little space. Kasey's cock was hard as nails. To tell the truth, now he wanted to fuck Cody, but not tied down. Nonetheless he was committed to obey Master. Kasey was not sure how to start, but then images of what he had already experienced in Master's SUV that one time and since in Master's home, his imagination for male sex started to emerge.

Why not suckle Cody's nipples so he did with his lips and even flicked at them playfully with his tongue. Cody moaned and writhed the best he could while in his bonds. Kasey gently masturbated him, fondled his boy balls too. Every once in a while, Kasey would glance over and look at Master for approval and Jack would nod and wave him on.

Kasey noted that Tim's and Ben's cock were very hard, so was Master's in his sports shorts. Kasey then leaned over face-to-face with Cody, "Thank you for helping me Cody," and then even Ben's eyes watered up a little as Kasey gently kissed Cody on the mouth. It wasn't sexual. It was fraternal and everyone felt it to be that way, "Always Kasey, always," Cody said with reverence at what seemed to be happening.

Kasey then got to the main event. He even did something really hot, clasping his own hands behind his back at first so that he looked also bonded with his slave brother and then leaning over playfully licked at Cody's erection, batting it about, "Oh my GOD! That feels so good Kasey!" Cody writhed unable to move, sensations thus intensified.

"Wow," Tim muttered loud enough to be heard when Kasey then slurped Cody's erection down, all the way to Kasey's pubes, pulling back when his gag reflex kicked in and then did it again and again, just inhaling the cock until finally he settled for a mid-range effort and really sucked down hard.

Cody's mouth opened into an unspoken moan of great pleasure and then it all burst out, "You're killing me Kasey! I need to cum, let me cum please!" and then Kasey knew to let go and stand up and wagged his finger at Cody, "No, no, no, not yet," and grinned big making even Ben chuckle, "He's getting it," and Master Roman nodded, "Yes, he is."

"Oh, I am so going to spank you butt beet red Kasey if you don't …" but suddenly Cody was shut up quiet, and why? Because Kasey's lips were on his kissing Cody and with his hand stroking Cody's sensitive erection and driving Cody insane for the need to cum, only Kasey now knew when to stop.

Kasey broke the kiss and then leaning on his elbow, his face very near to Cody's then tortured Cody, edging him, "Oh! Kasey! Oh! Please!" Cody would say and then Kasey, "Not yet," and then kiss him and this charmed Cody, it charmed everyone and now Master Roman knew that he had done the right thing and that Kasey Oliver was just as capable as any open minded boy to have sex with other males if given the right environment and love, "OK, big finish?" Kasey asked, "Big finish!" Cody nodded and then lay his head back to enjoy it eyes closed.

Then Kasey surprised everyone by now by not only going down one last time on Cody's erection, but then skillfully shoved his right hand middle finger, just jammed it up Cody's rectum happening to poke just the right spot causing Cody to explode, profusely, "NHHHHAAAAAAAA!" Cody screamed and bucked against his shackles as rope after rope of semen flowed into Kasey's mouth and he swallowed it all down.

Kasey closed his eyes and sighed within himself, "I knew I could do it!" and he had. Kasey then swiftly unshackled Cody and Cody sprang up to sitting and they hugged and hugged and hugged. Cody was lost for words and threatening to sob with happiness, but did not and held it in.

Kasey then turned. Tim came up and hugged Kasey, "That was awesome, really awesome Kasey," while Ben stood next to his master, "Well. May I go upstairs to cook dinner, Master?" he asked, "Yes, Ben," never, ever forcing anything intimate like a hug on a boy not so inclined.

Kasey watched Ben go, feeling a bit letdown, "Don't mind him, Kasey. That's Ben. Cool and not excitable, OK?" Tim advised and pecked Kasey's cheek, "I want you to do that to me sometime!" and Tim grinned. Now that was valuable.

* * * * * * * * * *

I have to say. Just when I thought that I had made a huge mistake in taking on Kasey's contract, now I was very glad. The boy had zeal and talent. And so fast, "Come here," I said to him and Kasey walked forward, hands clasped behind, "Yes master?" he asked.

"Cody and Tim have chores, I want you to follow me," and he did. I took my new boy upstairs and into forbidden territory without supervision, my office, my inner sanctum where I did all or most of my main business. It was an electronic web of inter-connected devices, computers, watch-dog apps and relevant social media. A look out into the world of finance from which I made my fortunes.

