Sins of the Father Series

Published on Jul 29, 2023


Sins Of The Father / Chapter 2 - Change In The Air

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Sins Of The Father
Chapter 2 - Change In The Air
PJ Franklin

Chapter 2 – Change In The Air

Business seemed as usual. I was working from home that day, God help any boy who disturbed me while I was parked behind my bank of six computer screens, three on top of three as well as incessantly talking on the phone. Ben did come into the room, however, holding a cell phone. I turned and scowled at him for the disturbance,

"Master, it's Abdullah. He says it is urgent," and I softened, nodded and he brought me the phone. It was about 11AM, "Abdullah, my friend, what about the slave market is so urgent?" I cajoled him expecting him to try and get me out on the town at one of his fabulous parties.

"Kasey Oliver," he said. I blinked and felt a surge of anger start to rise, "What about him?" I asked casting an unintended glare over at Ben who shrunk away from me until I wagged my finger at him to come to me and then hugged him tight for reassurance.

"My friend. His father, Vincent Oliver, your former nemesis has just been convicted on all sorts of felony charges and is headed either to State prison for a very long time or near life-long servitude. His fines, fees and costs of legal representation are massive and he and his family will be bankrupted."

The judicial system no longer tolerated years and years of appeals to prevent felons from squandering money that was needed to pay future fines and costs. Brutal, I know.

Served Vincent right, but what did that have to do with Kasey other than the kid was now likely hung with an uncertain future that I was pretty sure deserved as well? Kasey was a beautiful boy physically, yes, but seemed just as much a snake in the grass and an asshole as his father, "Yes. OK. So what about his kid?" I asked.

"Jack … Vincent's business was way over valued. As I said, his legal costs and fines much less his lawyer's fees has totally bankrupted him," Abdullah said, "Good, serves the fucker right," I replied.

"Jack, the point is. Vince signed papers and put his own son up for sale to the slave market to help defer his massive debt," and I winced. Yes, I hated Vince and loathed his son, but that was harsh. Yes, it could be done, but seemed beyond the pale even for Vince.

It did get my wheels turning, however, if even in fantasy. Imagine, owning Vince's kid as a slave. It made me smile, if even sardonically, "Go on my friend," I encouraged Abdullah.

"The only problem with him is that he claims to be straight. That makes him almost worthless to the usual crowd of male high bidders such as myself."

I immediately thought, "That is what they all say until they get a dick in their ass and mouth at the same time," but refrained from verbalizing my self-comment to Abdullah.

"Then let the female bidders swipe him up," I did comment aloud. Abdullah chuckled, "Not so fast. I was in court for the proceedings. I bought his contract on the spot. He howled in protest and cursed at the judge so the judge slapped a contempt of court on the boy as well."

I chuckled. If Kasey knew anything about Abdullah, he should howl. Abdullah was a broker of all-male slaves who only sold to rich male owners and usually then only the slaves that had natural talents for harsh BDSM activities, just like all of my boys.

The others like Kasey he would buy and then sell off at a smaller profit to some very cruel and dangerous unsavory types overseas where slave protections were few and far between. The money was still better than other less endowed owners state-side by a long shot.

And a contempt of court on top of all of that? That meant a public ass beating with a strop or even a judicial cane. I would pay good money just to see that comeuppance and get my rocks off doing it if nothing else.

"Abdullah, you are conspiring," I smiled, "For you my friend. I wondered that you might like to buy him for a song and a dance and then show him off, to his father," Abdullah looked so pleased with himself and now things got serious.

Abdullah was invoking a little know aspect of judicial punishment law wherein a convicted felon could be shamed any way that the other aggrieved party or parties wished. In this case, I would be one of the aggrieved parties.

One of the rights of a new slave owner was to fuck his slave in public places outfitted for that kind of adult entertainment or in this case, as a part of a judicial punishment arrangement. Abdullah was suggesting that I buy Kasey and fuck him, humiliate him in front of his now convicted felon father, Vincent. Revenge and ownership in one swift shot. Interesting thought.

"I've already called Michael (my attorney) and he says it's all legal. He can be yours, Jack. Yours to train or if you wish, I can train him, but Ben seems able if you ask me," and that was not at issue.

