Sins of the Father Series

Published on Jul 29, 2023


Sins Of The Father / Chapter 3 - The Object Lesson

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Sins Of The Father
Chapter 3 - The Object Lesson
PJ Franklin

Chapter 3 – The Object Lesson

"Be smart about this, Kasey. Be strong. Survive. You are at least as clever as your father. Use your instincts and don't take unnecessary risks. Mr. Mohammed is cold and heartless. Take him at his word and don't fuck with him," Kasey's mother, Yolanda, spending the last few moments advising her son before her time with him at the Judicial Center was expired.

"Yes, mother," was all Kasey could say in return as she closed her smaller hand the best she could around his, "Time is up Mrs. Oliver," the tall dark man said. She turned to glare at the man. No matter how many times she had told Center officials that she was no longer Vincent Oliver's wife and was her own person again, they never listen. She stood up from the chair and looked down at her son one last time,

"No matter what you think now, Mr. Roman is a good man. Your father was wrong about him. He is your best option. Learn to get along and make peace with it! Don't risk your life, I love you Kasey," were the last words allowed as the guard's hand slapped onto Yolanda's shoulder, the final warning.

"Take your filthy hands off of me or I will see to it that you end up where my son is!" she swiftly  rounded on the much larger person pounding her fist onto the back of his hand before angrily walking away, tears streaming down her face all before Kasey could say, "I love you too, mother."

Kasey looked at his mother's retreat and stood. The guard maybe had to tolerate some push-back from his mother, but not from him. Any untoward words or signs of disrespect to Center guards or officials now would only gain Kasey a wide, thick prison strap painfully searing across his bared buttocks for a good dozen strokes, again.

That and the leering stares and rude gestures. The threats of sexual violence. How ironic. His mother was not wrong about survival. He had survived boarding school had he not? He had survived the brutish sexualizing Chaz Harpers, three years of them. Mere boys just like him placed in positions of prefect authority over other boys. The power of corporal punishment at their command.

He had even learned to get along, play along and once in a great while, even enjoy another boy's company. That is when the other boy was maximally subservient, nearly pretending to be a girl, because there were no girls at the schools that his father had sent him to, only boys.

There had been Finster. Small, petite Elias Finster. Elias excelled in the dramatic arts and when a role in a school play called for a female, Elias was always nominated or volunteered. How could a boy so easily slip into the role of a female and look the part so well that … well, Kasey could not resist when Elias had propositioned him that one night in the empty dressing room in back of the auditorium.

He even wore that dark brunette wig and was still in costume, a hooker's dress actually, Elias' slender male hips the only dead give-away. No female curves. That was OK. Elias gave good head that night. Kasey even considered asking Elias to let Kasey fuck him. Kasey had heard Elias would do anything, but it seemed too risky.

Other boys made fun of Elias, the jocks that is. That saddened Kasey because Elias was a kind soul. A gentle soul. He had even allowed that Elias could kiss Kasey, on the lips, but just once. It was very brief but meaningful to the boy who before he left Kasey's presence that night thanked Kasey for being descent to him when other boys made fun of him.

Yes, there had also been that hot tub party. Boys only once again. Mostly jocks like himself, but alcohol does funny things to boys who have all the money in the world and think themselves open-minded. Right. How open-minded is it to play truth or dare tanked on Tequila shots trying to see how far you can push the other guy into a 69 sucking cock on a drunken dare.

Kasey had almost done it, too. He would have with Jonas had the others not been so derisive of the slightly smaller lacrosse player and of him as well. It was considered good fun to say that you were game and then not do it. It was like teasing the gorillas and monkeys at the zoo and nearly just as shameful and counterproductive.

It was the look that Jonas gave him before he passed out that night that told Kasey that he would have done it with Kasey and even enjoyed it. Jonas was just another Elias only decked out in male sports regalia with a jock strap and sneakers instead of a wig, bra and high heels.

Still, Kasey might have done it if just to live a little on the wild side. Yea, right. Wild side. The side that his father, Vincent, had introduced him to shortly before his father's final fatal and very disastrous run at Jack Roman.

Kasey could remember the night that his father took him to a high-roller's party. Exotic women galore. Hookers and the one dominatrix in the far back room wielding the riding crop across the ass of some guy he didn't know.

He could recall standing in the doorway to watch as she whipped his tail with the crop as the music system pounded erotic base rhythms into everyone's ears and minds. The man's cock seemed to enjoy her use of the crop on his body even as his mouth begged for her to stop. False words. False bravado for that matter.

It was all theater anyway. He knew that. The tall sleek mistress had turned to regard Kasey and flashed him a half-cocked smile, "Come on in young man. You look like you might enjoy a little … action," her words canned, cheesy things, but Kasey had almost done it.

He had almost stripped naked and mounted the empty platform to take whatever crop lick she had to dish out for a chance to do some licking of his own on her pussy. Maybe even fuck her if he was enough of a "good little boy for mama," as he had heard her say to the man who still writhed so willingly under her control.

He almost did, but then his father was at his side, "So, planning on spending a little time with your mother's best friend?" referring to the dominatrix. Kasey cringed. His father had just ruined the fantasy with that unwanted information.

Vincent was always promising big things, but they most often never happened. Not when it concerned his son anyway, "Really dad?" Kasey looked at Vincent with a sour expression like Vincent was insane and then walked away wishing he had done it anyway just to spite him.

Kasey walked in front of the guard now back to his small cubicle. He was told that his possible future owner would visit today. The same man that his mother spoke of as being "a good man," the same man that father had risked all and lost trying to take down, Jack Z. Roman. Now it would be Master Roman to him.