I watched interestedly as Kasey's eyes got big. Take Cody, Tim or Ben inside this room for very long and they looked uncomfortable and overwhelmed and rightly so. Not Kasey, "So this is where it all happens, Master?" he asked, "Yes. This is my kingdom, Kasey. This is the nerve center of my operations," and he nodded, "It's beautiful, master," he said with appreciation.

I nodded, "And now I would appreciate that you do some of that magic on me you did with Cody. That was very impressive. Hiding talent from me, Kasey?" I asked as I sat, "No master. Just … just trying to fit in. Your other boys, my brothers have shown me much of what I did, I just improvised," and I nodded with agreement,

"On your knees in between mine," I instructed and he obeyed, "Get it out. Suck on it however you like as I do a little work. Try and distract me and if you do a good job, I have a surprise for you, one that I think you'll enjoy. And no, it's not a Playboy bunny from Mr. Hefner's magazine," I teased him. He smiled, "No, master," and then went to work.

To tell the truth, just having a straight boy like Kasey sucking my cock was turn on enough for three orgasms and I was going just for one. Kasey extended his hands for leverage to my hips and I felt his fingertips earnestly clutching at me. That was the distraction right there. It was odd, it felt great, but I got the feeling that just being close to me meant something to Kasey never mind the sex.

"That's it!" I huffed as he got me close, "Now swallow!" I said and then ejaculated. He swallowed, but did sputter some and gagged a little at the end. That was OK, "Good boy! Great job. Now put it away for me," and he did. I realized that I had not let Kasey cum yet since finding the magazine and his punishment for same. I said nothing. It was not a bad idea for him to go without, but I was not going to deprive him, either. In a way I even thought that what I was going to show him next might make him cum. It would me,

"Sit, on the chair in front of that monitor and keyboard and then tell me what you see," I instructed. He did and smiled, "That's easy, my master. That's the new E-Trade Platinum app, version 10.3," he said. How did he know that? 10.3 had just been released a few weeks before. Well, I didn't care,

"Excellent. Have you ever day traded before on E-Trade?" I asked pretty sure I knew the answer, "Only the beta version. My father would have never let me do anything substantial, but I always wanted to," he said his eyes running across the screen faster and faster taking in as much as I would let him, "Push back your chair," I told him next and he did.

I slid my chair on wheels over behind the keyboard in front of the app and then logged in a new account with the user name of:  Kaseyboy19 and then added a temp password that I wanted him to change and use later, with me as secondary owner of course. Then I transferred a tight little sum of $25,000.00 dollars from one of my many minor bank accounts to his new E-Trade account and then rolled my chair back to my left and looked at him,

"OK. It's yours, the account. Twenty five grand. If you have the talent I think you might for this kind of thing, I'd expect a good 20% return on the money within what, a week, two weeks?" I asked him, "Achieve that and I'll seed your account a cool $100,000.00 and then your work will really begin, understand?"

Kasey's eyes bulged, "Are you serious, Master? I mean … THANK you master! I get to work here with you?" he asked, "And when you get your household chores done and are on best behavior, when I am not. Your access to anything else in this room will be nil and if you try anything, so many alarms will go off that it will give you a headache and you will be punished and cut off. You are limited for now to four hours a day. Not to ignore your training or your brothers, do you understand this opportunity?"

Kasey leapt out of his chair and getting onto his knees in front of me, hugged me hard, very hard, "Thank you master," his voice small and thankful, grateful. I kissed the top of his head, my ploy to reward this boy with something very meaningful that I could also use to punish him if he crossed too many lines. Not to mention my very conscious effort to bond with Kasey in a way that I think he needed, as a father figure.

"Thanks Vince, you stupid horse's ass. You missed out on your son and now I am going to take your place if I can," I said to myself just then as Kasey got up, sat next to me and started to use the app. I chuckled as I looked down at his groin. The kid next to me was fully erect. Strange. I had erected when working and making a big money or property kill as well. Like "father," like "son?"

I could tell that after I told Ben and the other boys about me letting Kasey work with me inside of my home office, that Cody thought it was great, Tim didn't care and Ben thought it was a bad idea. Bad idea from the standpoint of too early for me to be giving Kasey that kind of leeway and freedom or that was what he said.

I respected Ben's opinions, but sometimes he let personal feelings rob him of objectivity, "Are you jealous or envious of him?" I asked Ben straight out because I knew that he would be honest with me, "Yes," he said, "OK, how can I make it better? Take it back? Forbid him the app in my office? Put it somewhere else?"

Ben looked down, "That's not it," and then I knew what it was. Ben was my Alpha and sometimes I slacked off on his play time with me because he could handle it, up to a point. The last few weeks had been all about our new boy, Kasey.

