Sins of a Future World

By Purple Jubliee

Published on May 9, 2017


Hey there! Thanks so much for reading. This chapter is just a little bit different so I hope you'll bear with me. This is my first time writing a (semi) sexual encounter, so I'd REALLY appreciate feedback on this one :) I tried to walk the line between tasteful and erotic, so let me know if you think I accomplished that lol.

Consider a donation to Nifty as they curate this site wonderfully!

We have a winner! Someone finally guessed the partial inspiration for this story lol

Lastly, some (somewhat) sad news as I'm going to have to take a break from writing this story for a bit. I promise I'll be back as soon as I can. I'm a student so this time of year is a bit crazy! You understand :P This story gained a much bigger following than I expected so I'll try not to leave you hanging for too long.


Sins of a Future World: Chapter 4


After spending the night aboard the Luminous Hand, Jace experienced a strange connection with Ryn that has left both of them feeling out of sorts with one another...

Similar to the shower, the drying room did as its name implied. After only a few minutes Jace was able to put the rest of his clothes on without fear of getting them wet. He returned to the main living room and found Ryn, dressed in a fine tunic similar to what he had worn yesterday but without the hood and in red this time. His hair was styled to one side and put up slightly. Jace ran a hand through his own hair that he had not even combed and then looked down at his clothing.

"It's fine." Ryn said curtly, seeing his hesitation. "The common look will add to your credibility."

Jace wasn't sure if it had been meant as an insult but Ryn's tone made it seem like one. "Ryn, I'm very sorry. I didn't know that..."

Ryn held up a hand. "Let's just get to the conference room." He summoned the elevator.

Several others were in the conference room of the Luminous Hand, including Ryn's two stoic guards. The mood was solemn and serious and everyone stood up when Ryn entered. There was a more or less even split between men and women but Jace did not see any others that looked like they were Archons as Ryn had described them. They all carried an air of mysticism about them and Jace suspected that any of them could probably kill him with a thought if they so desired.

Ryn took the empty seat at the head of the table and offered the seat on his left to Jace. The others sat after Ryn and Jace had seated themselves. As they did, a hologram suddenly appeared in one of the seats across from Jace. It was a human-like figure but it had no defining characteristics. Ryn noticed him looking and said quietly. "Kel-Amath. Representative for the anima of this fleet."

"Hail, Archon Embara." A very old-looking woman declared from the other end of the table. "The Light shines on you."

"May it shine on us all." Ryn answered. "Welcome, servants of the Light."

"Welcome, Archon." They all said as one.

"Welcome, Ambassador Jace Marron, of Varros." Ryn stated.

"Welcome, Ambassador." Again in unison.

"This council shall be joined by the collected Senate of Varros. Are there any who object?"

None responded.

"Very well. Let us begin."

The room was suddenly plunged into darkness before lighting up again, only this time it seemed as though they were in a different place. This was a place that Jace recognized. He had seen it in pictures and on the news. It was the Senate floor of Varros. It seemed so real. Jace could see the faces of the senators seated around them the semi-circular auditorium. Ahead of them, near where their table had appeared, sat three elevated podiums with well-dressed men seated behind them; one of whom was Senator Targan.

"Welcome, representatives of the Harmonious Light." Targan said. "We thank you for attending our council on such short notice."

"It was our pleasure to oblige." Ryn countered. "I am Archon Ryn Reynia Embara, Servant of the Light. I speak for this holy fleet."

Targan bowed slightly. "I am Senator Marius Targan, and these are Senators Ward and Verl. We are the elected representatives of the parties of Varros."

"I assume that all assembled have been made aware of the deal that was struck aboard the Lorgain yesterday between myself and Ambassador Marron?" Ryn asked, looking around the room.

Targan offered an apologetic smile. "Of course, we have been notified of yesterday's proceedings. However this council has been called to discuss the legitimacy of the deal in question."

"Ambassador Marron which district do you represent?" Senator Ward interjected. "I'm sorry to say that I've never heard of you, nor was I aware any ambassadors had been appointed."

All eyes turned to him and Jace's throat felt very dry. "Uh..." He looked around wondering if they could see him as clearly as he could see them. "I'm a mechanic and engineer, or I was, on the Lograin."

A soft murmur ran through the assembly. Targan's smile remained.

"So," Senator Ward raised an eyebrow. "You were acting without authority on this matter?"

"Ambassador Marron represented his people at my request." Ryn answered for him. "The gathered officials were given a time frame to deal with a belligerent member among them and they chose not to do so. In the absence of any appointed officials, I chose Jace Marron to negotiate as a favor to you all."

"A favor, you say?" Targan asked innocently. "From what I recall, if the deal stands then all the men and women here will soon be out of a job. This is a favor to us?"

"I am unfamiliar with the customs of Varros." Ryn replied with steel in his voice. "But an Archon of the Light always keeps his word. When I gave you time to deal with Admiral Hicken, do you remember what I told you if you did not return in time?" Targan opened his mouth to reply but Ryn continued. "After being fully disrespected by Admiral Hicken, I gave you another opportunity and said that if you chose not to return within the time frame, the Light would have its answer. This is a favor to you. Senator Targan. Because if a deal had not been struck with Jace Marron then the Coalition ship Lograin would have been subsequently destroyed with you aboard it. And your people would be under military occupation by the Harmonious Light."

