Sins of a Future World

By Purple Jubliee

Published on May 22, 2017


I'm back! I've finished the work I needed to do so hopefully I'll start posting more regularly again. Probably not quite as quickly as I did originally though, since I actually had the first 3 chapters already written before I started releasing.

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Thanks again for reading, now let's get this started!

Sins of a Future World: Chapter 6

Back in the apartment, as soon as they sat down, Jace reached over to give Ryn's shoulders a gentle massage. Ryn sighed contentedly and through their connection Jace felt the barriers slip just a little bit. Ryn allowed listless tendrils of thought and feeling to reach Jace. Not enough to allow them to share their thoughts entirely, but just enough to enhance the intimacy.

Jace pulled the smaller boy back against him and wrapped him tightly in his arms. He let his mind wander and intertwine with Ryn's and they sat for a time in contented silence.

Looking down at the boy sitting almost in his lap, Jace's thoughts began to turn more primal. He was reminded that Ryn could feel this change when let out a soft giggle and put his hand gently on Jace's leg. Jace responded by pulling Ryn even closer. He inhaled deeply. The `scent' of Ryn was almost like that of a crisp winter morning with freshly fallen snow; distinct and familiar, yet almost invisibly subtle.

Ryn's thoughts now also had turned a shade of pink or red. Jace did not know how else to describe it. The color summed up the feelings of affection mixed with something slightly more animal. He leaned down and kissed Ryn's neck just under his jawline, drawing a soft almost inaudible gasp that Jace felt in his mind more than he heard.

Drawing his hand up Ryn's body, Jace eventually ran his fingers gently across Ryn's throat, feeling the warmth and smooth softness and causing Ryn to lean his head back, exposing his bare neck. Jace kissed it again, a little more demanding this time. Ryn sighed and closed his eyes, moving his hand slowly up Jace's leg.

Jace grabbed Ryn by the neck and gently but insistently tilted the boy's head back until he could lean down to kiss his soft lips. Ryn surrendered to him immediately, letting Jace's tongue slip past his lips and take over his mouth. Ryn's hand had reached Jace's upper thigh and Jace could feel himself hardening and beginning to tent out his pants.

Taking his free hand, Jace slid it up the front of Ryn's shirt, finding his nipples and massaging and gently pinching them. Ryn twitched but pushed his chest out, arching his back, allowing Jace to do anything he wanted.

Ryn broke away from the long kiss, panting, before saying in a breathy whisper, "The bedroom."

Jace wasted no time. He stood up and easily picked Ryn up with him. This elicited a playful giggle from the smaller boy who wrapped his arms around Jace and kissed him under his chin. Jace carried him to the master bedroom where he practically threw Ryn down on the giant bed, causing him to bounce high in the air and making him laugh again.

Quickly, Jace stripped out of his engineer's garb, leaving him in just his underwear, towering over the bed. Ryn propped himself up on his elbows, looking Jace's muscular body up and down with barely contained desire and biting his lip seductively.

Leaning down on top of Ryn, Jace pinned the boy to the bed and began kissing him passionately. Ryn's hands eagerly explored Jace's body. Jace reached a hand down between Ryn's legs and grabbed him gently through his pants, causing him to lift his hips up off the bed. Breaking off the kiss, Jace sat Ryn up and slid his shirt up over his head, exposing his smooth pale body.

Taking Ryn's slender waist in his hands, Jace began to kiss his way down from Ryn's neck to his collar bone and to his nipples.

"Ahhh..." Ryn gasped softly as began sucking on one of them and then gently biting it.

Forcefully pushing Ryn back down, Jace stood and grabbed the waistband of Ryn's pants with both hands. He yanked them down and off in one quick motion, leaving Ryn totally exposed to him. Ryn's three-and-a-half inches stood at full attention.

Jace knelt down between Ryn's legs and began to kiss his way up Ryn's inner thigh until he reached his destination. He licked it up and down, generating a soft shudder from Ryn before he slid the whole thing into his mouth. Ryn gasped and bucked his hips slightly. As Jace sucked on it, Ryn let out a long moan and ran his hands through Jace's hair. Jace tongued along the underside, holding Ryn's legs open with one hand on each thigh.