"How old is he?" I asked, "Eighteen, right on the button," Abdullah replied, "What do you say, Jack?" he asked, "I am not sure. I need to talk to Michael and my boys, but keep him for me Abdullah, don't let him get away," I said, my heart pounding now with anger remembering all of Vincent's attempts to ruin and humiliate me as Kasey had sat there during our stressful meetings and flipped me off, the little bastard!

"My pleasure to do so, Jack. And oh by the way, he is in a cell down at the judicial center. I have arranged for you to visit and examine him. I can meet your there any time you desire my friend," and I nodded, "Thank you Abdullah, I may well do that, I will let you know," I said and the call ended.

I sat back, totally distracted now, the entire ugly affair with Vincent and his son at the forefront of my mind once again. I finally swiveled around in my chair and looked at Ben, nodded and he quickly knelt at my feet and laid his head on my knee.

I slowly ran my fingers through his hair, "Do you remember Kasey Oliver, Ben?" I asked, "Yes, Master," he hissed unhappily as his body visibly tensed and his eyes glared. I had kept Ben abreast of every single dirty thing that Vince had tried as well as his son's ugly responses.

"Now, now Ben. Keep your cool my fine young stud," I praised and chided him a little, "Yes my Master," he said, eyes and voice softening, "I'm sorry, Master. I should be spanked," he said humbly.

I chuckled. I loved Ben's protective fire, "Yes you should, remind me after work, but that is not the question, Ben. Do you think that our family has room for another slave and if so, what about Kasey?"

Ben thought a moment, "Yes, we can handle another boy, Master. I truly believe that despite the boy's ugly attitude and demeanor during those awful meetings that his attitudes come from his father. Now that Mr. Oliver is removed from society, perhaps Kasey can be rehabilitated and made a decent slave," Ben reasoned, "He is very pretty," Ben added.

"That he is Ben. I think we have room as well, but he is straight. What about that?" and Ben smiled, "Oh Master. No boy is truly all straight. Besides, a straight boy would be fun to break," he smirked, I think enjoying the idea of breaking a straight boy even more than I was.

"I think we should visit him and see the slave, don't you?" I asked Ben. Ben smiled, "I would love that, Master," Ben replied, "Make arrangements for a visit tomorrow, Ben," I said, "Yes my Master," he replied.

"Now get your ass out of here. You're getting put over my knee later, my bad little boy," I reminded him. Ben blushed and that made me nearly giggle with delight, "Yessir," he said with ample humility and satisfying chagrin before he then disappeared.

I tried to go back to work, but now it was difficult. The idea of having a fourth slave boy, much less who he was tasked me. I knew of slave-owner wannabes who could not handle one slave or two, much less my three and now there could be a fourth?

I seemed successful and adept with my trio and I did not relish straining my luck with a fourth. My boys were hand-picked and natural. Kasey Oliver would be a forced slave with a lot to learn and even more to get used to. Did I want the potential for that kind of disruption of my seemingly perfect family chemistry?

And yet, the specter of revenge mashed at my logic. I sat there, closed my eyes and handled my hardening cock picturing Kasey Oliver's doubtlessly delicious naked buttocks across my lap, large twin red splotches from prolonged hand and hairbrush spankings. Tears of regret and remorse would stream down his cheeks, accompanied by sobs and kicking knees as I continued to tan his hide to my heart's content.

I would sit Cody or Tim at my feet to reach up between my knees to stimulate Kasey Oliver's reluctant soft cock into humiliating hardness, training it and him to respond to the not so subtle sexual caress of a boy's buttocks that corporal punishment could engender no matter that Kasey wished and desired it or not. I would eventually force him to beg me for a whipping because he could no longer deny himself the pleasure of it no matter if he had not felt any homosexual tendencies in his life before his cruel and involuntary enslavement.

Ben was right. No male was ever entirely straight if trained long and hard enough. I hissed and slapped my own hand away from my bulging trousers trying to divest myself of sexualized thinking. There was more at risk here, mainly my sanity and my family's integrity, peace and quiet than any kind of temporary pleasure to come from revenge.

The subject kept coming up into my mind later into the evening and especially so after dinner and Ben coyly sidled up to me, "Master, I am to remind you of my spanking," he said so quietly so as not for Cody or Tim to hear.

Most of the time I honored Ben's desire for privacy between us not so much for him to avoid the humiliation from his brothers as that he valued alone time with me and I with him for that matter, "Slip into my bedroom by yourself and close the door, Ben. I'll be up shortly," I nudged him, "Yes, Master!" his eyes sparkled as he swept himself away.