Another murmur ran through the Senate and no one spoke for a time.

Finally Targan smiled again. "Nevertheless, although I am grateful for the avoidance of my own demise, Jace Marron is not qualified to make these decisions. We must have time to deliberate on them."

"The Archon has given you three chances to prove yourselves worthy of the Light's Mercy." The automated voice of Kel-Amath thundered from every direction. "Would you cast aside this third offer so callously?"

Ryn looked over at the spectral hologram representing the advanced artificial intelligence. "Peace, Kel-Amath. Their ways are not our ways. Deliberate all you want." Ryn said dismissively to Targan. "However, the Coalition Fleet has two weeks to disband, and in the same timeframe the lunar military instalment will be evacuated and surrendered to the Light. In one month's time from today we will send emissaries to begin the selection process of the new governing body of Varros. This meeting grows tedious, will you be keeping us any longer?"

Jace recognized the power-play and so did Targan, even as the Senate erupted with protestations he shook his head knowing he had been outplayed.

"No. Thank you, Archon Embara." With that the image of the Senate floor faded and the conference room aboard the Luminous Hand returned.

Jace was impressed and told Ryn as much but no one else said anything. Instead, Ryn moved to the door and stood by it as the others filed out, giving them each a small nod or a pat on the shoulder as they left, much like a reverend in a church.

Then it was just the two of them in the conference room. "Shall we return then?" Ryn asked, still not quite looking him in the eyes.

On the elevator back to Ryn's quarters, Jace couldn't hold it in anymore. "Ryn, I'm sorry. Please, I didn't mean to invade your privacy like that."

Ryn sighed. "Calae, a moment alone please."

"Of course." Her voice responded from the elevator.

Ryn then turned to Jace. "I know you didn't. How could you have known?" He sighed heavily again. "When we use our psionic gifts our minds are highly unguarded. Even something as simple as a touch of the hand can create a link." They sat in silence for a long time. "So now you know." Ryn said with a sense of finality.

"Know what?" Jace asked, even though he knew exactly what Ryn meant.

"What I am." Ryn said, suddenly sounding emotional.

"Wait, is that why you were upset? Because I found out you were gay?" Jace asked in surprise.

"Don't say that!" Ryn lashed out, then sniffed. "Only Archon Felan knew, and Calae of course. If you choose to tell the council then I ask that you wait until this business has concluded to avoid complication."

"Why would I tell them?" Jace was confused. "Why would I tell anyone? That's no one's business but yours."

"The council would see it differently." Ryn muttered miserably. "I would likely be stripped of my title and returned to the Homeworld to live in disgrace."

"Oh..." This had never occurred to Jace. "Wow..." He did not know where to start. "Things are very different here."

Ryn looked up at him. "What do you mean? What would your Senate do if they found out one of their own was... like that?"

"Umm... Nothing." Jace said shrugging. "In fact I know we have at least two senators that are."

"How do you know this?" Ryn demanded.

"It's not a secret." Jace replied simply. "No one on Varros cares who others decide to be with. You can't decide who you're attracted to."

Ryn frowned. "That is very strange. They are not removed from power or exiled?"

Jace shook his head with a half chuckle. "No, of course not. My district had an openly gay senator for three terms when I was younger."

"Stop using that word." Ryn begged.

"It's not a bad word." Jace said trying to sound comforting. "It just describes something that you have no control over."

The elevator doors opened and Ryn walked in, causing the fireplace to start up once again. "Regardless." He said trying to regain his composure. "I can get you a shuttle to Varros if you would like. I would understand if you did not wish to stay here any longer."

"I don't care about that." Jace promised. "Come on, let's have a drink." He didn't know how wise it was encouraging someone Ryn's age to drink for the second night in a row, but it was the only way he knew how to break the mood that had fallen on them. It worked too, Ryn smiled and nodded and fetched the pitcher of kabaz.

After their first round, Ryn had some dinner sent up to them. It was an immaculate dish plated like a five star restaurant but, after changing out of his stiff tunic, Ryn ate casually while lounging on one of the sofas.

Several hours passed of drinking and joking and night fell on Abarest outside, the light grew dim inside the quarters. During a moment of silence in the conversation, emboldened by the alcohol, Jace decided to broach the subject once again.

"I wouldn't worry. It will be easy for you to find a guy that cares about you. Even if you keep it a secret."

Ryn blushed noticeably in the half-light and looked away. "Why do you say that?" He finally asked.

"I mean..." Jace threw up a hand. "You're smart and funny. You can do amazing things with your mind. You've got power and wealth. Not to mention you're... well you're a good looking boy."

Ryn's blue eyes watched him intently and the fire popped. "You think so?"

Um, yeah. Objectively speaking." Jace said awkwardly, then drank more.

Ryn paused, but then smiled and nodded. "Objectively speaking." He repeated. After a moment he added. "Objectively speaking, you're quite handsome as well."