Kasey even dared himself to mutilate Roman's name. Master Jack. Masturbation. Jack Off. No, he had to stop that kind of thinking, right fucking now. Make one slip of the tongue, you might lose your tongue. For real. This was no game. This was deadly serious and Kasey knew it.

Kasey went into the room and the guard locked the door. What was the point of that? Where would Kasey escape to? Outer Mongolia? There was no escape.

The Center's walls were not the real prison anyway. It was the people inside of the walls, the way they treated you. That was the real prison, the real way of making sure that you understood that you were now no longer a person, a citizen. No, you were now just a number, a male slave attached to a contract. A number. 19031 in Kasey's case.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Excuse me back there," Ben looked into the black SUV's rear view mirror as he drove, "Who died? Which funeral are we going to?" Ben's sarcasm not lost on me. I loved Ben for his wit and charm and now he was pointing out the obvious to the peanut gallery in the middle bench seat in back of us, my boys Cody and Tim strapped safely into their seatbelts.

I smiled. I could picture it now. Cody and Tim playing the roles of peanut #1 and peanut #2. Sort of like those old peanut M&M T.V. commercials long ago. Fucking hilarious those were.

I reached over, patted and squeezed a little on Ben's knee. Handsome, sexy Ben all dressed in black just like I wanted. He looked like a heavy in a movie. A hitman. A bagman or whatever the roles were for hot, sexy male thugs who toted flat-black colored long-nosed silencer handguns or lethal sawed off shotguns.

Ben was toting all right. A big cock and a hot, sexy ass. Just like the two peanuts in the back seat only I had Tim dressed in casual get-up, Cody too. A change of pace from the usual boring slave clothing. I was trying to make this unusual trip to the Judicial Center to visit Kasey Oliver something visually different to accomplish what I was not sure yet. It was instincts I was going on now.

No matter how Abdullah tried to paint my interest in Oliver as just the same as when I had purchased my three boys' contract many months before. You know, just another jolly trip to the Walmart if you will; but this was so not that. Not even close and everyone knew it. Ben was handling it well. Cody and Tim not so much.

Already this morning my two somewhat less mature slave boys decided to build mountains out of mole hills as they were sometimes prone. That led to a rather violent pushing and shoving match over it and then gave Ben lip for trying to quell the squabble.

The commotion made me curious and I walked right into the middle of it. You should have seen Cody's and Tim's "Oh shit," facial expressions. Pretty funny actually, the word "busted" comes to mind.

"What's going on here?" I scowled hands on hips staring daggers at both boys, "You don't want to know, Master," Cody's face already crumbling Tim's too. He knew what was next, "Ben," I snapped my fingers. He knew what to fetch me, "You two … bedroom, now!" meaning mine, "Yes Master," both said slithering quickly away, tails tucked.

"Are you OK?" I asked my Ben taking the brush from him a long moment later, "Yes, Master. They're all nervous about this thing today," Ben tried to explain away their behavior. I appreciated his attempt, pecked his cheek, "Get along now. I won't be long with them," and Ben looked relieved to be able to get some space between himself and his misbehaved brothers.

Apparently not quite yet realizing the gravity of their plights, Cody and Tim stood naked as J-birds by my bed scowling at each other, their nether regions pointing stiffly north quite uncaring of their owners' futures until I walked into the room.

Suddenly clenched fists relaxed as did sour expressions as I passed between them, spread my knees apart and patted my knees, "Over," I said. I did not lecture them, they knew why their pretty little bubble bottoms needed to be perched high over Master's knees.

I craned my neck around one last time. They were both propped up on their elbows, STILL staring at each other with disapproval one for the other. I made a small show of rolling up my shirt sleeves and went to work.

The brush that Ben had brought me was larger than a conventional hairbrush, but not quite as big as a bath brush. The business end and side was quite thick and capable of its mission, punishing poorly behaved slave boys and did.

I alternated from one set of perked up cheeks to the other like a skilled chef on one of those cable T.V. cooking shows. I seared and broiled, fried and braised. The specialty that morning was rump roast and flank steak, make that thigh steak.

"Master!" I finally heard what I needed to hear, the twin spoken single word pleadings of two boys in distress. I paused and craned my neck around once again. Things had changed dramatically. They were holding hands now in support of each other, tears streaming down their cheeks and foreheads furrowed silently begging for the onslaughts to cease.

To give due credit, despite the fact that I was in excellent form that morning and had already pretty much obliterated all of the white skin on two sets of rump cheeks they kept their posteriors perched up high, more or less begging for their hidings.

I was already well pleased and sure that I had gotten my point across. Still holding the brush handle in my right fist I ran two fingers from each hand slowly down the centers of their burnt bottoms and then rimmed around their tight little puckers. They swooned, "Master," and their thighs predictably parted I was sure both enjoying a bit of respite.

My cock was throbbing hard, but I ignored him. This was not about me, but about my boys, "No! … More! … Squabbling!" I said in staccato, each word accompanied by a pair of brush licks right over both of their butt holes. My ears enjoyed three loud yelps of stinging pain, "Got it?" I asked, "Yes, Master!" the boys' voiced strained hoping that I would not do that again, I was sure.

"OK, then, come here the both of you in my lap. Kiss and make up," I instructed. They scrambled up quickly and repositioned and their lips met a moment after, their tear-stained faces rubbing on each other, Tim's hands gently cradling his younger brother's face,

"I'm so sorry Cody. I didn't mean anything I said," Tim's voice soft and making good eye contact with Cody who sniffed back some snot, "Me too. I love you Timmy," Cody replied softly. Now who could not enjoy that outcome? I smiled gently, "Love you Cody," Tim returned.