I looked at Cody and Tim with a Master's small glare, "Keep yourselves busy and no snooping on Ben!" Naturally, the boys busily nodded, "Yes Master!" they said together and then disappeared from my sight but not from my mind as both were capable of encouraging the other to cheat on their promise.

I slipped upstairs into my bedroom. There stood my Ben wearing a fetchingly perfect adolescent looking gym suit, T-shirt and shorts along with tube socks, but sans sneakers. I could tell by the outline that he sported a jock strap as well. Whereas Cody liked to play daddy and son, Ben liked to play Coach and jock.

I saw that he had set a paddle and a hairbrush on the bed top, and a spanking chair to the side. I said nothing and let him watch me walk over to my walk-in closet, but I stayed external to it, stripped naked and slipped on my own clean white jock, my Coach shorts and a polo to match.

I even slipped a pair of tube socks and sneakers to contrast with Ben's lack thereof. He liked it when I stayed dressed sometimes and then I would make him naked. I walked over to him, his shorts strained forward with total arousal, fists clenching at his sides.

I reached over and picked up the paddle, "Well, it seems you need a bit of discipline, Ben," I said just to stimulate play, "Yes, Coach. I've been slacking my training and diet after you warned me," he answered with a grim rather grimly.

"I see. Paddle swats boy. Bend over, grab ankles," I instructed and Ben complied. Nothing complicated, just a simple scene really. I stood as close to him as I could and slid that paddle over his stretched shorts.

I gave my boy five hard paddle swats, each one making him grunt and wince if just a little, "Stand … strip off your shorts and jock," I instructed. He did as I watched, "Over," I said next and he re-assumed his position, but something was niggling at me, distracting me.

I sighed. I don't know how I knew these things, but I just did. I strode stealthily to the bedroom door leaving Ben bent over. I suddenly flew open the door. I was met by two faces that instantly flushed scarlet. I rolled my eyes, "In. Noses to the wall, both of you!" I said without emotion, turned and went back to Ben who had not moved.

Two naughty boys now stood on my wall facing away from us with hands wisely clasped to their lower backs. One good boy was at my feet again, waiting for me, "Five more swats, Benjamin, hard ones," I said, "Yes Coach! Thank you Coach!" Ben said as if his brothers were not there in the room with him.

I let Ben have it, five hard bare butt paddle swats gaining for my ears some lusty yelps, "Stand, rub," I said curtly. He did, his semi-hard cock instantly hardening, "Thank you Coach!" he smiled. I pleasured myself by embracing Ben chest-to-chest and kissing him on the lips with tongue. He moaned. I did too, extra loud as to reach Tim and Cody's doubtlessly listening ears.

I slipped my hand over Ben's torched buttocks and let a fingertip reach his pucker, rimmed it and poked the tip inside. Ben moaned, "Fuck me Coach, bend me over and fuck me," he asked. I smiled, "Of course, Benjamin. You are a good boy and you deserve a reward unlike SOME here in the room with us!" I said much louder and then thought I detected sheepish body language from my naughty slave boys standing noses to the wall.

I motioned Ben to my bed and he got on top of it, torso angled down, his red ass up and ready. I got myself in back of Ben and ignoring the other boys for the moment, moved to mount Ben and did.

I fucked my Alpha boy, good and hard on my bed top. I fisted his cock as I did, too. I made him howl with delight and come in my fist. I howled with delight as I emptied my balls into Ben's ass, but with one eye on the other two at all times. Fortunately for them they did not try and peek at the action and maintained their punitive postures at the wall.

I tarried with Ben on my bed top longer than I might have and loudly so, just to put Tim and Cody a bit more in their place. Ben and I giggled and laughed. He knew what I was doing, so did they.

After a while, I motioned for Ben to sit up with me on my bedside and we did so hip-to-hip, my arm around my boy. I turned my head, "Are you upset, Ben, that your brothers disobeyed me and were listening at the door? It is OK if you are, I need to know," knowing the little problem carried with it complications.

My boys, all of them including Ben understood as I did that receiving corporal punishment in our household was a given. That it was nearly always for sexual stimulation and release because that is how all of us were built. We also all understood that from time to time that the boys, including Ben, would "misbehave" in a manner so as to earn a session of corporal punishment in the more classic sense.