Ryn looked down at Jace as he engulfed the whole of it in his mouth. As Jace's tongue danced around the tip, Ryn's young body tensed up and with a high pitched squeal a dry orgasm rocked through him. The hot waves of pleasure reverberated across their link, drawing their minds close together and churning them around until Jace could no longer remember which body belonged to him. He saw through his own eyes and through Ryn's as well. He could feel Ryn's boyhood in his mouth but could also feel the ecstasy of being sucked on.

He could see clearly what Ryn wanted. Or was he Ryn? He could not remember. The larger of the two stood and picked the smaller one up and turned him on his stomach. Jace/Ryn felt himself turned over and he arched his back, sticking his round ass out in anticipation. There was a hint of fear from one of them, a fear of hurting the smaller boy, but they quickly assured themselves that it would be fine. The larger one let his boxers fall to the floor and there was a desperate sense of longing as they looked at the seven-and-a-half inches from two angles. Jace stroked himself and applied a generous coating of warm lubricant that had come from a night table.

The stimulation from the stroking caused them to gasp, one high and one low pitched. Two fingers began to apply the lubricant to the small hole of the younger boy, eliciting more pleasured moans as they felt the fingers slip in and out of them. Then they were lining up, standing behind the smaller one with one hand on his hip and the other pressing down on his shoulder. They could feel his strength and he pushed them down on the bed. They could feel his thick head rubbing against their most intimate area.

Neither one was sure which body they belonged to, or if they even were two separate entities anymore. All they knew was that they wanted this. Desperately. They wanted to feel the long hardness buried deep inside them. They wanted to push themselves all the way into the tight hole in front of them.

Grabbing the smaller boy's hips, they slowly began to penetrate him.

They gasped and moaned in simultaneous pleasure and discomfort as he pushed into their tight hole.

They went slow. The smaller boy's little gasps turned them on. The older one's deep moan made them desperately want to pleasure him further. They could feel him pressing deeper and deeper in between the smooth pale cheeks. It was so long and thick, it felt like it would go on forever. Looking over their shoulder and making eye contact was like walking into a room full of mirrors, one bright blue, the other a deep brown.

Then they were in. All the way. They looked down at the small boy impaled on their manhood, trembling slightly. This was a world of sensation they had never experienced before. Feeling the pleasure from both ends almost pushed them over the edge there and then.

They could feel him starting to thrust gently inside them. Their gasps turned into louder squeals of intense feeling. The combination of pleasure and slight discomfort were a beautiful swirling dance, all underpinned by a deep affection and a desire to be close.

Picking up the pace, they began to more urgently penetrate the boy's tight hole. Their primal guttural grunts mixed with his high pitched mewling to form an erotic and animalistic song that enhanced their frenzy.

No words were spoken between them because there was nothing to say. Every thought and emotion was shared instantly. They knew as the tempo increased that they were approaching a climax that nothing in the world could stop.

Their simultaneous orgasm felt like being struck by lightning and plunged into ice water at the same time. One was dry, almost blinding, as the smaller boy twitched violently, grabbing a tight hold of the blankets underneath him and letting out piercing scream of pleasure. The other, equally intense, was more controlled. The older planted himself firmly with a powerful thrust and grabbed the hips of his small lover as his essence shot out inside the boy, like a wild animal claiming its mate.

Their minds also shared in the ecstasy of their bodies, intimately twisting even further around one another, both hoping to get lost within each other. As the naked and exhausted bodies collapsed on the bed, holding one another lovingly, their minds continued to play, not wanting to be separated. Time ceased to exist for them. Though they were wide awake, staring into the unending mirrored depths of their eyes, the dream-like state carried them far away from the opulent room aboard the Luminous Hand. They traveled the stars together, exploring unseen worlds by themselves, with not another soul to be found. Seconds were as long as years, and yet it all passed in the blink of an eye.

Jace blinked. He was himself again. He did not know how long he had been aware of that, but at some point he realized that his double-vision had receded, leaving him in his own body. He could still feel Ryn inside his head as he stared into the beautiful blue eyes in front of him, but the Gordian knot that had been their minds had somehow straightened into two again. It was all at once refreshing and saddening. Being his own person again was liberating in some ways, and yet at the same time he felt suddenly alone.

Ryn's soft smile chased away all of his fears however, and he could not help but return it and pull the small boy in for a gentle kiss. Their naked bodies were held tightly together, sharing warmth and intimacy. Jace ran his hands softly down Ryn's back, realizing just how deeply he had fallen for the young man in his arms. He could hear in Ryn's thoughts a similar sentiment, but he felt that, as the older of the two, he should be the one to voice it.