"Good boys. Now that you've kissed and made up, it's time to entertain your Master. Get on the bed top. Time to lick and make up," I smiled at my little pun. They knew what I meant and excitedly scrambled off of my knees and onto my bed top and quickly locked up into my favorite position, the ol' 69.

I stood up on the floor and just watched, pulling on my hard dick, enjoying the sights of two sets of lips pushed deeply between two sets of burnt bottom cheeks. Heads bobbing up and down, licking, lapping and rimming, "Oh Tim! Please Master, can Tim fuck me?" Cody paused looking over at me, "Yes, but you have to fuck him back. I won't have any more unilateral activity from you two today, understand?" I replied.

"Yes, Master!" both boys happily chirped. They licked out each other's holes a bit more and then smiling ear-to-ear whispered whatever to each other and I watched as Cody flopped over to his tummy and stuck his red and well cleaned out rump up high for Tim who got behind him, his tongue eagerly wagging from the corner of his mouth.

"Give it to me hard, brother!" Cody urged Tim and Tim did, just slammed his hard meat deeply inside of Cody and started to fuck him. I grinned and then remembered I had work to do yet before departing to the Judicial Center,

"Take your time, boys. Daddy needs to scoot," I said, turned and did not even wait for the reply. My work was done, there anyway. Ben told me later that he found the pair on my bed napping after their little spat, ordeal and makeup session, Cody tightly snuggled back into Tim's arms.

I craned my neck and looked into the back seat, reached back and patted two knees, "Cody … Tim … come on now. Ben is right. This is not a funeral. This is exploration. It's supposed to be fun. I won't do anything to upset our family, OK? I already told you that. Trust me?" my pep talk pretty impressive I thought. Also, bullshit. I was scared senseless.

"Yes Master," Cody said with a sigh looking up at me with his adorable puppy dog eyes and then Tim, "Yessir," more morose. I loved both of their responses. Each was so them. I regarded Cody for a moment. I had a notion that Cody might be the key.

The kid was charming to a flaw. He could charm a deadly snake to tuck away its fangs and play nice with the juicy snacks around him. Sexy, passionate and sincere. I almost felt sorry for the Oliver kid. Turn Cody loose on him. See what Cody might make of Oliver. It would give Cody some control, some say in the process. Might make a difference.

Tim? Well. Tim would be allowed to speak his mind as well, just out of sight and hearing of much anyone but me. Tim would mope and screw up his face. He hated change. Hated feeling uncomfortable whereas Cody was the real explorer, occasionally getting involved when sometimes he really should not.

Ben finally made the final left turn from the boulevard and down the wide sloped ramp into the Center's underground parking lot. The attendant let us through and Ben parked in a space in the partial darkness. We all got out of the car and I rounded on my three boys,

"I should not need to tell you boys. Best behavior. Cody, Tim. You will both stay near to Ben until called upon. Tight lips. Good demeanor. Make me proud, OK?" and they all nodded, but now even Ben looked nervous. Great. What chance did that give me?

Abdullah was waiting for us in the lobby. I watched with a bit of unexpected joy as Abdullah's arms opened wide and all three of my boys flew into them. Abdullah showered them with kisses and hugs, "Oh Jack. You and your boys make my heart SING!" with his usual flourish of arm and hand gestures as he finally strode towards me. As for my boys, you'd thought that they were greeting a favored uncle and that made me glad.

"This way, this way!" Abdullah's feigned excitement meant to "sell" his product to a perhaps reluctant client. I just shook my head and followed, "You are all going to be very excited. Kasey Oliver is the perfect fit, Ben. You will see. Cody, you will love him. He is hot, very hot and very sexy. Tim, you too. You can teach him your wonderful tricks to please his new Master. Oh dear, what am I saying? Master Roman is not yet his owner, but you know what I mean!" Abdullah's voice purposely loud and brash trying his best to sell my boys on the idea of a fourth slave brother in the same manner that a used car salesman tries to sell a unit that is not moving so well.

I rounded the corner and entered the elevator with my boys in tow to go up a few floors to the holding cells, Abdullah with us and chattering away at me about how miserable slave contract pricing was now-a-days. How he was suffering loses right and left and that he had offers on Kasey Oliver's contract from men with more money than God. Great. Sometimes I wish Abdullah would just shut … up.

Finally, we reached our destination, "Quickly now! He had better not have one scratch on him you know. Well, maybe a few welts from the strap. That would be OK," Abdullah glared threateningly at the guard as we rushed past the big man.

"That reminds me. Jack. Oliver still has a contempt conviction that I told you about. He is still due punishment. I know I can arrange for you to carry it out! Nice perk, huh? How would that be?" he asked me in front of my boys.

The bastard. I don't mind his cheesy sales techniques, but now Abdullah was being unfair. Using my boys against me, "Would my sweet darlings not love to see a boy punished with the prison strap? It is a sight that will make your groins growl with great pleasure!" he pitched my slave boys, and it worked, too. Now Tim looked excited, "Yes, Abdullah!" he yelped.

"See Jack? Perfect fit I tell you," his voice juicy with sales excitement, "Yes Abdullah," I said as condescendingly as I could. He ignored me of course, "Come boys, this way!" he took Ben's arm and the rest of my gaggle followed Abdullah and I as well.

I would be pissed off at the whole thing by now if Abdullah's charm were even just a little less entertaining. No such luck. I just needed to chill and enjoy his ways as things were going to get serious very soon now.

The brightly lit examination room was not impressed by Abdullah's charm or wit. It was stark and imposing. A horse auction arena for has-been nags had more flare and warmth. Meant to be that way.

Kasey Oliver, slave# 19031 that is, stood naked up on the platform, palms flat to his sides, feet spread. Ass and genitals on display. Him on display like a … a thing to be examined any way I chose and it showed. He was trembling, the gravity of the moment clearly not lost on him.