It was Jace's turn to blush slightly. "Oh, uhh..." He hid it behind his cup. "Thank you."

Several rounds later, Ryn made the suggestion of taking the kabaz with them to the hot tub. Something in Jace's mind told him that this was a bad idea but he was not in a state to articulate it, so when Ryn grabbed him by the hand and pulled him along, he followed, laughing and taking sips from his glass.

The light was even dimmer in the spa room and Jace almost tripped trying to strip down to his underwear. This made Ryn laugh and almost drop the pitcher which made both of them laugh even harder. Ryn didn't bother changing and simply pulled his shirt off and slid in wearing his ankle-length close fitting pants.

Jace followed, leaving a trail of clothing behind him and sighed contentedly as he sank into the warm water. Ryn slid over close to pour Jace another drink. The warmth of the water and the dizziness of the alcohol made him want to pass out. He smiled down at Ryn.

"This was a good idea." He told him as he leaned back. Ryn leaned back as well and the two of them looked up at the stars over Abarest which were beautifully foreign to Jace and comfortingly familiar to Ryn. The soft bubbling of the tub was the only sound.

"It's beautiful." Jace commented, staring out at the nearly silent city.

Suddenly Ryn leaned over and kissed Jace on the cheek quickly.

Jace turned and looked at him in surprise. Ryn started back at him in anxious silence; his eyes shone almost animal-like in the dim light. Jace took in every detail of the small face in front of him, the platinum blonde hair and pale complexion, the stunningly blue eyes, and the expression of uncertainty with a hint of fear.

Remembering the image he had seen so clearly in Ryn's mind, Jace leaned forward and kissed the boy full on the mouth. He felt tension like a loaded spring release from Ryn's body as their lips touched. He finally pulled back leaving Ryn staring at him breathlessly.

Suddenly, desperately, Ryn came back for more. He kissed Jace deeply and put his arms around his shoulders. Jace grabbed the boy around the waist and picked him up, putting him on his lap. Ryn straddled him as they continued the passionate kiss.

Jace's hands roamed Ryn's small slender frame and he pushed his tongue past Ryn's lips, eliciting a soft muffled moan from the boy. Ryn arched his back as Jace's hands slid down to his hips and eventually came to rest on the two firm, round globes just below.

Placing a hand on either side of Jace's face, Ryn kissed him repeatedly, barely taking time to breath. He grinded himself against Jace's abs and Jace could feel a small bulge in the boy's tight fitting pants. Jace realized that his was beginning to grow as well and Ryn could feel it. He began gyrating his hips softly on the tent in Jace's boxers, bringing it fully to life. He caught what he thought was a brief look of surprise on Ryn's face at the size of the thing he was sitting on, but it was quickly overtaken by powerful emotion.

Almost unconsciously Jace began to thrust himself against Ryn, making the small boy pant with desire. He worked his hands inside the tight pants Ryn wore and felt the smooth mounds underneath. Breaking the kiss he leaned in further and bit Ryn's neck gently, making the boy gasp in high-pitched surprise.

"Oh, Jace..." Ryn cooed softly as Jace's strong hands explored his body and then yanked his pants down off his shapely form.

Jace felt the pants tear a bit as he tugged on them and was sure Ryn felt it too but he was far too wrapped up in ecstasy to care. Jace kept going, tearing them further until they came off in his hand and Ryn sat naked and pure on his lap. He took his time exploring the newly exposed parts and making Ryn shudder and moan.

Leaving one hand roughly massaging Ryn's defined ass, he put his other hand between the boy's legs and felt his small boy parts. Jace remembered what Ryn had said about not aging after the ritual was complete and it gave him pause to question the morality of this for a moment, but Ryn's erotic gasp as he was fondled by Jace quickly erased any hesitation.

He grabbed it in one hand and began massaging, still thrusting himself against Ryn. He worked his hand between the two mounds and began to rub Ryn's tight hole with his fingers, making him arch his back and let out a desperate little moan.

Jace knew that he wouldn't be able to do what his body what screaming at him to do. At least not right away. Not without seriously hurting the small boy. So instead he gently inserted the tip of his finger into Ryn while stroking his small length.

As soon as he did, Ryn squealed loudly and tensed up as a dry orgasm rocked his body. At the same moment, Jace's mind suddenly exploded outward. More pleasure than he had ever experienced in his life washed over him and he could feel the vast expanse of Ryn's mind as clearly as he could see the boy writhing in pleasure in front of him. He shared Ryn's emotions and thoughts and he knew that Ryn could feel his as well.

Jace thrust himself once more against Ryn and the pleasure they shared pushed him over the edge. He shot several large bursts into the tub. This new wave of pleasure burst forth from his mind and enveloped Ryn's before rebounding back to Jace even stronger than before. It was as though every time it passed between them it became stronger. It was the most intense orgasm Jace had ever experienced and it left both of them shaking and staring out at the starlight sky.

As the intensity faded, Ryn's mind retracted from his and the dizziness of the alcohol hit him all at once. The last thing he remembered was Ryn giving him a soft kiss on the lips before his memory failed him.

Next: Chapter 5

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