Leaning back to get a full view of Ryn's smooth, pale face, framed by his beautiful white-blonde hair, Jace finally said quietly, "I think I'm in love with you."

Blushing, Ryn broke eye contact with a little smile. He had known what Jace was going to say of course, but there was a difference between feeling the patterns of someone's thoughts and actually hearing the words aloud. He didn't reply for a while, instead he leaned forward and rested his forehead against Jace's.

"I think..." Ryn said, barely above a whisper. "I think that I'm in love with you also."

Jace's heart jumped and a foolish grin spread across his face, causing Ryn to smile and giggle at him a little bit. He knew how silly it was, proclaiming his love after only a few short days; but this was different. Their minds had connected. He knew more about Ryn emotionally than he knew about anyone else, and he had fallen in love with what he had seen.

"I should shower." Ryn said after a long moment of lying in Jace's arms. "You could... Join me if you like..." He suggested shyly.

Jace grinned and kissed Ryn once more before standing up. He was surprised to find that he was exhausted. He did not know how much time had passed but he was unexpectedly tired and hungry. Without realizing it he had begun to stare at Ryn's round backside as the smaller boy walked towards the master bathroom.

Ryn scoffed as he caught Jace's train of thought without turning around. "You know I can hear you, right?"

Instead of being embarrassed, Jace came up behind Ryn and squeezed the cheeks roughly. "Not my fault you have such a nice ass." He growled, biting Ryn's ear gently.

Ryn shrugged him off playfully. "Ambassador you must keep your hands to yourself." He teased.

Jace grabbed for Ryn's arm but missed as Ryn ducked into the bathroom. Jace followed him in, laughing at the antics.

The master bathroom was larger than the one Jace had used and the facilities were more decorative. The walls of the shower were adorned with intricate marbled patterns and it was large enough to have a bench inside. Ryn stepped in and Jace followed, closing his arms around his lover as the water started to jet out.

Jace began to help wash Ryn with his hands. Seeing and feeling Ryn's naked body slick with water and soap made Jace yearn for him again. He could feel in Ryn's mind that he loved the way Jace was looking at him and was going out of his way to look as seductive as possible. If Jace had not been so exhausted he would have taken the boy again right there. Instead he continued roaming his body while leaning down and kissing him deeply.

When they had finished showering, Ryn slipped into a very tight fitting underwear-like garment that left almost nothing to the imagination. Seeing him covered by only the tiny and thin bit of cloth was in some ways just as arousing as seeing him completely naked. Jace pulled his own boxers on but grabbed Ryn's butt as he walked by.

"I'm not finished with you yet, you know." He promised.

Ryn blushed and giggled. "I hope not."

Jace was surprised to see that the projection of the city outside had gone dark. "What time is it?" He asked, confused.

"Almost 10 PM on the planet." Ryn replied as he picked up his little tablet and punched a few buttons. "I am thinking of a light meal tonight, unless you would prefer something else?"

"Ten?" Now Jace really was confused. "It was just the middle of the afternoon."

Ryn looked up from his tablet and grinned at him. "We were together for some time."

"Eight hours!?" Jace shook his head in disbelief. "We were in there for eight hours?"

Ryn shrugged. "About that, yes."

Jace frowned. "With you does it usually... Is it always that long?"

Ryn giggled and pulled him down onto the couch and cuddled up next to him. "No. Not always. Do you wish it had been shorter?"

Looking down at the slender boy next to him, Jace wrapped an arm around him affectionately. "I wish it had gone on forever." He replied, kissing the top of Ryn's head.

Ryn sighed contentedly and rested his head on Jace's shoulder. They were interrupted by a soft beep that announced the arrival of the food. It was a large plate of small finger sandwiches. Jace was amused by the realization that some dishes must be universal. They ate while lounging and looking out at the stars over Abarest. Ryn sat at one end of the couch, absently running his bare foot along Jace's leg while he stared out.

"I think it would be nice to visit someday." Jace broke the silence. "It looks beautiful."

"It is." Ryn agreed, then added quietly. "I do not know if that would be a good idea though."

"Why not?" Jace looked over at Ryn who sighed softly.

"We are not fond of outsiders." Ryn said. "Lying with an outsider is forbidden. Lying with an outside that is another man..." He trailed off and sighed again. "No, it would not be a good idea. If they found out about us on the Homeworld I would most certainly be exiled and you would likely be killed."