My boys stood with Abdullah. Silent, all of them. As I made my first circle around the square platform I took note not of Kasey's body, which was immaculate and just my type by the way, but of my boys' facial expressions as they regarded the human up on the platform. This room. The platform, all of it would be foreign to them.

In stark contrast, I had purchased their contracts more like an ATM transaction. Cold, electronic and fast. They were staying at Abdullah's compound at the time. Much more like a caged, but still very comfortable amusement park than this destitute place. The Center stank of criminal energy. A place not to live, but to try not and die.

I was able to see Ben, Tim and Cody for the first time in a more or less normal atmosphere romping and playing in a sparkling water swimming pool, delighting my eyes with their happy self-determined decisions about their lives.

When they met me for the first time, they pulled me fully clothed into the pool! Abdullah shrieked with false horror threatening them verbally "within an inch of their young lives." It was a set-up of course in order for them to beg me to be punished. Spanked. Paddled over my knee however I wished and back then I wished it big time and did.

And when I did, their cocks flew into action seducing me with pre-cum as I romped on each of their tails. They wailed and cried and still, their cocks betrayed them or so I thought. It was more seduction of me, their future Master and it worked.

We worked. I brought them all home with me that night, all three, and we romped and played like silly boys into the night, none of their rumps not red and their balls and mine emptied many times before we finally all fell into a heap of tangled-limbed slumber in my bed until the next morning.

Right now, Ben looked vexed. Tim looked positively horrified. Cody … Cody looked … serious and not intimidated. Curious. Very curious. I re-focused on Kasey trying like hell to suppress the past via images of him fully clothed sitting next to Vince and trying with his father to intimidate me from the other side of the negotiation table flanked by more lawyers than one should ever wish to be in a room with.

Snide. Cocky. Cock-sure. Dismissive. You name the negative emotion and facial expression and Kasey Oliver had mirrored his old man as if he enjoyed watching me sweat and squirm. I thought that he had enjoyed it, a lot really. I also thought that he enjoyed being Vincent's little puppet. Teaching his vile offspring how to be a man. A real man. Fucking women's pussies. Fucking other men over in business. Trying to fuck me.

I circled and didn't touch. I didn't want to touch Kasey Oliver just then. I wanted to tell Abdullah that I would buy Oliver's contract and then re-sell him to one of Abdullah's Middle Eastern contacts for a small profit assuring that Oliver would end up dead or wishing he was dead. That is what he deserved. Not a life with my boys, my precious boys. Oliver's presence nothing but a constant reminder of Vincent Oliver's bitter bile of a life and sham of a business.

"Master?" Ben's gentle voice and gentler touch on my shoulder shaking me from my horrid reverie, "Oh, yes," I faked calm. I saw Tim now looking more resigned than abjectly unhappy, but Cody was still staring at Oliver now, as if fascinated. Almost … analytical. If fact, yes. What was going through his mind?

"Master. Cody asked me to ask you if it is OK if he spends some time alone with Oliver," Ben's words sounding a bit far away still, "Alone?" I came fully back to reality, "Not really. The guard will still be present and there are all the cameras and microphones," Ben replied.

"Sure. Fine, OK," I nodded. I needed to get out of that room. Any excuse at all. I went up to Cody, "Cody, be my ears and eyes, OK?" I told him. I had no idea what I really meant just then, it was all pure instinct. I felt rattled and unsure of myself right then.

I pulled Ben and Tim out of the room with me leaving my boy, Cody alone with Vincent's pet snake. I walked to the adjoining lounge. Thankfully it was empty. The boys followed me in. I looked at Tim, "You hate him, don't you," and Tim looked at me, "I don't … hate him. I don't like him. I don't like what he tried to do to you, Master," Tim's answer classic for Tim.

I looked at Ben. Ben looked down and then up and gave me a small shrug, "This place is horrible, Master. It would be better if we were doing this at Abdullah's at the least. Maybe a trial run? He can do that you know," Ben suggested. I looked at Tim, "Yea. That might work. But if he is desperate enough, Oliver could fake his way through it just to avoid … well, you know," again, Tim giving me his side of the coin.

Yea, I knew. I knew this would be real work. I liked Ben's suggestion. He was right. Examining Kasey in this place was like trying to decide to adopt a pet in the middle of a field of battle with bullets flying around your head. You just wanted to get out of there alive.

"Let's give Cody some time," I said thoughtfully and then pointed to a sign that said "Commissary" and led Ben and Tim down the hall to find some distracting food and drink.

* * * * * * * * * *

By the time Master Roman left the room with two of his boys, the youngest one staying behind, Kasey Oliver was pretty sure that he had already signed his own death warrant. Jack Roman was angry with him. No, not angry, vengeful feeling. The man wanted him tortured and then dead.

The problem was, Kasey knew that at the least he had earned the man's ire. He could have sat with his father on those occasions and not provoked him; but then his father would have later berated him. Classic rock and hard place really.

Even if Roman bought his contract, he likely would take him to where ever and beat him senseless for payback or perhaps give him to the older looking, darker haired slave boy of his for the warm up, toss him to the next younger looking one for more abuse. Then Roman would have a go at Kasey himself for the final painful punishments and then leave him in some kind of shackled state to do what and feel what Kasey did not know.

"I know what you're thinking. But my Master is not like that," the voice coming from the youngest looking boy standing near and looking up at him. Why was he dressed like a normal citizen and not a slave anyway?

Kasey was cautious and looked at the guard before speaking, "Go ahead. He is here to interview you on his Master's behalf. Speak all that you wish," the guard said flatly, his hand never straying far from the black Taser gun on his weapon's belt, his hand gun holstered on the other side.