Kasey had been interacting just fine with Cody and even he and Tim were connecting in the oddest places doing the strangest things. Romping in our swimming pool like kids. Playing cards during some free time. Laughing at something together.

Ben and Kasey on the other hand, not much. Very stiff and stilted. I bandied about several ideas, "Ben, you and Kasey, not so good yet?" I asked Ben straight out, "Not so good," he replied, "Solutions?" I asked because if a boy was not happy and since I was not a mind reader, I depended on them to make suggestions and if it was a good one, I would do it.

"I'm uncertain. To me, master, he has the feel of an Alpha," Ben said and I nodded, "Yes, he does, doesn't he. He's a threat then?" I asked, "No, but sort of. I feel like when you had James over that one time for a few weeks," and yes I remembered. I was "babysitting" James for an owner friend. A great kid but an unabashed Alpha and he and Ben collided, badly even. Two Alphas in one household, just say no!

"He's not doing it on purpose, master. It's just how it feels," and I nodded. I needed something, some way for Kasey to relate to his Alpha and give Ben the feeling that Kasey was submissive to him without squelching any natural and proper talents or healthy abilities.

Put them in a room by themselves and let them work it out? Maybe and when I suggested it to Ben he tilted his head, "That might work. It might not, but I'll give it a try with him. I'll need your permission to be physical with him, spank him, punish him, play with him," Ben said.

I liked the idea. I would be home so that any conflicts could come to me and I trusted Ben to stop the experiment before things got out of hand. I decided too that if I could maybe bond them in other ways, I should start immediately, but Ben's idea came first.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kasey didn't want to be alone with Ben and gave Master Roman a look that said as much, as if "what did I do wrongly to deserve this punishment, master?" as Jack walked them to the downstairs into the basement and into the play dungeon to be alone together without Master Roman.

Ben got two chairs and placed them close together and back to back and sat down backwards as required to face Kasey and motioned for him to sit down across from Ben, the old face-to-face approach to bridge building, "Do you have a problem with me, Kasey?" Ben asked Kasey straight out, "No," Kasey said meaning, "Yes I do but I'm too afraid to say anything."

"I don't believe you," Ben said, "I can't help what you believe, Ben. I don't have a problem. Why? Does it seem I do?" Kasey asked back, "Yes. You avoid me, walk around me. You are polite and you do all that you are told and especially if I say something to you, but you remain distant," Ben explained.

Kasey knew that he was not going to wiggle out of this, so he cut loose, "Fine. I think you're an ass. I think you like being the boss just to be the boss. You remind me of my father," and there, he said it. Ben sat back, stunned, "How?" Ben asked, "Like I said. You act like you own the place and that's what my dad did and had no right. He wanted to own things that were not his and had no right to do so."

Ben sighed, "I understand now. It's clear. You are right. I have that air, Kasey. I'm sorry I affect you that way," and that took Kasey off guard, "It's not fair, I know. That's a shitty thing to say. I take it back," Kasey retracted, "No. We have to start where you and I are at, Kasey, and you hit the nail on the head. No take-backs, but we have to solve it. How can I make you feel like I am not trying to boss you around? What should we do?" Ben asked.

Kasey shrugged, "I don't know. I'm new. You're not, Ben. I'm lost," Kasey admitted. Ben smiled and reached across and squeezed Kasey's shoulder. Kasey looked at it and Ben took his hand quickly back, "Boundary violation. Sorry," Ben said.

Kasey pursed his lips and said nothing when the notion popped into his head, "I like your cooking. I tried to cook once. My mother was OK with it. My dad had a fit and told me to stay out of the kitchen without explaining why," and Ben was horrified,

"That's awful. That's wrong. I'm so sorry Kasey I … um … how about you come and cook with me. Do you really like culinary things?" Ben asked, "I might. I want to try," Kasey said and then reached out and put his hand on his Alpha's and big brother's shoulders suddenly realizing that he had always wanted a big brother. Just like that. Ben put his hand on Kasey's.

"Um … may I try something please?" Kasey asked, "Sure," Ben said. Kasey stood up from the chair and, "You stand up too please," Kasey asked and Ben did and Kasey turned Ben's chair around, back away, "Sit please," Kasey said and Ben did, intrigued.

"I don't know if this is cool or will work. All I know is that master wants me to be physical and act on my feelings when it comes to uncomfortable emotions, especially sexual ones. He told me never to pass up anything even if it feels embarrassing if I'm alone with my brothers, so here goes," and then Ben's arms flailed as Kasey sat down straddling Ben's knees, chest-to-chest and hugged himself firmly into Ben's bigger body, hugging him tightly.