Such "punishment" always seemed doubly hot and sexy and I had and have no problem with that so long as basic good and correct behaviors in important situations are the norm. In this case, I was much more concerned for Ben's feelings on this matter of Tim and Cody's misbehaviors then my own. I was pretty sure Tim and Cody were just looking for a bit of punitive "fun" as it were and meant no harm nor disrespect to Ben or to me.

Ben leaned over, "No, Master. I'm not upset. They are just being boys. Are you upset, Master?" he asked. Only Ben is allowed to ask such a question of me, "No, Ben," I said, "Follow my lead," I said next and then turned to look at Tim and Cody, "Tim! Cody! Get your butts over here now! Kneel!" I barked loudly.

A moment later, there they were on their knees before me and Ben, heads down and hands clasped behind their backs, "Ben. What should we do with these naughty boys?" I asked noting that Cody's and Tim's jock straps were bulging rather obviously at the front, Cody's actually with a small tell-tale spot of pre-cum.

"String them up by just their big toes, upside down for an hour, Master, and forbid them the spankings that they so obviously want," Ben said with a very satisfied grin that the boys could not see.

I had to put the back of my hand to my face so as not to be seen by my Alpha boy grinning ear-to-ear, well, not too much anyway, "That is an excellent suggestion, Ben," I replied flatly.

"Cody? Do you deserve that kind of punishment?" I asked him, "Yes Master!" he replied, "No spanking?" I asked. Cody hesitated, "Ye … yes Master, no spanking," his voice decidedly and very satisfyingly worried or even disappointed. Better, his body language slumped.

"Tim?" I asked. He also kept his head down, "Yes, Master. No spanking," his voice also appropriately demonstrating disappointment and his shoulders slumping, more even than Cody's.

"Ben. IF … theoretically that is … we were to spank these two. How should we go about it?" I then said aloud. Suddenly the two boys on their knees straightened up, no more slumping. Hopeful if you will.

"That's easy Master. Hairbrush paddlings, both boys to tears, two royal roastings and then lots of corner time. No sex until after they've had time to consider their poor behaviors," Ben prescribed. I nodded,

"Oh, I don't know. I'm not sure they should be so privileged (I paused for effect) to get their bottoms roasted," I said next and then even that their heads were down, I saw two well furrowed and worried brows. Good then. I winked knowingly at Ben who was well amused and then spoke next,

"Please Master? I know that my brothers often act like misbehaved brats and deserving of discipline without spanking, but they are still my brothers and do what they do. I love them," Ben said turning the whole thing into a heart-warming family thing. I approved, of course.

Now I saw two pair of lips purse with emotion. Good, "Look at me both of you!" I barked with a glare down at them. Tim's and Cody's faces looked up at me, both mirroring a goodly amount of satisfying humility and I thought, admiration. I didn't need it, but I wanted it for Ben. He deserved it from them.

"Do you two deserve to enjoy even punishment spankings?" I asked, "No, Master!" they said at the same time and I felt meant it. I glanced at Ben and then scowled a little at Tim and Cody,

"ONLY … mind you two … that it would disappoint your Alpha brother if I did not order you both for hairbrush paddlings are you going to get them … AND the corner time after. And after that, you will be satisfying Ben and I with your sexual talents. Understood?" I finished out the little family drama.

"Yes, Master!" the boys responded enthusiastically, "Good then. Both of you fetch hairbrushes, now!" I snapped my fingers. Two of our standard issue large bodied brush handles were given to me. I gave one to Ben, "You two, strip naked. Ben, hide Cody to a crisp. I want tears," I instructed.

Then I looked at Tim, "Straddle my knee, boy," I said sternly and after baring his body naked, flew over my left knee. I wrapped my arm about the boy's slender waist grabbing his balls tightly in my fist from the other side.

Wisely, Tim arched his back far upwards to present hiss hot little ass for easy of punishment to his buttocks and thighs. Cody did the same with Ben. With no further delays, the hairbrushes started a tandem symphony of loud, sharp cracking brush licks that were soon joined in an orchestral combination sound of licks, groans, yelps and high pitched short-lived comments and whimpering regrets. Then there was snifflings, and then some appropriate sobs.

Hard-ons became semis, and semis became softies as Ben and I skillfully paddled Tim and Cody to appropriate humble messes of punished boy ass and tender thigh skin. Both boys acquitted themselves very well, keeping their tortured bottoms up properly and never once with even a hint of withdrawal or attempt to escape no matter the brushes' painful strokes on their tender ass regions.