Kasey felt stupid up on the platform still. He looked around him and then at the guard again, "Fine. Step down," the guard allowed and Kasey did. He was still naked but that was not at issue. He had plenty to be proud of in that category.

Cody stepped forward, "I'm Cody. That was Ben, Master's Alpha and Tim, the next oldest. You must be scared shitless," Cody said to Kasey, but without offering to shake hands. Kasey wanted to say, "No shit? Who made you a genius?" but did not. Kasey just nodded because it was true.

"Contrary to what I know you must be feeling … um … Kasey. And I know what happened to you. I know what you and your father tried to do to my Master. Nobody hates you. I think … I think you just got caught up in something totally out of your control."

Once again, Kasey wanted to say something sarcastic and crass against the guy's attempt at empathy, but too many microphones, ears and ways and means of making him painfully pay for stupid verbal mistakes held him back, "What do you care, anyway?" Kasey did ask standing there in front of the attractive male who, by the way, Kasey knew as still older than he.

"I care about my Master's happiness. You are very attractive. Very sexy. I wouldn't mind … that is …," Cody hesitated, "Fucking me?" Kasey's sarcasm came right to the edge of kosher. He glanced over at the guard for any sign that he had crossed a line. The man looked bored still.

"Sorry," Kasey softened his voice, "That's OK," Cody said, "I was going to say. I wouldn't mind if you wanted to fuck me," Cody blushed. Kasey looked at Cody. Who blushed anymore? Who was this guy? Twenty-something going on thirteen or what?

"Your Master would allow that?" Kasey asked figuring he was asking for Jupiter to split into two, "Oh yes. He'd probably want to watch. He might even let you spank me first. You know, get me all revved up and begging you," and then Cody winced a little, "He might want to spank you first too. Get you all … well," Cody decided to stop his little fantasy and felt some chagrin.

Kasey just looked at Cody, recollections of Chaz Harper and the other sadistic corporal punishment freaks at his boarding school coming to mind, but then also the Dominatrix at that party that one time and as he thought of her, Kasey's cock started to stir. Shit! Would a boner get him into trouble with the guard or the cameras?

Too late. It was Kasey's turn to blush as his cock came right up. Cody stared at it, then up at him, "Sorry. Sexual thought. I've been told I need to learn how to get it up. In front of men and all. You know," Kasey lied through his teeth thinking it was OK to lie to Cody.

Cody didn't care the reason, he liked it, "Looks great. Love to have it up my ass … sorry … I just like that sort of thing, a lot," Cody said feeling his jeans starting to bulge. Kasey sighed, "No need to apologize. You seem like a good guy, Cody, and for the record, I'd … well, if I had permission, I wouldn't mind having a go at you," Kasey said if nothing else just to not be a dick about it as it would serve no purpose or just get him into trouble, maybe even another strapping.

"Oh yea?" Cody perked up and licked his lips, "If that guard were not standing there. I'd go down on you right now!" Cody grinned guiltily and looked over at the guard as if for permission, "You're asking the wrong person young man," the guard perked up, "That is up to Mr. Mohammed, the slave's current official owner," the guard said out of rote.

Kasey cringed figuring he was in hot water now, "Abdullah. I know he would say yes!" Cody smiled, "What? You're going to ask him?" Kasey asked incredulously, "Why not?" Cody replied. Kasey shrugged, confused, paranoid. Was this some kind of devious set-up?

Kasey shrugged, "Knock yourself out I guess," and Cody nodded, "I'll find out. I'll be back, I promise," and zoomed out of the room leaving Kasey confused, worried and shaking his head. He looked at the guard, "Back on the platform, boy," the guard scowled and Kasey swiftly complied returning to the mind-numbing boredom of standing like a naked statue in the room under the lights with the bored guard standing there like an android robot.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Cody! You are a genius for your Master. This is a good idea," Abdullah smiled and I had to agree even though I knew it was all just a conspiracy for me to buy Kasey Oliver's contract. Abdullah co-opted Cody's admittedly promising gesture of offering to bottom for Kasey in order to jump start his need to become if not a willing bottom-boy slave, then maybe a serviceable involuntary slut-boy for me.

The thing we all agreed on was that trying to ferret out Kasey's true potential was impossible at the Judicial Center. The place was for the most part a big turn off in that regard. We would need special permission from the Center's Judicial and enforcement office to seek temporary release.

Kasey still faced the contempt conviction and punishment thereof, but most of that was just administrative details that could be solved or fulfilled later. I felt now that there was nothing to lose but a bit of time and I had that or I better have it if I was to properly judge whether or not to allow Kasey to enter our midst permanently.

Abdullah read Kasey the riot act after getting the proper release from the Center. The boy was soundly admonished, warned, cautioned, threatened and not nicely either. At one point Abdullah slapped Kasey's face hard when the boy looked him in the eye.

He made Kasey kneel in front of him. in front of all of us, head down, hands clasped in back. Abdullah held a riding crop and whipped it across Kasey's naked ass and thighs several times to make his point as he lectured him and, quite frankly, to get him used to classic slave mentality and treatment.

He was explicitly told that I and my boys were going to be touching him, liberally and everywhere on his body. His orifices were no longer his own. His balls and cock belonged to Abdullah and to me and my boys during this trial. His mouth was to be a "cock holster" as was his ass.

If he was allowed to get his cock sucked by Cody or to fuck Cody, it would be after proper mental preparation and humiliation of himself in some kind of similar matter. At no time was he to think or believe that he was in control of anything except his own heartbeat. That was a clue that he was indeed in control of nothing. Clever analogy.