Ben slowly hugged Kasey back, rocking him gently, nobody talking, but something did happen, down there between them. Kasey's cock hardened and so did Ben's. It felt more emotional and fraternal than sexual at that point but who cared,

"I like when I hug Master. I trust him and feel safe with him. You're my Alpha, Ben. I need to feel safe with you and beyond respect, there has to be more," and Ben sighed, "You know much more than you let on little brother. I … I … have been jealous of you lately and scared," Ben said looking off into space risking a lot by saying these honest things,

"I was against master taking you in. I didn't want to disturb our family. Cody is easy, so is Tim for me. I have been afraid that I couldn't get you to like me, Kasey. I know how I can be," Ben said with pursed lips and red eyes that he was hiding from Kasey,

"I can understand that. I would not either, Ben. I am scared too. I've been scared since the day they told me that my father had …" and then Kasey crumbled and crumbled badly sobbing and sobbing into Ben's chest, "Ever since my father sold me like I was nothing to him but a piece of useless property!" he yelped and then sobbed some more.

Ben just held Kasey who sobbed just a little more and then stopped, "I'm over him, but it hurt. I had no idea what would happen to me. Mother wanted me to trust Master Roman, so I did. And all of you, you included Ben have taken me in, accepted me and bent over backwards to make it work," Kasey said and then both boys just sat there quietly, there cocks soft, but pressing together as they were both naked of course.

Kasey then sat back and stood up and then kneeled before Ben, "Ben? I need to suck your cock. I need you to spank me. I need you to make yourself powerful over me. That's the only way that this will work. I know it and after I do, I want to learn how to cook, maybe be your sous-chef?"

Ben nodded, "I think you're on to something Kasey. OK," and now Ben's cock was hard as nails, but so was Kasey's. He looked down at it, "The cock never lies, does it," Kasey said and Ben smiled, "No, it does not, now suck my cock little brother," Ben said and Kasey scooted in and started to suck Ben's cock.

Kasey sucked Ben's cock for a while bring Ben close, but then Ben took Kasey across his knees, made him get into a rigid and classical spanking position, legs straight back, ankles crossed, head up and palms to the floor. Then Ben administered a hard, bare palm spanking to Kasey's bare boy bottom. Kasey winced and grimaced, but manned up turning his face as red as his ass and with tears too.

Ben finished him off with five hardest spanks and then just rubbed and rubbed and soothed, "You're pretty damn sexy Kasey. I loved spanking you. You're strong and handsome and it just fits you," Ben said and Kasey smiled as Ben's hand then fondled Kasey's junk back to hardness, "You haven't cum in a while, have you," Ben said, "No. I haven't felt like it either up until now," Kasey said.

"Good. I have permission, but you have to cum while I spank you, OK? I'll help," Ben said, "OK," Kasey confirmed. The spanking now turned from harsh to firm, and purposeful. Ben spanked and fingered, rimmed and masturbated, spanked, rimmed and masturbated in a continuous cycle.

"Almost there!" Kasey said, "Harder, Ben harder! Give me a good ass tanning, please!" and Ben did and his fist started to furiously masturbate Kasey and then … Kasey went rigid, "OH GOD!!" Kasey yelled and then Ben smiled as Kasey's body shuddered and jerked and shivered and his balls emptied into Ben's fist.

Kasey just lay there, in a sweat of semen and perspiration. Ben just waited and slowly Kasey got to his feet and looked down at Ben, "Can we? Can we do that again pretty soon?" and Ben grinned, "Of course Kasey, of course."

* * * * * * * * * *

When I saw that my Ben was walking up the stairs with my Kasey, grins on their faces, and holding hands all the way to the kitchen, talking quietly together, I knew that they had done it. My emotions soared, but not as high as my heart. I was going to mention the cooking thing to Ben, but they got there all on their own first.

That night, Ben's official new house sous-chef, Kasey Oliver, cooked a simple dish for us among the others that he assisted Ben with. It was delicious and he was so proud, but not as proud as Ben, "May I sleep with Ben tonight, master?" Kasey asked as he had been sleeping with me, just because.

"Of course Kasey, as long as it's OK with Ben," and Ben blushed, "Oh, it is. I just was too shy to ask you myself, Master," and all I could do was chuckle, smile and ruffle hairs, Ben's and Kasey's side-by-side.

© Copyright PJ Franklin July 29, 2017

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