Jace shook his head. He could not imagine how such an advanced civilization could be so backwards. "So only Calae knows?" He asked.

"And you." Ryn smiled at him, but it was not an entirely happy smile. "And the only reason Calae does not tell is because she is obligated to protect me, and informing others could endanger me. It conflicts with her duties to serve the Light though."

"What happens to people that leave the religion?" Jace asked curiously.

Ryn shrugged. "There are small factions on non-believers on the Homeworld. They often choose to leave Abarest though. We do not punish them under the law, however life in the Holy City becomes... difficult for them."

"Are there other cities that are more..." Jace looked for a delicate way to say it. "Understanding?"

"There are some that are perhaps more hospitable than Abarest toward non-believers." Ryn told him. "Some sects of the Harmonious Light have different interpretations of the Light's Will."

Jace nodded. "It's the same with the religions on Varros. Every person probably has their own version of it in their mind."

Ryn smiled. "That is true. I believe that first and foremost the Light wishes for us to be happy. That is why I have chosen to be with you, despite what others may think."

Touched, Jace returned the smile and patted Ryn's leg. He playfully grabbed Ryn's ankle and let his fingers dance across the bottom of Ryn's foot.

Ryn thrashed and let out a squealing giggle. "Do not do that!" He whined.

"What? This?" Jace did it again, making Ryn squeak and try to pull his foot away.

Gently kicking Jace's hand with his free foot, Ryn laughed. "Stop!" He said, trying to control his giggling.

Jace grabbed his other ankle. "Or what?" He challenged with an evil grin, running one finger down each sole.

Ryn peddled his legs and twisted on the couch, trying to break away from Jace's strong grip. He glared at Jace before breaking into an impish grin of his own.

"What are you doing?" Jace asked. Suddenly he began to feel invisible hands poking and prodding him, just below the waistline, up the side of his torso, and on the soles of his feet; probing for ticklish spots. "That's cheating!" Jace complained, trying to squirm away from the unseen forces.

Finally, Jace pulled Ryn in by his ankles and then wrapped him in a tight bear hug. The prodding hands disappeared and Ryn lay back on him. For a time they just sat together. Jace watched Ryn's chest rising and falling slowly as he breathed in and out. He could feel in Ryn's mind that he was drifting toward sleep.

Without saying anything, Jace picked Ryn up gently and began carrying him to the bedroom. Ryn smiled up at him and let Jace know with warm tendrils of thought how much he enjoyed being in his arms. Jace was surprised to see that the sheets on the bed had been changed since their wild intimacy. He softly laid Ryn down on the bed this time and lay half on top of him holding himself up with one hand and leaning down to kiss him.

Ryn kissed him back and smiled. "Sleep here tonight." He instructed, pulling the blankets back.

Jace slid in next to Ryn and put an arm around him, pulling him close and bringing their bodies together. Ryn let his sleepy mind wander into Jace's as he drifted farther from consciousness. Jace held his small lover until his mind dimmed and his breathing evened. Jace lay back and let himself slip gracefully into sleep.

Not sure what had woken him, Jace looked around the dark room. Ryn lay next to him on his back, his thin chest rising and falling evenly. He could feel odd bits of thought radiating from Ryn but they were fragmented and did not fit into a whole. Jace realized with curiosity Ryn must be dreaming. He looked into Ryn's head and could see the dream but still could not piece it together.

It was in Ryn's apartment on Abarest. They were on a balcony looking down at the city and it gave Ryn great comfort. Jace then turned and looked back at the inside of the apartment and noticed in confusion that it was starting to darken. He did not know why, but the sight of this darkness filled him with icy dread. It was not normal. It seemed to be creepy forward like a growing shadow but was black as night.

Ryn turned too and saw the darkness seeping forth. His thoughts became suddenly panicked. He turned again and seemed to notice Jace for the first time. His panic suddenly escalated to near hysteria. He grabbed Jace's shoulder roughly and the darkness spilled out onto the balcony.

"Get out!" He screamed in Jace's face. Suddenly Jace felt himself catapulted violently out of Ryn's dream and out of his mind altogether. Then it was as if a firm door slammed shut behind him, closing off the connection between them almost completely.

Hurt and confused, Jace sat up in the bed and looked down at the still sleeping Ryn. He did not know what had happened or why. He hoped he had not done something to upset Ryn somehow. Also he wondered what the significance of the creeping darkness had been. When he finally managed to steady his breathing he made up his mind to ask Ryn about it in the morning.