"Attitude. Attitude. Attitude," Abdullah repeated again and again, "At least you can pretend to enjoy and if not, then wisely and humbly accept. Keep up any haughty attitude boy and you will regret it," Abdullah said with one last wincing swipe of the crop across Kasey's backside.

"See? Look at Cody. His cock is hard in his pants. Why is that Cody?" Abdullah asked him. My Cody blushed, "Because. Kasey is lucky enough to have that crop sting his ass. Makes me want it too!" and Abdullah nodded, "See? That is what your goal is, learn to please your Master by enjoying his offerings."

Kasey's face drew up into a potential sneer at the foreign thought of actually liking such treatment on purpose and he was rewarded with yet another slap across his face, "Do you think he lies?" Abdullah asked Kasey of Cody's response, "No sir," Kasey got the point as moisture gathered in his eyes from the awful sting of the face slap. The question was, did Kasey really believe that?

Abdullah suggested "OK then. Let's take him out for a spin," insisting that we transport Kasey with us over to Abdullah's massive compound. Again, the used car analogy of a test drive with the product to lure the customer deeper into the sale.

I drove the SUV this time, nobody riding shot gun. I put Kasey in the middle bench seat between Tim and Cody with Ben in the far back bench with explicit instructions to keep an eagle eye on all three of them.

I didn't expect trouble, but neither was I going to be careless. I left Kasey naked with no ankle or wrist shackles nor a leather collar or any of that dinner party costume nonsense. I told Kasey to his face that my boys were going to touch him. He was to express enjoyment and if not, to keep his mouth shut.

He looked properly terrified as intended and yelped as I slapped his hot little ass into the car after Cody entered first, Tim after. I leaned over and whispered in Tim's ear, "I don't care what you do exactly, but I want you to provoke him a little, Tim. Push his buttons. Let Cody do whatever he wants too," and then patted his rump,

"Yes, Master," he said with a crooked smile of satisfaction. Good. This was my way of giving my skeptical Tim a bit of say-so. I got into the driver's seat of the SUV and shut the door. I had already told Abdullah that I was going to drive the "long way around," a signal that I wanted my boys to play with Kasey in close quarters for a while before arriving at the compound to see what might happen. Abdullah just roared with approval, "You want this boy, I can see," he said with his usual toothy grin.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kasey had already been pawed over by hands at the Judicial Center. Those hands were either clinical or mean-spirited, like from a bored doctor or a cruel prison guard. Those touches you can ignore or even tell yourself that they are heartless and meaningless and most definitely not sexual or pleasant in any way. Not so the hands and fingers in the middle bench seat of Master Roman's SUV.

Make that hands and lips and tongues. Fingertip pads gently flicking, smoothing. Light furtive touches. Boys whispering to each other so Kasey could hear them, "Isn't he gorgeous? So sexy. SO hot, Tim. Don't you think?" Cody grinned in the darkness of the vehicles tinted glass compartment.

"Hmm, yes. Suck his dick Cody," Tim said knowing it might provoke Kasey. Cody grinned and but glanced up at Kasey's biting, nervous lips and then the expression of surprise on Kasey's face as Cody expertly suckled in Kasey's flaccid penis into his mouth.

"He's really good at that," Tim said and then with a look of evil, "And I at this," and then Kasey gasped as Tim's head leaned down on the other side and started to tease and flick his tongue over the near brown nipple, Tim's hand so very gently teasing the now turgid flesh of the other.

Kasey was surrounded, not by malevolence; but by sexual beings intent on breaking him down with pleasure that despite his mind not wanting to enjoy, he did. His cock got rock hard in Cody's mouth, that tongue of his! How did he do that? Oh, yes. Cody has a tongue piercing. That damn thing is good and he knows how to use it just right!

Kasey started to sweat now, fearful that he was … he was going to automatically become like these little pansies on either side of him. Good little obedient homo-freak slave boys and then Kasey stopped himself.

It would do him no good to be denigrating and critical of the boys even in his own mind. They were after all just. Just what? Doing their jobs? Trying to seduce him? Making him out to be an unaware fool, the self-deceptive tapes of his old life with Vincent Oliver still maintaining their iron grip on his senses.

Still. At its base, sex has no bias. No deception or agenda. Kasey could not suppress a whimper of delight as in tandem, Cody and Tim had his balls right at the edge. Who could resist? "Guys!" Kasey blurted. Both heads came up, smiling, "That's OK, Kasey. You don't have to enjoy this, but we are!" Cody teased him.

"Feel like coming?" Tim asked the more clinical question, "Um … yes. If I'm … you know … allowed," Kasey sputtered. Ben took notice. He had been watching, the sexual tension in the back half of the car mounting. His brothers were irresistible, that was certain.

Ben was a little envious of Kasey. Ben would love to be in the middle between the two sexual dynamos. Ben leaned way forward into the back of the bench seat in front of him, "No, Kasey. Not yet. Not until you reciprocate … with your mouth. You may lick on their nipples, suck their cocks or both. Until you do, no coming," Ben instructed.

"Maybe. Maybe if Kasey sucks me off, he can be allowed to fuck me, Ben?" Cody asked. Tim blushed. He would not be outdone, "Me too," pitched in. Ben's eyebrows shot up. Tim never offered that kind of thing. Interesting.

Suck off another guy? The thought made Kasey's balls shrink up into his body and that despite the fact that Cody's or was it Tim's hand was busy down there keeping his dick hard, "OK. I'll go with that. Up to you Kasey. Both these guys are good fucks. You won't be sorry, but you have to suck cock of whoever you want to fuck. Those are the rules," Ben sat back. This was going to be good.

Cody knew what Ben was doing, so did Tim. Kasey closed his eyes. This was such BULLSHIT! He wanted to fuck something. Since he was unlikely ever to see girl twat again in his miserable life, it may as well be boy pussy, but to have to suck off another guy first?