It did not take long really and it was not fake, any of it. I signaled for Ben to stop and all we heard then was panting, sniffling and the odd whimper. The boys did not move a muscle and patiently waited as was their habit.

"What do you think Ben?" I asked, "Hand spanking," he said. I nodded, "Agreed. Wear your hand out, Ben," I said and we proceeded. More and louder yelps and then outright bawling and two limp slave boys still kept up their elevated behinds perfectly as was their duty … and, their pleasure were you to ask them later about it.

Now there were two admirably scorched bare bottoms and upper thighs. Scorched to a crimson crisp, each. There would be bruising, lots of it; but boys heal, no real damage done. Besides, such a sight always seemed to make me pull back from the corner time.

"Maybe just a little … soothing first, Ben" I said to Ben, my hand gently rubbing on Tim's scorched fanny, Ben's on Cody's, "Master!" Tim blurted as soothing turned into my fingertip teasing his up-pooched pucker hole, "Ben!" Cody joined in as Ben was doing the same now.

"Ben, a little oral-anal will not hurt, get busy," I instructed and he got busy all right, his lips disappeared from sight as did my sight of him as mine did the same, and alighted on Tim's butt hole.

"Ben, Ben, Ben!" Cody's voice pitched higher as the deeper Ben's tongue penetrated, or I assumed as Tim was doing the same, "Master, oh master! Please, yes, deeper, yes, please!" as I tongue-fucked my punished boy, his cheeks radiating punishment heat from his well-seared buttocks and onto my face.

I used my fist and firmly pressured Tim's erection, his humping slight only so as not to miss any of my tongue's exploration of his sweet pucker hole, I was sure. I finally fatigued about the same time as Ben did, both of us sitting back and wiping our mouths, "Kiss me," I told Ben and we leaned into each other and kissed Ben, tongued with him awhile. As we did, Tim stepped up his humping in my attentive fist. Cody seemed to do the same with Ben's fist.

"Suck cock, boys," I pushed Tim off of my knee to the floor, Cody on the floor a moment after that. Two pair of hands lurched forward to clutch our hips and two mouths slurped down to two roots of erections, Ben's and mine. Cody and Tim sucked dicks. Ben and I sucked face.

The inevitable occurred not long after. Ben flipped Cody to his tummy right at the bed edge just after I did Tim. Ben slammed his erection inside of Cody a moment after I slammed into Tim. We pounded and used those red behinds, slapping our balls, clutching our fists onto their erections, falling forward together to kiss our prey as we fucked them.

Ben somehow beat me to the finish, emptying his big balls inside of Cody just before I emptied mine into Tim. I pulled out of Tim and motioned for Ben to do the same and he did, "Tim, clean out Cody's butt hole of cum. Cody you do the same to Tim then join Ben and me in the shower," I instructed.

I would say about three minutes later my large capacious bedroom shower was full. I felt a privileged bystander in a way as Tim, Cody and Ben shared affection and love for each other with non-sexual hugs, kisses, smiles and giggling, even Ben.

This was what it was all about for me, really. Our family. Yes, they were slaves and me their Master, but it went way beyond that for me, for us. The question now was even more concerning. How would Kasey Oliver make this better? Or would he not and me buying his contract from Abdullah be a bad idea.

Later that night after a sumptuous dinner, I sat with all my boys and explained to Tim and Cody, the Vincent Oliver case and debacle in all of its horrid detail so that they would understand what was at stake and what I was considering regarding Vincent's offspring's judicial nightmare and how it might affect them, us.

I did not ask Tim's or Cody's opinions. They knew that they would have to cope and make it work should I decide to bring Kasey into our family. I did not ask Ben's opinion in front of them as that would be unseemly as well. I did tell them that they were going to accompany Ben and me to the Judicial Center on the morrow so that they could see their potential new brother. That seemed to please them quite well as they loved our outings no matter where or for what reason.

The rest of the evening I let the boys alone so that they could process the possible future. I felt it wise to do so as even I needed some alone space to wonder if what I was considering was wise or not. I envied my boys not having to make the decision that I was now tasked as this decision was not going to be easy, even for me.

© Copyright PJ Franklin July 29, 2017

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Next: Chapter 3: Sins of the Father 3

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