He was about to pull the covers back up and try to go back to sleep when he saw a slight tremor run through Ryn's small body. It was almost imperceptible but he was sure he had seen it. As he watched closely, another shiver shook Ryn from head to toe. This one was more pronounced.

The lights in the room suddenly clicked on. "Ambassador Marron." Calae's voice startled him as it always did. "I must advise you to vacate the room immediately, for your own safety."

Jace frowned and looked back down at Ryn who trembled again but did not open his eyes. "What do you mean? What's going on?" He reached his hand over to touch Ryn's shoulder but a deafeningly shrill tone sounded in the room forcing him to cover his ears and curse.

"I apologize Ambassador." Calae said. "It is inadvisable to make physical contact with the Archon at this time."

"Calae, tell me what's going on." Jace demanded, getting worried.

"I apologize Ambassador. Doing so would be in violation of my devotion to the Light. I must again advise you to vacate the room at once."

Jace stood up from the bed but as he did so Ryn began to spasm violently. "What's happening!? Are you going to help him!?" Jace again reached out toward Ryn but again a shrill tone sounded as though it were right in his ear making his ears ring painfully.

"Ambassador Marron. You must not make contact with Archon Embara at this time." Calae's voice was infuriatingly calm.

"Well then do something!" Jace ordered as Ryn's convulsions continued.

"The situation is under control." Calae said. "I must ask you to exit the room now as I am responsible for your safety."

"Why do I need to leave the..." Jace's mind exploded with pain, worse than anything he had ever felt. He dropped to his knees and his mouth hung open but he could not even scream.

Ryn's voice suddenly echoed in his mind. It was a distorted and tortured scream of agony. "LEAVE!"

The connection closed again and Jace toppled over, panting and crying. Unable to think of anything beyond his animal instinct to escape, Jace crawled and scrambled his way out of the bedroom. The metal door slid shut behind him.

Gasping for breath, Jace's thoughts began to come back to him. The sound of Ryn's voice echoed in his mind. "Calae!" Jace wailed. "What's happening!? Help him! Do something!"

"Ambassador Marron." Calae's calm voice came to him. "You must go to the kitchen. I have placed two yellow pills on the counter. Take them and swallow them."

"What? What about Ryn?"

"Archon Embara is equipped for this. You are not. Go now."

Jace stood, still dazed from the spike of pain and stumbled toward the kitchen, supporting himself on the wall. Sure enough there were two pills on the counter which Jace quickly swallowed. Almost immediately he felt his mind begin to get hazy. Suddenly a little drawer popped open nearby. Inside was a small strip of what looked like leather.

"Put this in your mouth and bite down on it." Calae instructed "Then go to the spa room."

Normally Jace would have questioned this, but the two pills were already fogging his brain. Suddenly there was a loud and ragged scream from the master bedroom and Jace felt a spike of sharp pain that almost drove him to his knees.

"Go now, Ambassador."

Jace found his way to the spa room and the door closed behind him. Calae told him to lie in a fetal position on top of the plush carpet in the corner. Jace did as he was told, unable to quite think clearly but feeling powerful fear washing over him. Almost as soon as he was in position, another spike of pain assaulted him. It felt like someone was driving a hot shard of metal into his brain. He bit down hard on the strip in his mouth and screamed around it.

A groaning sound seemed to echo around him and the entire Luminous Hand creaked and shook. The voices of the anima were in the walls and they whispered to him indecipherably. Jace gasped as another wave of pain hit him. The whole ship screamed with him as their Archon suffered.

Jace was trembling on the floor, crying like a child. He remembered Admiral Hicken and wondered if this was what he had experienced. When another wave of pain rolled over him he tried to pound his head on the floor. Anything to make it stop. But the thick carpet underneath him kept him from hurting himself.

The lights in the room went out and Jace could see nothing. He could hear the voices of the anima rushing through the walls and underneath the floor. In the pitch dark he kept imagining movement in the corner of his eye. At one point he thought maybe the artificial gravity of the ship had failed. He could not tell if he was lying on the ground of floating. His mind was numb and sluggish and only the regular spasms of white hot pain broke though.

Jace did not know how long it lasted. Darkness beckoned to him. He was not sure if it was the darkness of sleep or death. Either one was welcome. As he closed his eyes and the world fell away, his last thought was wondering if he would ever wake up again.

Next: Chapter 7

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