Kasey's head threw back with a look of dread on his face. Ben just shook his head from in back of Kasey and made a silent wager to himself. He bet to himself that the odds of Kasey Oliver sucking just one cock, Cody's specifically, was roughly three to one. Ben would put a theoretical one-hundred dollars on that one. Suck off Tim as well? Ten, no twenty to one. Another one hundred.

A part of Ben wanted Kasey to suck on nobody. A part of Ben wanted Kasey to pitch a fit so much that Master would pull the SUV over, pull Kasey's sorry bare ass out of the SUV and spank him. Whip him with the belt so that the rest of the trip to Abdullah's would be so uncomfortable to sit as to make the boy wish he could crawl under the SUV and stay there for the rest of the trip.

This had happened to Ben at the very beginning long ago. He had been a jerk and Master would have none of it and did just what Ben thought concerning Kasey just then. It only happened once. Once was enough because after getting home, Master was not nearly done with him. His ass was periodically kept sore for the rest of that day.

Ben calmed himself. It would not be seemly to wish ill on Kasey no matter the kid deserved it. Kasey steeled himself. He wanted to fuck. He needed to fuck. The price was high. So had the price of him being Vincent Oliver's son "OK. I'll do it," Kasey finally sighed.

"Me?" Cody asked anxiously, "Both of you," Kasey carefully let a small sneer. Tim's, Cody's and even Ben's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Tim's and Cody's jeans and boxers were quickly pushed down to their knees, "Who's first," Kasey said as if he was marching to the gallows.

"Do Cody first," Tim said hoping his brother's charm might make it more pleasant for the obviously reluctant participant. Cody pushed up his hips, "You don't have to enjoy it," Cody said.

Enjoy it. Fat chance. Kasey closed his eyes and leaned way over. His nose twitched. He smelled guy, not girl. Just blot it out of your mind, he told himself. Cody held up his erection. At least it was already hard.

Shit. Kasey opened his lips and gently flicked out his tongue and touched the hardened flesh. Not bad. Not great, but not horrible. Then he sealed his lips around just the head, "That's it. Let me do the work. You just keep your lips closed. It won't take long," Cody tried to help. OK, good idea and Kasey wished it to be over as fast as possible.

Then suddenly, a sensation on his left nipple. Tim's fingers were there gently stimulating him, "It will make it feel better," Tim said to Kasey and it did. It did help. Kasey felt the hard shaft moving in and out of his mouth, Tim's light pinching making his own dick get hard now!

Cody looked over at Tim who winked back, Ben in back of them covering his mouth against a big guffaw at the conspiracy to seduce Kasey, "Don't freak. I'm going to hold your head and fuck your mouth, Kasey," Cody warned.

"Fuck my what?" Kasey thought, the liberal use of the word "fuck" not settling into proper context. His body stiffened. He slapped at and pushed Tim's hand away from his nipple and then he lurched his head up from Cody's lap, "No! You're not going to fuck anything! Stop it!" Kasey yelped loudly.

* * * * * * * * * *

I was liking what I was hearing in back of me, at least to start. Tim and Cody were trying hard as I had asked them and with Ben's direction to get Kasey used to doing what his fate had already determined. Predictably, Kasey over-reacted just as I had prompted Tim and through him, Cody.

Opportunity now knocked as did my location. A bristling urban retail setting rife with prying eyes anywhere I might choose to park my vehicle and attend to Kasey's object lesson. I turned into a parking lot teeming with normal citizenry enjoying the day out and about, shopping and supping at the near-by eateries.

I parked the SUV purposely to give us space as required. I easily conjured up a deadly glare for the boy in the middle of the middle bench seat, turned my head and glared at Kasey, "OUT of the car. All of you, now!" I barked, letting my narrowed eyes glance at everyone, even Ben.

Four boys launched out of the car into the empty space between our SUV and the next vehicle to our backs, only one of them ignorant of what I was likely to do next, "Pants off, all of you! Bare your bottoms and line up," I commanded.

Public nudity of owned slaves was not only allowed, but expected and in some venues demanded. The old retail adage, "No shoes, No Shirts, No Service," applied only to normal citizens.

For the owned community it was some version of "Pants Down, Shorts Off, Bared Bottoms," and that meant for the males, genital exposure as well. Most places sported at least small raised platforms for spontaneous punishments simply called "Punishment Zone," or area and a few offered selections of implements suitable to the region's customs.

"Stand in a line, all of you. In the middle Kasey," I said next. Only Ben looked maximally calm. He knew what I was doing and why. Tim looked carefully amused. He knew what I was going to likely do as well. Cody looked delighted, my little exhibitionist and performer. Kasey looked alarmed, his eyes darting from me to passers-by who were already slowing to examine the spectacle as I had intended.

"Look at me Kasey!" I growled and got his attention, "Do you know what's going to happen next because of your little tirade in the car? Have you not seen slave owners punish their boys in public before?"

His face fell, "Ye … Yes Master Roman," he stuttered softly. He had, of course he had. It was everywhere in the world now in one form or the other and just then three teenaged boys looking like brothers, maybe thirteen to sixteen years of age sauntered up and respectfully stopped a short distance away to observe. Good. Great in fact!

I was standing fairly close to their position and the middle boy pointed at Kasey, "Look. He must be brand spanking new stock. His cock is limp. The other guys are old hats at this, hard as nails!" he then giggled softly, his comments quite loud enough for everyone to hear.

Cody's eyes widened with glee. His cock jumped with anticipation. I half expected him to beg me out loud for a belt strapping to show off his ass to the boys. Tim was more aloof, but would not at all mind. Ben was quietly pleased, he liked to feign nonchalance.

Kasey appeared humiliated to the core. Blushing, trembling he finally just focused his eyes on me trying madly to hide at least his attention from the gathering crown of onlookers, young and old, male and female.

"You've witnessed boys as yourself being spanked in public, strapped too, yes?" I said loudly, "Ye … yess, Master Roman!" his voice shaky, "Turn, all of you. Hands on the car, behinds out," I ordered next.

I un-looped my belt from my trousers, doubled it up and slapped it harshly against my palm. I turned my head and looked at the teens. The two youngest looked a tad intimidated, but the older met my eyes, "Give it to them good, sir. Make that middle one very sorry," having correctly surmised who the main culprit was.

The truth was, I could have done this whole public scene at a whim for no reason at all. Just put on a show to please my urges. Cody knew this, so did Tim and Ben. We had all done it before just for the fun of it one or more of the boys' ideas or requests. Kasey was naïve of such things, of course.

I nodded to the older boy, strode to my left to Cody and spanked him with my hand, four hard slaps on his beautiful jutting-out buttocks. I watched his face, smiling and serene, his cockhead starting to get a little moist.

Tim was next to Cody in line. I gave him six slaps, just to wipe that little ever-present smirk off of his face some, but his cock was just as lively as Cody's. I skipped Kasey and moved to Ben. Ten slaps for him. His cock jumped and few droplets of pre-cum flew off and splashed against the SUV's glinting black surface. Ben looked downright prideful. Good for him.

Then I moved back to Kasey, his cock as limp as can be. I turned my head, winked at the boys, turned my head back and then lashed the belt across Kasey's reluctantly jutting-out ass ten times, layering crown to sit-spot with loud full shouldered echoing cracks!

* * * * * * * * * *

Kasey begged the universe to give him a do-over so that he could take it all back. He wished he could just suck down Cody's cock in the comfort and relative privacy of the dark-glassed SUV, Tim's too and earn a chance at fucking their behinds, but there were no take-backs now. Only base humiliation.

Kasey's mind flew back to the half dozen or so times he had witnessed public male slave punishments for entertainment and for misbehavior in the last eighteen months alone. Some of them were disgusting. Oddly enough those were the ones for entertainment. Too gaudy. Too something.

It had been the ones for real punishment that had mesmerized him. Hardened his cock even. Made him wish he were the one administering the strapping, hand spanking once and even a full on wood paddling of a sorrowful male teen about his age. That one had sent him back to his vehicle alone to pull out his erection and jack himself off right there in the privacy of the driver's seat.

Not now. No erection now. Those boys over there having already figured him out as a noob slave, a limp-cocked slave at that. Those boys had seemed to admire Cody, Tim and Ben, standing there with erections waving in the breeze! How could that be? Had Kasey not realized how the world around him really was before now?

They pointed at him, laughed at him, may be even were getting off at his expense as Master Roman viciously swiped the belt across his bared nude ass again and again, making him cringe, wince, whimper and wish the ground would just swallow him up!

All Kasey could so was close his eyes, pretend he wasn't there and endure as best he could the ten painful cuts. His ass sizzled and his jaw ached from trying not to scream. He wished it were aching from trying to suck cock in the car and not from being punished out in public.

It seemed to stop, so far that is. Kasey's heart pounded and then a hand on his shoulder, Master Roman's, "You will get back into the car Kasey. You will do as you agreed with no further incident. Am I understood?" His voice kind of … well, parental, "Yes Master Roman, thank you Master Roman," Kasey heard himself say with relief.

Everyone got back into the car except Master Roman and Cody. Ben slipped into the back sans his pants, Kasey had noticed. He was bare from the waist down as was Tim next to him. Tim rolled down the SUV's passenger window on that side, so did Ben. What was going on outside? Why were Master Roman and Cody still out there?

"Here, you can look. Cody and Master are having fun," Tim told Kasey. Fun? What fun? And then Kasey heard the commotion. The boys who had been leering at him had gathered around with an older man that seemed to be their father.

But where was Cody? Oh my God! Cody was on his knees at Master's feet! Master had his … his cock out, exposed and now Cody was … was going down on him in front of all of those onlookers!

Master looked proud, ruffling Cody's hair as Cody … sucked him off! Shit! "Yea, Cody! Do it!" Tim yelled from the car. Ben just shook his head and lost interest pressing the button to shut the window, "Show off," he said with mock derision and a little real envy as he scooted to the center of the seat.

"Good job, Cody, my boy," Master said loudly finally zipping himself away and Cody sprang up, arms raised, tongue wagging and the teen age boys cheering and clapping, "Thank you, thank you, but mostly my Master!" and then Cody jumped into Master's arms and they hugged.

"Well done, sir," the older man with the teens thanked Master Roman, "Now come on boys. This fine man and his slave boy have better things to do than entertain you all afternoon," he said and thanked Master one last time.

The driver's side door opened and Kasey watched Master get back inside. The door to Kasey's right opened and Cody got back inside and buckled up next to Kasey looking quieted. The inside of the car was silent. Kasey felt cowed, confused and sorry for himself. And his ass hurt to sit on it.

Maybe he had not paid enough attention to the world around him. Maybe he felt, well, significantly disappointed that maybe he was missing an opportunity to take his own mother's advice and treat the opportunity with Master Roman as the best solution to a horrible and dangerous problem.

And for the first time Kasey looked at Cody. Admiring his bravado, even his showmanship, but something told Kasey Oliver that it was not for show. Cody loved Master Roman. Really loved the man who was not even his natural father. Had Kasey ever felt anything but hatred for his biological father, Vincent Roman?

© Copyright PJ Franklin July 29, 2017

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Next: Chapter 4: Sins of the Father 4

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